Compass Educational Services offers support for children requiring special ... (
OWLS-II), Test of Written Language – Fourth Edition (TOWL-4) Reading: ...
Compass Educational Services, LLC Compass Educational Services specializes in individualized approaches and comprehensive assessments to address the learning needs of students with a wide range of abilities and educational goals. We offer...
Educational Testing
Compass Educational Services provides a range of testing, including: Screening tests to identify performance levels within an academic area. Comprehensive educational evaluations to provide an analysis of academic ability. Comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations to determine strengths and weaknesses of cognitive processing and executive functioning. Assessments for academic motivation, learning styles, work habits, and career interests.
Helping parents navigate the course of their child’s education.
Compass Educational Services can give advice to address concerns about a child’s learning challenges (attention, behavior, academic). This service may include: Observing the child in school. Academic planning to help attain educational goals. Assisting with the 504 plan or IEP development or process. Communicating with other agencies or schools on behalf of the parents. Preparing parents for meetings with school personnel. Monitoring the child’s progress while in a school or program.
Educational Testing Consultation
Compass Educational Services offers support for children requiring special education services, 504 plans, and those in gifted and talented programs. This service may include: Assisting in the selection of modifications, accommodations or auxiliary aids to support a child’s learning. Working with other professionals to assure that a child receives the appropriate support to optimize potential.
Here’s a sample of some tests we use...
Academic Achievement: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test- Third Edition (WIAT III), Woodcock-Johnson III- Tests of Academic Achievement -Normative Update (WJ-III) Behavior: Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2), Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) Cognitive Ability (IQ): Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition (WISC-IV), Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) Math: Test of Mathematical Abilities-Third Edition (TOMA-3), Test of Mathematical Abilities for Gifted Students (TOMAGS) Oral/Written Language: Oral and Written Language Scales, Second Edition (OWLS-II), Test of Written Language – Fourth Edition (TOWL-4) Reading: Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, Second Edition (CTOPP-2), Gray Oral Reading Tests-Fifth Edition (GORT-5), Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition (PPVT-4), Informal Reading Inventory, Qualitative Reading Inventory, (QRI-5)
WANT MORE INFORMATION? Located at Joppa Green I, 2324 W. Joppa Road, Suite 650 Lutherville, MD 21093 Contact Dr. Patricia O’Malley at 410-339-5308 or
[email protected]