Government incentives when pollution permits are durable goods

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Pollution permits are analyzed as durable goods, and a pollution tax is seen as being equivalent to leasing out pollution permits. First, a general model.
Public Choice 115: 163–183, 2003. © 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Government incentives when pollution permits are durable goods ∗ JUSTUS HAUCAP1 & ROLAND KIRSTEIN2 1 Institute for Economic Policy, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg,

Holstenhofweg 85, D-22043 Hamburg, Germany; E-mail: [email protected]; 2 Center for the Study of Law and Economics (CSLE), University of Saarland, PO Box 151 150, D-66041 Saarbrücken, Germany; E-mail: [email protected] Accepted 5 April 2002 Abstract. This paper analyzes the incentive effects of pollution taxes versus pollution permits for a budget oriented Government. Pollution permits are analyzed as durable goods, and a pollution tax is seen as being equivalent to leasing out pollution permits. First, a general model is developed, and then four stylized types of Government are discussed (a benevolent dictator, a pure Leviathan, a green and a business-friendly Government). We show that all types of Government prefer a pollution tax system, but this regime is not necessarily the best in social welfare terms. The intuition is that a tax or leasing system makes it easier for the Government to credibly commit to the budget maximizing level of pollution permits which is good for Government revenues, but not necessarily for social welfare.

1. Introduction How to combat global warming is one of the most vigorously debated issues of environmental policy today. Among economists, much of the discussion in this area has circled around the question which policy instruments are best suited to efficiently achieve greenhouse emission objectives. There appears to be some consensus that, in general, a regime based on tradable emissions permits is preferable to a pollution tax system (see, e.g., Tietenberg, 1985). The main argument in favor of tradable emission permits is that they ensure reduction of pollution where it is least costly. Tradable permits, therefore, rank relatively highly in terms of allocative (and productive) efficiency. Furthermore, permits have also been argued to lead to relatively high degrees of ∗ We thank Bouwe Dijkstra, Mathias Erlei, Alexander Neunzig, Dieter Schmidtchen, Peter Strobel and an anonymous referee for their helpful comments. We also received valuable suggestions from participants at the 2001 Conference of the European Public Choice Society in Paris and from seminar participants at the Hamburg Institute for International Economics (HWWA) and the University of Saarland. Of course, remaining errors are our responsibility for which the authors blame each other.

164 dynamic efficiency, as they carry relatively strong incentives for innovation regarding cleaner products and technologies (see Jung, Krutilla and Boyd, 1996). This view, however, has recently been challenged by Requate and Unold (2001) who show that, in their model, permits do never provide higher incentives to adopt advanced abatement technologies.1 While the incentives that permits and taxes carry for polluting firms are reasonably well understood today, there has been comparatively little analysis of the incentives the two different policy instruments carry for policy makers. There is some normative analysis of Governments’ optimal policy choice, given certain environmental objectives, but this literature provides no further insights regarding the incentives different policy instruments contain for policy makers.2 An exception is the paper by Boyer and Laffont (1999) who focus on the emergence of sophisticated market-based or incentive mechanisms of environmental regulation in a model where politicians pursue the private agendas of their electoral base. Furthermore, there are a few papers, such as Fredriksson (1997) or Gawel and Schneider (1997), which explicitly address policy makers’ incentives to introduce pollution taxes, analyzing the political economy of ecological taxation schemes from a positive point of view. Our paper adds another aspect to this stream of work, as its focus is on the credibility aspects associated with pollution taxes versus emissions permits. More specifically, we ask what policy instruments different types of Government would prefer and, given the Government’s incentives, how environmental policy should be designed from a welfare economic perspective. For this purpose, we set out a general model and discuss four stylized types of Government: A benevolent dictator, a pure Leviathan (who maximizes Government revenues), a green Government (which does not share the industry’s concerns), and a business-friendly Government (which does not care for pollution). As we will show, all types of Government prefer a pollution tax system, but this regime is not necessarily the best in social welfare terms. The intuition behind this result is as follows: Pollution permits can be viewed as durable goods sold by a monopoly supplier, namely the Government. As we know from Coase (1972), a profit maximizing durable good monopolist has incentives to put additional stock on the market in every single period. While the monopolist maximizes its first period profit by selling the monopoly quantity, its incentives in the second period are to put more stock out on the market, on top of the quantity already sold in the past. This carries through to any future period until the monopolist reaches the point where the additional revenue from putting out more stock equals the marginal cost of provision. If buyers are not myopic, however, they foresee the monopolist’s

165 incentives to put out more stock in the future, which in turn makes them more reluctant to buy the durable good today. Put differently, if durable good monopolists cannot commit not to sell more stock in the future, then they face a credibility problem which prevents them from exerting market power. In the extreme case where buyers have no time preference the monopolist is only left with selling the product at a price which equals marginal cost right from the start. A solution to the monopolist’s credibility problem can be leasing instead of selling the product. If the monopolist is allowed to lease out the durable good, consumers only pay a leasing charge or royalty per period. This eliminates the monopolist’s incentive to put out more stock in the future, as any deviation from the monopoly quantity in any single period will only reduce his profits.3 Similar incentives exist for a revenue maximizing Government which sells pollution permits. As the revenues of today’s license sale will be sunk tomorrow, a revenue maximizing Government is tempted to sell additional permits in period 2, and then again in period 3 and so on. Contrast this with a pollution tax system: Under the assumption that the Government has set its revenue maximizing pollution tax rate in period 1, there is nothing it can do in order to raise further revenues in period 2 but to charge the same revenue maximizing tax rate again. The level of environmental pollution remains at the same low (monopoly) level in both periods. Starting from the idea that pollution taxes can be seen as a leasing solution to preserve the monopoly power of a revenue-oriented Government, the following model will analyze the efficiency characteristics of durable pollution permits versus taxes and identify circumstances under which either policy instrument is preferable from an efficiency point of view, given policy makers’ incentives. The credibility problem may also help to explain why Governments, even if they could fairly be judged as revenue maximizers, have failed to generate positive revenues from durable pollution permits.4 In Germany, for example, pollution rights have traditionally been issued in the form of durable, non-tradable permits granted by authorities for approved investment projects. Nowadays, the German Government shows a tendency towards pollution taxes, whereas tradable permits play virtually no role. The idea that license-based regimes create time consistency or credibility problems for policy makers, be it regulatory agencies or Governments, is not entirely new, but has also been discussed by Biglaiser, Horowitz and Quiggin (1995) and Laffont and Tirole (1996). However, both papers model time consistency problems for a neoclassical benevolent despot-type Government when firms invest in pollution-eliminating technologies. In contrast, we explore the incentives for different types of Government that do not only

166 have environmental or social welfare concerns, but also revenue objectives. Furthermore, we also explicitly compare a tax based regime with a system where pollution permits are sold. The rest of our paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents and analyzes our general model which will not yet distinguish between different types of Government, but simply assume that the Government has both welfare and budget concerns in its objective function. In Section 3 we first compare durable permit sales and permit leases (or pollution taxes) with respect to their welfare effects and Government incentives. Then we analyze four stylized types of Government. These types are modeled as special cases of the general model, which is parameterized in order to illustrate our results for different Government types. Section 4 draws policy conclusions.

2. Pollution permits as durable goods 2.1. Outline of the model Consider an industry which produces a good involving the emission of a fixed quantity of some harmful substance per unit of output. All firms in the industry are symmetric, i.e. all firms employ the same production technology. Also suppose that the Government, G, requires all producers to hold a pollution permit for every unit of output and that G is the monopoly supplier of these emissions permits. Let us also assume that there are two periods in the game and that emissions permits are valid for the entire two periods, i.e. they are durable goods. In accordance with Coase (1972) we assume that the Government as the monopoly seller cannot commit itself not to sell additional permits in period 2. Thus, the Government faces a time consistency or credibility problem.5 We assume that G determines the number of permits to be sold in both periods and that firms compete for these permits in Bertrand fashion. In order to simplify the analysis, let F represent the entire industry where F, as the buyer of pollution permits, has no market power. The timing of the game then is as follows: − G sets the number of permits to be sold in period 1, denoted as q1 . − F offers a price per permit for this quantity, denoted as p1 . − First-period payoffs are realized. − G sets the number of additional permits to be sold, denoted as q2 . − F offers a price, p2 , for any additional permits, − Second-period payoffs are realized, and the game ends. Let F’s gross benefit of holding permits be given by B(Qt ) = aQt − 12 Q2t (with a > 0), where Qt is the number of permits that the industry pos-

167 seses in period t with t ∈ {1; 2}. Obviously, in period 1 the number of permits that the industry holds is equal to the number of permits sold by G(Q1 = q1 ). However, since permits are durable goods, in period 2 the number of permits held by F consists of the number of permits issued in period 1 plus any additional permits sold in period 2, i.e. Q2 = q1 + q2 . Hence, F’s gross benefit from holding permits in period 1 is given by B1 (Q1 ) = aq1 −

q21 , 2


(q1 + q2 )2 . 2


whereas the gross benefit in period 2 is B2 (Q2 ) = a(q1 + q2 ) −

Since F has to pay a price pt for the permits, the industry’s net benefit or payoff in period t is given by Nt = Bt − pt qt . Let us now turn to G’s payoff from selling permits. In accordance with Niskanen (1971) and Brennan and Buchanan (1980) we assume that the Government is not necessarily benevolent, but at least to some extent interested in its budget.6 However, we also assume that maximizing the budget is not necessarily the only Government objective. Instead the Government may also account, at least to some degree, for the industry’s concerns as well as the social cost of pollution.7 If Tt denotes Government revenues in period t (with Tt = pt qt ) and if Ct are the social costs of pollution, then G’s payoff (t ) in period t is given by t = Tt + βNt − γ Ct,


where β ∈ [0, 1] represents the intensity of the Government’s product market interests, while γ ∈ [0, 1] is the weighting factor for the Government’s environmental concern. Furthermore, let us also assume that there is no discounting of secondperiod payoffs. Therefore, the total payoff over the two periods is given by  = 1 + 2 for the Government and by N = N1 + N2 = B1 − T1 + B2 − T2 = B − T for the industry, where T = T1 + T2 are total Government revenues. For our analysis we also assume that the social cost of pollution is c per period per unit of output, with a > c > 0. Thus, the total cost of pollution is C = (2q1 + q2 )c. As a measure for social welfare, W, we define the difference between the benefits generated on the concerned product market and the social costs of pollution:8 W = B − C = B1 (q1 ) + B2 (q1 , q2 ) − (2q1 + q2 )c.


168 2.2. Optimal sale of durable permits In order to analyze the Government’s optimal permit sale policy, we have to consider the industry’s willingness to pay for these permits. Given the industry’s gross benefit, Bt , it is straightforward to derive the respective marginal benefit function, R = R(Qt ): R(Qt ) = a − Qt .


To solve the game by backward induction, we first analyze the Government’s optimal choice of q2 . Given its first-period choice of q1 , the firms already own a number of q1 permits at the beginning of period 2. If they purchase an additional q2 permits, the allowed level of pollution in the second period amounts to Q2 = q1 + q2 . Hence, F’s marginal willingness to pay for additional permits is p2 = R(q1 + q2 ) = a − (q1 + q2 ),


which is the effective inverse demand function for additional permits in the second period. Hence, the second-period inverse demand function has a lower intercept than the marginal benefit function R(Q1 ), but the same slope. Now we can derive the optimal number of permits q2 to be sold by the Government in the second period in order to maximize 2 = T2 + βN2 − γ C2. The optimization problem is max 2 = p2 (q1 , q2 )q2 + βN2 (q1 , q2 ) − γ c(q1 + q2 ). q2


Using (2) and (6), the first-order condition is a − q1 − γ c = (2 − β)q2 . Hence, the optimal monopoly quantity of additional permits qP2 is9 qP2 (q1 ) =

a − q1 − γ c . 2−β


Making again use of (6), this leads to the optimal monopoly price (denoted as pP2 ): (1 − β)(a − q1 ) + γ c . (9) pP2 (q1 ) = 2−β Note that both the number of additional permits to be sold in t = 2 and their price depend on the number of permits sold in t = 1. Now we turn to F’s willingness to pay at the beginning of period 1, anticipating G’s choice of q2 (and, thereby, p2 ) in the second period. To buy a permit in period 1 brings two different benefits for F: Firstly, the permit can be used and provides some benefit in that very period, and secondly, if one owns a permit this also saves

169 the purchasing price at the beginning of the next period. Hence, in the first period F’s maximum willingness to pay is the sum of the current benefit and the price in period 2: R(q1 ) + p2 . If, in period 1, permits were more expensive than this sum, firms would be better off waiting and buying in the next period. Using (9), the inverse demand function in the first period is pP1 (q1 ) = R(q1 ) + pP2 (q1 ) =

(3 − 2β)(a − q1 ) + γ c . 2−β


Given qP2 (q1 ), pP2 (q1 ) and pP1 (q1 ), the last step of our analysis is to derive the optimal number of permits chosen by G at the very beginning of the game. The Government knows that, due to the lack of commitment opportunities, it will sell qP2 (q1 ) at a price of pP2 (q1 ) in period 2. Furthermore, G knows that it can sell permits at a price of pP1 (q1 ) now. Thus, the Government chooses q1 so as to solve the following maximization problem: qP1 ,

max T(q1 , q2 ) + β[N1 (q1 ) + N2 (q1 , q2 )] − γ (2q1 + q2 )c q1

with q2 = qP2 (q1 ). After rearranging, this yields the following first-order condition, (11) qP1 = (2 − β) A, where A = (a − γ c)/(5 − 6β + 2β 2 ). Accordingly, the number of permits sold in period 2 is given by qP2 =

3 − 5β + 2β 2 A. 2−β


The respective permit prices are pP2 = a −

7 − 9β + 3β 2 A 2−β

in period 2 and

11 − 13β + 4β 2 A 2−β in period 1. The Government’s overall revenue from the sale of permits, given by TP (q) = p1 q1 + p2 q2 , then is pP1 = 2a −

TP =

a(9 − 21β + 16β 2 − 4β 3 ) + (13 − 16β + 5β 2 )γ c A, (2 − β)2


while the total costs of pollution are CP = (2q1 + q2 )c =

11 − 13β + 4β 2 cA. 2−β


170 Total welfare is given by WP = B1 + B2 − CP or (a−γ c)(31−58β +37β 2 −8β 3 )−(44−74β +42β 2 −8β 3 )(1−γ )c A. 2 (2−β)2 (15) The Government’s payoff from selling permits as durable goods is given by P = TP + β(NP ) − γ CP , or WP =

P =

(9 − 10β + 3β 2 )(a − γ c) A. 2(2 − β)


2.3. Leasing of permits: Pollution taxes Permit sales usually grant pollution rights, if not forever, at least for a number of periods. Another way of implementing pollution control is to tax emissions. Conceptually, a pollution tax can be thought of as the equivalent to a leasing fee for the right to pollute. If the Government would decide to lease out pollution rights for just one period instead of selling them, then its optimal leasing fee would be just the same as the optimal pollution tax, at least in our model of complete and certain information and without innovation. As we know from Coase (1972), leasing can be one way to overcome the durable good monopolist’s time-inconsistency problem described above. As tax rates or leasing fees are only set for one period of time, firms do not have to take into account the future value of their pollution rights when deciding about their output and their level of pollution. In other words, a leasing arrangement separates the demand for pollution over the two periods. In each period, Qt = qt holds. Hence, the inverse demand function is identical to the marginal benefit schedule, R(Qt ) = a − qt . The Government’s maximizing problem then is max  = (a − qt )qt + βNt (qt ) − γ cqt qt


for both t = 1 and t = 2. Solving for the first-oder condition we obtain the optimal leasing quantity, qLt , which is for both periods given by qLt =

a − γc . 2−β


Accordingly, the leasing fee or pollution tax rate is given by10 pLt =

(1 − β)a + γ c , 2−β


171 and the Government’s overall revenue from taxing pollution (i.e., leasing out pollution rights) is TL =

2((1 − β)a + γ c)(a − γ c) , (2 − β)2


while the total costs of pollution are CL =

2(a − γ c) c. 2−β


Total welfare under the tax or leasing system amounts to WL = (a − γ c)

(3 − 2β)a − (4 − 2β − γ )c , (2 − β)2


and the Government’s payoff is given by L =

(a − γ c)2 . 2−β


3. Welfare and Government incentives 3.1. Evaluation of the general model In order to examine which environmental policy regime should be implemented and which one is likely to be chosen by the Government, let us compare the welfare effects of durable permit sales and annual permit leases (pollution taxes) and also examine the Government’s incentives for choosing one or the other policy instrument. 3.1.1. Welfare We start with the analysis of the social welfare impacts of the two policy instruments. A durable permit system can be welfare superior compared to a leasing or tax system because durable permits pose a time-consistency or credibility problem for the Government which leads to higher product market benefits. This is due to the additional permits the Government is tempted to issue in period 2, which reduce the welfare loss from monopoly. On the contrary, a pollution tax overcomes the Government’s credibility problem and, thereby, implements the monopoly pollution level which reduces product market efficiency.

172 Social welfare is lower under a leasing (or pollution tax) system than with a durable-good permit sale if WP > WL holds. Using equations (15) and (22), this is equivalent to: a−c (1 − β)2 > (3 − β)(1 − β)(1 − γ ). c


For given values of a, c and γ , the parameter β has the following impact on condition (24):11 If β = 1, then both the left- and the right-hand side reduce to 0; hence, there is no welfare difference between permit sales and a tax (leasing) system. The intuition behind this result is that with β = 1 the Government places exactly as much weight on the industry’s concerns as on its own budget, i.e. the Government is indifferent between an increase in its own budget (T) and the industry’s payoff (N). Since N = B − T any increase in T automatically reduces N by the same amount, as long as B remains unchanged. Hence, there is no gain for the Government from selling additional permits in period 2. Instead the Government will sell the number of permits that maximizes B in period 1 and not issue any further permits in period 2 as can also be seen from equation (12). If, however, no additional permits are sold in period 2, then the number of permits is the same in both periods, and the permit sale is equivalent to the leasing/tax regime. For β < 1, the case if different: Now condition (24) can be simplified to (3 − β)(1 − γ ) a−c > . c 1−β


For γ < 1 the right-hand side of the above expression is increasing in β. In this case, condition (25) is the more likely to hold the lower the Government’s product market concern. The right-hand side of condition (25) is also decreasing in γ , and for γ = 1 the condition is obviously always fulfilled (since a > c). Thus, the larger the Government’s environmental concern and the smaller its interest in the industry’s concerns, the more likely it is that a permit system is welfare superior compared to a tax regime. This is because under these circumstances the Government tends to restrict pollution and, thereby, production to inefficiently low levels. However, restricting pollution to inefficiently low levels is more difficult for the Government under the permit system due to the time consistency issue. Hence, the permit system is welfare superior as it makes it more difficult for the Government to behave inefficiently. The level of pollution (and production) is closer to the efficient level under the permit system. Accordingly, a pollution tax or leasing system can only be welfare superior if β is sufficiently large or γ sufficiently small so that the Government does not overly restrict production. Since a higher β means that the Government

173 puts more emphasis on the industry’s concerns, the Government’s inability to credibly commit to the monopoly level of pollution under a durable permit system is only welfare reducing if the social cost of pollution is sufficiently high. Only if β is large and γ small the Government’s incentive to raise additional revenues in period 2 may induce it to sell too many licenses from a welfare economic perspective. 3.1.2. Government incentives Besides the welfare implications, it is of interest which Government type would favor which policy instrument. The policy choice is determined by the Government’s payoff function. Hence, we can endogenously explain the choice of environmental policy instruments from a political economy point of view. The comparison of the Government’s payoffs under the two systems (equations (16) and (23)) yields the following condition for the Government to strictly prefer the leasing regime (i.e., L > P ): 9 − 10β + 3β 2 (a − γ c)2 (a − γ c)2 · < , 2(5 − 6β + 2β 2 ) 2−β 2−β


which can be reduced to 9 − 10β + 3β 2 < 10 − 12β + 4β 2 . This is equivalent to 2β < 1 + β 2 or (1 − β)2 > 0, which holds for all β < 1, while for β = 1 we obtain P = L . To summarize, a Government with β < 1 will always strictly prefer a leasing/tax system over permit sales, while a Government with β = 1 is indifferent between the two policy instruments. No Government with β ≤ 1 will ever strictly prefer permit sales over pollution taxes. The intuition behind this result is as follows: As argued above for β = 1, the permit sale and the leasing/tax regime are equivalent. Hence, there is no reason for the Government to strictly prefer one regime over the other. With β < 1, however, the Government attaches a higher weight to its budget than to the benefits generated through production. Since the tax/leasing system enables the Government to overcome the credibility problem associated with durable permits and to implement the monopoly quantity instead, Governments will prefer a tax/leasing system under revenue aspects. Moreover, since the leasing/tax system takes away the incentive to issue additional permits in period 2 to generate further revenues, the environmental damage is also smaller under a tax/leasing system. This strengthens the Government’s tendency to prefer a tax/leasing system over a durable permit sale.

174 3.2. Four stylized types of Government To illustrate the above analysis, let us analyze four special cases of our model. These cases can be seen as stylized types of Government. We consider the following four types of Government and the respective parameter constellations: 1. a benevolent dictator, whose objective is to maximize social welfare, regardless of the collected budget, parameterized as β = 1, γ = 1. This type is our reference case for welfare considerations; 2. a pure Leviathan type of Government, which is only concerned with its revenues (β = 0, γ = 0). We are interested in this type because it has been argued in the literature that Governments introduce pollution taxes not so much to promote environmental goals, but rather to raise revenues (see, e.g., Schneider, 1999: 27); 3. a green Government, which is interested in both its revenues and the environment (β = 0, γ = 1);12 and 4. a business-friendly Government, which is not interested in the environment but only in the benefits generated through production (β = 1, γ = 0). Figure 1 illustrates the possible conflicts between Government incentives and social welfare for the various Government types. At the first node of Figure 1, the distinction between β = 0 and β = 1 is made. If β = 1, then the two possible Government types (benevolent dictator, business-friendly) are indifferent between permit sales and tax/leasing, as argued in Section 3.1.2. Condition (24) implies that the two instruments are also equivalent from a welfare point of view. Hence, society as a total should also be indifferent, and there is no conflict of interests. In case of β = 0, the next node of Figure 1 is reached. The green Government (γ = 1) prefers taxes, whereas permits are welfare superior. The same conflict arises with a Leviathan (γ = 0), if the size of the market (a) is large compared to the social cost of pollution (c). In the Leviathan case, inequality (25) holds if a > 4c. Then, the permit system is welfare superior to the leasing/tax system. Finally, there is the case of a Leviathan Government and relatively high pollution costs (a < 4c). In this case, the Leviathan’s interests coincide with society’s (from a welfare point of view): Both prefer the leasing/tax system. 3.3. Results for the Government types In order to analyze Government revenues, pollution cost and welfare for all of the four stylized Government types in more detail let us now present the respective outcomes in a systematic way.


β ❅ β=0 ❅ ❘ ❅

β=1 L and S are equivalent G is indifferent between L and S

γ ❅ γ =0 ❅ ❘ ❅

γ =1 P is welfare superior, G prefers L

a, c a > 4c ✠

P is welfare superior, G prefers L

❅ a < 4c ❅ ❘ ❅

L is welfare superior G prefers L

Figure 1. Welfare and Government incentives

Outcomes under a benevolent Government A benevolent dictator (β = 1, γ = 1) maximizes social welfare under a permit system by setting the permit price equal to the marginal cost of pollution: pP1 = 2c. The quantity sold in period 1 is qP1 = (a − c), and there are no additional permits sold in period 2. Alternatively, a benevolent social planner could set the pollution tax rate at pt = c. In both cases, total pollution amounts to C = 2(a−c)c, which equals Government revenues, i.e. T = C = 2(a−c)c. Total welfare is W = B1 + B2 − C = (a − c)2 . Table 1. Results under a benevolent social planner (β = 1, γ = 1) Policy instrument Government revenues Pollution costs Welfare




2(a − c)c 2(a − c)c (a − c)2

2(a − c)c 2(a − c)c (a − c)2

Outcomes under a Leviathan Government In contrast, a pure Leviathan Government (β = 0, γ = 0) would, under a permit regime, sell qP1 = 0.4a permits in period 1 at a price of pP1 = 0.9a and another qP2 = 0.3a permits in period 2 for pP2 = 0.3a in order to maximize Government revenues. Total Government revenues accrue to TP = 0.45a2 .

176 Table 2. Results under a Leviathan Government (β = 0, γ = 0) Policy instrument Government revenues Pollution costs Welfare




0.45a2 1.1ac 0.775a2 − 1.1ac

0.5a2 ac 0.75a2 − ac

The social cost of pollution is CP = 1.1ac, and total welfare is given by WP = 0.775a2 − 1.1ac. If the Leviathan Government can use a pollution tax, its revenue maximizing leasing charge is pLt = 0.5a, and the leased quantity is qLt = 0.5a in each period. Government revenues under the leasing model are TL = 0.5a2 . Pollution costs amount to CL = ac, and total welfare is WL = 0.75a2 − ac (see (18) to (23)). The comparison of these results, as summarized in Table 2, reveals that under a pure Leviathan Government a tax or leasing system is welfare superior when compared to a durable permit sale if a < 4c, i.e. if the cost of pollution is sufficiently high or the market for the good whose production causes the pollution is relatively small. If, on the other hand, the costs of pollution are relatively low or if the demand on the respective product market is relatively large (a > 4c), a permit system results in higher welfare than a pollution tax. Hence, the Government’s preferred policy instrument (a tax or leasing charge) is suboptimal from a welfare point of view if the social cost of pollution is not too high. The Leviathan Government’s tax regime also leads to less pollution than the durable permit system (CL < CP ), even though the Leviathan Government does not pursue environmental goals, and the leasing or pollution tax solution provides higher revenues: TL > TP . Outcomes under a green Government The green Government (β = 0, γ = 1) sells qP1 = 0.4(a − c) licenses for pP1 = 0.9a + 1.1c in period 1. In the second period, the quantity sold is qP2 = 0.3(a−c) at a price of pP2 = 0.3a+0.7c. Hence, the Government collects TP = 0.45a2 + 0.2ac − 0.65c2 . The total cost of pollution then is CP = 1.1c(a − c), welfare is WP = 0.775(a − c)2 . Under a leasing or tax system, the green Government would sell qLt = 0.5(a − c) at a price of pLt = 0.5(a + c) in both periods. Thereby, it collects TL = 0.5(a2 − c2 ). This leads to pollution costs of CL = c(a − c), and welfare is WL = 0.75(a − c)2 . These results are summarized in Table 3.

177 Table 3. Results under a green Government (β = 0, γ = 1) Policy instrument Government revenues Pollution costs Welfare




0.45a2 + 0.2ac − 0.65c2 1.1c(a − c) 0.775(a − c)2

0.5(a2 − c2 ) c(a − c) 0.75(a − c)2

The durable permit system is welfare superior (WP > WL ). Also note that tax revenues are always larger under a green Government’s permit sale than under a green tax system.13

Price p a

❆❅ ❆❅ ❆ ❅ R=a−Q ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ 2 1❅ c ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ✲ Pollution level q

qL qP



Figure 2. Welfare comparison between permits and tax (green Government)

Figure 2 demonstrates the different pollution levels under a green Government’s pollution tax system. The upper diagonal line represents the marginal utility of pollution, R(Q) = a − Q, and the lower diagonal line represents the marginal increase in Government revenues (a−2q). The firms choose q0 if the Government fails to take any action, i.e. sets a zero price for pollution rights. From a social welfare point of view the optimal pollution level is reached at

178 Table 4. Results under a business-friendly Government (β = 1, γ = 0) Policy instrument Government revenues Pollution costs Welfare




0 2ac a2 − 2ac

0 2ac a2 − 2ac

q∗ ; the marginal utility of pollution R(q∗ ) equals the pollution cost c. Hence, q0 is clearly too high. However, the Government’s budget-orientation induces it, as the monopoly supplier, to charge too high a price for pollution rights, as shown in the sections above. If the green Government introduces a leasing system, it sets the monopoly price where marginal revenue equals pollution cost. If the green Government would sell durable permits instead of charging a pollution tax, the average pollution level per period14 would be qP = 1.1qL , which is still suboptimal low, but at least the welfare loss is smaller than under the leasing system. In Figure 2, social welfare is represented by the difference of the R-line and the c-line. Compared to the socially optimal pollution level, q∗ , the welfare loss caused by the durable permit system is the small triangle between q∗ and qP , labeled as 1. The additional welfare loss of a pollution tax system is the square between qL and qP , labeled as 2. Outcomes under a business-friendly Government Under a durable permit system, a business-friendly Government (β = 1, γ = 0) offers qP1 = a permits for a price of zero (pP1 = 0) in the first period, and no further permits in the second period (qP2 = 0, pP2 = 0). Obviously, there are no Government revenues (TP = 0), whereas pollution costs are CP = 2ac. Welfare accrues to WP = a2 − 2ac. The same results, which are summarized in Table 4, hold for the tax/leasing system. Comparison of pollution levels Under all of the Government types, durable permits lead to a higher or equal emission level than a leasing or tax solution; therefore, total pollution costs under the permit system exceed the pollution costs under a tax or leasing regime. This difference amounts to 10 percent under a green or Leviathan Government. The level of pollution and, thereby, production is, however, still suboptimal with both a Leviathan and a green Government when compared to the social welfare maximizing level as given in Table 1. In contrast, pollution is too high with a business-friendly Government which grants pollution rights for free or does not tax pollution.

179 3.4. Welfare comparison between Government types In the previous section we have compared the outcomes of a tax/leasing system and the results of a permit sale regime, given certain types of Government. Let us now compare welfare and other outcomes across different types of Government, given the environmental policy regime. Given that all types of Government (at least weakly) prefer the leasing solution, which type of Government is the one that best promotes social welfare? That is: Under which Government is WL highest? The natural candidate for the top position is the benevolent Government. If we omit this trivial option, then we limit our view to the candidates for a second-best Government system. The comparison of WLt , t ∈ {b, g, l} (where b stands for business-friendly, g for green, l for Leviathan) yields the following insights: − A business-friendly Government is welfare superior to a Leviathan Government (WLb > WLl ) if a > 4c. − A business-friendly Government is welfare superior to a green Government (WLb > WLg ) if a > 3c; and − A Leviathan Government is welfare superior to a green Government (WLl > WLg ) if a > 1.5c.

g>l>b c



l>b>g 2c


✲ a


Figure 3. Welfare comparison between second-best Government types

Figure 3 illustrates these results. For a > c, this figure distinguishes the four relevant cases (while the worst of the Government types is omitted respectively): − a < 1.5c: The green Government is second best, followed by the Leviathan, with the business-friendly Government in the last position. − 1.5c < a < 3c: Leviathan is second best, then green, then businessfriendly. − 3c < a < 4c: Leviathan is second best, then business-friendly, then green. − a > 4c: Now the business-friendly Government is second best, followed by the Leviathan, finally the green Government.

180 Hence, a green Government is the second-best type of Government in welfare terms if a < 1.5c, which may be the case if the cost of pollution is relatively high or the product market concerned relatively small. For 4c < a < 1.5c a Leviathan Government is preferable, while for a > 4c a business-friendly Government brings the highest welfare of these three types of Government.

4. Policy implications and conclusion All of the Government types we have analyzed in the previous section (namely the Leviathan, the green Government and the business-friendly one) at least weakly prefer a leasing or pollution tax regime over durable permit sales in our model. For the Leviathan, this result is far from being counterintuitive, since the monopoly power secured by the leasing system provides higher revenues. Whereas the impact of leasing (instead of durable permit sales) on pollution costs and revenues is ambiguous under a green Government, the leasing regime clearly provides a higher payoff to the Government. Environmental policy based on durable pollution permits can yet be welfare superior to a pollution tax. This is caused by the credibility problem a revenue maximizing Government faces. This credibility problem weakens the Government’s ability to commit to the monopoly quantity in the long run. Thereby, durable permits can reduce the allocative inefficiency induced by a monopolistic, revenue maximizing Government. In contrast, a pollution tax or leasing charge allows the Government to credibly commit not to alter the allowed level of pollution in the future in order to raise additional revenues. In fact, a pollution tax or leasing charge may align the Government’s fiscal and environmental objectives in the long run, as a durable permit system leads to both lower Government revenues and higher levels of pollution when compared to a pollution tax or leasing regime. Therefore, this paper may help to explain, from a political economy point of view, why many different types of Governments appear to favor pollution taxes over permit regimes. A tax system may simply generate higher Government revenues than pollution permits in the long run, as it serves as a commitment device for a profit maximizing monopolist. While a pollution tax regime may be better for Government revenues and also for the environment, we have shown that it is often harmful for overall welfare if the Government also has a revenue objective. Unless the social cost of pollution (c) is high compared to the size of the product market (a) and at the same time the Government’s concern for the environment (γ ) is small compared to its interest in the industry’s well-being (β), a permit system is welfare superior when compared to the tax/leasing system. In this case,

181 it would be desirable from a social welfare perspective if the Government could not commit to monopoly quantities. Our argument for a permit regime is completely different, however, from more traditional arguments favoring tradable permit regimes which are usually based on information asymmetries and innovation incentives. To be provocative, the recent Kyoto protocol may, in the light of the above results, be seen as a monopolistic attempt to fix quantities in order to achieve monopoly outcomes. International treaties and international law may provide another commitment device which we have not explored in this paper.

Notes 1. Further papers focussing on the dynamic efficiency aspects of different regulatory approaches are Milliman and Prince (1989), Requate (1995), Gersbach and Glazer (1996), Laffont and Tirole (1996) and Denicolo (1999). While Milliman and Prince (1989), Requate (1995) and Gersbach and Glazer (1996) all argue in favor of permits to induce firms to invest in new abatement technologies, Denicolo (1999) obtains the opposite result, namely that taxes carry higher incentives to invest in pollution reducing technologies. Similarly, Laffont and Tirole (1996) show that permits may actually induce over-investment. They argue for an approach based on pollution options which lead to superior welfare results in their model. 2. For example, Dewees (1998) points out that Governments should prefer permits over taxes if they have certain quantity objectives because permits implement certain quantities of pollution reduction (but at an uncertain price), whereas pollution taxes can, at best, implement certain prices, but not certain quantities or quantity reductions (also see Weitzman, 1974, for an elaborate analysis). 3. More elaborate analyses of the durable-goods monopoly are Stokey (1981), Bulow (1982), Bagnoli, Salant and Swierzbinski (1989) and von der Fehr and Kühn (1995). 4. As Norregaard and Reppelin-Hill (2000: 9ff.) state, tradable permits have not been a favored policy tool for pollution control worldwide, with the exception of the United States. The vast majority of countries currently favors taxes over permits. 5. The two-period model, drawing on Rasmusen (1991: 276ff.), is sufficient to analyze our idea. In a model with an infinite time horizon, the effects we analyze would be even stronger, see Coase (1972). 6. A comprehensive analysis of politicians’ and bureaucrats’ motivations behind a Leviathan motive can be found in Mueller (1989). 7. A similar approach has also been used by Wirl and Dockner (1995) in the context of energy taxation. 8. Note that W does not contain T as a separate figure, as T is included in the gross benefits generated on the product market (B = N + T). 9. The index P henceforth stands for outcomes under the permit sales regime. 10. Note that (18) and (19) can also be obtained by setting q1 = 0 in equations (8) and (9). 11. Recall that a > c > 0 and β, γ ∈ [0, 1]. 12. The case of a green Government that is only interested in reducing pollution would lead to a rather trivial result: Its optimal choice would be qt = 0.

182 13. TP ≥ TL holds as long as a ≥ c, which must hold for a product market to bring social benefits at all. From a ≥ c it follows that a2 − 4ac + 3c2 ≤ 0, which implies TP ≥ TL . 14. The average pollution level qP , as indicated in Figure 2, equals 0.5(2qP1 + qP2 ).

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