Group discussion Chinese Goods vs Indian Goods - Velaivetti

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Also, Indian goods provide employment and job opportunities to native brothers. Seeing China's behavior and attitude tow
Group discussion current topics HR interview questions with answers-PDF C attached

Group discussion Chinese Goods vs Indian Goods - HR interview questions with answers Part C 1.According to me, even though China product is cheap it can help the people who were economically poor but the people who where the middle class and high class should buy our Indian product so that our Indian economical level would reach the great position. 2. As we all know, Chinese products are very cheap to buy so in India people are more demanding about those products. That's why China export products in India and get profit from that. Everyone can buy these Chinese products because their cost is lower as much as from Indian products. At sometimes Chinese products are not much good but still, we buy it bz people think that we buy it in cheaper price at least this product will use for a shorter period and we also get varieties in that after it broke or else if the product will go longer period we are bored from that product. This is human tendency so China research Indian customers and as per their requirement they export to India. Indian products are also good but costlier compared to Chinese products. They have their reputation in the market but most of the people can not afford those products and also some people don't know about the Indian brand also for this reason also they can not buy the product. Take an example of mobiles which are made in India like iball, intex, lyf etc. So Indian people are afraid to buy these mobiles it affects directly to the economy of India.

There is a solution for that we take as much as Indian product and we also take Chinese products but in a lesser amount. So the relation between India and China is not affected as much. 3. In my view, Indian goods having more value than Chinese goods because chinese goods are very cheap in price point of view they manufacture the goods without following any standards in terms of warrenty and quality so the price of the chinese goods are less when compared to Indian goods China produce goods in bulk and china is lead in manufacturing of any type of goods even china has more market in India also example: redmi smart phone in Indian market and India is a country where the manufacturing of goods is less so we have to use Indian goods and support make in India products and increase Indian manufacturing development we can improve Indian value of manufacturing goods by avoiding other country goods. 4. Chines products are good to the Indian people because the price is low. The Indian products are very portability and very safe. The poor people when using the chines product. The Chinese are good company in manufacturing the product. 5. In my point of view, Indian products are very safe. In Indian product mostly Handmade and long Lasting. But the chines product are nondurability. It is a cheap but not efficiency in quality. So our Indian products are best. In this generation don't think about the cost. Their wanted only quality. So they must buy the Indian products.

6. Once a time, the Chinese goods are most sales in India examples mobile phones, lights, speakers, but that current situation is a youth will be dislikes

that chines products. We are living in India. , so buying Indian goods and developing those countries. Jaihind. 7. It is right, that Chinese goods are cheaper in comparison to Indian goods. But as an Indian, we must buy Indian goods. Yes, I know Indian goods costly but we have to try to make new technology we can't depend on others we have to think that how can we make our goods cheap and durable. Not to debate on this so my request to our government and youth to on the right way to make our country economy more powerful. 8. Chinese goods are cheaper than Indian goods. This is the main reason why Chinese products get such a wide popularity. Nowadays no one uses a product for long period. Take the example of a mobile phone. Most of the people buy a new phone every year, not because they need it but just to have the most updated version. In my opinion, Indian products should be made cheaper, then only middle and lower class people can afford it. By doing so it will improve our Indian economy. 9. Every good have some beneficial properties and its values depend on its demands. The goods which is made either Indian or Chinese. We should see first its feasibility or durability. Society is actually a society if we have sharing and caring philosophy in our mind. What made China a great nation in making electronic gadgets or devices at a cheaper rate because they have enough resources to manufacture and technological ability to assemble the devices so that China can export its products to the other nation. Now, talking about India in terms of their own way of production of electronic devices. We need a lot of resources or technological guidance to achieve that level. Only then we will come as a competitor otherwise not.

The banning of Chinese products is a foolish idea but gaining awareness about technology and try to make it our own is another thing. 10. I think most of us are of the opinion that we should buy Indian goods against Chinese goods as it will help our country to grow. No doubt Indian goods are more durable than Chinese products but what about the cost. The problem here is an unequal distribution of income. 80% people are just having 20% wealth and rest 20% are having 80%. If middle class and lower class people are able to get satisfactory products at a much lower price then they'll prefer those only. For example, Xiomi phones provide same features in their phones at a much lower price as compared to other brands. 11. As an Indian our duty is to use our own goods not chines or any other country goods. This concept is going on before freedom. That time Gandhi ji told reject british goods and use deshi khadi and now we are telling about reject chines goods and use Indian goods. The main problem is technology we don't have that much level of technology which can produce low cost product. That's why we can't reject all of chines goods. Our most of the people are living rural area they don't have much more money to afforad high price of Indian goods. 12. Indian goods are always better in every terms in durability, in price and all above its our nations product if we indians strictly boycott other nations product then the India will be most powerful and streghten country of the world. Sometimes Chinese product are most dangerous as they cheap in quality. 13. I think Indian goods are better than Chinese goods because Indian goods are very innovative and initiative to assist and attract the people as much as possible but Chinese goods are copy from another product they have been producing Copycat goods.

14. Chinese goods are good for only temporal needs. But we were very careful about our lifetime things like some electronic gadgets and other daily accessories. Which are commanding for its reliability and durability In our daily life. In that case, we should strictly avoid that thing. But just because poverty, we unwantedly follow some unreliable but low-cost Chinese things. 15. First of all, We shouldn't buy any Chinese goods. If a buyer stops buying some other nations goods. Seller's automatically become useless. We should make a change in our people mindset. Indian goods are always gooder one and longer usable one. 1st we must change ourself. And create a awareness among public about the Chinese goods. Future generation will surely buy our Indian goods only. Today onwards we make sure of using Indian goods. 16. My opinion about this is Chinese product has less cost. But the durability of the things are not good. But some products are good. For example, I'm using Xioami note it has good quality and less price than other phones. So, I think all the products are not bad. A real man needs good quality than the less cost. So they go for Chinese products. 17. I think Chinese goods are better for temporary goods because it gives us good quality at a cheap price like cosmetics and electronic goods and if we want a permanent product or goods so we prefer Indian goods or a product like mobiles and automobiles goods. 18. As my point of view, Chinese product are vary cheap, but Indians are following 80:20 rule. It means 80% people is having 20% money and 20% people is having 80% money, if we will talk about 20% people the can purchase any costly goods and Indian goods are not that much cheaper. But what about 80% people, they will purchase chines product. As we know

we are developing country and for become a developed country we have to let the chines product come in India. According to the current satiation Chinese products good for us. 19. I believe that Indian goods are more stable and qualitative than Chinese ones. Also, Indian goods provide employment and job opportunities to native brothers. Seeing China's behavior and attitude towards Indian on JeM chief Hafiz Saeed, Doklam dispute and Assam disputed territory, we shouldn't give it a second thought boycotting their products and goods. Also, it emphasizes our own GDP and economy. 20. Both the country is a developing country. But China is a more developed country than India. It is Developed in the terms of Technology. In India, various products are used which are made in China, For example, Let's take a phone brand Xiamoi, which is China's iPhone, There are a million users in India who use Xiaomi phones and the reviews are too good. In less price, you are getting best features and what else one wants. Same is the case for the other products less price, more features and affordable by a low to the high-income family. So, I think Chinese goods are good than Indian Goods.