Aug 29, 2016 - INDIAN ACADEMY. ICT has positive impact on teaching - learning. Registration Fee Rs. 200/- per team www.i
Rules and Regulations 1. Maximum TWO teams per College. - Each team should have TWO speakers. - One speaking for the Topic and the other speaking against the Topic. 2. Registration Fee per Team is Rs. 200/3. Each Speaker gets 3+1 minutes time. 4. The decision of the Judges is nal. 5. Preliminary round on 29th August 2017 at 10.00 am 6. Selected teams will compete in the nal round on 30th August 2017 at 09:00 am. The Judges of this most awaited event are culled from Media, Corporate Sector and Higher Educational Institutions
FOUNDERS’ DAY Inter-Collegiate Debate
Chief Patron: D r. T. Somasekhar
Patron: M rs. Bharathi T
PRELIMS Monday 29th Aug’16
CASH PRIZES 7000/1st Prize Rs. . 4000/2nd Prize Rs 000/2 . s R e z i r P d 3r
ICT has positive impact on teaching - learning
Convener: Dr. E. Jerome Xavier Organizing Committee Dr. Mahuya De Ghosh
Mr. Sharath Harady
Dr. Sheeja K
Mr. Sam Joshua
Dr. Reena Shyam
Mr. Satish M
Ms. Sushmashree S.P
a ti o n r t
e Fe
Ms. Shalini S
FINALS Tuesday 30th Aug’16
I Prize Rs. 7000/-
Per Team II Prize Rs. 4000/III Prize Rs. 2000/-
Ms. Radha P
Contact Persons Ms. Shalini S
Ms. Sushmashree S P
Mr. Sam Joshua
+91 8618515284
+91 9902755331
+91 9880364942
Hennur Cross, Hennur Main Road, Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru - 43.
Prelims -ContactPersons 29th August 2017 Prof.SangeethaMenon Finals+919902462688 - 30th August 2017 Prof.PynthamilSelvi +919019485892
Registration Fee Rs. 200/- per team
The Institution Indian Academy Degree College - Autonomous is the agship higher educational institution of Indian Academy Group of Institutions established by Dr. T Somasekhar who returned after a successful research and academic career in US Universities to establish world class education institutions in India. Since its inception in 1994, the College has steadily excelled in its endeavour to espouse quality and autonomy of higher education in a and other disciplines. In this process, it has been accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade in two consecutive cycles with the CGPA of 3.27, and also was enlisted under 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act, 1956. The quality of its management is certied by TUV Rhineland with ISO 9001:2008. Finally, the status of 'Autonomous college under Bangalore University' is bestowed upon it by the government from the academic year 201617. Indian Academy Degree College (IADC), started with a humble beginning in the year 1994, currently has a student strength of more than 3000, an amazing growth by all standards. The student prole spans over cross-cultural and diverse backgrounds ranging from 37 countries and all over India. An important feature of IADC is Student–Centric approach in academic design and delivery, besides the wide academic exibility.
Founders' Day Initiative The Founders of Indian Academy Group of Institutions through their dynamic leadership have not only established these institutions but are visionaries in all quality initiatives in the structural governance. Therefore, the Students, the Faculty and the Heads of Institutions take pride in celebrating the Founders' day by organizing an Inter-Collegiate debate. The objective of this event is to enhance students' intellectual commitment and also encourage them to think on Values and Issues of social concern which would instill a sense of Social Responsibility in the young minds, who are in Higher Education.
The Topic The Quality Assurance and Quality Sustenance in the progress of Higher Educational Institutions are on the rise; NAAC and NBA accreditations are a testimony to this fact. These ofcial recognitions are bound to become the standard for selecting institutions by students and the government is already taking measures to assure quality in higher education. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is a mode of education that use information and communications technology to support, enhance, and optimise the delivery of subject matter. Global research has shown that ICT can lead to enriched teaching techniques and better student learning. Policy makers acknowledge that ICT in education can build the students to compete in the global economy by being part of a skilled workforce and facilitate social mobility. However concept of the multimedia age is more of publicity hype and needs to be treated with caution. In contrast, there is a need for more measures and accounts of how young people perceive such technologies. The topic of debate should certainly ignite the minds of the college students to think, reect and contribute on some of the vital issues which need attention and require action plans. Therefore, Indian Academy Degree College opens its doors to the best and brightest of students across the HEIs in Bangalore for this event.
Topic for the Preliminary round: Government Populist Policies are tampering Indian Economy Date and Time: Tuesday, 29th August 2017 at 10:00 am Venue: Auditorium