Georgian Bay District Chartered Professional Accountants Association
in support of Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 Barrie Country Club - 1:00 pm Shotgun Start
ship Opp
Golf Committee Contact Information:
Dan McMahon, CPA, CA
David Holmes, CPA, CA, CBV
Tel: (705) 797-2985
Tel: (705) 722-4272
[email protected]
[email protected]
Katherine Speirs
Michael Holmberg CPA, CA
Tel: (705) 726-5199 ext. 227
Tel: (705)-716-9637
[email protected]
[email protected]
Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka
5th Anniversary
2015 marks the 5th anniversary for Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka. Since opening our signature red door in the spring of 2010, our program of FREE social and emotional support continues to be an essential complement to medical care in our community. Our innovative program provides networking and support groups, education workshops, lectures and social activities FREE of charge to men, women, teens and children, along with their family and friends, whose lives have been impacted by a cancer diagnosis. Since opening our red door in May 2010, we have continued to see a 50% growth in membership each year, with no indication it will slow down. 55 % of Gilda’s Club members reside in Barrie and 45% are located throughout Central Ontario (from Collingwood to Guelph, Kawartha Lakes to Scarborough, and as far north as North Bay). Our 10,000 sq ft clubhouse is located 100 metres from the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Simcoe Muskoka Regional Cancer Centre. Over the next year, approximately 2,900 people in Simcoe Muskoka, and 4,000 people in York Region will be newly diagnosed with cancer. Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka receives no regular government funding, and all funds to operate our innovative cancer support program are raised from individuals, foundations, events and corporations like yours. Community support is vital to ensuring that our program remains FREE of charge so that no one faces cancer alone. Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka is named in honour of Second City and Saturday Night Live star Gilda Radner, who died of ovarian cancer in 1989. The Mission of Gilda’s Club is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action and sustained by community, so that no one faces cancer alone.TM
Dinner Sponsor
Official designation as the Dinner Sponsor Your dinner today is brought to you by “Your Company” sign in dining room High profile recognition on marketing and promotional materials, including but not limited to: thank-you signs, sponsor boards, posters, email communications, emcee’s speech at dinner and corporate banner (provided by the company) Recognition with your logo on sponsors signs at venue Full page advertisement in the tournament program One (1) complimentary foursome, preferential registration for additional foursomes Your logo displayed on poster and other promotional material Recognition on Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka’s website, newsletter and social media sites
Golfer Gift Sponsor $5,000
Official designation as the Souvenir Sponsor Your logo on each souvenir for golfers Your souvenir gift is brought to you by “Your Company” sign displayed prominently High profile recognition on marketing and promotional materials, including but not limited to: thank-you signs, sponsor boards, posters, email communications, emcee’s speech at dinner and corporate banner (provided by the company) Recognition with your logo on sponsors signs at venue Full page advertisement in the tournament program One (1) complimentary foursome, preferential registration for additional foursomes Your logo displayed on poster and other promotional material Recognition on Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka’s website, newsletter and social media sites
Lunch Sponsor $3,000
Official designation as a the Lunch Sponsor Your lunch today is brought to you by “Your Company” sign at BBQ stand Recognition on marketing and promotional materials, including but not limited to: thank-you signs, sponsor boards, email communications, emcee’s speech at dinner and corporate banner (provided by the company) Recognition with your logo on sponsor signs at venue Half page advertisement in the tournament program One (1) complimentary foursome, preferential registration for additional foursomes Recognition on Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka’s website, newsletter and social media sites
SOLD! Golf Cart Sponsor $2,000
Official designation as the Golf Cart Sponsor Your logo and company name on each golf cart Your on course transportation is brought to you by “Your Company” sign displayed prominently Recognition on marketing and promotional materials, including but not limited to: thank-you signs, sponsor boards, email communications, emcee’s speech at dinner and corporate banner (provided by the company) Recognition with your logo on sponsor signs at venue Half Page advertisement in the tournament program Preferential registration, before general release Recognition on Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka’s website, newsletter and social media sites
Half-way House Sponsor - $1,500 At the Turn Beverage Sponsor - $1,500
Official designation as the half-way house or at the turn sponsor Your logo and company name on signage at the half-way house / turn Recognition with your logo on sponsor signs at venue Half page advertisement in Program Preferential registration, before general release Recognition on Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka’s website, newsletter and social media sites
SOLD! Flag Sponsor $1,500
Official designation as the Flag Sponsor Your company name and logo on golf flags Recognition with your logo on sponsor sign at venue Listing in the tournament program Preferential registration, before general release Recognition on Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka’s website, newsletter and social media sites
Passport Sponsor $1,000
Official designation as the Passport Sponsor Your company name and logo on a “Mulligan Card” sold at registration Recognition with your logo on sponsor sign at venue Listing in the tournament program Preferential registration, before general release Recognition on Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka’s website, newsletter and social media sites
SOLD! Putting Contest Sponsor - $1,000 Chipping Contest Sponsor - $1,000
Official designation as the Putting Contest Sponsor Opportunity to have company representative and materials present on putting green Recognition with your logo on sponsor signs at venue Preferential registration, before general release Listing in tournament program
Entertainment Sponsor $1,000
Official designation as the Entertainment Sponsor Prominent signage displayed beside musical entertainment during reception Recognition with your logo on sponsor sign at venue Listing in the tournament program Preferential registration, before general release Recognition on Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka’s website, newsletter and social media sites
Bag Drop / Arrival Sponsor $750
Official designation as a Bag Drop / Arrival Sponsor Your logo and company name on sign at the valet / bag drop location at the course Recognition with your logo on sponsor signs at venue Preferential registration, before general release Listing in tournament program
Hole Sponsor $500
Official designation as a Hole Sponsor Your company name/logo in COLOUR on sign at the tee box Recognition with your logo on sponsor signs at venue Preferential registration, before general release Listing in tournament program
Tee or Green Sponsor $300
Official designation as a Tee Sponsor Your company name/logo in COLOUR on sign at the tee box or green of hole Recognition with your logo on sponsor signs at venue Preferential registration, before general release Listing in tournament program
Georgian Bay District Chartered Professional Accountants Association
SPONSORSHIP PAYMENT FORM Sorry, we are unable to attend. Please accept my tax-deductable contribution of $ _______________ Please send me an invoice Company Name ________________________________________________________________________________ (as it should appear for sponsorship) Name ___________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________ Province _______________ Postal Code _____________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card # ___________________________________________ Expiry ______________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________
We would like to sponsor: ___ Dinner - $6,000
___ At the Turn - $1,500
___ Bag Drop / Arrival - $750
___ Golfer Gift - $5,000
___ Passport - $1,000
___ Hole - $500
___ Lunch - $3,000
___ Chipping Contest - $1,000
___ Tee / Green - $300
___ Halfway House - $1,500
___ Entertainment - $1,000
Please send completed form and company logo to: Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka, Attn: Katherine Speirs, 10 Quarry Ridge Road, Barrie, ON L4M 7G1 Email:
[email protected] Fax to 705-726-7101 For further information, call Katherine at 705-726-5199
GBDCPAA 2015 Charity Golf Tournament Wednesday, September 9th, 1:00 pm Shotgun The cost to enter a foursome in the Georgian Bay District CPA Association Charity Golf Tournament is $900. Individuals may enter at a cost of $225 per person, or attend dinner only for $100 per person. Golfer #1
Sales Receipt:
one receipt for the team
City: _____________________________________________
Postal Code:
Golfer # 2
Sales Receipt:
no ____________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________
Postal Code:
Golfer #3
Sales Receipt:
no ____________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________
Postal Code:
Golfer #4
Sales Receipt:
no ____________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________
Postal Code:
I would like to pay by: Visa
__M/C _ ___AMEX ______ Cheque ______
(Please make cheque payable to Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka) Card #: ________________________________________________________ expiry _____/_____ Name on card
Sponsorship amount ________________ + #________Golfers @ $ 225 = ______________ Total amount owing: __________________________
Sales Receipt Information: Please indicate if each member of the foursome is to receive a sales receipt for their portion by checking the yes box after each name; or if one member is to receive the receipt for the whole group, make them Golfer #1 and check one receipt for the team. Receipts will not be issued if the required information is not complete.
Please send completed form to: Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka, Attn: Katherine Speirs, 10 Quarry Ridge Road, Barrie, ON L4M 7G1 Email:
[email protected], Fax: 705-726-7101