sectìon - of laser welded stainless steel (AISI 304 and AISI 430) lap joints. ... welding, provide final users with indications conceming the parameters that ...
SPIE- The lnternationa l Society for Optical Engineering
XIV lnternational Symposium on
Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-Power Lasers Krzysztof M . Abramski Conference Choir Edward F. Pllnskl Conference Cochoir!Editor
Wiesfaw Wollnski Progrom Choir
25-30 August 2002 Wrodaw, Poland
Orgonized by Oeportment of Electronics. Wroctow University of Technology (Polond) Sponsored by Wroctow University of Technology (Polond) SP IE Poland Chapter European Office of Aerospace Research and Development. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory KBN State Committee for Scientific Research (Poland) Polish Airtines LOT
Volume 5120
SPIE-The l nt ern ation al Society for Opti ca l Engineering
XIV lnternational Symposium on
Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-Power Lasers Krzysztof M. Abramski Conference Chair
Edward F. Plinski Conference Cochair/Editor
Wiestaw Wolinski Program Chair ~. /;...,...
25-30 August 2002 Wrodaw, Poland
Organized by Deportment of Electronics. Wroctow University of Technology (Polond) Sponsored by Wroctow University of Technology (Polond) SPIE Polo nd Chop ter Europeon Office of Aerospoce Reseorch ond Development. Air Force Office of Scientific Reseorch. U.S. Air Force Reseorch Laborotory KBN State Committee for Scientific Reseorch (Polond) Polish Airlines LOT The event for unveiling the ploque devoted to Mox Born wos funded by Wroctow University of Technology (Polond) • Deutsche Physikolische Gesellschaft (Germany) • lnstitute of Physics. London (United Kingdom) • Wroctaw City Council (Polond) • De utsch-Polnische Gesellschoft der Universitot Wroctow (Breslou) (Germony) • INCOM Wroctow (Polond) Pub tished by SPIE- The lnternotionol Society for Opticol Engineering
Volume 5 120
SPIE is an intemational technical society dedicated to advancing engineering and scientific applications of optical, photonic, imaging, electronic, and optoelectronic technologies.
The popers published in this volume compose lhe proceedings of the technicol conference cited on fhe cover end title poge. Popers were selected by the conference progrom committee to be presented in orci or poster formot. end were subject to review by the editors end progrom committee. They ore published herein os submitfed. in the interest of timely disseminotion.
Pleose use the following formot to cile materia! from this book: Author(s), "TIHe of Poper,"in Proceedings o! SPIE Vol. 5120X/V/nfemoliono/ Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemicol Losers. ond High-Power Losers. edited by Krzysztof M. Abramsl o!J o' , 9
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Fig. 11 - Main Effects Plot for HVB and Jnteraction Plot for HVB
3. CONCLUSIONS Our analyses confirmed conclusions already reached in previous studies, but thanks to the use of a research DOE, we were in a position to validate our data in statistica! terms. W e also provided evidence of a significant impact of certain parameters and of interactions between them, i.e. aspects which to date had not been considered. In particular, bead crowns were found to be wider for AISI 304 steel compared to the AISI 430 type, while the area of the bead was found to depend uot only oo the welding speed applied, but also on the interactioo between the materia! used and the overlapping ratio, whereby the two materials analysed responded in different ways to variances in this interaction. Equally interesting findings were obtained concerning HVM and HVB. While the role of the overlapping ratio is significant in either case, for HVB we could demonstrate a significant impact both of the materia! (rnicrohardness was found to be higher for AISI 430) and of the interaction between the materia! and the overlapping ratio. Besides confuming the effectiveness of the method adopted, our findings open up prospects for future researcb to be conducted, by way of example, by varying sets of parameters which this time were kept constant or using other materials as well as wider welding speed ranges and additional response variables.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5120