Drawing will also be covered in Draw Write Now! Book 2 also used for science
and social studies. OR b. Art for Young Catholics 1. $15.65. Additional Resources
Blue Mantle Educational Supplies Canadian Catholic Studies GRADE ONE 2015-2016 BIBLE New Catholic Picture Bible
CATECHISM Our Heavenly Father Text Our Heavenly Father Activity Book OR Canadian Catholic Curriculum of Life Unit 1 CCC St. Joseph's Picture Books each $1.90 CCC God the Father, The Holy Spirit, The Parables of Jesus, Good Saint Joseph, Mary My Mother, Prayers to the Boy Jesus Package First Communion Catechism CCC
$14.85 $10.75
$11.95 $ 5.20
Art for Young Catholics 1 Wooden Rosary Holder Kit (St. Joseph)
$16.99 $ 9.70
LANGUAGE ARTS READING and PHONICS Little Stories for Little Folks Phonics What Do You Like to Do? What Can You Do?
$42.50 $16.70
OR Here We Come (if not used in kindergarten) CCC These are Our Friends CCC This is Our Family CCC
$14.25 $14.25 $14.25
Guide CD for Here We Come/This Our Family/These Are Our Friends
SPELLING My Very First Catholic Speller OR Spelling 1 for Young Catholics
$16.70 $14.25
HANDWRITING Catholic Heritage Handwriting 1
OR Handwriting 1 for Young Catholics
FRENCH Ecoutez, Parlez! Book/CD 1 $31.99 Workbook $9.99 Mon Premier Cahier de Cartes (My First Map Book) $12.99
www.bluemantle.ca ~ 1-877-858-6833
Blue Mantle Educational Supplies Canadian Catholic Studies GRADE ONE (continued…) SOCIAL STUDIES I Can Make a Difference My First Map Book
$12.99 $13.99
MATHEMATICS MCP Mathematics A MCP Mathematics A Teacher's Manual (optional)
$25.00 $44.40
OR Mathematics 1 for Young Catholics
SCIENCE Behold and See 1: On the Farm OR Science 1 for Young Catholics
$34.75 $15.65
Other Options The Vegetables We Eat Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree Charlie needs a Coat James Herriot’s Treasury for Children
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 8.75 $24.99
There are Catholic Heritage Lesson Plans available which includes the following books: Little Stories for Little Folks, What Do You Like to Do?, What Can You Do?, My Very First Catholic Speller, Catholic Heritage Handwriting 1, Behold and See 1, MCP Math A, Faith and Life 1 books $36.95
Culture of Life Canadian Catholic suggestions are marked with CCC*