Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center 2008 ...

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for the College of Science, sixteen university, and thirty-eight professional society and technical committees in 2008. ..... Aquaculture America, Orlando, FL. 7.
Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center 2008 Annual Report of Activities & Accomplishments James E. Garvey, Interim Director

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale February 1, 2009

Executive Summary The expressed goal of the Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center (FIAC) is the achievement of excellence in fisheries and aquaculture research and training. The number of successful grant applications, peer-reviewed publications, and quality of graduate students advised, all indicate that we are meeting these goals. The basic philosophy of the Center remains unchanged. In 2008, FIAC staff taught fifteen classes through the Department of Zoology with a composite enrollment of 134 students. Twenty-one M.S. and eight Ph.D. students were advised with faculty sitting on a total of sixty-two graduate student committees. In addition, FIAC faculty advised eight undergraduate zoology majors interested in aquatic sciences. Six students completed a M.S. degree. Faculty and staff published eight book chapters and thirty peer-reviewed journal articles (plus ten in press and fifteen in review). They prepared seventeen annual or final agency reports during 2008. Staff presented sixty papers at technical meetings. Our staff has maintained a high level of grant-funded activities with fifteen federal, six state, and five industry grants totaling in excess of 3.4 million dollars. Staff served on seven Zoology departmental committees, two committees for the College of Science, sixteen university, and thirty-eight professional society and technical committees in 2008. They peer-reviewed forty-six journal manuscripts/articles and ten research proposals. Staff served on six consultations and /or provided other services to the area. They advised four student groups. Our faculty and graduate students received a total of twenty-four awards in 2008.

Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center Staff 2008 Faculty Dr. Christopher C. Kohler, Professor and Director Dr. James Garvey, Associate Professor and Interim Director Dr. Michael Lydy, Professor Dr. Edward Heist, Associate Professor Dr. Gregory Whitledge, Assistant Professor Dr. Jesse Trushenski, Assistant Professor Dr. Matt Whiles, Associate Professor and Director of Middle Mississippi River Wetland Field Station Dr. William M. Lewis, Professor Emeritus Dr. Roy C. Heidinger, Professor Emeritus

Researchers and Staff David Bergerhouse, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor Ronald Brooks, Researcher III William Camargo, Ph.D., Assistant Scientist Michael Hill, Researcher I Paul Hitchens, Researcher II Ruthann Homeyer, Laboratory Animal Caretaker Jerome Laporte, Ph.D., Researcher II Shawn Meyer, Researcher I Rebecca Myers, Researcher II Dongli Wang, Ph.D., Post-Doctoral Fellow Support Staff Mary Janello, Accountant II Kristen Burton, Office Administrator


Extra Help Technical Paraprofessionals Zachary Brooks Matthew Hingstrum Adam Lohmeyer Colin Mix Brittany Piepenbrink Quinn Robinson Joseph Stalsberg Joseph Thomas Sara Tripp Charles Weber

Graduate Research Assistants 2008 Ryan Boley, M.S. Amanda Brennan, M.S. Heather Calkins, M.S. Andy Coursey, M.S. YuPing Ding, Ph.D. Jennifer Eichelberger, Ph.D. Brian Gause, M.S. Amanda Harwood, M.S., Ph.D. Matthew Krampe, M.S. Heidi Lewis, Ph.D. Tyler Mehler, M.S. David Myers, M.S. Matthew Noatch, M.S. Quinton Phelps, Ph.D. Amanda Rothert, M.S. Melody Saltzgiver, M.S. Dawn Sechler, M.S. Kurt Smith, M.S. Mike Stahl, M.S.


Andrew Trimble, Ph.D. Nicholas Wahl, M.S. John Zeigler, M.S. Undergraduate Student Workers and Assistants John Boesenberg, Undergraduate Assistant Daniel Eichelkraut, Student Worker Darcy Ernat, Student Worker Heather Foslund, Undergraduate Assistant Charles Foxx, Student Worker Joshua Geltz, Undergraduate Assistant Lionel Grant, Student Worker Nathan Ratterman, Undergraduate Assistant Justin Rosenquist, Student Worker Justin Seibert, Student Worker Monique Smith, Student Worker Brett Timmons, Student Worker Elizabeth Tripp, Student Worker Andrew Yung, Student Worker


Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center Annual Report of Activities and Accomplishments 2008 I.


Classes Taught A. ZOOL 306

Fish Biology (25 students)

B. ZOOL 411

Ecological Risk Assessment (3 students)

C. ZOOL 415

Limnology (15 students)

D. ZOOL 466

Fisheries Management (20 students)

E. ZOOL 477

Introduction to Aquaculture (10 students)

F. ZOOL 493

Honors Research (1 student)

G. ZOOL 579

Molecular Genetics Techniques (8 students)

H. ZOOL 585Z

Special Topics (7 students)


ZOOL 586

Fisheries Seminar (11 students)


ZOOL 596

Research (10 students)

K. ZOOL 597

Advanced Zoological Techniques (2 students)

L. ZOOL 598

Research Paper (1 student)

M. ZOOL 599

Thesis (9 students)

N. ZOOL 600

Research & Dissertation (7 students)

O. ZOOL 601

Continuing Education (5 students)

Graduate Students Advised A. Dr. Kohler 1. Fred Chu-Koo, Ph.D. 2. Andrew Coursey, M.S. 3. Steve Holman, M.S. 4. Heidi Lewis, Ph.D. 5. Shawn Meyer, M.S. B. Dr. Garvey 1.

Heather Calkins, M.S.


Kathryn Emme, M.S.


Quinton Phelps, Ph.D.


Dawn Sechler, M.S.


C. Dr. Heist 1. Ryan Boley, M.S. 2. Emily Croteau, Ph.D. 3. Jennifer Eichelberger, Ph.D. 4. Matthew Krampe, M.S. 5. Melody Saltzgiver, M.S. D. Dr. Lydy 1. Amanda Brennan, M.S. 2. YuPing Ding, Ph.D. 3. Amanda Harwood, M.S., Ph.D. 4. Tyler Mehler, M.S. 5. Amanda Rothert, M.S. 6. Andrew Trimble, Ph.D. E. Dr. Whitledge 1. Rick Echols, M.S. 2. David Myers, M.S. 3. Kurt Smith, M.S. 4. Matthew Noatch, M.S. 5. Mike Stahl, M.S. 6. Nicholas Wahl, M.S. 7. John Zeigler, M.S. F. Dr. Trushenski 1. Andy Coursey, M.S. 2. Brian Gause, M.S.


Graduate Student Advisory Committees A. Dr. Kohler – 5 B. Dr. Garvey – 11 C. Dr. Heist – 12 D. Dr. Lydy – 14


E. Dr. Trushenski – 6 F. Dr. Whitledge – 14 IV.

Undergraduate Student Advisees A. Dr. Kohler – 0 B. Dr. Garvey – 3 C. Dr. Heist – 0 D. Dr. Lydy –2 E. Dr. Trushenski – 3 F. Dr. Whitledge – 0


Graduate Students Completing Degrees A. Amanda Brennan, M.S. (Lydy) B. Rick Echols, M.S. (Whitledge) C. Kathryn Emme, M.S. (Garvey) D. Amanda Harwood, M.S. (Lydy) E. Michael Stahl, M.S. (Whitledge) F. Nicholas Wahl, M.S. (Whitledge)



Publications and Reports: A. Books and Major Monographs: None B. Refereed Journal Articles: 1. Colombo, R. E., Q. E. Phelps, J. E. Garvey, R. C. Heidinger, and T. Stefanavage. 2008. Gear-specific population demographics of Channel Catfish in a large un-impounded Midwestern river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:241-246. 2. Csoboth, L. A., and J. E. Garvey. 2008. Lateral exchange of larval fish between a restored backwater and a large river in the east-central U.S. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:45-56. 3. DeGrandchamp, K. L., J. E. Garvey, and R. E. Colombo. 2008. Habitat selection and dispersal of invasive Asian carps in a large river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:33-44. 4. Flinn, M. R. Whiles, S. R. Adams, and J. E. Garvey. 2008. Biological responses to contrasting hydrology in backwaters of Upper Mississippi River Navigation Pool 25. Environmental Management 41:468-486. 5. Hart, S. D., P. B. Brown, and C. C. Kohler. Feeds utilized by commercial largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides producers in the United States. World Aquaculture 39(1):10-12, 72. 6. Heist, E. J., J. Sipiorski and T. C. Tricas. 2008. Development of DNA Microsatellite Markers in the Multiband Butterflyfish (Chaetodon multicinctus). Molecular Ecology Resources 8:15181519. 7. Heist, E. J. and A. Mustapha. 2008. Rangewide genetic structure in paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) inferred from DNA microsatellite loci. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:909915. 8. Herrington, S. J., S. Hettiger, E. Heist, and D. Keeney. 2008. Hybridization between longnose gar and alligator gar in captivity, with comments on possible gar hybridization in nature. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:158-164. 9. Lewis, H. A., and C. C. Kohler. 2008. Corn gluten meal partially replaces dietary fish meal without compromising growth or the fatty acid composition of sunshine bass. North American Journal of Aquaculture 70:50-60.


10. Lewis, H. A., and C. C. Kohler. 2008. Minimizing fish oil and fish meal in sunshine bass diets without negatively impacting growth and fillet fatty acid profile. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 39:573-585. 11. Maul, J. D., A. J. Trimble and M. J. Lydy. 2008. Partitioning and matrix-specific toxicity of bifenthrin among sediments and leafsourced organic matter. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27 (4): 945-952. 12. Maul, J. D., A. A. Brennan, A. D. Harwood and M. J. Lydy. 2008. Effect of sediment-associated pyrethroids, fipronil and metabolites on Chironomus tentans growth rate, body mass, condition index, immobilization and survival. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(12): 2582-2590. 13. Mehler, W. T., L. J. Schuler and M. J. Lydy. 2008. Examining the joint toxicity of chlorpyrifos and atrazine in the aquatic species: Lepomis macrochirus, Pimephales promelas, and Chironomus tentans. Environmental Pollution 151(2) 217-224. 14. O’Neal, C. C. and C. C. Kohler. 2008. Effects of replacing menhaden oil with catfish oil on the fatty acid composition of juvenile channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 39:62-71. 15. Phelps, Q. E., B. D. S. Graeb, and D. W. Willis. 2008. Influence of the Moran effect on spatio-temporal synchrony in common carp recruitment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1701-1708. 16. Phelps, Q. E., B. D. S. Graeb, and D. W. Willis. 2008. First year growth and survival of common carp in two glacial lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology 15(2):85-91. 17. Phelps, Q.E., D.A. Isermann, and D.W. Willis. 2008. Influence of Hatch Duration and Individual Daily Growth Rates on Size Structure of Age-0 Smallmouth Bass Cohorts in Two Glacial Lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17(3):363-373. 18. Phelps, Q.E., and N.C. Wahl. 2008. Connecting with the community through active pond management. Fisheries 33(9):464-467. 19. Rydell, J.R., J.C. Jolley, Q.E. Phelps, and D.W. Willis. 2008. Northern pike (Esox lucius) population characteristics and recruitment relationships to climatological variable in Hackberry Lake, Nebraska. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 31:43-49.


20. Rasmus, R.A., Q.E. Phelps, J.P. Duehr, and C.R. Berry. 2008. Population characteristics of lotic orange-spotted sunfish. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23(3):459-461. 21. Robertson, J. M., K. R. Lips and E. J. Heist. 2008. Fine scale gene flow and individual movements among subpopulations of Centrolene prosoblepon (Anura: Centrolenidae). Revista de Biologia Tropical 56:13-26. 22. Schrey, N. M., A. W. Schrey, E. J. Heist and J. D. Reeve. 2008. Fine-scale genetic population structure of southern pine beetle in Mississippi. Environmental Entomology 37:271-276. 23. Trimble, T. A., J. You and M. J. Lydy. 2008. Bioavailability of PCBs from field-collected sediments: Application of Tenax extraction and matrix-SPME techniques. Chemosphere 71: 337344. 24. Trushenski, J. T., H. A. Lewis, and C. C. Kohler. 2008. Fatty acid profile of sunshine bass: I. Profile change is affected by initial composition and differs among tissues. Lipids 43:629-641. 25. Trushenski, J. T., H. A. Lewis, and C. C. Kohler. 2008. Fatty acid profile of sunshine bass: II. Profile change differs among fillet lipid classes. Lipids 43:643-653. 26. Trushenski, J. T., and C. C. Kohler. 2008. Influence of vitamin E source and dietary supplementation level on production performance of sunshine bass Morone chrysops ♀ x M. saxatilis ♂, fillet tocopherol content, and immunocompetency during stress and bacterial challenge. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 39:454-466. 27. Trushenski, J.T., and C.C. Kohler. 2008. Influence of stress, exertion, and dietary natural source vitamin E on prostaglandin synthesis, hematology, and tissue fatty acid composition of sunshine bass Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis. North American Journal of Aquaculture 70:251-265. 28. Vandermyde, J. M. and G. W. Whitledge. 2008. Otolith δ15N distinguishes fish from forested and agricultural streams in southern Illinois. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23:333-336. 29. Weston, D. P., M. Zhang and M. J. Lydy. 2008. Identifying the cause and source of sediment toxicity in an agriculture-influenced creek. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(4):953-962. 30. You, J., S. Pehkonen, D. P. Weston and M. J. Lydy. 2008. Chemical availability and sediment toxicity of pyrethroid insecticides to Hyalella azteca: Application to field sediment with


unexpectedly low toxicity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27 (10): 2124-2130. C.

Papers submitted or in press: 1. Bettoli, P. W., M. Casto-yerty, G. D. Scholtenm and E. J. Heist. 2008. Bycatch of the endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in a commercial fishery for shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus). Journal of Applied Ichthyology (in press). 2. Brennan, A. A., J. You, and M. Lydy. 2008. Comparison of cleanup methods for fipronil and its degradation products in sediment extracts. Talanta (submitted). 3. Harwood, A.D., J. You, and M.J. Lydy. 2009. Temperature as a toxicity identification evaluation tool for pyrethroid insecticides: toxicokinetic confirmation. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (submitted). 4. Hayward, R.S., M. Ali, P.G. Bajer, and G.W. Whitledge. Maintenance-submaximum feeding schedules for reducing solid wastes and improving feed conversion in aquaculture. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (in press).

5. Hayward, R.S., H. Wang, M. Ali, and G.W. Whitledge. Time-ofyear and fish life stage influence capacity to increase feed conversion and growth of fishes through compensatory growth. Aquaculture (submitted). 6. Koch, B., R. C. Brooks, A. Oliver, D. Herzog, J. E. Garvey, R. Hrabik, R. Colombo, Q. Phelps, and T. Spier. Habitat use and movement of naturally reproducing pallid sturgeon in the Mississippi River. Journal of Aquaculture Industry (submitted). 7. Li, P., K. Mai, J.T. Trushenski, and G. Wu. New developments in fish amino acid nutrition: towards function and environmentally oriented aquafeeds. Amino Acids (in press). 8. Lohmeyer, A.M., and J.E. Garvey. Placing the North American invasion of Asian carp in a spatially explicit context. Biological Invasions (in press). 9. Phelps, Q. E., A. M. Lohmeyer, N. C. Wahl, J. M. Zeigler, and G. W. Whitledge. Habitat characteristics of black crappie nest sites in an Illinois impoundment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management (in press). 10. Phelps, Q.E., A.M. Lohmeyer, N.C. Wahl, J.M. Zeigler, D. Simms, and G.W. Whitledge. Black crappie nest site use:


habitat characteristics in a small Midwest reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management (in press). 11. Phelps, Q. E., D. P. Herzog, R. C. Brooks, V. A. Barko, D. E. Ostendorf, J. W. Ridings, S. J. Tripp, J. E. Garvey, and R. A. Hrabik. Comparing sturgeon catch rates among gears and seasons in the Middle Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management (submitted). 12. Phelps, Q. E, and G. W. Whitledge. Black crappie nest site selectivity. In-Fisherman (submitted). 13. Phelps, Q. E., D. P. Herzog, R. C. Brooks, V. A. Barko, D. E. Ostendorf, J. W. Ridings, S. J. Tripp, J. E. Garvey and R. A. Hrabik. Comparison of three common gear types to sample sturgeons in the Middle Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (submitted). 14. Stahl, M.T., G.W. Whitledge, and A.M. Kelly. Reproductive biology of middle Mississippi River shovelnose sturgeon: insights from seasonal and age variation in plasma sex steroid and calcium concentrations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology (submitted). 15. Trimble, A. J., D. P. Weston, J. B. Belden and M. J. Lydy. Identification and evaluation of pyrethroid insecticide mixtures in urban sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (submitted). 16. Tripp, S. J., Q. E. Phelps, R. E. Colombo, J. E. Garvey, B. M. Burr, D. P. Herzog, R. A. Hrabik. Maturation and reproduction of shovelnose sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management (in press). 17. Tripp, S. J, R. E. Colombo, and J. E. Garvey. 2008. Declining recruitment and growth of shovelnose sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River: implications for conservation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (in press). 18. Trushenski, J.T., and C.C. Kohler. Joint implementation of stabilized poultry protein meal and fat as marine feedstuff replacements in practical diets for sunshine bass Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis. Journal of Applied Aquaculture (submitted). 19. Trushenski, J. T., R. L. Lane, and C. C. Kohler. Significant augmentation of sunshine bass Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis fillet highly unsaturated fatty acid content without impact on oxidative stability or sensory attributes. Journal of Applied Aquaculture (submitted).


20. Trushenski, J. T. Saturated lipid source in grow-out feeds for sunshine bass: alterations in production performance and tissue fatty acid composition. North American Journal of Aquaculture (submitted). 21. Trushenski, J. T., J. Boesenberg, and C. C. Kohler. Influence of grow-out feed fatty acid composition on finishing success in Nile tilapia. North American Journal of Aquaculture (in press). 22. Wahl, N. C., Q. E. Phelps, S. T. Lynott, W. E. Adams, and J. E. Garvey. Comparison of scales and sagittal otoliths to backcalculate lengths-at-age of crappies collected from Midwest waters. Journal of Freshwater Ecology (submitted). 23. Wang, D., D. P. Weston and M. J. Lydy. Method development for the analysis of organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides at low parts per trillion levels in water. Talanta (submitted). 24. Whitledge, G. W. Otolith microchemistry and isotopic composition as potential indicators of fish movement between the Illinois River drainage and Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research (in press). 25. You, J., A. A. Brennan and M. J. Lydy. Bioavailability and biotransformation of sediment-associated pyrethroid insecticides in Lumbriculus variegates. Chemosphere (submitted) D.

Book Reviews: None


Book Chapters: 1. Heist, E. J. 2008. Molecular Markers and Genetic Population Structure of Pelagic Sharks. In: Sharks of the Open Ocean. E. Pikitch and M. Camhi, editors. Blackwell Science Ltd. ,pp. 323333. 2. Lotufo, G. R., M. J. Lydy, G. L. Rorrer, O. Cruz-Uribe, D. P Cheney. 2009. Bioconcentration, bioaccumulation and biotransformation of explosives and related compounds in aquatic organisms. In: Ecotoxicology of Explosives. G. I. Sunahara, J.A. Hawari, G.R. Lotufo, R.G. Kuperman, editors. CRC Press. Accepted January, 2008. 3. Ng, C.M., D.P. Weston, J. You, M.J. Lydy. 2008. Patterns of pyrethroid contamination and toxicity in agricultural and urban stream sediments. In: Synthetic pyrethroids: Occurrence and behavior in aquatic environments. Gan J, F. Spurlock, P. Hendley, D. Weston (editors). American Chemical Society, pp. 355-369.


4. You, J., D. P. Weston and M. J. Lydy. 2008. Quantification of pyrethroid insecticides at sub-ppb levels in sediment using matrix-dispersive accelerated solvent extraction with tandem SPE cleanup. In: Synthetic pyrethroids: Occurrence and behavior in aquatic environments. Gan J, F. Spurlock, P. Hendley, D. Weston (editors). American Chemical Society, pp. 87-113. 5. Weston, D. P., J. You, E .L. Amweg, M. J. Lydy. 2008. Sediment toxicity in agricultural areas of California and the role of hydrophobic pesticides. In: Synthetic pyrethroids: Occurrence and behavior in aquatic environments. Gan J, F. Spurlock, P. Hendley, D. Weston (editors). American Chemical Society, pp. 26-54. 6. DeVries, D.R., J.E. Garvey, and R.A. Wright. In: Early life history. Cooke, S. and D. Philipp (editors). Ecological diversity of centrarchid fishes: basic and applied perspectives. Blackwell Scientific (in press). 7. Garvey, J.E., and S.R. Chipps. Quantifying diets and energy flow. In: Fisheries Techniques, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society (submitted). 8. Trushenski, J. T., T. Flagg, and C. C. Kohler. Use of Hatchery Fish for Conservation, Restoration, and Enhancement of Fisheries. In: Inland Fisheries Management in North America, 3rd edition. Hubert, W., and M. Quist, editors. American Fisheries Society (in press). F.

Symposia Publications: None


Completion Reports: 1. Heist, E. J. and M. Saltzgiver. 2008. Genetic Identification of Scaphirhynchus fin clips from the lower Missouri/middle Mississippi. Ecological Associates. 2. Whitledge, G.W. and M. Noatch. 2008. Snail control project. Final report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office.


Grant/Contract Annual Performance Reports:



Bergerhouse, D. and R.C. Heidinger. 2008. Investigations of the potential for producing sport fishes of various sizes at the Quad Cities spray canal.


Brooks, R. C., J. E. Garvey, S. J. Tripp, M. Hill, T. Moore, D. Herzog, and T. Spier. 2008. Evaluation of a prototype ultrasonic detection system for quantifying fish movement in the upper Mississippi River - Year 3. Annual report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


Garvey, J. E. (and several co-authors). 2008. Evaluating linkages between habitat and pallid sturgeon recruitment in the middle Mississippi River. Annual report to the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


Garvey, J. E., R. Brooks, R. Hrabik, D. P. Herzog, J. Killgore, and Q. Phelps. 2008. Evaluation of Scaphirhynchus sturgeons in the middle Mississippi River: telemetry array and reproductive behavior - Year 3. Annual report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Lydy, M. J., J. You and J. D. Maul. 2008. Quarterly reports to Waste Management Research Center for Illinois River project.


Lydy, M. J., J. You and J.D. Maul. 2008. Annual report to Waste Management Research Center for Illinois River project.


Lydy, M. J. and A. J. Trimble. 2008. Annual report to the US EPA STAR fellowship program.


Lydy, M. J. and A. Harwood. 2008. Annual report to the US EPA STAR fellowship program.


Lydy, M. J. 2008. Yearly reports to the State of California. PRISM projects.

10. Phelps, Q. E., S. J. Tripp, B. Koch, J. E. Garvey, R. C. Brooks, D. P. Herzog, and R. A. Hrabik. 2008. Using ultrasonic telemetry to identify potential spawning aggregations of sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. Annual report to the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 11. Phelps, Q. E., S. J. Tripp, J. E. Garvey, D. P. Herzog, and R. A. Hrabik. 2008. Early life history of naturally occurring sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. Annual report to the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 12. Trushenski, J. 2008. Met reporting requirements for White Bass Reproduction grant from the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.


13. Weston D.P. and Lydy, M.J. 2008. Quality assurance/ quality control program for SWAMP. 14. Whitledge, G.W., C.F. Hartleb, T. Huspeni, J.E. Morris, and R.D. Clayton. 2008. Management (physical, chemical, biological) of snails for grub control annual report for 9/1/20078/31/2008. North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 15. Whitledge, G.W., J.A. Malison, F.P. Binkowski, R.S. Hayward, and A.M. Kelly. 2008. Feed training carnivorous fish annual report for 9/1/2007-8/31/2008. North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Presentations A. Conference/Meeting Presentations: International: 1. Kohler, C. C., J. T. Trushenski, H. A. Lewis, S.M. Meyer, and R. L. Lane. October 2008. Polyunsaturated fatty acids may be selectively retained by some fishes and saturates selectively catabolized: Evidence from nutritional studies with Moronids and implications for feed finishing strategies. 8th Joint Meeting of the Seafood Science and Technology Society of the Americas and Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference, Wrightsville Beach, NC. National: 1. Garvey, J. E., S. M. Bartell, and T. Keevin. August 2008. Predicting local extinction of pallid sturgeon in the Mississippi River. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada. 2. Harwood A. D., You J., and M. J. Lydy. November 2008. Temperature as a Toxicity Identification Evaluation tool for pyrethroid insecticides: Toxicokinetic confirmation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 29th National Meeting, Tampa, FL. 3. Heist, E. J., M. Saltzgiver, J. Geltz, and P. Hedrick. August 2008. Development of a captive broodstock management plan for upper Missouri River pallid sturgeon. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Ontario. 4. Heist, E. J., H. L. Pratt Jr., and J. C. Carrier. July 2008. Why is there multiple paternity of nurse shark? American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.


5. Kohler, C.C., J. T. Trushenski, H. A. Lewis, S. M. Meyer, and R. L. Lane. June 2008. Polyunsaturated fatty acids may be selectively retained by some fishes and saturates selectively catabolized: Nutritional studies with Moronids. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Summer Meeting, St. John, Newfoundland, Canada. 6. Kohler, C. C., S. T. Kohler, W. N. Camargo, F. Chu-Koo, F. AlcantaraB, and S. Tello. February 2008. Development of sustainable aquaculture in the Amazon Basin using native frugivorous fishes. Aquaculture America, Orlando, FL. 7. Kohler, C. C. February 2008. An overview of hybrid striped bass nutrition research. Aquaculture America, Orlando, FL. 8. Kohler, C. C. February 2008. White bass broodstock nutrition. Aquaculture America, Orlando, FL. 9. Lewis, H. A., J. T. Trushenski, R. L. Lane, and C. C. Kohler. August 2008. Dietary fatty acid composition differentially impacts white bass oocyte composition and larval quality. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada. 10. Lewis, H. A., J. T. Trushenski, R. L. Lane, and C. C. Kohler. February 2008. Influence of differential dietary lipids sources on biochemical composition of white bass Morone chrysops oocytes and larval quality. Aquaculture America, Orlando, FL. 11. Lydy, M. J. and D. P. Weston. November 2008. Residential runoff in urban environments: Risk assessment and management. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 29th National Meeting, Tampa, FL. 12. Mehler W. T., You J., Maul J. D., Lydy M. J. November 2008. Identification of the sources of sediment-associated toxicity in the Illinois River using a sediment TIE approach. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 29th National Meeting, Tampa, FL. 13. Meyer, S. M., J. T. Trushenski, and C. C. Kohler. February 2008. Comparison of production performance and fatty acid profiles between striped bass Morone saxatilis and hybrid striped bass M. chrysops x M. saxatilis fed different dietary lipid sources. Aquaculture America, Orlando, FL. 14. Myers, D. J., M. R. Whiles, and G. W. Whitledge. May 2008. δD and δ18O as tracers of macroinvertebrate origins and movements in large river floodplain water bodies. 56th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Salt Lake City, UT.


15. Pehkonen, S., J. You and M. J. Lydy. November 2008. Bioavailability of planar and non-planar compounds in sediment in the presence of black carbons. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 29th National Meeting, Tampa, FL. 16. Phelps, Q., R. Colombo, J. E. Garvey, and R. C. Heidinger. August 2008. Comparison of channel catfish age estimates and resulting population demographics using two common structures. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada. 17. Phelps, Q. E., R. E., Colombo, J. E. Garvey, R. C. Heidinger, and T. Stefanavage. August 2008. Gear-specific population demographics of Channel Catfish in a large un-impounded midwestern river. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada. 18. Sechler, D., Q. Phelps, and J. E. Garvey. August 2008. Diet composition of juvenile shovelnose sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada. 19. Sechler, D. R., Q. E. Phelps, N. C. Wahl and J. E. Garvey. August 2008. Diet composition of young-of-year sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River: Does foraging behavior change with season, total length, and discharge? 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, ON. 20. Trimble A.J., J.D. Maul, D.P. Weston, J.B. Belden, M.J. Lydy. November 2008. Occurrence, effects and fate of urban-use pyrethroid insecticide mixtures. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 29th National Meeting, Tampa, FL. 21. Trushenski, J. T., J. Boesenberg, and C. C. Kohler. August 2008. Alternative lipids do not affect production performance of Nile Tilapia— fatty acid metabolism similar among lean-fleshed fishes? 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada. 22. Trushenski, J. T., H. A. Lewis, and C. C. Kohler. August 2008. Saturated lipid key to restoration of beneficial fatty acid profile in sunshine bass—a way out of the fish oil trap. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada. 23. Trushenski, J. T., H. A. Lewis, and C. C. Kohler. February 2008. Significance of initial fillet fatty acid profile with respect to finishing diet efficacy in sunshine bass Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis. Aquaculture America, Orlando, FL. 24. Trushenski, J.T., and C.C. Kohler. February 2008. Joint implementation of stabilized poultry protein meal and fat as marine feedstuff replacements in sunshine bass Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis feeds. Aquaculture America, Orlando, FL.


25. Wang, D. and M. J. Lydy. November 2008. Method development for the analysis of organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides at parts per trillion in water. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 29th National Meeting, Tampa, FL. 26. Wang, D., Y. Ding and M.J. Lydy. November 2008. New strategies for sample preparation and analysis of current-use pesticides in sediments. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 29th National Meeting, Tampa, FL. 27. Weston, D. P., R. Holmes and M. J. Lydy. October 2008. Residential runoff as a source of pyrethroid insecticides to surface waters. 5th Biennial CALFED Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. 28. Whitledge, G. W. August 2008. Otolith chemistry as an indicator of fish environmental history in the upper Illinois River system and Lake Michigan. 138th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 29. You, J., D. Wang and M. J. Lydy. November 2008. Analysis of pyrethroids in sediment: Comparison of GC/MS/MS, GC/MS/NCI and GC/ECD results. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 29th National Meeting, Tampa, FL. Regional/State: 1. Bettoli, P., M. Casto-Yerty, G. D. Scholten, and E. J. Heist. Novemer 2008. Wrong place at the wrong time: illegal take of endangered pallid sturgeon in a commercial caviar fishery. Southeastern Fisheries Council, Chattanooga, TN. 2. Brennan, A. A., A. D. Harwood, J .D. Maul and M.J. Lydy. March/April 2008. Lethal and sub-lethal effects of pyrethroid insecticides, fipronil and select degradation products to Chironomus dilutus larvae. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Regional Midwest Meeting, Duluth, MN. 3. Calkins, H. A., and J. E. Garvey. December 2008. Movement, Habitat Use and Phytoplankton Consumption of Silver Carp in the Mississippi River. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 4. Calkins, H. A. and J. E. Garvey. December 2008. Linking Habitat Use of Silver Carp and Phytoplankton Consumption in the Mississippi River. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 5. Ding, Y. P. and M. J. Lydy. March/April 2008. Sediment toxicity of hydrophobic pesticides to Chironomus dilutus. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Regional Midwest Meeting, Duluth, MN.


6. Garvey J. E. Asian carp in cyberspace. June 2008. Illinois River Barrier Panel Meeting, Chicago, IL. 7. Garvey, J. E. February 2008. Searching for thresholds in spawner– recruit data. 46th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Rockford, Illinois. 8. Harwood, A.D. and M.J. Lydy. March/April 2008. Development of compound specific TIEs for implicating pyrethroid insecticides in sediment toxicity. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Regional Midwest Meeting, Duluth, MN. 9. Mehler W. T., You J., Maul J. D., Lydy M. J. March/April 2008. Identification of the sources of sediment-associated toxicity in the Illinois River using a sediment TIE approach. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Midwest Regional Meeting, Duluth, MN. 10. Mehler W. T., You J, Maul J. D., Lydy M. J. February 2008. Identification of the sources of sediment-associated toxicity in the Illinois River using a sediment TIE approach. 46th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Rockford, IL. 11. Myers, D. J., M. R. Whiles, and G. W. Whitledge. April 2008. δD and δ18O as tracers of macroinvertebrate origins and movements in large river floodplain water bodies. 40th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, Dubuque, IA. 12. Phelps, Q. E., S. J. Tripp, D. Herzog, and J.E. Garvey. December 2008. Early life history of pallid sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 13. Phelps, Q. E., G. W. Whitledge, D. J. Myers, J. M. Zeigler, H .A. Lewis, J. S. Eichelberger, M. R. Noatch, and M. J. Saltzgiver. December 2008. Otolith microchemistry of prey fish consumed by a fish predator: does digestion hinder Russian doll techniques? 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, OH. 14. Phelps, Q. E., R. E., Colombo, J. E. Garvey, R. C. Heidinger, and T. Stefanavage. February 2008. A comparison of pectoral spine and otoliths for aging channel catfish in a large un-impounded midwestern river. 46th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Rockford, Illinois. 15. Phelps, Q. E., S. J. Tripp, D. P. Herzog, and J. E. Garvey. December 2008. Early life history of Schaphirhynchus sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 16. Ratterman, N., N. Wahl, Q. E. Phelps, and J. E. Garvey. December 2008. Comparing Scale and Sagittal Otolith Back-Calculated Lengths


at Age in Crappies. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 17. Sechler, D. R., Q. E. Phelps, N. C. Wahl and J. E. Garvey. December 2008. Diet composition of young-of-year sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River: Does foraging behavior change with season, total length, and discharge? 69th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Columbus, OH. 18. Sechler, D. R., Q. E. Phelps, and J. E. Garvey. February 2008. Diet composition of young-of-year (YOY) sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River: Does foraging behavior change with season and total length? 46th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Rockford, IL. 19. Seibert, J. R., Q. E. Phelps, S. J. Tripp, and J. E. Garvey. December 2008. Seasonal diet composition of adult shovelnose sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 20. Stahl, M.T., A. M. Kelly, and G. W. Whitledge. April 2008. Seasonal fluctuations in plasma steroid concentrations, egg diameters, and gonadal stage in shovelnose sturgeon. 40th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, Dubuque, IA. 21. Stahl, M. T., A. M. Kelly, G. W. Whitledge, S. Tripp, M. Hill, C. Green, and L. Murphy. February 2008. Seasonal fluctuations in plasma steroid concentrations, egg diameters, and gonadal stage in shovelnose sturgeon. 46th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Rockford, IL. 22. Tripp, S. J., Q. E. Phelps, J. E. Garvey, D. P. Herzog, R. A. Hrabik. December 2008. Habitat use of young of year Schaphirhynchus sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 23. Wagner, C., M. Nannini, J. Garvey, and D. Wahl. December 2008. Influence of fall condition and prey abundance on overwinter success of age 0 largemouth bass. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 24. Wahl, N. C. and G. W. Whitledge. February 2008. Effects of a biomanipulation at SIUC’s Campus Lake on fish growth and consumptive demand for zooplankton prey: insights from bioenergetic modeling. 23rd Annual Conference, Illinois Lake Management Association, Springfield, IL. 25. Wahl, N.C. and G.W. Whitledge. February 2008. Effects of a biomanipulation at SIUC’s Campus Lake on fish growth and consumptive demand for zooplankton prey. 46th Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Rockford, IL.


26. Wahl, N. C., Q. E. Phelps, S. T. Lynott, W. E. Adams, and J. E. Garvey. December 2008. Comparing the use of scales and sagittal otoliths to back-calculate length-at-age of crappies. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, OH, 2008. 27. Whitledge, G.W. and J.M. Zeigler. December 2008. Otolith microchemistry and stable isotopic composition as natural markers of fish environmental history in large Midwestern rivers. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, OH. 28. Whitledge, G.W. and J.M. Zeigler. April 2008. Otolith microchemistry and stable isotopic composition as indicators of environmental history for middle Mississippi River fishes. 40th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, Dubuque, IA. 29. Whitledge, G.W. February 2008. Assessment of otolith chemistry as an indicator of fish environmental history in the upper Illinois River system and Lake Michigan. 46th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Rockford, IL. 30. Zeigler, J. M. and G. W. Whitledge. February 2008. Utility of otolith microchemistry and stable isotopic composition for determining fish environmental history in the lower Illinois River. 46th Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Rockford, IL. B. Other Presentations and Miscellaneous Activities: 1. Bergerhouse, D. Spray Canal Project, Quad Cities Steering Committee Meeting, March 2008. 2. Brooks, R.C., Fish Passage in the Mississippi River. USACE - Fish Passage Meeting, Alton, IL. 3. Brooks, R.C., Movement and Passage of Fish in the Mississippi River. Science Panel meeting, Rock Island, IL. 4. Garvey, J. Invited talk, Department of Biology, Saint Louis University, November 2008 5. Garvey, J. Invited talk, Department of Biology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, October 6. Garvey, J. Participant, Round-table discussion on Mississippi River research and management; Mississippi River Research Consortium, Davenport, Iowa, April 2008. 7. Hitchens, P. April 2008. VHS Screening for Illinois Producers. VHS Conference, Whittington, IL.


8. Hitchens, P. 2008. Shawnee Freshwater Prawn Growers Association. Prawn Production Data & Statistics. August 14 2008 9. Lydy, M. Conducted lab session for the Illinois Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. 10. Mehler WT, You J, Maul JD, Lydy MJ. Identification of the sources of sediment-associated toxicity in the Illinois River using a sediment TIE approach. Environmental Protection Agency: Research Facility. Guest Speaker. Duluth, MN, 2008. 11. Kohler, C.C., and J.T. Trushenski. 2008. Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center, an Introduction. Presented to Illinois Soybean Association Board during tour of aquaculture research facilities. 12. Kohler, C.C. and J.T. Trushenski. 2008. Recent Hybrid Striped Bass Nutrition Studies at SIUC. Presented to Striped Bass Grower’s Association Research Forum. 13. Kohler, C. C. September 2008. “Fatty acids: Fish, food and feed.” Ecology Lecture Series, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. (Sep.) 14. Kohler, C. C. October 2008. “Fatty acids: Fish, food and feed.” Dept. Biology Lecture Series, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. 15. Lewis, H.A., J.T. Trushenski, R.L. Lane, and C.C. Kohler. 2008. Influence of dietary fatty acids on white bass reproductive performance and quality of progeny. NRI Animal Reproduction Annual Investigator Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. 16. Trushenski, J. 2008. Designed and coordinated construction of new recirculation aquaculture system at McLafferty wetlab facility 17. Trushenski, J. 2008. Accompanied all IACUC inspection tours of all FIAC aquaculture facilities 18. Trushenski, J. 2008. Initiated collaborative research activities with faculty in the SIUC Depts. of Physiology, Food and Nutrition, and Engineering; University of Illinois; and Virginia Tech. 19. Trushenski, J. 2008. Provided facilities tour and introduction to aquaculture lecture to visiting hospitality students from Kendall College; provided hybrid striped bass fillets for accompanying dinner and training experience for students. 20. Whitledge, G.W. 2008. Research on biological control of aquaculture pond snails at Southern Illinois University. Invited Speaker, Missouri Aquaculture Association Annual Meeting, Jefferson City, MO.


21. Whitledge, G.W. and E.J. Heist. 2008. Genetic and stable isotopic indicators of population structure and natal habitats of Asian carps threatening to invade the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Board of Technical Experts Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI. VIII.

Grants and Contracts: A. Federal Funds a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o.

US Army Corps of Engineers, $199,000 (Garvey) US Army Corps of Engineers, $165,000 (Garvey) USGS, $105,104 (Heist) USFWS, $33,324 (Heist) USDA/US Forest Service, $75,590 (Ibrahim, Heist & Reeve) United States Agency for International Development $166,233 (C. Kohler, S. Kohler) USDA CSREES, $270,000 (Trushenski, Kohler) USDA NCRAC, $80,000 (Trushenski, Kohler) USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, $35,000 (Whitledge, Trushenski) USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, $175,298 (Whitledge, Trushenski) Great Lakes Fishery Commission, $9,975 (Whitledge) Great Lakes Fishery Commission, $9,120 (Whitledge) USDA NCRAC, $121,340 (Whitledge, Hartleb, Huspeni, Morris, Clayton) USFWS, $5,359 (Whitledge) USDA NCRAC, $20,000 (Whitledge, Malison, Hayward, Binkowski)

B. State Funds a. b. c. d.

Illinois National Guard, $25,000 (Garvey) Missouri Department of Conservation, $2938 (Heist) IDNR, WMRC, $133,331 (Lydy, You, Maul) California State Water Resources Control Board, $800,000 (Weston, Lydy, Prichard, Zhang) e. California State Water Resources Control Board, $532,000, (Weston, Lydy, Halpin, Prichard, Zhang) f. SIU ORDA, $54,554 (Whiles, Baer, Battaglia, Garvey, Hellgren, Williard, Whitledge) C. Industry Funds a. Quad Cities Spray Canal Project/ Exelon Corporation $232,000 (Bergerhouse, Heidinger) b. ADM Animal Health & Nutrition, $60,000 (Trushenski, Kohler) c. Illinois Soybean Association, $138,000 (Trushenski, Kohler) d. Illinois Smallmouth Alliance, $1980 (Whitledge) e. Illinois Smallmouth Alliance, $2000 (Whitledge)


D. Grants Submitted in 2008 1. Federal Funds a. NSF DEB, $630,602 (Garvey, Whiles, Colombo, Dodds, Paukert, Sass, Whitledge) b. NSF, $600,000 (Garvey) c. USACOE, $199,000 (Garvey) d. USACOE, $165,000 (Garvey) e. Two State Wildlife Grant Proposals ($100,000 each) (Garvey) f. NSF, $755,881 (Heist) g. USGS, $7000 (Heist) h. NSF, $600,000 (Kohler, Trushenski, Brewer, and Koropchak) i. NSF, $407,335 (Lefticariu, Kinsel, Whitledge) j. NOAA / CICEET, $373,477 ( Lydy, You, Landrum, Beegan) k. NSF, $400,000 (Pinter, Garvey) l. NOAA, $184,000 (Trushenski, Lydy, and Kohler) m. NOAA, $108,000 (Trushenski, Schwarz, Jahncke, Kohler) n. NSF, $295,000 (Trushenski, Block, Kohler) o. NSF, $300,000 (Whiles) p. USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, $35,000 (Whitledge, Trushenski) q. USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, $175,000 (Whitledge, Trushenski) r. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, $87,368 (Whitledge, Heist) s. NSF CAREER Program, $547,576 (Whitledge) 2. State Funds a. b. c. d.

Illinois State Wildlife Grant, ~$200,000 (Garvey, Lydy) Illinois National Guard, $25,000 (Garvey) Kentucky Department of Fish and Game, $2938 (Heist) Illinois Dept. of Public Health, $30,000 (Trushenski, Patrylo, and Struble) e. Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources, State Wildlife Grants Program, $84,072 (Whitledge) f. Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources, State Wildlife Grants Program, $87,033 (Whitledge) g. SIUC (ORDA), $1,440, (Whitledge, Ratterman) 3. Other Funds a. Quad Cities Spray Canal Project/ Exelon Corporation $236,000 (Bergerhouse, Heidinger) b. Hudson River Foundation, $196,894, (Lydy, Landrum, You) c. Fats and Proteins Research Foundation, Inc., $64,000 (Trushenski) d. Illinois Soybean Association, $315,000 (Trushenski, Kohler, Russin) e. Great Lakes Fishery Trust, $91,528 (Whitledge, Heist)



Service A.

Department of Zoology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Chair, Aquaculture Faculty Search Committee (Garvey) Member, Limnology Faculty Search Committee (Garvey, Lydy) Member, Fish Physiology Faculty Search Committee (Garvey) Advisory Committee (Heist, Trushenski) Parasitology Search Committee (Heist) Graduate Curriculum Committee (Lydy) Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Whitledge)

College of Science 1. Budget Committee (Garvey) 2. Personnel Committee (Heist)


University 1. 2. 3. 4.

Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Committee (Garvey) Touch of Nature Advisory Board (Garvey) Member, Board of Natural Resources, State of Illinois (Kohler) Technical Representative, Middle and Upper Mississippi Valley Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (Kohler) 5. Member, Selection Committee, Todd Fink Memorial Fund (Kohler) 6. Chair, Southern Illinois Research Park Faculty Internal Advisory Council (Kohler) 7. Member, Ad Hoc Research Advisory Group, OVCR (Kohler) 8. Principal contact, SIUC-Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana Linkage Committee (Kohler) 9. Delegate, Board on Oceans and Atmosphere, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (Kohler) 10. ORDA Faculty Seed Grant Review Committee (Lydy) 11. Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee (Lydy) 12. Faculty Senate (Lydy) 13. University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Lydy) 14. Zoology Representative, Graduate Professional Student Council (Stahl) 15. Undergraduate Student Assistantship Committee (Whitledge) 16. Animal Care and Use Committee (Whitledge) D.

Professional Society 1. Vice President, Illinois American Fisheries Society Student Subunit, SIUC (Calkins) 2. Vice President, United States Aquaculture Society Student Subunit, SIUC (Calkins)


3. Past-President, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (Garvey) 4. President, American Fisheries Society Genetics Section (Heist) 5. Board of Directors, American Elasmobranch Society (Heist) 6. Co-chair, Textbook on Fisheries Management, Education Section, American Fisheries Society (Kohler) 7. Member of Technical Committee, North Central Regional Aquaculture Center (Kohler) 8. Chair, Hybrid Striped Bass Work Group, North Central Regional Aquaculture Center (Kohler) 9. University Network Representative, American Fisheries Society (Kohler) 10. Member, Executive Committee, North Central Regional Aquaculture Technical Committee/Research Subcommittee (Kohler) 11. Chair, Technical Research Committee, North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, USDA (Kohler) 12. Member, Strategic Planning Committee, North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, USDA (Kohler) 13. Member, Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture Task Force on Effluents (Kohler) 14. Vice Chair, Membership Committee, American Fisheries Society (Kohler) 15. Development Editor, North American Journal of Aquaculture (Kohler) 16. Co-editor, North American Journal of Aquaculture (Kohler) 17. Student Committee Chair, Fish Culture Section, American Fisheries Society (Lewis) 18. Newsletter Chair, Fish Culture Section, American Fisheries Society (Lewis) 19. Newsletter Editor, Illinois Chapter, American Fisheries Society (Lewis) 20. Student Activities Committee, U.S. Aquaculture Society (Lewis) 21. Fellowship Committee member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Lydy) 22. Education Committee member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Lydy) 23. Editorial Board Member, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Lydy) 24. Newsletter Editor, Fisheries Management Section (Phelps) 25. Newsletter Editor, Illinois American Fisheries Society (Phelps) 26. Chair, North Central Division of American Fisheries Society Student Affairs Committee (Phelps) 27. Representative, North Central Division, Early Life History Section, American Fisheries Society (Phelps) 28. President, Illinois American Fisheries Society Student Subunit, SIUC (Phelps) 29. Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois American Fisheries Society Student Subunit, SIUC (Sechler) 30. Secretary/Treasurer, United States Aquaculture Society Student Subunit, SIUC (Sechler) 31. President-Elect, Fish Culture Section, American Fisheries Society (Trushenski)


32. Program Committee Chair, Fish Culture Section, American Fisheries Society (Trushenski) 33. Symposium Chair, Fish Culture Section, 2008 Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society (Trushenski) 34. Chair, Student Subunit Committee, World Aquaculture Society (Trushenski) 35. Faculty advisor, SIUC Subunit of U. S. Aquaculture Society (Trushenski) 36. Chair, Snail Control Workgroup, North Central Regional Aquaculture Center- USDA (Whitledge) 37. Chair, Feed Training Carnivorous Fish Workgroup, NCRAC (Whitledge) 38. SIUC Representative, Mississippi River Basin Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species (Whitledge) E.

Evaluation of Manuscripts (46 total) 1. Aquaculture (Heist-1, Trushenski-1) 2. Aquatic Biology (Whitledge-1) 3. Biology Letters (Heist-1) 4. BMC Genetics (Heist-1) 5. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Garvey-1) 6. Ecological Applications, (Garvey-2) 7. Ecology of Freshwater Fish (Garvey-1) 8. Endangered Species Research (Heist-1) 9. Environmental Biotechnology (Heist-1) 10. Environmental Management (Trushenski-1) 11. Final report to Upper Colorado R. Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program (Whitledge-1) 12. Fish and Shellfish Immunology (Trushenski-1) 13. Fisheries (Garvey-1) 14. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (Trushenski-1) 15. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (Garvey-2) 16. Journal of Fish Biology (Heist-1, Garvey-1, Phelps-1) 17. Journal of Freshwater Ecology (Whitledge-1) 18. Journal of Heredity (Heist-1) 19. Journal of the North American Benthological Society (Garvey-1) 20. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (Whitledge-1) 21. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (Lewis-1, Trushenski-2) 22. Lipids (Trushenski-1) 23. Molecular Ecology (Heist-3) 24. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research (Whitledge1) 25. North American Journal of Aquaculture (Lewis-1, Phelps-4, Trushenski2) 26. Oecologia (Garvey-1) 27. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (Whitledge-3, Garvey2)


Evaluation of Research Proposals (10 total)


1. Sea Grant Proposal (Garvey-1) 2. Great Lakes Fisheries Trust (Heist-1) 3. NOAA/NMFS MARFIN program (Heist-1) 4. University of New Hampshire Large Pelagics Research Center (Heist-1) 5. National Geographic Society (Heist-1) 6. North Central Region SARE Program FY-09 (Hitchens-1) 7. New York Sea Grant Program (Kohler-1) 8. U.S. Department of Agriculture, SBIR (Kohler-1) 9. North Central Regional Aquaculture Center (Koher-1) 10. University of Alaska-Fairbanks Pollock Conservation Cooperative Research Center (Whitledge-1) G.

Consultation and Area Service 1. Fielded multiple queries from local residents (Garvey). 2. Routinely accept requests from individuals throughout the region for information on ecosystem management, pest control and chemical analyses (Lydy). 3. Illinois DNR - Mounted Kankakee River walleye otoliths for aging and to examine for oxytetracycline. (Brooks) 4. USFWS - Instructed biologists on stationary receiver use and deployment / retrieval methods. Provide data analyses for VR2 data collected by biologists. (Brooks) 5. FAO (United Nations), member (observer status) European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission Working Party on Stock Enhancement (Kohler) 6. Resource consultant (seafood toxins), Illinois Poison Control (Kohler)


Student Groups Advised 1. Saluki Bassers, Faculty Advisor (Heist) 2. Faculty Advisor, SIUC Subunit of the U.S. Aquaculture Society (Trushenski) 3. Faculty Advisor, Student Subunit of the American Fisheries Society (Garvey) 4. Coach, SIUnited Boys U14 and Girls U11 Soccer Teams (Lydy)


Awards 1. Honorable Mention, Best Student Platform, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Midwest Regional Conference, Duluth, MN. (A. Brennan) 2. Travel award, US EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division (Y. Ding) 3. 2008 Illinois Award, Illinois Association of Wastewater Agencies (J. Garvey) 4. EPA STAR Fellowship (A. Harwood, M.S.) 5. Stephen A. Forbes Award of Excellence in Fisheries, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (C. Kohler) 6. Distinguished Alumnus Award, St. Mary's College of Maryland (C. Kohler)


7. Gerald E. Cross Alumni Leadership Award, Virginia Tech (C. Kohler) 8. Excellence in Fisheries Education Award, American Fisheries Society (C. Kohler) 9. Best Student Oral Presentation, Honorable Mention, American Fisheries Society Education Section (H. Lewis) 10. Travel award, American Fisheries Society (H. Lewis) 11. M.P. Mulvihill Aquaculture Student Scholarship, AREA, Inc. (H. Lewis) 12. Aquaculture America 2008 Meeting Travel Award, Aquaculture Engineering Society (H. Lewis) 13. Aquaculture America 2008 Travel Award, American Fisheries Society Fish Culture Section (H. Lewis) 14. Student Exchange Program, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (T. Mehler) 15. Todd Fink Memorial Conservation Award, SIUC College of Science (Q. Phelps) 16. 2008 Student Research Grant Award, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (D. Sechler) 17. Semi-finalist for the 4th Annual Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award (D. Sechler) 18. Best poster award, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (D. Sechler) 19. Travel award, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (D. Sechler) 20. Travel award, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (M. Stahl) 21. EPA STAR Fellowship (D. Trimble, Ph.D.) 22. Travel award, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (N. Wahl) 23. Scholarship, Illinois Lake Management Association (N. Wahl) 24. Travel award, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (J. Zeigler)