notify, and respond to such threats.1 The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) ... Support global health programming ...
Global Health Security WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Global health security means having strong public health and emergency response systems in place around the world to stop the spread of infectious diseases across borders and to detect, prevent, and respond to biological threats – from emerging infectious diseases, man-made pathogens, and biological weapons to other pandemics and preventable diseases. In an increasingly interconnected world, where diseases know no borders, global health security efforts are vital to protecting both health around the world and the health of American citizens. Global health security starts at home – making sure the United States has the tools to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious diseases and biological threats. However, it is critical that efforts also address building systems and capacity in low- and middle-income countries with weak health infrastructures that prevent them from adequately responding to disease outbreaks. Strong health systems are critical to ensuring that countries have the capacity to respond to disease outbreaks and prevent them from becoming global epidemics. Individual country governments cannot do this alone, and it will require a collaborative, cohesive, and comprehensive response across sectors, including governments, the private sector, multilateral organizations, academia, and civil society. Global health security is at the intersection of multiple sectors and provides a unique opportunity for international cooperation. The International Health Regulations (IHR), developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), were adopted in 2007 to provide a framework for the coordination and management of public health emergencies and build capacity of countries to detect, assess, notify, and respond to such threats.1 The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) was launched in 2014 with the leadership of the U.S. and partners to help countries meet the obligations of the IHR.
Integrated Health Project in the DRC Credit: Warren Zelman
Integrated Health Project in the DRC Credit: Warren Zelman
Integrated Health Project in the DRC Credit: Warren Zelman
Support global health programming
Continue to support the GHSA to ensure
Ensure that research and development
that strengthens health systems in
that countries can meet the goals of
for new vaccines, drugs, diagnostics,
low- and middle-income countries.
the IHR. This should include robust
and other health tools are prioritized
Strong health systems with the necessary
funding for GHSA and the agencies that
in global health security and pandemic
resources and personnel are vital for
play a role in advancing global health
and emergency response strategies.
prevention, detection, and response. This
security, including the Centers for Disease
Emerging infectious disease is a
should include funding and adequate
Control and Prevention; U.S. Agency for
perpetual challenge, and we will not
support for infrastructure projects,
International Development; and the
have the tools we need to respond to the
workforce development, and technical
Departments of State, Agriculture, Health
next epidemic without forward-thinking,
assistance to effectively deliver the
and Human Services, and Defense.
sustainable investments in global health
necessary products to those in need.
research and development.
Encourage cooperation and coordination among the various actors that have a role to play in global health security: this includes GHSA partner countries, the public and private sectors, civil society, and academia. Since human health is inextricably linked with animal and environmental health, it is also important to encourage coordination and cooperation with physicians, veterinarians, and other scientific and environmental professionals. This is an opportunity to advance shared goals around public health, international development, national security, and diplomacy.
The Collective Voice of the Global Health Community
WHY THIS INVESTMENT IS IMPORTANT Infectious disease outbreaks and other emerging global health
the IHR for health security. The JEE allows countries to identify
threats are occurring with increasing frequency and severity.
and prioritize their greatest areas of need and to engage with
Factors including globalization, urbanization, climate change,
potential partners for support.3 The GHSA demonstrates an
and the ease of travel and trade mean that dangerous pathogens
international commitment to global health security and a
are more easily transported and spread across the world, with no
mechanism through which U.S. investments in global health
respect for national boundaries. As seen with recent outbreaks
security can be leveraged to support investment and action from
of Ebola and Zika, infectious diseases that traditionally only
partner countries.
impacted other regions are having direct consequences for American health.
Public investments in global health security and the GHSA also leverage support and action from the private sector. Private
Strong health systems in both high-income and low- and
sector companies have made explicit efforts to support countries
middle-income countries are vital to detecting, preventing, and
in strengthening their health security, and they have a unique
responding to natural and man-made biological threats that
value in their efficiency and ability to mobilize resources, scale
can jeopardize global and American health. In turn, as global
up efforts, and innovate solutions. For example, the GHSA Private
health threats affect not only health systems but also economies,
Sector Roundtable (PSRT) aims to be the touchpoint for industry
strong health systems can also support economic growth – and
stakeholders interested in supporting countries in reaching
ensure that progress in global health and economic development
the goals of the GHSA. It works to align companies’ business
through U.S. foreign aid investments are not reversed.
objectives, existing resources, expertise, and capabilities with public health needs around health security.
The GHSA, a global initiative of 55 countries, is a first step in mobilizing the international community behind a common set
Future outbreaks and new strains of disease will always be on
of global health security principles, and it provides a roadmap to
the horizon, and threats such as antimicrobial resistance are
strengthen countries’ capacity to prevent, detect, and respond
on the rise. In addition, weak health systems can also open the
to health threats.2 Member countries have identified 11 Action
door for increased risk of unintentional (or intentional) misuse
Packages, meant to translate political support into action around
of dangerous pathogens and biological materials. Strong
health security. Partner countries are leading the Action Packages
health systems with robust detection, response, and prevention
that are focused on antimicrobial resistance; zoonotic diseases;
capabilities – including sustained research and development
biosafety and biosecurity; immunizations; national laboratory
for new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics – are critical both to
systems; real-time surveillance; reporting; workforce development;
preventing and mitigating health crises and to fulfilling routine
emergency operations centers; links between public health, law
health care functions to promote healthy, prosperous societies.
and multi-sectoral rapid response; and medical countermeasures and personnel deployment. Countries may volunteer to undergo a Joint External Evaluation (JEE) to assess their capacity under
Resources Global Health Security Agenda International Health Regulations
Contributors Katie Zabronsky, Rabin Martin,
[email protected] Courtney Carson, Global Health Technologies Coalition,
[email protected] Ashley Arabasadi, No More Epidemics, Management Sciences for Health,
[email protected] Danielle Heiberg, Global Health Council,
[email protected]
Citations 1.
“Alert, response, and capacity building under the International Health Regulations (IHR): About IHR.”
“Health Protection.”
“The Global Health Security Agenda.”