May 3, 2007 - PACS numbers: 03.67.Lx, 03.67.Mn, 42.50.p ... ton number in the probe mode. ... scheme has nearly perfect fidelities and higher success prob-.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 054302 共2007兲
Generating multiphoton Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states with weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity Guang-Sheng Jin, Yuan Lin, and Biao Wu Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China 共Received 12 January 2007; published 3 May 2007兲 We propose a scheme to generate polarization-entangled multiphoton Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states with weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity based on controlled bus rotation and subsequent homodyne measurement. Our method is simple in operation and has high success probabilities with near perfect fidelities in an ideal case. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.054302
PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Lx, 03.67.Mn, 42.50.⫺p
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger 共GHZ兲 states 关1兴, one kind of multipartite entangled states, play an important role in nonlocality test of quantum mechanics 关2兴 and in quantuminformation processing 共QIP兲 关3兴. Much effort has been devoted to generating GHZ states in various physical systems over the past few years 关4兴. In particular, matter-qubit GHZ states have been produced experimentally in microwave cavity QED 关5兴 and ion trap 关6兴. Compared with most massive qubits, flying photon qubits are more suitable for longdistance quantum communication and more robust against decoherence because of their fast speed and weak interaction with environment 关7兴. Photon GHZ states have been successfully demonstrated by the multifold coincidencemeasurement method 关8兴. In these experiments, however, one does not know whether or not photon qubits are in the desired states unless these photons are detected and destroyed. So the output entangled states cannot be used as the input state for further experimental operations. This drawback would limit their efficient applications in large-scale QIP 关9兴. One possible approach for generating photon GHZ states that overcomes this drawback utilizes optical cross-Kerr effect. This type of approach involves two optical field modes, one is called signal mode and the other probe mode. A weak interaction between photons in these two modes is induced by passing them through nonlinear Kerr media. The Hamiltonian describing this interaction is given by 关10兴 HcK = −បa†ab†b, where is proportional to the third-order nonlinear susceptibility 共3兲 and a† and a 共b† and b兲 represent the creation and annihilation operators of the signal mode 共probe mode兲, respectively. After passing through the Kerr medium, a photon in signal mode accumulates a phase shift = t 共t is the effective interaction time兲 that is proportional to the photon number in the probe mode. If the nonlinearity is large enough, such as = , then it can be used to implement quantum gates 关11,12兴 and generate entangled states 关13兴. Unfortunately, natural Kerr media has extremely small nonlinearities, with a typical magnitude of ⬇ 10−18 rad 关14,15兴. However, it was suggested recently that the nonlinearities might be largely improved, say ⬃ 10−2, with electromagnetically induced transparency 共EIT兲 关16,17兴. In addition, the weak nonlinearity can be compensated by using a probe coherent state field 兩␣典 with a very large amplitude. So this kind of small-but-not-tiny Kerr nonlinearities could still be effectively used for QIP 关17–21兴. In this Brief Report we present a scheme to generate GHZ states of multiple polarization-encoded photons using this weak-nonlinearity-based method. As shown in Fig. 1 strong 1050-2947/2007/75共5兲/054302共4兲
probe mode interacts successively with multiple signal-mode photons, each causing a conditional phase rotation in the probe mode. Subsequent P 关P = −i共b − b†兲 / 冑2兴 homodyne measurement 关22兴 of the probe mode will project the photons in the signal mode into the desired entangled states. Such a scheme has nearly perfect fidelities and higher success probabilities than the one in Ref. 关23兴. In addition, our proposal has several other advantages. First, our scheme uses only one probe mode instead of multiple as in some parity-gate-based methods 关24,25兴. This makes our scheme simpler to implement. Second, our scheme uses P homodyne measurement, which requires considerably smaller strength of the coherent state in the probe mode than the X 关X = 共b + b†兲 / 冑2兴 measurement in other schemes 关20兴. Therefore our scheme is more feasible and more robust against decoherence 关26兴. Moreover, our method is not limited to the all-optical implication and can be also used in other bus-mediated QIP architectures with a cross-Kerr-like interaction Hamiltonian 关27,28兴. To illustrate the essential features of our scheme, it is sufficient to first consider how to produce a three-photon GHZ state. The schematic setup of our proposal is shown in Fig. 1. The photon in the signal mode is prepared in a superposition state of horizontal and vertical polarizations while the probe beam is initially set in a coherent state superposition 共CSS兲 c共兩␣典 + 兩−␣典兲 with a normalization factor c = 1 / 冑2 + 2e−2␣ . Without loss of generality, we have assumed the amplitude ␣ is positive. Then the initial state of the system that consists of three photons in the signal mode and a coherent probe beam is 2
兩典 = 丢
冑2 共兩H典k + 兩V典k兲 丢 c共兩␣典 + 兩− ␣典兲
共兩HHH典 + 兩HHV典 + 兩HVH典 + 兩VHH典 + 兩VVH典 2 冑2 + 兩VHV典 + 兩HVV典 + 兩VVV典兲 丢 共兩␣典 + 兩− ␣典兲,
where 兩H典k 共兩V典k兲 is the horizontal 共vertical兲 polarization state of the kth photon in the signal mode. Several schemes to produce a strong CSS with weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity have been proposed 关29,30兴. Very recently the generation of a traveling-wave optical CSS with a small ␣ have been experimentally demonstrated by subtracting one photon from a squeezed vacuum state 关31,32兴. In principle, arbitrary large CSS can be produced out of arbitrary small CSSs by the
©2007 The American Physical Society
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 054302 共2007兲
BRIEF REPORTS weak nonlinear interaction c ( α + −α
( H 1 + V 1)
2+V 2
(H 2
3+ V 3
1 2 1
GHZ state
关共兩HHH典 + 兩VVV典兲共兩␣典 + 兩− ␣典兲 + 兩HVV典共兩␣ei典
+ 兩− ␣ei典兲 + 兩VHH典共兩␣e−i典 + 兩− ␣e−i典兲 + 兩VHV典 ⫻共兩␣e2i典 + 兩− ␣e2i典兲 + 兩HVH典共兩␣e−2i典 + 兩− ␣e−2i典兲 + 兩HHV典共兩␣e3i典 + 兩− ␣e3i典兲 + 兩VVH典共兩␣e−3i典 + 兩− ␣e−3i典兲兴.
In the next step, we implement the P-quadrature homodyne measurement on the probe beam 关17兴. The resulting threephoton state in the signal mode is then 兩 ⬙典 =
1 共2g0 cos 0兩GHZ0典 + g1+兩GHZ1+典 + g1−兩GHZ1−典 N + g2+兩GHZ2+典 + g2−兩GHZ2−典 + g3+兩GHZ3+典 + g3−兩GHZ3−典兲,
where 兩GHZ0典 = 共1/冑2兲共兩HHH典 + 兩VVV典兲,
兩GHZ2±典 = 共1/冑2兲共e⫿i2±兩VHV典 + e±i2±兩HVH典兲, 兩GHZ3±典 = 共1/冑2兲共e⫿i3±兩HHV典 + e±i3±兩VVH典兲,
gn± = −1/4e−共p ⫿
共n = 1,2,3兲,
n± = 冑2␣ cos共n兲关 p ⫿ 共冑2/2兲 sin共n兲兴 ,
−p −p’ −p2 −p’1 −p1 3
p’ p3
p’ p2 1
FIG. 2. Peak functions 2g0兩cos 0兩 and gn± 共n = 1 , 2 , 3兲 of the homodyne measurement result p with = 0.01 and ␣ = 200. 2 2 2 2 2 2 兩N兩2 = 4g20 cos2 0 + g1+ + g1− + g2+ + g2− + g3+ + g3−
+ 2g1+g1− cos共1+ + 1−兲 + 2g2+g2− cos共2+ + 2−兲 + 2g3+g3− cos共3+ + 3−兲.
In Fig. 2, we plot 2g0兩cos 0兩 and gn± 共n = 1 , 2 , 3兲 as a function of the homodyne measurement result p. We observe that 2g0兩cos 0兩 oscillates fast and gn± are six Gaussian curves with the peaks located at 冑2␣ sin共n兲, respectively. The distances between the neighboring peaks are dn = 冑2␣兵sin共n兲 − sin关共n − 1兲兴其, which are usually referred to as the distinguishabilities of the measurement 关28兴. Because the distinguishabilities are approximately in proportion to ␣ when Ⰶ 1, we can use a strong coherent state probe light to ensure good distinguishability, that is, the overlaps between the peaks are very small. The following discussion will be made on the assumption that good distinguishability is already achieved. Let us consider the case where the result of the P homodyne measurement is near the center of one of the six side peaks. Suppose, for example, the result is p2 = 冑2 sin共2兲 − ␦2, which is near the peak of g2+ as seen from Fig. 2. In this case, the polarization photon state 兩⬙典 in Eq. 共3兲 is very close to the entangled state 兩GHZ2+典. The fidelity of the resulting state with respect to 兩GHZ2+典 is 1 . 1 + e−4d2共d2−␦2兲
For given ␣ and , we can decide ␦2 from the needed high fidelity. If = 0.01 and ␣ = 400, F兩GHZ2+典共p2兲 will be 0.9999 with ␦2 ⬇ 0.712d2. Similarly, if the measurement result is p2⬘, as shown in Fig. 2, the resulting fidelity with respect to 兩GHZ2+典 will be F兩GHZ2+典共p2⬘兲 ⬇
0 = 冑2␣ p,
冑2␣ sin n兲2/2
′ δ δ2 δ3
and the coefficients are −1/4 −1/2p2
F兩GHZ2+典共p2兲 = 兩具GHZ2+兩⬙典兩2 ⬇
兩GHZ1±典 = 共1/冑2兲共e⫿i1±兩HVV典 + e±i1±兩VHH典兲,
g0 =
process described by Lund et al. 关33兴 if quantum optical memory is available. As shown in Fig. 1, the three photon qubits in the signal mode are split individually on the polarization beam splitters 共PBSs兲 into two spatial modes, one of which then interacts the probe beam in the Kerr nonlinear medium. After recombined by the last PBS array, the whole system evolves into the following state: 2 冑2
δ3 δ′ δ δ′ δ1 1 2 2
FIG. 1. Experimental scheme for generating the three-photon GHZ state. PBS represents polarization beam splitters and LO means local operation. For details, see text.
兩 ⬘典 =
PBS gn
classical information
P homodyne measurement
1 1 + e−4d3共d3−␦2⬘兲
Assume the minimal acceptable fidelity of the resulting state is Fmin. By appropriately choosing ␦2 and ␦2⬘, we can have F兩GHZ2+典共p2兲 = F兩GHZ2+典共p2⬘兲 = Fmin. Then, as long as the measurement result p is in the regime of p2 ⬍ p ⬍ p2⬘, we can get 054302-2
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 054302 共2007兲
S=0.75×0.9999 S=0.5 S=0.25
c ( α + −α
( H 1 + V 1)
1 2
(H 1
10 −3 10
f共p兲dp ⬇
1 关erf共␦2兲 + erf共␦2⬘兲兴, 16
where erf共x兲 is the error function and f共p兲 is the probability density distribution of the projection with the form
2 g3− 兲.
n+V n
n −2
θ −( 2n −1 − 1)θ
GHZ state
FIG. 4. Experimental scheme for generating the n-photon GHZ states.
scheme. Although the success probability of obtaining the GHZ state can be near 1, the distinguishabilities in their scheme are approximately proportional to ␣2. Therefore for the same = 0.01, ␣ would be the order of 105, which is much larger than our result and puts a constraint on the practical implementation. This shows that our method can be used more efficiently in the regime of weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity. The above scheme can be easily extended to generate n-photon GHZ states. The general initial state is
2 2 2 2 + g1− + g2+ + g2− f共p兲 = 具p兩probe兩p典 ⬇ 81 共4g20 cos2 0 + g1+ 2 g3+
n −1 + V n −1
the polarization photon state 兩GHZ2+典 with the fidelity higher than Fmin. The probability of such an event is p2⬘
k+V k
k −1
FIG. 3. Logarithmic plots of the ␣ as a function of the for the minimal fidelity Fmin = 0.9999 and several total success probabilities S of obtaining the three-photon GHZ state.
P2 =
homodyne measurement
weak nonlinear interaction
冑2n 共兩H典1 + 兩V典1兲 ¯ 共兩H典n + 兩V典n兲c共兩␣典 + 兩− ␣典兲.
In the above equation, probe = Trsignal关兩⬘典具⬘兩兴 is the reduced density operator for the probe field. Finally, according to the measurement result p, simple local rotations using phase shifters can be performed via a feed-forward process to remove the relative phase 2+, that is, to transform 兩GHZ2+典 into the standard GHZ state 兩GHZ0典, which is independent of p. Similar analysis can be made when the measurement result p is near the centers of the other five side peaks in Fig. 2. Because of the rapid oscillation near p = 0, we simply discard the measurement results in the regime between −p1 and p1. Therefore the total success probability S of obtaining 兩GHZ0典 with the fidelity higher than Fmin is S ⬇ 81 关erf共␦1兲 + erf共␦1⬘兲 + erf共␦2兲 + erf共␦2⬘兲 + erf共␦3兲 + 1兴, 共10兲 where ␦i and ␦i⬘ are marked out in Fig. 2. As the distinguishabilities increase, this probability will approach 3 / 4, which is much higher than 1 / 4, the highest success probability achieved in Ref. 关23兴. Figure 3 shows the amplitude ␣ of the probe mode as a function of the nonlinearity for the minimal fidelity Fmin = 0.9999 and several different total success probabilities S of obtaining GHZ states. Approximately, ␣ decreases with the increase of logarithmically as can be seen. This is because the distinguishabilities dn ⬇ ␣ as Ⰶ 1. When = 0.01, ␣ is about 483 with S ⬇ 0.75. In Ref. 关20兴, X-quadrature homodyne detection is performed instead of P detection as in our
After n successive cross-Kerr nonlinearity interactions, as shown in Fig. 4, the whole system becomes 1
冑2n 关共兩HH ¯ H典 + 兩VV ¯ V典兲共兩␣典 + 兩− ␣典兲 + ⫻共兩␣e2
+ 兩− ␣e
典 + 兩− ␣e2
¯ + 兩H ¯ HV典
典兲 + 兩V ¯ VH典共兩␣e−2
典 共12兲
Then we perform P quadrature measurement on the probe beam and convert the photons to standard GHZ states by a classical feed-forward control conditioned on the P measurement results. By choosing proper ␣, the success probability of 1 − 共1 / 2n−1兲, which approaches 1 as n increases, can be achieved with near perfect fidelity. In Ref. 关23兴, the success probability is only 1 / 2n−1. Our scheme generally depends on the precision of the homodyne measurement. If the results are not accurate enough, the relative phases n± could not be exactly eliminated to get the standard GHZ state. So the uncertainty in the homodyne measurement must be very small, and this can be experimentally achieved by using a much more intense local oscillator than the probe mode. Another important point with regard to the practical implementation of our scheme is that the decoherence effects during the entanglement generation process in nonlinear media must be low 关34兴. Also, it is a
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 75, 054302 共2007兲
tremendous experimental challenge to generate a strong probe field in a CSS 关35,36兴. In conclusion, we have presented an effective scheme to generate multiphoton GHZ states with high success probabilities and near perfect fidelities. This scheme takes advantage of the nonlinear Kerr effect. It uses only the basic tools in quantum optical laboratories and can be implemented in
the regime of the weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity. We expect it be realized in the near future with the fast development of the relevant techniques. We are supported by the “BaiRen” program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, NSF of China 共Grant No. 10504040兲, and the 973 Project of China 共Nos. 2005CB724500 and 2006CB921400兲.
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