Recommended call numbers to browse NC 997 NC 998 NC 1300 NC 1800 NK NK 1510 TS 171.4 Z 43 Z 115 Z 116 Z 243
Graphic design annuals and environmental graphic art Graphic design history, advertising and corporate Comics Posters Calligraphy and lettering Communication in design New products Penmanship Printing Book design Typography Provides high quality access to over a million images, including paintings and drawings from museums and galleries across the world. DCAD community and individual database subscription. Ask library staff for help accessing this electronic resource. “AIGA Design Archives is one of the richest online resources available to those who practice, study and appreciate great design.” Free online access.
Applied arts CMYK Communication arts Design issues Eye Graphic design Graphic design USA How Journal of design history Lürzer's int’l archive Parkett Print
ReVIEW: digitized, searchable versions of nineteenth- and early twentiethcentury art journals Arts + Architecture ProFILES (AAP) :a biographical dictionary of modern artists, designers, architects, craftspeople and photographers Design Abstracts Retrospective (DAR): a retrospective journal abstracting and indexing service Free online The Dieline is dedicated to the progress of the package design industry and its practitioners, students and enthusiasts. Free online access.
“The ultimate resource for logo and identity designers on the web.” Thousands of logos and designs. This is a paid online subscription or you can read the books for free in the DCAD Library.
Recommended Graphic Design materials
Available for use in the library (REF) from the Reference book collection: N7560 .S63 2002
1000 symbols by Rowena & Rupert Shepherd
NC1001.6 .G7 2010
Graphic artists guild handbook: pricing & ethical guidelines (see also earlier editions from 2007, 1997, 1994)
Available for check-out from the circulating collections: NC999.4 .H64 A4 2005
Wordless diagrams by Nigel Holmes
NC1002 .L63 C33 2004
Logo, font & lettering bible by Leslie Cabarga
NC1002 .L63 F592
LogoLounge master library by Catharine Fishel and Bill Gardner Volume 1: 3,000 initial & crest logos Volume 2: 3,000 animal & mythology logos Volume 3: 3,000 shapes & symbols logos
P93.5 .M33 2009
Information is beautiful by David McCandless
P93.5 .T84 2006
Beautiful evidence by Edward R. Tufte
Z246 .A43 2006
Fundamentals of typography by Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris
Z246 .H445 2011
Typography sketchbooks by Steven Heller & Lita Talarico
Z246 .L87 2004
Thinking with type: a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, & students