Growth and Productivity of Potato under Different Irrigation Levels and

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Nov 15, 2016 - Drip irrigation was practiced at 50, 75 and 100% of irrigation .... Particle size fraction. Sand. (%) ... Experimental plots (45 m2 = 15 m length x 3 m width) ...... Growth, Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Transplanted Fresh Market.
Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences ISSN 2077-4613

Volume : 06 | Issue :04 | Oct.-Dec.| 2016 Pages: 774-786

Growth and Productivity of Potato under Different Irrigation Levels and Mulch Types in the North West of the Nile Delta, Egypt Karam Farrag Central Lab for Environmental Quality Monitoring (CLEQM), National Water Research Center (NWRC), Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI), Egypt. E-mail: Mohamed A. A. Abdrabbo Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki 12411, Giza- Egypt. E-mail: Sabry A. M. Hegab Soil and water department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Asiut, Egypt. Received: 04 Oct. 2016 / Accepted: 10 November 2016 / Publication date: 15 November 2016 ABSTRACT

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of applying different irrigation levels and soil mulches on vegetative growth, yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) valor cultivar. The experiment was carried out during two successive seasons of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 under open field conditions in El-Bossily farm, Agricultural Research Center, El-Beheira Governorate, Egypt. The experimental design was split plot and consisted of three irrigation levels as main plots and three soil mulches as sub-plots with three replicates. Drip irrigation was practiced at 50, 75 and 100% of irrigation requirements (IR). The soil mulches consisted of black (PE-B) and transparent (PE-T) polyethylene as well as rice straw (RS). In both seasons, the application of different irrigation levels and mulch treatments affected significantly potato vegetative growth, tuber yield and nutrients content (N, P and K). The use of PE-B mulch resulted in significantly higher values of plant height, number of leaves, canopy fresh and dry weight per potato plant. Increasing IR of potato from 50% to 100% enhanced total and marketable yield. The highest WUE was obtained under PE-B mulch followed by RS and both of them were superior compared to the PE-T and bare soil. Regarding the interaction between irrigation and mulching treatments, the highest vegetative and tuber yield were obtained by PE-B treatment combined with 100% IR. However, the highest WUE was obtained by 75% IR combined with PE-B mulch. Key words: Potato, Mulching, Irrigation requirements, Quality Yield

Introduction Water savings in the agricultural sector are an important objective of Egypt’s water strategy to serve the growing population with the limited resources. Thus, providing support to farmers and producers to improve their agricultural skills regarding water savings has been an area of activity for many Egyptian organizations, including the National Water Research Center and the Agricultural Research Center. One technique that has efficiently limited soil moisture losses and boosted agricultural outputs is the use of organic, e.g. crop residues, or inorganic, e.g. polyethylene sheets, mulches to cover soils as a management tool in many parts of the world. Generally, mulching aims to form a physical barrier to limit soil water evaporation, stabilize soil temperature, maintain soil fertility, suppress weed growth and improve yield and yield quality (Lamont et al., 2000; Kar and Kumar, 2007; Dvořák et al., 2012; RuízMachuca et al., 2014; Azad et al., 2015). Different types and colors of polyethylene mulch have optical properties that change the levels of light radiation reaching the soil, causing increases or decreases in the soil temperature (Kasirajan and Ngouajio, 2012). Efficiency of polyethylene mulches varied according to the polyethylene color, i.e. white, black, blue, brown, green, red and yellow (Mahmood et al., 2002; Grundy and Bond, 2007; Dvořák et al., 2012; Sun et al., 2015). Particularly, both black (PE-B) and transparent (PE-T) polyethylene mulches are Corresponding Author: Karam Farrag, Researcher, Head of Soil Dept., Central Laboratory for Environmental Quality Monitoring (CLEQM), National Water Research Center (NWRC).P.O. Box 6, El- Kanater Kalyubeya, 13621, Egypt. E-mail: 774

Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613 completely resistant to water and therefore decrease the moisture losses from soil and conserve the soil particles over the surface (Tarara, 2000; Ahmad et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2015). On the other hand, straw mulch as an organic mulching has improved environmentally and economically important aspects of growing crops such as potato and massively reduced soil erosion (Edwards et al., 2000; Döring et al., 2005). Irrigation of crops sensitive to water stress such as potato requires a systematic approach to irrigation scheduling (Ayas, 2013). This involves preventing the soil water deficit from falling below some threshold level for a particular crop and soil condition. Irrigated potato by drip irrigation with different levels (40, 60, 80, 100%) of the evaporation gained a significant increase in the growth parameters, yield of tubers in particular, by increased irrigation level (Badr et al., 2012). However the management practices that influence soil moisture include irrigation techniques, irrigation strategies and mulching practices (Chukalla et al., 2015). Nevertheless, most studies assessed only irrigation technique, only irrigation strategy or only mulching practice, or considered only a few combinations (Chukalla et al., 2015). In Egypt, the effects of mulching were partially reported in some previous studies along with other main objectives such as the comparison of potato yield, quality and weed control obtained with different plastic mulch colours (El-Zohiri and Samy, 2013; Abouziena et al., 2015). To the best of our knowledge, a systematic and quantitative assessment of the effects of soil mulching on potato growth, yield and WUE as well as the plant elemental contents as function of irrigation levels has not been carried out. Keeping in view the economic value of potato crop and usefulness of mulching in enhancing potato yield and quality, field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of different mulching materials and irrigation levels on the growth, yield and quality of potato in North West of the Nile Delta region.

Materials and Methods Experimental site The current study was carried out at El-Bossily farm, El-Beheira Governorate, in North West of the Nile Delta of Egypt during the winter period of the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 seasons. El-Bossily farm is located at latitude 31° 20’ 35.73” and longitude 30° 24’ 37.98” with an altitude of 3 m above sea level. Climate of the region is temperate to hot and dry during summer season, while warm and few rainy in winter season. The soil of the experimental site is sandy and having bulk density 1.44 g cm-1 pH 7.67, EC 1.55 dS m-1 and field capacity 16.77 % (Table 1). Table 1: Physical and chemical properties of experimental soil at El-Bossily farm Parameters Units Values Physical properties FC (%) 16.77 WP (%) 5.65 BD (g cm-3) 1.44 Particle size fraction Sand (%) 95.31 Silt (%) 0.36 Clay (%) 4.30 Texture Sandy Chemical properties pH (H2O) 7.67 EC (ds m−1) 1.55 Major cations Ca++ (meq l−1) 3.5 Mg++ (meq l−1) 2.0 Na+ (meq l−1) 8.07 K+ (meq l−1) 1.17 Major anions CO3-(meq l−1) 0.0 HCO3 (meq l−1) 1.5 Cl(meq l−1) 9.0 SO4-(meq l−1) 4.24 FC: Field Capacity; WP: Wilting Point; BD: Bulk Density EC: Electrical Conductivity; Ca: Calcium; Mg: Magnesium; Na: Sodium; K: Potassium; CO3: Carbonate; HCO3: Bicarbonate; Cl: Chloride; SO4: Sulfate.


Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613 Due to the low water holding capacity of the sandy soil, it is imperative to use an irrigation technique that delivers small amounts of water as the case with drip irrigation system. The study area possess a network of irrigation and drainage canals related to Rosetta branch. Al-Bossily is the nearby agricultural drain to the study farm. The Nile River water is the source of irrigation water, the EC of irrigation water ranged from 0.60 to 0.85 dS m-1. Experimental procedure Tuber seeds of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) valor cultivar were directly cultivated on 27th and 22 October 2010 and 2011, respectively. Valor cultivar is widely used for its highly yielding capacity in the sandy soil as well as for exportation to the European Union Countries. The vegetative growth of potato tuber seeds started after ten days from cultivation. Experimental plots (45 m2 = 15 m length x 3 m width) were arranged in a split plots design with three replicates. Each experimental plot contained five rows (15 m length x 0.15 m width). The distance between each two rows was 0.60 m. Flow meter was installed for each irrigation level treatment and a distance of 2 m was left between each two irrigation levels (Fig 1). th

Fig. 1: Layout of the field experiment shows irrigation and mulch treatments PE-T: Polyethylene transparent; PE-B: Polyethylene black; RS: Rice straw; IR: Irrigation requirements

The treatments comprised three irrigation levels 50, 75 and 100% of irrigation requirements (IR) as main plots and three mulching treatments: PE-B and PE-T mulch as well as mulch by rice straw (RS), in addition to control treatment (bare soil) as sub-plots. Three replicates were used in this study. The treatments were applied to the soil before cultivating potato tuber seeds. PE-B and PE-T mulches were laid after the establishment of the double rows (1 m width); bed was manually installed to correspond to treatments and experimental field design. The buffer distance between each treatment measured 1 m. For the PE-B and PE-T mulch treatments, circles of about 10 cm diameter were cut around the irrigation emitter points to cultivate the tuber seeds and to allow the potato canopy to expose to the weather factors. Organic mulch treatment was carried out by covering the soil by about ten centimeters of RS after rows were established. There were 15 cm around plants were left without cover till the plant height exceeded 15 cm height to allow plants to be exposed to weather, and then the cover of soil was completed even around the plants. Potato plants were irrigated using drippers of four liters per hour capacity; distance between each two plants was 0.50 m. The chemical fertilizers (NH4)2 SO4 (20.6% N), K2SO4 (48% K2O) and P2O5 (37% P2O5) were injected within irrigation water system at the rate of 120, 70 and 70 kg feddan-1, respectively


Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613 (MALR, 2003). The fertigation was programmed to three times weekly and the duration of irrigation time depended upon the treatments. All treatments received the same fertilizer quantities. Analytical procedures Soil The physical and chemical properties of the experimental soil are presented in Table (1). The chemical analysis was determined according to Chapman and Pratt, (1961). The field capacity (%), wilting point (%) and bulk density (g cm-3) of the soil were determined according to Israelsen and Hansen, (1962). During the crop cycle, daily records of soil temperature were recorded at 15 cm depth using digital soil thermometer by inserting the sensor rod below the soil surface. Plant Samples of three plants of each experimental plot were taken at 55 day from the cultivating date. Growth parameters include plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant and canopy fresh weight (g plant1 ) were measured. Canopy dry weight (g plant-1) was determined after oven-drying the samples at 70 ºC for 48 hours. For element analysis of leaves (% N, P and K), three plant samples of each plot were dried at 70oC in an air forced oven for 48h. Dried leaves were digested in H2SO4:H2O2 mixture according to the method described by Allen, (1974). Total nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl method according to the procedure described by FAO, (1980). Phosphorus content was determined using spectrophotometer according to Watanabe and Olsen, (1965). Potassium content was determined photo-metrically using Flame photometer as described by Chapman and Pratt, (1961). Efficiency of water use and irrigation application In the crop coefficient approach the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) is calculated by multiplying the reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) by a crop coefficient (Kc) according to (FAO, 1998): =(



∗ 4.2/

Where: IR = Irrigation requirement for crop (m3 Feddan-1 day-1) Kc = Crop coefficient (dimensionless). ETo = Reference crop evapotranspiration (mm day-1). LR = Leaching requirement (%), assumed 20% of the total applied water. Ea = Efficiency of the irrigation system, assumed 85% of the total applied water. 4.2 = to convert IR from mm day-1 to m3 Feddan-1 day-1 (Feddan = 4200 m2). The water use efficiency (WUE) was calculated according to FAO (1982) as follows: The ratio of crop yield (y) to the total amount of irrigation water use in the field for the growth season (IR); WUE (Kg m-3) = Y (kg)/IR (m3). The average weekly irrigation requirements (m3 fedan-1) under different irrigation levels for potato in El-Bossily farm during the two studied seasons are represented in Table (2). The average IR of the second season decreased to about 7% compared with the first season. This disparity in IR is due to the differences in the ET which varies according to meteorological conditions, plant and soil surface wetness, crop type, soil water content, and amount of crop cover. Statistical analysis Analysis of data was performed using SAS program for statistical analysis. The differences among means for all traits were tested for significance at %5 levels according to Waller and Duncan, (1969).


Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613 Table 2: The average weekly irrigation requirements (m3 fedan-1) under different studied irrigation levels for potato in El-Bossily farm. 1st season

Date 50% 9.36 10.08 10.32 11.52 13.44 14.16 15.12 16.83 18.24 19.23 17.76 16.56 14.4 14.41 8.16

75% 13.92 15.12 15.64 17.52 20.16 21.12 22.56 25.23 27.36 28.82 26.64 24.72 21.63 21.62 12.24

100% 18.48 20.16 20.88 23.28 26.88 28.08 30.42 33.64 36.48 38.42 35.76 33.12 28.83 28.56 16.32

15/11/2011 22/11/2011 29/11/2011 06/12/2011 13/12/2011 20/12/2011 27/12/2011 03/01/2012 10/01/2012 17/01/2012 24/01/2012 31/01/2012 07/02/2012 14/02/2012 21/02/2012

12.72 06/03/2011 1556 Total 2 *Feddan = 4200 m





28/02/2012 Total

22/11/2010 29/11/2010 06/12/2010 13/12/2010 20/12/2010 27/12/2010 03/01/2011 10/01/2011 17/01/2011 24/01/2011 31/01/2011 07/02/2011 14/02/2011 21/02/2011 28/02/2011

2nd season

Date 50% 8.64 9.36 9.64 10.83 12.48 12.96 13.92 15.64 17.04 17.76 16.56 15.36 13.21 13.22 7.68

75% 12.96 13.92 14.42 16.08 18.72 19.68 20.88 23.28 25.44 26.64 24.72 23.04 19.92 19.92 11.52








17.28 18.72 19.44 21.6 24.96 26.16 27.84 31.24 33.84 35.52 33.12 30.72 26.64 26.64 15.12

Results and Discussion Soil temperature Average soil temperature at 15 cm depth during the experimental two seasons (Fig. 2) was affected by the mulching type and materials applied. Results indicated that the type of mulch improved the soil temperature following the order of PE-T mulch > PE-B mulch > RS mulch. According to Moreno et al., 2009, the soil temperature under the different mulches is affected by the type of material employed and the temperatures registered in bare soil are always lower than under mulch treatments. Applying the PE-T mulch increased soil temperature by 1.15, 2.08 and 2.47 C° as compared to PE-B mulch, RS mulch and bare soil, respectively (Fig. 2). These findings are in agreement with many other field studies (El-Nerm, 2006; Singh and Kamal, 2012; Moursy et al., 2015) which have confirmed the increment of soil temperature due to the greater solar radiation transmittance of PE-T compared with the opaque mulches such as PE-B and straw which highly reflect or absorb solar radiation. Furthermore, results demonstrated that soil temperatures under RS mulch were lower during the warmer early part of the season and higher during the colder later part of the season when compared with the bare soil (Fig. 2). This difference in response was found by El Shaikh and Fouda, (2008) and Yi et al., (2014) when applying wheat straw and RS mulches, respectively. During warm conditions, RS reduces the solar energy reaching the soil and, as a result, reduces temperature increases because it has a higher albedo and lower thermal conductivity (Yi et al., 2014). Whereas during the cold conditions, RS mulch insulates the soil from the colder air temperatures and lower the heat loss from the soil (Yi et al., 2014). However, the warmer soil temperatures can quicken seedling emergence and growth to achieve the desired population structure at an earlier growth stage (Zhou et al., 2009) in which maximize the absorption of solar radiation and enhance the yield (Li et al., 2013). Furthermore, elevated soil temperature can be lethal for nematode and soil borne pathogens as well as many weed seeds before its germination through solarization. (Khan et al., 2003; Singh et al., 2007).


Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613

Fig. 2: The average mean temperature under polyethylene and rice straw mulching treatments compared to the control (bare soil) in the studied 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 seasons. PE-T: Polyethylene transparent; PE-B: Polyethylene black; RS: Rice straw; I: 1st week; II: 2nd week; III: 3rd week; IV: 4th week.

Vegetative growth characteristics The effect of different irrigation levels and mulch treatments on vegetative growth parameters (plant height, number of leaves, canopy fresh and dry weight) in both growing seasons are shown in Table 3. The 100% IR treatments produced the highest values for vegetative growth parameters followed by the 75% IR. Whereas the lowest values for these parameters were recorded under 50% IR. The effect of fully IR on plant height, biomass, tuber yield and height as well as diameter, weight and dry matter were found to be significant (Pereira and Villa Nova, 2002; Kumar et al., 2007; Ayas, 2013). Concerning the effect of mulches applied, PE-B mulched plants exhibited the highest growth parameters (Table 3) followed by RS mulched plants and the lowest values were obtained by nonmulched plants. Coling (1997) reported that plastic film mulches increased plant height, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and tuber yield of potatoes. Kumari (2012) reported that PE-B mulch stimulated shoot, solon and root growth, increased the total tuber number and yield. In comparison with PE-T mulch, the application of PE-B mulch is preferred during the winter growing season due to retaining the heat at night and preventing the greening of tubers (Lamont et al., 2000). However, both PE-T and PE-B mulches accelerated emergence and increased grade-A and total tuber production comparing to bare soil in earlyseason potato production in the Eastern Mediterranean part of Turkey (Caliskan et al., 2002). The interaction between irrigation levels and mulch treatments revealed that the highest growth parameters values were recorded with 100% IR irrigation supported with PE-B mulching treatments followed by 100% IR combined with RS mulch. On the contrary, the combination of 50% IR and PE-T induced the least positive effect on vegetative growth. These results support remarkably previous studies that demonstrated the combined effects of mulching, inorganic and organic, and proper irrigation requirements in ameliorating growth and yield of potato (Burgers and Nel, 1984; Zaag et al., 1985; Saha et al., 1997; Jain et al., 2001). Tuber yield Both tuber total and marketable yield were significantly influenced by irrigation and mulching treatments (Table 4). It was found that among the irrigation treatments statistically highest tuber total and marketable yield was recorded under 100% IR in both growing seasons. Whereas the lowest amongst all


Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613 was obtained in 50% IR treatment. In agreement with these results, Zhong Yuan et al., (2003) found that tuber total and marketable yield increased with increasing amount of irrigation water and the highest yield was obtained at the 1.25 times regime. Kumar et al., (2007, 2009) found that the highest tuber yield was obtained in the irrigation regime of 1.20 of pan evaporation and the preferable grade of tuber decreased with the decrease in irrigation level from 1.20 to 0.60 of pan evaporation. The higher yield production under 100% IR may be due to proper balance of moisture in plants, which creates favorable conditions for nutrients uptake, photosynthesis and metabolites translocation (Kar and Kumar, 2007). Table 3: Vegetative characteristics of potato plants under different irrigation levels and mulch treatments during 2010/2011 and 2011/ 2012 seasons. Seasons 1st season 2nd season Treat. PE-T PE-B RS Control Mean PE-T PE-B RS Control Mean Plant height (cm) 50% 28.7 g 36.3 d 32.0 ef 22.3 h 29.8 C 29.2 g 37.1 d 32.6 f 22.8 h 30.4 C 75% 31.7 f 43.7 b 38.3 c 27.0 g 35.2 B 32.9 f 44.5 b 39.1 c 27. 5g 36.0 B 100% 33.7 e 49.3 a 44.3 b 31.0 f 39.6 A 35.1 e 51.3 a 46.1 b 32.2 f 41.2 A Mean 31.3 C 43.1 A 38.2 B 26.8 D 32.4 C 44.3 A 39.3 B 27.5 D No. of leaves per plant 50% 26.5 g 35.0 e 32.0 f 23.0 h 29.1 C 27.0 h 35.7 e 32.6 f 23.5 i 29.7 C 75% 34.5 e 39.0 d 35.0 e 30.0 f 34.6 B 35.9 e 39.8 d 35.7 e 30.6 g 35.5 B 100% 44.0 c 48.0 b 51.0 a 36.3 e 44.8 A 45.8 c 49.9 b 53.0 a 37.8 e 46.6 A Mean 35.0 B 40.7 A 39.3 A 29.8 C 36.2 b 41.8 a 40.4 a 30.6 c Canopy fresh weight (g plant-1) 50% 162 i 214 e 195 g 140 j 178 C 165 i 218 e 199 g 143 j 181 C 75% 211 f 238 d 214 e 183 h 211 B 219 f 243 d 218 e 187 h 217 B 100% 268 c 293 b 311 a 221 e 273 A 279 c 305 b 3245 a 230 e 284 A Mean 214 B 248 A 240 A 182 C 221 B 255 A 247 A 187 C Canopy dry weight (g plant-1) 50% 19.3 g 25.4 23.3 ef 16.7 h 21.2 C 19.6 g 25.9 e 23.7 f 17.1 h 21.6 C 75% 25.1 e 28.4 d 25.5 e 21.8 f 25.2 B 26.1 e 28.9 d 26.0 e 22.2 f 25.8 B 100% 32.0 c 34.9 b 37.1 a 26.4 e 32.6 A 33.3 c 36.3 b 38.5 a 27.4 e 33.9 A Mean 25.4 B 29.6 A 28.6 A 21.6 C 26.3 B 30.4 A 29.4 B 22.3 C PE-T: Polyethylene transparent; PE-B: Polyethylene black; RS: Rice straw; Small letters compare between interaction: Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05. Capital letters compare between main factors: Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05. Table 4: Potato total and marketable yield under different irrigation levels and mulch treatments during 2010/2011 and 2011/ 2012 seasons. Seasons 1st season 2nd season Treat. PE-T PE-B RS Control Mean PE-T PE-B RS Control Mean Yield (Kg plant-1) 50% 0.72 j 0.88 h 0.75 i 0.55 j 0.73 C 0.73 j 0.90 h 0.76 i 0.56 j 0.74 C 75% 1.15 f 1.36 d 1.27 e 1.07 g 1.21 B 1.20 f 1.40 d 1.30 e 1.08 g 1.24 B 100% 1.44 c 1.66 a 1.53 b 1.35 d 1.50 A 1.50 c 1.72 a 1.60 b 1.40 d 1.55 A Mean 1.10 C 1.30 A 1.18 B 0.99 D 1.14 C 1.34 A 1.22 B 1.01 D Marketable yield (Kg plant-1) 50% 0.49 h 0.75 f 0.67 g 0.44 h 0.59 C 0.50 g 0.76 e 0.69f 0.45 g 0.60 C 75% 0.78 f 1.16 b 1.14 b 0.85 e 0.98 B 0.81 e 1.18 e 1.17 b 0.87 d 1.01 B 100% 0.98 d 1.41 a 1.38 a 1.08 c 1.21 A 1.02 c 1.47 a 1.43 a 1.12 b 1.26 A Mean 0.75 C 1.11 A 1.06 B 0.79 D 0.78 C 1.14 A 1.09 B 0.82 D PE-T: Polyethylene transparent; PE-B: Polyethylene black; RS: Rice straw; Small letters compare between interaction: Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05. Capital letters compare between main factors: Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05.

Regarding the effect of mulching treatments on the potato tuber total and marketable yield, the results indicated a significant increase in the weight per plant using PE-B followed by RS mulch and both of them were superior compared to the PE-T and control treatment (Table 4). Potato is reported to increase tuber yield when plants are mulched with plastics (Lamont, 2005; Ibarra-Jimenez et al., 2008) and straw


Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613 (Döring et al., 2005) compared with plants grown in bare soil. The mulching materials, plastic in particular, modify the root zone temperature that regulate biomass accumulation and growth of potato tubers (Baghour et al., 2002; Kumari, 2012). The color of the plastic mulch may differentially affect the temperature of soils due to the effect of the color on light transmission through the film. PE-B has been found to provide more favorable soil temperature for better emergence, growth and tuberization than PE-T (Farhadi and Kashi, 2003; Singh and Ahmed, 2008; Kumari, 2012). The interaction of irrigation levels and mulching types had significant effects on the studied parameters. Where under different polyethylene mulches, increasing irrigation level up to 100% IR has increased tuber total and marketable yield. The highest values were obtained by 100% IR with PE-B mulch followed by 100% IR with RS mulch. The lowest values were obtained by control treatment under different irrigation levels (Table 4). Jain et al., (2001) reported that potato yield for treatments irrigated with drip system at 80 % irrigation moisture regime in combination with polyethylene mulch was found to be maximum compared with the control, i.e. surface irrigation at 100 % moisture level without mulch. Similarly, the combined treatments of irrigation and mulching, PE-B in particular, showed higher increase in plant fresh and dry weight, main stems number yield and tuber weight per plant (Farhadi and Kashi, 2003). Plant elemental content The obtained results in Table 5 revealed that the irrigation levels and mulch treatments significantly affected NPK percentages in the two studied growing seasons. PE-B mulch followed by RS mulch resulted in the highest average values of NPK content in potato plants leaves. The lowest NPK percentage was obtained by control treatment during the two seasons. Polyethylene mulching, PE-B in particular, has increased leaf tissues concentration of NPK in vegetable crops compared to those grown over bare soil (Wien and Minotti, 1987; Hassan et al., 1995). Romic et al., (2003) and Rahman et al., (2005) reported that soil mulching reduced the leaching of nitrate fertilizers while increased N uptake and apparent nitrogen recovery of applied N fertilizer. Kar and Kumar (2007) stated that application of straw mulch significantly increased the available P and K in the soil. Regarding to irrigation treatments, the 100% IR treatments followed by 75% IR resulted in the highest average values of NPK content in plants leaves. These results agreed with previous studies (Anita and Mauromicale, 2006; Erdem et al., 2006) which had revealed that the reduced root development due to water stress limits the plant’s ability for nutrients uptake. However, growing of potato with 80% irrigation regime on the basis of cumulative pan evaporation recorded significantly higher NPK content when compared with lower irrigation levels (Jayramaiah et al., 2005). NPK content (%) in potato leaf under different irrigation levels and mulch treatments during 2010/2011 and 2011/ 2012 seasons. seasons 1st season 2nd season Treat. PEt PEb RS Control Mean PEt PEb RS Control Mean Leaf content of N (%) 50% 2.59 g 3.28 c 3.22 d 2.24 j 2.83 C 2.64 g 3.35 c 3.28 d 2.28 j 2.89 C 75% 2.74 f 3.41 b 3.27 c 2.37 i 2.95 B 2.79 f 3.48 b 3.40 c 2.42 i 3.02 B 100% 3.01 e 3.49 a 3.42 b 2.50 h 3.11 A 3.13 e 3.63 a 3.56 b 2.60 h 3.23 A Mean 2.78 C 3.39 A 3.30 B 2.37 D 2.86 C 3.48 A 3.41 B 2.43 D Leaf content of P (%) 50% 0.31 i 0.38 g 0.33 h 0.29 j 0.33 C 0.34 h 0.39 g 0.32 h 0.30 i 0.33 C 75% 0.41 f 0.46 d 0.44 f 0.32 hi 0.41 B 0.42 f 0.47 c 0.46 d 0.33 h 0.42 B 100% 0.48 c 0.57 a 0.51 b 0.42 f 0.50 A 0.51 b 0.59 a 0.52 b 0.44 e 0.51 A Mean 0.40 C 0.47 A 0.43 B 0.34 D 0.42 B 0.48 A 0.43 B 0.35 D Leaf content of K (%) 50% 2.44 f 2.87 c 2.49 ef 2.03 h 2.46 C 2.49 f 2.93 c 2.54 f 2.07 i 2.51 C 75% 2.53 e 3.00 b 2.88 c 2.12 h 2.63 B 2.63 e 3.06 b 2.94 c 2.16 h 2.70 B 100% 2.74 d 3.13 a 2.95 b 2.30 g 2.78 A 2.85 d 3.26 a 3.07 b 2.39 g 2.89 A Mean 2.57 C 3.00 A 2.77 B 2.15 D 2.65 C 3.08 A 2.85 B 2.21 D PE-T: Polyethylene transparent; PE-B: Polyethylene black; RS: Rice straw; N: Nitrogen; P: Phosphorus; K: Potassium. Small letters compare between interaction: Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05. Capital letters compare between main factors: Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05. Table 5:


Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613 The interaction of irrigation levels and mulching types significantly affected the uptake of NPK by plants leaves (Table 5). Where under different polyethylene mulches, increasing irrigation level up to 100% IR has increased NPK leaves content. The highest values were obtained by 100% IR with PE-B mulch followed by 100% IR with RS mulch. The lowest values were obtained by control treatment under different irrigation levels. Alharbi (2015) reported that the highest value of total N in the soil was recorded in the presence of mulch with the availability of 100 % of the recommended irrigation, where the conditions are very suitable for the mineralization N process. With respect of available P and K, it has given highest values in the presence of mulch with the availability of moisture up to 70% and 85% of recommended irrigation, respectively (Alharbi, 2015). Water use efficiency (WUE) Data in Table 6 showed that increasing irrigation quantity over 75% IR led to decrease in WUE for all irrigation treatments. The highest WUE was obtained by 75% IR with no significant differences between 50% and 100% IR irrigation treatments. Excessive irrigation, e.g., with 120% of full evapotranspiration have been reported to lower the WUE due to deep percolation and leaching (Dalla Costa and Giovanardi, 2000). Soil mulching significantly led to increase in the WUE for potato under all treatments of applying water levels (Table 6). Results indicated a significant increase in the WUE using PE-B followed by RS mulch and both of them were higher compared to the PE-T and control treatments. Soil mulching has reported to reduce irrigation water required and evapotranspiration (Wang et al., 2001; Kumari, 2012) particularly in the periods before vegetation has covered the ground fully (Kumari, 2012). PE-B mulch improved the WUE (4.5 times) by reducing the evapotranspiration as well as increasing the total tuber yield (Kumari, 2012). Furthermore, mulching with crop residues improved water use efficiency by 10– 20% through reducing soil evaporation and increasing plant transpiration (Deng et al., 2006). Table 6: Water use efficiency (Kg m-3) for potato plants under different irrigation levels and mulch treatments during 2010/2011 and 2011/ 2012 seasons. Seasons 1st season 2nd season Treat. PE-T PE-B RS Control Mean PE-T PE-B RS Control Mean Water use efficiency (Kg m-3) 50% 1.06 e 1.29 b 1.10 de 0.81 g 1.07 B 1.01 c 1.23 a 1.05 c 0.77 e 1.01 A 75% 1.13 d 1.34 a 1.25 c 1.05 e 1.19 A 1.09 c 1.26 a 1.18 b 0.99 c 1.13 A 100% 1.06 e 1.22 c 1.13 d 0.99 f 1.10 B 1.03 c 1.18 b 1.09 c 0.96 d 1.07 A Mean 1.08 B 1.28 A 1.16 B 0.95 C 1.04 B 1.23 A 1.11 B 0.91 C PE-T: Polyethylene transparent; PE-B: Polyethylene black; RS: Rice straw; Small letters compare between Interactions: Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05. Capital letters compare between main factors: Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P< 0.05.

The interaction effects of mulch and irrigation treatments on WUE were statistically significant (Table 6). WUE was observed to be significantly higher under PE-B with 75% IR than other treatments due to more tuber yield and lesser irrigation water application. However, the maximum WUE (Kg m-3) was observed to be 1.34 in PE-B followed by 1.25 in RS and 1.13 in PE-T with 75% IR treatments, respectively. Similarly, significant effects of soil mulching and irrigation regimes on WUE have been reported (Deng et al., 2006; Kar and Kumar, 2007; Wang et al., 2009; Hou et al., 2010). Generally, decreasing water regimes with mulch increased water economy and WUE (Kar and Kumar, 2007; Hou et al., 2010).

Conclusion The present study assessed the use of different type of mulches with different level of irrigation for providing adequate amount of moisture and temperature to increase production of potato under North West of the Nile Delta conditions. In complete agreement with international literatures, mulching soil with black polyethylene or with rice straw increased the potato tuber yield and the total content of NPK of plants. Furthermore, using black polyethylene mulch is encouraging for vegetative growth and high potato yield. The use of 75% from irrigation requirements with black mulch increased the water use efficiency and potato yield. Such modification may result in moderation of the temperature amplitude, especially at the surface soil layer which may positively affect germination, root growth, microbial activity and


Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 6(4): 774-786, 2016 ISSN 2077-4613 consequently crop yield. Therefore, application of black polyethylene or rice straw as mulching materials for plants growing during the winter season is recommended. Further researches are needed on the effect of different mulch types on the long scale for investigating weeds, changes in soil structure and fertility. Whereas improper mulching severely damage and expose crops to rotted roots, stress stems tissues, insect problems and imbalances in the soil properties such as pH and limit the diffusion of oxygen in the soil.

Acknowledgements This research has been supported by the Central Laboratory for Environmental Quality Monitoring (CLEQM), National Water Research Center (NWRC), Cairo, Egypt.

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