fields needs to be enumerated or well defined, i.e., in this case, the binaries like Folk language/language ... âEpic Simile. â (p. 153). â âFairy Tale.â (pp. 171-72).
Categorized research-works of Debaprasad-04
Abstract What a dichotomy: Folk and non-folk! Loukika fact has become aloukika fiction and vise versa. The folk and tribe are colonially (either internal or external) created categories that surrogate
history and physiology and metanarratives born. Reporting of academic tribes helps governmentality. Docile bodies are penetrated with anatomo-bio-political tools of disciplinary technology. The differance between folk-art/songs/plays and classical -art/songs/plays has become blurred if the nature of sponsorship is considered. Thus political economy of such dividing practices (folk and non-folk, tribe and non-tribe) was also investigated.
The author maintained that the construction of the category "folk" was born out of superordinate's essentialist gaze that de-sign-ates otherness in the form of a discipline, “Folklore”. The dichotomous divisions between folk -- non-folk, tribe -- non-tribe, civil-savage, sastriya-loukika typically reflect the colonial pedagogy that constitute otherness by deploying different exonyms to peripheral other ignoring the ethno/endonyms as used by a community from their subject-position. These divisions between dominant centre and dominated periphery gave birth to some surrogated subjects like "Folklore" or "Anthropology" in contrast to the white men's epistemological fields like History, Sociology or Physiology. These subjects subjectify as well as objectify dominated and peripheral "other" in the way of surrogating the “scientific” construction of "human beings".
The problem is with the imaginative boundary between these two. One must keep in mind, from the standpoint of enlightened science, that the limit or boundary of different epistemological fields needs to be enumerated or well defined, i.e., in this case, the binaries like Folk language/language, folk-art/non-folk-art, Folksong/Classical song, Folk drama/theatre must be distinguished according to the existing enlightened “scientific” logic. However the construction of such boundary, diachronically, is not always transparent, but rather fuzzy; and on the other hand it reflects a tension of maintaining the boundary.
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are tribes, aborigines and folks???
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েয়া কন্দে, নীল-েন্দেে হাইপােললিংকস-ওলা টাইন্দটলগুন্দলায় মাউস লিক কন্দে বা এন্ড্রন্দয়ড দ ান্দনে দেন্দে আেু ল টিন্দপ মূল গন্দবষণাপে দেখুন:
2016. FOLK AND NON-FOLK: QUESTIONING THE DICHOTOMY. International Folklore Winter School (17-24 December, 2016) organized by the International Association of Comparative Literature, Society and Culture. Venue: Institute of Advanced Research The
Gandhinagar - 382007 (Gujarat), INDIA
2012. দলাক-অ-দলান্দকে ধ্ন্দ্: দলাকসিংস্কৃ লি —উপলনন্দবন্দেে পাঠক্রম (Folklore: A colonial Discipline) Kolkata: Deep Prakasahan. ISBN 978-93-82040-51-4.
2011. "লেল্প- সু্ন্দেে েন্দসাপন্দ াগ নালক বগগ লব াজন?—একটি সিংকলন" চক্রবিী, বরুণ
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2009. “Entries in Dictionary of Folklore and Anthropology.” Eds. Chakraborty,
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