for a while under ice (Cook and Urmi-König ... Urmi-König, 1984). ..... Bradley N.L., Leopold A.C., Ross J., & Huffaker W. (1999) Phenological changes reflect ...
Partie 2 | Chapitre 3
Impact de l’augmentation de températures automnales sur Egeria densa
Growth, regeneration and colonisation of Egeria densa fragments: the effect of autumn temperature increases G. Thiébauta, M. Gillarda, C. Deleub a UMR CNRS ECOBIO 6553, University of Rennes 1, 263 avenue Général Leclerc, 35042 Rennes, France b UMR 1349 INRA-Agrocampus Ouest-Université Rennes 1 IGEPP, University of Rennes 1, 263 avenue du Général Leclerc, 35042 Rennes, France
Aquatic Ecology (2016) 50(2), 175-185 DOI 10.1007/s10452-016-9566-3 Abstract The present study analysed the influence of higher temperatures on the growth, regeneration and colonisation abilities of apical shoot fragments from three naturalised and one cultivated population of Egeria densa. Our hypotheses were that (1) increased temperatures would favour the growth, regeneration and colonisation of E. densa shoots and (2) fragments from naturalised populations would have higher establishment success than fragments from cultivated plants. We tested the effect of average minimal autumn temperature (9°C), average maximal autumn temperature (16°C) and an increase of 3°C above these values, on apical shoots of these four populations of E. densa under controlled conditions in two growth chambers. Our results showed that temperature and the origin of the population had an effect on the growth rate of E. densa fragments, on their regeneration and colonisation abilities at the maximal autumn temperature. An increase of 3°C stimulated the growth rate of E. densa at low temperatures but had no effect on the plant colonisation and regeneration abilities. The responses of populations to low temperatures (9-12°C) were more similar than expected. In contrast, at higher temperatures (1619°C) the cultivated population showed lower apical growth, higher regeneration and similar colonisation abilities to the naturalised populations. At these higher temperatures, the responses also differed among the naturalised populations. These results suggest that global warming has implications for the invasiveness of E. densa. Keywords: Invasive macrophytes · Global warming · Establishment success · Functional traits 1. Chapitre 3 2. Chapitre 3 3. Chapitre 3
Partie 2 | Chapitre 3
Impact de l’augmentation de températures automnales sur Egeria densa
3.1. Introduction
other factors, on their thermal acclimation.
Climate change, variability and changes in
Phenotypic plasticity and rapid evolution
land use are major drivers of ecosystem
allow some invasive species to be more
alterations. Non Indigenous Species (NIS)
responsive to warmer autumn temperatures
also contribute to ecosystem changes. They
and to later freezing events than many native
damage, and have
species (Richards et al. 2006), but there is a gap
economic consequences and impacts on
in our knowledge regarding invasive aquatic
human-health. Interactions exist between
plant establishment and its responses to
these threats and they could exacerbate the
predicted climate change.
Among the invasive macrophyte species,
impacts of climate change on ecosystems by and
Egeria densa Planch (Hydrocharitaceae), has
climate change may also enable further
been introduced worldwide by aquarium trade.
invasions (Hellmann et al. 2008; Mainka and
Hence, E. densa has been included in the
Howard 2010). Climate change could also
database of global invasive species (GISD
affect the dynamics of plant invasions by
2015), by the Invasive Species Specialist
favouring individual traits of invasive species
Group (ISSG) of the Species Survival
Commission of the International Union for
indigenous plants could benefit from the
increasing seasonality and more marked wet
Conservation Union, although it is not in their
and dry cycles.
top 100 list (Curt et al., 2010). E. densa is a
In addition to physical changes, climate
perennial dioecious aquatic plant native from
change can alter ecosystems and species’ life
South America, in the neotropical range
cycles (Fitter et al. 1995; Bradley et al. 1999).
(Yarrow et al. 2009). In its introduced range, in
Scientists have traditionally focused their
Europe and in the United States, only male
attention on the seasonal changes in spring
flowers have been observed, thus plants
rather than those later in the year. Many
reproduce asexually by fragmentation (Cook
studies have focused on spring events in
and Urmi-König 1984). The large stands often
temperate regions, while studies on the basic
seen in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Japan
triggers of autumnal plant changes are, by
and Europe are considered to be genetic
comparison, in their infancy. Gallinat et al.
monocultures in each of these countries
(2015) consider that it is important to
because of this sole reproduction strategy
investigate the role of autumn climate change
(Kadono et al. 1997; Darrin 2009). E. densa
on NIS. The survival of invasive aquatic
was introduced to France in the 1920s as
macrophytes in ecosystems depends, amongst
experimental botanical material (St John
Partie 2 | Chapitre 3
Impact de l’augmentation de températures automnales sur Egeria densa
1961). These plants were released into the
wild and have become naturalised in France,
regeneration (the ability of fragments to grow
where their distribution has spread (Feuillade
new shoots and rhizomes), and establishment
1961a; 1961b). E. densa is found in both lentic
(the ability of fragments to develop roots and
and lotic environments (Yarrow et al. 2009)
become attached to the sediment) (Barrat-
and it appears to be confined to warm-
Segretain et al., 1998; Riis et al., 2009).
temperate and cool subtropical conditions.
Although abiotic variables may also influence
Within subtropical and tropical areas, E. densa
the survival and colonisation success of plant
is limited to high altitudes or cold-water
springs (Cook and Urmi-König 1984). It is
propagules are little known. In the Upper
well adapted to cold climates and can survive
Parana River basin, physical and chemical
freezing conditions during the winter by
properties of the water seem to be related to
storing starch in its leaves and stems. It then
sediment characteristics, and plant fragments
reaching habitats with different physical and
temperatures rise above 10°C. It can even live
chemical properties may differ in their
for a while under ice (Cook and Urmi-König
colonisation and growth success (Silveira et al.,
1984). The optimum growth temperature
2009). The spread of E. densa is a range
expansion from established populations via
temperature for growth is 25°C (Cook &
dispersal by water or via unintentional
Urmi-König, 1984). Its growth is affected by
introduction by humans (emptying aquariums,
temperature (Barko and Smart 1981; Riis et al.
propagation of fragments attached to boats,
2012; Hussner et al. 2014) but not by CO2
etc.). The present study analysed the influence
availability under experimental conditions
of increasing autumn temperatures on the
(Hussner et al. 2014). E. densa biomass has two
growth, regeneration and colonisation abilities
growth maxima in August and December-
of E. densa shoots from different populations
January in Japan (Haramoto and Ikusima
during the first stage of the introduction
1988) and in late summer and late autumn in
process. We tested four populations: three
South Carolina (Getsinger and Dillon 1984).
During the introduction phase, non-native
“cultivated” population (from an aquarium
aquatic species are usually introduced as stem
supply store). Our hypotheses were that (1) an
fragments. Vegetative propagules such as stem
increase of three degrees would favour
fragments, are essential for the dispersal and
growth, regeneration and colonisation of E.
colonisation of Hydrocharitaceae species
(Silveira et al., 2009). The colonisation of a
Partie 2 | Chapitre 3
Impact de l’augmentation de températures automnales sur Egeria densa
populations would have higher establishment
Two experiments were carried out in
success than a cultivated population.
autumn 2013. Climate change predictions for northern
3.2. Methods
temperature increase of around 3°C over the
3.2.1. Experimental design
course of this century (McKee et al. 2003). To
Three sites A (N47°44'44''; W02°15'05''), B
keep our experiment in line with these
(N47°41'20''; W01°55'37'') and C (N47°37'39'';
predictions, we subjected the plants from the
W01°51'35'') characterised by the presence of
four populations to two experiments with a
dense monospecific beds of E. densa were
temperature increase of 3°C. Experiment 1
selected in Brittany, France. To characterise
consisted of testing the average minimal
the environmental conditions in which E.
autumn temperature (9°C) and a temperature
densa was growing, we assessed the water
3°C above this value, i.e. 12°C. In experiment
quality of each site over the course of one
2, we tested the average maximal autumn
year. At each sampling site, a water sample
temperature (16°C), and warmer conditions of
was collected in May, June, July, October and
November 2013. Water temperature and the percentage
controlled conditions in two growth chambers
(Percival AR-41L3X and Percival AR-41L3X
parameters such as pH, conductivity and
LT). Water temperatures were maintained at
of in
Each experiment was set up under
field, + 4
nutrients (PO , NH , NO ) were analysed in
specified levels (±1°C) using a temperature
the laboratory. Conductivity and pH were
regulated chamber possessing both heating
measured using a combined glass electrode
and cooling capacities. At the beginning of the
experiment, the shoots from each population
Reactive soluble phosphorus, nitrates and
of E. densa were cleaned gently by hand to
remove invertebrates, algae and debris. To
each transparent plastic container (with
molybdenum blue analytical technique for
dimensions L x W x H: 8 cm x 8 cm x 20 cm),
phosphates and by the indophenol technique
we added sediment composed of 1 cm of
for ammonia, AFNOR, 1990).
substrate (potting soil) overlaid with 1cm of
temperature analysed (by
In autumn 2013, forty shoots of E. densa
sand. Containers were filled with 500ml of tap
were collected from each site (populations A,
water ([NH4+–N] = 0.030 mg/l; [NO3-–N] =
B and C) and forty shoots of E. densa were
5.77 mg/l; [PO43-–P] = 0.010 mg/l; pH =
collected from a grower in the aquarium trade
8.17; conductivity: 486 µS/cm). A 10 cm-long
(population D). Shoots of population D had
apical shoot (with green leaves and without
been grown at 26°C in the store. 71
Partie 2 | Chapitre 3
Impact de l’augmentation de températures automnales sur Egeria densa
roots, lateral shoots or flowers) was put into
developed from nodes of the original apical
each plastic container. There were 10
shoot and other lateral shoots that developed
either from the same nodes, or from nodes of
experimental temperature. The fragments
the lateral shoots (Di Nino et al., 2007). We
grew under 330 µmol photons m-² s-1 as E.
also measured the length of lateral shoots
densa is reported to have optimum growth
(mean value), the mean root length and the
under these light conditions (Riis et al. 2012) in
area of a leaf located below the three-cm long
a 12/12 h light/dark cycle. The containers had
apex. The difference between the stem length
randomly assigned positions in the growth
at the beginning and the end of the
experiment indicated the relative growth rate
The impact of increasing temperatures on
“RGR” (Silveira et al., 2009).
the growth of the fragments of E. densa was
examined at the four temperature levels (9°C
L1 and L2 refer to total length at times 1 and
and 12°C, 16°C and 19°C) after 10 days of exposure,
(ln L2 − ln L1) (t2 − t1)
3.2.2. Statistical analyses
concluded. Pistori et al. (2004) showed that the Relative Growth Rate of E. densa was the
The normal distribution of the values and
highest between 8 to 12 days after the
homogeneity of variance were checked, and a
beginning of an experiment.
two–way ANOVA was performed to test the
We measured 9 morphological traits at the
temperature and the population effects in
end of the experiment: stem length (distance
experiments 1 and 2. For each significant
from shoot base to the shoot apex), internode
difference (p