John Hearn for âJungleland: A Requiem for Fatherhoodâ. Joan Hunter for âLeavingâ. Sarah Ignatius for âBurning
Glimmer Train
May 2013 Short Story Award for New Writers HONORABLE MENTIONS in alphabetical order: Marilyn Abildskov for “The Personal History of Margaret Elizabeth Neilsen Newton” Jennifer Acker for “A Week of Abalone” Emil Anderson for “Quakes” Christine Baker for “Ten-Minute Slots” Gina Maria Balibrera for “Queen of the Night” Cooper Baltis for “Black Olive Eyes” Lacy Barker for “Intended for Giants” Gabriel Bloch for “Night Train to Tokyo” Gerard Cabrera for “Transition to Vegetarianism” Helen Chandler for “The Trip” Tristen Chang “Four Years Later” Chase Corbin for “7 Excerpts (Summer, 1947)” Kassi Cowles for “Year of the Pig” Mildred Rodgers Crary for “Learning to See” Michael Danaher for “Day Drinking” Monic Ductan for “Nappy-Headed Me” Anastasia Edel for “Snow” Meghan Gilliss for “Old Money” David Grabowski for “Sweet Baby Allison” Anabel Graff for “The Birds on Peach Street” Zoe Greenberg for “Joshua in Times Square” Heather Hasselle for “Yellow Lawn Chair” John Hearn for “Jungleland: A Requiem for Fatherhood” Joan Hunter for “Leaving” Sarah Ignatius for “Burning Embers” Melissa Jenks for “An Ordinary Burning” Thea Johnson for “Crossing the Park on a Tuesday Morning” Hannah King for “30 24 18 12 6” Gwen Kirby for “The Disneyland of Mexico” Elayne Klasson for “Insanity” Hannah Kubiak for “The World Unfolding” Kirsten Lind for “The Opposite of Round”
Bonnie Lubin for “Putting Out the Light: Going Toward the Light” Sarah Manley for “The Grace of God” Annam Manthiram for “The Rules of Mending” Mark Mayer for “The Ringmaster” Patrick McCusker for “Rocking Chairs” James McGovern for “Beautiful Mount Airy Lodge” Elena Megalos for “Chlorine” Enrique Mejia for “The Boy Called El Niño” Sumita Mukherji for “Bird Woman” Rachel Mullis for “Stories We Tell Ourselves” Spencer Nadler for “Samuel Fisher” Lisa Nelson for “Revolution” Jimmy Newborg for “Americans” Tessa Poppe for “1948” Julia Prendergast for “Shades of Grey” Maurice Ruffin for “Catch What You Can” Kate Schlachter for “Chicken” Tristan Scremin for “Dan, Max, and the Entertainer of the World” Laura Steadham Smith for “One Way to Lose Yourself” Alexandra Tanner for “Marla” Eric Thompson for “Chokehold” Brendan Todt for “You Can’t Imagine” Denise Tolan for “Finding the Pieces” Sierra Troy-Regier for “Burrowing” Jeff Wasserboehr for “A Thousand and One All Fleeing America” Nick Watson for “My Friend Rosendo” Laura Weinert-Kendt for “El Director” Marguerite Weisman for “You Give Love a Bad Name” Denis Wong for “4 Minutes and 17 Seconds” Kyle Wu for “We Were in Love” Anosha Zereh for “My Senior Year”
Congratulations, and thanks to all entrants for letting us read your stories!
Glimmer Train Press, Inc. • 4763 SW Maplewood Rd • P.O. Box 80430 • Portland, OR • 97280-1430