All of our classes are taught by highly trained and talented instructors from the university, .... study topics as diver
Two Sessions this year! July 16 – 20 & July 23 – 27
Girl Power Camp Two Sessions this year! June 18 – 22 & June 25 – 29
SCHOLARSHIPS are available for our summer youth programs. Form is inside the back cover. This is not a school district-sponsored activity. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the district or its personnel.
Dear Parents: As you explore plans with your children for the summer of 2018, we hope you will consider the many offerings we have here at the University of Wisconsin – Marathon County for discovery, imagination and fun while learning! All of our classes are taught by highly trained and talented instructors from the university, community museums and area school districts. Our programs are for children seeking fun and adventurous learning opportunities, and our engaging classes are designed to stimulate curiosity, encourage creativity, instill confidence, and develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills—while having a great time! These are not your typical classes found in your public summer school programs.
We are excited to partner with Colossal Fossil, the Mammoth Hunter and Marathon County Historical Society to offer some hands on and unique learning opportunities! This year’s theme for Girl Power Camp: Indie Film Edition. This program is a full-day, week-long experience for girls between the ages of 8 and 15. This year, students will be broken out into two sections by age. Join us for a week of fun, friendship, creativity, confidence, and technology! Girls will learn about digital storytelling and make their own nonfiction documentary about an inspiring woman from the Wausau community! In July, the Wizarding Academy, Escape from Azkaban! returns for its 11th year! Harry Potter fans will gather again for a fun, interactive adventure. Financial need scholarships are available for all of our summer youth programs. Use the form on the inside of the back cover to apply.
TO REGISTER FOR ANY OF THESE PROGRAMS, use the common form in the center of this book or go online at: and click on the appropriate icon.
Registrations will open on April 9, 2018 and will remain open until courses are full or a week before they begin. You can mix and match the program that best suits your needs. New this year, each student will receive a t-shirt included into the cost of the program! Enjoy your camp experience! Julie Bollmann UWMC Continuing Education 715-261-6294 State of Wisconsin general purpose revenue funds are not used in the printing and distribution of this brochure. All expenses for this program are covered by student fees.
[email protected] 2
WEEK ONE, June 18 - 22 8:00 - 9:45 am 1. HOLA, HABLA ESPANOL? Rosario Kimmet
Explore the Spanish culture and learn the basics of the language through games, crafts and other fun activities. Build a basic vocabulary of colors, numbers, days of the week/months of the year, family, foods, animals and basic phrases. FEE: $45
WEEK TWO, June 25 - 29 8:00 - 9:45 am 7. HOLA, HABLO ESPANOL?
Rosario Kimmet.
Explore the Spanish culture and learn the basics of the language through games, crafts and other fun activities. Build a basic vocabulary of colors, numbers, days of the week/months of the year, family, foods, animals and basic phrases.
From walking sticks to snakes, from growing strawberries to popcorn - students will investigate subjects, conduct experiments, and then create interesting biology-themed art projects!
FEE: $45
FEE: $45
Come learn about liquids to solids in hands on scientific activities. Students will experiment with galaxy slime to edible warts!
Students will learn how to use acrylic paints and how to paint a face in abstract style. Students will learn how to mix colors to form dimension and depth. Learn about Pablo Picasso and his style of painting. Chose a nose, create a face with expressive eyes and a great smile. Let’s make a Picasso face! FEE $45
8. GROSSOLOGY Korrin Black
FEE: $45
10:15 - Noon 9. HOLA, HABLO ESPANOL? Rosario Kimmet.
10:15 - Noon
Explore the Spanish culture and learn the basics of the language through games, crafts and other fun activities. Build a basic vocabulary of colors, numbers, days of the week/months of the year, family, foods, animals and basic phrases.
FEE: $45
Explore the Spanish culture and learn the basics of the language through games, crafts and other fun activities. Build a basic vocabulary of colors, numbers, days of the week/months of the year, family, foods, animals and basic phrases.
Korrin Black
Rosario Kimmet.
FEE: $45
Learn the beautiful expression of sign language through ABC’s, numbers, songs, games and more! Learn how to move and shape your hands to communicate in words and sentences. Basic vocabulary and sentence structure will be taught through a variety of fun activities. FEE: $40
Sue Majernik
From walking sticks to snakes, from growing strawberries to growing popcorn - students will investigate subjects, conduct experiments, and then create interesting biology-themed art projects! FEE: $45
Students will learn how to use acrylic paints and how to paint a face in abstract style. Students will learn how to mix colors to form dimension and depth. Learn about Pablo Picasso and his style of painting. Chose a nose, create a face with expressive eyes and a great smile. Let’s make a Picasso face! FEE: $45
[email protected] 3
WEEK TWO, June 25 - 29 8:00 - 9:45 am
WEEK ONE, June 18 - 22
8:00 - 9:45 am
Come learn and explore the seed germination. Understand the science needed in todays ever changing world to grow plants in unusual conditions – urban settings and learn about sustainability. Students will start their own small salad garden. The last day includes a visit to the Monk Botanical Garden to tour the facility and see urban gardening in practice.
Jessa Smith
Come learn how Hasbro created their games. Turn off the technology and come learn about the different types of games (games of chance, memory, strategy, etc). Student will create a three-dimensional path board game based on a theme (ocean, dinosaur, jungle, etc) Students will incorporate their creativity and imagination in creating new fun filled games to create with family and friends. Watch out Monopoly! FEE: $45
Steve Schmidt from Snapshot Science, LLC Come experience sports from a scientific perspective as we study topics as diverse as how muscles work to the design of a bicycle helmet. Science experiments and sports play each day! Gymnastics, soccer, racquet sports, baseball, football and more will be a part of this truly cross-curricular class. FEE: $80
Korrin Black
Learn the beautiful expression of sign language through ABC’s, numbers, songs, games and more! Learn how to move and shape your hands to communicate in words and sentences. Basic vocabulary and sentence structure will be taught through a variety of fun activities. FEE: $40
Joy Clendenning
Come learn about the Chinese culture! Students will learn how to write Chinese calligraphy, learn some basic Chinese language, sing Chinese songs, learn about festivities and holidays in China and play some Chinese games. The class will also include some Chinese crafts , paper fans and dragon puppets! Lái xuéxí zhōngwén! (Come learn Chinese!) FEE: $45
10:15 - Noon 15. BORED? TRY BOARD GAMES?
Jessa Smith
Come learn how Hasbro created their games. Turn off the technology and come learn about the different types of games (games of chance, memory, strategy, etc). Student will create a three-dimensional path board game based on a theme (ocean, dinosaur, jungle, etc) Students will incorporate their creativity and imagination in creating new fun filled games to create with family and friends. Watch out Monopoly! FEE: $45
Korin Black
Come learn about liquids to solids in hands on scientific activities. Students will experiment with galaxy slime to edible warts! FEE:$45
The Monk Botanical Gardens
FEE: $45
Steve Schmidt from Snapshot Science, LLC Come experience sports from a scientific perspective as we study topics as diverse as how muscles work to the design of a bicycle helmet. Science experiments and sports play each day! Gymnastics, soccer, racquet sports, baseball, football and more will be a part of this truly cross-curricular class. FEE: $80
Marathon County Historical Society
Go back in history to 1905 and visit the Little Red School House located on the back of the UWMC campus. Students will experience life at the time of the century. Students will participate in such activities as making: candles, butter, ice cream, the art of penmanship and learning about everyday life! FEE: $45
Joy Clendenning
Come learn about the Chinese culture! Students will learn how to write Chinese calligraphy, learn some basic Chinese language, sing Chinese songs, learn about festivities and holidays in China and play some Chinese games. The class will also include some Chinese crafts, paper fans and dragon puppets! Lái xuéxí zhōngwén! (Come learn Chinese!) FEE: $45
Leslie Snyder
Come learn how to make a fall landscape. Students will learn how to paint a fall setting in the native Birch trees. Students will learn to interact and work with acrylic paint and use different tools to create artwork. Students to take home a piece of art! FEE: $45
10:15 - Noon
Marathon County Historical Society
Go back in history to 1905 and visit the Little Red School House located on the back of the UWMC campus. Students will experience life at the time of the century. Students will participate in such activities as making: candles, butter, ice cream, the art of penmanship and learning about everyday life! FEE: $45
Leslie Snyder
Come learn how to make a fall landscape. Students will learn how to paint a fall setting in the native Birch trees. Students will learn to interact and work with acrylic paint and use different tools to create artwork. Students to take home a piece of art! FEE: $45
[email protected] 4
WEEK ONE, June 18 - 22 8:00 - noon 24. GONE FISHING! Ryan Priebe
Learn how to locate fishing spots from shore, use different knots and lures for fishing and how to identify various species of fish. You’ll travel to Bluegill Bay Park each day and participate in a fishing derby that lasts all week. Fishing pole is required. This class is for ALL ages. Parent drivers are needed. Please consider volunteering! FEE: $80
8:00 - 9:45 am
10:15 - Noon
Brad Schmicker
Brad Schmicker
Create your own masterpieces using Adobe Photoshop. Begin with basics: use draw and paint tools to create a simple sketch. Learn how to use layers to add excitement to an imported photography or graphic. Finish the week by enhancing digital pictures using the skills you have learned.
Computers are stupid! Humans must teach them everything! We give them instruction and they follow the orders – this what is called computer programming or coding. Kids can code! Learn the basic skill to write code. Learn the real language of coders. Students will learn to program computers games and teach a robot to behave!
FEE: $45
David Daniels, Founder and Executive Director of Colossal Fossils Journey back into time to discover a time long ago. Learn about geology basics, how are fossils made? How did humans envolve during the ice ages and their animal counter parts. Learn about the Dinosaur Family tree. Work with real life Dinosaur fossils! Work in an actual fossil dig! Class includes a trip to Colossal Fossils Museum. FEE: $80
27. PRIMITIVE PAINTS: Making & Using Cave Paints With Sean Sullivan the Mammoth Hunter
Let’s go back in time and understand cave art. Students will learn how to construct their own painting. They will make their own supplies - (brushes, paint, etc. from natural supplies) They will learn the history and art behind their unique piece. They will construct their own “Cave Painting”! FEE: $50
28. KNIT 1, PURL 2: A LIFELONG SKILL AND ART TBA Learn the basics of knitting and how to read patterns in this timeless class. You will learn how to cast on, knit, purl and cast off. Take home your own knitting work of art and then make fabulous gifts for family and friends. FEE: $45
FEE: $45
David Daniels, Founder and Executive director of Colossal Fossils Journey back into time to discover a time long ago. Learn about geology basics, how are fossils made? How did human involve during the ice ages and their animal counter parts. Learn about the Dinosaur Family tree. Work with real life Dinosaur fossils! Work in an actual fossil dig! Class includes a trip to Colossal Fossils Museum. FEE: $80
31. PRIMITIVE PAINTS: Making & Using Cave Paints With Sean Sullivan, the Mammoth Hunter
Let’s go back in time and understand cave art. Students will learn how to construct their own painting. They will make their own supplies - (brushes, paint, etc. from natural supplies) They will learn the history and art behind their unique piece. They will construct their own “Cave Painting”! FEE: $50
32. KNIT 1, PURL 2: A LIFELONG SKILL AND ART TBA Learn the basics of knitting and how to read patterns in this timeless class. You will learn how to cast on, knit, purl and cast off. Take home your own knitting work of art and then make fabulous gifts for family and friends. FEE: $45
33. YOGA & LIFE LESSONS FOR KIDS Dr. Shailly Rishi Come learn about yoga for kids! Students will learn some simple yoga Exercises to teach them how to channel their energy into more positive ways of maintaining physical and mental health. Learn how to be more focused and learn the process of meditation. Come learn the simple life lessons to improve adaptability in there ever changing environment. FEE: $40
[email protected] 5
WEEK TWO, June 25 - 29
10:15 - Noon
8:00-9:45 am
Brad Schmicker and Mark Holdhusen
34. PHUN WITH PHOTOSHOP 2 Brad Schmicker
Take it to the next level with Photoshop2. Learn how to erase parts of a picture and put in something new. Discover how to do amazing tricks with color and make dazzling images to hang on your wall at home. You’ll get a 5x7 piece of art to take home that you created! FEE: $45
Have you ever used and wondered how a video game controller works? Welcome to the world of microcontrollers. Microcontrollers are the brains of all the electronic devices you use today. In this class, students will work in small groups to explore the power the Arduino microcontroller. They will program the microcontroller to sense (using sensors) the environment and react (using actuators) in different ways. In this hands-on class you will design, assemble, and program a system of sensors and actuators using the Arduino microcontroller to do some really COOL STUFF!
David Daniels, Founder and Executive Director of Colossal Fossils
Journey back into time to discover a time long ago. Learn about geology basics, how are fossils made? How did humans envolve during the ice ages and their animal counter parts. Learn about the Dinosaur Family tree. Work with real life Dinosaur fossils! Work in an actual fossil dig! Class includes a trip to Colossal Fossils Museum.
David Daniels, Founder and Executive director of Colossal Fossils
FEE: $80
36. PRIMITIVE PAINTS: Making & Using Cave Paints
Journey back into time to discover a time long ago. Learn about geology basics, how are fossils made? How did human involve during the ice ages and their animal counter parts. Learn about the Dinosaur Family tree. Work with real life Dinosaur fossils! Work in an actual fossil dig! Class includes a trip to Colossal Fossils Museum.
With Sean Sullivan, the Mammoth Hunter
FEE: $80
Let’s go back in time and understand cave art. Students will learn how to construct their own painting. They will make their own supplies - (brushes, paint, etc. from natural supplies) They will learn the history and art behind their unique piece. They will construct their own “Cave Painting”!
41. PRIMITIVE PAINTS: Making & Using Cave Paints
FEE: $50
Learn the basics of knitting and how to read patterns in this timeless class. You will learn how to cast on, knit, purl and cast off. Take home your own knitting work of art and then make fabulous gifts for family and friends.
With Sean Sullivan, the Mammoth Hunter
Let’s go back in time and understand cave art. Students will learn how to construct their own painting. They will make their own supplies - (brushes, paint, etc. from natural supplies) They will learn the history and art behind their unique piece. They will construct their own “Cave Painting”! FEE: $50
42. MODEL ROCKETS Ryan Priebe
FEE: $45
Design and build your own model rocket. Learn how to estimate and measure speed and altitude. Weather permitting, you will fly your rocket at the end of the week. This is a beginner-level class. This class includes your own rocket.
FEE: $50
Ryan Priebe
Design and build your own model rocket. Learn how to estimate and measure speed and altitude. Weather permitting, you will fly your rocket at the end of the week. This is a beginner-level class. This class includes your own rocket. FEE: $50
43. YOGA & LIFE LESSONS FOR KIDS Dr. Shailly Rishi
Come learn about yoga for kids! Students will learn some simple yoga Exercises to teach them how to channel their energy into more positive ways of maintaining physical and mental health. Learn how to be more focused and learn the process of meditation. Come learn the simple life lessons to improve adaptability in there ever changing environment. FEE $40
[email protected] 6
Girl Power Camp 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Mon. - Thurs.) 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (Friday)
June 18 – 22
For girls ages 12 – 15
June 25 – 29
Two Sessio ns this summ er!
For girls ages 8-11
UW-Marathon County Student Union Girls between the ages of 8 and 15 are welcome to register! Fee: $249 includes lunch and snacks Camp Directors: Holly Hassel and Katie Kalish, UWMC faculty and moms!
“Girl Power!” is a full-day, week-long summer day camp, held at the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County. Girl Power Camp is a week of team-focused, project-based activities focused on creating friendships and introducing girls to fun new activities. This year’s theme is “Girl Power Camp: Indie Film Edition.” Girls will learn about digital storytelling and make their own nonfiction documentary about an inspiring woman from the Wausau community. Join us for a week of fun, friendship, creativity, confidence and technology! Of course, there will be the usual fun opportunities to make new friends, to earn points and prizes, play and design recess games, and develop creativity! To register: use the attached forms or go online to
[email protected] 7
Our 11th Year Anniversary!!
A literary day camp presented by the UW - Marathon County, Continuing Education
ssions e S o w T mmer! this su
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Mon. - Thurs.) 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (Friday)
July 16 – 20
For students entering 7th - 9th grade
July 23 – 27
For students entering 4th - 6th grade
ATTENTION all fans entering grades 4-9, it’s time for you to get your Hogwarts letter! This summer, revisit J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series in a fun, interactive, hands-on adventure. Get sorted into your house by the Sorting Hat, earn points for your house to win the House Cup, play Quidditch, solve riddles, test your knowledge of the wizarding world with fast-paced Trivia contests, and even receive correspondence from your favorite characters via Owl Post. It’s all waiting for you here at ! This year, campers will be challenged to use their wits and knowledge of universe to “Escape from Azkaban.” You’ve been accused the of a wizarding crime—how will you clear your name….or make a plan to escape from Dementor guards? Only the most devoted Wizarding fans will succeed! Fee: $249 includes lunch and snacks Questions? Contact Holly Hassel:
[email protected] or Jill Stukenberg:
[email protected]
To register: use the attached forms or go online to
This event is not sponsored by nor endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Scholastic nor Warner Brothers
[email protected] 8
UWMC SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAMS REGISTRATION FORM STUDENT INFORMATION ________________________________________________ ______________________ Name of Student
Date of Birth
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ School student most recently attended
Grade Entering Fall 2018
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Parent(s) or Legal Guardian
Day Time Phone #
____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address
________________________________________________ Email:
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Day Time Phone #
HEALTH CONDITIONS and ALLERGIES: Check the following if your child has:
Asthma Diabetes Epilepsy Other Health Conditions / Accommodations____________________
Will any medication be brought to camp? YES NO (Note: Staff gives medicine to children 13 and under. Also, medication must be in the original medicine bottle.) List any allergies (insect stings, food, medications, etc.):___________________________________________________________ Any allergies require an EPIPEN injection? YES NO
Is an inhaler required and carried by youth? YES NO
PARENTAL CONSENT FORM: Medical, Field Trips and Photos If your son, daughter, or ward will be under the age of 18 years while at the event/camp, it is our policy to secure your consent for all of the following. By signing below, • I am stating that I am aware of and accept the risk inherent in the program activity. • I am giving my consent in advance for medical treatment at an appropriate medical facility in case of illness or injury. • I understand University employees are mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. • I give my permission for my child’s photo and video to be taken and used for marketing and informational purposes. • I agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, and the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, their officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, loss, damages, costs or expenses which are sustained, incurred or required arising out of the actions of my son, daughter or ward in the course of the event/camp. • I attest that all information on this form is correct.
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian
Complete Reverse Side to Select Your Courses!
Refunds will be made if the Continuing Education office is contacted at least 7 days before the start of class. No refunds with less than 7 days’ notice. Programs that involve pre-ordering of materials will not qualify for any refund unless your space can be filled from a waiting list. Refunds are not given once the class begins.
[email protected] 9
College for Kids Week One: Number
College for Kids Week TWO: Number
Fee Total:_________ T-Shirts are included in registration. Please indicate size: Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Adult S
Adult M
Girl Power Camp Week One
June 18-22 T-Shirts are included in registration. Please indicate size: Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Girl Power Camp Week Two
Adult S
Adult M
June 25-29
Adult L
Adult XL
Ages 12-15 Adult L Ages 8-11
Adult XL
T-Shirts are included in registration. Please indicate size: Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Adult S
Adult M
Wizarding Academy Week One
July 16-20 T-Shirts are included in registration. Please indicate size: Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Adult S
Adult M
Wizarding Academy Week Two
July 23-27 T-Shirts are included in registration. Please indicate size: Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Adult S
Adult M
Adult L
Adult XL
Entering 7th-9th Adult L
Adult XL
Entering 4th-6th Adult L
Adult XL
Register On-Line: Make Check Payable to: UWMC Continuing Education
[email protected] 10 715.261.6294
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION 2018 Scholarships are awarded based on economic needs as determined by the USDA reduced meal guidelines and other extenuating circumstances (e.g. medical bills.) Student/Parents will be expected to make some contribution toward their fees. Please complete all questions and fill in all the blanks.
DEADLINE IS MAY 18, 2018 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Parent(s) Name Mailing Address (City/State/Zip) Daytime Phone Email Address Indicate Program(s) - i.e. College for Kids, Girl Power, etc. How many Adults in the Family?
What is the total # of children?
I/We are requesting scholarship funds for the following children:
Child’s Name
2017-2018 Grade
Child’s Name
2017-2018 Grade
Child’s Name
2017-2018 Grade
Do you qualify for free school lunch?
Do you qualify for reduces school lunch? Yes
Your Adjusted gross family income from your 2017 Federal Tax Form $____________________ If you answered NO to the above questions, describe the reasons you are requesting financial aid. List extenuating circumstances such as job loss, large medical bills. This will aid us to determining your financial need for scholarships. Add additional sheet if needed.
Return this form with your registration form to: UWMC Continuing Education 625 Stewart Ave, Wausau, WI 54401 Call the Continuing Education Office at 715-261-6294 if you have any questions about the scholarship procedure
[email protected] 11 715.261.6294
WIZARDING ACADEMY July 16 - 20 (Grades 7th - 9th) July 23 - 27 (Grades 4th - 6th)
GIRL POWER CAMP June 18 - 22 (Girls Ages 12 - 15) June 25 - 29 (Girls Ages 8 - 11)
COLLEGE FOR KIDS June 18 - 22 (Grades K - 6th) June 25 - 29 (Grades K - 6th) (715) 261.6294
University of Wisconsin - Marathon County Continuing Education 625 Stewart Avenue • Wausau, WI 54403
Join us for our 36th year of offering fun and enriching summer classes for children completing grades Kindergarten and up to 9th!