Day:1 Text: Dancing Rainbows. Word Knowledge Block (30 min). Word Wall (10
min) intro er/est-discuss how er is used when comparing two things and est is ...
Text: Dancing Rainbows
Word Knowledge Block (30 min) Word Wall (10 min) intro er/est-discuss how er is used when comparing two things and est is used when comparing more then two things. Use shorter, farther, weaker, quicker shortest, farthest, weakest, quickest. Other Word Work: (20min) Intro adverbs
Reading Workshop (60 min) Focus Lesson: I can read and understand non-fiction text. Have students take a picture walk. What do you think the story is about? The purpose is to become a deeper better learner. Students will read Dancing Rainbows. Work Time: guided reading/independent reading Wrap Up:
Writing Workshop (60 min)
Narrative Session: 1 Practicing Persuasion Teaching Point: “Today, I want to teach you that speechwriting is a kind of opinion writing. The writer, or speaker, puts forth an opinion-‐ a thesis statement-‐ and then gives reasons, details, and examples that support that opinion. The tricky part is that the writer, or speaker, has to choose reasons that will convince his or her audience. “ Mid-Workshop Teaching: No teaching point, just encourage writer to keep going. Materials: a quick change we could make at school, a thesis statement on the topic, chart paper and markers, loose-‐leaf paper and pens.
Lesson: 5-5 10 as a factor Materials: teaching tool 39 * Guided Practice: Do you know HOW? 1-5 Do you UNDERSTAND? 6-7 Student Book Pages 126-127 *Independent Practice: Odds 9-37 *Problem Solving: 38, 39, 41, 42
Text: Dancing Rainbows
Word Knowledge Block (30 min) Word Wall (10 min) work together on the learning about er and est worksheet. Discuss the rules at the top before completing. When finished have students use work in sentence. Other Word Work: (20min) Adverbs tell How, When, or Where
Reading Workshop (60 min) Focus Lesson: I can read and understand non-fiction text. Read aloud-Dancing Rainbows (pg 239-242). Use stem questions to discuss the story. Work Time: guided reading/independent reading Wrap Up:
Writing Workshop (60 min) Free Write
Lesson: 5-‐6 9 Multiplying by multiples of 10 *Develop the concept * Visual learning bridge video * Guided Practice: Do you know HOW? 1-‐6 Do you UNDERSTAND? 7-‐9 Reteaching Page 5-‐6
Text: Dancing Rainbows
Word Knowledge Block (30 min) Word Wall (10 min) er/est worksheet with partner Other Word Work: (20min) Adverbs tell To What Extent
Reading Workshop (60 min) Focus Lesson: I can read and understand non-fiction text. Read aloud Dancing Rainbows (pg 242-249). Use stem questions to discuss the story. Work Time: guided reading/independent reading Wrap Up: Writing Workshop (60 min) Narrative Session: Gathering Brave, Bold Opinions for Persuasive Writing Teaching Point: “Today, I want tot each you that one way writers of persuasive speeches come up with their ideas is by seeing problems and imagining solutions. “ Mid-Workshop Teaching: After students have written their thesis, have them stop and find other words to start their thesis. Show how I changed mine. Materials: writing journals, chart on how to write a persuasive speech, my thesis statement, reasons to support my thesis.
Science Focus Lesson:
10:05-‐10:10 Restroom Break Lesson: 5-‐7 Problem Solving: Two-‐Questions Problems *Develop the concept * Visual learning bridge video * Guided Practice: Do you know HOW? 1 Do you UNDERSTAND? 2-‐4 Student Book Pages 132-‐133 *Problem Solving: 5-‐7, 9
Grade: Theme:1 Week:5 Word Knowledge Block (30 min)
Text: Dancing Rainbows
Word Wall (10 min) er/est worksheet-students will choose the correct word with either the er or est ending. Other Word Work: (20min) Practice
Reading Workshop (60 min) Focus Lesson: I can read and understand non-fiction text. Read aloud Dancing Rainbows (pg 250-255). Use stem questions to discuss the story.
Work Time: guided reading/independent reading Wrap Up:
Writing Workshop (60 min) Narrative Session: 3 Drawing on a Repertoire of Strategies for Generating Opinion Writing. Teaching Point: : Today, I want tot each you that writers change the world, not just by looking at what’s broken, but also by looking at what’s beautiful. Writers write to get others to pay attention to people, places, things, or ideas that they might otherwise walk right past.” Mid-Workshop Teaching: Writing a page or more for speeches. Materials: Persuasive Speech chart, a list of what I think is wonderful in this world and what I want others to appreciate, a start of one of my entries, opinion writing checklist, paper for students to record their goals.
Handwriting: A
Review For Topic 5 Test Homework: Study Guide
Grade: Theme:1 Week:5 Word Knowledge Block (30 min)
Text: Dancing Rainbows
Word Wall (10 min) Leaves/er est quiz Other Word Work: (20min) Adverb Assessment
Reading Workshop (60 min) Focus Lesson: I can read and understand non-fiction text. Assessment Work Time: guided reading/independent reading Wrap Up:
Writing Workshop (60 min) Narrative Session: 4 Considering Audience to Say More Teaching Point: “Today I want to teach you that when you want your writing to persuade people, to make them think and act in particular ways, you need to think about your audience and work to reach that audience. One way to reach your audience is to address them directly. Mid-Workshop Teaching: Posing Questions for your Audience Materials: All materials on page 30 under Get Ready
Handwriting: B Math –Topic 5 Test