GTA-Guest Form Fillable .pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 2. Event. Date: ______ / ______ / ______ Number of Adults: ______ Children ______. dd mmm yy. Paid by cash: $
GTA Skinnydippers

Guest Registration Form Email: [email protected] Web Site:

Event 31 / _______ Jun / ________ 2016 Date: ______ dd mmm yy


Number of Adults: _______

0 Children _______

Paid by cash: $ _____ This is a fillable PDF form. Please complete the following information. Please print the form or do a “Save As” and send it back to me. [email protected] Alternatively, download and print a blank form and print clearly and bring this along to the event. Name: (First Last) _____________________________________________ Partner ______________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ Apt/Unit # ____________ City_______________________________________ Prov/State _________________ Postal/Zip ___________________ Telephone: ____________________________

Verification: Driver's License

Health Card

E-mail Address: ____________________________________________

Other ______________________________________________

I also acknowledge that I have been given a copy of the club’s “Code of Conduct” and will abide by it. (To be completed at an event) Print Name ____________________________________ Date: ______ / _______ / ________ dd mmm yy

Signature _________________________________

Leadership Team Signature __________________________________

Code of Conduct First and foremost, our purpose is to create a safe and comfortable environment where families can enjoy wholesome naturist activities in the nude. We are NOT oriented to providing activities primarily for adults. Nor are we in the matchmaking business. If you are here for either of these reasons, you may be a poor fit for our club. We are a nudist/naturist club, NOT a clothing optional club. We understand that 1st timers may be reluctant to be nude and we make occasional exceptions to this. The expectation is that you will try social nudism at some point of your visit. If your intention is to come and see what we are all about, there is a viewing area. Please ask or email a leadership team member if you have any concerns. [email protected] Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult or guardian. As a MEMBER, photo ID is verified and remains on file as long as you are a member. As a VISITOR, you must show photo ID and fill out the visitor form legibly for each visit. We do not keep visitor forms on file. Always bring a towel with you into the pool area. If you sit on a bench or chair please place the towel between you and any public surface. Children not potty trained must wear swim diapers. Respect the privacy of others. Gawking or staring is rude. Its okay to make friends but it’s rude to monopolize a person’s time. Be friendly and welcoming, especially to the newcomers, but don't chase them away by taking up all their time in conversation. Please be diligent when striking up conversation in the hot tub, especially men when talking to the woman. Respect the fact that folks may be there just to soak, not to be your best friend. And, you don't need to know everything about them and why they came to this event. We are aware that children can be fun and we all have a bit of childhood still in us. However, children in general wish to play with other children, not adults. Please conduct yourself accordingly. We will not tolerate any questionable actions with regard to children. If you do not come with children, it is generally acknowledged that you do not play with the children. It is not acceptable to chat up the lifeguards. They have a job to do. Talking to them is fine but intense conversations about why they are not nude or telling them all our philosophies is not why they are there. Please let them do their job. Respect the property and rights of others. Harassment or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated. If someone’s behaviour is making you uncomfortable, please see a leadership team member right away. Do not wait for after pool time or a convenient moment. No overt sexual activity. Nude is not lewd, but combined with public sexual displays, degrades our image and will offend guests. Photography: Photography of individuals is by permission only. If the individual is a minor, it is by permission of the child's parent or guardian. If you wish to have photos of your family or friends at an event, please ask a team leader before taking any for the protection of other’s at the event. If the club plans to take photos for promotional uses, an announcement will be made so that no one will be in the picture if they do not wish to be. Secretly taken photos will not be tolerated.