Goldmine Finder - Gold Prospecting WA

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA. How to ...... 5.41 Search for a single site from the Gold and Ghosts Book Volume 1 ;.
Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

How to Use Goldmine Finder to Find Historical Old Gold Mines in WA and Their GPS Localities

William O'Connor

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 1

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Published by: William O'Connor PO Box 2207 Clarkson Western Australia Copyright © 2010 – William O'Connor and Udo Kaschner .

All rights are reserved.

No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Note: This e-book is optimized for viewing on a computer screen, but it is organized so you can also print it out and assemble it as a book. Since the text is optimized for screen viewing, the type is larger than that is usual printed

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 2

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA


This report has been written to provide information about using the database “Goldmine Finder” to search for data including locations, names, GPS Points, Production figures and other data relating to Historical Gold Mines in Western Australia. Data has been researched and gathered from a number of sources that are public material on the internet and from the author's own sources and presented in a way that is simpler to access and use. It is provided with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering Geological Mapping services or are in any way involved in the systems such as TENGRAPH Online system or Minedex where some data has been sourced. Tengraph Online system is run by the State Government of Western Australia. Here is the link to their URL If Geological Mapping advice or other expert assistance on the Tengraph Online system or Minedex database is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains screenshots of information and data only up to the publishing date. To be fully up to date users must subscribe to the free updates which will be provided from time to time to update data. Therefore, this data should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Goldmine Locality or Tengraph Online system information relating to Historical Goldmine localities. The purpose of this report is to educate and simplify access to basic information that prospectors can use to find possible gold prospecting locations. The author and publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 3

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report. Although this database will give you localites of Historical and old Gold mines it is still your responsibility to find out whether prospecting is permitted at that locality. Tengraph tenement information is dynamic and can be obtained from the Tengraph Online System which is operated by the Department of Mines and Petroleum in WA. It must also be noted that the GPS points published cannot be guaranteed as to accuracy, completeness, reliability, usability or suitability . They are extracted from the Dept of Mines and Petroleum data and are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. It is provided on the basis that the user will be responsible for making their own assessment of the GPS locations based on their own skills and knowledge of related information. Here is the link to Dept Mines and Petroleum Tengraph Online

Or a link to some simple instructions on how to use Tengraph online Go to Free Simple “How To” Free Tengraph Ebook Download.

Finally there is no guarantee that this data and the use of it will enable you to find gold but it will provide you with a tool to find out the approximate localities where gold has been found in the past. If you do not wish to be bound by the above, please return this report for a full refund and do not act on any of the information contained within it.

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 4

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

A Message From The Authors I know a lot about the bush and gold prospecting in WA because I live in the WA Gold fields and have lived there since 1991. I've been prospecting and mining in WA for over 25 years. I am working an active mining lease at Mindoolah in WA. I have prospected all over WA from the Kimberleys, down to the Southern Goldfields and I have found some good virgin gold patches in my time prospecting. I have found hundreds of ounces of gold including one patch of nuggets of 150 ounces of gold (including the 22 1/2 oz nugget which is pictured on the home page at We got together to produce this website to share our information with you, I hope you enjoy it......Udo

I retired in 2005 after working 43 years with the same company. I quickly took up my great love of geology and travelling around Australia after retirement and started metal detecting for Gold throughout Western Australia. It didn't take me long before I realised that information about gold prospecting and metal detecting was hard to come by, it was expensive and required heaps of time and research. I spent a lot of time thinking about how I could get simple, easy to understand information about Gold prospecting, Metal Detecting and the best GOLD Prospecting locations and share that around. Udo's vast experience and knowledge was exactly what was needed to make metal detecting simple... So Udo and I teamed up to provide information to people via our website – …... May you find Heaps Of GOLD with the information provided there ..Bill

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 5

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Table of Contents DISCLAIMER......................................................................................................................................3 Chapter 1 – Goldmine Finder Introduction .........................................................................................9 1.0 What is Goldmine Finder?.........................................................................................................9 1.1 Why Use Goldmine Finder?....................................................................................................10 1.2 Chapters in this book are;........................................................................................................11 Chapter 2 – How to Download Goldmine Finder and Use on Your Computer .................................13 2.0 Downloading Goldmine Finder to Your PC.............................................................................13 2.1 The Paypal Screen...............................................................................................................13 2.11 Paypal or Credit Card – Doesn't Matter!...........................................................................14 2.12 Review and Pay.................................................................................................................14 2.13 Thank You and Download Link Which Will Take You to Members Page........................15 2.14 Sales Details and Link to Members Area..........................................................................15 2.15 Members Login Page........................................................................................................16 2.16 The MEMBERS Area.......................................................................................................17 2.16.1 After Clicking “Download Area”The Download Page will Come up Just Click “Install” ...................................................................................................................................................17 2.17 Verifying Application Needs (Microsoft Net 4.0).............................................................18 2.18 Security Screen.................................................................................................................19 2.19 Download and Install .......................................................................................................19 2.2 How Access to Goldmine Finder Software on Your Computer After it is Installed................20 2.21 Use The Goldmine Finder” Icon on your Desktop...........................................................20 2.22 Use Windows Program Access..........................................................................................20 2.23 Home Page View of Gold Minefinder..............................................................................21 2.24 The Main 'Mine Maintenance” Page.................................................................................22 Chapter 3 – Goldmine Finder Functions............................................................................................23 3.1 Page by Page Screenshots of the Goldfinder Database...........................................................23 3.11 The Mines Menu Page.......................................................................................................23 3.12 The Mine Finder Menu Page.................................................................................................24 3.12 The “Update Data”, FAQ and Links to Gold Prospecting Menu Page............................24 3.2 The Minefinder “Filter Items” Page....................................................................................25 3.21 Purpose..............................................................................................................................25 3.3 The Minefinder 'Search Results” Page................................................................................26 3.31 Purpose..............................................................................................................................26 3.4 OziExplorer “Ozy Export” Page.........................................................................................26 3.41 Purpose..............................................................................................................................27 3.5 The “Google Export” Page..................................................................................................27 3.51 Purpose..............................................................................................................................27 Chapter 4 – Goldmine Finder Explanation of Filter Fields and Data ...............................................28 4.1 Where Does the data come from ?...........................................................................................28 4.2 Filter Screen and Explanation of Data That Can be Explored?...............................................28 4.3 “List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases That Have Produced Gold.” published in 1954.......29 4.31 Why Have We Included data from this Publication?........................................................29 4.4 Field Explanations...................................................................................................................29 1 Name......................................................................................................................................32 2. Gold Field.............................................................................................................................32 3. Mining Centre............................................................................................................................35 Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 6

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA 4. No Of Lease...............................................................................................................................35 5, 6 and 7 Relate to Gold Production.............................................................................................35 8 Production Period.......................................................................................................................35 9. Remarks.....................................................................................................................................35 10. District Number.......................................................................................................................35 11. District Name...........................................................................................................................36 12. SiteCode...................................................................................................................................36 13. ShortTitle.................................................................................................................................36 14 .Title .........................................................................................................................................37 15. Type..........................................................................................................................................37 16. SubType...................................................................................................................................37 17. Stage.........................................................................................................................................38 18. ProjectCode..............................................................................................................................38 19. ProjectTitle...............................................................................................................................39 20. Latitude....................................................................................................................................40 21. Longitude.................................................................................................................................40 22. MgaZone..................................................................................................................................40 23. Easting.................................................................................................................................40 24. Northing...................................................................................................................................40 25. Group Site................................................................................................................................40 26. Commodities............................................................................................................................40 27. CommodityGroups...................................................................................................................41 28. TargetCommodityGroups....................................................................................................41 29. MineralizationStyle..................................................................................................................41 30. SecondaryMineralizationStyle.................................................................................................41 31. MapSheetNo100k....................................................................................................................41 32. MapSheetName100k................................................................................................................41 33. MapSheetNo250k....................................................................................................................41 34. MapSheetName250k................................................................................................................41 35. LGAName................................................................................................................................42 36. TectonicUnit.............................................................................................................................42 Chapter 5 – How to Find Old Goldmines with Goldmine Finder .....................................................43 5.1 Introduction – What does the Goldmine Finder Enable you to Do?........................................43 5.2 Open Goldmine Finder and the Filter Screen..........................................................................43 5.3 Put in Your Filter Criteria........................................................................................................44 5.4 Gold and Ghosts Books Research............................................................................................44 5.41 Search for a single site from the Gold and Ghosts Book Volume 1;............................44 5.42 Important Sidenote;......................................................................................................46 IMPORTANT SIDENOTE...................................................................................................48 5.43 What about Other Mines in the Brockman Mining Centre e.g. Faugh-A-Ballagh?.....50 IMPORTANT SIDENOTE...................................................................................................52 5.5 Bulk Data Access.....................................................................................................................52 5.51 All the Mines Published in the 1954 Cancelled Gold Mines Publication in the Kimberley Goldfield...................................................................................................................................53 5.52 What about the Equivalent Data in the MINEDEX Historical Goldmines Database?.....54 Chapter 6 – How to Export Old Goldmines GPS Waypoints to Oziexplorer ....................................56 6.1 Open Goldmine Finder............................................................................................................56 6.2 Open the Goldmine Finder Filter Screen.................................................................................56 Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 7

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA 6.3 Put in Your Old Gold Mine Search Filter Criteria – Here I have Used Historic Gold Kimberley......................................................................................................................................57 6.31 Search Results for Historical Gold – Kimberley with GPS Data......................................58 6.4 Create your Ozi Explorer Export Notepad File.......................................................................58 Step 1 Left Click the “Ozi Export” button on the Filter Items Screen.................................58 Step 2 the following screen will come up on your PC.........................................................59 The next Step is to Open OZIexplorer and Import the Notepad file Waypoints..................61 Oziexplorer With the Map Page open at “Halls Creek” 1:100k map...................................62 Chapter 7 – How to Export Old Goldmines GPS Waypoints to Google Earth..................................65 7.0 Overview of Process of Viewing Goldmine Finder Gold Mine Data in Google Earth...........65 7.1 Open the Filter Screen.............................................................................................................65 7.2 Enter Your Goldmine Filter Criteria .......................................................................................66 7.3 Search Results for Historical Gold – Kimberley - with GPS Data..........................................67 7.4 Create your Ozi Explorer Export Notepad File (If You Choose to Use Oziexplorer to Open the GPS Waypoints in Google Earth!)...........................................................................................68 Step 1 Left Click the “Ozi Export” button on the Filter Items Screen.................................68 Step 2 the following screen will come up on your PC.........................................................68 The next Step is to Open OZIexplorer and Import the Notepad file Waypoints..................71 Oziexplorer With the Map Page open at “Halls Creek” 1:100k map...................................72 7.5 Export or Open the Waypoints in Google Earth from OziExplorer.........................................74 Steps in Ozieexplorer to Export Waypoints to Google Earth...............................................74 7.51 The View of some of the Waypoints Exported to Google Earth (If you clicked the “View” Option........................................................................................................................................75 7.52 If you Clicked the “Save” Waypoints Option...................................................................75 When you want to retrieve the files and display them in Google Earth...............................76 7.6 You Dont Have Google Earth? Download if for free here.......................................................76 7.7 Importing GPS Waypoints to Google Earth Without Oziexplorer AND you only have the Free Google Earth Programme Not Google Earth Pro..........................................................................77 1. Create the filter for the Search of Old Gold Mines that you want GPS Points for...........78 2. Select Google Export After You Confirm the Search Results..........................................78 3. Open the GPS Points Conversion from Notepad to Google KML Files Tool.................79 GPS Points Conversion from Notepad to Google KML Files ............................................79 4. The GPS Visualiser Google Earth Output Page and Options...........................................80 Left Click on the KML Output File and it Will open in Google Earth ................................80 7.8 Using Google Earth with Goldmine Finder and Tengraph Tenement Information. Access to Free Programmes...........................................................................................................................81 7.81 Free Access to Google Online...........................................................................................81 7.82 Free Access to Tengraph Online........................................................................................81 7.9 Here is How to Use Google Earth and Tengraph Online with Gold Mine Finder – Now That You Have Access to Those Programmes..........................................................................83 Step 1 Download the points you are interested in from Goldmine Finder, convert them to KML Google Earth Files......................................................................................................83 Step 2 Download Live and Pending Tenement Information From Tengraph to Google Earth.....................................................................................................................................83 Chapter 8 – Easy Section 20a Permits ...............................................................................................88 8.10 What's a Section 20a permit...................................................................................................88 8.20 How Do You Find Graticules in Tengraph Online By MAP NAME - Using Tengraph online to print graticules for section 20a permits.....................................................................................88 Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 8

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA 8.21 Dont Have a Tengraph Online Account or Know How to Use the Tengraph System?.....89 8.22 Video Instructions on Applying for Section 20a Agreement............................................89 8.23 Logged In Tengraph Online?.............................................................................................89 8.3 Create a graticular polygon......................................................................................................91 8.4 Action to Select Polygons and Print the Graticular Polygon to use with your Section 20a Application.....................................................................................................................................92 Link to Video Training on How to Apply for a Section 20a Permit to Metal Detect on Granted Exploration Leases.........................................................................................................................93 8.50 Links to DMP website for the Section 20a Permit “ Access to Prospect on Crown Land Within and Exploration Licence” explanatory pamphlet and form...............................................94 8.60 What Happens After You have Requested a Print of the Section 20a Polygon Map?...........94 What you should have learned in this chapter is.......................................................................95 Chapter 9 – FAQ Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................97 WEBSITE LINKs..........................................................................................................................97 Product Pricing .............................................................................................................................97 Why are you charging for the Goldmine finder when most of your other information is free?......................................................................................................................................97 What about upgrades?..........................................................................................................98 Datafields - Differences between Minedex and the 1954 Publication List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases................................................................................................................................98 Why are the data for these two sources not completely aligned together yet......................98 Why do I have to Download Miscrosoft Net 4.0 software.......................................................99

Chapter 1 – Goldmine Finder Introduction 1.0 What is Goldmine Finder? •

Goldmine Finder is easy to Use Database that helps you find Old or Historical goldmines and their localities

Goldmine Finder is searchable with many options and can be sorted in anyway you wish.

Goldmine Finder provides locality data for thousands of old and historical gold mines in WA

Goldmine Finder enables you to search the data that you want and then create a file to export to Oziexplorer or Google Earth

Goldmine Finder is a desktop solution so you can take it with you prospecting without needing to access the web.

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 9

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

1.1 Why Use Goldmine Finder? •

Where gold has been found in the past is where gold will be found using new metal detector technology. This database will show you (WITH GPS POINTS) where gold was found in the past

Data about old gold mines is spread all over many publications. It is time consuming to find this information and it's very difficult to access either as an individual goldmine or all goldmines in a locality. This database provides it in one easy to use software product.

You can download simple files that will import directly to Oziexplorer (see chapter 6) or with a simple conversion (see chapter 7 ) to Google Earth.

You can search old gold mine names and get GPS points – those old gold mine names and areas are often reported in old gold book publications and are now obscure due to changes in area names and modern renaming conventions.

View the 1954 “List Of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases That Have Produced Gold” in electronic format by; •

A single mine,

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 10

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA •

Local Government area,

District, Mining Centre,

Alluvial Production. Any way you wish.

You can do the same with data from Minedex without the difficulty of getting the data through Minedex,

AND you can take it with you when you are prospecting in the bush, stored in your Computer, so you dont need access to the Internet to view data.

1.2 Chapters in this book are; Ch 1. Introduction and Disclaimer to the Powerful Goldmine Finder Software (This Chapter) Ch 2. How to Download the Goldmine Finder Software. Ch 3. Goldmine Finder Explained in Pictures. Ch 4. Goldmine Finder Datafields and Explanations Ch 5. How to Search for Old Gold Mines Ch 6. How to Export GPS points to Oziexplorer Ch 7. How to Export GPS points to (Free) Google Earth Ch 8. Easy Way to Apply for a Section 20a Permit Ch 9. Frequently Asked Questions How to use this “How To” Book. It is not intended to be a short explanation of the goldmine finder database product. What it is aimed at doing is to start you off on the learning process of using the Goldmine Finder database then use it as a reference if you need to refer to information that will help you understand the data and how it can be recovered and used. Once you have downloaded and started to use the Goldmine Finder software you will find that it is reasonably simple to extract data. But if you do have a problem in understanding just what data it includes then Chapter 4 will give detailed explanations of the data headings. There are links within the document that will take you to other sites that will provide required support forms - for example the links to Department of Mines and Petroleum in Chapter 9 the “Easy Way to Obtain a Secton 20a Permit” which will take you to the page Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 11

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA where you can download Application Forms for a Sectin 20a Permit and links in Chapter 7 to download Google Earth if you do not have that program on your PC All the links are coloured and underlined in blue e.g. How to Apply for a Section 20a Permit – Easy Video Guide and (In most cases) they are designed to open in a new page so you do not lose your place in the instruction. Just open the link, read the page and close the page and you will be back in the instructions book. Try the above link to see what we mean. We hope you enjoy the Instructions book as much as you enjoy the Goldmine Finder Software

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 12

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Chapter 2 – How to Download Goldmine Finder and Use on Your Computer 2.0 Downloading Goldmine Finder to Your PC Here is the process of payment and downloading the Goldmine Finder Software and database; After you click on the Paypal or Buy Now button you will be taken to this screen. Paypal is very secure just look in the Browser window and make sure the website starts with https:// ….

2.1 The Paypal Screen

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 13

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

2.11 Paypal or Credit Card – Doesn't Matter!

2.12 Review and Pay

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

2.13 Thank You and Download Link Which Will Take You to Members Page

2.14 Sales Details and Link to Members Area

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

2.15 Members Login Page

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

2.16 The MEMBERS Area

2.16.1 After Clicking “Download Area”The Download Page will Come up Just Click “Install”

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

2.17 Verifying Application Needs (Microsoft Net 4.0)

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

2.18 Security Screen

2.19 Download and Install

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 19

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

2.2 How Access to Goldmine Finder Software on Your Computer After it is Installed 2.21 Use The Goldmine Finder” Icon on your Desktop Here is a screenshot of the icon that will be on your PC desktop after you have downloaded the Goldmine Finder database.

Left Click that and the Goldmine Finder Database will come up on your PC. NOTE: There is a large volume of data in the database so depending on how many programmes you have open it may take a minute or so to come up on your screen.

2.22 Use Windows Program Access Here is how you access Goldmine Finder using Windows start programmes.

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 20

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

2.23 Home Page View of Gold Minefinder Here is a Screenshot of the opening page and Instructions to get into Database after you have started Goldmine Finder

From this screen you can; •

Access the database by Clicking on “Gold Mines” at the bottom menu

Change the colours of the software to your favourite colour by clicking the arrow at

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 21

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA the top right hand side of the home page •

Exit the programme by clicking “Exit”

2.24 The Main 'Mine Maintenance” Page Now you are into the Powerful Mine Maintenance Page and how you use that is explained in the next chapter.

Go to chapter 3 to see how to use the powerful functions of MineFinder

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Chapter 3 – Goldmine Finder Functions 3.1 Page by Page Screenshots of the Goldfinder Database. In this chapter the and overview of the various pages in the Goldmine Finder will be shown and the functions available on each page will be explained. In later chapters the way you undertake these functions will be explained in detail but this chapter will give you an overview of the various pages in the Goldmine Finder database The functions that will be explained in other chapters are; •

Chapter 04 - Data Fields and Explanations

Chapter 05 - How to Filter and Search for Data (Old Gold Mines)

Chapter 06 - How to export Oziexplorer Files and Import to Oziexplorer

Chapter 07 – How to export Google Earth Files and Import to Google Earth

3.11 The Mines Menu Page

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 23

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

3.12 The Mine Finder Menu Page

3.12 The “Update Data”, FAQ and Links to Gold Prospecting Menu Page

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

3.2 The Minefinder “Filter Items” Page

Here is a screenshot and explanation of “Filter Items” Page .

3.21 Purpose This is the page where you; •

enter the criteria of the data you want to recover from the database and focus your selections on the things that are of interest to you.

Create files for export to Ozy Explorer or Google Earth

How you do that is explained more fully in Chapter 5

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

3.3 The Minefinder 'Search Results” Page Here is a screenshot and explanation of “Search Results” Page .

3.31 Purpose The purpose of this page is for you to check the data you have filtered, make sure you have recovered the information you want then go back to 'Filter Items” if you want to change your Search results.

3.4 OziExplorer “Ozy Export” Page

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Here is a screenshot of the Ozy Export Page which is explained in chapter 6

3.41 Purpose The purpose of this is to provide the format that you can import to Oziexplorer and use it in that programme

3.5 The “Google Export” Page

Here is a Screenshot of the “Google Export” File after you have created it.

3.51 Purpose The reason for this is to provide a file that you can directly import waypoints into Google Earth (If you have Google Earth Pro) or with some conversion through a free conversion programme explained in Chapter 7 upload and display in Google Earth

The Next Chapter – Chapter 4 explores the Selection Datafields Filter Items and explains their meanings

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Chapter 4 – Goldmine Finder Explanation of Filter Fields and Data 4.1 Where Does the data come from ? The data in the Goldmine finder database comes from a number of sources such as; •

Minedex - Note that this information is copyright to the State Of Western Australia who own the information. It is reproduced in this database under licence from the Government of WA.

From data published in the “List of abandoned Gold Mines That Have Produced Gold.” published in 1954

From our own sources which will enable expanded datasets in the future.

4.2 Filter Screen and Explanation of Data That Can be Explored?

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

4.3 “List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases That Have Produced Gold.” published in 1954 In the screen shot above you will notice some pink

coloured items.

This signifies that any data filtered or recovered in these data fields are sourced from the publication. “List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases That Have Produced Gold.” published in 1954 These data items are at items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;

4.31 Why Have We Included data from this Publication? We decided to include all of the data in the 1954 publication for a number of reasons; – It has old Names of Mines and Mining Centre Names included – It Includes Production from old mines in many cases – It includes Gold Treated, gold produced and Alluvial or Dollied Gold. – It provides the production period e.g. “Prior to 1897”

Where it is possible have tried to match up GPS points for these sites which are included from other sources such as Minedex.

4.4 Field Explanations Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 29

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Field Heading

Data Source


1. Name


The name of the Mine as listed in the Cancelled Gold Mines (CGM) to 1954 publication e.g Afghan

2 Goldfield


The name of the Gold field as it was in CGM to 1954 e.g. Kimberley

3 Mining Centre


The name of the mining centre in the CGM to 1954 publication e.g Brockman

4 No of Lease


The original number of the lease in the CGM to 1954 publication

5 Ore Treated Tons


Total ore treated in Tons reported in the CGM to 1954 publication

6 Gold Produced fine ozs


Gold Produced from the ore treated as reported in the CGM to 1954 publication

7 Also Alluvial or Dollied Fine Ozs


Amount of dollied or alluvial gold produced in the mine as reported in the CGM to 1954 publication

8 Production Period 1954

The period of production or when production ceased e.g Prev. to 1897

9 Remarks

Any remarks that were reported in the CGM to 1954 publication


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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

10. DistrictNo


11. DistrictName


12. SiteCode

MDex The Minedex site code number for the site

13. ShortTitle

MDex Same as “Name of Mine” Item 1 except its the Minedex Name

14. Title

MDex The long Name of Mine

15. Type

MDex Type of structure e.g Mine

16. SubType

MDex Usually “Unspecified” for Historical mines

17. Stage

MDex Generally will request “Shut”

18. ProjectCode

MDex Minedex Project Code

19. ProjectTitle

MDex Some Titles will interest you see the list below

20. Latitude

MDex Minedex Locality Latitude

21. Longitude

MDex Minedex Locality Longitude

22. MgaZone

MDex Minedex locality MGA Zone

23. Easting

MDex Minedex locality MGA Easting

24. Northing

MDex Minedex locality MGA Northing

25. GroupSite

MDex Minedex data source not relevant to your searches

26. Commodities

MDex You will mostly be recovering data relating to “Au”

27. CommodityGroups

MDex Target Commodity will generally be Precious Metal

28. MDex TargetcommodityGroups will be Gold if you want to use this TargetCommodityGr filter oups

Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 31

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA 29. MDex Mineralisation style of the returned field MineralizationStyle 30. MDex SecondaryMineraliz ationStyle 31. MapSheetNo100k

MDex Will return the 100k map sheet number for the data you filter.

32. MDex Will return the 100k map sheet name for the data you filter. MapSheetName100 k 33. MapSheetNo250k

MDex Will return the 250k map sheet number for the data you filter.

34. MDex Will return the 250k map sheet name for the data you filter. MapSheetName250 k 35 LGAName

MDex The name of the Local Government Area the mine is located

36. TectonicUnit


“1954” – Refers to data published in the publication “List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases That Have Produced Gold.” published in 1954 “MDex” – Means the data is drawn from the Minedex data base information

1 Name There are Many individual names of mines and some are duplicated a number of times across different gold fields. If you want to search for a name in the Cancelled Gold Mines to 1954 publication, type the name you want in this field.

2. Gold Field

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA In the 1954 publication there was a number of goldfields names that have now changed In this section the GOLD FIELDS names can be searched for using the following filter names. The list in the 1954 publication is as follows; Goldfields Names Ashburton Black Range Broad Arrow Bulong Coolgardie Cue Day Dawn Dundas East Coolgardie Gascoyne Kanowna Kimberley Kunanalling Kurnalpi Lawlers Marble Bar Meekatharra Menzies Mt Magnet Mt Malcolm Mt Margaret Mt Morgans Mt Morgans Niagara Nullagine Peak Hill Phillips River South West Ularring West Pilbara Wiluna Yalgoo Yilgarn You can enter any of these fields in the database filter column to return information by these areas …..... or alternatively it is also prudent to add the equivalent MINEDEX field which is; Item19. Project Title and the listings for that are; Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 33

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Historic Gold - Ashburton (08) Historic Gold - Black Range (57) Historic Gold - Black Range (57) Historic Gold - Broad Arrow (24) Historic Gold - Bulong (25) Historic Gold - Coolgardie (15) Historic Gold - Cue (20) Historic Gold - Day Dawn (21) Historic Gold - Dundas (63) Historic Gold - East Coolgardie (26) Historic Gold - Gascoyne (09) Historic Gold - Kanowna (27) Historic Gold - Kimberley (80) Historic Gold - Kunanalling (16) Historic Gold - Kurnalpi (28) Historic Gold - Lawlers (36) Historic Gold - Marble Bar (45) Historic Gold - Meekatharra (51) Historic Gold - Menzies (29) Historic Gold - Mt Magnet (58) Historic Gold - Mt Malcolm (37) Historic Gold - Mt Margaret (38) Historic Gold - Mt Morgans (31) Historic Gold - Mt Morgans (39) Historic Gold - Niagara (40) Historic Gold - Nullagine (46) Historic Gold - Peak Hill (52) Historic Gold - Phillips River (74) Historic Gold - South West (70) Historic Gold - Ularring (30) Historic Gold - West Pilbara (47) Historic Gold - Wiluna (53) Historic Gold - Yalgoo (59) Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 34

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA Historic Gold - Yilgarn (77) In Field 19 you can copy and paste the term above or just type in return data for “Historic Gold - Kimberley (80)”


which will

3. Mining Centre The names of the old mining centres in the 1954 publication. This section can be handy using old reference books because the Minedex names may be different now.

4. No Of Lease If you know the number of the old lease you can search for it here

5, 6 and 7 Relate to Gold Production If you want to find out production of mines in the CGM 1954 book then tick these boxes. Production includes ore treated, gold produced and alluvial or dollied gold.

8 Production Period If you want to know when production ceased in the CGM 1954 book then tick this box.

9. Remarks Any remarks that are included in the 1954 Publicatio

10. District Number You can use this if you know the Mindex District Code Number.

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11. District Name More than likely you will want to use the district name which are listed below;

12. SiteCode This is the Minedex Site Code number for the site. If you know what code you are looking for for the site then type it in here – otherwise its not normally used or recovered.

13. ShortTitle The Minedex Short Title which is similar to the Name of the Mine on the CGM 1954. You can use this by typing in the name of a mine that you require to see if it is included in the data base. Where it is possible to match the data between Minedex and the “Cancelled Gold Mines That Have produced Gold 1954” document we have matched them so you will have examples such as 1. Name - talisman north (from CGM 1954 data) 13. Short title – talisman north (from Minedex) 14. Title – TALISMAN NORTH (24) (from Minedex)

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14 .Title An extended version of the mine name from Minedex, see the entry above in 13 Short Title.

15. Type Can be the following; Deposit Exploration Target Geological Observation Infrastructure Mine Occurrence Other Prospect Unknown Mostly you will be returning “mine.” if you tick this filter box

16. SubType Generally with the historical mines it it show as Unspecified but other data on Minedex can return a number of items such as; Adit Airstrip Borefield Borrow Pit Building Costean/Trench Dam Decline

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA Drillhole Dryblowing Area Dump Handling-loading-storage Headframe/Winder Heap leach pad Openpit Other Outcrop Pipeline Port Power Plant Processing Plant Railway Road Scraping-detecting area Shaaft Shallow Workings Stockpile Tailings storage facility Town/Village/Camp

17. Stage Mostly you will see the field return “Shut” but other Minedex data can return; Undeveloped Under development Operating Shut Care and Maintenance Proposed

18. ProjectCode Minedex Project Codes not accessed normally.

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19. ProjectTitle These are the main titles that you will want to search for that will interest you; Historic Gold - Ashburton (08) Historic Gold - Black Range (57) Historic Gold - Black Range (57) Historic Gold - Broad Arrow (24) Historic Gold - Bulong (25) Historic Gold - Coolgardie (15) Historic Gold - Cue (20) Historic Gold - Day Dawn (21) Historic Gold - Dundas (63) Historic Gold - East Coolgardie (26) Historic Gold - Gascoyne (09) Historic Gold - Kanowna (27) Historic Gold - Kimberley (80) Historic Gold - Kunanalling (16) Historic Gold - Kurnalpi (28) Historic Gold - Lawlers (36) Historic Gold - Marble Bar (45) Historic Gold - Meekatharra (51) Historic Gold - Menzies (29) Historic Gold - Mt Magnet (58) Historic Gold - Mt Malcolm (37) Historic Gold - Mt Margaret (38) Historic Gold - Mt Morgans (31) Historic Gold - Mt Morgans (39) Historic Gold - Niagara (40) Historic Gold - Nullagine (46) Historic Gold - Peak Hill (52) Historic Gold - Phillips River (74) Historic Gold - South West (70) Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 39

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA Historic Gold - Ularring (30) Historic Gold - West Pilbara (47) Historic Gold - Wiluna (53) Historic Gold - Yalgoo (59) Historic Gold - Yilgarn (77) Just copy one of these and paste it into the data Filter Form if you want to return all the sites for one area.

20. Latitude 21. Longitude 22. MgaZone 23. Easting 24. Northing The items at 21 to 24 are probably the main information you will want to access as they will give you the locations of the mines you want whether you have searched for 1 mine or a whole raft of mines for example you have downloaded all mines for “Historic Gold - Marble Bar (45) ” It depends on how you wish to use the goldminer database for your own research.

25. Group Site Not important to your data returns

26. Commodities The Commodities that you want to recover in the database - you will mostly be interested Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 40

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA in and looking at are “Au” (gold)

27. CommodityGroups You will be looking mainly at “Precious Metal”

28. TargetCommodityGroups Your target commodity group will be Gold if you want to use this filter.

29. MineralizationStyle This and 30 “Secondary Mineralization Style” will tell you the type of mineralization if it is available in the data. With historical mine data there is not a great deal of information in these two fields.

30. SecondaryMineralizationStyle 31. MapSheetNo100k This will return the 100k map sheet number for the data you have filtered

32. MapSheetName100k This will return the 100k map sheet name for the data you have filtered

33. MapSheetNo250k This will return the 250k map sheet number for the data you have filtered

34. MapSheetName250k This will return the 250k map sheet name for the data you have filtered. Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 41

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

35. LGAName This will return the LGA name for the data you have filtered

36. TectonicUnit This will return the tectonic unit for the data you have filtered, for example “Kalgoorlie Terrane”

The next Chapter Chapter 5 explains How to use these data fields to Find Old Gold Mines

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Chapter 5 – How to Find Old Goldmines with Goldmine Finder 5.1 Introduction – What does the Goldmine Finder Enable you to Do? •

Goldmine Finder provides locality data for thousands of old and historical gold mines in WA

Goldmine Finder enables you to search the data that you want and then create a file to export to Oziexplorer or Google Earth

Goldmine Finder is a desktop solution so you can take it with you prospecting without needing to access the web.

You will be able to research those old obscure maps and goldmine names and put GPS points to their localities.

5.2 Open Goldmine Finder and the Filter Screen •

Open the goldmine finder by clicking on the short cut ikon on your desktop or going to “start” “All programs” “Goldmine Finder”

click the “Gold Mines” ikon at the bottom of the Goldmine Finder opening page

This brings up the Goldmine Finder “Mines Maintenance” page

Click “Mine Finder” on the left hand functions menu and it will display the “filter Screen” where you will be able to search for thousands of Old Gold Mine names and Localities.

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5.3 Put in Your Filter Criteria Lets look at some live examples to describe the breadth that your research can cover. Some Examples; At 5.4 – How to Research using Gold and Ghosts Books information from mudmaps produced in the Gold and Ghosts books by W De Havelland. But this type of research could be equally true for any old maps or information where you want to find actual GPS localities. at 5.5 it is explained how to look for BULK data including GPS points for areas such as mining centres or whole districts. Your research is only limited by your own imagination!

5.4 Gold and Ghosts Books Research

5.41 Search for a single site from the Gold and Ghosts Book Volume 1;

Here is an example of searching for a single site that might have interested you. I have extracted a portion of Page 42 and 43 of the excellent book by W De Havelland “Gold and Ghosts” Volume 1. as an Example. Here is an extract from page 43 of the volume 1 of Gold and Ghosts

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You will notice that it refers to Brockmans area and that the “Golden Crown” Mine was situated in the centre of Brockmans. There is also reference to other mines such as “Ruby Queen” and “Faugh A Ballagh”

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If you search Minedex you will not find a reference to Brockmans Mining area so lets look at a search for “Golden Crown” OK So lets start a search. A Search for Brockmans in field 1 “Name “ (remember this is from the old 1954 publication “List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases Which Have Produced Gold” ) returned nothing. A search in the Minedex Data under item 14 “Title” also returned no results for Brockmans. 5.42 Important Sidenote; Data in the Filter Fields that relate to the publication “List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases, which Have Produced Gold” published in 1954 are the top 9 filter items that are coloured with a pink background. Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 46

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

I have expanded the search and filters to search for “Golden Crown” as the name of the mine. See below for the Fields I have used to filter the search;

This is the results that I get when I check the “Search Results” tab.

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We are still manually matching up the “List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases That Have Produced Gold” Data with Minedex Data so not all of it is aligned yet There is 11000 records to manually make sure we have correct. Although a large proportion are done there is still some to do - so make sure you search for your mines in both the data which is provided from the 1954 Cancelled Gold Mines publication and if the GPS points are not there include a search using the Minedex Title Name (in Filter Item 14 “Title” see chapter 4 for explanation of data headings)

Now lets look at a search using the Minedex Data;

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Now the results being returned show the GPS Points and the shut mines so we now can get locations for Golden Crown Historical Gold Mines.

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5.43 What about Other Mines in the Brockman Mining Centre e.g. Faugh-A-Ballagh?

This search is for mines in the Brockman Mining Centre with a request for “Ore Treated Tons” and locality information. The filter returns the following Search Results after clicking “OK”

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These results are interesting because they are from the old publication “Cancelled Gold Mining Leases that Have Produced Gold” published in 1954. How can you tell? Remember the explanation of fields in chapter 4.

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The boxes down the left hand side of the page from 1 “Name” to 9 “Remarks” come from the “Listing of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases” Publication of 1954. All the rest come from the Minedex Database.


We are still manually matching up the “Cancelled Gold Mining Leases That Have Produced Gold” Data with Minedex Data so not all of it is aligned yet There is 11000 records to manually make sure we have correct. Although a large proportion are done there is still some to do so make sure you search for your mines in both the data which is provided from the 1954 publication and if the GPS points are not there include a search using the Minedex Title Name (in Section 14 see chapter 4 for explanation of data headings) You will get free upgrades of the data as this work progresses.

5.5 Bulk Data Access Maybe you want to visit an area and you want to find out where all the old gold mines are in the area so you can align it to places you would like to prospect and with Tengraph lease information. Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 52

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

It is easy to do this by using “GoldMine Finder” by just manipulating the Filter Fields you want. Here is an example for the Kimberley Goldfield.

5.51 All the Mines Published in the 1954 Cancelled Gold Mines Publication in the Kimberley Goldfield.

In this search you are searching for all the names and localities of goldmines with their producton in the Kimbeley Region from the 1954 publication “List of Cancelled Gold mining Leases”. That returns the following Search Results

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5.52 What about the Equivalent Data in the MINEDEX Historical Goldmines Database? See Chapter 4 for the data fields and explanations but what you require for this search is Section 19 “Project Title” and you need to enter “Historic Gold – Kimberley (80)” or “kimberley” as your filter.

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The Filtered Results from the Minedex “Kimberley” search

Ok, so now that you have learned to search for and filter data read on to the next chapter (chapter 6) to find out how to export those filtered searches to Oziexplorer and the following chapter (Chapter 7) which shows you how to export the data to Google Earth and overlay Tengraph Tenement Details.

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA

Chapter 6 – How to Export Old Goldmines GPS Waypoints to Oziexplorer 6.1 Open Goldmine Finder •

Open the goldmine finder

click to the minefilder “Filter Items” Screen

Enter your criteria (I will use “historical gold- Kimberley (80)”

Goldmine Finder enables you to search the data that you want and then create a file to export to Oziexplorer or Google Earth

6.2 Open the Goldmine Finder Filter Screen Here's how; -Open the GoldMine finder Database -Select “Mine Finder” Menu Item

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6.3 Put in Your Old Gold Mine Search Filter Criteria – Here I have Used Historic Gold - Kimberley As Filter Items I have used; District Name - Kimberley MF (separates out West Kimberley) Title - I want all gold mine names returned Project Title - Historic Gold - Kimberley Mga Zone Easting and Northing Map Sheet Name 100k – I want all map names returned To return specific items you type in the heading or name you want in the filter field, which must be ticked. To return all items you simply leave the filter items field blank, just tick the square to the left of the filter field entry box

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6.31 Search Results for Historical Gold – Kimberley with GPS Data

6.4 Create your Ozi Explorer Export Notepad File Step 1 Left Click the “Ozi Export” button on the Filter Items Screen

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Step 2 the following screen will come up on your PC

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA You need to browse to a file folder to save the oziexport waypoint files for future access to import to Oziexplorer. I have created a folder on my desktop for convenience but you will probably more likely save the files into your folders for waypoints in Oziexplorer. This will then save the “notepad' file of waypoints to the folder you select automatically. It is a good practise to change the name of this file after it has been downloaded so it makes sense to you later, by – Browsing or Exploring to the file which will be called “ozyexport” in the folder you have selected for it to be saved – Change the name to something more relevant to that file for later access and import to oziexplorer.

This is what the notepad file looks like.

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The next Step is to Open OZIexplorer and Import the Notepad file Waypoints.

How you do this will depend on the maps you have stored in your Oziexplorer programme and is beyond the scope of this instruction manual but this is how I do it with the maps I have in my Ozi programme. Later pages on our website Gold Prospecting in WA will include instructions on how to use Ozieexplorer to assist with your gold prospecting, that is a future development in progress. If you do not have oziexplorer here is a link to their webpage where you can download a free trail copy of the programme OZIEXPLORER website

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA Oziexplorer With the Map Page open at “Halls Creek” 1:100k map.

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The Oziexplorer map screen will then show the Waypoints on the map you have previously uploaded whether its a Geo map or topographical map.

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Ok, so now that you have learned to export Goldmine GPS points to Oziexplorer read on to the next chapter to find out how to export those filtered searches to Google Earth and display them on their maps The next Chapter – Chapter 7 will explain How to Export GPS Points to Google Earth

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Chapter 7 – How to Export Old Goldmines GPS Waypoints to Google Earth 7.0 Overview of Process of Viewing Goldmine Finder Gold Mine Data in Google Earth •

Open the goldmine finder

click to the minefinder “Filter Items” Screen

Enter your criteria (I will use “historical gold- Kimberley (80)”

Goldmine Finder enables you to search the data that you want and then create a file to export to Oziexplorer or Google Earth

Two ways to export to Google Earth depending on the types of access to Google Earth (Google Earth Pro) and whether you own Oziexplorer or not.

The Steps to extract the information to export to Google Earth are the same as described for OziExplorer then you can either; •

Export the waypoints to Oziexplorer and then open them in Oziexplorer and export them directly as KML files to Google Earth (Sneaky huh, if you haven't got Oziexplorer remember it is a premium programme and it is worth you investing in a copy)

Export to Google Earth and load the wordpad file directly into Google Earth if you are a Google Earth Pro user

Convert the wordpad export file to KML and upload to Google Earth if you are a basic free Google Earth User.

7.1 Open the Filter Screen Here's how; -Open the GoldMine finder Database -Select “Mine Finder” Menu Item

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7.2 Enter Your Goldmine Filter Criteria As Filter Items I have used; District Name - Kimberley MF (separates out West Kimberley) Title - I want all gold mine names returned Project Title - Historic Gold - Kimberley Mga Zone Easting and Northing Map Sheet Name 100k – I want all map names returned To return specific items you type in the heading or name you want in the filter field, which must be ticked. To return all items you simply leave the filter items field blank, just tick the square to the left of the filter field entry box

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7.3 Search Results for Historical Gold – Kimberley - with GPS Data

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7.4 Create your Ozi Explorer Export Notepad File (If You Choose to Use Oziexplorer to Open the GPS Waypoints in Google Earth!)

Step 1 Left Click the “Ozi Export” button on the Filter Items Screen

Step 2 the following screen will come up on your PC

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You need to browse to a file folder to save the oziexport waypoint files for future access to import to Oziexplorer. I have created a folder on my desktop for convenience but you will probably more likely save the files into your folders for waypoints in Oziexplorer. This will then save the “notepad' file of waypoints to the folder you select automatically. It is a good practise to change the name of this file so it makes sense to you later, by – Browsing or Exploring to the file which will be called “ozyexport” in the folder you have selected for it to be saved – Change the name to something more relevant to that file for later access and import to oziexplorer.

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This is what the notepad file looks like.

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The next Step is to Open OZIexplorer and Import the Notepad file Waypoints.

How you do this will depend on the maps you have stored in your Oziexplorer programme and is beyond the scope of this instruction manual but this is how I do it with the maps I have in my Ozi programme. Later pages on our website Gold Prospecting in WA will include instructions on how to use Ozieexplorer to assist with your gold prospecting, that is a future development in progress. If you do not have oziexplorer here is a link to their webpage where you can download a free trail copy of the programme OZIEXPLORER website

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA Oziexplorer With the Map Page open at “Halls Creek” 1:100k map.

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The Oziexplorer map screen will then show the Waypoints on the map you have previously uploaded whether its a Geo map or topographical map.

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7.5 Export or Open the Waypoints in Google Earth from OziExplorer

Steps in Ozieexplorer to Export Waypoints to Google Earth

1. While in the map display of Oziexplorer Click 'File” on top menu. 2. Select “Save to File” 3. Select and Click “Export to Google Earth” The following screen will appear. From this screen you can select the options you want with the export to Google Earth. 4. Options include (1) “View in Google Earth” which will open Google Earth and include the waypoints on the page that is opened. 5. Another option is (2) “Save” which enables you to save the waypoints as a “KML” file which can be opened later in Google Earth

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7.51 The View of some of the Waypoints Exported to Google Earth (If you clicked the “View” Option

7.52 If you Clicked the “Save” Waypoints Option

If you select the “Save:” option then the file can be saved as a KML File which can be uploaded to Google Earth later. Very handy if you want to save a number of locality GPS files for later upload to Google. Just make sure you know where you saved the files.

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When you want to retrieve the files and display them in Google Earth.

1. Open Google Earth 2. Select “File” Open on the top Menu and browse or explore to your file, select it and it will immediately open the waypoint information in Google Earth

7.6 You Dont Have Google Earth? Download if for free here

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA If you dont have Google Earth then remember that it is a free Programme and a very powerful one. You can download it for free here. Just click the button below.

Download Google Earth

7.7 Importing GPS Waypoints to Google Earth Without Oziexplorer AND you only have the Free Google Earth Programme Not Google Earth Pro. It gets a bit messy if you dont have OziExplorer to simply transfer your GPS points and show them in Google Earth. Mainly because you cannot import simple text files to Google Earth unless you have the paid version of Google Earth Pro. Which is relatively expensive for what you will need. But you can download plenty of free programmes off the web or convert your file to KML files online and then show them in Google Earth, I have outlined one method below but you can surf the net and find many other options. Here is one from This is a link to the free programm GPS Points Conversion from Notepad to Google KML Files page which enables you to import and open the points in Google Earth Here is how you do it;

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1. Create the filter for the Search of Old Gold Mines that you want GPS Points for.

2. Select Google Export After You Confirm the Search Results

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA 3. Open the GPS Points Conversion from Notepad to Google KML Files Tool

The link to the GPS Visualiser Page is in the headline above and here GPS Points Conversion from Notepad to Google KML Files

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA 4. The GPS Visualiser Google Earth Output Page and Options

Left Click on the KML Output File and it Will open in Google Earth

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA The GPS points will be in your Google Earth “Temporary Sites” folder, make sure you save them for future reference when you use Google Earth. For Example you may wish to download current tenements from Tengraph Online to Google Earth to: •

compare “old Gold Mines” data to current tenement information.

See if the ground is free for prospecting.

Look up tenement Data.

Here is how you do that;

7.8 Using Google Earth with Goldmine Finder and Tengraph Tenement Information. Access to Free Programmes This will explain the advantages of using Goldmine Finder Database for Old Gold mines and immediately linking them to Tengraph Tenement Information via Google Earth,

It is assumed that you have access to; 1. Google Earth (that's free) 2. Your Free account and Online Access to Tengraph Online. 3. The Goldmine finder database.

7.81 Free Access to Google Online If you dont have free access to Google Online you can get it here; You can download it for free here.

Download Google Earth

7.82 Free Access to Tengraph Online

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA If you dont have access to Tengraph online and know how to use it you are missing out on a very powerful tool in your gold prospecting armoury We considered this so important we have created a page on our website which has free, simple graphical instructions on; 1. Tengraph On Line Simple, Graphical Instructions How To use It to Find Gold Prospecting Targets

OR the more specific; 2. How to Use Tengraph Online to Find Old Gold Mines.

The second free ebook assumes you have the knowledge explained in the first ebook Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 82

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA which tells you how to set up your free account and use Tengraph Online.

7.9 Here is How to Use Google Earth and Tengraph Online with Gold Mine Finder – Now That You Have Access to Those Programmes

Step 1 Download the points you are interested in from Goldmine Finder, convert them to KML Google Earth Files

How to do this is explained earlier in this chapter.

Step 2 Download Live and Pending Tenement Information From Tengraph to Google Earth.

How to do this is explained in this link “How to View Live and Pending Tenement Information in Google Earth” Open the Dept Mines and Petroleum (DMP) Data and Software Centre page. Then do the following steps;

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You will be asked to accept the licence terms and then either run or save the file. It is assumed you will download and save the “exe” file. Which will automatically open the tenements files after you have unzipped them It will depend on whether you wish to check the “Exe” file first with your virus protector programme or simply run it whether you choose to “Run” or “save: the downloaded tenement files.

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“Save” has been chosen for this exercise.

When the file has been downloaded you click on “Run” and the following page come ups which enables you to “unzip” files to a folder.

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA Ii is best to create a folder specifically for you Tengraph Tenement files so you always know where it is located and you know whether you have the most up to date Tenement informations stored in your computer.

Left Click on “Tenements_Live” or “Tenements_Pending” and they will automatically open in Google Earth and you can see what the tenement ownership is relating to any Goldmine Finder Old Gold Mines GPS points you have extracted. Neat, huh?

Here is a screenshot of the Old Goldmine Finder Waypoints and Pending Tenements for Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 86

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA the areas of the Kimberleys we have been looking at throughout these instructions.

The same result can be obtain with the Live_tenements file so you can see what is available in relationship to the Old Gold Mines you have researched through Goldmine Finder.

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Chapter 8 – Easy Section 20a Permits

8.10 What's a Section 20a permit. This is a system that enables you to obtain a permit and prospect on Crown Land within a “Granted” or LIVE Exploration licence (Those licenses shown with an “E” before the tenement number eg E24/244) This enables the Section 20a permit holder to access a nominated area on Crown Land on an already granted Exploration Licence. You need to nominate a maximum of 10 graticular blocks on your application form and print out a map showing the area and Graticular Bocks nominated. That is easy to do on Tengraph Online! See the next Section 8.20

8.20 How Do You Find Graticules in Tengraph Online By MAP NAME Using Tengraph online to print graticules for section 20a permits

The first step is to log into Tengraph Online to bring up the Map Sheet you are interested in.

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8.21 Dont Have a Tengraph Online Account or Know How to Use the Tengraph System? It you do not have a Tengraph Online Account (or dont know how to use it) - download our Free Ebook which is the "Easy Way in Pictures" how to Start a Tengraph Online account and learn how to use it.

8.22 Video Instructions on Applying for Section 20a Agreement We also have some video instructions on our website on how to apply for a Section 20a Permit if you prefer that type of information. That Can be found at this link …. How to Apply for a Section 20a Permit – Easy Video Guide

8.23 Logged In Tengraph Online?

Bring up the Enquiry screen by selecting “Enquiry” and “Map Sheet”

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA The Second step is to select the particular Map sheet you are interested in and bring up Tenement Map to your Screen.

Section 8.3 describes how to Create a Graticular Polygon and print that out for your Section 20a Request for a permit.

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8.3 Create a graticular polygon Now you can create the graticular polygon in the Map you have selected by first, bringing the graticular Polygon screen up;

8.4 shows how to select polygons and print them to attach to your Section 20a Permit Request 8.5

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8.4 Action to Select Polygons and Print the Graticular Polygon to use with your Section 20a Application

1. When you have the graticules screen up you can select the “LIVE” - green coloured – Exploration Tenement polygons you would like your Secton 20a Permit to Cover 2. The Graticules you select will change colour and also change the Plan Name and Graticular Sections in the sections Graticular Polygon Construct pop up. 3. The Final Step is to Click “ Apply” and the following “Print Graticules to PDF” screen will come up and you then click Print which will trigger a process where the PDF Link will be sent to your email address for printing and attaching to your Section 20a Application form.

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Simple Eh? Section 8.50 will explain where you can obtain the Section 20a application forms

Link to Video Training on How to Apply for a Section 20a Permit to Metal Detect on Granted Exploration Leases Just a reminder that we also have video training on the website on the Easy Way to Apply for a Section 20a Permit that link is listed again below.

How to Apply for a Section 20a Permit – Easy Video Guide

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8.50 Links to DMP website for the Section 20a Permit “ Access to Prospect on Crown Land Within an Exploration Licence” explanatory pamphlet and form. This permit system can give you access to a lot of land locked up in approved exploration leases so it very well worth learning about it and knowing the correct way to do it Here is the

Link for Information about the Section 20a Permit on DMP Website

Here is the link to a PDF - Form Application for Section 20a Permit Application for a Section 20a Permit Here is the link to the form if you want a copy in MS Word - Form Application for a Section 20a Permit MS Word - Application for a Section 20a Permit

8.60 What Happens After You have Requested a Print of the Section 20a Polygon Map? You will receive a link to the graticular polygon map via email from the Tengraph Online System

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Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA When you click on that link you will receive a copy of the graticule map which you can save to your own PC to attach to the Application Form that you would have already printed. (See the previous paragraph 8.50 for the links to those forms) You post the application and the graticule with your money (Currently $25) to the address on the application form that you have downloaded and you will then (if approved) be sent a Section 20a Permit with the relevant conditions.

What will happen is that you will receive a copy of the approved permit with a map of the graticules that have been granted and any other conditions required. 21 days after the issue of the permit you may prospect on the land until the permit expires.

What you should have learned in this chapter is – What a section 20a Permit is – How to login to Tengraph Online to bring up the required screens to apply for a Section 20a Permit – How to complete a Graticular polygon and print the map out for attachment to your Application for a Section 20a Permit. Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 95

Goldmine Finder – Instruction Manual to Find Old Gold Mine Locations in WA – Where to obtain the forms required to apply for a Section 20a Permit. – Where to Obtain Video training if this is your preferred method of learning.

Next Chapter will answer some Frequently Asked Questions. At present I have only anticipated them but there is a form on the page that you downloaded these instructions where you can ask any questions you wish or need answered and we will expand the FAQ page to help others.

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Chapter 9 – FAQ Frequently Asked Questions WEBSITE LINKs Here is the website link to FAQ that will answer any questions by Users as they arise. Some basic questions may be answered below but the FAQ page will deal with any FAQ as they are asked and will be a dynamic page.

Frequently Asked Questions. Support and Form to Submit a Question On that Page there is also a form that you can complete if you have any; – Questions about the Goldminefinder Installation. – Questions about Using Goldmine Finder. – Any Support Issues you would like resolved. – Suggestions for Improvements. – Datasets you would like to see included. – Complaints – Udo and Bill want to know what your complaints are so we can improve not only this product but also the service we provide to you.

Product Pricing Why are you charging for the Goldmine finder when most of your other information is free?

Basically we have had to charge a fee for this product because of the cost of development, hosting, downloads, maintenance and IT Programming. We have kept it low so everyone has the opportunity to use the Goldmine Finder. There are a number of free ways to get all this information but they are not as convenient check the link at How to Use Tengraph on Line to Find Old Goldmines Copyright © 2010 – W O'Connor and U Kaschner – All Rights Reserved 97

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What about upgrades?

Upgrades to the programme are free, that is why we have requested your email address so that you can be advised when you can can download the free programme and data upgrades which you do right from the programme itself. (see chapter 3) There will be changes to the data as we align the old 1954 Gold Mine data publication with Minedex Data. There is 11000 records to check, very many have been validated but more will be done. So it is advisable that you subscribe to the upgrades by providing us your contact details.

Datafields - Differences between Minedex and the 1954 Publication List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases.

Why are the data for these two sources not completely aligned together yet.

There is a difference between the two data sources which means that every entry must be checked manually to ensure they are correct. With 11000 records in the 1954 List of Cancelled Gold Mining Leases that takes time and will be included as data is upgraded. The data exists in both the forms in the software now but not all of it is aligned in the same record, for example some data for some individual mines in the 1954 Pulbilication “List of Cancelled Gold Mines” may not have the related Minedex data included yet. Data in the 1954 publication has a number of mines that are the same name but produced gold in different periods - for example “Prior to 1897”, “1910 to 1912” then in “1907 to 1939”. These only show one entry in Minedex rather than the three different entries shown in the 1954 publication. – this means you may need to filter both sets of data to get the full set of data you require for a single site. OR you can filter by gold mining district names in Minedex to get the full array of mines in an area with GPS points. It was thought that the information is excellent now and you can explore both sets of data to obtain the information you need to align old goldmine names with GPS points. And that is what the software is all about.

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Why do I have to Download Miscrosoft Net 4.0 software Our developers tell us this is the best way to provide the programme so it can be used on all PCs. The programme is free and is a Microsoft programme, just follow the prompts when you are downloading the Goldmine Finder software. It will not work without Net 4.0 on your PC.

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