Mar. Freskwater Rec. 1904.49.27176. Epizoans on a trepical freshwater crustacean assemblage. Carlos López, Enrique Ochoa, Rita Páez and Solange Theis. A.
©csmo 1993
Short Ccmfntmication
Epizoans on a trepica! freshwater crustacean assemblage Carlos LOpez, Enrique Ochoa, Rita Paez and Solange Theis Dcparwrr.e,lI... CL B;";,Jgi,-" F,Jt,,'-t~'d Experir;outi de :-,-0';"M, WO:fC the mDS~ fr¢t;ut:nl epi:::oc: '.aXil The prev9.lence or 3.:1 c;;:bi01LS on lBX ;u:l:vidt;3.! cmstaccaru ''';$ :m':; J3rnc2 pennada, fJ:orDlllos m_wnes J:Jas frcccc(!(cs. J...,e FX7clenc~1l de aC'lOCS epibkn!t's er. ccnjull!o ~ohx ~N 1.8CoJ indiv:dl1es t'Xa."Tjlla:::'::;s he de '},31f y ]a ?7¢Se:lc:a de iJr:Jb:x e;:;~blG:ltf:.;. e:1 e1 t::Us;:r.o ~cstrn:o fue baJa (i,3'X- de: te,,,! -de iu:::ividuO$ ::r.tes:ado.~) Los mpe;::(ldc~ ci:c;npoideos [uerY1 prerc'Jcios pOr [;pis;y!is COUlO sustraw ~ir;g'jr; epiblOntc sc observ6 ~n los C()p6poGo" cal.arrcide,. Lo5 epibiomcs apar~ckrou a medjado.' del periodo de iluyia£ y alcanzarorJ su maxima prevalcncia ,,1 principio de} p".rfooo de sequia. La rreyalencia no se eucontr6 relacionada ni con la pT~.,en;;ia 0 ausenda de lOIs
ew:::cies looplanctonica5' ni con 1ier~ placec iu ?e.l~j -di:::-:e£, !lJ1d i!ldi"i'k~l zonplankter, were idenlJf!€:d anO ;amil\cd under a compound mifanly-Ches;illll se:ccti.,ity inccx (CW:SSOf. 1978),
u, ""'(r; / n;)iir;!!I;, j"'l
where m L !he ;:mDb;:l of w:;r:)anklof! rJ~
5. CQITVlaUffll betw~n epibipeeles cor:tposition and range of body size in Tule R.e5crvoir fits these trends. Application of ecological theories (!'vfacArthur and \ViIson 19{)7; Gil;)l'1. and Hanski 1991) to epib:ont con:mnnities snggests tbat smaller-b:Jdied looplankton would S:1pport fewer epibivnt taxa than largCT~b0jje.d zoopienkton Larger habitats sU?p01.1arger population.s th:lt haH~ low p:obabili:y of becoming extinct In additicn, larger hJtbilats represent a larger target for colonization (MacArthur ami Wilson 196n The .interl:louli. pcrivds of the sub$trate da::locerans erved, probably as a consequence of {he decumposition of this olganic maHer (Lripe:r., unpub1isLedl. Some ftuthoLS b'~e :found higher prevalence of epizoic cilIa1e;; in associatior. Wile CL1.rOr,h]c eooditioos (If
higher levels of orgarllc pelLninn (He"et>~y ftJ.
Acknowledgments We expre:;s ou:: thanks to Division de lnvestigacion oi6c Facu!ta.i Exp;,rimentnl de Cicndas ",cd th¢ Cm:s¢jo de DesaIT::;;Ho Ciealffico y HJDar.iqiw de !n Urivcrsldac del ZulU! fot su??_x':. T:1a:Jk~ al$