and besides, fundamental motions like the Keplerian one, harmonic oscillators and ... intermediary problem in celestial mechanics (Deprit, 1981; Aparicio and Florıa, .... Note that the new variable s is a generalized eccentric anomaly (Danby,.
J. A. Caballero A. Elipe
n.0 14
“garcia de galdeano”
PRE-PUBLICACIONES del seminario matematico
seminario matemático
garcía de galdeano
UNIVERSAL SOLUTION FOR MOTIONS IN A CENTRAL FORCE FIELD J. A. Caballero and A. Elipe Grupo de Mec´ anica Espacial. Universidad de Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Abstract. Central forces are very interesting in Mechanics, since they are simple and model quite well several physical problems. Here we consider a potential function of the type U (r) = −A/r − B/(2r2 ). For this potential by means of the regulazing Sundman’s transformation, and making use of Stumpff’s functions, we obtain a solution that is regular and valid for all possible types of motion, bounded or not. Key words: Central forces, universal variables, Sundman transformation
Central force fields are among the first forces one meet in Mechanics. Indeed, they represent integrable systems, for they are systems of only one degree of freedom, and besides, fundamental motions like the Keplerian one, harmonic oscillators and diffusors belong to this class of forces. Besides, more complex problems are represented by adding perturbations to these more simple problems above mentioned. In this paper, we deal with potentials of the type U (r) = −
A B − 2, r 2r
where A and B are parameters, independent of the radial distance r. This potential represents the class of what Deprit (1981) dubbed quasi-Keplerian systems. Deprit (1981) obtained an analytical solutions by means of a canonical transformation — the torsion— that converts the quasi-Keplerian Hamiltonian into a pure Keplerian one. For this type of potentials, Rodr´ıguez and Brun (1998) studied under what conditions particles moving under a similar potential have closed orbits. In this paper, we are dealing exclusively with the analytical integration. We meet several physical problems with this potential, for it represents the intermediary problem in celestial mechanics (Deprit, 1981; Aparicio and Flor´ıa, 1996), that is to say, the resulting problem from a perturbed Keplerian problem (like the satellite problem), after some simplification based on Lie transformations is done. Another problem of this type is the so called Maneff’s potential (Maneff, 1924) Gm1 m2 3G(m1 + m2 ) U (r) = − 1+ , r 2c2 r where G is the Gaussian constant, m1 and m2 the masses of two particles, and c is the light speed. This simple post-Newtonian non-relativistic potential may be used
J. A. Caballero and A. Elipe
for describing the secular motions of the pehihelia of the inner planets. Recently, some authors (Mioc, 1995; Aparicio and Flor´ıa, 1996) addressed the attention to this problem. In particular, in the work of Mioc (1995), a solution valid even for collisions is presented; however, the solution is split into three cases, elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic (which actually means energy < 0, = 0 or > 0, respectively). Here we present a solution —in a similar way as in (Vi˜ nuales, Cid, and Elipe, 1995)— that is valid for whatever value of the energy by means of a universal formulation, the Stumpff functions. 2
Classical solution
Since the motion of a particle in the gravitational field given by (1) is planar, we can use polar coordinates (r, θ) to describe the motion on its plane. The Lagrangian function is 1 A B L = (r˙ 2 + r2 θ˙2 ) + + 2 , 2 r 2r and its Lagrangian equations are A B r¨ − rθ˙2 + 2 + 3 = 0, r r
d 2˙ (r θ) = 0. dt
The second equation just tells that the angular momentum Θ = r2 θ˙ is an integral. The energy h is 1 A B h = (r˙ 2 + r2 θ˙2 ) − − 2 , 2 r 2r and by virtue of the second equation (2), it is A C 1 h = r˙ 2 − − 2 , 2 r 2r
where now C = B − Θ2 . From this last equation, and choosing as initial instant t0 (r(t0 ) = r0 ), we have t − t0 =
r r0
r dr . + 2Ar + C
To solve this quadrature, it is necessary to analyze separately three cases, depending on the sign of the energy integral h. It is an elemental task to have the solution for the three cases: a) h > 0
1 A A t−T = 2hr2 + 2Ar + C − √ log r + + 2h 2h 2h
2hr2 + 2Ar + C 2h
b) h = 0
t−T =
Ar − C √ 2Ar + C 3A2
r r0
c) h < 0 t−T =
1 A 2hr + A r 2hr2 + 2Ar + C − √ arcsin √ 2h −2h A2 − 2hC r0
Note that equations (2) are singular in the case of collisions (r = 0), and that, depending on the different values of the energy, it is necessary to split the set of solutions. A more compact solution, regular and valid for whatever initial conditions would be desirable. This is achieved in the next section. 3
Universal formulation
The Newtonian equations of motion are
¨=− x
A B + 3 2 r r
x . r
Hence, A B − 2, r r and taking into account the first equation of (2), there results ¨ = (r˙ 2 + r2 θ˙2 ) − x˙ 2 + x · x
¨ = r˙ 2 + r¨ r, x˙ 2 + x · x
but, on the other hand, x˙ 2 = 2h +
2A B + 2, r r
A , r that, after replacing it into (5), gives the formula ¨ = 2h + x˙ 2 + x · x
r = 2h + r˙ 2 + r¨
A . r
At this point, we make a change of the independent variable dt = r ds. This is a classical change, dating from Sundman (Sundman, 1995) for regularizing the equations of motion in the three-body problem. After this change, and putting ( ) = d/ds, the equation (6) is converted into r − 2hr = A,
J. A. Caballero and A. Elipe
that is always regular, since there is no denominator in it, and besides, the equation is linear with constant coefficients, which integration is immediate. Indeed, let us denote by √ √ x1 (s; h) = 12 exp( 2h s) + exp(− 2h s) , √ √ x2 (s; h) = 12 exp( 2h s) − exp(− 2h s) (2h)−1/2 two particular independent solutions —its Wronskian is the unit— of the second order homogeneous equation. Note that although h appears in the denominator of x2 , this solution is regular for whatever value of h since limh→0 x2 (s; h) = s. Let us take x3 (s; h) = A (x1 (s; h) − 1)/(2h), to be the particular solution of the complete equation (7), that again is regular for whatever value of h. The general solution of (7) is the linear combination r(s; h; α1 , α2 ) = α1 x1 (s; h) + α2 x2 (s; h) + x3 (s; h),
where α1 and α2 are arbitrary constants, obtained from the initial conditions. If r0 and r0 denote the values of r and r at the initial instant t0 = s0 , by derivating the expression (8), r = (2hα1 + A) x2 (s; h) + α2 (s; h), there results that r0 = r(s0 ; h) = α1 ,
r0 = r (s0 ; h) = α2 ,
and hence, r(s; h) = r0 x1 (s; h) + r0 x2 (s; h) + A (x1 (s; h) − 1)/(2h).
two independent variables t and s are related through the quadrature t = The s s0
r(s, h)ds, which solution is
t = r0 x2 (s; h) + r0 (x1 (s; h) − 1)/(2h) + A (x2 (s; h) − s)/(2h),
expression that is valid, too, for all h, for limh→0 (x2 (s; h) − s)/(2h) = s3 /6. Equation (10) is a one-to-one map from IR onto IR, and the same happens with its inverse. Note that the new variable s is a generalized eccentric anomaly (Danby, 1988, pp. 169) So far, we did not choose any particular situation for the initial conditions. By choosing the initial instant t0 to be the instant of passage for periastrum T (which corresponds to the shortest radial distance), we have r0 = 0, and equations (9) and (10), simply read r(s; h) = r0 x1 (s; h) + A (x1 (s; h) − 1)/(2h), t − T = r0 x2 (s; h) + A (x2 (s; h) − s)/(2h).
At this point, it is time to introduce the Stumpff functions (Stumpff, 1947; Stumpff, 1965). These functions are defined by the absolutely convergent expansions cn (z) =
zk , (2k + n)!
with n ≥ 0
and z ∈ C.
If we define the associated Stumpff’s functions as Vn (s; h) = sn cn (−2hs2 ),
there results that V0 (s; h) = x1 (s; h),
V2 (s; h) = (x1 (s; h) − 1)/(2h)
V1 (s; h) = x2 (s; h),
V3 (s; h) = (x2 (s; h) − s)/(2h).
Thus, we may express the solution (11) in terms of these associated Stumpff functions as r = r0 V0 (s; h) + A V2 (s; h), (13) t − T = r0 V0 (s; h) + A V3 (s; h). Note that the functions V2 (s; h), V3 (s; h), in despite of its appearance, are well defined for all value of h because of the definition (12). As summary, we conclude that after some manipulation of the equations, and by means of the regulazing Sundman’s transformation, we obtain the equations of motion as a regular system made of a second order differential equations with constant coefficients. By means of the Stumpff functions, the same solution is valid for all possible types of motion. Acknowledgements This paper has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Project #PB95-0807. References Aparicio, I. and Flor´ıa, L.: 1996, “On perturbed two-body problems and harmonic oscillators”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 323, 71–76. Danby, J. M. A.: 1988, Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanic, 2nd edition, Wilmann–Bell, Richmond. Deprit, A.: 1981, “The elimination of the parallax in satellite theory”, Celest. Mech. 24, 111–153. Maneff. G.: 1924, “La gravitation et le principe d’´egalit´e de l’action et de la r´eaction”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 178, 2159–2161. Mioc, V. and Stoica, C.: 1995, “Discussion et r´esolution complete du probl`eme de deux corps dans le champ gravitationnel de Maneff”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 320, 645–648 . Rodriguez, I. and Brun, J. L.: 1998, “Closed orbits in central forces distinct from Coulomb or harmonic oscillators type”, Eur. J. Phys. 19, 41–49.
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