floating mountains - Paesaggi Migranti

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became strategic points for all the villages born from the so called ... to search for reference points, to question. An
22 - 31 May 2017 Pennabilli (RN), ITALY








A MOVING LANDSCAPE Once upon a time, a constellation of rocks generated from a whole calcareous block started to navigate over the clay beds moving from the west and eventually fragment into numerous pieces, thus generating the distinctive soil of not only of Pennabilli, but of the entire Valmarecchia area. Two of these emerging rocks are the “roccione” (rock) in Penna and the “rupe” (cliff) in Billi, as well as many other rocks that became strategic points for all the villages born from the so called encastellation during the Middle Ages. This phenomenon gave origin to many urban centres that favoured the construction of a dense network of transport routes and that made this territory an important area for medieval and renaissance in Italy. Among these fragments there are the Sasso Simone and Simoncello, sacred mountains which since the time of the Etruscan; the Titano Mount where San Marino Republic rose; San Leo the ancient Mons Feretrious from which originated the Montefeltro name; Verucchio, the cradle for Villanovian culture and, on the west side, La Verna, the Saint Francis of Assisi mountain and the Fumaiolo mountain where is located the Tevere river spring. But also the countless smaller rocks, the ‘genghe’ that were traditionally arranged along the borders of fields and pieces of cultivated land that now gave origin to the characteristic geometry of hedges. It can be said that a single geological fact, spatially and temporally far, profoundly directed the history of this territory, highlighting the strong relationship between man and environment that is at the base of the same idea of landscape. These navigating mountains, as Paolo Rumiz defined them in his travel along the “minor Italy” evoke histories of travels and travellers, dreamlike scenarios capable of liberating the fantasy of who wants to remodel places with, as Shakespeare would have said, the same “stuff” that men and dreams are made of. From here comes the title of our project. From the fascinating image of a dynamic territory that found its origin in the movement and continues to mutate, to shift as a ship searching for its direction. But which is this direction? What is its dream?

Asking for directions means, first of all, to imagine, to search for reference points, to question. And this is the starting point to talk about landscape, to understand the way we live in places and how to respond to their criticalities, how to build truly resilient communities.

AN EVOLVING PROJECT The starting point is a question:

how can a mountain territory, where the bonds between the population and the landscape are so strong, find in it the key for its own future?

How can the principles for this strategy be traced? Which cultural and practical actions can create a renewed relationship between environment and population? How can these same questions be expressed in order to widen the range of answers?

The steps we already made:

Paesaggi Migranti 2016 Camera obscura project

Paesaggi Migranti 2017 Residency experience


Diffused Hospitality The participants and the tutors, during the two weeks workshop, will be welcomed and hosted in “diffuse houses” located in Pennabilli historical centre, close to shops, cafes and all the facilities. They will have the opportunity to work closely with the community and the artists, in an inspiring and unconventional environment. Meals will be provided and freshly prepared by the community, making use of local products. Of course wine won’t be missing!

Excursions and events The selected participants will work both en-plain-air and in the spaces provided by Museo Naturalistico del Parco Sasso Simone e Simoncello. During the workshops, excursions will be organized to show Pennabilli and the natural landscape of Valmarecchia Valley so do not forget to bring hiking shoes and comfortable clothes! Evening activities will be organised, ranging from lectures and night walks, you will be fully immersed in the Italian culture and in the authenticity of the place.

Workshop Tutors and participants will work on the definition and realization of a project to be exhibited in Parco Begni. The workshop will close with an exposition, where the realised projects will be presented to the public and to the local community. In the unique scenery of Pennabilli and the impressive beauty of the surrounding landscape, an open air walk connecting the projects will be organized with the aim to describe the project outputs and open a debate around the territory.

After As the name of this research project, migrants landscapes, suggests, our work aims on one hand to activate a process of understanding of Pennabilli, but also to migrate and spread this understanding elsewhere. To do so, once the Festival is over, we aim to collect the works and to curate their performance. The idea is to organize a traveling exhibition that allows the opportunity to exhibit the workshop experience in different cities of Europe, and publish work in art/architecture magazines.


Landscape experiments: a jump into nature in search for traces of human presence in natural landscape, you will engage with landscape elements to create art installations.

Activating participation: as part of the community you will observe maps and reimagine a public natural space.

Experiments with local traditions: working en plein air, in contact with local craftsmen, you will produce natural pigments and express your creativity with traditional dyeing techniques.




This project is a research on the landscape and on the presence/meaning of brick debris moving through the Marecchia Valley. The boundary between the abandoned small village all around this territory and the fragments of the bricks arranged, smoothed and rounded by water action like stones, become the starting point of a reflection between natural and artificial, in other words a reflection about landscape. Be ready for exploration!

Parco Begni is a Park which is not really a park, this project focuses on the Parco Begni and his role in the village. Reading this territory as a composition of accents and hidden signs, the project aims to involve the local community to design unconventional visions of Parco Begni and activate a public debate around the theme of the landscape. What are the possible scenarios for the Begni area?

Exploration of the craftsmanship as cultural heritage of the region of Montefeltro in and around Pennabilli. With it’s richness of natural materials and the fine tradition of rust dyeing and guado (Isatis tinctoria) production, this region is a paradise to learn about and experiment with dyeing techniques and colours. We want to go to the source of landscapes and materials to capture their fluidity.




Alessandro Mulazzani land artist and doctor in natural science, loves walking Mikael Hansen land artist, loves the forest

Greta Colombo landscape architect, loves flowers Lorenza Manfredi architect, loves travelling

Nele Hartmann designer, loves nature


( subject to change )

Tuesday 23/05

Monday 22/05

>Presentations ARRIVAL DAY

>Teams meeting

Thursday 25/05 >Team work >Exploration



Friday 26/05

Wednesday 24/05

working site

>Exploration Tour

Welcome dinner

Free night

Begni Park Bonefire

Saturday 27/05

Sunday 28/05

Monday 29/05

>Team work

>Team work

>Team work

>Team work





Free night

Community Dinner

Tusday 30/05

Wednesday 31/05

>Team work

Free night



>Project Expo


Free night

Party night

Goodbye dinner

Thursday 01/06 Sunday 04/06 ARTISTI IN PIAZZA FESTIVAL

APPLICATION How to apply In order to apply is necessary to fulfill the online application form


The application process requires the submisson of two files (max 5mb total): 1

Present yourself, you can choose between: CV or PORTFOLIO

2 Express your idea on the theme “Floating mountains”, choose between: GRAPHIC CREATION (free techniques – it can be a photograph, collage, image, painting, illustration, sketch and a short description) or MOTIVATION LETTER (why would like to join Paesaggi Migranti workshop? What are your expectations to learn and to share?)



Period to apply 29 March - 20 April 2017

€ 300

Application reviews 21 April - 23 April 2017 Announcement of participants 24 April 2017 Confirmation and Payment 24 April - 30 April 2017 Workshop 22-31 May 2017 Festival 1-4 June 2017

The fee will cover: > accommodation > lunch & dinner > insurance > project participation > material & tools > surrounding tours > entrance to the Festival Note: food and accommodation during the Festival are not included. (options: bring a tent for camping or look for local hostels!)

join us Festival Artisti in Piazza Pennabilli, 1-4 June 2017

stay tuned website: www.paesaggimigranti-17.com facebook: paesaggimigranti Instagram: paesaggimigranti

contacts [email protected]

Museo Naturalistico del Parco Sasso Simone e Simoncello

Pro Loco Pennabilli