Aug 1, 1989 - Cancer Cell Lines Established from One Patient during Clinical. Resistance Mechanisms in Three Human Small Cell Lung. Updated Version.
Resistance Mechanisms in Three Human Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines Established from One Patient during Clinical Follow-up E. G. E. de Vries, C. Meijer, H. Timmer-Bosscha, et al. Cancer Res 1989;49:4175-4178. Published online August 1, 1989.
Updated Version
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Downloaded from on July 10, 2011 Copyright © 1989 American Association for Cancer Research
(CANCER RESEARCH 49,4175-4178,
Augusl 1, 1989|
Resistance Mechanisms in Three Human Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines Established from One Patient during Clinical Follow-up1 E. G. E. de Vries,2 C. Meijer, H. Timmer-Bosscha, H. H. Berendsen, L. de Leij, R. J. Scheper, and N. H. Mulder Divisions of Medical Oncology [E. G. E. de K, C. M., H. T-B., N. H. M.]. Pulmonology [H. H. B.], and Clinical Immunology [L. de L.], Department of Internal Mediane, University Hospital, Oostersingel 59, 9713 EZ Groningen, and Department of Pathology, Free University, Amsterdam [R. J. S./, The Netherlands
ABSTRACT Mechanisms for resistance were studied in three classic type, human small cell lung cancer cell lines, (.!(,,, (.I.(',„,and < 0.0025)* GST (nmol CDNB/min/mg protein) ±7 0.05)"Positive, 1.73 ±0.65 (P< Catalase (jimol 1l:.O,/niin ni«pro 9Positive, 0.88 ±0.1 33GLC1412.9± tein) 0-1%GLC,6I5.5± JSB-1No. 5%GLC,,16.6± " Mean ±SD. * GLC,6 versus GLCM. c GLC,, versus GLCU. ¿NS,not significant; CDNB, I-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene.
±\6(P < 0.05; at 1.5 »IM, P < 0.0005; and at 5.0 »IM, P < 0.01. For GLC,, at 0.05 ,.M, P < 0.05; at 0. l 6; bars, SEM). For GLC.4 significantly different values were observed at 50 JIM, P < 0.005; at 100 UM,P < 0.0005; at 250 (iM, P < 0.0005; and at 750 »IM, P < 0.0025. For GLC,6 at 50 ^M, ^ < 0.01; 100 //M, P < 0.01; at 250 I¡M, P< 0.0125; and at 750 »IM, P < 0.05. For GLC,, at 50 MM,P < 0.05; at 100 UM, P < 0.0025; at 250 MM,P < 0.0005; and at 750 MM,P< 0.0025.
X-rayIrad) Fig. 7. DNA strand breaks as determined by alkaline unwinding technique, (.!.(',, (•),' .1 < ,,. (•),and GLC,, (A) were irradiated with different doses (n > 3; bars, SEM).
4177 Downloaded from on July 10, 2011
Copyright © 1989 American Association for Cancer Research
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