Journal of King Saud University – Science (2016) 28, 167–171
King Saud University
Journal of King Saud University – Science
Generalized fractional kinetic equations involving generalized Struve function of the first kind K.S. Nisar a, S.D. Purohit b,*, Saiful. R. Mondal c a
Department of Mathematics, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, 54 Wadi Aldawaser, Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia Department of HEAS (Mathematics), Rajasthan Technical University, Kota 324010, Rajasthan, India c Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia b
Received 14 May 2015; accepted 24 August 2015 Available online 2 September 2015
KEYWORDS Fractional kinetic equations; Fractional calculus; Special functions; Laplace transforms; Generalized Struve function of the first kind
Abstract In recent paper Dinesh Kumar et al. developed a generalized fractional kinetic equation involving generalized Bessel function of first kind. The object of this paper is to derive the solution of the fractional kinetic equation involving generalized Struve function of the first kind. The results obtained in terms of generalized Struve function of first kind are rather general in nature and can easily construct various known and new fractional kinetic equations. Ó 2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction The Struve function Hv ðzÞ and Lv ðzÞ are defined as the sum of the following infinite series 1 z tþ1 X z 2k ð1Þk Ht ðzÞ ¼ ð1Þ 3 1 2 C kþ2 C kþtþ2 2 k¼0 and Lt ðzÞ ¼
1 z tþ1 X
z 2k 1 : C k þ 32 C k þ t þ 12 2
* Corresponding author. E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (K.S. Nisar), sunil_a_purohit@ (S.D. Purohit),
[email protected] (S.R. Mondal). Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
The purpose of this work is to investigate the generalized form of the fractional kinetic equation involving generalized Struve function of the first kind Hp;b;c ðzÞ defined for complex z 2 C and b; c; p 2 C (RðpÞ > 1) by 1 z 2kþpþ1 X ð1Þk ck : ð3Þ Hp;b;c ðzÞ :¼ b Cðp þ 1 þ 2 þ kÞCðk þ 3=2Þ 2 k¼0 Details related to the function Hp;b;c ðzÞ and its particular cases can be seen in Baricz (2010, 2008), Mondal and Nisar (2014), Mondal and Swaminathan (2012) and the references therein. In this paper we consider the following transformation pffiffiffi b 3 1p pþ1 /b;c ðzÞ ¼ 2 C p þ þ 1 C z2 2 Hp;b;c z 2 2 1 X ðcÞk zkþ1 ; ¼zþ ð4Þ ðtÞk 32 k k¼1 where
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b t ¼ p þ þ 1 R Z 0 :¼ f0; 1; 2; . . .g 2 1018-3647 Ó 2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
K.S. Nisar et al.
NðtÞ N0 fðtÞ ¼ ct0 Dt ðRðtÞ > 0Þ; t NðtÞ
1 ðk ¼ 0Þ aða þ 1Þ . . . ða þ k 1Þ ðk 2 N :¼ f1; 2; 3; . . .gÞ C ð a þ kÞ a 2 C n Z ¼ 0 : CðaÞ
ðaÞk ¼
ð5Þ The importance of fractional differential equations in the field of applied science has gained more attention not only in mathematics but also in physics, dynamical systems, control systems and engineering, to create the mathematical model of many physical phenomena. Especially, the kinetic equations describe the continuity of motion of substance and are the basic equations of mathematical physics and natural science. The extension and generalization of fractional kinetic equations involving many fractional operators were found (Zaslavsky, 1994; Saichev and Zaslavsky, 1997; Haubold and Mathai, 2000; Saxena et al., 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008; Chaurasia and Pandey, 2008; Gupta and Sharma, 2011; Chouhan and Sarswat, 2012; Chouhan et al., 2013; Gupta and Parihar, 2014; Kumar et al., 2015; Choi and Kumar, 2015). In view of the effectiveness and a great importance of the kinetic equation in certain astrophysical problems the authors develop a further generalized form of the fractional kinetic equation involving generalized Struve function of the first kind. The fractional differential equation between rate of change of reaction was established by Haubold and Mathai (2000), the destruction rate and the production rate are calculated as follows: dN ¼ dðNt Þ þ pðNt Þ; dt
where N ¼ NðtÞ the rate of reaction, d ¼ dðNÞ the rate of destruction, p ¼ pðNÞ the rate of production and Nt denotes the function defined by Nt ðt Þ ¼ Nðt t Þ, t > 0. The special case of (6), for spatial fluctuations or inhomogeneities in NðtÞ the quantity are neglected, that is the equation dN ¼ ci Ni ðtÞ dt
where N(t) denotes the number density of a given species at time t, N0 ¼ Nð0Þ is the number density of that species at time t ¼ 0, c is a constant and f 2 Lð0; 1). By applying the Laplace transform to (11) (see Kumar et al., 2015), ! 1 X FðpÞ t n nt LfNðtÞ; pg ¼ N0 FðpÞ ð12Þ ¼ N0 ðc Þ p 1 þ ct pt n¼0
n 2 N0 ;
< 1 ; p where the Laplace transform (Spiegel, 1965) is defined by Z 1 ept fðtÞdt ðRðpÞ > 0Þ: ð13Þ FðpÞ ¼ LffðtÞ; pg ¼ 0
The object of this paper is to derive the solution of the fractional kinetic equation involving generalized Struve function of the first kind. The results obtained in terms of generalized Struve function of the first kind are rather general in nature and can easily construct various known and new fractional kinetic equations. 2. Solution of generalized fractional kinetic equations In this section, we will investigate the solution of the generalized fractional kinetic equations by considering the generalized Struve function of first kind. The results are as follows. Theorem 1. If d > 0; t > 0; c; b; l; t 2 C and RðlÞ > 1, then the solution of the equation NðtÞ N0 Hl;b;c ðtÞ ¼ dt 0 Dt t N ðt Þ
is given by the following formula NðtÞ ¼ N0
ðcÞk Cð2k þ l þ 2Þ t 2kþlþ1 Ev;2kþlþ2 ðdt tt Þ b 3 2 C l þ k þ þ 1 C k þ k¼0 2 2
1 X
with the initial condition that Ni ðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ N0 is the number of density of species i at time t ¼ 0 and ci > 0. If we remove the index i and integrate the standard kinetic Eq. (7), we have
where the generalized Mittag-Leffler function Ea;b ðxÞ is given by Mittag-Leffler (1905)
NðtÞ N0 ¼ c0 D1 t NðtÞ;
Ea;b ðxÞ ¼
1 0 Dt
is the special case of the Riemann–Liouville intewhere gral operator 0 Dt t defined as Z t 1 t ðt sÞt1 fðsÞds; ðt > 0; RðtÞ > 0Þ: 0 Dt fðtÞ ¼ CðtÞ 0 The fractional generalization of the standard kinetic Eq. (8) is given by Haubold and Mathai (2000) as follows: NðtÞ N0 ¼ ct0 D1 t NðtÞ
and obtained the solution of (9) as follows: NðtÞ ¼ N0
1 X
ð1Þk ðctÞtk : Cðtk þ 1Þ k¼0
Further, Saxena and Kalla (2008) considered the following fractional kinetic equation:
1 X n¼0
xn : Cðan þ bÞ
Proof. The Laplace transform of the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral operator is given by Erde´lyi et al. (1954), Srivastava and Saxena (2001) t L 0 Dt ð16Þ t fðtÞ; p ¼ p FðpÞ where FðpÞ is defined in (13). Now, applying the Laplace transform to the both sides of (14), gives LfNðtÞ; pg ¼ N0 L Hl;b;c ðtÞ; p dt L 0 Dt t NðtÞ; p Z NðpÞ ¼ N0
e 0
dt pt NðpÞ
1 X k¼0
t 2kþlþ1 ðcÞk dt b 3 C lþ1þ2þk C kþ2 2
Fractional kinetic equations involving generalized Struve function of the first kind 1 X
ðcÞ ð2Þ C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 Z 1 ept t2kþlþ1 dt
NðpÞ þ dt pt NðpÞ ¼ N0
¼ N0
1 X
ðcÞ ð2Þ Cð2k þ l þ 2Þ p2kþlþ2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0
ð17Þ and
NðpÞ þ dt pt NðpÞ
t 2kþlþ1 Z 1 ðcÞk d2 ¼ N0 ept t2ktþtlþt dt C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 0 k¼0 t 2kþlþ1 1 X ðcÞk d2 Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ ¼ N0 b 3 p2ktþtlþtþ1 C l þ k þ þ 1 C k þ k¼0 2 2
Taking Laplace inverse of (22), t1 L1 fpt ; tg ¼ Ct ðtÞ ; RðtÞ > 0 we have L1 fNðpÞg ¼ N0
1 X ðcÞk
dt 2kþlþ1 Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ 2 b C l þ k þ þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 2 ( ) 1 X ttð2kþlþrþ1Þ r tr ð1Þ d Cð2kt þ tl þ tr þ t þ 1Þ r¼0 t 2kþlþ1 1 X ðcÞk d2 Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ ¼ N0 b C l þ k þ þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 2 ( ) 1 X ttr ttð2kþlþ1Þ ð1Þr dtr Cð2kt þ tl þ tr þ t þ 1Þ r¼0 2kþlþ1 1 X ðcÞk Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ dt ¼ N0 2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 X ttr r tr tð2kþlþ1Þ t ð1Þ d Cð2kt þ tl þ tr þ t þ 1Þ r¼0
N ðt Þ ¼ N 0
ðcÞk Cð2k þ l þ 2Þ t 2kþlþ1 Et;2kþlþ2 ðdt tt Þ: C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 2 k¼0
1 X
h Theorem 2. If d > 0; t > 0; c; b; l; t 2 C and RðlÞ > 1, then the solution of the equation NðtÞ N0 Hl;b;c ðdt tt Þ ¼ dt0 Dt t NðtÞ
dt 2kþlþ1 Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ 2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 X r tr ð2ktþtlþtþtrþ1Þ 1 L ð1Þ d p
1 X ðcÞk ð2Þð2kþlþ1Þ Cð2k þ l þ 2Þ 2kþlþ1 t ¼ N0 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 X ttr r tr ð1Þ d Cðtr þ 2k þ l þ 2Þ r¼0 k 1 X ðcÞ Cð2k þ l þ 2Þ t 2kþlþ1 ¼ N0 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 2 k¼0 ( ) 1 X ttr r tr ð1Þ d Cðtr þ 2k þ l þ 2Þ r¼0
is given by the following formula t t 2kþlþ1 ðcÞk Cð2k þ tl þ 2Þ dt b 3 2 C lþkþ2þ1 C kþ2
Ev;2ktþtlþ2 ðdt tt Þ;
t t 2kþlþ1 ! ðcÞk dt dt b 3 2 C l þ 1 þ þ k C k þ 2 2 k¼0
1 X
dt 2kþlþ1 Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ 2 NðpÞ ¼ N0 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 h t ir X p pð2ktþtlþtþ1Þ : d r¼0
1 X ðcÞk ð2Þð2kþlþ1Þ Cð2k þ l þ 2Þ NðtÞ ¼ N0 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 X tð2kþlþ1þtrÞ r tr ð1Þ d Cðtr þ 2k þ l þ 2Þ r¼0
NðpÞ ¼ N0
1 X ðcÞk
1 X
1 X
1 X ðcÞk ð2Þð2kþlþ1Þ Cð2k þ l þ 2Þ 1 L C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 X r tr ð2kþlþ2þtrÞ ð1Þ d p
N ðt Þ ¼ N 0
dt pt NðpÞ
L1 fNðpÞg ¼ N0
N ðt Þ ¼ N 0
where FðpÞ is defined in (13). Now, applying the Laplace transform to the both sides of (18), gives ð21Þ LfNðtÞ; pg ¼ N0 L Hl;b;c ðdt tt Þ; p dt L 0 Dt t NðtÞ; p
1 X ðcÞk ð2Þð2kþlþ1Þ Cð2k þ l þ 2Þ NðpÞ ¼ N0 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 h t ir X p ð2kþlþ2Þ p : d r¼0
Taking Laplace inverse of (17), t1 L1 fpt ; tg ¼ Ct ðtÞ ; RðtÞ > 0 we have
t L 0 Dt t fðtÞ; p ¼ p FðpÞ
NðtÞ ¼ N0 ð19Þ
where Ev;2ktþlþ2 ð:Þ is the generalized Mittag-Leffler function (Mittag-Leffler, 1905). Proof. The Laplace transform of the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral operator is given by Erde´lyi et al. (1954)
1 X ðcÞk
2kþlþ1 1 X ðcÞk Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ dt 2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0
ttð2kþlþ1Þ Ev;ð2kþlþ1Þtþ1 ðdt tt Þ This completes the proof of Theorem 2.
Theorem 3. If d > 0; t > 0; c; b; l; t 2 C; a–d and RðlÞ > 1, then the solution of the equation
K.S. Nisar et al.
NðtÞ N0 Hl;b;c ðdt tt Þ ¼ at 0 Dt t N ðt Þ
is given by the following formula: 2kþlþ1 1 X ðcÞk Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ dt NðtÞ ¼ N0 2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0
ttð2kþlþ1Þ Ev;ð2kþlþ1Þtþ1 ðat tt Þ:
ttð2kþlþ1Þ Ev;ð2kþlþ1Þtþ1 ðat tt Þ:
Proof. Applying Laplace transform to the both side of (23) we get L0 fNðtÞ; pg ¼ N0 L Hl;b;c ðdt tt Þ; p at L 0 Dt t NðtÞ; p Z
NðpÞ ¼ N0
e 0
t t 2kþlþ1 ! ðcÞk dt dt 2 C l þ 1 þ b2 þ k C k þ 32 k¼0
1 X
dt pt NðpÞ
NðpÞ þ at pt NðpÞ ¼ N0
1 X k¼0 1
¼ N0
1 X k¼0
C l
t 2kþlþ1 ðcÞk d2 þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k
þ 32
ept t2ktþtlþt dt t 2kþlþ1 ðcÞk d2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32
1 X ðcÞk
ð25Þ by
dt 2kþlþ1 Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ 2 b þ 1 C k þ 32 C l þ k þ k¼0 2 ( ) 1 X r tr ð2ktþtlþtþtrþ1Þ 1 L ð1Þ a p
L1 fNðpÞg ¼ N0
1 X ðcÞk
dt 2kþlþ1 Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ 2 NðtÞ ¼ N0 b C l þ k þ þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 2 ( ) 1 X ttð2kþlþrþ1Þ r tr ð1Þ a Cð2kt þ tl þ tr þ 1Þ r¼0 dt 2kþlþ1 k 1 X ðcÞ Cð2kt þ tl þ 2Þ tð2kþlþ1Þ 2 t ¼ N0 b C l þ k þ þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 2 ( ) 1 X ttr r tr ð1Þ a Cð2kt þ tl þ tr þ t þ 1Þ r¼0 2kþlþ1 k 1 X ðcÞ Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ dt ¼ N0 ttð2kþlþ1Þ 2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 X ttr r tr ð1Þ a Cð2kt þ tl þ tr þ t þ 1Þ r¼0 1 X ðcÞk
In this work we give a new fractional generalization of the standard kinetic equation and derived solutions for the same. From the close relationship of the generalized Struve function of the first kind Hp ðzÞ with many special functions, we can easily construct various known and new fractional kinetic equations. Acknowledgements
Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ p2ktþtlþtþ1
Taking Laplace inverse of (25), t1 L1 fpt ; tg ¼ Ct ðtÞ ; RðtÞ > 0 we have
3. Conclusion
The authors would like to express their appreciation to the referees for their valuable suggestions which helped to better presentation of this paper. The author K.S. Nisar would like to thank Deanship of Scientific research, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia for financial support under the project 2014/01/2152.
dt 2kþlþ1 Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ 2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0 ( ) 1 h t ir X p ð2ktþtlþtþ1Þ p : a r¼0
NðpÞ ¼ N0
2kþlþ1 1 X ðcÞk Cð2kt þ tl þ t þ 1Þ dt NðtÞ ¼ N0 2 C l þ k þ b2 þ 1 C k þ 32 k¼0
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