FY16 Cost Per Day.pdf - Google Drive

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Colorado Correctional Center 143 $57.30 $5.74 $63.04 $7.61 $3.84 $74.49 $27,189. Delta Correctional Center 454 $62.88 $9
COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Cost Per Offender by Facility FY 2015-16

Direct Facility Cost Per Day

Clinical Services Cost Per Day

Facility Cost Per Day Total

143 454 186 249 1,032

$57.30 $62.88 $63.53 $52.85

$5.74 $9.69 $8.32 $5.30

$63.04 $72.57 $71.85 $58.15

$7.61 $7.61 $7.61 $7.61

$3.84 $3.84 $3.84 $3.84

$74.49 $84.02 $83.30 $69.60 $79.09

$27,189 $30,667 $30,405 $25,404 $28,868

Level II Arrowhead Correctional Center Four Mile Correctional Center Trinidad Correctional Facility Total Level II

515 523 499 1,537

$54.83 $54.70 $64.29

$21.79 $13.07 $10.07

$76.62 $67.77 $74.36

$7.61 $7.61 $7.61

$3.84 $3.84 $3.84

$88.07 $79.22 $85.81 $84.32

$32,146 $28,915 $31,321 $30,779

Level III Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility Buena Vista Correctional Facility Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility Fremont Correctional Facility La Vista Correctional Facility Total Level III

984 1,221 919 1,631 548 5,303

$67.92 $62.57 $71.72 $56.10 $82.33

$16.57 $13.84 $35.76 $15.14 $20.41

$84.49 $76.41 $107.48 $71.24 $102.74

$7.61 $7.61 $7.61 $7.61 $7.61

$3.84 $3.84 $3.84 $3.84 $3.84

$95.94 $87.86 $118.93 $82.69 $114.19 $95.87

$35,018 $32,069 $43,409 $30,182 $41,679 $34,994

912 912






$99.99 $99.99

$36,496 $36,496

267 658 558 956 205 2,445 5,089

$170.82 $115.94 $100.94 $73.06 $178.61 $64.29

$44.33 $17.93 $68.07 $23.48 $69.89 $13.64

$215.15 $133.87 $169.01 $96.54 $248.50 $77.93

$7.61 $7.61 $7.61 $7.61 $7.61 $7.61

$3.84 $3.84 $3.84 $3.84 $3.84 $3.84

$226.60 $145.32 $180.46 $107.99 $259.95 $89.38 $124.17

$82,709 $53,042 $65,868 $39,416 $94,882 $32,624 $45,321



State Prison Facilities Level I Colorado Correctional Center Delta Correctional Center Rifle Correctional Center Skyline Correctional Center Total Level I

Level IV Limon Correctional Facility Total Level IV Level V Centennial Correctional Facility Colorado State Penitentiary Denver Reception & Diagnostic Center Denver Women's Correctional Facility San Carlos Correctional Facility Sterling Correctional Facility Total Level V Grand Total Level I-V Youthful Offender System Youthful Offender System Aftercare Youthful Offender System STU at YOS YOS Jail Backlog Community Services Parole Fugitive Apprehension Community Supervision

External Capacity Bent County Crowley County Kit Carson Cheyenne Mountain ReEntry Center County Jails Community Corrections Programs

Facility ADP

Centralized Administrative Cost Per Day Cost Per Day


Total Cost Per Day

Annual Cost

37 187 21 2

$112.12 $206.88 $101.15 $53.81

$0.00 $12.67 $4.49 $0.00

$112.12 $219.55 $105.64 $53.81

$0.00 $7.61 $7.61 $0.00

$3.84 $3.84 $3.84 $0.00

$115.97 $231.00 $117.09 $53.81

$42,329 $84,315 $42,738 $19,641

8,052 590 1,659

$12.16 $5.45 $20.18

$0.75 $0.00 $0.00

$12.91 $5.45 $20.18

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$3.84 $3.84 $3.84

$16.75 $9.29 $24.02

$6,114 $3,391 $8,767

Facility Facility Cost Capacity Per Day 1,293 $56.02 1,312 $56.02 649 $56.02 561 $56.02 566 $53.64 266 $50.17

PPMU Cost Per Day $0.97 $0.95 $1.34 $1.10 $0.00 $0.00

Clinical Services Cost Per Day $1.35 $1.56 $1.66 $1.44 $0.04 $0.00

Centralized Administrative Cost Per Day Cost Per Day $0.00 $3.77 $0.00 $3.77 $0.00 $3.77 $0.00 $3.77 $0.00 $3.77 $0.00 $3.77

Total Cost Per Day $62.11 $62.30 $62.79 $62.33 $57.45 $53.94

Annual Cost $22,670 $22,739 $22,917 $22,752 $20,969 $19,686

Medical cost per day includes medical and mental health costs that are not facility specific, such as catastrophic expenses, pharmaceuticals, centralized x-ray and dental expenses, capital equipment, centralized personal services, and central service contracts. Centralized cost per day includes centralized expenses that are not facility specific, such as inspector general, utilities, maintenance, housing & security, food service, laundry, superintendent's, case management, legal access, transportation, facility services, education, communications and information systems.

Administrative cost per day includes expenses that would apply to the entire department, such as the executive director's office, business operations (budget, accounts payable, inmate bank, payroll, general accounting), personnel, offender services, and training.