GE 6757 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT- Important ... - Vidyarthiplus

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GE 6757 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT- Important Questions. UNIT-1. 1. Explain deming's 14 points on quality. 2. Explain on J
GE 6757 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT- Important Questions UNIT-1 Explain deming’s 14 points on quality. Explain on Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement. Indicate the Dimensions of quality with examples. List out the barriers of TQM implementation. What are the different definitions given for quality? Explain how it got evolved and what its prime concerns are? 6. Describe the various quality statements give examples. 7. Discuss the importance of customer retention in an organization. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

UNIT-2 1. Briefly explain (i) Employee Motivation and empowerment. (ii)Duties of quality council. 2. Explain (i)PDCA cycle (ii)Kaizen (iii)Supplier rating and relationship development (iv) 5’S 3. Discuss about Maslow’s need of hierarchy theorem and Herzberg’s two factor theory for motivation. 4. What is a team? Describe the characteristics of a successful team. 5. (i)Explain the key elements of partnering. (ii)Explain the conditions for selection and evaluation of suppliers. UNIT-3 1. Explain the step by step procedure to perform design of FMEA with computer mouse as an example. List the benefits of FMEA. 2. Explain (i) Stages of six sigma in process improvement. (ii)Bench marking process. 3. (i)How is a cause and effect diagram constructed? (ii)How is Pareto analysis done? Explain with an example. 4. Discuss the seven tools of quality and new management tools for improving product and service quality. UNIT-4 1. Explain QFD with suitable example. What are its advantages and limitations? 2. (i) Write short notes on Taguchi’s quality loss function. (ii)Explain the six basic techniques used for presenting performance measures. 3. What are the six major areas need to be measured for implementing TPM. 4. Explain detail: (i)Process capability (ii)Six sigma. 5. Discuss the need, constructions and application of control charts for variables. UNIT-5 1. Discuss the requirements and benefits of ISO-14000. 2. List the different types of quality audits available in practice and explain when each has to be carried out? 3. (i) Discuss in detail the elements of ISO-9000. (ii) what are the objectives of ISO-9000. 4. Explain the steps to be followed in implementing quality system ISO-9001:2000.