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One possible method is by using a diving bell, in which the air pressure is kept at the same level as the water pressure. From this diving bell a sample can be.
Geotechnical Investigation , laboratory Testing & Design of Foundations Collected by

Ing. Jaafar Mohammed 2011-2012 [email protected]

The Five “W’s” • Who?

• What? • Where? • When? • Why? (HOW?)

In this presentation some of the most effective or popular methods for Geotechnical Investigation and laboratory Testing in the field , and design of Foundations will be described. For many engineering projects it is very useful to take a sample of the soil, and to investigate its properties in the laboratory.

Site Characterization Methods Drilling & Sampling  Soil Borings  Rock Coring

In Situ Tests  Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Cone Penetration Test (CPT + CPTu)  Flat Plate Dilatometer (DMT)  Pressure meter (PMT)  Vane Shear (VST)

Geophysical Methods  Mechanical Waves (P-, S-, R-waves)  Electromagnetic (radar, resistivity, dielectric)

Some In Situ Tests

Aspects of foundation engineering Foundations of Building & Structures [Pile , raft, and footing ]

Design Specifications or Keywords I.

AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials). I. FHWA ( Federal Highway Administration ). II. LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design), III. ASD (Allowable Stress Design), IV. LFD (Load Factor Design),

Site Exploration Overview 1. Review of Background Information.

2. Field Reconnaissance. 3. Field Exploration (Drilling, Sampling, In-situ Testing). 4. Laboratory Testing. 5. Geotechnical Interpretations, Analysis. 6. Report of Exploration.

Review of Background Information Information about the project. o Type of structure, magnitude of loads, structure layout. Geologic reports.

Soil survey reports. Aerial photographs. Existing structures-at the site, adjacent sites.. Previous geotechnical reports.

Field Exploration- Intrusive  Geotechnical drilling.  Auger drilling (solid stem auger; hollow stem auger).  Rotary drilling (rotary wash boring).  Rock coring.  Soil (and rock) sampling.  In-situ testing (SPT, CPT and other).

Aerial Photos Online: TerraServer

Soil boring locations in La Colina Vineyard (July 2003 sampling )

These risk maps are used by Town Planning, for finalisation of land use. Benefits to the Town Planning

Boreholes provides strata details

Field Explorations

Exploration Log

Soil Sampling There are two types of soil samples: Disturbed samples . These types of samples may be used for some types of soil tests as sieve analysis, water content and Attreberge limits. The major equipment used to obtain disturbed samples is “Split spoon” which is a steel tube has inner diameter of 34.93mm and outer diameter of 50.8mm

Undisturbed samples . These types of samples may be used for some types of soil tests as shear strength tests and permeability. The major equipment used to obtain disturbed samples is “thin wall tube” In general as we obtain soil samples, there will be degree of disturbance, if it was so high we will be compelled to take additional number of soil samples. The degree of disturbance can be expressed from the following relation:

Foundation Design Process Field Explorations

Undisturbed Sample (Shelby Tube)

Field Drilling and Sampling

Hollow Stem Auger o Casing with outer spiral. o Inner rod with plug/or pilot assembly. o For sampling, remove pilot assembly and insert sampler. o Typically 5ft sections, keyed, box & pin connections. o Maximum depth 60150ft.

Hollow Stem Auger

Rotary Drilling 1. Bit at the end of drill rod rotated and advanced . 2. Soil/rock cuttings removed by circulating drilling fluid. 3. Common drilling fluid; bentonite in water with slurry density 68-72pcf. 4. Air may be used as drilling fluid .

Split Spoon (Barrel) Sampler • Suitable for stiff soil, sand gravel. • Thick-wall Steel Tubes. • 1.5” ID, 2.0” OD, 18”-30” long.

Shelby Tube Sampler • Suitable for Soft Soil. • Thin-wall Steel Tubes. • 3.0" OD, 2.875" ID, 30.0" long, 7.2 lbs .

Rock Coring  Double-tube core barrel is typical.  Diamond or tungstencarbide tooth bit.  Size of core samples varies (NX, NQ, HQ, etc.).

Groundwater Monitoring  Groundwater level must be determined during geotechnical exploration.  Measure at time of drilling and later (24 hrs, 1 week, etc.).  Can be accomplished by leaving selected soil borings open.  Or, install a piezometer.

Ground Water  Piezometer.  Monitor Wells & Sampling.  Permeability Tests.

Soil Testing

Vane Shear Test Standard Penetration Test

How Many Borings? Structure or Project Highway Subgrade

Multistory Building

Subsurface Variability

Spacing of Borings (ft)


100-1000 (200, typical)


200-2000 (500, typical)


400-4000 (1000, typical)







How Deep?

Soil sampling A simple method to take a sample is to drive a tube into the ground, and then recovering the tube with the soil in it. The tube may be about 1 meter long, and may have a valve at its bottom, to prevent loosing the sample. The tube may be brought into the soil by driving it into the ground using a falling weight, or a hammer . The sample is not very well suited for a refined test, however, as the initial state of stress is disturbed, and perhaps also the density. To take a deep sample the sampling tube may be of smaller diameter than the borehole, which is supported and deepened by a special boring tube.

It may be interesting to note that samples can also be taken from the bottom of the sea. One possible method is by using a diving bell, in which the air pressure is kept at the same level as the water pressure. From this diving bell a sample can be taken by the operators, or they can make a cone penetration test. Another method is to use a heavy frame, that is submerged in the water from a ship. Using a remote control system a cone can be made to penetrate the soil, or a sample can be taken. This method can even be used in water depths of 1000 meter, or more. An example of a continuous Begemann boring is shown in Figure.

Begemann sample.

Choice of method depends on budget, sampling requirements, extent of investigation, and often site conditions

Cone Penetration Test (CPT) This test, CPT, has been developed from a simple tool, that was pushed into the ground by hand or a manual pressure device, into a sophisticated electronic measuring device, with an advanced hydraulic loading system. The load is often provided by the weight of a heavy truck. Originally the CPT was a purely mechanical test, as shown schematically in Figure

I. First only the cone is pushed into the ground, over a distance of 35 mm. II. Clay layers have a much smaller cone resistance than sand. III.A typical cone resistance qc for a sand layer is 5 MPa or 10 MPa, or even higher, whereas the cone resistance of soft clay layers is below 1 MPa. IV.The ratio of friction to cone resistance for clays is much higher than for sand. V. In sands the friction usually is only about 1 % of the cone resistance, whereas in clays this ratio usually is 3 % to 5 %. Higher values (8 % 10 %) may suggest a layer of peat. In peat the friction usually is substantial, but it has a very small cone resistance.

Cone Penetrometers

 Electronic Steel Probes with 60° Apex Tip  ASTM D 5778 Procedures  Hydraulic Push at 20 mm/s  No Boring, No Samples, No Cuttings, No Spoil  Continuous readings of stress, friction, pressure

Cone Details

Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) Cone Trucks

Mobile 25-tonne rigs with enclosed cabins to allow testing under all weather conditions

CPT Truck

Friction ratio and cone resistance

An example of the results of as cone penetration test is shown in Figure . At a depth of 7 meter a sand layer of about 2 meter thickness can be observed. At a depth of 18 meter the top of a thick sand layer is found. The low values above the first sand layer, and between the two sand layers indicate soft soil, probably clay. A simple building (a house) can be founded on the top sand layer, provided that the presence of this layer is general.

Result of CPT

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests(DCPT) The Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) is an instrument which can be used for the rapid measurement of the in situ strength of existing flexible pavements constructed with unbound materials. Measurements can be made down to a depth of 800 mm or to a maximum depth of 1500mm by adding an extension rod.

TRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Prior to testing, site details should also be recorded on the Test Data Form. These include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Location - either Carriageway, Shoulder, Verge or other Lane number – 1/2/3/4 if the location is carriageway Offset (m) As defined by user Direction Cone angle – either 30o / 60o cone Zero error (mm) Test date Remarks, if any to a maximum of 60 spaces Layers removed – None, One or Two Surface type – either Thin Bituminous Seal, Hot Mixed Asphalt, Unpaved, Concrete or Other Thickness of surfacing, if removed (mm) Surface condition – where the road has a bituminous surfacing Strength coefficient of surface, if surface condition unknown Base type – either Bituminous, Cement treated or Coarse granular (Water Bound Macadam) Thickness of base, if removed (mm) Strength coefficient of base, if removed

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in operation

Vane test The shear strength of soils can be measured reasonably accurately in situ using the vane test. In this test a small instrument in the shape of a vane is pushed into the ground, through a system of rods, just as in the cone penetration test. The vane is connected, by a central steel axis, to a screw at the top of the rods. This screw can be rotated, so that the soil in a cylindrical element of soil is sheared along its surface, against the soil outside the cylinder.

Down-hole Shear Wave Velocity

 Anchoring System  Automated Source  Polarized Wave  Down-hole Vs

Standard Penetration Test(SPT) In this test a sampling tube is driven into a borehole in the ground using a standardized hammering weight. The actual test consists of measuring the number of blows needed to achieve a penetration of 300 mm (1 foot) into the ground. This is denoted as N, the blow count, the number of blows per foot.

For many projects the initial soil data often may be restricted to a series of SPT results. Then it is useful to know that a characteristic blow count for sand is N = 20 , and that for soft clay the value may be N = 5 , or even lower, down to N = 1. A first indication can be obtained from Table 3-4, derived from Terzaghi & Peck.

Interpretation of SPT according to Terzaghi &Peck.

Standard Penetration test (SPT)  Advantages  Many existing correlations Most contractors are capable of SPT testing  Obtain sample (when using the spoon) of material that is tested  Relatively cheap  Robust  Suitable for most soils

 Disadvantages Ground at base of borehole is disturbed by drilling process  Prone to errors by drillers (e.g. water head, depth measurement errors)  Device imposes very complex strain paths to the soil and no theory at present is capable of predicting what are the most influential factors affecting the N value

Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

Standard Penetration Test Rotary-drilled Borehole

Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Procedures: ASTM D 1586 N = measured Number of Blows to drive sampler 300 mm into soil.

Representative SPT Profile Downtown Memphis SPT-N (bpf) 0




Soil Profile 80



Depth (meters)

4 8 12 16

1982 B1 1982-B3

Fill Silty Sand

1982-B5 Sandy Silt Gravelly Sand

20 Desiccated OC Clay


Clayey Sand


OC Clay Gravelly Sand

Corrections to SPT N-value Effect





(Pa/svo')0.5 but < 2

Safety Hammer Donut Hammer Automatic Hammer


0.6 to 0.85 0.3 to 0.6 0.85 to 1.0

65 to 115 mm 150 mm 200 mm


Standard sampler Sampler without liner


1.00 1.05 1.15 1.0 1.1 to 1.3


1.0 0.95 0.85 0.75

Particle Size

10 m to 30 m · 6 to 10 m · 4 to 6 m · 3 to 4 m Median Grain Size (D50) of Sand in mm


60 + 25 log D50


Time (t) in years since deposition


1.2 + 0.05 log (t/100)



Overburden Stress


Energy Ratio1


Borehole Diameter


Sampling Method


Rod Length




· · · ·



Obtain by energy measurement per ASTM D4633

Seismic Piezocone Test Obtains Four Independent Measurements with Depth:  Cone Tip Stress, qt  Penetration Porewater Pressure, u  Sleeve Friction, fs  Arrival Time of Downhole Shear Wave, ts

Vs fs u2 u1



Seismic cone measures tip and sleeve resistance, pore water pressure, and shear and compression waves

Automated Seismic Source • Electronically-actuated • Self-contained • Left and right polarization • Modified beam uses fin to enhance shear wave generation

• Successfully tested to depths of 20m • Capable of being used with traditional impulse hammer

Concrete Spread Footings Shear failure

One way shear

Two way shear

Reinforcement Length Need length, ld – bond – development of yield strength

Examples of anchoring

Foundation Design Process

Sheet Piles ~ sheets of interlocking steel or timber driven into the ground, forming a continuous sheet




sheet pile sheet pile

Design and Construction of Steel Sheet Pile

Sheet Piles ~ resist lateral earth pressures ~ used in excavations, waterfront structures, ..

HZ King Piles High Capacity Port Systems.

H pile sheet used for pier construction. (Courtesy of Skyline Steel, Inc. Gig Harbor, WA)

Cofferdam ~ sheet pile walls enclosing an area, to prevent water seeping in.

Bridge Abutment Comparison - Conventional Vs Sheet Piling

Completed Underground Parking garage using Steel Sheet Piling – Designed for a 120 year life

Examples of pier supports

Earthwork and walls: ASD

Superstructure: LRFD Substructure: LRFD/ASD

Foundations: ASD

Installing Micro-piles

Large storage tanks

Sheet piles marked for driving

Sheet pile wall

Sheet Pile

During installation

Sheet pile wall

Kansai Airport Aerial View

Bore Hole Locations

Seawall After Completion

Seawall Construction

The official website of KIA

Gravity platforms

Gullfaks C W=1.5 million tones Total height =380m

Troll East - Total height 450m

Repair Viaduct Between Columbia and Yesler

Total vs. Differential Settlement

Do not put too much reinforcement in the footings and ground beams. It is just a waste of money.

Failed Sheet-pile Wall Near Bridge

Collapse of highway due to retaining wall failure – Singapore, 2004

Pile installation using Drop Hammer

Pile Driving Rig - temporarily support the pile that being driven and to support the pile hammer.

Jacking Method Of Insertion  Jacked Piles are most commonly used in underpinning structures  By excavating underneath a structure short lengths of pile can be inserted and jacked into the ground using the underside of the existing structure as a reaction.

11 April 2015



There are four types: a) b) c) d)

Small Diameter Cast-In- Situ Large Diameter Cast-In-Situ Partially Preformed Piles Grout or Concrete Intruded Piles

11 April 2015


Thank You

CPT-Related Websites • The Liquefaction Site (and CPT site):

• Link page to manufacturers, suppliers, and CPT services:

• Listing of available videos on CPT and other in-situ tests:

• The book Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice (Lunne, Robertson, & Powell, 1997):

