5th—8th Grade Play, “The Granny Awards,” will be held on March 15. In
conjunction with the play, will be a dinner. The menu of the din- ner will include
booyah/ ...
February 22, 2013
FROM THE PRINCIPAL Lenten Service Times: 2:00 and 6:30 p.m. Soup for the Soul Served from 5:006:30 p.m. Jr. Choir and 7-8 Grade Chimes.
Lenten Services: Students in Grades K-8 will be attending the Mid week Lenten service that will be held here at St. Paul at 2:00 P.M. If you cannot attend the 2:00 P.M. service, another service is offered at 6:30 P.M. A no cost “Soup for the Soul “will be held each Wednesday during Lent from 5:00-6:30 P.M. Everyone is invited to attend. Divine Call- On Sunday afternoon, February 17, I received a divine call from Resurrection Lutheran Church & School in Aurora, IL to serve as principal and 6 - 8 grade teacher. I am humbled to receive this call and grateful for the opportunity to consider how my gifts may best serve God's kingdom. As I consider the two calls I now hold—both the call to serve God’s people at Resurrection and my present call to serve God’s people here at St. Paul—I respectfully ask for your prayers. “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service." (1 Timothy 1:12) Blessings in Christ, Staff Minister, Ben Carlovsky Willing Hands...Thankful Hearts has collected $1075.52 for meals to be packaged on April 26. Please continue to help us reach the school goal. All students will be making cards with a gospel message to be placed into the boxes. Junior Choir We sing February 27 (Wed. afternoon at 2:00 pm) and March 3 (10:30 service). Please meet at 10:10 on the 3rd for a warm-up. 7th-8th Chimes We play preservice music on Wednesday, February 27 (2:00) and Sunday, March 3 (late service). Please meet in Mrs. Bakeberg’s room at 10:10 on the 3rd for a warm-up.
Looking Ahead: For your planning purposes, the 2013-2014 school year will begin on Wednesday, August 21st. School “Folder Pickup Day” will be on Sunday, August 4th with School Registration on Thursday, August 8th. 2013-2014 Academic Calendar Please find attached to this Footnotes a copy of the academic calendar approved by the Board of Education for next school year.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Grades 4K and Kindergarten Presenting Goldilocks and the Three Bears Tonight, February 22 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall
All Are Welcome 5th—8th Grade Play, “The Granny Awards,” will be held on March 15. In conjunction with the play, will be a dinner. The menu of the dinner will include booyah/ brats/hamburgers/ salads/desserts/and beverages. Please find attached two notes concerning the dinner. The purple sheet is asking for a tentative count and the yellow sheet is asking for volunteer help. Please return the bottom portion of both sheets by March 8. Spring Fundraiser Pasta and Cookie Dough Now until March 11. Note the information with this edition of Friday Footnotes. We are working toward funding a smart board for the 2nd grade classroom along with a projector and DVD player for large screen viewing. Please help us reach our goal. School Dance for Grades 5-8. Saturday, March 2 from 5:00—9:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The school dress code applies to this school event. FVL Daddy Daughter Dance is March 3, 2:005:00 p.m. Lots of fun. Tickets available in the office. Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon. See the information about the book fair that came home today. Please return the blue volunteer form.
CLASSROOM NEWS 7 & 8—Mr. Kasten Geography Test: Our next geography test is scheduled for Wednesday, February 28th. FVL Performance: The students of FVL will be presenting the musical “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” on Wednesday, March 6th. at 9:30 A.M. Students in Grades 5-8 have been invited to attend. A note was sent home on Tuesday regarding this activity and the cost per student. Please read the information carefully and return the form and payment. Thank you for your help!! Discover FVL: If you haven’t done so, please return the form regarding the students attending “Discover FVL” by Monday!! I am still in need of drivers. Thank you!! 7 & 8—Mr. Carlovsky A few dates to keep on your calendar, Friday, March 15, is a school entertainment night. Grades 5 – 8 will be presenting the musical The Granny Awards. Also, Wednesday, March 6, we will be traveling to FVL for musical The Unsinkable Molly Brown. As most of you know, this past week I received a divine call to teach grades 6 – 8 and serve as school principal at Resurrection Lutheran School in Aurora, IL. Please keep my family and me in your thoughts and prayers as we consider these calls that the Lord has put before us. Have a great weekend! 5 & 6—Mr. Jammer SAVE THE DATE: Friday, March 15 – PTO sponsored fellowship dinner – entertainment “The Granny Awards” by grades 5-8 – Food, Fellowship, and Fun. Still looking for volunteers to help coordinate/assist in making scenery for our musical. Coming field trips: Tuesday (2/26) 6th grade to FVL for “Fox Trek” and Wednesday (3/6) 5th & 6th grade to FVL for musical “The Unsinkable Molly Brown.” 3 & 4—Mr. Kasten Students in Grade 3 & 4 will have math tests on Thursday, February 28th. Have an enjoyable weekend! Students in Grade 3 & 4 will have math tests on Thursday, February 28th. Have an enjoyable weekend! Mrs Plitzuweit: The information for our next field trip came home on Monday. Please sign and return the permission slip with the money by this Monday, February 25. We will be going to Heritage Hill on Friday, March 1. It is just an afternoon field trip so the students will have normal lunch at school. The Scholastic book orders for February and March came home last week. The order for both months was due today. If you would still like to order, please send it to school on Monday. Book reports for third quarter are due Tuesday, March 12. We will be singing as a class in church on Wednesday, March 13 at the 2:00pm service and then again Sunday, March17 at the 10:30am service at
St. Paul. Continue reading and working on math facts at home. Have a good weekend! 2—Mrs. Bakeberg We’ve been working a little on our play lines and songs; now we need to dig in and get more serious about learning everything. This was a fun week dressing up to show our spirit. Second grade did very well every day! Weidner Center field trip slips and money are due on Thursday if your child did not bring it back yet. Memory work has been slipping for some; please make sure it is being learned at home. 1—Mrs. Sauer We’ve been having a fun week showing how much we love our school! Thanks for helping your kids dress this week. Watch for the last Book It Calendar to be coming home for the month of March next week. Take advantage of the great deal: improved reading + free pizza. Kindergarten—Mrs. Jammer We are excited to perform “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” tonight. We hope you enjoy the show. Thank you for providing snacks for the evening. We sing Sunday (2/24) at the 8 am service. Please have your child to the room at 7:45. We have been working with rhyming words and reading words one-ten. In music we have been listening for different pitches: high, middle, and low and also that pitches can be repeated, ascending, or descending. Please remember to return the Weidner Fieldtrip permissions forms and payment. Keep in mind that we will be looking for drivers for our Kdn Fieldtrip to FVL on March 21 (leaving at 12:15 and being back by 3:15). Have a wonderful weekend! 4K—Mrs. Zabell We studied the miracle of Jesus feeding more than 5000 people. Our memory treasure was the Fourth Petition of The Lord’s Prayer, “Give us today our daily bread.” We have a loving God who graciously blesses us with everything we need for our body and life! In Handwriting we practiced letter Aa and our theme was “Nursery Rhymes”. We look forward to enjoying more nursery rhymes next week, too! We are eager to present “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” to you on Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. Please have your child to the classroom by 6:10 p.m. 4K kids are wearing jeans and a solid colored top. Sunday, we will be singing in the 8:00 a.m. service FVL Theater’s spring musical, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, on March 8 and 9 at 6:30 p.m. and March 10 at 2:00 p.m. Reserved seating will be on sale at the FVL school office starting Monday, Feb. 18. Adults $10, Senior Citizens $8, Children 12 and under $5. 1-866454-3857. Students in grades 5-8 will attend on 3/6.
2013 Pinewood Derby, Sunday, April 21, St. Paul Gym. Open to all! Compete in Speed or Craft Classes. Boys K-8, Girls K-8. Weigh-in starts at noon, races at 1:00 p.m. Darren Reschke at 920-336-6988 or email
[email protected]. The February Pioneers meeting will have the boys and girls together on Tuesday, February 26, 6:00-7:15 p.m. to go over pinewood derby rules and tips. Photos and videos of cars and races will be available for viewing. All pioneers and derby entrants are welcome. FVL 8th Grade Explore Test-Sat., 3/2, 10:00-1:00 pm. Students should bring a calculator. No registration is needed. Friday Footnote Announcements should be given to the office by Wednesday noon of the week of publication. Luther Preparatory School Summer Camp information is in the office. A copy of the brochure can be found at www.lps.wels.net. Proceed to campus life and then summer. The purpose of Luther Prep is to encourage and prepare young men and women for full-time service in the gospel ministry. The camps are for Kindergarten through fifth grade students. Music camps for grades 68. Volleyball Camp grades 6-9. Basketball camp 6-9 grade.
Eagle Resale Shop
Open on Wed., Feb. 27 9 AM - 1:30 PM
Something for Everyone!!!
www.stpaulgreenbay.com Questions and Donations: Please call Lisa Mitchell (469-0660) The Eagle Resale Shop is located at First Lutheran (school building) 743 S. Monroe Ave.
Athletics Fox Valley WELS League Boy’ B Basketball Tournament A THANK YOU to the volunteers who helped with hosting the tournament last Saturday. Your help was greatly appreciated. Fox Valley WELS League Girls and Boys’ A Basketball Tournament at FVL -Sat.& Sun.(2/23-24) The Girls’ A team plays at 9:00 am and the Boys’ A team plays at 11:50 am. There are a few parents who need to sign up to help with our school responsibility of Tournament Host. Please contact Mr. Jammer at the tournament to sign up. A master schedule will be made available at the tournament. Athletics A THANK YOU to our B team baskeball coaches for all their work, time, and effort this past season – Mr. Nic Baye, Mrs. Jessica Mendez, Mr. Kolt Rezlaff, and Mr. Greg Martin. Basketball players should return their uniform shortly after their last game. For information concerning our league (schedules, maps, results,…) visit our Fox Valley WELS league website. This can be done one of two ways 1( through a link on our church/school website www.stpaulgreenbay.com or 2) through the league website directly http://sites.google.com/site/fvwelsleague/ . Snow closing policy– St. Paul follows the school closing schedule of the Green Bay Area Public Schools. If the Green Bay Area Public Schools are closed, St. Paul is closed. We follow their delays and early dismissals as well. “FVL Schools Festival of Art”: Please read through the attachment regarding this special event that is taking place on March 14th. All of the guidelines are presented for you and we hope that many of our students will take the opportunity to participate. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Kasten. FVL Spring Musical: Students in Grades 5-8 have been invited to attend the FVL presentation of “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” that takes place on Wednesday, March 6th, at 9:30 A.M. Because of the short time given to register for this event and the number of students attending we have decided to make use of a bus to take the students to and from FVL. A note was sent home on Tuesday of this past week regarding this trip. Hot Lunch is in need of donations of paper plates.