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Lateral Ankle Sprain and Chronic Ankle Instability: A Critical Review Takumi Kobayashi and Kazuyoshi Gamada Foot Ankle Spec 2014 7: 298 originally published online 24 June 2014 DOI: 10.1177/1938640014539813 The online version of this article can be found at:

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FASXXX10.1177/1938640014539813Foot & Ankle SpecialistFoot & Ankle Specialist


August 2014

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〈 Review 〉 Lateral Ankle Sprain and Chronic Ankle Instability

Takumi Kobayashi, PhD, PT, and Kazuyoshi Gamada, PhD, PT

A Critical Review

Abstract: Many studies investigated the contributing factors of chronic ankle instability, but a consensus has not yet been obtained. The objective of this critical review is to provide recent scientific evidence on chronic ankle instability, including the epidemiology and pathology of lateral ankle sprain as well as the causative factors of chronic ankle instability. We searched MEDLINE from 1964 to December 2013 using the terms ankle, sprain, ligament, injury, chronic, functional, mechanical, and instability. Lateral ankle sprain shows a very high recurrence rate and causes considerable economic loss due to medical care, prevention, and secondary disability. During the acute phase, patients with ankle sprain demonstrate symptoms such as pain, range of motion deficit, postural control deficit, and muscle weakness, and these symptoms may persist, leading to chronic ankle instability. Although some agreement regarding the effects of chronic ankle instability with deficits in postural control and/ or concentric eversion strength exists, the cause of chronic ankle instability remains controversial.

Levels of Evidence: Therapeutic Level IV: Review of Level IV studies Keywords: lateral ankle sprain; chronic ankle instability; functional ankle instability; mechanical ankle instability


the incidence of LAS between males and females.4-9 A previous report summarizing 16 years of National Collegiate Athletic Association injury surveillance data for 15 sports indicated that basketball, soccer, volleyball, and gymnastics had high injury rates (1.01-1.30/1000 athlete-exposure), whereas baseball, softball, and ice hockey had low injury rates (0.230.32/1000 athlete-exposure).10 Many LAS

Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is one of the most common injuries in competitive sports and recreational activities. LAS often occurs in persons less than Ankle injuries account for 10% to 30% of all 50 years old because it is frequently athletic injuries and 40% sustained during sports activity, but to 56% of injuries in certain sports.1 Ankle quite a few LAS are reported in the sprains comprise 70% or more of ankle injuries in elderly as well.” many sports,1 and LAS accounts for about 80% of ankle sprains.2,3 One ankle sprain occur on landing or turning during occurs per 10 000 person-days, and an sports activity with or without contact.3 estimated 2 million acute ankle sprains LAS often occurs in persons less than 50 occur each year in the United States (an years old because it is frequently incidence of 2.15 per 1000 person-years).4 sustained during sports activity, but quite The peak incidence of ankle sprain a few LAS are reported in the elderly as occurs between 15 and 19 years of age,4 well.11 LAS is often caused by relatively but there is no significant difference in minor events such as “falls,” “slipping,”

DOI: 10.1177/1938640014539813. From the Department of Physical Therapy, Hokkaido Chitose Institute of Rehabilitation Technology, Hokkaido, Japan (TK); Department of Rehabilitation, Hiroshima International University, Hiroshima, Japan (KG). Address correspondence to: Kazuyoshi Gamada, PhD, PT, Hiroshima International University, 555-36 Kurose Gakuendai, Bldg 1, Rm 705, Higashi Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-2695, Japan; e-mail: [email protected]. For reprints and permissions queries, please visit SAGE’s Web site at Copyright © 2014 The Author(s)

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vol. 7 / no. 4

“tripping,”11 and there are many hidden risks of LAS in the routine activities of daily life. The economic cost of treating and preventing LAS is large because the incidence of LAS is quite high.12-14 The indirect annual medical cost of treating LAS was $1.1 billion in United States high school soccer and basketball players.13 Furthermore, the annual cost in the Netherlands was estimated as €84 240 000,12 and Verhagen et al14 calculated that the cost of preventing one ankle sprain was approximately €444.03. Because the LAS recurrence rate is very high, symptoms often persist. After 6.5 years of follow-up among athletes with ankle sprain, 5% had to change and 4% had to stop their sport activities due to residual symptoms.15 Similarly, among nonathletes with ankle sprain, 6% were not able to continue their previous occupation and 15% required external support to continue their original occupation.15

Injury Mechanism LAS commonly occurs during plantar flexion and inversion with excessive ankle supination because the ankle joint is more unstable in plantar flexion when ankle inversion and internal rotation are thought to occur.16-18 Wright et al19 indicated that increased ankle inversion during foot contact might promote LAS based on a mathematical model. Konradsen and Voigt20 also showed that ankle inversion before foot contact in unstable ankles. However, recent case reports using a 3-dimensional motion analysis technique suggested that LAS occurs even during excessive ankle internal rotation with slight dorsiflexion.21-24 Fong et al21 indicated that LAS occurred during large ankle internal rotation with slight inversion on analysis of foot position at injury in tennis players. They considered that ankle internal rotation rather than ankle plantar flexion could also be one of the factors promoting LAS, especially when the foot is planted on the sports ground, preventing further plantar flexion into the ground during horizontal sideward movement as

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in tennis. A similar finding was obtained from 3-dimensional motion analysis during the sidestep cutting.22,23 Based on these studies, excessive ankle inversion or internal rotation occurs in the noncontact LAS development, whereas the role of excessive plantar flexion remains uncertain.

Pathology and Prognosis Various tissues are damaged by LAS.25 The anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) sustains the most damage, and to merge the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) damage.26,27 In patients with LAS, the ATFL and CFL were injured in 73% to 96% and 80%, respectively.3,28,29 The diagnosis of LAS is primarily based on physical findings such as tenderness, hematoma, and anterior drawer test (ADT), but ATFL damage was confirmed by arthrogram in 52% of patients demonstrating tenderness of the ATFL, and CFL damage was confirmed in 72% of patients demonstrating tenderness in CFL.28,30 Although tenderness may have low specificity, van Dijk et al31 showed that a combination of tenderness, hematoma discoloration, and ADT in the subacute phase (5 days after injury) demonstrated a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 84% in 160 LAS patients. Although high intertester reliability was shown on stress X-rays,32 this examination often exacerbates pain in the acute phase. In addition, none of the reports indicated a high sensitivity or specificity of this examination. On magnetic resonance imaging after LAS, a high percentage of patients demonstrated injury to the posterior tibialis tendon, peroneus brevis, or peroneus longus in addition to ATFL and CFL damage.28 Thus, various combinations of these injuries may be the cause of symptoms, but identifying the damaged tissue in individual patients is difficult. On in vitro studies, the maximal load on ATFL and CFL was considered to be 231 to 297 N and 307 to 598 N, respectively.33,34 Using a simulation model, Leardini et al35 assumed that the ATFL extended in plantar flexion, whereas the CFL length showed little change during

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dorsiflexion-plantar flexion. However, it is impossible to speculate on the load and direction of damage to each ligament, because varying degrees of excessive 3-dimensional load are added to each ligament during LAS occurrence. ATFL excision increased talar anterior translation during ankle plantar flexion and increased talar inversion/internal rotation during ankle rotation; these movements were further increased by resecting the CFL.36-41 Various symptoms such as swelling, pain, and range of motion (ROM) deficit occur in the acute or subacute phase of LAS. Ten days after LAS injury, swelling significantly decreases compared to that after 3 days, but there is no significant improvement in ROM deficit.42 Ankle dorsiflexion ROM deficit is associated with abnormal gait pattern due to decreases in step and single leg support time.43 In addition, proprioceptive function might be deficient because mechanoreceptors are damaged by LAS. Konradsen et al44 indicated that position sense in the ankle inversion direction was decreased compared to that on the uninjured side 12 weeks after LAS, whereas neuromuscular reaction time and ankle evertor strength were not significantly different between the injured and uninjured sides 3 to 12 weeks after LAS.44 However, many researchers have suggested that neuromuscular deficit and evertor strength weakness occur in chronic ankle instability (CAI) patients, and these functions might show progressive deficits over time. Postural control deficit after LAS was also suggested.45-51 Although these studies used different measurement methods, significant postural control deficits were noted on both the injured and uninjured sides 1 day after LAS.46 However, the center of gravity displacement was larger than that on the uninjured side 6 weeks after LAS.51 A recent meta-analysis52 has suggested that there is a significant decrease in static postural control in injured and uninjured sides at acute phase but failed to find significance in the uninjured side for CAI patients. Symptoms of LAS often persist, which may be because athletes with LAS often



August 2014

Foot & Ankle Specialist

return to sports without consulting a medical care provider. Hubbard et al53 suggested that mechanical instability resulting from LAS persisted 8 weeks after injury. In a study reporting 6.5 years of follow-up data after LAS, 17% to 22% of patients complained of pain, 35% to 48% of patients reported an unstable feeling, and 26% to 33% of patients demonstrated persistent swelling.15 In addition, among patients with tenderness in the ATFL during the acute phase, 32% showed tenderness at the same point 7 years after injury.54 A high recurrence rate is considered one of the causes of persistent symptoms. The recurrence rate of LAS is reportedly as high as 56% to 74%.55-58 Predominant symptoms are pain and crepitus in the ankle with 1 to 3 reinjuries, and an unstable feeling in the ankle with 4 or more reinjuries.55 Thus, repetition of LAS leads to CAI.16

Chronic Ankle Instability A diagnosis of CAI is based on a history of multiple sprains and repeated episodes of an unstable feeling or givingway. Freeman et al59,60 first described functional instability in 1965 when they attributed CAI to proprioceptive deficits after LAS. Several decades later, Hertel et al16 defined the cause of CAI is either mechanical ankle instability (MAI) or functional ankle instability (FAI). MAI is, by definition, caused by ligament laxity, whereas FAI is caused by other factors, including proprioceptive deficits, neuromuscular deficits, postural control deficits, and muscle weakness. Recently, Hiller et al61 updated of Hertel’s CAI model16 that suggests there may be as many as 7 different subsets, which are dependent on the complex interaction of mechanical instability, perceived instability, and frequency of recurrent sprain. Furthermore, selection criteria for CAI were unified by the International Ankle Consortium in 2013.62

Mechanical Instability Structural instability after LAS is caused by “looseness” resulting from ligamentous collagen sequence changes

that occur during the healing process,63 and it might be further induced by physical limitations due to joint degeneration and synovial changes.16 There are few studies describing the association between MAI and CAI. In CAI patients, mechanical instability of the talocrural and subtalar joints was found in 24% to 68%64-67 and 58%,68 respectively. In MAI patients, talocrural anterior translation and internal rotation on the injured side were increased compared to those in the healthy ankle.36,37,39,41,69 Therefore, MAI might be the greatest contributor to CAI, making it important to distinguish subjects with MAI when conducting a study of CAI.70 Although such distinction would be difficult because most of the current MAI evaluation techniques are 1-dimensional methods such as manual testing or stress X-rays, Kobayashi et al71,72 demonstrated increased talocrural anterior translation and subtalar internal rotation during weightbearing ankle internal rotation in CAI subjects using 3-dimensional evaluations. Several reports have investigated the relationship of fibular malposition to CAI.73-77 Some studies suggested that CAI ankles showed a more posterior fibula position than the healthy side,73,74,78 but other studies suggested that CAI ankles showed a more anterior fibula position75 or no significant difference.76,77 Although these findings were not consistent, it was suggested that some kind of fibular malposition occurs in CAI. The inconsistent fibular position findings are due to the landmark that the position is compared to. Some studies compared fibula position to the tibia,9,43,168 and some studies compared the fibula position to the talus.76,77 Dikos et al79 indicated the presence of individual specificity in anteroposterior or mediolateral translation and rotation of the fibula. In future studies, it will be necessary to perform 3-dimensional evaluation, because these previous studies evaluated the fibula position using only 2-dimensional techniques (eg, lateral X-ray or computed tomography [CT]).

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Proprioception Studies of proprioceptive deficits have examined 3 distinct components: joint position sense, kinesthesia, and force sense (Tables 1 and 2). Glencross and Thornton80 first indicated the lack of joint position sense, and similar findings obtained with a goniometer or computer control systems were later published.81-83 In recent years, various joint angles were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer.84-92 Sekir et al91 compared the error of the joint position sense between CAI and the uninjured side in 24 subjects with unilateral CAI. In 10° and 20° of ankle inversion (1° per second angular speed), the error on the CAI side was significantly greater than that on the uninjured side in both positions. There are many studies suggesting that joint position sense in CAI ankles is significantly decreased based on similar measurements.85,87-89,92,93 However, some studies indicated contradictory findings,84,86,90 and a consensus has not yet been obtained (Table 1). The cause of this controversy is considered to involve differences in the inclusion criteria for CAI and the lack of standardized measurement systems.94 A recent meta-analysis95 has suggested that CAI subjects display consistent deficits in joint position sense when compared with people without CAI. Garn and Newton96 compared the error frequency during passive plantar flexion between CAI and the uninjured side in 30 unilateral CAI subjects, and they showed that kinesthesia was significantly decreased on the CAI side. Although similar findings have been reported,64,97,98 recent studies using motor control equipment suggested that there was no significant difference between CAI and the uninjured side regardless of movement direction (Table 2).99-101 However, definitive conclusions cannot be drawn because the number of reports is still limited. Force sense deficit was also investigated102-104 by measuring the degree of error when subjects reproduced a predetermined evertor torque (eg, 10% maximum voluntary isometric contraction [MVIC]). Based on

43 (22.4 ± 4.9 years)

19 males (19-26 years)

13 males, 11 females (18-25 years)

11 males, 3 females (18-35 years)

16 (20-31 years)

Fu and Hui-Chan (2005)85

Glencross and Thornton (1981)80

Gross (1987)86

Jerosch and Bischof (1996)87


17 males, 8 females (19-25 years)

Number of Subjects

Docherty (2006)103

Brown (2004)84

Boyle and Negus (1998)81


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Ankle instability


Multiple ankle sprains

Multiple ankle sprains


Ankle instability

Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Studies Investigating Joint Position Sensea.

Table 1.

Presence of MAI

≥2 sprains

Group A: severe; group B: moderate; group C: mild

≥2 sprains/2 years


4 months to 13 years

≥8 months

≥3 months





Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 7)

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 20)

Normal subjects (N = 13)

Normal subjects (N = 10)

≥3 months


≥2 sprains/year (the past less than 1 year)

Control Group Normal subjects (N = 67)

Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

≥3 months

Time Since Last Sprain

≥2 sprains

History of Sprain

History of GivingWay

Isokinetic dynamometer (passive, 5°/15°/20° inversion, 5°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (active and passive, 10° eversion,10°/20° inversion, 5°/s)

Goniometer (15°/30°/40°/50° plantar flexion)

Isokinetic dynamometer (active and passive, 5° plantar flexion, 1° and 5°/s)

Electric goniometer (active, 10° inversion/20° eversion)

Isokinetic dynamometer (passive, dorsiflexion/ plantar flexion, inversion/ eversion, 2-20°/s)

Pedal goniometer (active and passive, 30%/60%/90% per maximum inversion, 5°/s)

Outcome Measurement

Significantly decreased


Not significant

Significantly decreased (vs healthy); Not significant (among group)

Significantly decreased

No correlation error and FAI

Not significant

Significantly decreased in normal subjects (active, 30%; passive, all)


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 301

6 males, 6 females (16-35 years)

6 males, 15 females (30 ± 11 years)

24 (21 ± 2 years)

4 males, 6 females (18.3 ± 1.1 years)

5 males, 8 females (25.75 ± 9.72 years)

Nakasa (2008)83

Santos and Liu (2008)90

Sekir (2007)91

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Willems (2002)92

Witchalls (2012)93

Unstable ankle




Recurrent ankle sprain




Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

− (manual test)

+/− (Stress X-ray)

− (manual test; ADT)

− (manual test; ADT)

Presence of MAI


≥3 sprains

1.62 ± 1.61


≥2 sprains

≥3 months

45.9 ± 41.8 months

6 unilateral, 4 bilateral




≥2 sprains (less than 6 months)



Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)




Time Since Last Sprain

≥4 sprains

≥1 sprain (the past less than 1 year)

≥1 sprain (the past less than 1 year)

≥7 sprains/year

History of Sprain

History of GivingWay

Stable ankles (N = 8)

Normal subjects (N = 53) and coper (N = 16)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankle and normal subjects (N = 16)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 8)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 15)

Control Group

The Active Movement Extent Discrimination Apparatus footplate (inversion)

Isokinetic dynamometer (active and passive, 15°/ maximum minus 5° inversion, 5°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (passive, 10°/20° inversion, 1°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (passive, 30° inversion, 5°/s)

Foot plate (passive, inversion at 20° plantar flexion)

Isokinetic dynamometer (active and passive, 15° inversion/neutral/10° eversion, 2°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (active and passive, 15° inversion/neutral/10° eversion, 2°/s)

Computer control (passive, 10°/15°/20° inversion)

Outcome Measurement

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased (only maximum minus 5° inversion)

Significantly decreased

Not significant

Significantly decreased (no correlation with MAI)

Significantly decreased

Significant decreased (only passive motion)

Significantly decreased (absolute error); Not significant (real error)


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Abbreviations: FAI, functional ankle instability; CAI, chronic ankle instability; ADT, anterior drawer test. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

8 males, 4 females (20.08 ± 1.38 years)

8 (19.21 ± 1.34 years)

Lee (2006)88

Lee and Lin (2008)89

23 (22-37 years)

Number of Subjects

Konradsen and Magnusson (2000)82


Table 1. (continued)

302 August 2014

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2 males, 9 females (16-22 years)

24 males, 6 females (18-24 years)

8 males, 8 females (21.6 ± 1.7 years)

30 males, 12 females (18-27 years)

25 (18-41 years)

39 (21.3 ± 3.5 years)

Forkin (1996)97

Garn and Newton (1988)96

Hubbard and Kaminski (2002)100

Lentell (1995)65

Refshauge (2000)99

Refshauge (2003)98

Recurrent inversion sprain

Recurrent inversion sprain




Multiple ankle sprain


− (manual test; ADT/ talar tilt)

Presence of MAI

≥3 weeks

≥3 weeks

≥3 sprains (the past less than 2 years) ≥3 sprains/2 years

≥1 sprain (protected weightbearing and/or immobilization)



Normal subjects (N = 30)

Normal subjects (N = 18)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 7)

Healthy ankles


1-60 months

≥2 sprains (2-20 times)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles

8 unilateral, 3 bilateral

1-12 months

≥1 sprain

Healthy ankles (N = 13) and normal subjects (N = 20)

Control Group



Time Since Last Sprain

Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

≥1 sprain (once within 1 year)

History of Sprain

History of GivingWay

Abbreviations: FAI, functional ankle instability; CAI, chronic ankle instability; ADT, anterior drawer test; CAIT, Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

16 males, 4 females (18-40 years)

Number of Subjects

de Noronha (2007)101


Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Studies Investigating Kinesthesiaa.

Table 2.

Motor control footplate (passive inversion and eversion, 0.1°/0.5°/2.5°/s)

Motor control footplate (passive dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, 0.1°/0.5°/2.5°/s)

Platform (passive inversion, 0.3°/s)

Threshold-to-detection of passive motion (passive inversion and eversion, 0.5°/s)

Platform (passive inversion, 0.33°/s)

Platform (passive inversion, 0.33°/s)

Motor control footplate (passive inversion/eversion, 0.1°/0.5°/2.5°/s)

Outcome Measurement

Significantly decreased (only eversion)

Not significant

Significantly decreased

Not significant

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased

No correlation with CAIT score


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 303


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these studies, there was a correlation between the error in evertor torque (10, 30% MVIC) and CAI.102-104 It has also been reported that the peroneus longus resting motor threshold is higher in CAI.105 However, further examination of this issue is necessary to obtain more substantive evidence.

Neuromuscular The association between neuromuscular deficits and CAI has been considered based on neuromuscular reaction time, H:M ratio, and muscle activation (Tables 3-5). Most studies investigating neuromuscular reaction time used a trapdoor and measured the reaction time of the peroneus longus or tibialis anterior when the ankle was suddenly inverted.106-112 Some studies indicated that muscle reaction time was significantly delayed in CAI subjects,108-111,113 whereas other studies reported that there was no significant difference compared to that in healthy subjects.90,106,111,112 Furthermore, a recent meta-analysis has determined that there is a significant delayed in reaction time of the peroneus muscles in subjects with a previous ankle sprain.114 However, it is unknown in CAI subjects (Table 3). One of the causes of this controversy is that there was great variation in the CAI inclusion criteria among these studies. The unified CAI criteria were published by the International Ankle Consortium62; thus, future studies will be required to comply with these selection criteria. Furthermore, some studies have suggested that the H:M ratio of the peroneus longus or soleus is decreased in CAI subjects (Table 4).115-117 Muscle activities during various movements were also described.84,90,117-123 In CAI subjects, peroneus longus activity was decreased,122 whereas tibialis anterior activity was increased124 in the stance phase during gait. In jump landing, activities of the peroneus longus before initial contact and those of the soleus after landing were significantly decreased.84,118,119 Additionally, Lin et al125 indicated that tibialis anterior/peroneus co-contraction during prelanding and

peroneus longus activity during postlanding were decreased in CAI. In contrast, activity increased in the rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, and soleus on initial contact during side hop.120 It was suggested that abnormal muscle activity patterns in CAI subjects occur during various movements (Table 5).126

Postural Control Postural control deficit in CAI subjects has been extensively investigated. In recent years, not only static stability but also dynamic stability has been evaluated (Tables 6 and 7). Postural control deficit was first reported by Freeman et al,60 who found that of 33 unilateral CAI patients examined by Romberg test, 25% showed significant postural control deficits on the injured side compared to that on the uninjured side. Thereafter, many studies examining static stability in CAI subjects using techniques such as stabilometry or force plate were published.66,67,76,85,87-91,96,97,127-153 In these studies as well, the inclusion criteria of CAI showed great variability, and the results were not conclusive. However, recent studies described the inclusion criteria of CAI in greater detail (eg, histories of multiple sprains and givingway, disappearance of acute symptoms), and these studies have suggested decreased static stability in CAI (Table 6).90,91,129,144,146,148,149,154,155 Recent metaanalyses52,156,157 have suggested that there is a significant decrease in static postural control in CAI subjects. To examine dynamic stability, the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) as a test of dynamic postural control suggested decreased dynamic stability in CAI subjects.76,135,158-162 Other studies using other evaluation techniques (eg, the quantity of center of gravity displacement and time to regain stability after jump landing,77,148,149,163-166 unplanned gait termination,167 or multiple hop test168) reported similar results. Therefore, it was suggested that dynamic postural control in CAI subjects is significantly decreased based on a recent meta-analysis.156

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Muscle Strength It has long been reported that there is an association between muscle weakness and CAI (Table 8).169 Many studies measured ankle inversion/eversion and plantar flexion/dorsiflexion peak torque using an isokinetic dynamometer, but these studies demonstrated great variation in joint angle and angular velocity. Regarding eversion strength, some studies demonstrated a significant decrease in CAI subjects,90,92,170,171 whereas other studies did not detect significant differences between CAI and healthy subjects.64,76,91,128,143,172-178 Although a recent meta-analysis suggested that concentric eversion strength is decreased in CAI subjects regardless of angular velocity,179 there is not yet a consensus regarding the results of inversion and plantar flexion strength. Significant decreases in hip joint adduction, abduction, and extension strength in CAI subject were also described in some studies (Table 9).76,180,181 Among these, 2 studies obtained measurements using a handheld dynamometer (HHD),76,181 and 1 study used an isokinetic dynamometer.180 Although decreased hip abduction strength was shown in all studies, findings regarding extension strength were not consistent. Further examination of this issue is required due to the limited amount of research conducted to date.

Kinematics of Chronic Ankle Instability Talocrural and subtalar joint kinematics combine to form ankle joint kinematics. Most of the ankle joint plantar flexion/ dorsiflexion occurs in the talocrural joint, whereas similar amounts of ankle joint inversion/eversion and internal rotation/ external rotation occur in the talocrural and subtalar joints similarly.182-186 Maximal dorsiflexion of the ankle is considered stable due to the bony conformity known as the close-packed position.187,188 Therefore, the subtalar joint shows relatively greater mobility in dorsiflexion. On the contrary, the ankle is considered more unstable in plantar

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30 (21-32 years)

4 males, 9 females (2449 years)

19 males (25.1 ± 1.9 years)

6 males, 15 females (30 ± 11 years)

3 males, 6 females (2041 years)

18 males, 22 females (1823 years)

Konradsen and Ravn (1990)108

Lofvenberg (1995)109

Mitchell (2008)110

Santos and Liu (2008)90

Vaes (2001)112

Vaes (2002)111

Unstable ankle




Chronic lateral instability





+/− (talar tilt)

+ (stress X-ray)

Presence of MAI



≥2 sprain (the past less than 6 months)

≥2 sprains



≥2 sprains (the past less than 2 years)

Multiple sprains

≥1 sprain (the past less than 2 years)

1-6 sprains

History of Sprain

History of GivingWay

≥3 months

≥6 months

≥2 months

Time Since Last Sprain

2 unilateral, 7 bilateral



11 unilateral, 2 bilateral




Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Normal subjects (N = 41)

Normal subjects (N = 8)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 16)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 19)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 15)

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects

Healthy ankles

Control Group

Trap door (40° plantar flexion and 15° inversion; PL)

Trap door (40° plantar flexion and 15° inversion; PL)

Isokinetic dynamometer (reaction time to 120°/s inversion)

Not significant

Not significant

Not significant

Significantly delayed (PL, PB, and TA) (vs healthy/normal)

Significantly delayed (vs healthy ankles); not significant (vs normal subjects)

Trap door (PL/TA)

Tilt platform (20° plantar flexion and 3° inversion; PL/PB/ TA/EDL)

Significantly delayed

Significantly delayed (only eversion)

Significantly delayed

Not significant


Trap door (30° inversion; PL/PB)

Active eversion and dorsiflexion (eversion; PL, dorsiflexion; TA)

Trap door (30° inversion; PL/PB)

Trap door (plantar flexion and inversion; PL/TA)

Outcome Measurement

Abbreviations: FI, functional instability; FAI, functional ankle instability; CAI, chronic ankle instability; PL, peroneus longus; PB, peroneus brevis; TA, tibialis anterior; EDL, extensor digitorum longus. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

6 males, 6 females (26 ± 5 years)

Kavanagh (2012)113

5 males, 8 females (19.2 ± 1.51 years)

10 males, 10 females (1928 years)


Number of Subjects

Karlsson and Andreasson (1992)107

Ebig (1997)


Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Studies Investigating Muscle Reaction Timea.

Table 3.

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8 males, 7 females (26.5 ± 6.5 years)

3 males, 18 females (21 ± 2 years)

Mcvey (2005)116

PalmieriSmith (2009)117




Presence of MAI ≥1 sprain (the past less than 1 year)

History of Sprain +

History of GivingWay ≥6 weeks

Time Since Last Sprain

Abbreviations: FAI, functional ankle instability; CAI, chronic ankle instability; PL, peroneus longus; TA, tibialis anterior; SOL, soleus. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

10 males, 6 females

Number of Subjects

Kim (2012)115


Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Studies Investigating Muscle H:M Ratioa.

Table 4.


Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Normal subjects (N = 21)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 14)

Normal subjects (N = 15)

Control Group

Significant decreased

Significant decreased (only SOL/ PL, vs healthy ankles)

Stimulator module (SOL/PL/TA)

Stimulator module (PL)

Significant decreased (only SOL)

Results Stimulator module (SOL/PL)

Outcome Measurement

306 Foot & Ankle Specialist August 2014




6 males, 9 females (21.6 ± 2.4 years)

10 males, 4 females (17-34 years)

6 males, 15 females (30 ± 11 years)

Lin (2011)125

Santilli (2005)122

Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014

Santos and Liu (2008)90

+/− (manual test; ADT/ PDT/talar tilt)

Chronically unstable ankle

17 males, 16 females (17-52years)

Larsen and Lund (1991)121 +



≥2 sprains

≥2 sprains ≥2 sprains (the past less than 6 months)


+ (in sports)

≥2 sprains


16 males, 10 females (25.6 ± 6.1 years)

Delahunt (2007)120 + (manual test/ stress X-ray)

+ (in sports)

+ (in sports)

≥2 sprains

≥2 sprains


History of Giving-Way



6 males, 6 females (26.4 ± 4.6 years)

Caulfield (2004)118

≥2 sprains/year (the past less than 1 year)

History of Sprain

15 males, 9 females (25 ± 1.3 years)



Brown (2004)84

Presence of MAI

Delahunt (2006)119

Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Number of Subjects


Studies Investigating Muscle Activitya.

Table 5.

17-44 days

≤6 months

≥5 months

≥3 months

Time Since Last Sprain





Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 18)

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 15)


Normal subjects (N = 24)

Normal subjects (N = 24)

Normal subjects (N = 10)

Normal subjects (N = 10)

Control Group

Force platform (30° plantar flexion and 15° inversion, reaction to 20% per pain threshold; TA/SOL/VM/BF/PL)

Gait (PL)

Running and stop-jump landing (TA/PL, TA/GL)

Foot plate (dorsiflexion/ plantar flexion/inversion/ eversion; PB/GM)

Lateral hop (PL/RF/TA/ SOL)

Single leg landing (drop jump) (PL/RF/TA/SOL)

Single leg landing (drop jump) and forward hop (SOL/PL/TA)

Landing (SOL/PL/TA/GL)

Outcome Measurement


Significantly decreased SOL activity

Significantly decreased (stance phase)

Significantly decreased TA/PL cocontraction during pre-landing (stop-jump landing); significantly decreased PL during postlanding (stop-jump landing)

Significantly increased postsurgery (only plantar flexion)

Significantly increased RF, TA, and SOL (during 200 ms pre- and post-initial contact)

Significantly decreased PL activity (pre initial contact)

Significantly decreased PL activity (pre landing; both attempts)

Significantly decreased SOL activity (post landing)


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 307

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5 males, 7 females (23 ± 4 years)

3 males, 18 females (21 ± 2 years)

20 (20.5 ± 1.0 years)

Ty Hopkins (2012)124

PalmieriSmith (2009)117

Wikstrom (2010)126

− (manual test; ADT/ talar tilt)

Presence of MAI

≥1 sprain (required immobilization for at least 3 days)

≥2 sprains

History of Sprain


History of Giving-Way

2.9 ± 1.8 months

Time Since Last Sprain



Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 20)

Planned and unplanned gait termination (SOL/ TA/Gmed)

Trap door during gait (30° inversion; PL)

Gait (PL/TA)

Normal subjects (N = 12)

Normal subjects (N = 21)

Platform (PL/TA/GM/GL)

Outcome Measurement

Normal subjects (N = 14)

Control Group

Significantly different in SOL and TA during unplanned and planned gait termination (vs healthy ankles and normal subjects)

Significantly decreased PL activity

Significantly increased TA in 15% to 30% and 45% to 70% of stance; significantly increased PL in heel contact and toe off

Not significant


Abbreviations: FI, functional instability; FAI, functional ankle instability; CAI, chronic ankle instability; ADT, anterior drawer test; PDT, posterior drawer test; PL, peroneus longus; PB, peroneus brevis; TA, tibialis anterior; EDL, extensor digitorum longus; SOL, soleus; GM, gastrocnemius medialis; GL, gastrocnemius lateralis; RF, rectus femoris; VM, vastus medialis; BF, biceps femoris; Gmed, gluteus medius. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

Chronic ankle sprain

Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

10 males, 4 females

Number of Subjects

Soderberg (1991)123


Table 5. (continued)

308 Foot & Ankle Specialist August 2014

10 males, 10 females (21.45 ± 3.41 years)

12 males, 17 females (16-51 years)

12 males, 8 females (24.90 ± 5.06 years)

9 males, 21 females (20.0 ± 1.5 years)

2 males, 9 females (16-22 years)

Chrintz (1991)130

Cornwall and Murrell (1991)131

Docherty (2006)132

Forkin (1996)97

9 (22.89 ± 3.18 years)

Bernier (1997)128

Brown and Mynark (2007)129

10 males, 12 females (19-36 years)

Number of Subjects

Baier and Hopf (1998)127


Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014

Multiple ankle sprains


Chronic functional instability




Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Studies Investigating Static Postural Controla.

Table 6.

+ (manual test)

+/− (stress X-ray)

− (manual test; ADT/talar tilt)

Presence of MAI


≥3 sprains

8 unilateral, 3 bilateral

Healthy ankles

1-12 months

Normal subjects (N = 30)

Healthy ankles (N = 28) and normal subjects (N = 41)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 9)

Normal subjects (N = 22)

≥1 sprain


28 unilateral, 1 bilateral



12 unilateral, 10 bilateral

Control Group

Normal subjects (N = 30)

12.35 months (average)

1.5-7 years

≥6 months

≥4 months

Time Since Last Sprain

≥1 sprain

≥1 sprain (the past less than 2 years)



≥2 sprains

≥2 sprains/year (the past less than 1 year)


History of Giving-Way

≥5 sprains/year

History of Sprain

Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (number of times lost balance)

Double, single, and tandem leg standing on firm and foam surfaces (Balance Error Scoring System; number of times lost balance)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (balance retention time)

Standing retention for standardized tibial nerve stimulation (force plate; postural sway/TTS)

Double and single leg standing with open and closed eyes (balance system)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Outcome Measurement


Significantly decreased (only 4 subjects)

Significantly decrease (single leg standing on firm and foam surfaces, in tandem leg standing on foam surfaces)

No significant sway amplitude; significant increase sway frequency

Significantly decreased

Significantly longer anterior-posterior TTS

Not significant

Not significant


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 309

24 males, 6 females (18-24 years)

10 males (20-28 years)

17 males, 7 females (21.7 ± 6.3 years)

29 (21.4 ± 3.5 years)

15 females (19.7 ± 1.3 years)

Gauffin (1988)133

Goldie (1994)134

Hale (2007)135

Hertel and OlmstedKramer (2007)136

19 males (19-26 years)

Fu and Hui-Chan (2005)85

Garn and Newton (1988)96


Number of Subjects

Freeman (1965)60


Table 6. (continued)

Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014





Multiple ankle sprains


Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

+ (4 subjects) (manual test; ADT)

Presence of MAI

≥1 sprain (1-5 times)

≥1 sprain

≥1 sprain (42% more than 2)

>2 sprains

≥2 sprains (2-20 times)

≥2 sprains (the past less than 2 years)

History of Sprain

+ (the past 3 months more than 2)



History of Giving-Way

≥3 months

≥3 months

36.6 ± 30.3 months (average)

1-60 months

≥3 months

Time Since Last Sprain







Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 9)

Normal subjects (N = 19)

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 15) and post training

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 20)

Healthy ankles

Control Group

Double leg standing (open and closed eye) (force plate; postural sway and TTB)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing (force plate and LED [sternum/ hip/ankle]; postural sway)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (number of times lost balance)

Double leg standing with open and closed eyes (Sensory Organization Test)

Romberg test with open and closed eyes

Outcome Measurement

Foot & Ankle Specialist


Significantly lower score for TTB

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased (lateral direction)

Significantly increased COP and LED (sternum) displacement (vs normal subjects); significantly increased COP and LED (sternum and ankle) displacement (vs post training)

Significantly decreased (only 20 subjects)

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased (only 25% subjects)


310 August 2014

11 females (1635 years)

41 (24 ± 7.9 years)

15 males, 15 females (20.3 ± 1.3 years)

8 females (14-18 years)

16 (20-31 years)

30 males, 33 females (22.3 ± 3.7 years)

15 (21-32 years)

Hiller (2007)138

Hubbard (2007)76

Isakov and Mizrahi (1997)139

Jerosch and Bischof (1996)87

Knapp (2011)140

Konradsen and Ravn (1991)141

Number of Subjects

Hiller (2004)137


Table 6. (continued)

Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014



Ankle instability

Chronically sprained ankles




Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

+/− (manual test; ADT/ talar tilt)

+ (manual test; ADT)

+ (arthrometer)


Presence of MAI

≥1 sprain (the past less than 1 year)

≥3 sprains

5.8 ± 2.7 times

≥1 sprain (protected weightbearing and/ or immobilization)

History of Sprain


History of Giving-Way

4 months to 13 years

5 unilateral, 10 bilateral





≥6 weeks

≥4 months

19 unilateral, 22 bilateral

≥1 month

Time Since Last Sprain

Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Normal subjects (N = 15)

Normal subjects (N = 46)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 30)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 20)

Normal subjects (N = 10)

Control Group

Single leg standing (force plate; postural sway)

Barefoot, quiet, and singlelimb stance with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (number of times lost balance)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing and trap door (foot flat and demipoint) (3Space FASTRAK, 15° inversion; postural sway and perturbation time)

Single leg standing and trap door (foot flat and demi-point) (3Space FASTRAK, foot flat: 15° inversion/demi-point: 7.5° inversion; postural sway and perturbation time)

Outcome Measurement


Significantly decreased (mediallateral direction)

Not significant

Significantly decreased

Not significant

Not significant

Significantly increased postural sway; significantly longer perturbation time

Significantly decreased postural sway (only demipoint); significantly longer perturbation time (foot flat and demi-point)


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 311

34 males (17-43 years)

8 (19.21 ± 1.34 years)

8 males, 4 females (20.08 ± 1.38 years)

17 males, 16 females (17-54 years)

20 (20-24 years)

18 males, 14 females (males: 22.4 ± 5.8 years; females: 20.1 ± 1.9 years)

8 males, 8 females (20 ± 3 years)

Lee (2006)88

Lee and Lin (2008)89

Lentell (1990)143

Levin (2012)154

McKeon and Hertel (2008)144

Michell (2006)145

Number of Subjects

Leanderson (1993)142


Table 6. (continued)

Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014

+ (the past 1 year more than 2)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway) Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 16)

≥6 months

≥2 sprains/year (the past less than 1 year)


Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Normal subjects (N = 32) 10.3 ± 16.4 months (average)

7.8 ± 5.7 times

Romberg test with open and closed eyes

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway and TTB)

Single leg standing (stabilometry; postural sway)

Outcome Measurement

Double to single leg stance with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway and TTS)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 8)

Normal subjects (N = 9) and control group (N = 11)

Control Group

Normal subjects (N = 20)





≥6 months



5 unilateral, 29 bilateral

≥2 sprains/year (the past less than 1 year)

Time Since Last Sprain




History of Giving-Way


≥1 sprain/year (the past less than 1 year)

≥1 sprain (protected weightbearing; the past less than 1 year)

≥2 sprains

History of Sprain

≥3 months

− (manual test; ADT)

Presence of MAI

Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

≥1 sprain (protected weightbearing and/ or immobilization)



Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Foot & Ankle Specialist


Not significant

Significantly decreased (only open eyes)

Significantly longer TTS

Significantly decreased (only 18 subjects)

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased (vs control group)


312 August 2014

19 (26.5 ± 3.1 years)

15 males (18-29 years)

31 males, 30 females (21.5 ± 4.0 years)

7 males, 7 females (21.71 ± 2.64 years)

10 males, 12 females (20 ± 2 years)

8 males, 5 females (21.9 ± 3.1 years)

12 males, 33 females (16-35 years)

Perrin (1997)147

Pope (2011)155

Ross and Guskiewicz (2004)148

Ross (2009)149

Rozzi (1999)150

Ryan (1994)66

Number of Subjects

Mitchell (2008)146


Table 6. (continued)

Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014

Functionally unstable ankle

Functionally unstable ankle





Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

+/− (manual test; ADT)

+/− (manual test; ADT/ talar tilt)

Presence of MAI

+ (the past 1 year more than 6 times)


≥2 sprains

≥3 sprain (the past 18 months more than 2, and the past 6 months more than once)

+ (≥2 giving ways)

≥2 sprains

Less than 2 weeks (giving-way)

≥3 weeks

≥6 weeks

≥2 sprains

≥6 months

Time Since Last Sprain

≤6 weeks



History of Giving-Way

≥1 sprain (mean number; 6.0 ± 3.5)

10-15 times

≥2 sprains (the past less than 2 years)

History of Sprain





Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 13) and post training

Normal subjects (N = 22)

Normal subjects (N = 14)

Normal subjects (N = 50)

Normal subjects (N = 50)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 19)

Control Group

Single leg standing (UniAxial Balance Evaluator; balance retention time)

Single leg standing (Biodex Stability System; Stability Index)

Single leg standing with open eyes (force plate; postural sway and TTS)

Single leg standing with open eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway and TTB)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Outcome Measurement


Significantly decreased in healthy ankle

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased postural sway; significantly longer TTS

Significantly decrease

Significantly greater anterior displacement of COP and TTB minima

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased (open: anterior-posterior direction; close: medial-lateral direction)


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 313

Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014

128 males

15 males (18-29 years)

16 (22.1 ± 3.3 years)

3 males, 3 females (23.3 ± 4.2 years)

Tropp (1985)67

Tropp and Odenrick (1988)152

Wikstrom (2010)77

You (2004)153







Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

− (manual test; ADT)

+ (44%)

− (manual test)

Presence of MAI

≥1 sprain/year (the past less than 1 year)






≥1 sprain (required immobilization and/or nonweightbearing for at least 3 days) 3-6 months

Time Since Last Sprain


+ (5.8 ± 5.2)



History of Giving-Way

≥2 sprains

≥1 sprain (take a rest more than 1 week)

≥2 sprains

≥2 sprains (the past less than 6 months)

History of Sprain

Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Normal subjects (N = 4)

Normal (N = 16) and coper (N = 16) subjects

Normal subjects (N = 15)

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 71)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 16)

Control Group

Single leg standing with open and closed eyes (force plate; postural sway)

Single leg standing with open eyes (force plate; postural sway and TTB)

Single leg standing (force plate and LED [sternum/ hip/foot]; postural sway)

Single leg standing (Stabilometry; postural sway)

Single leg standing (Stabilometry; postural sway)

Single leg standing with closed eyes (number of times lost balance)

Single leg standing (force plate; postural sway)

Outcome Measurement

Not significant

Significantly greater mediolateral and anteroposterior COP velocity (vs normal and coper subjects); significantly increased COP-COM moment arm (vs coper subjects)

Significantly decreased

Not significant

Not significant

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased


Abbreviations: FI, functional instability; FAI, functional ankle instability; CAI, chronic ankle instability; ADT, anterior drawer test; TTS, time to stabilization; TTB, time to boundary; COP, center of pressure; COP-COM, center of pressure–center of mass; LED, light emitting diodes. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

56 males

24 (21 ± 2 years)

Sekir (2007)91

Tropp (1984)151

6 males, 15 females (30 ± 11 years)

Number of Subjects

Santos and Liu (2008)90


Table 6. (continued)

314 Foot & Ankle Specialist August 2014


24 females (20.0 ± 1.3 years)

17 males, 12 females (24.9 ± 5.5 years)

7 males, 7 females (21.9 ± 2.9 years)

29 (21.4 ± 3.5 years)

22 males, 26 females (20.9 ± 3.2 years)

13 males, 17 females (24.9 ± 5.1 years)

15 males, 15 females (20.3 ± 1.3 years)

10 males, 10 females (19.8 ± 1.4 years)

Brown (2010)163

Eechaute (2009)168

Gribble (2004)158

Hale (2007)136

Hertel (2006)159

Hoch (2012)160

Hubbard (2007)76

Olmsted (2002)161

Number of Subjects

Brown (2004)84


Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014

+ (the past 1 year more than 3 times)

+ (the past 3 months more than 2)

≥1 sprain

≥1 sprain





1 sprain

+ (the past 1 year more than 2)



≥1 sprain


5.8 ± 2.7 times

+ (the past 6 months more than 2)

≥1 sprain


+ (arthrometer)


≥2 sprains (the past less than 6 months)



FAI + (the past 1 year more than 2)

History of Giving-Way

≥1 moderate to severe sprain (the past less than 1 year)

History of Sprain +

Presence of MAI ≥2 sprains/year (the past less than 1 year)

Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Studies Investigating Dynamic Postural Controla.

Table 7.

Healthy ankles normal subjects (N = 30)



≥6 weeks

≥6 weeks

Normal subjects (N = 20)

Normal subjects (N = 30)

≤6 weeks

Normal subjects (N = 19)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 16)

Normal subjects (N = 29)

Normal subjects (N = 24)

Normal subjects (N = 10)

Control Group

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 39)




Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

≥6 weeks

≥3 months

≥3 months

≥3 months

Time Since Last Sprain







Multiple hop test (number of times lost balance)

50% maximum height vertical jump in anterior, lateral, and medial directions (ground reaction force)

Landing (force plate; TTS)

Outcome Measurement


Significantly decreased in all directions

Significantly decreased in posteromedial and anterior

Significantly decreased in anterior

Significantly decreased in anteromedial, posteromedial, medial (vs healthy ankles and normal subjects)

Significantly decreased in medial, posterolateral, and lateral

Significantly decreased in all directions (vs healthy ankles)

Significantly increased

Significantly decreased in anterior and lateral jumps

Significantly longer


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 315

7 males, 7 females (21.71 ± 2.64 years)

5 males, 5 females (22.0 ± 2.5 years)

10 males, 12 females (20 ± 2 years)

29 (21.8 ± 2.3 years)

28 males, 26 females (21.4 ± 1.7 yr)

12 males, 12 females (21.7 ± 2.8 years)

20 (20.5 ± 1.0 years)

Ross and Guskiewicz (2004)148

Ross (2005)164

Ross (2009)149

Wikstrom (2005)165

Wikstrom 2007166

Wikstrom (2010)77

Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014

Wikstrom (2012)167





− (LigMaster)

+ (5.1 ± 4.6)

+ (5.1 ± 4.6)

≥1 sprain (required immobilization and/or non-weightbearing for at least 3 days)

≥1 sprain (required immobilization and/or non-weightbearing for at least 3 days)



+ (more than 2)

+/− (manual test; ADT/ talar tilt)

≥2 sprains


+ (the past 1 year more than 2)

≥3 sprains (the past year more than 2)


+ (the past 1 year at least once)

History of Giving-Way


4.6 ± 2.9 times

History of Sprain

≥2 sprains

+ (6 subjects) (manual test; ADT)

Presence of MAI



Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

3-6 months


Normal (N = 20) and coper (N = 20) subjects

Normal (N = 24) and coper (N = 24) subjects

Normal subjects (N = 54)

≥3 months 3-6 months

Normal subjects (N = 29)

≥3 months

Normal subjects (N = 10)

Normal subjects (N = 14)

Normal (N = 20) and coper (N = 21) subjects

Control Group

Normal subjects (N = 22)



Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

≥3 weeks

≥6 weeks

3-6 months

Time Since Last Sprain

Planned and unplanned gait termination (force plate; postural stability index)

Single leg hop stabilization (force plate; postural stability index)

Single leg landing (force plate; postural stability index)

Step down and single leg landing (force plate; TTS)

Single leg landing (force plate; postural sway and TTS)

Single leg landing (force plate; TTS)

Single leg landing (force plate; postural sway)


Outcome Measurement

Significantly increased in anteroposterior direction (vs normal and coper subjects)

Significantly decreased in mediolateral direction (vs coper subjects); significantly increased in anteroposterior direction (vs normal subjects)

Significantly decreased in anteroposterior and vertical direction

Significantly longer anterior-posterior direction (both attempts)

Significantly decreased postural sway; significantly longer TTS

Significantly longer

Not significant

Significantly decreased in posteromedial


Foot & Ankle Specialist

Abbreviations: FAI, functional ankle instability; CAI, chronic ankle instability; ADT, anterior drawer test; TTS, time to stabilization; SEBT, star excursion balance test. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

25 (23.7 ± 4.9 years)

Number of Subjects

Plante (2013)162


Table 7. (continued)

316 August 2014

8 males, 12 females (20.65 ± 2.64 years)

7 males, 7 females (26.6 ± 4.29 years)

15 males, 15 females (20.3 ± 1.3 years)

21 males (19.3 ± 1.1 years)

17 males, 16 females (17-54 years)

Hartsell and Spaulding (1999)171

Hubbard (2007)76

Kaminski (1999)174

Lentell (1990)143


Bosien (1955)169

Fox (2008)178

9 (22.89 ± 3.18 years)

Number of Subjects

Bernier (1997)128


Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014







Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Studies Investigating Ankle Muscle Strengtha.

Table 8.

− (manual test)

+ (arthrometer)

+/− (stress X-ray)

Presence of MAI


≥1 sprain

≥1 sprain (protected weightbearing and/or immobilization)



≥2 sprains

5.8 ± 2.7 times



≥1 sprain

42% more than 2

≥2 sprains

History of Sprain

History of GivingWay

≥3 months



Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 21)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 30)

≥6 weeks

Normal subjects (N = 20)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 9)

Control Group

Normal subjects (N = 10)




Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

≥6 months

2-49 months

≥4 months

Time Since Last Sprain

Isokinetic dynamometer (eversion, isometric and 30°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (eversion [Con/Ecc], 30/60/90/120/150/180°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion, eversion, plantar flexion, and dorsiflexion, 30°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion and eversion [Con/ Ecc], 60/120/180/240°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion, eversion, plantar flexion, and dorsiflexion [Ecc], 90°/s)

Manual test (inversion and eversion at 40° plantar flexion)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion and eversion, 90°/s)

Outcome Measurement


Not significant

Not significant

Significantly decreased in plantar flexion

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased in plantar flexion

Significantly decreased in eversion (only 29 subjects)

Not significant


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 317

30 males, 12 females (18-27 years)

15 (19.60 ± 1.72 years)

9 males, 7 females (18-29 years)

28 males (18-28 years)

15 (22.1 ± 3.7 years)

12 males, 33 females (16-35 years)

6 males, 15 females (30 ± 11 years)

McKnight and Armstrong (1997)172

Munn (2003)176

Pontaga (2004)177

Porter (2002)175

Ryan (1994)66

Santos and Liu (2008)90

Number of Subjects

Lentell (1995)64


Table 8. (continued)

Downloaded from by guest on July 15, 2014


Functionally unstable ankle

Functionally unstable ankle




Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

+/− (manual test; ADT)

− (manual test; ADT/talar tilt)

+ (manual test)

Presence of MAI

+ (the past 1 year more than 6 times) +

≥2 sprains (the past less than 6 months)

+ (the past 1 year more than 2)

≥3 sprains(the past 18 months more than 2, and the past 6 months more than once)

≥2 sprains

≥1 sprain (the past less than 1 year)

≥2 sprains (the past less than 1 year)

≥1 sprain (protected weightbearing and/or immobilization)

History of Sprain

History of GivingWay

Less than 2 weeks (givingway)

≥4 weeks

9.55 ± 11.54 months

Time Since Last Sprain




7 unilateral, 9 bilateral



Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 16)

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 15)

Healthy ankles (N = 33)

Healthy ankles

Normal subjects (N = 14) and rehabilitation group (N = 14)

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 7)

Control Group

Isokinetic dynamometer (eversion, isometric)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion and eversion, 30°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (dorsiflexion and eversion, 120/240°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion and eversion, 30/60/90/120°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion and eversion [Con/ Ecc], 60/120°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion, eversion, plantar flexion, and dorsiflexsion [Con], 30/240°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (eversion; 30/90/150/210°/s)

Outcome Measurement

Foot & Ankle Specialist


Significantly decreased

Significantly increased in inversion

Not significant

Significantly decrease inversion (only 60, 90, and 120°/s)

Significantly decreased in inversion (only Ecc 60/120°/s)

Not significant

Not significant


318 August 2014

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4 males, 6 females (18.3 ± 1.1 years)

Willems (2002)92


Chronic group



Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other − (manual test)

Presence of MAI



≥3 sprains



≥2 sprains

≥2 sprains

History of Sprain

History of GivingWay

≥3 months

≥6 months

≥1.5 years

Time Since Last Sprain

6 unilateral, 4 bilateral



Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Normal subjects (N = 53) and coper (N = 16)

Acute LAS patients (N = 15)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles

Control Group

Abbreviations: FI, functional instability; FAI, functional ankle instability; CAI, chronic ankle instability; ADT, anterior drawer test; Con, concentric; Ecc, eccentric. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

12 males, 3 females (14-19 years)

Wilkerson (1997)173

24 (21 ± 2 years)

12 males, 3 females (13-31 years)


Number of Subjects

Tropp (1986)170

Sekir (2007)


Table 8. (continued)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion and eversion, 30/120°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion and eversion, 30/120°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (dorsiflexion and eversion, 30/120°/s)

Isokinetic dynamometer (inversion and eversion [Coc/ Ecc], 120°/s)

Outcome Measurement

Significantly decreased in eversion

Not significant

Significantly decreased in eversion

Significantly decreased in inversion


vol. 7 / no. 4 Foot & Ankle Specialist 319


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11 (30 years)

Nicholas (1976)180

Chronic ankle sprain

5.8 ± 2.7 times


History of Sprain ≥2 sprains

+ (arthrometer)

Presence of MAI

Chronic ankle sprain

Indicate CAI, FAI, or Other

Abbreviations: CAI, chronic ankle instability; HHD, handheld dynamometer. a A blank cell indicates that data were not provided.

15 males, 15 females (20.3 ± 1.3 years)

23 (18-52 years)

Number of Subjects

Hubbard (2007)76

Friel (2006)


Studies Investigating Hip and Knee Muscle Strengtha.

Table 9.


History of GivingWay


≥6 weeks



≥3 months

Time Since Last Sprain

Side of Instability (Unilateral/ Bilateral)

Healthy ankles

Healthy ankles and normal subjects (N = 30)

Healthy ankles

Control Group

Isokinetic dynamometer (knee flexion, knee extension, hip adduction, hip abduction, and hip flexion, 5/15/30 rpm)

HHD (hip abduction and hip extension)

HHD (hip abduction and hip extension)

Outcome Measurement

Significantly decrease in hip adduction and hip abduction

Significantly decreased

Significantly decreased in hip abduction


320 Foot & Ankle Specialist August 2014

vol. 7 / no. 4

flexion. Thus, if the talocrural joint is not able to fully dorsiflex, the joint will not reach the close-pack position and may more easily show inversion and internal rotation.16,189 On gait analysis, the talocrural joint shows internal rotation and the subtalar joint shows internal rotation plus eversion during movement from heel contact to mid-stance.182,190 Then, from mid-stance to toe-off, the talocrural joint shows external rotation and eversion, and the subtalar joint shows external rotation plus inversion.182,190 During running, the ankle joint shows smaller plantar flexion after heel contact than that during gait, whereas ankle joint dorsiflexion and eversion in mid-stance were larger than those during gait.191,192 Several studies indicated a deficit in ankle joint dorsiflexion ROM in CAI subjects,160,162,189,193,194 because CAI ankles demonstrated talus anterior displacement.69,72,195,196 CAI subjects showed more ankle inversion than normal subjects during walking,189,197,198 and the center of pressure during the stance phase was more lateral.124,199,200 A similar finding was suggested during running,189,201-203 and ankle dorsiflexion was significantly decreased.189 In addition, the CAI ankle was more inverted before initial contact during drop jump landing119,125 and side hop,120,197 and the center of pressure was located more laterally from the early to mid-stance phase during lateral shuffling.204 In contrast, knee flexion was decreased before initial contact in the landing phase during vertical jump.205 However, these studies did not assess whether subjects had MAI; therefore, it is unknown whether MAI or FAI contributes more to these abnormal kinematics. Among recent studies that distinguished subjects with MAI, one study suggested that there was no significant difference in ankle joint kinematics during running among subjects with MAI, FAI, and Coper,206 but another study detected significant differences among these 3 groups.207 Thus, consensus on this issue has not yet been obtained. In drop jump landing, the MAI group showed significantly more

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dorsiflexion at the initial contact and maximal inversion phase compared to that in the FAI and Coper groups,208 while subjects with ankle instability demonstrated less variability at the hip and knee,209 suggesting that landing strategies may change in CAI patients. Therefore, it will be necessary to distinguish subjects with MAI in future studies, in order to clarify the contribution of MAI to abnormal kinematics in CAI subjects. Some researchers have also indicated that persons with histories of multiple sprains who did not complain of an unstable feeling would comprise a more suitable control group than healthy subjects without sprain history.196,210 Therefore, abnormal ankle kinematics is present in CAI joints, and joint laxity is suspected of affecting other degrees-offreedom. However, past in vivo kinematic studies using surface markers often contained soft tissue artifacts211 and could not evaluate the kinematics of the talocrural and subtalar joints separately. Since a potential combined instability of the talocrural and subtalar joints is suspected, it is necessary to obtain detailed measurements of abnormal kinematics in each of these joints.69,71,72

Conclusion LAS is one of the most commonly occurring injuries, and subsequent development of CAI is also common. In the past, many studies have attempted to identify factors that promote CAI, which has multiple contributing causes. However, it is difficult to compare the findings of these studies due to the lack of a standardized set of inclusion criteria as well as the lack of a definitive consensus on what constitutes ankle instability.212 In the future, all studies will be required to comply the position statement of the International Ankle Consortium.62 These selection criteria are based on history of initial injury, history of ongoing bouts of instability, and ratings of patient perceived function and disability gathered from validated survey instruments. Furthermore, fracture or surgery and other significant lower

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extremity joint injury should be absent, and an appropriate amount of time should have passed since suffering acute, inflammatory symptoms.62 In addition, a prospective study is needed to determine whether repeated LAS and giving-way is the cause of these abnormalities or whether persistent abnormalities predispose the patient toward recurrent LAS and giving-way.

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