* Strain was constructed by transforming of BY4741 with LEU2-cassette amplified from pRS315 using primers 5’-tctagccaacatatcgaggtcaaactggagagatcttacgcataaagaaatataatatagAGATTGTACTGAGAGTGCAC-3’ and 5’-ttaaaacagtagtagtatgtggggaagatatgggataaaaaaaagtaagggaaaataaggGTCACTGTGCGGTATTTCACACCG-3’ in which small characters are homologues to 5’ and 3’ UTR of Cdc55 respectively. ** PCR revealed that in both BY4741 and BY4742 strains from the ResGen/Invitrogen deletion collection, the wild type copies of Ppm1 and Ppe1 are still present in ppm1∆ and ppe1∆ respectively. BY4741 was transformed with KanMXcassette amplified from pFA6a-kanMX4 using primers 5’-gaagatgggtcagggtccttgtgactccgcataaactagatgataaagagtacaaacaagtcgccGCTTCGTACGCTGCAGGTCGACG-3’ and 5’atgtaagagtaccatataaacggtaagcatattaagatcaattagttgaggctgtaaataaaaaATCGATGAATTCGAGCTCGTT-3’ for Ppm1, and 5’-ctcaacaaagagtcaaaaatacggcaacaaactggtagtaacggtaggacattttcaattttcaGCTTCGTACGCTGCAGGTCGACG-3’ and 5’cacgagttcatatattctgttatttattctatcataaataaagatataaaagtgatatttaacccATCGATGAATTCGAGCTCGTT-3’ for Ppe1 in which small characters are homologues to UTR of the gene of interest respectively. *** PCR revealed that in the BY4742 strain from the ResGen/Invitrogen deletion collection, the wild type copies of Reg1 is still present in reg1∆. **** The tpk2w2 allele (encoding Tpk2D139H) was obtained by plating a tpk1∆ TPK2 tpk3∆ bcy1∆ strain on galactose medium. Bcy1 was re-introduced by subsequent crossing.