Global inequality of opportunity - World Bank Group

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Jun 18, 2008 - 2008) and University of Maryland (April 2008). ... Cecil Rhodes. 1. ... fate: county of citizenship, and income class of their parents within that ...
June 2008

Global inequality of opportunity Branko Milanovic1 Development Research Group, World Bank

Suppose that all people in the world are allocated only two characteristics over which they have no control: country of citizenship and income class, within that country, of their parents. Assume further that there is no migration. We show that about 80 percent of variability in people’s global income position (percentile in world income distribution) is explained by only these two characteristics. On average, “drawing” one-notch higher parental income class (on a twenty-class scale) is equivalent to living in a twelve-percent richer country. For a given own income class, it is important not only whether the country a person is allocated to is rich or poor, but whether it is egalitarian or not. This is particularly important for the people who belong to low or high income classes; for the middle classes, country’s income distribution is much less important than country’s mean income.

JEL classification: D31; I3; 057 Key words: Global inequality, income distribution, migration Number of words: about 9,300


I am grateful to Patrick Conway, Jim Davies, James K. Galbraith, Francisco Jose Goerlich, Francisco Ferreira, Misha Lokshin, Jaime Pozuelo Monfort, John Roemer and Xiaobo Zhang for very helpful comments. The paper has been improved by the comments of participants at various meetings where it was presented: World Bank (May, 2007), International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (Beijing, September, 2007), Free University Amsterdam (November 2007), University of Texas (April 2008) and University of Maryland (April 2008). I am grateful to Gouthami Padam for excellent help in collecting and processing the data.


Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life. Cecil Rhodes

1. Setting the stage In Rawls’s Law of Peoples (1999) individuals from various countries meet to organize a contractual arrangement regulating their relations in a metaphor similar to the one for the citizens of the same nation from his Theory of Justice. They meet behind the veil of ignorance. Imagine now a Rawls-redux similar meeting of all individuals in the world where each is handed only two characteristics that will influence his/her economic fate: county of citizenship, and income class of their parents within that country. We shall ask: how much will these two exogenous elements, from the point of view of individual effort or desert, determine their income position in the world? Is one’s position in global income distribution largely decided at birth or not?

Assignment to country is “fate” since inter-country movement of people is quite limited.2 Moreover as the differences between mean country incomes are large—about three-quarters of global inequality between individuals is due to national income differences3--to what nation one gets “allocated” is indeed of significant import for own life chances. By being allocated to a country, the individual receives two “public” goods that are unalterable by own effort and that are basically fixed during the largest part of her life: mean income of the country (relative to the rest of the world) and level of inequality (which determines what share of total income will be received by her income class). This represents, of course, a somewhat strong assumption. While these parameters are unalterable by individual effort, there are indeed many examples that within one’s lifetime the relative position of a country has been transformed, whether by being


In 2002, total migration from poor to rich countries was 4.3 million people which represented a tiny percentage (less than 1/10 of one percent) of more than 5 billion people living outside the rich world (See, accessed February 9, 2007.) The poor and rich countries are defined here conventionally: the rich as the European Economic Area (inclusive of Switzerland but without Greece), United States, Canada, Australia and Japan; the poor as everybody else. 3

See Milanovic (2002, p.78 and 2005, p. 112), Sutcliffe (2004), Bourguignon and Morrisson (2002, p. 734), Berry and Serieux (2007, p. 84).


improved, as in the case of China over the last quarter century, or worsened as in the example of Argentina after World War II, or many African and transition countries more recently. Even national inequality, which tends to be fairly sluggish, can experience, at times, violent swings. The increases in inequality during the first stage of transition from planned to market economy (including in China), or under the ThatcherReagan rule in the UK and the United States, are such examples. For simplicity, however, we shall assume that, for an individual, both mean country income and inequality in her country of assignment are given and unrelated to any effort or desert from her part. They will be referred to as “circumstances” (Roemer 1998). The assignment to an income class is more ambiguous than the assignment to a country: on the one hand, the assignment to a low (or high) parental income class will determine to a large extent individual’s life-time prospects and hence life-time income. At the extreme, if there is no income mobility within a society, there are no reasons for thinking that being assigned to a top or bottom parental income class may not be as much a position unalterable in one’s life as being assigned to a country. It too is then entirely a “circumstance.” Yet, in real life, there is some inter-class mobility in practically every society with some countries closer to one theoretical end of the spectrum (no social mobility at all) than to the other (full social mobility). Thus, in general, it is possible for children to move upwards or downwards, compared to the income class of their parents. Because different countries display different levels of social mobility, the actual share of “circumstance” and “effort” will differ from one country to another.4 Thus, income mobility may be thought of as the third “public good” received through allocation to a country.


Assignment of a parental income class differs from the “assignment” of a Gini coefficient. Since individuals are allowed to move up and down along the income scale of their country, the first assignment has to do with mobility. The second (the Gini coefficient) has to do with inequality of distribution, or more exactly with the share of each income class in total income. Thus, a society can be very unequal—in the sense that the relative income of the poor is low—while at the same time it allows for high mobility (in the sense, that being born poor does not “condemn” one to remain in that class). It is often thought that the US, compared to Europe, exemplifies precisely such a society, even if recent studies (Blanden, Gregg and Machin, 2005) have cast doubt on the superior social mobility in the United States. See also the discussion in Jackson and Segal (2004, p.p. 29-30).


This issue can be set in the more explicitly Roemerian (1998) terms. Income (y) of i-th individual in j-th country can be, in general as in (1), written as a function of country-specific circumstances α’s, running from 1 to m (e.g., average income of the country or its level of inequality), own specific circumstances γ’s, running from 1 to n (like gender or race),5 person’s effort Eij, and a random shock which can also be called luck (uij):

yij = f (α 1j ....α mj ; γ ij1 ...γ ijn ; Eij ; u ij )


Our objective will be to find out how much of income can be explained by circumstances alone. In the empirical analysis, we shall focus on α’s (country-specific circumstances) and leave out individual circumstances on which we have no information with the exception of one: parental income class. In addition, we shall assume that effort is independent of circumstances, either α’s or γ’s: in other words, that circumstances affect income only directly, and not indirectly through effort. Therefore on the right-hand side of the regression will be only variables exogenous to individual effort and luck, and the more of one’s income we explain with them, the greater of course is the importance of circumstances. 6

We shall first (section 2) describe the source of global income distribution data that help us address these questions empirically for the world as a whole. In Section 3, we present some broad regularities regarding the way global income is distributed between countries and income classes. Sections 4 and 5 are the core parts of the paper: they present the analysis that attempts the answers the questions posed above. The last part gives the conclusions. 5

Assuming, for the sake of simplicity, that how these individual circumstances affect income does not depend on country.


According to Roemer (1998, Chapter 3), conditional on circumstance, people at the same percentile of effort should be rewarded the same (or treated equally). Roemer distinguishes between the relative effort (“degree of effort”) and the absolute effort (“level of effort”). The relative effort is the effort expended compared to what is expected with a given set of circumstances. Equality of opportunity requires that the outcomes be the same for each percentile of the distribution of effort (that is, for each relative effort) allowing thus the same absolute effort to be rewarded differently.


2. Data and definitions

The data used in the paper come from World Income Distribution (WYD) database constructed to study the evolution of global inequality. The database is composed almost entirely of micro data from representative household surveys from most of the countries in the world. For the year 2002, which is used here, the data come from 120 countries’ household surveys representing 94 percent of world population and 98 percent of world dollar income.7 (The list of countries, surveys and other information is provided in Annex 1.) The geographical coverage is almost complete for all parts of the world except Africa (see Table 1).

Table 1. Population and income coverage of the surveys (in %)

Population Dollar income Number of countries



E.Europe and CIS 97 99



96 95

Latin America 96 95

77 71

99 100

94 98







Source: World Income Distribution database. See Note: WENAO is Western Europe, North America and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand). CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States. Eastern Europe includes formerly Communist countries.

For the vast majority of surveys (116 surveys) we had access to micro data which means that any type of distribution (by decile, ventile, percentile; by households or individuals) could have been created. In order to limit the number of data points and make the analysis manageable we have limited the number of data points per country to 20 ventiles (each ventile contains 5 percent of country’s population). All individuals in a survey are ranked from the poorest to the richest according to their household per capita income (or expenditures, depending on what welfare aggregate is used in the survey). Since not all countries produce annual surveys, we had to use a “benchmark” year (2002 in this case), that is, try to get 2002 household surveys for as many countries as possible, but where there were no surveys conducted in 2002, to use a year close to 2002. In the 7

We cannot express the share of the included countries in terms of $PPP income because for most of the countries for which we lack surveys, we also lack PPP data (e.g., Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan etc.) The dollar incomes however are typically available.


event, 79 country surveys were conducted in the benchmark year or one year before or after it, and all but two surveys within two years of the benchmark. For the surveys conducted in non-benchmark years, we adjust reported incomes by the Consumer Price Index of the country so that all amounts are expressed in 2002 local currency units. These amounts are then converted into international (PPP) dollars using the 2002 estimates of $PPP exchange rates provided by the World Bank (the PPPs are calculated by the EltöteKöves-Szulc method). Thus, for each ventile, we calculate the average per capita amount of PPP dollars received as income.8

The fact that each country is divided into 20 groups of equal size (ventiles) is extremely helpful. This allows us to compare the positions of say, the third ventile of people in China with the seventh ventile of people in Nigeria etc. It also allows us to define income classes in the same way across countries. To fix the terminology, we shall call each ventile an “income class”. Income classes thus run from 1 to 20 with 20 being the highest.

Income class and country of residence pin down a person’s position in global income distribution. That position is expressed by her percentile rank in world income distribution. A person can be, say at the 72nd percentile in the world—implying that her income is higher than incomes of 72 out of each 100 people in the world. This will be referred for simplicity as “position” or “position in the world.” Since we divide the world into one hundred percentiles according to per capita income, the position runs from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest). Each percentile contains in principle 1/100th of the world population included here, i.e., approximately 57 million people. 9

One of the features of household surveys is that, depending on the country and its preferred approach to data collection, the household data are either income- or 8

As mentioned, the household surveys are either income- and expenditure (consumption)-based. For the simplicity of presentation we speak throughout of “income” distribution and “income” position in the world.


Unfortunately, not all percentiles are of the exactly the same size. This is due to the “lumpiness” of the ventiles, particularly those for China and India. Thus as one Chinese ventile takes more than one percentile of the world income distribution, the next world percentile is accordingly reduced in size.


consumption-based. Mixing of these two approaches is unavoidable in a work that uses micro data and attempts to be global (that is, to cover most of the world).10 This is because countries often tend to produce either income or consumption surveys. The best examples are the two most populous countries in the world: since 1952, India’s almost yearly official surveys have been expenditure-based; since 1982, all China-wide official household surveys have been income-based. But, as is well known, income-based surveys tend to produce lower means and higher inequality that equivalent expenditure- or consumption-based surveys (see e.g., Li, Squire and Zou, 1998; Deaton 1997). Another, and somewhat related, issue is the discrepancy between per capita means derived from household surveys (whether income or expenditure) and per capita means obtained from National Accounts. This issue has recently attracted significant attention because of an apparent systematic tendency of household surveys to record lower per capita income or consumption than the consumption obtained from the National accounts (see Ravallion, 2000, Milanovic 2002, Deaton 2005, Anand and Segal, 2008). In order to check the robustness of our results, in addition to using the data directly derived from household surveys, we also scale them by using the ratio between per capita household consumption from National Accounts and per capita mean income (or expenditures) from household surveys, to increase or decrease uniformly all incomes (expenditures) from surveys. Such an adjustment leaves, of course, inequality within each country the same as before, but affects PPP income level of each ventile, and thus affects the position of country ventiles in global income distribution. We now move to a descriptive part showing how the world thus “partitioned” into countries and income classes really looks.


This is because some countries produce only income-based and others only consumption-based surveys.


3. Diversity of the world

Figure 1 combines the two aspects of within-national and inter-national distributions. Income of each country ventile is shown in the global distribution. Consider Germany. Since Germany is a rich country, and its income inequality is moderate, most of its population will be highly placed in the world income distribution. The poorest German ventile is at the 73rd percentile of the world income distribution (see the horizontal line at y=73). All other ventiles are obviously higher, and the richest ventile belongs to the top world percentile. The same interpretation is for other countries. We call such curves “the position curves”. Unlike Germany, where the span between the richest and the poorest ventile is 27 percentiles, in China, the distribution covers a much wider range, from the third to the 85th percentile. Brazil, with its unequal income distribution, covers practically the entire global spectrum, from the lowest percentiles to the richest. India, in contrast, is shown to be fairly poor with its poorest ventile belonging to the 4th poorest percentile in the world and the richest ventile to the 70th. This last position shows that the richest people in India (as a group—admittedly a large one since it contains more than 50 million people) have lower per capita income than the poorest people (as a group) in Germany.

The graph can also be read as a type of generalized Lorenz curve where instead of the income level on the vertical axis, we have income position in the world. The advantage of this “positional” approach is that it reduces the measurement error, 11 but since position is bounded from above these specific generalized Lorenz curves will tend to be concave rather than convex. The interpretation however is the same as with the generalized Lorenz curves.12 From Figure 1 we can easily conclude that Sri Lanka’s distribution is first-order dominant with respect to India’s, and that Germany’s 11

Household surveys do not measure income or expenditures perfectly. They are less likely however to make large mistakes that may result in the misplacing of individuals into “wrong” world percentiles. 12

The first-order “positional dominance” must imply the first-order income dominance. The reverse may not hold because a distribution may be income dominant but the difference in income may be so small as to place the ventiles from both countries into the same global percentile.


distribution is first-order dominant compared to any other country save Brazil. No firstorder dominance can be established between Brazil, China and India because of the situation at the bottom where the poorest Brazilians are shown to be poorer than the poorest people in India and China. The middle class Brazilians (approximately people in the ventiles 7 through 15) are better off than the middle classes in China, Sri Lanka and India. One may also note that the biggest difference in the positions holds for the poorest ventiles: while in Germany, the poorest ventile is at the 73rd world percentile, in the other four countries, the poorest ventiles are close to the bottom of global income distribution. The positional difference for the top ventiles is much smaller.


percentile of world income distribution 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 1. The position curves: inequality in the world—by countries and by income class


China Brazil India



Sri Lanka



10 country ventile



Source: World Income Distribution (WYD); benchmark year 2002. Country ventiles run from 1 to 20; global income position varies from 1 to 100.

4. Predicting global income position based only on knowledge of country and parental class

One’s income position in the world depends on two factors: allocation to country and income class in that country. We can write for i-th individual living in j-th country: Pij = b0 + b1 m j + b2 G j + b3 C ij + ε ij


where Pij = income position (percentile) in the world income distribution, mj = mean country income, Gj = national inequality (say, Gini coefficient), and Cij = person’s income class in country j, and εij = the error term. We need now to solve two problems. 10

First, we need to decide whether the regression will take into account population or not. Two different points of view are possible. If a person looks at, say, her own position only and asks the question ”how well would I fare had I been born in different country”, then population sizes of countries do not matter. A person simply looks at her current position and compares it with the position that she might have if she were in the tenth ventile in the United States, or twentieth ventile in China etc. From that individual view point, population sizes (and sizes of the ventiles) of China, the US or any other country are immaterial. We shall call this approach the “individual viewpoint” (IV). But if we want to look at how the actual world is structured, then clearly population size matters: China’s distribution will fill more than 20 percentiles of world income distribution while small countries would matter much less. We call this second approach “the world as it is” (WAII).

Second, in order to have factors strictly exogenous to individual effort as explanatory variables, we need to replace person’s own income class with his/her parental income class in (2). To do so we shall use information on the correlation between one’s current income and his/her parental income. The correlation ranges from 0 (full intergenerational income mobility) and 1 (no intergenerational mobility at all). The situation will, of course, differ between the countries and will lie somewhere between the two extremes. Ideally, if we had data for the correlation of children’s and parents’ income by country, we could use these country-specific coefficients to estimate the actual role of one’s inherited position. Unfortunately, we have such data for only a dozen, mostly rich, countries. They show that intergenerational income mobility is relatively high in the Nordic European countries and Canada, that it is less in the United States and the UK, and even less in the continental Europe (see Solon, 1999, pp. 1784-89; Checci et al. 1999; Bjorklund and Jantti 1997, Blenden, Gregg and Macmillan, 2007, p.C49). The coefficients of intergenerational earnings’ elasticity, ρ, in rich countries range between 0.2 in Nordic countries and 0.5.13 For a few countries in Asia and Latin America where


The coefficients are calculated from the regressions of children’s on parental earnings with both earnings expressed in logarithms. We can treat the elasticities as the correlation coefficients if we assume that the


estimates are available, the coefficients tend to be high and range from just under 0.5 to 0.7 (Lam and Schoeni, 1993; Grawe 2001; Ferreira and Veloso 2006). Based on a survey of the literature, we have incorporated these results into our “base case” scenario on mobility shown in Table 2. To see how the results may be sensitive to different mobility assumptions, we introduce two additional scenarios: optimistic and pessimistic, where social mobility is respectively greater and less than in the base case.

Table 2. Coefficients of intergenerational elasticity between parents’ and children’s income used in the simulations Base case

Nordic countries Rest of WENAO Eastern Europe/CIS Asia Latin America Africa

0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.66 0.66

Optimistic (high mobility) 0.15 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5

Pessimistic (low mobility) 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.9

Once we have assigned the correlations of inter-generational income mobility for all the countries in the sample, we proceed to the following simulation exercise. Take a country j with its correlation coefficient ρj. We do not know in what ventile of income distributions were the parents of people whom we currently observe in a given ventile. To estimate this, we run a random data generation process yij = ρ j y ij * + e j


where yij = income (in logs) of i-th individual drawn from a normal distribution, yij*= income (in logs) of i-th individual’s parents (the asterisk denotes parents), ρi = country-specific intergeneration income correlation, and ej = the error term drawn from a normal distribution N(0,1). After generating incomes of parents and children, we partition both parents’ and children’s incomes into twenty ventiles, and for each children’s ventile

standard deviations of parental and children’s earnings are approximately the same. Note finally that the estimates of intergenerational elasticity used here apply to earnings and not to income as we would ideally like.


calculate the conditional distribution of parents’ ventiles. Figure 2 shows such cumulative conditional distributions for the bottom and the top ventile when ρ takes the values of 0.5 and 0.9. As can be easily seen, with a high ρ, people whom we currently observe in the bottom (top) ventile are very likely to have come from the parents who were also in the bottom (top) ventile. But as ρ decreases, that probability lessens. For example, with ρ=0.9, people who are currently in the bottom ventile come with the probability of 80 percent from the parents who have been themselves located in the bottom five ventiles (see the vertical line at x=5 in the right panel of Figure 2). But with greater social mobility (ρ=0.5), such probability is just over 60 percent (see the left panel in Figure 2). If eventually ρ were to be 0, the distribution of parents’ income (or more accurately, the distribution of parents’ ventiles) will be the same for each income ventile of children.


Figure 2. Cumulative distribution functions of parents’ ventiles for the children in bottom and top ventile of income distribution With ρ=0.9 1


With ρ=0.5



currently in bottom



cum ulative distribution .4 .6

c u m u la tiv e d is trib u tio n .4 .6

currently in bottom

currently in top



currently in top



10 parents' ventile





10 parents' ventile



Note: simulations based on equation (3). Children’s ventiles are labeled “current”.

Using thus generated parental ventiles, we proceed as follows. Each currently observed (children’s) ventile is expanded by a factor of 100, and to each child in ventile i is assigned an estimated parental income ventile. For example, if for a given value of ρ and a given children ventile, the distribution of parental incomes is such that 30 percent of children have parents from the first ventile, 40 percent from the second ventile, and 30 percent from the third ventile, then 30, 40 and 30 children will be assigned respectively the first, second and third parental ventile. To make clear what is happening, take the example of an observation such as (28; 3500; 5) where the first number shows a person’s position in global income distribution, the second her country’s mean income and the third her own income class in that country. Now, that person (who is simply a representative person from that country and income class) will be “expanded” to 100 persons who will come from different parental income classes (based on country’s ρ and conditional distribution of parental classes). Of course, both global position=28 and mean country income=3500 will continue to be shared by all such persons, but their parental class which will now replace their own income class=5, will take different values. We


thus achieve heterogeneity of parental ventiles within a given children ventile. Over such expanded sample, we run regression Pij = β 0 + β 1 m j + β 2 G j + β 4 C ij ( ρj ) + ε ij *


where Cij* is the estimated income class of i-th individual’s parents, which of course varies in function of ρ. The fact that parental income classes differ between individuals (children) that belong to the same observed income ventile and live in the same country, brings us closer to isolating the effect of circumstance. This is because in addition to inter-ventile variability of parents’ position, we introduce variability in parental positions also within each income ventile of children. There is thus heterogeneity in parental positions both between and within children’s ventiles. Only now can the entire explained part of the regression such as (4) be treated as “circumstance”.

Regression (4) is run in two forms: IV and WAII. In the former case, each country matters equally. In the latter case, populous countries, and thus populous’ countries intergenerational income correlations, matter more than small countries. This is important because it means that our conclusions in the WAII case will largely depend on what are the societal characteristics of populous countries. If they become more socially mobile (in the sense that ρ decreases), the role of circumstance in the global sense will, ceteris paribus, be less.

Table 3 show the results for the two specifications (unweighted and populationweighted) and the three scenarios delineated above: the base case, optimistic and pessimistic. 14


As mentioned, because of the large size of ventiles for India and China, not all percentiles contain exactly 1/100th of world population. As an alternative, we ran regressions where Pij is the exact position in the world income distribution (e.g., at the 63.4 percentile, not as a part of the 64th percentile). The results are almost identical. They are available from the author on request.


-131.23 (0.000) 232,000 116 ---0.79 1224 (0.000)

-132.21 (0.000) 232,000

116 --0.80 1213 (0.000)

Constant term

Number of observations Number of countries (clusters) Population weight (in million) R2 F value 0.82 1257 (0.000)




-135.69 (0.000)

2.45 (0.000)

-0.34 (0.000)

0.78 246 (0.000)




-140.33 (0.000)

2.60 (0.000)

-0.24 (0.000)

0.77 240 (0.000)




-139.20 (0.000)

2.55 (0.000)

-0.24 (0.000)

5 22.38 (0.000\)

0.80 241 (0.000)




-142.02 (0.000)

2.69 (0.000)

-0.24 (0)

6 22.50 (0.000)


Note: The regressions are run with the cluster option to adjust for the correlation of within-country observations. There are 116 countries times 20 ventiles times 100 generated parental ventile = 232,00 observations. The expanded regressions have 100 times more observations. p values between brackets. Income class ranges from 1 (lowest) to 20 (highest). Mean per capita income is in $PPP per annum.

2.29 (0.000)

2.38 (0.000)

Parental income class (ventile)

-0.34 (0.000)

-0.34 (0.000)

3 22.40 (0.000)

4 22.43 (0.000)

2 22.37 (0.000)

1 22.31 (0.000)

Gini index (in %)

Country mean per capita income (in ln)

World as it is (population-weighted regressions) Base case Optimistic Pessimistic

Individual viewpoint (unweighted regressions) Base case Optimistic Pessimistic

Table 3. Explaining one’s position in world income distribution (dependent variable: percentile position in world income distribution)

We consider first the “individual viewpoint” specification. In the base case (regression 1, Table 3) each 10 percent increase in mean country income is associated, on average, by an increase of 2.22 percentile ranks in world income distribution. Having parents whose ventile level is one notch (one ventile) higher is associated, on average, with an increase of 2.38 world percentiles. It thus turns out that the advantage conferred by being a citizen of a twelve-percent richer country is about the same as the advantage conferred by having one’s parents come from a slightly higher income class. Gini coefficient enters with a negative sign, indicating that living in a more unequal country would, on average, reduce one’s global income position. This simply reflect the fact that higher inequality will numerically benefit fewer people than it would harm others.15 Overall, circumstances explain 80 percent of variability in one’s global income position.

As expected, the importance of parental income decreases a bit in the optimistic scenario (see regression 2 in Table 3), and reduces slightly the overall role of circumstance as R2 becomes marginally lower (from R2 =0.80 to R2 =0.79). The differences however are minimal. With a pessimistic scenario, the role of parental income class and overall circumstance goes up, but again the changes are modest (regression 3 in Table 3).

In regressions (4)-(6), we look at the three scenarios within the context of the “world as it is”. As explained before, this gives us the importance of “circumstances” as actually experienced by the people in the world and thus more populous countries will matter more. Were, for example, both India and China and a couple of other populous countries to become much more, or much less, mobile (in inter-generational income terms) that would affect the overall findings more than if several small countries were to become equally more (or less) mobile. The results of weighted regressions are but little different from the unweighted. Overall, the importance of parental ventile class goes up, 15

Obviously, as we shall see below, greater inequality will have differential effect depending on one’s ventile position: it would benefit higher ventiles (whose world position would improve) and harm lower ventiles (whose position would decline).


reflecting the assumption of relatively low inter-generation income mobility for China and India (ρ=0.5 in the base case scenario). The broad contours of results are unchanged however with each 10 percent higher mean country income ”worth” about 2.2-2.3 positional points, and the overall role of circumstance hovering just below 80 percent.

Finally, we check for the robustness of the results by adjusting absolute ventile $PPP amounts by the ratio between consumption from National accounts and income (or consumption) from household surveys. Such an adjustment implies that all country per capita means are now the same as given in National accounts (and all ventiles incomes and global percentiles are now, of course, recalculated).16 The sample size is reduced to 112 countries.17 The results are shown in Annex 2. As can be seen, the results are, for both formulations (IV and WAII), almost unchanged: for example, the coefficients on parental income in the base case scenario are 2.26 in the unweighted and 2.65 in the population-weighted case (see Annex 2, regressions 2 and 4) versus respectively 2.38 and 2.60 before, and R2 is somewhat higher.

In conclusion, whatever specification or scenario we select, around 80 percent of variability in global income position can be attributed to the circumstances beyond individual control: country of citizenship and parental income class. Our intergenerational income elasticities are for many countries assumptions based on sparse data on inter-generational income mobility in “similar” countries. Ideally, with individual country level data on ρ’s (alike to the country-level data that we have on inequality), the precision of the results and robustness of the analysis would be improved. However, the overall results regarding the role of circumstance, as shown by the stability of both the regression coefficients and R2, are unlikely to change much The part which remains for


For example, for India where the gap between consumption as calculated from surveys and consumption from national accounts has recently been particularly large, India’s ventiles’ PPP values range from the 4th to 70th world percentile (if we use survey data), and from the 11th to 79th (if we scale up to per capita consumption from national accounts). 17

We do not have household per capita final consumption from National Accounts for Chad, Gabon, Mongolia and Montenegro. Since they are all have relatively small populations, the results in the WIAA specification cannot be much influenced by smaller sample size.


effort and “episodic luck” (to use John Roemer’s felicitous phrase) will globally, in all probability, remain relatively small: around 20 percent at most, as estimated here.


5. Varying importance of location for different own income classes

If own income class is given, how well can we predict global position only with the knowledge of country where person lives? When people are allocated income class in our Rawlsian lottery, it is not a matter of indifference what country they get allocated to. Location, if one “draws” a rich country, can more than compensate for a low income class. But the impact of location is not uniform across all ventiles. This is because when a person is allocated a country, she is allocated, as we have seen, two relevant features of that country: its mean income and its income distribution. Tables 4a and 4b show the results of regressions similar to (2) but with person’s own income class being held constant. That is, for each ventile separately, we regress person’s position in world income distribution on country’s characteristics alone: its mean income and a measure of its inequality (the ventile’s share of total income).18 These two characteristics always explain more than 90 percent of the variability in person’s global income position. For example, looking at the people in the lowest income class in the unweighted regression (regression 1, Table 4a), the R2 is about 0.9, and each 10 percent increase in the mean country income is worth, on average, 2.31 percentiles climb in the global income distribution. But for a person belonging to the highest income class, R2 is again 0.9 but each 10 percent increase in the mean country income is worth only 1.17 percentiles increase in the global income distribution (regression 20, Table 4a). Mean country income matters more to the nationally poor than to the nationally rich people.19 The results are very similar for the population-weighted regressions (see Table 4b), and for simplicity, in the rest of the analysis, we shall confine our discussion to the unweighted regressions.


Percentage of total income received by a given ventile in a given country.


Intuitively, if I happen to be nationally-poor, I would be much better off living in Sweden than in Colombia. But while the “location premium” of Sweden would still hold if I am nationally-rich, the premium would be smaller.


Trade-off between country’s mean income and country’s distribution classes The two country characteristics (mean income and inequality) can also be seen as substitutes: given her income class, a person might prefer to be “allocated” into a more equal society even if its mean income is less. To explain: she could benefit more (if she is poor) by the first than lose by the second. Intuitively, we can also see that if a person is allocated to a top income class, then the gain from belonging to a more equal society will be negative. Thus, the trade-off between mean income and inequality is not the same across income classes. If we consider the bottom income class (as in regression 1 in Table 4a), we see that each point increase in the bottom group’s ventile share (distributional gain) is worth a huge climb of 22.84 percentage points in world income distribution. Now, to achieve the same increase of 22.84 points in the global position, a person in the bottom ventile would need to be located in a country that is almost twice as rich (see the same regression). This is the shape of the trade-off for those in the lowest ventile. Contrast this with the fact that if the ventile share of the people in the richest class goes up by 1 percentage point their position in the world (distributional premium) improves by only 0.61 percentile which is an increase equivalent to living in a country that is only 5 percent richer (regression 20 in Table 4a).


388.7 (0)

No of obs

F value

1069 (0)


(0) 0.963







1195 (0)


(0) 0.968







1359 (0)


(0) 0.971







1381 (0)


(0) 0.969







1311 (0)


(0) 0.966







1297 (0)


(0) 0.966







1155 (0)


(0) 0.963







1022 (0)


(0) 0.961







914.5 (0)


(0) 0.958







776.5 (0)


(0) 0.954







667.7 (0)


(0) 0.952







604.9 (0)


(0) 0.949







527.9 (0)


(0) 0.946







484.7 (0)


(0) 0.942







424 (0)


(0) 0.940







353.8 (0)


(0) 0.939








Note: Ventile share expressed in percent of total country income. Mean per capita income in $PPP per annum. p-values between brackets (“0” indicates significance at the level smaller than 0.000).

815.6 (0)



Adj. R2



(0) 0.952



(0) 0.902










Income class Country’s mean per capita income (in ln) Country’s ventile share (in %)

Table 4a. Explaining a person’s position in the world income distribution—given her own national income class (ventile) (dependent variable: percentile in world income distribution) (unweighted regressions; “individual viewpoint”)

297.8 (0)


(0) 0.933







176.9 (0)


-18.07 (0) 0.906










(0) 0.941





(0) 0.889


103.0 (0)


No of obs

F value

489.5 (0)


(0) 0.960







742.6 (0)


(0) 0.973







787.7 (0)


(0) 0.976







456.9 (0)


(0) 0.975







321.3 (0)


(0) 0.972







331.7 (0)


(0) 0.973







294.7 (0)


(0) 0.972







197.0 (0)


(0) 0.964







200.9 (0)


(0) 0.962







179.7 (0)


(0) 0.958







142.8 (0)


(0) 0.950







115.2 (0)


(0) 0.942







142.9 (0)


(0) 0.954







185.6 (0)


(0) 0.954







469.5 (0)


(0) 0.956







406.8 (0)


(0) 0.955








Note: Ventile share expressed in percent of total country income. Mean per capita income in $PPP per annum. p-values between brackets (“0” indicates significance at the level smaller than 0.000).

274.4 (0)







Income class Country’s mean per capita income (in ln) Country’s ventile share (in %)

145.3 (0)


(0) 0.945







Table 4b. Explaining a person’s position in the world income distribution—given her own national income class (ventile) (dependent variable: percentile in world income distribution) (population-weighted regressions; “world as it is”)

85.46 (0)


(0.75) 0.910







However, the reasonable trade-off has to allow for the fact that the increase of 1 percentage point in the ventile share is, in relative terms, much greater (and much less likely to obtain) for the poor people than for the top income class. For the poor, such an increase would mean a doubling of their average share: for the richest, an increase of less than 1/20 (see Table 5). To normalize for this and make the analysis more realistic, we consider a trade-off where a person is, in each case (that is, given own income class), placed in a country whose ventile share is one standard deviation above the world average. This means that for the poorest income group, the gain would be 0.51 percent of total income and for the richest group 7.19 percent (see Table 5). Now, the relative “worth” of national income distributions thus “normalized” is contrasted to the “worth” of higher mean country income. The results are shown in Figure 3. The importance of national distributions is, as expected, very high for the poor: “getting” a country whose bottom class’s share is one standard deviation above the world average is equivalent, for that class, to “drawing“ a country that is 50 percent richer. The trade-off then gradually weakens before picking up for the richest three classes. There too, “drawing” a (very unequal) country such that, for example, the highest income class has a ventile share that is one standard deviation greater than the world mean ventile share of that class, is equivalent to living in a 40 percent richer country. For both the people who are nationally poor and nationally rich, “drawing” respectively more equal and more unequal country will matter a lot. But for the people in the middle of national income distributions, “drawing” a more or less equal country has very little value compared to being placed in a mean-richer country. This is because income shares of the middle ventiles are fairly stable (see the coefficient of variation in Table 5), and drawing one standard deviation more or less equal distribution does not matter much. 20


The same analysis can be done by using national Ginis instead of ventile shares in all regressions. We find that for the ventiles ranging from the poorest to the twelfth, greater country inequality reduces their position in global income distribution; for the ventiles 13 to 16, Gini is not significant, and for the ventiles 17th and above greater inequality is “good” (that is, it rises these people’s global income position). The results are available from the author on request.


Table 5. Average share of total income received by ventiles of national income distributions (unweighted average calculated from 116 household surveys) Ventile

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th Twentieth (top) Total

(1) Average ventile share in total income (in %) 1.00 1.50 1.80 2.06 2.31 2.54 2.78 3.02 3.28 3.56 3.85 4.19 4.55 4.99 5.53 6.18 7.07 8.36 10.70 20.70 100

(2) Standard deviation of ventile share (in %) 0.51 0.58 0.61 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.62 0.61 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.52 0.47 0.44 0.40 0.47 0.73 1.96 7.19

(3)=(2)/(1) Coefficient of variation 0.51 0.39 0.34 0.31 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.18 0.35

Note: Distributions for the benchmark year 2002. Source: WYD database. Each country is one observation.

These results have implications for migration. If low income class people migrate to richer countries, and expect that they would end up there too among low income classes, then equality of the receiving country’s income distribution must be quite important for them. A very large increase indeed in mean country income is needed to compensate for this “distributional premium”. But differently, if the nationally rich people (say, highly skilled) migrate from a poor to a rich country, and expect to be among high income groups in their new country, then they might prefer to select highly unequal societies, even if their mean income is less than the mean income of an alternative migration destination. 21


An interesting example is provided by Bustillo (2007, pp. 21-22). His results show that the percentage of immigrants monotonically decreases as one moves from poorer to richer deciles in Spain. But in the United States, the share of immigrants charts a U curve: it is very large in the bottom and top US deciles.


Given mean income of the recipient country, and given expectations on where one might be placed in the income structure of the new country, we would expect lowskilled people to migrate into more equal countries and more skilled people to migrate into more unequal countries. This parallels the idea underlying Borjas’s (1987, 1999) self-selection hypothesis. However, note that the picture here is a bit more complex, in the sense that while the increase in the mean income has to be high at both ends of the income distribution to compensate for either unequal income distribution (for the poor) or equal income distribution (for the rich), the offsetting increase in the mean country income is rather minimal for the middle-income groups (e.g., ventiles 11 through 17 in Figure 3). This means that for the middle classes, the distribution in the receiving country will not matter much: country’s mean income will be much more important.22 In turn, this result implies that for most people with moderate skill levels, or with people with high skill levels who do not expect to be able to make it to the top of the income ladder in the receiving country, mean income of the receiving country would trump other considerations.


The finding parallels Palma’s (2006) recent emphasis on the share constancy of the middle deciles regardless of how equal or unequal the overall distribution is. In other words, inequality of distributions is determined by high or low shares of the top or bottom fractiles, not by the shares of the middle groups.


Figure 3. Value of one standard deviation increase in the ventile share at different points of national income distribution (measured in terms of mean country income) 60.0

Increase in mean country income (in %)






0.0 1













Ventile of national income distribution

Note: Calculated from Tables 4a and 5.









6. Conclusions

This results from this paper allows us to make three key conclusions. First and most important, with only two characteristics, person’s country (which in a world with no significant migration, essentially means one’s place of birth), and her parents’ income class in that country, we are able to explain some 80 percent of the variability in global income position (global percentile rank). Both characteristics are “circumstances”, or morally inconsequential features. Both are determined at birth. The finding holds whether we run regressions simply across countries, or use population weighting. Other features (gender, race, or ethnicity), which are not included in the analysis, may further increase the share of circumstance. Globally, effort and luck are therefore unlikely to explain more than one-fifth of the variability in global income position.

Second, the ability to “predict” well person’s location in global income distribution from only two country characteristics (mean income of the country and its income distribution), holds also for each income class separately. Thus, for any given own income class, the knowledge of the country where a person lives is sufficient to explain 90 percent or more of that person’s global income position. Living in a richer country is particularly important for low income classes, where each 10 percent increase in the country’s mean income, lifts person’s global income rank by between 2.3 and 2.5 percentiles on average. 23 The “location premium” is significant but smaller for top income groups where it amounts to between 1 and 1.5 global percentiles on average. In other words, the value of living in a richer country is shown to hold for the entire national income distribution spectrum, but to be particularly strong for the “nationally” poor.

Third, given person’s income class, there is a trade-off between wealth of the country (reflected in its mean income) and its income distribution. Thus, a person who is “allocated” a low class might prefer to be “allocated” to a more egalitarian country even if that country’s mean income is less. The opposite, of course, holds for a person 23

The latter number is derived from the population-weighted regression (Table 4b).


“allocated” to a high class: he might benefit from country’s inegalitarian distribution more than from its high mean income. The trade-off is such that being placed in a country that is one standard deviation more egalitarian than the world average is equivalent, for a person belonging to the lowest income class, to living in a 50 percent richer country. For a person who belongs to the highest income class, getting a one standard deviation more inegalitarian country is equivalent to living in a 40 percent richer country. But these sharp trade-offs between the internal income distribution of a country and its mean income hold mostly for the extreme income classes. For the middle classes, distribution is relatively unimportant—because income shares of the middle groups do not vary much across nations.

The last point has clear implications for migration. If people who migrate expect to be placed in the middle of the national income distribution of the receiving country, they will be focused primarily on country’s mean income. But if people who migrate expect to end up in the bottom of the recipient country’s income distribution, whether the recipient country is egalitarian will be of significant importance in their decision-making. And the reverse if they expect to end up in the top of income distribution of the recipient country.



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Annex 1. List of surveys used in constructing World Income Distribution (WYD) database for the benchmark year 2002 Country

Albania Argentina (urban) Armenia Australia Austria Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Dem Rep; (Zaire) Congo, Rep Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic


Living Standard Monitoring Survey (LSMS) Spring 2002 Encuesta Permanente de Hogares Armenian household survey (ILCS) 2004 Survey of Income and Housing 2002-03 European Community Household Panel 2000 (LIS Database) Bangladesh Household Expenditure Survey 2000 Houshold budget survey Panel study of Belgian households 2000 (LIS Database) Core Welfare Indicators Survey (CWIS) Bhutan Living Standards Survey Encuesta de Mejoramiento de Condiciones de Vida Bosnia 2004 Living Standard Measurement Survey Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicilios (PNAD) Household Income Survey 2003 Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire 2003 Cambodia socio-economic survey (CSES) Enquête camerounaise auprès des ménages, ECAM2, Priority survey, World Bank Survey of income and labor dynamics 2000 (LIS Data) Inquerito as despensas e receitas familiars Enquête sur la Consommation et le Secteur Informel au Tchad Encuesta de Caracterizacion Socioeconomica Nacional Chinese State Statistical Bureau household survey (rural and urban) Encuesta Continua de Hogares Living Standards Survey (LSMS) Integrated Expenditure Survey 2005 Enquête Congolaise auprès ds Ménages pour l’évaluation de la Pauvreté Encuesta de Hogares de Propositos Multiples Household budget survey 2004 Mikrocensus 2002


Income (Y) or consumption (X) based X

Survey year



2001 2004 2002-2003 2000




2002 2000


2003 2003 2002






2003 2003 2004 2002




2002 2002






2003 2002 2005




2001 2004 2002



Denmark Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador

Income tax register 2000 (LIS Database) Encuesta Nacional de Fuerza de Trabajo

Egypt El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia Finland France Gabon Georgia Germany Greece Guatemala Guinea Guinea Bissau Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy

Household survey 2001 Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida 2003 Household Income and expenditure survey 2004 (HIES 2004) Encuesta de Hogares de Propositos Multiples Household Income and Expenditure survey 2000 (LIS Database) Welfare Monitoring Income/Expenditure Household Survey Income distribution survey 2000 (LIS Database) Revenues fiscaux des ménages 2002 Enquête gabonaise pour l'évaluation et le suivi de pauvreté Household budget survey German SOE Panel Study, 2000 (LIS Database) ECHP Household Income and living conditions survey (LIS Data 2000) Encuesta Nacional de Empleo y Ingresos Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire (CWIQ), Integrated Survey, Enquête integrale sur le budget et l’évaluation de la pauvreté (EIBEP QUIBB) Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire 2002 Enquête sur les Conditions de Vie en Haiti 2001 Encuesta Permanente de Hogares de Prepositos Multiples General Household Survey, 2002 round Household budget survey National Sample Survey (NSS) Round 60 (2004) SUSENAS: Indonesia's Socio-Economic Survey 2002 Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2002-2003 European Community Household, Panel 2000 (LIS Database) Family Expenditure Survey 2001 (LIS Database) The Bank of Italy Survey 2000 (LIS Database)


Income (Y) or consumption (X) based Y Y

Survey year

2000 2003


2001 2003 2004


2002 2000






2002 2005


2002 2000




2002 2003


2002 2001




2002 2002 2004













Ivory Coast

Enquête sur le Niveau de Vie des Ménages The Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions 2003 Annual Report on Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2002, pp. 162-163 (grouped data) 2003 Household expenditure survey 2003 Household budget survey Household income and expenditure survey 2003 Household budget survey Third Laos Survey; LECS3 LAT02 (Household survey 2002) Household budget survey The Luxembourg Social Economic Panel, Study "Liewen zu Letzebuerg" (LIS Database) Household budget survey Enquête prioritaire auprès des ménages: Priority Survey(World Bank) Malaysian household income survey 2000 Malawi 2004 Second Integrated Household Survey Core Welfare Indicators Survey (EMAP) Integrated Survey, L'Enquête Permanente sur les Conditions de Vie des Ménages (EPCV) Encuesta Nacional de Ingreso y Gastos de los Hogares (ENIGH) Household Budget Survey 2002 Enquête nationale sur la consommation et dépense des ménages (ENCDM) Household Income and Expenditure survey 2000 (LSMS data) Core welfare indicators questionnaire Nepal income and expenditure survey 2003/04 Socio-economic panel (LIS Database) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre del Nivel de Vida Integrated Household Survey 2005 Nigeria Living Standard Measurement Survey (NLSS) 2003 Income and property distribution survey 2000 (LIS Database) Pakistan Integrated Household Survey (PIHS) 01-02

Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Korea, South Kyrgyz Rep Laos Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malaysia Malawi Mali Mauritania Mexico Moldova Morocco Montenegro Mozambique Nepal Netherlands Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Pakistan


Income (Y) or consumption (X) based X Y

Survey year

2002 2003




2002 2003 2003


2002 2002-2003 2002 2002 2000


2003 2001


2000 2004


2001 2000




2002 2001




2002 2003-2004


1999 2001


2005 2003







Panama Paraguay Peru

Encuesta de Hogares Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (EIH) Encuesta Nacional de Hogares Family income and expenditure survey 2000 (FIES) Household Budget Survey 2002 Household budget survey 2002 Household Budget Survey 2002 Inquerito Condiçoas de Vida das Familias Anho 2000, (Survey about household living conditions, year 2000) Enquête Senegalaise auprès des ménages LSMS 2003 Sierra Leone Living Standards Survey (SLSS) 2003 Household Expenditure Survey 2003 Slovak SILC 2005 survey Household budget survey 2002 Expenditure survey 2000 Spanish European Community Panel (ECHP) (LIS Data 2000) Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2002: National Household Sample Survey Programme, Department of Census and Statistics, Sri Lanka Expenditure Household Survey Income distribution survey 2000 (LIS Database) Income and expenditure survey 2002 (LIS Database) Family income and expenditure survey 200304 Survey of personal income distribution, Taiwan area (LIS Database) Living standards measurement survey (LSMS) 2003 Household budget survey Thailand Socio-economic survey (SES) 2002 2003 Household budget survey National Household Survey, Priority Survey Household budget survey The family resources survey 1999 (LIS Database) Encuesta Continua de Hogares (ECH) March Current population Survey, 2000 (LIS database)

Philippines Poland Romania Russia Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain

Sri Lanka Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom Uruguay (urban) USA


Income (Y) or consumption (X) based Y Y Y X

Survey year

2002 2001 2002 2000


2002 2002 2002 2000


2001 2003 2003


2003 2005 2002 2000 2000




2001 2000










2001 2002 2003 2002 2003 1999


2001 2000



Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam

Uzbekistan household survey 2002/3. Encuesta de Hogares por Muestreo (EHM) Vietnam households living standards survey (VHLLS) 2002 Zambia 2002-03 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey


Income (Y) or consumption (X) based Y Y X X

Survey year

2002 2000 2002 2002-2003

Note: LIS database refers to the micro data obtained from Luxembourg Income Study. LSMS = Living Standards Monitoring Survey (administered by the World Bank).


226,000 112 --0.82 1415 (0.000)

-143.60 (0.000) 226,000 112 --0.84 1410 (0.000)

Constant term

Number of observations Number of countries (clusters) Population weight (in million) R2 F value 0.83 1425 (0.000)




-144.90 (0.000)

2.32 (0.000)

-0.36 (0.000)

0.78 268 (0.000)




-142.40 (0.000)

2.65 (0.000)

-0.34 (0.000)

0.77 266 (0.000)




-141.25 (0.000)

2.61 (0.000)

-0.34 (0.000)

5 21.36 (0.000)

0.79 263 (0.000)




-144.07 (0.000)

2.74 (0.000)

-0.34 (0.000)

6 23.49 (0.000)


Note: The regressions are run with the cluster option to adjust for the correlation of within-country observations. There are 113 countries times 20 ventiles times 100 generated parental ventile = 226,00 observations. The expanded regressions have 100 times more observations. p values between brackets. Income class ranges from 1 (lowest) to 20 (highest). Mean per capita income is in $PPP per annum, “normalized” to household per capita consumption from National accounts.

-142.63 (0.000)

2.17 (0.000)

2.26 (0.000)

Parental income class (ventile)

-0.35 (0.000)

-0.35 (0.000)

3 23.31 (0.000)

4 22.42 (0.000)

2 23.23 (0.000)

1 23.24 (0.000)

Gini index (in %)

Country mean per capita income (in ln)

World as it is (population-weighted regressions) Base case Optimistic Pessimistic

Individual viewpoint (unweighted regressions) Base case Optimistic Pessimistic

Annex 2. Explaining one’s position in world income distribution (dependent variable: percentile in world income distribution) (household per capita income from surveys scaled up to household final consumption from National Acconts)

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