Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2014, Article ID 738609, 6 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/738609
Research Article Generalized Bilinear Differential Operators, Binary Bell Polynomials, and Exact Periodic Wave Solution of Boiti-Leon-Manna-Pempinelli Equation Huanhe Dong,1 Yanfeng Zhang,1 Yongfeng Zhang,1 and Baoshu Yin2,3 1
College of Mathematics and System Science, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China Institute of Oceanology, China Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China 3 Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Wave, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China 2
Correspondence should be addressed to Yanfeng Zhang;
[email protected] Received 5 May 2014; Accepted 20 June 2014; Published 8 July 2014 Academic Editor: Tiecheng Xia Copyright Β© 2014 Huanhe Dong et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We introduce how to obtain the bilinear form and the exact periodic wave solutions of a class of (2 + 1)-dimensional nonlinear integrable differential equations directly and quickly with the help of the generalized π·π -operators, binary Bell polynomials, and a general Riemann theta function in terms of the Hirota method. As applications, we solve the periodic wave solution of BLMP equation and it can be reduced to soliton solution via asymptotic analysis when the value of π is 5.
1. Introduction It is significantly important to research nonlinear evolution equations in exploring physical phenomena in depth [1, 2]. Since the soliton theory has been proposed, the research on seeking the exact solutions of the soliton equations has attracted great attention and made great progress. A series of methods have been proposed, such as PainlΒ΄eve test [3], BΒ¨acklund transformation method [4, 5], Darboux transformation [6], inverse scattering transformation method [7], Lie group method [8, 9], and Hamiltonian method [10, 11]. Particularly, Hirota direct method [12, 13] provides a direct approach to solve a kind of specific bilinear differential equations among the exciting methods. As we all know, once the bilinear forms of nonlinear differential equations are obtained, we can construct the multisoliton solutions, the bilinear BΒ¨acklund transformation, and Lax pairs easily. It is clear that the key of Hirota direct method is to find the bilinear forms of the given differential equations by the Hirota differential π·-operators. Recently, Ma put forward generalized bilinear differential operators named π·π -operators in
[14] which are used to create bilinear differential equations. Furthermore, different symbols are also used to furnish relations with Bell polynomials in [15], and even for trilinear equations in [16]. In this paper, we would like to explore the relations between multivariate binary Bell polynomials [17β19] and the π·π -operators and to find the bilinear form of Boiti-LeonManna-Pempinelli (BLMP) equation [20, 21]. Then, we can obtain the exact periodic wave solution [22β25] of the BLMP equation with the help of a general Riemann theta function in terms of Hirota method. The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we will give a brief introduction about the difference between the Hirota differential π·-operators and the generalized π·π operators. In Section 3, we will explore the relations between multivariate binary Bell polynomials and the π·π -operators. In Section 4, we will use the relation in Section 2 to seek the differential form of the BLMP equation and then take advantage of the Riemann theta function [26, 27] and Hirota method to obtain its exact periodic wave solution which can be reduced to the soliton solution via asymptotic analysis.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
2. Hirota Bilinear π·-Operators and the Generalized π·π -Operators
where, for an integer π, the πth power of πΌ is defined by
It is known to us that Hirota bilinear π·-operators play a significant role in Hirota direct method. The π·-operators are defined in [14] as the following: π·π₯π π·π‘π π (π₯, π‘) π (π₯, π‘) =
π π ππ ππ¦π ππ¦π
σ΅¨ Γ π(π₯ + π¦, π‘ + π )π(π₯ β π¦, π‘ β π )σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨π =0,π¦=0 , (1) where π, π = 0, 1, 2, . . .. Generally, we have π·π₯π π·π¦π π·π‘π π (π₯, π¦, π‘) π (π₯σΈ , π¦σΈ , π‘σΈ ) =(
π π π π π π β σΈ ) ( β σΈ ) ππ₯ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ¦
πΌ = β1,
πΌ2 = 1,
πΌ3 = β1,
πΌ4 = πΌ5 = 1,
πΌ6 = β1,
πΌ7 = 1,
πΌ8 = β1,
πΌ9 = πΌ10 = 1,
π’π‘π‘ β π’π₯π₯ β 3(π’ )π₯π₯ β π’π₯π₯π₯π₯ = 0,
under π’ = 2(ln πΉ)π₯π₯ , we have 3 4 πΉ β πΉπ₯π₯ πΉ πΉ2 π₯
6 2 πΉ πΉ + 4πΉπ₯ πΉπ₯π₯π₯ β πΉπ₯π₯π₯π₯ πΉ = 0; πΉ π₯ π₯π₯
.. .
2 π·5,π₯ π β
π = ππ₯π₯ π β 2ππ₯ ππ₯ + πππ₯π₯ , 4 π π·5,π₯
Now, under π’ = 2(ln πΉ)π₯π₯ , the generalized bilinear Boussinesq equation can be expressed as 2 2 4 (π·5,π‘ β π·5,π₯ β π·5,π₯ ) πΉ β
πΉ = 0.
(π·π‘2 β π·π₯2 β π·π₯4 ) πΉ β
πΉ = 0.
However, based on the Hirota π·-operators, Professor Ma put forward a kind of generalized bilinear π·π -operators in [14]: π π π π·π,π¦ π·π,π‘ π (π₯, π¦, π‘) π (π₯σΈ , π¦σΈ , π‘σΈ ) π·π,π₯
π = π4π₯ β 4π3π₯ ππ₯ + 6ππ₯π₯ ππ₯π₯ β 4ππ₯ π3π₯ + ππ4π₯ .
we can get its bilinear form with π·-operators
Then, we would like to discuss how to use the π·-operator to seek the bilinear differential form of other nonlinear integrable differential equations with the help of binary Bell polynomial.
3. Binary Bell Polynomial
π π π π π π =( + πΌ σΈ ) ( + πΌ σΈ ) ππ₯ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ¦ σ΅¨σ΅¨ π π π σ΅¨ , + πΌ σΈ ) π (π₯, π¦, π‘) π (π₯σΈ , π¦σΈ , π‘σΈ )σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨π₯σΈ =π₯,π¦σΈ =π¦,π‘σΈ =π‘ ππ‘ ππ‘ (6)
As we all know, Bell proposed three kinds of exponentform polynomials. Later, Lambert, Gilson, and their partners generalized the third type of Bell polynomials in [28, 29] which is used mainly in this paper. The multidimensional binary Bell polynomials which we will use are defined as follows:
ππ1 π₯1 ,...,ππ π₯π (π¦) = ππ1 ,...,ππ (π¦π1 , . . . π¦ππ ) βπ¦ π1 ππ π¦ (π1 , . . . , ππ β₯ 0) , σ΅¨σ΅¨ = π ππ₯1 , . . . , ππ₯π π Yπ1 π₯1 ,...,ππ π₯π (π, π) = ππ1 ,...,ππ (π¦)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨(π¦ π1 +β
+ππ )ππ π₯ ,...,π π₯ +(1/2)(1β(β1)π1 +β
+ππ )π π π₯ ,...,π π₯ =(1/2)(1+(β1) 1 1
in which π¦π1 π₯1 ,...,ππ π₯π = ππ₯π11 , . . . , ππ₯πππ π¦(π₯1 , . . . , π₯π ).
π·5,π₯ π·5,π‘ π β
π = ππ₯π‘ π β ππ₯ ππ‘ β ππ‘ ππ₯ + πππ₯π‘ ,
By (6) and (8), it is clear to see that
where π, π, π = 0, 1, 2, . . .. For instance, for the Boussinesq equation
if π β‘ π (π) mod π
with 0 β©½ π(π) < π. For example, if π = 2π (π β π), the π·-operators are Hirota operators. If π = 5, we have
σ΅¨σ΅¨ π π π σ΅¨ , β σΈ ) π (π₯, π¦, π‘) π (π₯σΈ , π¦σΈ , π‘σΈ )σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ σ΅¨σ΅¨π₯σΈ =π₯,π¦σΈ =π¦,π‘σΈ =π‘ ππ‘ ππ‘
β πΉπ‘2 + πΉπ‘π‘ πΉ + πΉπ₯2 +
πΌπ = (β1)π (π) ,
π π
1 1
1 1
In that way, we have
π1 π₯1 ,...,π1 π₯1
Abstract and Applied Analysis
π¦π₯ (π, π) = ππ₯ , π¦2π₯ (π, π) =
When π = 5, we can obtain that
+ ππ₯π₯ ,
π5;π¦,π‘ = ππ₯π‘ ,
π¦π₯,π¦ (π, π) = ππ₯π¦ + ππ₯ ππ¦ .
π5;2π₯ = ππ₯π₯ , 2 π5;4π₯ = 3π2π₯ + π4π₯ ,
For convenience, we assume that
π5;3π₯,π¦ = π3π₯π¦ + 3ππ₯π₯ ππ₯π¦ , π(π₯1 ,...,π₯π )
π+π , 2
π(π₯1 ,...,π₯π )
πΊ=π π=
, (13)
πβπ 2
and read that
In this section, firstly, we will give the bilinear form of BLMP equation with the help of P-polynomials and the π·π operators. And then, we construct the exact periodic wave solution of BLMP equation with the aid of the Riemann theta function, Hirota direct method, and the special property of the π·π -operators when acting on exponential functions.
π1 ππ , . . . , π·π,π₯ πΉ (π) β
πΊ (π) = πΊβ1 (π) πΉβ1 (π) π·π,π₯ 1 π ππ
= β β
β βπΌππ (ππ ) (πβπ ππ₯π11 βπ1 , . . . , ππ₯πππ βππ ππ ) π1 =0
ππ =0 π=1
4.1. Bilinear Form. BLMP equation can be written as
Γ (πβπ ππ₯π11 βπ1 , . . . , ππ₯πππ βππ ππ ) =
Let us now utilize the P-polynomials given above to seek the bilinear form of BLMP equation with the π·π -operators.
4. Boiti-Leon-Manna-Pempinelli Equation
π1 ππ , . . . , π·π,π₯ πΉβ
πΊ (πΉπΊ)β1 π·π,π₯ 1 π
π5;2π₯,π‘ = 0.
π β β
β β (ππ ) ππ1 βπ1 ,...,ππ βππ π π1 =0 ππ =0 π=1
(π) , ππ1 ,...,ππ (πΌ
π’π¦,π‘ + π’3π₯,π¦ β 3π’2π₯ π’π¦ β 3π’π₯ π’π₯,π¦ = 0. π
βππ1 ππ
Setting π’ = βππ₯ , inserting it into (18), and integrating with respect to π₯ yields
= ππ1 ,...,ππ (π¦π1 ,...,ππ = ππ1 ,...,ππ + πΌβπ1 ππ ππ1 ,...,ππ ) = ππ1 ,...,ππ (π¦π1 ,...,ππ =
ππ¦,π‘ + π3π₯,π¦ + 3ππ₯π₯ ππ₯,π¦ β π = 0,
ππ 1 (1 + πΌβπ1 ππ ) ππ1 ,...,ππ 2
π5;π¦,π‘ (π) + π5;3π₯,π¦ (π) β π = 0.
(14) We find that the link between Y-polynomials and the π·π -operator can be given as the following through the above deduction: ln πΉ , π = ln πΉπΊ) πΊ
= ππ1 ,...,ππ (π¦π1 ,...,ππ
From the above, we can get the bilinear form of (18):
= Yπ;π1 π₯1 ,...,ππ π₯π (π, π) .
ππ 1 = (1 + πΌβπ1 ππ ) ππ1 , . . . , ππ 2
where π is an integral constant. Based on (17), (19) can be expressed as
ππ 1 + (1 + πΌβπ1 ππ ) ππ1 ,...,ππ ) 2
Yπ;π1 π₯1 ,...,ππ π₯π (π =
3 (π·5,π¦ π·5,π‘ + π·5,π₯ π·5,π¦ ) πΉ β
πΉ β π β
πΉ2 = 0
with π = 2 ln πΉ. 4.2. Periodic Wave Solutions. When acting on exponential functions, we find that π·π -operators have a good property π» (π·π,π₯1 , . . . , π·π,π₯π ) ππ1 β
ππ 1 + (1 + πΌβπ1 ππ ) ππ1 , . . . , ππ ) . 2
Particularly, when πΉ = πΊ, we define P-polynomials by Pπ;π1 π₯1 ,...,ππ π₯π (π) = Yπ;π1 π₯1 ,...,ππ π₯π (π = 0, π = 2 ln πΉ = π) . (16)
= π» (π1 + πΌπ2 , π1 + πΌπ2 , π€1 + πΌπ€2 ) ππ1 +π2 ,
if we assume that ππ = ππ π₯ + ππ π¦ + π€π π‘ + ππ(0)
π = 1, 2, . . . .
As a result of the property above, we consider Riemannβs theta function solution of (18): β
πΉ = β π2ππππ+πππ π , π=ββ
Abstract and Applied Analysis
where π β π, π β πΆ, Im π > 0, π = ππ₯ + ππ¦ + π€π‘, with π, π, and π€ being constants to be determined. Then, we have π» (π·π,π₯ , π·π,π¦ , π·π,π‘ ) πΉ β
πΉ 2
β π» (π·π,π₯ , π·π,π¦ , π·π,π‘ ) π2ππππ+πππ π π2ππππ+πππ π
= β
π=ββ π=ββ
= β
π» (0) = β {[2ππ (1 β πΌ) π]2 π β
π€ + [2ππ (1 β πΌ) ππ]3 π=ββ
π» (0) ππππππ , π = 2π; π» (π) = { ππ(2π+2π2 )(π+1)π π» (1) π , π = 2π + 1. For (21), we may let
From (26) we can infer that
2ππ (1 β πΌ) ππ β π} π2πππ π
β π» (2ππ (π + πΌπ) π, 2ππ (π + πΌπ) π,
π=ββ π=ββ
2ππ (π + πΌπ) π€) π2ππ(π+π)π+ππ(π +π )π β
= β (β16π2 π2 ππ€ + 25π4 π4 π3 π β π) π2πππ π π=ββ
= 0,
= β { β π» ((2ππ (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ π) π,
π» (1) = β {2π (π (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ2 ) π
(2ππ (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ2 π) π,
2π (π (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ2 ) π€
(2ππ (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ2 π) π€)
+ [2π (π (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ2 ) π]
Γ πππ(π +(π+πΌπ) )π } π2ππ(βπΌπ)π
2π (π (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ2 ) π β π}
= β π» (π) π2ππ(βπΌπ)π ,
Γ π2ππ(π β2π+1)π
(25) where π = β(1/πΌ)(π + π). To the bilinear form of BLMP equation, π»(π) satisfies the period characters when π = 5. The powers of πΌ obey rule (7), noting that β
= β [β4(2π β 1)2 π2 ππ€ + 16(2π β 1)4 π4 π3 π β π] π=ββ
Γ πππ(2π β2π+1)π = 0. (28) Also, the powers of πΌ obey rule (7). For the sake of computational convenience, we denote that
π» (π) = β π» ((2ππ (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ π) π, π=ββ
π1 (π) = π2πππ π ,
(2ππ (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ π) π,
π11 = β β 16π2 π2 ππ1 (π) ,
ππ(π2 +(π+πΌπ)2 )π
(2ππ (1 β πΌ) π β πΌ π) π€) π
π=ββ β
π12 = β (256π4 π4 π3 π) π1 (π) ,
= β π» (2ππ (2π β π) π, 2ππ (2π β π) π,
2ππ (2π β π) π€) πππ(π +(πβπ) )π
π13 = β π1 (π) ;
π2 (π) = πππ(2π β2π+1)π ,
= β π» (2ππ (2β β (π β 2)) π,
2ππ (2β β (π β 2)) π, 2ππ (2β β (π β 2)) π€) 2
πππ(β +(πβββ2) )π β
π2ππ(πβ1)π 2ππ(πβ1)π
= π» (π β 2) π
π22 = β (16(2π β 1)4 π4 π3 π) π2 (π) ,
, (26)
where β = π + πΌ.
π21 = β β 4(2π β 1)2 π2 ππ2 (π) ,
π=ββ β
π23 = β π2 (π) . π=ββ
Abstract and Applied Analysis
By (28), (29), and (30), we can get that π11 π + π12 β ππ13 = 0,
In view of (30), it is easy to see that π= π=
π13 π22 β π23 π12 , π11 π23 β π13 π21
π12 π21 β π11 π22 . π11 π23 β π13 π21
F(x, y, t = 10)
π21 π + π22 β ππ23 = 0.
1.05 1 0.95 β100
Thus, we obtain the periodic wave solution of BLMP equation: π’ = β2(ln πΉ)π₯ ,
π11 = β β 16π2 π2 π β
π2πππ π 2
σ³¨β 1 + ππ1
= 2 Γ 256π4 π3 π (πΎ2 + 4πΎ8 + 9πΎ18 + β
) , 2
(33) ππ(2π2 β2π+1)π
π21 = β β 4(2π β 1) π π β
π22 = β 16(2π β 1)4 π4 π3 π β
πππ(2π β2π+1)π
2 3
πΉ = 1 + π2ππ(ππ₯+ππ¦+4π π π‘+π) ,
= 32π4 π3 π (πΎ + 34 πΎ5 + 54 πΎ13 + β
) , 2
5. Conclusions and Remarks
which lead to π11 π23 β π21 π13 = 8π2 ππΎ + π (πΎ) , (34)
π11 π22 β π12 π21 = π (πΎ) . So, we have π β 4π2 π3 and π β 0, as πΎ β 0. It is interesting that if we set π1 = 2πππ,
π€1 = 2πππ€,
π1 = π1 π₯ + π1 π¦ + π€1 π‘ + πππ,
solution of (18) can be shown in Figure 1.
π23 = β πππ(2π β2π+1)π = 1 + 2πΎ + 2πΎ5 + 2πΎ13 + β
π1 = 2πππ,
Thus, if we assume that π = 0.01, π = 0.01, and π = π to the solution
= β8π2 π (πΎ + 9πΎ5 + 25πΎ13 + β
) ,
π13 π22 β π12 π23 = 32π4 π3 ππΎ + π (πΎ) ,
From all the above, it can be proved that the periodic wave solution (32) just goes to the soliton solution π€1 = 2πππ€ σ³¨β βπ13 .
(π1 σ³¨β 0) . (36)
π13 = β π2πππ π = 1 + 2πΎ2 + 2πΎ8 + 2πΎ18 + β
= 1 + ππ1 + πΎ2 (ππ1 + π2π1 ) + πΎ6 (πβ2π1 + π3π1 ) + β
2 2
which can infer that
= 1 + ππππ (π2πππ + πβ2πππ ) + π4πππ (π4πππ + πβ4πππ ) + β
π12 = β 256π4 π4 π3 π β
π2πππ π
Figure 1: Solution of (18).
= β32π π (πΎ + 4πΎ + 9πΎ + β
) , β
0 50
πΉ = β π2πππ+πππ π ,
0 100 β100
where πΉ is given by (24) and π, π are satisfied with (31). Then, assuming ππππ = πΎ, based on (29), we may obtain that β
In this paper, we obtain the bilinear form of bilinear differential equations by applying the π·π -operators and binary Bell polynomials, which has proved to be a quick and direct method. Furthermore, together with Riemann theta function and Hirota method, we successfully get the exact periodic wave solution and figure of BLMP equation when π = 5. There are many other interesting questions on bilinear differential equations, for example, how to apply the generalized operators into the discrete equations; it is known that researches on the discrete and differential equations are also significant. Besides, we will try to explore other operators to construct more nonlinear evolution equations simply and directly in the near future.
Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 11271007), Nature Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China (no. ZR2013AQ017), the Strategic Pioneering Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (no. XDA 10020104), SDUST Research Fund (no. 2012 KYTD105), Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Waves, Chinese Academy of Science (no. KLOCAW1401), and Graduate Innovation Foundation from Shandong University of Science and Technology (no. YC130321).
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