Geohazards Into the Land-use Planning and Urban ...

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Spanish Experience and European Overview. Rosa María ... spanish Mediterranean region in december 2016, .... There are 17 autonomous communities.
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Geohazards Into the Land-use Planning and Urban Development Policies. Spanish Experience and European Overview Rosa María Mateos Ruiz1 1

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España. Urb. Alcázar del Genil, edificio Zulema Bajos. 18006 Granada, España E.mail:

Abstract Damages and fatalities caused by geohazards have considerably increased in Europe during the last decades; urban pressure has led more people to live in flood plains, around seismically active areas and in zones prone to landslides. A lack of regulatory mechanisms in many countries to face geohazards within the ambit of urban planning, as well as poor land-use plans, have increased the risk and exacerbated the effects of natural disasters. Geohazards in Spain cause significant economic and social losses. Every year, nearly 25 people are killed while economic losses exceed 0.23% of GDP. Additionally, the indirect losses could be very important, in a country that lives from and for tourism. Geohazards are contemplated in the Spanish legislation within the ambits of the land regulations and the civil protection management, both in hands of the 17 autonomous communities of the country. The result is a large heterogeneity in approaches to geohazard mapping and different regional velocities about how to integrate efficiently Geoscience knowledge into the landuse and urban development policies. On a larger scale, Europe shows a similar situation to the Spanish one, with heterogeneous policies across borders and a lack of common methodological guides to elaborate geohazard maps. The present work reveals the need to stress a better integration of geohazards into land-use and urban planning across Europe by means of a legislative framework and homogenization of the national legislations. It is essential to understand that geohazards are an international problem that requires collaboration and mutual understanding guided by collective EU policy. Keywords: Europe, geohazards, land-use, Spain, urban planning. Resumo Os danos e as mortes causados por perigos geológicos (geohazards) aumentaram consideravelmente na Europa durante as últimas décadas; a pressão urbana levou mais pessoas a viver em planícies de inundação, em torno de áreas sismicamente ativas e em zonas propensas a deslizamentos de terra. A inexistência, em muitos países, de mecanismos regulatórios para enfrentar os perigos geológicos no âmbito do planeamento urbano, bem como dos planos de ordenamento do território, aumentaram o risco e agravaram os efeitos de desastres naturais. Os perigos geológicos em Espanha causaram perdas económicas e sociais significativas. Todos os anos, morrem quase 25 pessoas, enquanto as perdas económicas excedem 0,23% do PIB. Além disso, as perdas indiretas podem ser muito importantes, num país que vive de e para o turismo. Os perigos geológicos encontram-se refletidos na legislação espanhola, nomeadamente, nos regulamentos de ordenamento do território e na gestão da proteção civil, ambas nas mãos das 17 comunidades autónomas do país. O resultado é uma elevada heterogeneidade nas abordagens relativas ao mapeamento dos perigos geológicos e diferentes velocidades de desenvolvimento nas regiões, acerca de como integrar eficientemente o conhecimento das Geociências no uso da terra e nas políticas de desenvolvimento urbano. À escala maior, a Europa mostra uma situação semelhante à espanhola, com políticas heterogéneas entre as fronteiras dos países e a falta de guias metodológicos comuns para elaborar mapas de perigos geológicos. O presente trabalho revela a necessidade de enfatizar uma melhor integração de perigos geológicos no ordenamento do território e no planeamento urbano em toda a Europa por meio de um quadro legislativo comum e homogeneização das legislações nacionais. É essencial compreender que os perigos geológicos são um problema internacional que requer colaboração e compreensão mútua, guiada pela política coletiva da União Europeia. Palavras-chave: Europa, perigos geológicos, ordenamento do território, Espanha, planeamento urbano..

12 Geohazards Into the land-use Planning and Urban development Policies. spanish Experience and European Overview

1. Introduction recent escalation of urbanization, infrastructures development and the urban population throughout many European countries has considerably increased damages generated by geohazards (floods, earthquakes, landslides and others) during the last decades. spain is a good example of this, where geohazards have caused numerous fatalities and high economic losses in recent times. The lorca Earthquake in 2011, the submarine volcanic eruption in El Hierro (canary islands, 2011), the numerous landslides in the coastal fringe, and the recent floods occurred in the spanish Mediterranean region in december 2016, shows an unresolved problem about how to integrate efficiently Geoscience knowledge into the land-use and urban development policies. A recent work from the Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group (EOEG) of EuroGeosurveys (Mateos et al., 2017), based on an enquiry filled by 19 European countries, reveals a similar situation to the spanish one, with heterogeneous policies across borders and a lack of common methodological guides to elaborate the geohazard maps. In the present manuscript, we firstly analyze the spanish experience, the main geohazards affecting the country and the legal framework to face them, not only in the land use scope, but also in the emergency management one. In a second stage, the European overview is shown and a series of challenges and positive proposals are indicated for a better integration of geohazard risk management across Europe. This work was orally presented during the 40th Anniversary of the Association of Portuguese Geologists and the European Federation of Geologist meeting, held in lisbon in May 2016.

Aragonese Pyrenees (Biescas), where 87 people died on a campsite located in an area of active alluvial flooding. later tragic flooding took place in 1995 in Yebra and Almoguera (Guadalajara), with 11 fatalities; in Badajoz (1997), with 22 fatalities, and many other cases in the Mediterranean region and in the canary Islands. recently, in december 2016, heavy and continuous rains occurred in south and east spain (cádiz, Málaga, Almería, Murcia y valencia) triggering catastrophic floods with 8 fatalities. Figure 1 represents the map of fatalities caused by floodings during the past 25 years elaborated by díez-Herrero & García (2016). We can observe many “red spots” in the Mediterranean fringe, the canary and the Balearic islands, as well as in the Guadalquivir, Tajo and Ebro river basins. According to the data by the spanish Professional Association (IcOG, 1997), 1400 flooding red spots have been identified in the country´s network rivers. The spanish public administration is alerted to the need to establish adequate flood risk management to mitigate and minimize their consequences. Because of spain´s location in the western Mediterranean geological context, it experiences relatively frequent seismic activity (although not to the extent of some other European countries, such as Italy, Greece and Portugal). The distribution of seismic activity in spain is mostly concentrated in the s and sE (Andalusia, Murcia and valencia regions). The last destructive earthquake in spain took place

2. Geohazards in Spain and its management 2.1. Geohazards The most significant geohazard in spain, because of the extent of the damage caused, is flooding. The most destructive flooding in spain is of the flash flood type-transitory, momentary or discontinuous, caused by short periods of very heavy rainfall, typically found along the Mediterranean coastline and the canary Islands. According to díez-Herrero & García (2016), floods cause annually in spain 16 fatalities and economic losses are valued around €205 M, what represents the 0.1% of the spanish GdP. One of the major disaster occurred in 1996, in the

Figure 1 – Map of fatalities caused by floodings in spain during the past 25 years. Elaborated by díez-Herrero & García (2016). Figura 1 – Mapa das vítimas mortais causadas por inundações em Espanha nos últimos 25 anos. Elaborado por Díez-Herrero & García (2016).


in May 2011, in the city of lorca (Murcia). With a magnitude of only 5.1 Mw, the earthquake was very shallow and caused 9 fatalities and severe damages to buildings and the cultural heritage of the city (Fig. 2). Many authors (capote & Martínez díaz, 2001; sanz de Galdeano et al, 1995) as well as the works carried out to draw-up the active faults map of the Iberian Peninsula (Fig. 2, lnEG & IGME, 2016), have reported the existence of numerous faults with the potential to generate earthquakes with magnitudes of 6.5 Mw. It was the case of the destructive earthquake occurred in Arenas del rey (Granada) in 1884, which caused 800 fatalities and over 2000 injures. The earthquake had an

Figure 2 – Active faults map of the Iberian Peninsula (lnEG & IGME, 2016) with the location of the lorca (Murcia) earthquake epicenter. This earthquake occurred in May 2011, it caused 9 fatalities and severe damages to the cultural heritage of the city (lower photography). Figura 2 – Mapa de falhas ativas da Península Ibérica (LNEG & IGME, 2016) com a localização do epicentro do sismo de Lorca (Múrcia). Este sismo ocorreu em maio de 2011, causando 9 vítimas mortais e danos graves no património cultural da cidade (fotografia inferior).

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estimated magnitude of 6.7 Mw (vidal sánchez, 2011) and it was related to the fault named “Alhama de Granada”, with 200 km in length. The canary Islands are the only part of spanish territory with currently active volcanoes. The historical record has registered 17 volcanic eruptions on the canaries; the latest one took place in 2011, in El Hierro, the westernmost island of the archipelago. It was a small submarine eruption (Fig. 3), but it caused a great social alarm on the island, and the evacuation of some localities near the eruption. It was the first time that the authorities activated the special Emergency Plan for volcanic Hazards in the canary Islands (PEvOlcA) with the support of a scientific committee for monitoring and evaluation the risk. landslides is the second significant geohazard in spain taking into account the significant damage caused by landslides to infrastructures, roads, dams and buildings. Of special importance are the frequent small landslides, which affect the transportation networks and have high repairing costs. spain is the second most mountainous country in Europe and 50% of its coastal fringe are cliffs. In recent years, the population density along spanish coastlines, where 50% of the population live and tourism is most intensive (75.3 million of visitors in 2016), has led to generalized disturbance of coastal lands. Over 30% of the spanish coastline has been developed resulting in a large number of landslides affecting resorts, dwellings, apartment blocks and infrastructures (Mateos et al., 2012; notti et al., 2015; Mateos et al., 2016). Figure 4 shows some significant examples. Geohazards in spain cause significant economic and social losses. Every year, nearly 25 people are killed while economic losses exceed 0.23% of GdP (Mateos, 2013). Indirect economic costs are not evaluated, but they can be very important. very few works have estimated indirect economic losses caused by geohazards. In 2008-2010, a combination of persistent precipitations and low temperature caused an unusual number of slope failures in Mallorca, and they produced a great impact on the regional economy of the island, which revolves exclusively around tourism. The interruption in tourist arrivals at some localities for several months, due to the cutting off the road (Fig. 5), led to the closure of restaurants, hotels and snack bars, with the consequent loss of jobs and profits. The total economic losses were valued at approximately €11 M, almost 50% of them corresponding to indirect losses (Mateos et al., 2013).

14 Geohazards Into the land-use Planning and Urban development Policies. spanish Experience and European Overview

Figure 3 – submarine volcanic eruption in El Hierro, the westernmost island of the canaries. The eruption started in October 2011 and caused a great social alarm during a few months as well as the evacuation of some localities (see the village of la restinga in the photography). Foto from PEvOlcA. Figura 3 – Erupção vulcânica submarina em El Hierro, a ilha mais ocidental das Canárias. A erupção começou em outubro de 2011, causando grande alarme social durante alguns meses, bem como a evacuação de algumas localidades (veja a vila de La Restinga na fotografia). Foto de PEVOLCA.

2.2. Geohazard management in Spain spain is not a federation, but a high-decentralized unitary state. There are 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities, which represent the first-level political and administrative division, created in accordance with the spanish constitution of 1978. land-use and civil protection planning in spain fall within the ambit of state decentralization and the transfer of powers to the country´s autonomous communities. On the other hand, town councils are responsible for urban planning but the final acceptance of the areas subject to urban development depends on the autonomous community decision. Geohazards are contemplated in the spanish legislation in two well-defined areas: 1) land and Urban rehabilitation Bill, approved by the real decree 7/2015 of 30 October 2015. For the first time, the land bill include the requirement to draw up natural-risk maps within the ambit of land-use planning. This is contemplated in the following articles:

– Article 21 – “Non-developable land is considered to be those with natural or technological risks, including flood or other serious accidents.” This means that those areas of the municipality identified as vulnerable to natural hazards, are considered no urban lands. – Artículo 22.1 – “The environmental sustainability report of the urban development planning have to include a map of natural risks of the area to be managed”. Based on this regulation, geohazard maps are incorporated in the environmental studies of the territory and they have to be finally approved by the corresponding autonomous community. These maps are elaborated by private companies an mainly developed by architects (in urban areas) or environmental experts (in no urban areas). They use to be susceptibility maps and, in most of the cases, only floodings are contemplated. The result is a large heterogeneity of mapping scales, methods and contents as well as a great confusion of concepts regarding susceptibility, vulnerability, hazard and


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Figure 4 – some significant damaging landslide cases in the spanish coastal fringe. A, Es cubells, Ibiza (2005); B, sa caixota, Ibiza (2009); c, cerro Gordo (Granada, 2016); d, Bunyola (Mallorca, 2013). Figura 4 – Alguns significativos casos de escorregamentos na faixa costeira espanhola. A) Es Cubells, Ibiza (2005); B) Sa Caixota, Ibiza (2009); C) Cerro Gordo (Granada, 2016); D) Bunyola (Maiorca, 2013).

Figure 5 – road cut off in some places of the main road of the Tramuntana range (Mallorca) during the spanning period 2008-2010. Both landslides produced a great impact on the regional economy of the island, which revolves exclusively around tourism. Figura 5 – Via cortada em alguns locais da estrada principal da Tramuntana (Maiorca) durante o período 2008-2010. Ambos os deslizamentos produziram um grande impacto na economia regional da ilha, que gira exclusivamente em torno do turismo.

16 Geohazards Into the land-use Planning and Urban development Policies. spanish Experience and European Overview

risk, which leads to a large heterogeneity in approaches to geohazard mapping. A great achievement to solve this was the initiative of the spanish Professional Association (IcOG) that in 2008 elaborated a methodological guideline to draw up risk maps of the natural hazards, including floods, landslides, land subsidence, expansive clays and others. This guide is not mandatory for the moment. 2)The Basic civil Protection regulation, approved by the royal decree 407/1992, of 24 April 1992. This bill establish the drafting of territorial emergency plans for each autonomous community, which constitute the organizational and administra tive framework for dealing with emergencies. In addition to these territorial plans, the Basic regulations also establish the possibility of producing special plans focusing on particularly significant hazards in each region. These special plans are an important development, since they must necessari ly involve in-depth knowledge and characterization of geohazards prior to the operational structure in the emergency state. These special plans are based on quite thorough scientific research, applying methodologies to study hazard and vulnerability. results are used for the spatial zoning of risk, usually at a reconnaissance scale. Although territorial plans have been approved by all the autonomous communities, special plans are emerging more slowly and gradually. Most of the regions have already approved special plans for flooding, but seismic hazard is only contemplated in very few regions (catalonia, Murcia, the Balearic islands) and landslides in no one. The canary islands have implemented the special Emergency Plan for volcanic Hazards, activated during the El Hierro eruption in 2011. As in the development of the land Bill, there is also a great heterogeneity in the geohazard maps elaborated for the special plans, without a common methodo lo gy and with a huge confusion of concepts regarding susceptibility, hazard, vulnerability and risk. In parallel, many national and regional spanish research centres have prepared documents and maps related to geohazards, and keeps an extensive collection of literature on this topic. nevertheless, much of this information is unknown by the land-use/urban/civil protection managers.

3. Geogazards in Europe and its management 3.1. European geohazards In many regions of Europe, geohazards are a major threat to society, costing lives, disrupting infrastructure and destroying livelihoods. A report of the European Environment Agency (2010), which collected data for the decade of 1998-2009, reveals that geohazards in Europe caused about 2050 fatalities for this period, and the direct average costs were evaluated to reach up to €13.7 billion every year. As in spain, floodings are the most widespread geohazard in Europe. In June 2013, extended floodings affected nine European-center countries, which caused the evacuation of 20.000 people and large economic losses of around €12 billion. In May 2014, devastating floods affected large parts of Bosnia & Herzegovina and caused economic losses equivalent to nearly 15% of the country´s GdP. recent studies (Jongman et al. 2014) predict an increasing tendency of total losses in Europe caused by flooding for the next 30 years, which might be twice the current economic values. Earthquakes in Europe are most common in the Mediterranean area, and specifically in its eastern part (Italy, Greece, and Turkey). Additionally, the southwestern areas offshore Portugal are defined as active shallow crustal regions, with the potential to generate earthquakes of high magnitude. The latest seismic event of significance in Europe was the series of earthquakes in central Italy since August 2016. Until now, they have caused almost 320 fatalities and the evacuation of thousands of people with very overspread damages in many regions. Figure 6 shows the state in which Amatrice (northern lazio) has remained after the devastating earthquake (6.2 Mw) on 24 August 2016. landslides are one of the most widespread geohazards in Europe, producing significant social and economic damages. The report of the European Environment Agency (2010) reveals that landslides in Europe caused (for the decade 1998-2009) about 312 fatalities, and direct average costs were evaluated to reach up to €48 billion. landslides are mostly concentrated in the mountainous areas and coastal cliffs, but many of them are strongly controlled by the presence of susceptible lithologies, such as argillaceous formations, and landslide can occur even in low-slope areas, and specifically in the river basins. A very significant example is the Hungarian riverbank of the danube, with numerous cases of


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Figure 6 – Amatrice (central Italy) before and after the devastating earthquake on 24 August 2016. © Photos BBc. Figura 6 – Amatrice (Itália central), antes e depois do devastador sismo que ocorreu em 24 de agosto de 2016. © Fotos BBC.

landslides affecting the soft sediments of glaciar origin (Kovács et al., 2015). A present study (Haque et al., 2016) reveals that in 27 European countries (including Turkey), during the 20 years period 1995-2014, 1370 deaths and 784 injuries were recorded from 476 deadly landslide events. rapid population growth in urban areas throughout many countries in Europe and extreme climatic scenarios can considerable increase the landslide risk in the near future. 3.2. Geohazards management in Europe in the framework of land-use and urban planning. The Earth Observation and Geohazard Expert Group (EOEG) from EuroGeosurveys carried out in 2016 a survey based enquiry regarding the integration of geohazards into urban and land-use planning in 19 European countries (Mateos et al., 2017). The questionnaire contained a list of 20 open and closed questions where the following topics are considered: (1) social impact of geohazards; (2) legal procedures; (3) Geohazards Mapping; (4) actors involved; (5) communication and awareness. results reveal heterogeneous policies across national borders and the verification that 17% of the countries have not yet implemented any legal measures to integrate geohazards into urban and land-use plans and half of the participating countries have no official methodological guides to construct geohazard maps. similar to spain, flood maps are the most commonly required information in most of the countries,

followed by the landslide maps. Again, there is a large heterogeneity of mapping scales and methods, not only for the different countries, but also in the same country. The later supervision of the maps is not mandatory in 61% of the countries for the purpose of the final acceptance of the urban/land-use plans and national Geological surveys are not involved in this revision stage in most of the countries. Additionally, there is a scarce knowledge about real social impacts of geohazards and resulting disasters in many of the countries, although they have a significant impact on their national economies. The public and political awareness increases considerably after the event, but later everyone forgets. Another relevant conclusion of the enquiry is that exists a vast scientific literature on geohazards completely unknown by the planners and conversely, the actual requirements of the planners are unfamiliar to geoexperts; there is a deep lack in the communication between scientist/geohazard experts and urban/land-use managers. 4. Conclusions: A Decalogue of future challenges and actions The overview showed in the present work stresses the need for future challenges and positive actions in a common European framework. In accordance with the Panel of Experts on natural Hazards and climate change of the European Federation of Geologists (2016) as well as the Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group (EOEG) of EuroGeosurveys (2017),

18 Geohazards Into the land-use Planning and Urban development Policies. spanish Experience and European Overview

the main actions could be summarized in the following decalogue: 1. A legislative framework and homogenization of the national legislations. It is essential to understand that geohazards are an international problem that requires collaboration and mutual understanding guided by collective EU policy; 2. To consider geohazards in the definition and design of the urban and land-use planning framework, spatial context, study goals, and project procedures management, ought to be mandatory in all the European countries; 3. Mutual guidelines, which adopt the principles applicable to the management of geohazards and explain the process to be followed in the production of hazard documentation; 4. To eliminate definitely concepts regarding susceptibility, vulnerability, hazard and risk which leads to a great confusion and a large heterogeneity in approaches to geohazard mapping; 5. To develop and install unified monitoring systems in areas at risk as major elements of disaster risk reduction and try to incorporate new concepts in mapping as active, potential and inactive areas; 6. The legal inclusion of geohazard experts as essential actors into the disaster risk policy. Experts in Geosciences have to participate in the main stages of the administrative procedure; 7. The communication between scientist/geohazard experts and urban/land-use managers has to be improved. We have to enhance the collaboration by means of national/European projects and formative programs from both directions; 8. develop detailed and homogeneous Geohazard inventories (annually updated), including economic losses (direct/indirect) and fatalities, between other data; 9. Geological Public research centers and Geological surveys have to implement transparency measures to facilitate open access to scientific data; 10. To raise the level of public and political geohazard awareness. Public education and awareness strategies have to be implemented at all levels in society: politicians and decision makers,

land-use planners, communities and and educational centers. Geological Associations and Geological surveys have the potential to play a key role in increasing the knowledge of geohazards in all sectors of society.

Acknowledgements My most affectionate thanks to the Portuguese Association of Geologists (APG) for the unforgettable days spent in lisbon during the APG 40th anniversary. special thanks to vitor correia, José romão and Mónica sousa for their kindness and friendliness.

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