GRADE 5 NewsLetter -

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We are starting Chapter 3, which covers division. In this chapter we will be dividing numbers with up to two digits in t
November 2017

GRADE 5 NewsLetter

You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own. -Michelle Obama

ELA/SOCIAL STUDIES... Here’s the scoop in ELA and Social Studies! In 5th grade, students will continue to explore Informational Text and Literature within their ELA class, as well as through examination of current and past events within their Social Studies class. Students are also continuing to work on their comprehension and vocabulary skills along with sequence, context clues, and figurative language. As we progress through our lessons, we will continue to strengthen student understanding of the various parts of speech and work to enhance student knowledge of proper sentence structure. In the next few weeks, teachers will introduce a [Book Report Project] for the second quarter. A letter will be sent home with students clarifying the requirements and format to be used for this Book Report Project. In the upcoming weeks in social studies, the students will learn: • The basic seven elements on a map; • The different types of maps; • Grasp an understanding of the economic system; • Learn what is the law of [Supply and Demand]. Finally, students have begun to check out books from the school library and have received reading logs to complete with their nightly readings. Please encourage your child to continue to read a minimum of thirty minutes each night and remember to sign off on their reading logs.


Our inquisitive 5th grade STEM students have just completed their STEM projects. Students were expected to follow the [Next Generation Science Standards] (NGSS) by defining a simple design problem reflecting specified criteria for success. Students were expected to generate and compare a solution or multiple solutions that met the criteria. Then plan and carry out a fair test with variables and controls. We are very proud of the research they conducted, the hypotheses they created, and the engineering designs they developed. In quarter two our students will continue with their exploration of NGSS with Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems. Students will investigate infections, recognize bacteria and viruses are germs, organize and analyze medical data, demonstrate the spread of infection, identify ways the body protects itself, and describe behaviors that promote good health. Please make sure your child is reading at least 30 minutes a day. Science magazine and journals are a great place to look.

BMS has some great incentives for readers!!

READ 180/ELA... We are continuing to work on main idea and supporting details, building on vocabulary, reading, and writing about informational texts in small group.

The students are also responsible for reading 20 minutes during class or going on the computer and completing their Software training.

Please continue to remind students to read for at least 30 minutes each night and complete the [Reading Log].

MATHEMATICS... In math we finished up Chapter 2 from unit 1 which was multiplication. It is still important to continue to practice your facts for 30 minutes per day. We are starting Chapter 3, which covers division. In this chapter we will be dividing numbers with up to two digits in the divisor, using the distributive property, as well as estimating the quotient. It is also important to practice division facts at home. End of the quarter October 20, so all work is now going towards the second quarter. After a great first quarter, let’s keep up the great work going into the second quarter. Please make sure to check your child’s supplies and replenish as needed.


(708) 758-5350

Brookwood Middle School Mrs. Pierce | Principal

200 E Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood,IL 60425