Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,25 (2) : (245-247) 2012
Genetic divergence studies in cluster bean genotypes [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.]* M. H. GIRISH, V. D. GASTI, N. THAMMAIAH, M. G. KERUTAGI, R. MULGE, T. SHANTAPPA AND A. B. MASTIHOLI Department of Vegetable Science Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi - 591 310, Karnataka, India E-mail:
[email protected] (Received: November, 2011
Accepted: June, 2012)
Abstract : Forty five genotypes of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) representing the broad spectrum of variation from various agro-climatic conditions of India were assessed for genetic divergence using Mahalanobis D2 technique. The genetic material exhibited wide range of genetic divergence for all 20 characters investigated. All the genotypes were grouped into eight clusters. The cluster I constituted maximum number (32) of genotypes followed by clusters II, III, IV, V, VI and VII with two genotypes each and the cluster VIII constituted with one genotype. The cluster VII with two genotypes showed maximum intra - cluster diversity (D2 = 314.851) followed by cluster I (D2 =306.519), VI (D2=296.274), V (D2 =168.581), IV (D2 = 97.195), III (D2 = 88.390) and II (D2 =59.911). The cluster VIII had no intracluster distance (D2=0.000) as that posses single genotype. Inter - cluster distance revealed the maximum divergence between cluster VII and VIII (D2 =1640.054) closely followed by cluster IV and VIII (D2 = 1552.597), cluster II and VIII (D2 =1388.251), cluster I and VI (1202.829), cluster I and VIII (D2 =1183.916) and cluster V and VIII (D2 =1178.135). The distance between cluster II and IV (D2 =155.094) was least. On the basis of inter-cluster distances and per se performances observed in hybridization programme for genotypes involving for specific characters can be choosen on the basis of cluster mean. Key words: Cluster bean, Genetic divergence, Mahalanobis D2 technique
Introduction Cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] [2n=14], is an under exploited leguminous vegetable. It is commonly known as guar, chavli kayi, guari, khutti etc. It is one of the most important and potential vegetable cum industrial crop grown for its tender pods and endospermic gum (30-35 %). Guar seeds are mainly used for extraction of endospermic gum having good binding properties and have high demand in food industry as an ingredient in products like sauces and ice creams etc. In agriculture, guar gum is used as water retainer, soil aggregate and anti-crusting agent. In petroleum industry, it is used as gelling and thickening agent. Further in textile and juice industry, guar gum is used for sizing and as a thickener and stabiliser. In varnish industry, it is used as a protective colloid. In paper industry, it is used for improving quality of paper board by enhancing dry and wet strength and for enhancing sizing degree. Guar gum has also greater utility in pollution control and acts as absorbent in waste water treatment in textile industry as a flocculating and exchanging agent. In waste water purification, guar gum is used as a gelatinising agent. Despite the importance of this crop, only limited breeding work has been done and very little attention has been given for its genetic improvement in the past, in order to enhance the productivity levels of kharif cluster bean. Information on the nature and magnitude of genetic diversity present in the genotypes is a pre- requisite. Parents to be selected on the basis of combing ability and F1 heterosis for developing high yielding varieties through hybridization. Literature available on the nature and magnitude of genetic diversity in cluster bean crop indicates that the studies in this kind are scanty and not properly documented. Therefore, an attempt in the present
investigation was made to study the degree of genetic diversity in set of 45 genotypes collected from different geographical regions. Material and methods An investigation was carried out in the experimental field of Department of Vegetable Science at Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi during of kharif season of 2011. All 45 phenotypically superior genotypes were evaluated with two replications with spacing of 45 cm x 15 cm. Optimum management practices were followed uniformly for raising the crop. Observations were recorded on individual plot basis for days to green pod maturity, green pod yield per plot, dry pod yield per plot, 100 seed weight and for remaining traits i.e. plant height, number of branches, plant spread (N-S and ETable 1. Cluster composition based on D2 statistics in cluster bean genotypes Cluster
Number of genotypes
Genotypes included in the cluster
2 2 2 2 2 2 1
GR-1, GR-2, GR-4,GR-5, GR-6, GR-7, GR- 8, GR-9, GR-10, GR-11, GR-12, GR-13, GR-14, GR-15, GR-16, GR-17,GR-18, GR-19, GR-20, GR-21, GR-22, GR-23, GR-24, GR-25, GR-26, GR-27, GR-28, GR-29, GR-30, GR-31, GR-32, GR-42 GR-37, GR-39 GR-33, GR-38 GR-40, GR-41 GR-35, GR-36 GR-44, GR-45 GR-43, GR-34 GR-3
*Part of M. Sc. (Hort.) thesis submitted by the first author to the University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot - 587 102, India 245
Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,25 (2) : 2012 Table 2. Intra cluster and inter cluster D2 and D values in cluster bean genotypes I I
306.519 (17.508)
326.198 (18.061) 59.911 (7.74)
230.136 (15.170) 262.055 (16.188) 74.918 (8.656)
493.036 (22.204) 155.094 (12.454) 462.283 (21.501) 88.390 (9.402)
247.300 ( 15.726) 160.724 (12.678) 180.188 (13.423) 346.485 (18.614) 168.581 (12.984)
VI 1202.829 (34.682) 736.360 (27.136) 1058.999 (32.542) 729.987 (27.018) 941.635 (30.686) 296.274 (17.226)
460.522 (21.460) 361.255 (19.007) 480.002 (21.909) 347.219 (18.634) 309.544 (17.594) 1142.051 (33.794) 314.851 (17.774)
1183.916 (34.408) 1388.251 (37.259) 862.474 (29.368) 1552.597 (39.403) 1178.135 (34.324) 1149.984 (33.911) 1640.054 (40.498) 0.000 (0.000)
VIII Figures in parenthesis denote corresponding D values
W direction), stem girth, leaf area of index leaf, number of clusters per plant, number of pods per cluster, cluster length, pod length, pod breadth, green pod yield per plant, dry pod yield per plant, seed yield per plant, protein content in seeds and seed endosperm gum content data were recorded on five randomly selected plants and then averaged. Mahabalnosis D2 statistic as suggested by Rao (1952) was used to measure genetic divergence.
followed by protein content in seeds (12.62%), plant spread (North- South direction) (5.45%), Leaf area of index leaf (4.34%), seed yield per plant (2.82%), days taken for green pod maturity (2.52%) and dry pod yield per plot (1.71%). The mean value for all the characters were calculated (Table 4) which indicate that the cluster VIII had highest mean value for number of clusters per plant, cluster length, pod length, 100 seed weight and seed
Results and discussion
Table 3. Per cent contribution of the different characters to the total divergence in cluster bean genotypes
The analysis of variance showed that significant differences among the genotypes for all 20 characters studied. This suggested the presence of appreciable amount of diversity among the genotypes under study. The computed D2 values for 45 genotypes had wide range showing high divergence among the genotypes. Forty five genotypes were grouped into eight clusters (Table 1). Cluster I was largest one with 32 genotypes followed by cluster II, III, IV, V, VI and VII with two genotypes each, the cluster VIII constituted with one genotype. Clustering between genetic diversity and geographical diversity was in agreement with Gipson and Balakrishnan (1992), Singh et al. (2003) and Pathak et al. (2009). The intra- cluster distance was ranged from 7.74-17.774(Table 2). The inter - cluster distance revealed that maximum divergence between cluster VII and VIII (D2=1640.054) closely followed by cluster IV and VIII (D2= 1552.597), cluster II and VIII (D2=1388.251), cluster I and VI (1202.829), cluster I and VIII (D2=1183.916) and cluster V and VIII (D2=1178.135). The distance between cluster II and IV (D2=155.094) was least. The maximum and wide distance point out that selection of parents for hybridization programme be made from genetically diverse clusters. The contribution of various traits to the genetic diversity worked out from their rank (Table 3), maximum contribution (67.37%) was from seed endosperm gum content
Plant height (cm) (90DAS) Number of branches (90DAS) Plant spread (North- South) (cm) (90DAS) Plant spread (East - West) (cm) (90DAS ) Stem girth (cm) Leaf area of index leaf (cm2) Days taken for vegetable pod maturity Number of clusters per plant Number of pods per cluster Cluster length (cm) Pod length (cm) Pod breadth (cm) Green pod yield per plant (g/plant) Green pod yield per plot (g/plot) Dry pod yield per plant (g/plant) Dry pod yield per plot (g/plot) Hundred seed weight (g) Seed yield per plant (g/plant) Protein content in seeds (mg/g) Gum content in seeds (%) 246
No. of Contribution times to total ranked first divergence % 0 0 54
0.00 0.00 5.45
1 43 25 1 0 8 1 4 2 3 0 17 8 28 125 667
0.10 4.34 2.52 0.10 0.00 0.80 0.10 0.40 0.20 0.30 0.00 1.71 0.80 2.82 12.62 67.37
Genetic divergence studies in cluster bean ........ Table 4. The mean of different characters for eight clusters in cluster bean genotypes A B
55.06 13.26 23.26 25.44 0.39 12.47 47.73 9.81 13.51 6.04 5.16 0.68 61.06
53.88 12.00 22.10 27.30 0.33 12.96 47.50 10.85 12.44 5.73 5.02 0.71 67.20 1073.50 16.80 235.00 3.62 9.55 16.23
961.78 15.35 354.69 3.44 10.80 16.65 13.15 8.65
III 55.88 13.40 22.55 26.30 0.31 13.17 49.50 9.00 12.52 5.67 5.23 0.68 62.05 1116.50 15.51 437.50 3.37 7.85 19.73 13.55 IV 52.98 10.95 19.05 22.90 0.29 12.15 52.25 8.20 12.48 6.00 5.05 0.68 39.75 V
803.75 9.94 197.00 3.28 7.79 13.38
60.35 13.50 21.90 27.25 0.35 17.12 46.25 11.25 14.69 6.54 5.28 0.75 77.80 1386.50 19.45 442.50 3.38 11.16 16.35 12.20
VI 87.24
4.30 14.80 21.30 0.35 17.13 46.00 10.55 13.72 10.28 8.48 0.74 86.90 1838.25 21.73 445.00 3.70 11.65 16.85
VII 60.28 12.20 20.45 26.55 0.36 15.32 47.75 11.45 14.62 6.48 5.42 0.64 75.00 1412.50 22.85 435.00 3.37 14.05 13.83 11.93 VIII 56.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8.20 16.00 23.00 0.36 15.38 47.50 11.80 13.02 10.94 9.87 0.69 72.20 1276.00 18.05 325.00 4.27 5.95 19.60 19.00
A : Characters B : Clusters Plant height (cm) (90 DAS) Number of branches (90 DAS) Plant Spread (North- South) (cm) (90 DAS) Plant spread (East- West) (cm) (90 DAS) Stem girth (cm) Leaf area of index leaf (cm2) Days to vegetable pod maturity
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of clusters per plant Number of pods per cluster Cluster length Pod length (cm) P od breadth (cm) Green pod yield per plant (g/plant) Green pod yield per plot (g/plot)
15 16 17 18 19 20
Dry pod yield per plant (g/plant) Dry pod yield per plot (g/plot) Hundred seed weight (g) Seed yield per plant (g/plant) Protein content in seeds (mg/g) Seed endosperm gum content (%)
endosperm gum content. Cluster VI had highest mean value for plant height, leaf area of index leaf, green pod yield per plant, green pod yield per plot and dry pod yield per plot. Cluster VII had highest mean value for dry pod yield per plant and seed yield per plant. Cluster V had highest mean value for number of branches per plant, number of pods per cluster and pod breadth. Cluster I had highest mean value for plant spread (North- South direction) and stem girth. Cluster III had highest mean value for protein content in seeds. Cluster IV had highest mean value for
days to green pod maturity. Cluster II had highest mean value for plant spread (East- West direction).Maximum amount of heterosis is generally excepted in cross combinations involving the parents belonging to most divergent clusters. Similar results were obtained by Singh et al. (2005) and Pathak et al. (2009). Therefore, an investigation suggested hybridization programme between the genotypes of distinct group to obtain superior genotypes from the segregating generation to overcome the yield constraints in kharif cluster bean.
Rao, C. R., 1952, Advanced Statistical Methods in Biometrical Research. John Wiley and Sons, New York, Pp. 357-369.
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Singh, N. P., Choudhary, A. K. and Chaudhary, S. P. S., 2003, Genetic divergence in cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.). Indian J. Agric. Sci., 73(6): 356-357. Singh, R. V., Chaudhary, S. P. S., Singh, J. and Singh, N. P., 2005, Genetic divergence in cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) J. Arid Legumes, 2(1):102-105.