Flexible Reconfigurable Architecture for DSP Applications - IEEE Xplore

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National Engineering School of Sfax ... architecture (CGA) for dataflow applications requiring high ... characterized according to the general organization, the.
Flexible Reconfigurable Architecture for DSP Applications Abdulfattah M. Obeid, Syed Manzoor Qasim, Mohammed S. BenSaleh Communications and Information Technologies Institute KACST, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia {obeid,mqasim,mbensaleh}@kacst.edu.sa

Zied Marrakchi, Habib Mehrez

Heni Ghariani, Mohamed Abid

LIP6-ASIM Laboratory University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris VI, France zied.marrakchi@lip6.fr habib.mehrez@lip6.fr

CES Laboratory National Engineering School of Sfax University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia heni.ghariani@yahoo.fr mohamed.abid_ces@yahoo.fr

other hand, there are self-induced design challenges resulting from the very nature of RC such as reconfigurability and computation. From a computational point of view having a very powerful array of processors with very high throughputs may not be useful at all if there is no feasible way to use it. Software support and integration along with other system issues present true bottlenecks. From the reconfiguration point of view, run-time reconfiguration, partial-reconfigurability and speed of reconfiguration are among the new concepts that have emerged as a byproduct of reconfigurable technologies. Finding efficient design schemes addressing the abovementioned concepts have triggered quite a significant amount of research.

Abstract—As the flexibility offered by fine-grained field programmable gate array (FPGA) comes at a significant cost of area, speed, and power, there is a trend to use coarse-grained architecture (CGA) for dataflow applications requiring high computational resources. Existing CGA solutions are characterized according to the general organization, the processing element architecture, the basic interconnect structure and their reconfiguration characteristics. Based on the study of several digital signal processing (DSP) applications and their implemented VLSI architectures, we propose a CGA with parameterizable and flexible blocks based on a generic matrix and interconnected by a configurable network. The proposed architecture provides a good tradeoff between flexibility and performance-density. A CAD tool is developed to automate the implementation of the design on the architecture. A synthesizable VHDL code generator is also developed in order to further explore and validate the proposed architecture. The unification of coarse-grained logic block and bus-based interconnection bridges the gap between application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and CGA, resulting in area reduction from 40× to 6×, respectively. Experimental results demonstrate the performance and efficiency of the proposed architecture to implement DSP designs.

Reconfigurable architecture (RA) is generally composed of an array of processing element (PE). These PEs can be as small as a 4-input, 1-output look-up table (LUT) or as big as a 16-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU). The term granularity refers to the size (and type) of the inputs and outputs of the PEs. In the case of a PE consisting of a 4-input LUT, RA is classified as a finegrained architecture (FGA) and a RA array composed of 16-bit ALU PEs can be classified as a coarse-grained architecture (CGA). FGA solution is capable of realizing wide range of designs, but this capability comes at the cost of expensive routing and reconfiguration resources [4]. CGA solutions on the other hand are better suited for dataflow designs but are not suitable for designs that involve control dominated or irregular fine-grained operations.

Keywords—Coarse-grained architecture, DSP applications, flexible, FPGA, reconfigurable architecture

I. INTRODUCTION Between the two computational paradigm extremes, with the microprocessor trading computational efficiency for flexibility and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) trading computational efficiency and performance for flexibility, there is clearly a design space gap that can be leveraged by reconfigurable computing (RC) [1-3]. By dedicating more general purpose hardware resources that can be interconnected and configured to realize different functions, RC solutions aim at finding balance between pure software and pure hardware approaches. This is done through hardware structures that can be reconfigured to carryout different tasks at different times. For all its flexibility and performance, RC presents a promising solution not only for closing the various design gaps, but moreover, for bringing about a multitude of computational possibilities. Due to several technological challenges, the full capacity of RC is yet to be achieved. On the

978-1-4799-3378-5/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

The challenges facing the development of RC fall mainly in two categories: classical and self-induced. Classical problems lie in the higher consumption of area and power as well as slower operation as compared to finely crafted ASICs. These problems are being solved in research mainly by finding optimal PEs that exhibit high functionality with smaller area and lower power consumption. From the technological side, efforts are made for finding reconfiguration devices of smaller size with lower cost and power consumption. In this context, several programming technologies such as EEPROM, SRAM, and anti-fuse were introduced and are constantly being improved. This paper proposes a coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture for efficient realization of specific digital signal processing (DSP) applications. Based on the study of different


reconfiguration and partial reconfiguration, each PE is embedded in a socket carrying its current and possibly next context word that contains information about the task and routing of this PE. The context can be switched at runtime depending on the function it performs, the result of a given result, a time stamp signal or global change in the operation. A configuration manager controls the operation in general, and configuration of the DPA. Since the HPad is supposed to be connected to a larger system through a bus, FIFOs are needed to help carry out the operation smoothly and rapidly without loss of data. Reconfigurable FIFOs with flexible input and output sizes facilitate connections to different size of busses and implementation of different functions in the DPA with different input and output sizes.

DSP applications and their implemented VLSI architectures, we present a CGA with parameterizable and flexible blocks based on a generic matrix and interconnected by a configurable network. The rest of the paper is organized into five sections. Section II presents the related work on CGA. This is followed by a general discussion on the existing architectures, different features and CAD toolset used for architectural exploration of reconfigurable architectures. In Section III, we describe the proposed flexible CGA. The basic building blocks of the proposed architecture are also discussed in this section. Section IV summarizes the exploration, realization and validation of the proposed architecture for some DSP functions. Finally, concluding remarks are presented in section V.

Several other solutions and architectures of different types are available in the open literature. They exhibit different routing, dataflow and configuration concepts. Some of the classic examples are the MATRIX [9], MorphoSys [10], and RAW [11, 12]. For more detailed examples, reader is referred to [13-15].

II. RELATED WORK Several existing CGA solutions are reported in the open literature. These CGA are characterized by the general organization, the PE architecture, the interconnect structure and reconfiguration characteristics. A summary of the existing architectures and toolset are presented in this section.

The versatile packing, placement and routing (VPR) toolset are widely utilized by academia for FPGA architectural exploration and CAD algorithm research [16, 17]. Initially, VPR was designed to target island-style/mesh-based reconfigurable architectures, where LUT-based logic blocks are surrounded by configurable interconnects [16]. Interconnecting resources were based on bi-directional tristates. The architecture evolved from fine-grained LUT-based architecture [16] to heterogeneous architecture [17]. VPR 5.0 is capable of targeting architectures with heterogeneous set of logic blocks. In addition, the configurable interconnect moved from tri-state based bidirectional connections to unidirectional multiplexer based connections.

The KressArray is a dynamically reconfigurable regular array of 32-bit reconfigurable data-path units (rDPUs) [5, 6]. The rDPU is the basic processing element of the KressArray. Each processing element is capable of all the basic integer C language operations support where simple operations are carried out directly and more expensive ones such as multiplication and division are carried out in a microprogrammed sequence style. rDPUs can also be used for routing data through them. An rDPU consists of an ALU, a register file and a number of multiplexers facilitating full connectivity. Global busses facilitate long distance connectivity between rDPUs and/or the higher level input/output busses. The input/output busses are interfaced with the internal global busses through switches. This style of hierarchical bus routing allows input data transferred to and from rDPUs not located at the edge of the array. The KressArray is also a multi-context reconfigurable architecture. Each rDPU has a context memory for storing the operation and routing information.

III. FLEXIBLE COARSE-GRAINED ARCHITECTURE Most of the CGA solutions proposed in the open literature or commercially available in the market today do not efficiently solve all types of computational problems. They cannot efficiently realize well studied DSP algorithms and their well-crafted architectures. Although most of them have some kind of dynamic reconfiguration capabilities, the dynamic configuration style does not in most case fit nicely with DSP algorithms’ architectures.

For computation-intensive multimedia applications such as video compression/decompression and image processing, a reconfigurable multimedia array coprocessor (REMARC) is proposed in [7]. REMARC is a reconfigurable accelerator that is tightly coupled to a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processor. It is organized as a mesh array of 8×8 PEs (nanoprocessors). Each PE consist of instruction and data RAMs, 16-bit ALU, and some registers. The interconnect architecture consist of nearest neighbor connections between adjacent PEs and additional horizontal and vertical buses in each row and column.

As the objective was to achieve an efficient CGA solution for DSP applications and based on the aforementioned observations we decided that a pragmatic methodology to go about the design task is to study several DSP algorithms and their reported implementations, extracting common and essential features, which need to be considered when designing the proposed CGA architecture. Energy and area efficient results could be achieved for specific DSP algorithms by identifying and leveraging the common functions. The granularity of the datapath and the degree of parallelism are the main parameters to be considered while developing reconfigurable architecture for DSP applications [18-21].

The Heterogeneous pad (HPad) was introduced in [8] with its design greatly influenced by the study of VLSI architectures of a family of basic DSP functions. The core of the HPad is a datapath array (DPA) consisting of two type of PEs, interleaved and interconnected in a woven torus topology. The DPA is surrounded by a number of peripherals which help manage operations and configurations. To facilitate run-time

The proposed flexible reconfigurable architecture is basically a matrix comprising of identical tiles. The tile is the smallest block, which is duplicated multiple times to develop


the required architecture. The advantage of having redundant tiles is the gain in development time. It is easier to design a small part of the architecture and then replicate it to develop the overall architecture. In addition, if a modification is required, it is sufficient to modify one block and then duplicate it. Also, this technique of duplication gives the user the possibility to define the size of the matrix. As a result more flexibility is available to the user. Three main blocks constitute the proposed coarse-grained architecture: logic block (LB), connection box (CB), and switch box (SB). Fig. 1 illustrates an example of 2×2 matrix.

The multiplexer M1 serves to select the first operand of the multiplier as either the adder output or the second input of the logic block. The multiplexer M2 serves to select the block LSB output between the adder output and the LSB multiplier output. The multiplexer M3 selects the functional mode (sequential or combinational). The advantage of a coarse-grained architecture is the gain in configuration memory point which is required to connect one signal to another. With multiplexers, only one bit is needed to select two n-bit buses. However, with a finegrained architecture based on LUTs, n configuration memory points are required. Table I describes the various functions provided by the logic block with different memory configurations. TABLE I. M1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

A. Configurable logic block architecture The logic block acts as an arithmetic unit for the proposed architecture. The most commonly used operations in DSP algorithms are addition and multiplication [22]. Based on this assumption, the proposed logic block is composed of an adder and a multiplier. The functions supplied by the logic block are: multiplication, addition and addition followed by multiplication. In order to ensure the dataflow between the two blocks some multiplexers are needed. Two function modes are carried out: the sequential mode (with a register) and the combinational mode. The logic block takes two n-bits bus inputs and produces two outputs (least significant bit (LSB) and most significant bit (MSB)) of n-bits each. As shown in Fig. 2, the elementary operators of logic block are: adder, multiplier, multiplexer, and register.

B – k bits



k bits M1

k bits k bits

k bits


k bits Clk

M3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1



A+B (A+B)×A A×B


A+B (A+B)×A A×B


1) Local interconnect: The adjacent connections are designed to ensure a dataflow stream from bottom to top and from the left to right. 2) Switch box: The main function of switch box is to route signals of non-adjacent tiles. The number of inputs and outputs per switch box corresponds to the channel-width. This parameter is very important to control the architecture routability. Fig. 3 shows a switch box with channel-width equal to 1. To ensure a complete dataflow between different rows and columns of the matrix, the switch box must be able to route signals from a row to rows in both directions: top and bottom, also from a column to columns in both directions: right and left. So, the switch box presents four outputs. These outputs are named as North, South, East, and West. The North output route the signal to the row on the top, the South output route the signal to the row on the bottom, the East output route the signal to the column on the right and the West output route the signal to the column on the left. As shown in Fig. 3, the switch box receives signals from two main parts. The first set of signals are driven by adjacent switch boxes. The second set of signals are the outputs of the four adjacent logic blocks (LSB and MSB). The total number of inputs used are twelve: four inputs from adjacent switch boxes, four LSB logic block


k bits

M2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

B. Configurable interconnect architecture As described earlier, the proposed architecture is a matrix of identical tiles. To elaborate the desired algorithms, communication must be established between different tiles. Two levels of communication are proposed. The first one is local direct communication between the adjacent tiles and the second uses switch box in order to connect non-adjacent tiles.

Fig. 1. 2×2 matrix.

A – k bits



LSB k bits MSB k bits

Fig. 2. Logic block architecture.


outputs and four MSB logic block outputs. Multiplexers are required to choose between twelve inputs. As four outputs are needed, the switch box comprises of four 8:1 multiplexers for each output. The main advantage of using coarse-grained blocks with bus-based connections is in reducing the number of memory points required to reconfigure the system.

Fig. 5. Connection box topology.

4) Tile construction: The proposed tile consists of a logic block, a connection box and a switch box as shown in Fig. 6. This combination is the smallest one that can be designed and then replicated. The direct connections are not shown for the clarity of the figure. The illustrated connections are those between the connection box and the adjacent switch boxes. Fig. 3. Switch box architecture.

3) Connection box: The connection box connects the switch box to the logic block. It selects the signals driven by adjacent logic blocks and switch box to be connected to the relevant logic block input. As discussed earlier, there are two ways to drive signals: direct connection between the logic blocks with only the LSB outputs, and the connection using the switch boxes. The neighboring structure described in Fig. 4 shows that four direct connections between logic blocks are considered. These direct connections represent the LSB outputs of the adjacent logic blocks. In addition to the direct connection, there are other multi-bits signals driven by adjacent switch box in order to ensure dataflow between different rows and columns of the matrix. Four more multibits signals are connected to connection box as depicted in Fig. 4. The logic block has two bus-based inputs, thus the multiplexer selects two multi-bits signals from the eight inputs using two 8:1 multiplexers as shown in Fig. 5. The advantage of using a bus connection for dataflow is the reduction of the number of memory points used to connect signals together. Only six memory points are used rather than 2×8n bits with mono-bit signals.

Fig. 6. Tile architecture.

IV. ARCHITECTURAL EXPLORATION, GENERATION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION In this section, we present the adopted methodology for validation of the proposed architecture. A CAD tool to facilitate the generation of synthesizable VHDL code is then discussed. Finally, the physical layout generation and comparison with other ASIC technology are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed architecture. A. Architecture exploration In order to evaluate the area efficiency of the proposed architecture, we implemented the same benchmark netlists on both fine-grained and coarse-grained architectures, and evaluated the minimal area required in each case. ST micro’s 0.13 µm technology is used to evaluate the area. To implement benchmarks on the proposed architecture we generated netlists mapped to the logic blocks of the proposed architecture. Each netlist is a set of instances connected with signals to achieve the following functions: discrete cosine transform (DCT), finite impulse response (FIR) filter and fast fourier transform (FFT). Placement and routing is performed using an in-house CAD tool. Placement consists of placing instances, communicating

Fig. 4. Connection and switch boxes.


together into close logic blocks. In this way connections are shortened and delays are reduced. Once instances are placed, netlist signals are routed using architecture resources [23].

C. Physical layout generation Fig. 9 shows a 4×4 coarse-grained mesh architecture. It is divided into 4×4 tiles. Each tile is composed of a logic block, a connection box and a switch box. We distinguish eight different boundary tiles and one central tile. By duplicating these nine tiles we can generate mesh architectures with any row and column sizes. The idea is to design a layout of each of the nine tiles and then replicate them to generate the architecture layout of any size. This scalable generation technique proves to very beneficial in saving design time and reducing the recurring engineering effort. Fig. 9 shows a screen shot of the layout of a 4×4 coarse-grained architecture in ST micro’s 0.13 µm technology using Cadence SoC encounter tool.

Fig. 7 demonstrates the placed and routed DCT2A netlist on the proposed architecture. The white boxes correspond to architectures’ empty logic blocks. The grey boxes correspond to placed netlist instances. The utilized routing resources to route signals appear on the right hand side of the figure. Thus for each benchmark, we determined the smallest matrix with minimum rows, columns and channel-width capable of implementing the DSP function. The obtained parameters are then provided to the architecture generator for the estimation of required area.

Fig. 7. Placement and routing of DCT2A netlist (CAD tool screenshot).

B. Architecture generation To facilitate design space exploration of the proposed architecture, additional CAD tools are developed for generation of matrices and synthesizable VHDL codes. As shown in Fig. 8, the matrix consists of a duplication of the tile. For the matrix generation tool, the number of tiles is equal to the multiplication of number of rows by the number of columns. The designer specifies these parameters and the channel-width. The VHDL code generator generates all files related to the three main blocks (LB, CB, and SB) and components, which forms these blocks. As specified when describing the proposed blocks, the size of the buses and the size of the matrix are the parameters specified by the designer.

Fig. 9. Layout of 4×4 mesh architecture in ST micro’s 0.13 µm technology.

D. Performance Evaluation Ian et al. measured the area, performance, and power gap between a 90-nm CMOS SRAM-programmable FPGA and a 90-nm CMOS standard-cell based ASIC in [24]. The corelogic area gap between FPGA and ASIC was found to be 40. Table II summarizes the area required by each DSP function using the proposed CGA, fine-grained FPGA architecture, and ASIC technology, respectively. This table serves as a reference to measure the area gap between these technologies. The proposed architecture provides a reduction on the gap between the coarse-grained and fine-grained architectures. The unification of coarse-grained logic block and bus-based interconnections helps in reducing the average area gap between ASIC and proposed architecture from 40× to 6×. TABLE II. DSP Function DCT2A DCT2B FIR AT44 FIR DF44 FIR TDF44 FFT 8 Average

Fig. 8. Tile-based architecture generation.



Fine-grained FPGA Area (μm²) 3490000 3490000 2998108 2998108 2998108 359412 2722289

ASIC Area (μm²) 87250 87250 74952 74952 74952 8985 68056


V. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have presented a flexible coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture for efficient realization of specific DSP applications. A pragmatic methodology to engage in such a design task is to study different DSP applications and their implemented VLSI architectures. Hence, architectural features to be supported in the target reconfigurable architecture are extracted. The proposed architecture is a matrix of identical tiles. The tile may be replicated to construct the architecture of the desired DSP function. A general architecture is introduced and the basic building blocks are described as well. Experimental results of some DSP benchmarks using the proposed technique and its comparison with other results are presented in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed architecture for specific DSP applications. Comparisons between the core logic area consumed by ASIC technology and the proposed coarse-grained architecture are deduced for some DSP functions. The area gap between ASIC and the proposed architecture is found to be approximately six.






ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Communications and Information Technologies Institute at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) for supporting this research.












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