Hamiltonian averaging in soliton-bearing systems with a periodically

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By making self-similar transform in the Lagrangian and assuming in the leading order a bell-shaped .... We will carry out the averaging procedure while preserv-.



APRIL 1999

Hamiltonian averaging in soliton-bearing systems with a periodically varying dispersion Sergei K. Turitsyn Division of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, United Kingdom

Alejandro B. Aceves Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

Christopher K. R. T. Jones and Vadim Zharnitsky Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912

Vladimir K. Mezentsev Institute of Automation and Electrometry, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia ~Received 16 October 1998! Optical pulse dynamics in dispersion-managed fiber lines is studied using a combination of a Lagrangian approach and Hamiltonian averaging. By making self-similar transform in the Lagrangian and assuming in the leading order a bell-shaped pulse dynamics, we reduce the original system to a nonautonomous Hamiltonian system with two variables. Subsequent Hamiltonian averaging gives a function of two variables whose extrema correspond to periodic pulses. To describe a fine structure of the pulse tails, we further develop Hamiltonian averaging using the complete set of Gauss-Hermite functions and also applying averaging in the spectral domain. @S1063-651X~99!50504-7# PACS number~s!: 42.65.Tg, 42.81.Dp


Impressive progress in soliton-based optical data transmission has clearly shown how the fundamental soliton theory can be successfully exploited in important practical applications such as high-bit-rate optical communications. Practical achievements have stimulated further studies of soliton dynamics in media with varying coefficients. In this Rapid Communication, we present general Hamiltonian approaches to describe average envelope soliton propagation in a medium with large periodic variations of dispersion. As a specific practical application, we focus here on dispersionmanaged ~DM! soliton transmission. The traditional pathaveraged optical soliton preserves its shape during propagation by compensating the fiber dispersion through nonlinearity; only the pulse power oscillates due to periodic amplification of the pulse to compensate for the fiber loss. Rapid oscillations of the power can be averaged out and, as a result, the slow pulse dynamics in the traditional transmission lines with constant dispersion is governed by the nonlinear Schro¨dinger equation ~NLSE!. The DM soliton that occurs in the system with large variations of the dispersion differs substantially from the fundamental soliton @1–18#. There are two scales in the DM systems: the first ~fast dynamics! corresponds to rapid oscillations of the pulse width and power due to periodic variations in the dispersion and periodic amplification; the second ~slow dynamics! occurs due to the combined effects of nonlinearity, residual dispersion and pulse chirping. To describe slow dynamics of the DM soliton one should average the propagation equation over fast oscillations. The small parameter in the problem ~and throughout the paper! is e 5L/Z NL , with L as a compensation period and Z NL as a characteristic nonlinear scale. Overall, the pulse dynamics in these systems is rather com1063-651X/99/59~4!/3843~4!/$15.00

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plicated and typically depends on many system parameters. Different theoretical approaches have been developed to describe properties of DM soliton, which include interesting numerical methods @1–4#, a variational approach @5–11#, a root-mean-square momentum method @11,18#, multiscale analysis @12–14#, different averaging methods @15,16#, including averaging in the spectral domain @5,6#, and an expansion of the DM soliton on the basis of the chirped GaussHermite functions @16,17#. Because of the practical importance of the problem, it is of evident interest to develop different analytical methods to describe the properties of the DM soliton. A variety of complimentary mathematical methods can be advantageously used to find an optimal and economical description of any specific practical application. In this paper we present an averaging approach based on a combination of the Lagrangian approach and Hamiltonian averaging. II. BASIC EQUATIONS IN THE LAGRANGIAN FORM AND THE TWO-PDE APPROXIMATION

The optical pulse dynamics is governed by the following partial differential equation ~PDE! with the periodic coefficients d(z) and c(z) ~we assume here that both have the same period!. iA z 1d ~ z ! A tt 1 e c ~ z ! u A u 2 A50,


where we are using notations of @11#, but setting aside a small parameter e in c(z) with new c(z) to be of the order of ˜ 1 ^ d & ( ^˜d & 50). The distance is one, and arbitrary d(z)5d normalized by the compensation period L. The action integral of this equation is given by 3843

©1999 The American Physical Society






dt dz



i c~ z ! ¯ z 2A ¯ A z ! 1d ~ z ! u A t u 2 2 e uAu4 . ~ AA 2 2

in Eqs. ~3! gives the relation j 5 p/(2I A2I2p 2 ). Now, solving the equations for p and q, we obtain

By introducing the transformation from A to Q, A5


AT ~ z !


Q ~ j ,z ! exp i


M~z! 2 t , T~ z !


p 2 52I

t , T~ z !






H ~ I, j ,z ! 5d ~ z ! I2 e N 2 c ~ z !

N 2c~ z ! 4 2e 2 uQu 2T z


d~ z ! ~ u Q j u 2 14M 2 t 2 u Q u 2 1i2M t @ QQ j* 2Q * Q j # ! . T3

H ~ I, h ,z ! 5 ^ d & I2 e N 2 c ~ z !

Assuming that ] j Arg(Q)50 and introducing new integration variables, we obtain an averaged action ~here C 1 5 *u Q j u 2 d j / *u Q u 2 d j and C 2 5 *u Q u 4 d j / *u Q u 2 d j )




C1 N 2c~ z !C 2 22M T z . dz d ~ z ! 2 14M 2 2 e T 2T

Now, observing that the Lagrangian has the form L(M ,T) 5H(M ,T)22M T z which can be easily rescaled to L(p,q) 5H(p,q)2pq˙ we get for p and q the Hamiltonian system @7# with the Hamiltonian H5d ~ z !



1 p2 N 2c~ z ! 1 2 2e . 2 2q q


We will carry out the averaging procedure while preserving the Hamiltonian structure. The minima and maxima of the averaged Hamiltonian function will correspond to the fixed points. Consider the Hamiltonian H5d(z)H 0 (p,q) 1 e H 1 (p,q,z), which is integrable if e 50. Introducing new variables (I, j ), where I5H 0 (p,q) and j is chosen so as to keep the Hamiltonian structure, we obtain the new Hamil˜ 1 (I, j ,z), which takes the form H tonian H5d(z)I1 e H ˜ 5 e H 1 „I, h 1R 0 (z),z… after the transformation j 5R 0 (z) ˜ (z)…. The critical points of the averaged 1 h „dR 0 /dz5d ¯ Hamiltonian H (I, h ) give the first approximation to the fixed points. We now compute the above quantities for the considered problem. We look for the transformation given implicitly by q5 ] p S ~ I, p ! ,

11 ~ 2I j ! 2 . 2I


A2I A11 ~ 2I j ! 2


j 52 ] I S ~ I, p ! ,


where S(I,p) is a generating function, so that 2I5 p 2 1q 22 . Solving the above equality for q, q51/A2I2p 2 , and using the first equation in Eqs. ~3!, we obtain a generating function S(I,p)5arcsin@ p/A2I # . Then the second equation

A2I A11 @ 2I„h 1R 0 ~ z ! …# 2


The problem is now reduced to the search for minima and maxima of the averaged Hamiltonian function ¯ ~ I, h ! 5 ^ d & I2 e N 2 H


¯5 J

q 25

Carrying out the transform j 5 h 1R 0 (z) we finally get

i tT z dt dz 2 3 @ QQ * j 2Q * Q j # 2 T

M 1 t2 1 @ QQ z* 2Q * Q z # 1 u Q u 2 T T T

~ 2I j ! 2 , 11 ~ 2I j 2 !

The transformed Hamiltonian takes the form

which accounts for the fast ~dominant! self-similar dynamics, we obtain a new action integral: J5

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A2Ic ~ z ! dz



11 @ 2I„h 1R 0 ~ z ! …# 2



Note that the last integral in Eqs. ~4! can be evaluated explicitly @18# if c(z)5const and d is a piecewise constant. IV. HAMILTONIAN AVERAGING OF THE PDE

The previous analysis proves to be useful in determining the averaged quantities that relate to the width and pulse chirp, without determining the pulse profile. This must be assumed to compute the constants C 1 ,C 2 , which arise in the ¯ . In this section we take formula for the averaged action J the next step in our analysis by averaging the PDE in the general case, while keeping in the leading order the selfsimilar structure obtained in the preceding section. To do this, we expand ~see @16#! a function Q( j ,z) using a complete set of orthogonal chirped Gauss-Hermite functions Q( j ,z)5 ( n b n (z) f n ( j ) with ( f n ) jj 2 j 2 f n 5l n f n , l n 521 22n, where normalized f n (x)5exp(2x2/2)H n (x)/ n ( A2 n! Ap ). Here H n (x) is the nth-order Hermite polynomial and the coefficients b n (z) in the expansion can be found by scalar multiplication with f n . Because the dependence of Q( j ,z) on j is now determined by known functions f n ( j ), after integrating over j the Lagrangian L in J5 * L dz is `



db n* i db n d~ z ! 2b * bn 2 2 l nu b nu 2 2 dz dz T

( n50








d M d~ z ! * S n,m 14M 2 d ~ z ! 2 2 b n b m dz T T

N 2c~ z ! b b b *b *V 2T n,m,l,k n m l k n,m,l,k



i * 2b n12 b * 1 @ T z 24M d ~ z !# ~ b n b n12 n !~ n12 ! . 2 n50


~6! 1` 2 S n,m 5 * 1` 2` f n x f m dx, V m,l,k,m 5 * 2` f n f m f l f k dx. Any S n,m and V m,l,k,n can be found in explicit form @16#. Note that the


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derived exact expression is reduced to the Lagrangian from the previous section under the assumption b n (z)5const and * 2b n12 * b n ) (n12)50 @which corresponds to ( `n50 (b n b n12 the condition ] j Arg(Q)50#. Higher order non-self-similar corrections to the DM pulse dynamics are accounted through the functions b n . To preserve in the leading order the selfsimilar structure of the pulse core, we now choose the functions T(z) and M (z) to be periodic solutions of dT 54d ~ z ! M ; dz

c~ z !N2 dM d ~ z ! 5 3 2e . dz T T2


In this case, the Lagrangian L takes the form `


( n50



db * d~ z ! i db n n 2b * bn 2 2 l nu b nu 2 n 2 dz dz T `


e N 2c * S n,m 2 b nb m T ( n,m e N 2c 2 ( b n b m b *l b *k V n,m,l,k . 2T n,m,l,k This means that we have reduced the periodic problem for the original PDE ~1! to an infinite set of ordinary differential equations with periodic boundary conditions, determining the dynamics of b n . The fast decay of b n in n makes this basis very useful in practical applications. By introducing the notation b n 5F n exp@2iQn#5Ap n exp@2iqn#, the Lagrangian can be written in a usual form L(q 1 , p 1 ,q 2 , p 2 , . . . ,z) 5H(q 1 ,p 1 ,q 2 ,p 2 , . . . ,z)2 ( n q˙ n p n , where 2H5





d~ z ! eN c l p 1 T2 n n T n,m 2

e N 2c ( 2T n,m,l,k

( Ap n p m S n,m cos~ q m 2q n !

Ap n p m p l p k V n,m,l,k

only the few first terms in the above expansion of the DM pulse in the basis of the Gauss-Hermite functions. V. AVERAGING OF THE PDE IN THE FREQUENCY DOMAIN

In this section we present an alternative way to average Eq. ~1! by going into the frequency domain. The averaged equation in the frequency domain has been derived in @5,6#. This approach allows one to decompose DM pulse dynamics in the fast evolution of the phase and a slow evolution of the amplitude. The shape of the DM soliton is then given by a nonlocal integral equation. We present here a compact form of the averaged equation that we hope could be useful for practical numerical simulations. Following @5,6# we take the Fourier transform in Eq. ~1! and account for the fast oscillations of the phase as A ~ t,z ! 5

H ~ q 1 ,p 1 ,q 2 ,p 2 , . . . ,z ! d~ z ! 5H ~ q,p ! 5 2 H 0 ~ q, p ! 1 e H 1 ~ q, p,z ! T 52

d~ z ! l p 1 e H 1 ~ q, p,z ! , T 2 n50 n n


which is integrable if e 50. Namely, if e 50, p n 5const and q n 52l n * z d(s)ds/T 2 (s). After the transformation q n 52l n R(z)1 h n with R defined from dR/dz5d(z)/T 2 2 ^ d/T 2 & , the Hamiltonian takes the form H52

K L( d~ z ! T2


˜ 1 „p n , h n 2l n R ~ z ! ,z…. l n p n1 e H

Extrema of this function give a profile of the DM soliton. In many practical problems it is enough to take into account




d v q ~ v ,z ! exp@ 2i v t2i v 2 R 0 ~ z !# ;


˜ (z) and ^ R 0 & 50. The aim of this transhere dR 0 (z)/dz5d formation is to eliminate the large coefficient ˜d from Eq. ~1!. In the new variables the propagation equation takes the form iq z 5 d H/ d q * with the Hamiltonian H given by H5 ^ d &




v 2 u q ~ v ,z ! u 2 d v 2 e

c~ z ! 2




d v 1d v 2d v 3d v 4

3 d ~ v 1 1 v 2 2 v 3 2 v 4 ! e iR 0 DV q v 1 q v 2 q v* q v* ; 3


here DV5 v 21 1 v 22 2 v 23 2 v 24 . To get rid of the d function we introduce the linear change of variables 2l 1 5 v 2 1 v 1 , 2l 2 5 v 4 1 v 3 , 2m 1 5 v 2 2 v 1 , 2m 2 5 v 4 2 v 3 ; then the Hamiltonian takes the form

3cos~ q l 1q k 2q m 2q n ! . Applying the procedure developed in the previous section we present the Hamiltonian as


H5 ^ d &




m 2 u q ~ m,z ! u 2 dm2 e c ~ z ! 2




dl dm 1 dm 2


3e i2R 0 ~ m 1 2m 2 ! q ~ l2m 1 ! q ~ l1m 1 ! q * ~ l2m 2 ! q * 3 ~ l1m 2 ! . Though the main results here are formulated in a general form and can be used for arbitrary dispersion maps, we illustrate the procedure by considering a two-step lossless (c 51) map: d(z)5d 1 1 ^ d & if 0,z,L 1 , and d(z)5d 2 1 ^ d & for L 1 ,z,L. Here d 1 L 1 1d 2 (L2L 1 )50 and parameter m 5d 1 L 1 is a characteristic of the strength of the map. Since q( v ,z) varies slowly, in the first approximation we can integrate over the period the above equation placing q outside of the integrals in z @5,6#. This makes it possible @5,6# to explicitly express a field at the end of the section as a function of the input field ~i.e., to solve the mapping problem! and to describe an average dynamics. Carrying out this procedure we get a Hamiltonian integrodifferential equation in the spectral domain describing the slow evolution of q( v ,z) @5,6#,




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FIG. 1. Shape of the DM soliton is shown in the logarithmic scale: true periodic solution of Eq. ~1! ~solid line!, solution of the averaged Eq. ~9! ~dashed line!, and five-mode approximation based on the Gauss-Hermite expansion ~dotted line!. Here d(z)56510.15.


] q ~ z, v ! d H 5 5 v 2 ^ d & q ~ z, v ! ]z dq* 2e


d v 1d v 2

3q v 1 q v 2 1q v*

shape. The general DM soliton solution has the form q( v ,z)5exp(ikz)F(v) with the shape F( v ) given by the equation

sin@ m ~ v 2 v 1 !~ v 2 v 2 !# m ~ v 2 v 1 !~ v 2 v 2 !


~ k1 v 2 ^ d & ! F ~ v ! 5 e



sin@ m ~ v 2 v 1 !~ v 2 v 2 !# m ~ v 2 v 1 !~ v 2 v 2 !

d v 1d v 2

3F v 1 F v 2 F v*




In the limit m 50 we just get the Fourier transform of the NLSE. The soliton in this case has the well-known sech

A typical solution of this equation ~and comparisons with numerics and with the expansion using Gauss-Hermite functions! is presented in Fig. 1. Note that the solution to this equation does exist in the region of zero and normal ( ^ d & ,0), in agreement with the observations in @2#. In conclusion, we have developed Hamiltonian averaging to describe the slow ~average! dynamics of the dispersionmanaged optical pulse in fiber transmission lines. Derived equations described both the Gaussian core and the exponentially decaying oscillating tails of DM soliton.

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with the Hamiltonian H5 ^ d &



uqu2d v 2 e


dl dm 1 dm 2 q ~ l1m 1 !

3q ~ l2m 1 ! q * ~ l1m 2 ! q * ~ l2m 2 !

sin@ m ~ m 21 2m 22 !#

m ~ m 21 2m 22 !
