Communications Technology Module are derived from Key. Stage 3 (Grade 7-9)
Key Stage Curriculum Outcomes (KSCOs). The SCOs are organized into three ...
Chapter 2: Course Organization
Chapter 2 Course Organization Organization
The Specific Curriculum Outcomes (SCOs) for the Grade 7 Communications Technology Module are derived from Key Stage 3 (Grade 7-9) Key Stage Curriculum Outcomes (KSCOs). The SCOs are organized into three units: • Unit 1 - Big Ideas • Unit 2 - Basic Skills • Unit 3 - Design Activity Outcomes in each unit are listed within Unit topics.
Unit 1 - Big Ideas • Topic 1: Tools of Communication – Past, Present and Future • Topic 2: Communications Tools in Everyday Use • Topic 3: Processes of Communications • Topic 4: Communications Systems • Topic 5: Introduction to Communications Graphics • Topic 6: Introduction to Graphic Design • Topic 7: Technological Problem Solving • Topic 8: Ownership and Copyright
Unit 2 - Basic Skills • Topic 1: Communications Graphics – Sketches and Simple Technical Drawings • Topic 2: Communications Multimedia - Images, Audio and Video • Topic 3: Document Creation • Topic 4: Presentation of Ideas
Grade 7 Communications Technology Module
Chapter 2: Course Organization
Unit 3 - Design Activity • • • • • • • • •
Topic 1: Topic 2: Topic 3: Topic 4: Topic 5: Topic 6: Topic 7: Topic 8: Topic 9:
The Design Team and The Design Portfolio Identification of the Problem Situation (Step 1) Development of the Design Brief (Step 2) Investigation and Research (Step 3) Identification of Possible Solutions (Step 4) Selection of the Best Solution (Step 5) Development of the Solution (Step 6) Evaluation of the Solution (Step 7) Presentation of the Report (Step 8)
Each topic has one or more SCOs associated with it. Suggested Teaching/Learning Strategies and Assessment/Evaluation Strategies for each topic are designed to provide introductory material for the teacher and foster lesson preparation. Intermediate Technology Education Modules are sequential and successive modules build upon knowledge and skills achieved in previously completed modules. It is recommended that students enrol in the modules in the sequential order, beginning with the Grade 7 Communications Technology Module. It is expected that many of the Communications Technology Module SCOs will be addressed repeatedly throughout the Intermediate Technology Education Program.
Grade 7 Communications Technology Module
Chapter 2: Course Organization
Specific Curriculum Outcomes Overview
All of the Specific Curriculum Outcomes (SCOs) for the Grade 7 Communications Technology Module are listed. The Key Stage Curriculum Outcome(s) the SCO relates is included at the end of each SCO statement, included in the brackets. Refer to the Key Stage Curriculum Outcomes section in Chapter 1.
Unit 1 - Big Ideas
Unit 1 has eighteen (18) SCOs: Students will be expected to 1.01 trace the evolution of communications technologies [3.301] 1.02 identify the role of the Atlantic Region in the evolution of communications technology [3.301] 1.03 identify and describe digital convergence in a variety of information and communications technologies [3.304] 1.04 identify information and communications tools, systems and networks in daily use at home and in school [3.305] 1.05 work effectively in a variety of communications media [3.301, 3.302] 1.06 demonstrate understanding of how communications technologies are used to build new knowledge from existing information [3.301, 3.302] 1.07 demonstrate understanding of how communications technologies are used to create, modify and disseminate information [3.301, 3.302] 1.08 identify examples of the basic communications processes of encoding/decoding, transmitting/receiving, storing/ retrieving [3.304 ] 1.09 differentiate between analog and digital communications principles and technologies [3.304]
Grade 7 Communications Technology Module
Chapter 2: Course Organization
1.10 identify new and emerging communications systems [3.303] 1.11 describe the role of communications systems as a tool for lifelong learning [4.303] 1.12 demonstrate understanding of the purpose of technical drawings [1.305] 1.13 identify specific examples of isometric (pictorial) and orthographic drawings [1.305] 1.14 use the language and terminology of communications processes and communications tools [1.305] 1.15 demonstrate knowledge of the elements of graphic visual design [1.305] 1.16 demonstrate knowledge of the principles of graphic design [1.305] 1.17 demonstrate understanding of the technological problemsolving model [1.301, 1.302, 3.303, 3.304] 1.18 identify the roles of ethical decision making and intellectual honesty as factors in making technological choices [5.301]
Unit 2 - Basic Skills
Unit 2 has eight (8) SCOs: Students will be expected to 2.01 use a range of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional representational techniques to communicate technical solutions and ideas [2.301, 1.305] 2.02 use image editing programs to create bitmapped images and structured drawings [1.305, 2.301] 2.03 digitize still images by using scanners, digital cameras, or video capture devices [1.305, 2.301, 2.302] 2.04 digitize sound and/or video by using audio cards, microphones, digital cameras, video capture cards and other devices [1.305, 2.301, 2.302]
Grade 7 Communications Technology Module
Chapter 2: Course Organization
2.05 use graphic design elements and principles to design and develop simple documents [1.305] 2.06 use a variety of media to create documents that incorporate text and graphics [ 2.301] 2.07 design and develop a presentation outline [1.305] 2.08 design and develop a presentation using a variety of media, digital and non-digital tools and resources [1.305]
Unit 3 - Design Activity
Unit 3 has twenty-one (21) SCOs: Students will be expected to 3.01 work cooperatively and collaboratively in design teams [1.301, 1.302, 1.303, 1.304, 1.305] 3.02 maintain a complete design portfolio of the design process and the design activity [1.301, 1.302, 1.303, 1.304, 1.305] 3.03 identify real life communication problem situations and opportunities, and select one for further development [1.301] 3.04 develop a rationale for solving a particular problem, and effectively communicate that rationale to others [1.301] 3.05 identify and clearly state communications problems [1.301] 3.06 specify conditions and criteria that determine the design and development of a solution to a problem [1.301] 3.07 generate a design brief for a specific problem [1.301, 1.305] 3.08 investigate problems similar to the problem presented and assess their solutions [1.302, 1.304, 5.301, 5.303] 3.09 identify technological resources available to resolve the design brief [1.302, 3.305] 3.10 engage in idea generating strategies to identify a range of alternative solutions [1.302]
Grade 7 Communications Technology Module
Chapter 2: Course Organization
3.11 develop criteria for assessing solution options [1.302, 3.303, 5.303] 3.12 using established criteria, examine the solution options and select the most appropriate [1.302] 3.13 identify specific tools and resources that are required to effectively develop the solution [1.303, 4.303] 3.14 determine new skills that will need to be acquired to effectively develop the solution [1.303, 4.303] 3.15 create a plan of action [1.302] 3.16 using safe practices, develop the solution, redesigning as necessary [5.302, 5.303, 1.303, 1.305] 3.17 establish criteria for evaluating the solution [1.304] 3.18 evaluate the solution, based on predetermined criteria [1.304] 3.19 develop a presentation plan that is based on information recorded in the design portfolio [1.305] 3.20 develop a presentation that uses appropriate presentation tools and strategies, demonstrates how the design model was implemented, and identifies the implications of the solution [1.305, 3.305] 3.21 present the design portfolio, the design solution and the design activity report to the class [1.305]
Grade 7 Communications Technology Module