Handbook of Lipids in Human Function: Fatty Acids

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Ahmed A. Daak Lipidomics and Nutrition Research Centre, Faculty of Life ... Akhlaq A. Farooqui Department of Molecular Cellular Biochemistry, The Ohio State ...
Handbook of Lipids in Human Function: Fatty Acids

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Handbook of Lipids in Human Function: Fatty Acids Editors Ronald Ross Watson Health Promotion Sciences Department, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, and School of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

Fabien De Meester DMF Ltd Co, Marche, Belgium TsimTsoum Institute, Krakow, Poland


Academic Press and AOCS Press Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 125, London Wall, EC2Y 5AS. 525 B Street, Suite 1800, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK Copyright r 2016 AOCS Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Published in cooperation with The American Oil Chemists’ Society www.aocs.org No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. ISBN: 978-1-63067-036-8 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

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Contents List of Contributors.......................................................................................... xxi Preface ...........................................................................................................xxv Acknowledgments ...........................................................................................xxxi

Chapter 1: Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Lipids and Lipoproteins ........................................................................ 1 Yan Zheng and Lu Qi Introduction.................................................................................................................... 1 Diet Habits, Lifestyles, and Circulating Lipids and Lipoproteins ............................... 2 Genetic Determinants of Circulating Lipids and Lipoproteins .................................... 3 GeneDiet/Lifestyle Interactions and Circulating Lipids and Lipoproteins ............... 6 Lipidomics ................................................................................................................... 12 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 15 References.................................................................................................................... 16

Chapter 2: Trans Fats and Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases: Facts or Artifacts? ............................................................................. 21 Farid Menaa, Bouzid Menaa, Barkat Ali Kahn and Abder Menaa Introduction.................................................................................................................. 21 From Cis to TFAs: Natural Perfection to Industrial Imperfection............................. 21 Physicochemical Characteristics of TFAs: Valuable Reasons for Industrial Production .................................................................................................................... 23 Analytical TFA Characterization: Not Always Easy, But Often Present .................. 24 TFAs on Health and Cardiovascular Diseases: Are They Really Hurting the Heart? ....................................................................................................... 25 TFA-Mediated Molecular Mechanisms Leading to Higher CVD Risks.................... 26 v

vi Contents

Contrasting Panorama of Worldwide TFA Consumption Is Relying on Technological Alternatives and Preventive Policies .................................................. 27 Key Points.................................................................................................................... 29 References.................................................................................................................... 30

Chapter 3: Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury ........................... 39 Sri Nagarjun Batchu, Ketul Chaudhary, Igor Zlobine, Jasmine Pawa and John M. Seubert Introduction.................................................................................................................. 39 Membrane Organization .............................................................................................. 41 Ischemia Reperfusion Injury ....................................................................................... 42 Cardioprotection .......................................................................................................... 45 Myocardial Energetics................................................................................................. 47 The n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.......................................................................... 49 The n-3 PUFAs in Cardiovascular Disease ................................................................ 50 The n-3 PUFA Antiarrythmetic Effects ...................................................................... 51 The n-3 PUFA Alterations to Membrane Microdomain ............................................ 52 The n-3 PUFA Effects on Cardiac Function .............................................................. 53 The n-3 PUFA Index ................................................................................................... 54 The n-3 PUFA Effects on Mitochondrial Function .................................................... 55 The n-3 PUFA Metabolites ......................................................................................... 56 The n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.......................................................................... 57 n-6 PUFAs in Cardiovascular Disease........................................................................ 59 n-6 PUFAs: CYP-Derived Metabolites of AA ........................................................... 59 n-6 PUFAs: CYP-Derived Metabolites of LA............................................................ 61 n-6 PUFAs: Cyclooxygenase-Derived Metabolites .................................................... 62 n-6 PUFAs: Lipooxygenase-Derived Metabolites ...................................................... 63 The n-6/n-3 FA Ratio in Cardiovascular Disease....................................................... 63 Trans Fatty Acids ........................................................................................................ 64 Saturated Fatty Acids .................................................................................................. 66 References.................................................................................................................... 68

Chapter 4: Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities .......................................................... 85 Giovanni Tarantino and Carmine Finelli List Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 85

Contents vii

Introduction.................................................................................................................. 86 Obesity and Epigenetic................................................................................................ 87 Atherosclerosis and Epigenetic ................................................................................... 89 NAFLD and Epigenetic............................................................................................... 92 Cancer and Epigenetics ............................................................................................... 95 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Epigenetic .............................................................. 97 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 99 References.................................................................................................................. 103

Chapter 5: Dairy Products: Their Role in the Diet and Effects on Cardiovascular Disease .....................................................................111 Ditte A. Hobbs, Julie A. Lovegrove and Ian D. Givens Introduction................................................................................................................ 111 Trends in the Consumption of Milk and Dairy Foods ............................................. 112 Nutrients Provided by Dairy Foods .......................................................................... 114 Contribution of Dairy Foods to Fat and Fatty Acid Intake...................................... 116 Epidemiological Evidence of the Association Between Dairy Consumption and Cardiovascular Disease................................................................ 117 Saturated and Monounsaturated Fatty Acids from Milk and Cardiovascular Disease: Evidence from Intervention Studies ........................................................... 118 Dairy and Blood Lipid Profile ............................................................................. 119 Dairy and Insulin Action ...................................................................................... 120 Dairy, Blood Pressure, and Arterial Stiffness........................................................... 120 Trans Fatty Acids from Milk and Cardiovascular Disease ...................................... 123 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 125 Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................... 125 References.................................................................................................................. 125

Chapter 6: Fatty Acids in Corn Oil: Role in Heart Disease Prevention .................131 Marie-Pierre St-Onge and Alexane Travers Introduction................................................................................................................ 131 Effects of Corn Oil/Linoleic Acid on Plasma Lipid Profile..................................... 134 Effects of Corn Oil on Inflammation........................................................................ 135 Effects of Linoleic Acid on Inflammation................................................................ 136 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 137 References.................................................................................................................. 138



Chapter 7: Dietary Approaches to Reduce Aortic Stiffness...................................141 Matthew P. Pase Background on Aortic Stiffness ................................................................................ 141 Measurement of Aortic Stiffness .............................................................................. 142 Consequences of High Aortic Stiffness and Aortic BP............................................ 143 The Importance of Keeping Aortic Stiffness Low ................................................... 145 Dietary Factors Associated with Arterial Stiffness: A Review of the Epidemiological Evidence............................................................. 146 Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Lipids ......................................................................... 146 Fiber ...................................................................................................................... 147 Dairy Products ...................................................................................................... 147 Mediterranean Diet ............................................................................................... 147 Foods and Beverages Containing Flavonoids...................................................... 147 Dietary Factors Associated with Arterial Stiffness: A Review of Randomized Controlled Trials ............................................................ 148 Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet .................................................. 148 Omega-3 Fatty Acids............................................................................................ 149 Foods Containing Flavonoids............................................................................... 151 Fermented Milk Products ..................................................................................... 151 Coffee, Tea, Caffeine, Alcohol, and Juice........................................................... 151 Salt Restriction ..................................................................................................... 154 Vitamins................................................................................................................ 154 Lifestyle Factors ........................................................................................................ 155 Future Directions ....................................................................................................... 155 Summary .................................................................................................................... 156 References.................................................................................................................. 156

Chapter 8: Inflammation and Atherogenic Effects Due to Saturated Fatty Acids ......................................................................................163 Rudolf Poledne Introduction................................................................................................................ 163 Epidemiology of Saturated Fatty Acid Intake and CHD Risk ................................. 163 Reasons Epidemiology Data Are So Inconsistent .................................................... 165 Analysis of Nutrient Consumption....................................................................... 165 Different Changes of Risk Factors over Time.......................................................... 166 Genetic Influence of Pro-Inflammation Status ......................................................... 168 Inflammation and Pathophysiology of Atherosclerosis............................................ 169 Molecular Mechanism of SFA Influence.................................................................. 173

Contents ix

Clinical Controlled Study of SFA Intake.................................................................. 175 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 176 Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................... 177 References.................................................................................................................. 177 Further Reading ......................................................................................................... 179

Chapter 9: The Use of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (n-3 PUFAs) in Atrial Fibrillation .....................................................181 Victoria M. Robinson and Peter R. Kowey Introduction................................................................................................................ 181 Overview of the Classification and Pathophysiology of AF.................................... 182 Potential Antifibrillatory Mechanisms of n-3 PUFA................................................ 182 Reduced Atrial Stretch ......................................................................................... 182 Modulation of Cardiac Connexins ....................................................................... 182 Increased Membrane Fluidity............................................................................... 184 Prolongation of the Effective Refractory Period ................................................. 184 Direct Effect on Ion Channels.............................................................................. 184 Modification of Autonomic Tone ........................................................................ 185 Decreased Responsiveness to Angiotensin II ...................................................... 185 Anti-Inflammatory ................................................................................................ 185 Human Studies........................................................................................................... 186 Paroxysmal AF ..................................................................................................... 186 Postoperative AF .................................................................................................. 186 Reasons for Inconsistent Results in Human Studies ................................................ 186 Heterogeneity in Study Design ............................................................................ 186 Population Size ..................................................................................................... 192 AF Underreporting................................................................................................ 192 Placebo Issues....................................................................................................... 192 Publication Bias .................................................................................................... 193 Population Heterogeneity .......................................................................................... 193 Age........................................................................................................................ 193 Comorbidities and the Degree of Atrial Remodeling.......................................... 194 Concomitant Drug Use ......................................................................................... 195 AF Subtype and Duration.......................................................................................... 196 Differences in Fish Oil Supplementation and Duration ........................................... 197 Duration of n-3 PUFA Supplementation ............................................................. 197 Differences in n-3 PUFA Supplements and Their Delivery to Patients .............................................................................................. 198 Are n-3 PUFAs Harmful? ......................................................................................... 199



Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 201 References.................................................................................................................. 201

Chapter 10: Individual Fatty Acids in Cardiometabolic Disease ............................207 Rajiv Chowdhury, Marinka Steur, Pinal S. Patel and Oscar H. Franco Introduction................................................................................................................ 207 Overview of Metabolic Pathways Through Which Fatty Acids May Affect Cardiometabolic Risk ....................................................................... 207 Current Guidelines for Adults .............................................................................. 209 Dietary Determinants of Fatty Acids ................................................................... 210 Nondietary Determinants of Fatty Acids ............................................................. 212 Fatty Acids and Risk of CHD ................................................................................... 213 Composite Fatty Acids and CHD Risk Based on Dietary Prospective Cohorts .............................................................................................. 214 Individual Blood Fatty Acids and Coronary Risk in Prospective Biomarker Studies ................................................................................................ 216 Fatty Acids in Adipose Tissue ............................................................................. 248 Evidence from the Randomized Trials of Fatty Acid Supplementation and Substitution .................................................................................................... 250 Substitution Analyses of SFA for Other Macronutrients in Prospective Cohort Studies .................................................................................. 254 Summary and Conclusion: Fatty Acids and CHD Risk ...................................... 256 Fatty Acids and Risk of T2D .................................................................................... 257 Composite Fatty Acids and T2D Risk Based on Dietary Prospective Cohorts .............................................................................................. 258 Individual Blood Fatty Acids and Diabetes Risk in Prospective Biomarker Studies ............................................................................ 273 Evidence from the Randomized Trials ................................................................ 306 Summary and Conclusion: Fatty Acids and T2D Risk ....................................... 307 References.................................................................................................................. 309

Chapter 11: Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Patients with Coronary Disease Treated with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ................319 Grzegorz Gajos Why Patients with Coronary Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Are Subjects at High Risk .................................................................... 319 Why Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Might Offer Beneficial Effects in Patients Treated with PCI.......................................................................................... 320

Contents xi

OMEGA-PCI Study................................................................................................... 321 Omega-3 PUFA and Thrombosis ......................................................................... 321 Other Omega-3 PUFA Effects with Potential Benefit After PCI ............................ 326 Omega-3 PUFA and Restenosis ........................................................................... 326 Omega-3 PUFAs, Inflammation, and Stability of Atherosclerotic Plaques........ 326 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 327 Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................... 327 References.................................................................................................................. 328

Chapter 12: Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Cognition in Children .....................................................................................331 Jeannine Baumgartner Introduction................................................................................................................ 331 Cognitive Functions.............................................................................................. 333 Brain Development............................................................................................... 335 The Role of n-3 Fatty Acids in the Brain................................................................. 336 Membrane and Cellular Functions ....................................................................... 336 Precursors for Eicosanoids and Docosanoids ...................................................... 338 Gene Regulation ................................................................................................... 339 Consequences of n-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency ............................................................ 340 n-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency and Neurotransmission ............................................. 340 n-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency and Myelination ........................................................ 343 Relationship Between n-3 Fatty Acid Status and Cognition.................................... 345 Evidence from Animal Studies ............................................................................ 345 Evidence from Observational Studies in Children (2 Years of Age and Older).................................................................................. 348 Randomized Controlled Trials of n-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation in Children (2 Years and Older) ................................................................................................... 354 Summary and Future Directions ............................................................................... 364 References.................................................................................................................. 366

Chapter 13: The Effects of Glycerophospholipids and Fatty Acids on APP Processing: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease...............................377 Janine Mett, Tobias Hartmann and Marcus O.W. Grimm Alzheimer’s Disease .................................................................................................. 377 Proteolytic Processing of APP .................................................................................. 379 Link Between Lipids and AD ................................................................................... 381

xii Contents

Link Between Lipids, Membrane Properties, and AD Relevant Enzymes......... 382 The ApoE ε4 Allele as the Strongest Genetic Risk Factor for LOAD ............... 383 Bidirectional Link Between Lipids and APP Processing .................................... 383 Glycerophospholipids and AD .................................................................................. 386 Glycerophospholipids and Their Metabolism in AD........................................... 386 Effects of Glycerophospholipids on APP Processing and Aβ Generation.......... 391 Explanations for the Effects of Glycerophospholipid Characteristics on APP Processing ............................................................................................... 393 Polyunsaturated FAs and AD .................................................................................... 394 Association Between PUFAs and AD ................................................................. 395 The Effects of PUFAs on APP Processing and Aβ Generation .......................... 395 Trans Fatty Acids and AD ........................................................................................ 396 Association Between TFAs and AD .................................................................... 397 The Effects of TFAs on APP Processing and Aβ Generation............................. 397 Nutritional FAs and AD ............................................................................................ 398 The Role of Dietary FAs in AD........................................................................... 398 Dietary FAs and AD: Epidemiological Studies................................................... 399 Dietary Recommendations ................................................................................... 403 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 404 References.................................................................................................................. 405

Chapter 14: Role of Dietary Fatty Acids in Mood Disorders ................................423 Robert K. McNamara Introduction................................................................................................................ 423 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids ................................................................................... 426 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids...................................................................................... 429 LCn-3 Fatty Acids ..................................................................................................... 430 Neurodevelopment..................................................................................................... 434 LCn-6 Fatty Acids ..................................................................................................... 438 Summary and Conclusions ........................................................................................ 439 Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................... 442 References.................................................................................................................. 442 Chapter 15: Biochemical Aspects of n-6 and n-3 Fatty Acid-Derived Lipid Mediators in the Brain ....................................................................457 Akhlaq A. Farooqui and Tahira Farooqui Introduction................................................................................................................ 457 n-6 Fatty Acid-Derived Lipid Mediators and Their Receptors in the Brain ........... 461

Contents xiii

n-3 Fatty Acid-Derived Lipid Mediators and Their Receptors in the Brain ........... 463 Interplay Between n-6 Fatty Acid and n-3 Fatty Acid Metabolism ........................ 466 Levels of n-6 and n-3 Fatty Acid-derived Lipid Mediators in Neurological Disorders .................................................................................................................... 469 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 470 References.................................................................................................................. 471

Chapter 16: Neurocognitive Functions and Lipids ................................................475 Hossein Sharafkhaneh Introduction................................................................................................................ 475 Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease ................................... 476 Neurocognitive Impairment and Lifestyle ........................................................... 476 Neurocognitive Impairment and Different Diets ................................................. 477 Neurocognitive Impairment and Biomarkers....................................................... 480 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 481 References.................................................................................................................. 481 Chapter 17: What Are the Physiological Roles of Mead Acid (5,8,11-Eicosatrienoic Acid)? ..........................................................483 Tomohito Hamazaki and Kei Hamazaki Part 1: Effects of Mead Acid on Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts ................................. 483 Methods ................................................................................................................ 485 Results................................................................................................................... 486 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 487 Part 2: The Effects of MA on Angiogenesis ............................................................ 490 Methods ................................................................................................................ 490 Results................................................................................................................... 491 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 491 Appendix (Application) ........................................................................................ 494 General Conclusion ................................................................................................... 495 References.................................................................................................................. 495

Chapter 18: Fat Metabolism During Exercise and Dietary Interventions for Enhancing Fat Metabolism and Athletic Performance ........................499 Stephen M. Cornish, Laura McBreairty, Philip D. Chilibeck and Gordon A. Zello Introduction................................................................................................................ 499 Fatty Acid Metabolism During Exercise .................................................................. 499



Effect of Training Status on Fatty Acid Oxidation and Endocrine Function of Adipose Tissue.................................................................................. 503 Fatty Acid Versus Carbohydrate Metabolism...................................................... 503 Effect of Intensity and Duration of Exercise on Fat Metabolism ....................... 505 Effect of Sex on Fat Metabolism During Exercise ............................................. 506 The Effects of Dietary Fats on Exercise Performance ........................................ 507 Dietary Intervention Studies Investigating the Effects of Fatty Acids on Exercise Performance...................................................................................... 508 Conclusions and Implications ................................................................................... 514 References.................................................................................................................. 514

Chapter 19: Ruminal Metabolism of Fatty Acids: Modulation of Polyunsaturated, Conjugated, and Trans Fatty Acids in Meat and Milk ......................521 Michel Doreau, Annabelle Meynadier, Veerle Fievez and Anne Ferlay Introduction................................................................................................................ 521 Rumen, the Site of Fatty Acid Metabolism in Ruminants ....................................... 522 Postruminal Absorption of Fatty Acids .................................................................... 527 Fatty Acid Transfer to Mammary Gland and Muscle and FA Effect on Tissue Metabolism ............................................................................................... 528 How to Increase PUFA Flows................................................................................... 531 Modulation of Trans and Conjugated Fatty Acids ................................................... 535 Conclusion and Perspectives ..................................................................................... 537 References.................................................................................................................. 538

Chapter 20: Lipids and Metabolic Syndrome .......................................................543 Fernanda Michielin Busnello, Zilda Elisabeth de Albuquerque Santos and Bruna Pontin The Origin of Metabolic Syndrome .......................................................................... 543 Criteria for Clinical Diagnosis of MetS.................................................................... 545 Prevention and Treatment of MetS ........................................................................... 547 Lipids and MetS ........................................................................................................ 548 Summary .................................................................................................................... 552 References.................................................................................................................. 553

Contents xv

Chapter 21: Fatty Acids and Hypothalamic Dysfunction in Obesity ......................557 Gustavo D Pimentel, Cristina Contreras and Miguel Lo´pez Hypothalamic Networks Regulating Energy Balance .............................................. 557 Insulin and Leptin in Hypothalamic Control of Energy Metabolism ...................... 560 Gastrointestinal Hormones in Hypothalamic Control of Energy Balance ............... 563 Ghrelin .................................................................................................................. 563 Glucagon-Like Peptide 1...................................................................................... 563 Hypothalamic Lipid Metabolism Modulating Energy Balance................................ 564 Inflammation in Obesity and Molecular Mechanisms.............................................. 565 Fatty Acids and Hypothalamic Inflammation........................................................... 565 ER Stress and Lipotoxicity........................................................................................ 568 Summary and Conclusions ........................................................................................ 571 Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................... 572 References.................................................................................................................. 572

Chapter 22: Dietary Lipid Determines the Health of Airway Epithelia and the Lungs .............................................................................................583 Lipsa Panda and Ulaganathan Mabalirajan Introduction................................................................................................................ 583 Role of Balanced Diet in Maintenance of Lung Health........................................... 585 Effects of Dietary Antioxidants and Micronutrients on Lung Health................. 585 Effects of Dietary Proteins and Amino Acid Supplementation on Lung Health ..................................................................................................... 588 Effects of Dietary Fats on Lung Homeostasis ..................................................... 589 Dietary Lipids and Pulmonary Diseases ................................................................... 590 Proportion of ω-6 and ω-3 PUFAs in Diet Determines the Airway Inflammation......................................................................................................... 590 Biochemistry of Dietary Lipids and Airway Inflammation ................................ 591 Dietary Lipids and Airway Diseases.................................................................... 593 Obesity and Respiratory Diseases ........................................................................ 594 12/15-LOX Metabolism in Airway Injury ................................................................ 594 12/15-LOX: A Crucial Mediator of High-Fat Diet-Induced Harmful Effects.... 594 12/15-LOX and Airway Epithelial Injury............................................................ 595 Linoleic Acid Metabolite Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Airway Epithelial Injury.................................................................................................... 597 References.................................................................................................................. 598



Chapter 23: Oleic Acid and Lung Injury ..............................................................605 Cassiano F. Gonc¸alves-de-Albuquerque, Adriana R. Silva, Patrı´cia Burth, Mauro V. Castro-Faria and Hugo C. Castro-Faria-Neto Introduction................................................................................................................ 605 Fatty Acid Definition and Origin ......................................................................... 606 Biochemical and Physiological Relevance .......................................................... 606 Fatty Acids and Diseases...................................................................................... 607 Oleic Acid.................................................................................................................. 608 Synthesis ............................................................................................................... 608 Membrane Interactions and Metabolic Functions ............................................... 609 Targets Receptors, Binding Proteins.................................................................... 610 Diseases Relevance and/or Interplay ................................................................... 610 The Lungs .................................................................................................................. 611 Lung Structure ...................................................................................................... 611 Na, K-ATPase....................................................................................................... 612 Lung Injury ................................................................................................................ 613 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ................................................................. 613 Highlights of Lung Injury .................................................................................... 613 Etiology of Lung Injury ....................................................................................... 614 Inflammatory Cells and Soluble Mediators ......................................................... 614 Mechanisms Involved in Lung Injury.................................................................. 615 Edema Clearance .................................................................................................. 617 ARDS Resolution ................................................................................................. 620 Origin of Pulmonary Insult ....................................................................................... 621 Pulmonary Lung Injury ........................................................................................ 621 Extrapulmonary Lung Injury................................................................................ 622 Oleic Acid-Induced Lung Injury ............................................................................... 622 Oleic Acid Solubilization ..................................................................................... 623 Oleic Acid-Induced Injury Through Direct Lung Instillation ............................. 623 Oleic Acid-Induced Injury Through Intravenous Injection ................................. 624 Fluid and Edema Clearance in Oleic Acid Lung Injury Models ........................ 624 Pathogenesis and Intracellular Pathways of Oleic Acid-Induced Lung Injury ........................................................................................................... 625 Experimental Animal Models in the Induction of Acute Lung Injury .................... 627 Endotoxin-Induced Lung Injury Model ............................................................... 628 Acid Aspiration-Induced Lung Injury Model ...................................................... 628 Lung Injury Induced by Surfactant Depletion by Saline Lavage........................ 628

Contents xvii

BLM-Induced Lung Injury Model ....................................................................... 629 Model of Lung Injury Due to Sepsis ................................................................... 629 What Did We Learn from Experimental Models? .............................................. 629 Putative Targets to the Lung Injury Treatment ........................................................ 629 Is the Oleic Acid-Induced Lung Injury a Noteworthy Model to Study Lung Injury? ................................................................................................................... 630 References.................................................................................................................. 630

Chapter 24: Dietary Fats and Inflammation ........................................................635 Glen D. Lawrence Introduction................................................................................................................ 635 Metabolism of Essential Fatty Acids ........................................................................ 636 Lipid Mediators of Immunity and Inflammation...................................................... 640 Prostanoid Metabolism ......................................................................................... 640 LOX Activities ..................................................................................................... 642 Endocannabinoid Metabolism .............................................................................. 643 Obesity and Systemic Inflammation ......................................................................... 645 Intestinal Microbiota and Systemic Inflammation............................................... 646 Endocannabinoids and Systemic Inflammation ................................................... 648 Dietary Saturated Fats and Inflammation ................................................................. 649 Arthritis and Related Inflammatory Diseases ........................................................... 651 Asthma and Atopic Disease ...................................................................................... 653 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 657 References.................................................................................................................. 659

Chapter 25: Intensive Lipid-Lowering Treatment in Patients with Inflammatory Joint Diseases ............................................................667 S. Rollefstad and A.G. Semb Introduction................................................................................................................ 667 Underestimation of CV Risk in IJD.......................................................................... 667 Lipid-Lowering Treatment in IJD............................................................................. 668 Experiences from a “Preventive Cardio-Rheuma” Clinic ........................................ 670 Systemic Inflammation and Lipid-Lowering Therapy ............................................. 673 Effect on Atherosclerosis After Intensive Lipid-Lowering Therapy in IJD ............ 675 References.................................................................................................................. 676



Chapter 26: Arachidonic Acid and Cancer Risk ...................................................681 Mai Sakai and Satoshi Sasaki Nutritional Importance of Arachidonic Acid in Humans ......................................... 681 ARA-Enriched Oils: Manufacturing Processes and Industrial Applications ............................................................................................................... 681 Safety Assessment of ARA-Enriched Oils: Basic Toxicological Tests and Carcinogenic Potential............................................................................................... 682 ARA and Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies ................ 682 Methods ................................................................................................................ 682 Quality Assessment and Data Extraction............................................................. 683 Results................................................................................................................... 685 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 695 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 702 References.................................................................................................................. 703 Appendix 26.1: PubMed Search Terms and Strategies ............................................ 708 A. Search Terms for Exposure, Outcome, and Study Types .............................. 708 B. PubMed Search Strategy for Each Cancer Type ............................................ 709

Chapter 27: Blood Cell Membrane Omega-3 (n-3) Fatty Acid Abnormality and Supplementation in Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia ..................711 Ahmed A. Daak and Kebreab Ghebremeskel Sickle Cell Disease.................................................................................................... 711 The Scope of the Problem.................................................................................... 712 Clinical Manifestation of SCD............................................................................. 712 Pathophysiology of Vasoocclusion ...................................................................... 714 Management of SCD ............................................................................................ 715 Cell Membrane Defect in SCD ................................................................................. 716 Blood Cell Membrane Fatty Acid Composition.................................................. 716 HU Treatment and Red Cell Membrane Fatty Acids .......................................... 717 Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation of Sickle Cell Patients ................................ 719 Omega Fatty Acid Supplementation and Antioxidant Status in SCD .................................................................................................................. 721 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 723 References.................................................................................................................. 723 Further Reading ......................................................................................................... 730

Contents xix

Chapter 28: Lipids, Low-Grade Chronic Inflammation and NAFLD: ` Trois? .........................................................................731 A Me´nage A Giovanni Tarantino and Carmine Finelli Introduction................................................................................................................ 731 Effect of Individual Dietary and Lipids.................................................................... 733 Saturated Fat ......................................................................................................... 733 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids .............................................................................. 733 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids................................................................................. 734 n-3 Fatty Acids ..................................................................................................... 734 Trans Fatty acids .................................................................................................. 735 Hormonal and Nonhormonal Regulators of Lipid, Glucose and Energy Metabolism in NAFLD................................................................................. 736 Increased Hepatic Lipid Supply ........................................................................... 736 Hepatic Lipid Synthesis and Oxidation ............................................................... 737 Insulin Resistance ................................................................................................. 738 Leptin Resistance.................................................................................................. 738 AMP-Activated Protein Kinase............................................................................ 740 JNK Pathways............................................................................................................ 741 Low-Grade Chronic Inflammation: The Main Role of IL-6 .................................... 743 Future Directions and Conclusive Remarks ............................................................. 744 References.................................................................................................................. 746 Further Reading ......................................................................................................... 752

Chapter 29: Disturbances of Lipid Metabolism in a Cancer Cell and How This Knowledge Increases Its Role in Clinical Oncology ............................761 Gabriel Wcislo and Katarzyna Szarlej-Wcislo Cancer Development and Lipid Metabolism ............................................................ 761 Malignant Disease and Cancer Cell Development .............................................. 761 Cancer Cell Metabolism....................................................................................... 762 A Brief Introduction to Physiological and Pathophysiological Basics of Lipid Metabolism ................................................................................. 765 Biochemical Alterations in Lipid Metabolism in Cancer Cells Regulate their Malignant Behavior During Tumor Development and Progression ........... 771 Cancer Management and Lipid Metabolism............................................................. 777 Breast Cancer Endocrine Therapy with Tamoxifen and Lipid Metabolism ....... 777

xx Contents

Changes in Lipid Metabolism During Treatment of Renal-Cell Carcinoma Patients with mTOR Inhibitors ............................................................................ 780 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 783 References.................................................................................................................. 783

Index ............................................................................................................ 791

List of Contributors Sri Nagarjun Batchu Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Jeannine Baumgartner Centre of Excellence for Nutrition, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom, South Africa Patrı´cia Burth Departamento de Biologia Celular e Molecular, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Nitero´i, RJ, Brazil Fernanda Michielin Busnello Department of Nutrition, Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre  UFCSPA, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Mauro V. Castro-Faria Laborato´rio Integrado de Nefrologia, Departamento de Medicina Interna, Faculdade de Cieˆncias Me´dicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Hugo C. Castro-Faria-Neto Laborato´rio de Imunofarmacologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Ketul Chaudhary Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Philip D. Chilibeck College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada Rajiv Chowdhury University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Cristina Contreras Department of Physiology, Research Center of Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases (CIMUS), University of Santiago de Compostela-Instituto de Investigacio´n Sanitaria, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Fisiopatologı´a de la Obesidad y Nutricio´n (CIBERobn), Madrid, Spain Stephen M. Cornish Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada Ahmed A. Daak Lipidomics and Nutrition Research Centre, Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing, London Metropolitan University, London, UK; Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan Michel Doreau INRA, UMR Herbivores, Saint-Gene`s-Champanelle, France Akhlaq A. Farooqui Department of Molecular Cellular Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA Tahira Farooqui Department of Molecular Cellular Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA Anne Ferlay INRA, UMR Herbivores, Saint-Gene`s-Champanelle, France Veerle Fievez Gent University, LANUPRO, Melle, Belgium



List of Contributors

Carmine Finelli Center of Obesity and Eating Disorders, Stella Maris Mediterraneum Foundation, Chiaromonte, Italy Oscar H. Franco Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands Grzegorz Gajos Department of Coronary Disease and Heart Failure, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland Kebreab Ghebremeskel Lipidomics and Nutrition Research Centre, Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing, London Metropolitan University, London, UK Ian D. Givens Department of Food Production and Quality, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, University of Reading, Reading, UK Cassiano F. Gonc¸alves-de-Albuquerque Laborato´rio de Imunofarmacologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Marcus O.W. Grimm Experimental Neurology, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany; Neurodegeneration and Neurobiology, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany; Deutsches Institut fu¨r DemenzPra¨vention (DIDP), Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany Kei Hamazaki Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toyama, Toyama City, Toyama, Japan Tomohito Hamazaki Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Jonan Onsen Daini Hospital, Toyama City, Toyama, Japan Tobias Hartmann Experimental Neurology, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany; Neurodegeneration and Neurobiology, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany; Deutsches Institut fu¨r DemenzPra¨vention (DIDP), Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany Ditte A. Hobbs Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, University of Reading, Reading, UK Barkat Ali Kahn School of Pharmacy, Kampala International University-Western Campus, Kampala, Uganda; Faculty of Pharmacy, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan Peter R. Kowey The Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Philadelphia, PA, USA Glen D. Lawrence Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY, USA Miguel Lo´pez Department of Physiology, Research Center of Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases (CIMUS), University of Santiago de Compostela-Instituto de Investigacio´n Sanitaria, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Fisiopatologı´a de la Obesidad y Nutricio´n (CIBERobn), Madrid, Spain Julie A. Lovegrove Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, University of Reading, Reading, UK Ulaganathan Mabalirajan Molecular Pathobiology Laboratory, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi, India Laura McBreairty College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada Robert K. McNamara University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA Abder Menaa Department of Clinical Nutrition and Anti-Aging Medicine, Centre Me´dical des Guittie`res, Loire-Atlantique, France

List of Contributors


Bouzid Menaa Infection Unit Control, Hymetec, SA, Isnes, Belgium Farid Menaa Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanomedicine, Fluorotronics USA, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA Janine Mett Experimental Neurology, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany Annabelle Meynadier Universite´ de Toulouse, INPT-ENVT, INPT-ENSAT, INRA, UMR GenPhySE, Toulouse, France Lipsa Panda Molecular Pathobiology Laboratory, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi, India Matthew P. Pase Centre for Human Psychopharmacology, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia; Department of Neurology and Framingham Heart Study, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA Pinal S. Patel University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Jasmine Pawa Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Gustavo D Pimentel Department of Internal Medicine, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil Rudolf Poledne Laboratory for Atherosclerosis Research, Center for Experimental Medicine, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic Bruna Pontin Department of Nutrition, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos  UNISINOS, Sa˜o Leopoldo, RS, Brazil; Institute of Food, Innovation and Health  ITT NUTRIFOR, UNISINOS, Sa˜o Leopoldo, RS, Brazil Lu Qi Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA; Department of Epidemiology, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA Victoria M. Robinson The Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK; The Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Philadelphia, PA, USA S. Rollefstad Preventive Cardio-Rheuma Clinic, Department of Rheumatology, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway Mai Sakai Quality Assurance Department, Suntory Wellness Limited, Tokyo, Japan; Department of Social and Preventive Epidemiology, School of Public Health, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Zilda Elisabeth de Albuquerque Santos Department of Nutrition, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul  UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Satoshi Sasaki Department of Social and Preventive Epidemiology, School of Public Health, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan A.G. Semb Preventive Cardio-Rheuma Clinic, Department of Rheumatology, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway John M. Seubert Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Hossein Sharafkhaneh Kingwood Research Institute, Kingwood, TX, USA Adriana R. Silva Laborato´rio de Imunofarmacologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

xxiv List of Contributors Marinka Steur University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Marie-Pierre St-Onge Department of Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA Katarzyna Szarlej-Wcislo Department of Oncology, Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland Giovanni Tarantino Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University Medical School of Naples, Naples, Italy; National Cancer Institute “Foundation G. Pascale”, IRCS, Mercogliano, Italy Alexane Travers Institut AgroParisTech, Paris, France Gabriel Wcislo Department of Oncology, Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland Gordon A. Zello College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada Yan Zheng Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA Igor Zlobine Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Preface A Handbook of Lipids in Human Function. Why? The editors felt that the time had come to stop, think, and apply a fresh perspective to the historical concept that nonessential nutrients, such as cholesterol, saturated fats, glucose, and the like—which represent 90% of our daily energy intake—are primary risk factors of chronic degenerative diseases. This concept is outdated and has been proven wrong. The time has come to admit the obvious, to recognize this error as the first step towards progress. Today we know that caloric intake is the trigger for these diseases; obesity is a communicable disease of the mind, not a noncommunicable disease of the body. Changing this paradigm will go a long way toward addressing the obesity epidemic. In its current form, Handbook of Lipids in Human Function is a review of the approach that has prevailed over the past century, with medical practice lagging behind scientific understanding. This handbook will hopefully serve as a springboard to the next level, and help usher in a culture of individual care in prevention and therapy. Tackling obesity by treating the mind has resulted in medical practice heading ahead of scientific understanding; prevention and intervention with vibrational medicine is accumulating success. Although this strategy is in its infancy, its applications in clinical medicine are many and ever increasing (vibrational or sound wave therapy, http://www. energymedc.com/sound_wave_therapy.htm). It is still perceived as “alternative” because of—justifiably—a lack of understanding and knowledge of physical and biological interactions at all levels of human physiology. The editors attended the 2014 World Congress of Music Therapy in Austria, which was entirely devoted to Mozart music therapy (http://www.musictherapy2014.org/final-programme-and-more/); it would be unreasonable to ignore such innovative developments. An overview of public health aspects leads to a hypothesis of opposing effects of omega-3 and trans fatty acids at cell membrane (functional influence), cytoplasm (inflammatory processes), and nucleus (PPAR system) levels and suggests plausible explanations as to why the eradication of omega-3 fatty acids in the human diet—through substitution for omega-6 and hydrogenation—has had such a dramatic cumulative effect on human long-term health.


xxvi Preface It may also explain why current omega-3 interventions report lower than expected benefits in the absence of the confounding factor, that is, trans fatty acids. The Menaa group elaborates on industrial trans fats as secondary rather than primary risk factors of cardiovascular disease and emphasizes the potential benefits of naturally occurring trans fatty acids, and expresses a need for promotion of further research in the field. Zheng and Qi offer a diet and lifestyle/gene expression perspective—lipidomics. As historically coined “public health” research evolves into “personalized medicine” research, circulating lipids reveal more of their secrets, such as environmental and gene-related markers of cardiovascular disease. Batchu et al. review current knowledge of the roles of each subclass of fatty acids (saturated, including trans, omega-6, and omega-3) in triggering and controlling intra- and extracellular functions with an emphasis on cardiac ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury; they conclude it is important to maintain an omega-6 and omega-3 intake balance. Tarantino and Finelli initiate a debate on diet-, lifestyle-, and environment-induced epigenetic modifications and inheritance of proinflammatory gene expression. Understanding these contributors will obviously help address public health concerns if only in regard to how modern dietary fats depart from evolutionary standards. They review obesity, atherosclerosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and cancer from that perspective. Hobbs et al. confirm that dairy fats are beneficial to cardiovascular health in Caucasians and encourage further evaluation in suitably powered dietary intervention studies. Just as cholesterol in eggs was re-evaluated, saturated fats in dairies deserve another investigation of their respective risk-benefit attributes, especially because their carriers (i.e., eggs and milk) are unique sources of essential nutrients. St-Onge and Travers address the debate among those in favor of trans for linolenic acid substitution and those instead in support of a return of saturated fats in association with a more balanced omega-6/omega-3 ratio of polyunsaturates. (The first approach has economical, historical, and practical advantages to the latter.) Pase reports on the use of Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV), which is an ideal marker for assessing changes in aortic stiffness upon aging and thereby identifying the development of cardio- and cerebrovascular risks. In turn, he explains how omega-3 fatty acids (and other nutrients) can favorably influence PWV—and also pulse pressure as a direct consequence— through their contribution to aortic elasticity versus stiffness. Within the same framework of competition among schools of thoughts and interests, Poledne reminds us that saturated fats are proinflammatory in the current generalized omega-6 spectrum of dietary fatty acids and warns of the potential risk taken by generalizing conclusions of recent epidemiological data that show no evidence between saturates and CHD mortality. Robinson and Kowey remind us that the dose-risk/benefit response to omega-3 supplementation most probably is an individual U-curve; that is, the minimum risk/maximum benefit is expected to lie at a subject-specific level rather than at population level, and may even become



counterproductive at higher than optimal individual doses. They discuss the example of subjects suffering lone atrial fibrillation—where omega-3 was shown proarrhythmic—with wisdom within this context. Chowdhury et al. point out to the currently well-established fact that individual fatty acids—not only individual subjects—are specific in the way they influence fat/disease relationships; not all saturated and omega-6 fats are necessarily bad, not all monounsaturated and omega-3 fats are necessarily good, and perhaps classic markers such as serum glucose and lipid profiles also need requalification from metabolic ward controlled studies. Finally, Gajos reports on his OMEGA-PCI study. In this method, omega3 fatty acids were used as adjunct to classical pharmacotherapy and shown to potentiate antithrombotic, antiplatelet, antiinflammatory, and antioxidative therapies, thereby contributing a substantial decrease in risk of atherothrombotic events in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention. Connecting fats with brain health and neurological diseases, Baumgartner offers an extensive review of observational and random clinical trials aimed at confirming the benefits of omega-3 supplementation to cognition and behavior in children, although concludes there is need for more evidence, if only to circumvent the a posteriori identification of weaknesses in protocol designs, such as the absence of an omega-6/omega3 marker, or oversight of socioeconomic status, gender, age, which have proven be confounding factors. Mett et al. strengthen the message on the opposing effects of dietary omega-3 and trans fatty acids on the inception and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Cell membrane phospholipids and fatty acids do have an impact on the activity of the transmembrane amyloid precursor protein complex and on the accumulation of amyloidbeta peptides, thereby affecting the cascade of events leading to the onset and development of the disease; although omega-3 are able to significantly reduce the production of amyloidbeta peptides, trans fats stimulate the generation of these peptides. Efforts are invested at addressing the lipidomics of the disease as well as establishing prophylactic and interventional dosages of omega-3. McNamara takes us to mood disorders, including depressive and bipolar events, and pinpoints oleic acid—taken as olive oil within a Mediterranean-type diet and in partial substitution to omega-6—in addition to omega-3 as a potential remedy to the recurrent chronic inflammatory sets of brain diseases. Farooqui and Farooqui entertain us with a review of current knowledge of the biochemical aspects of omega-6/omega-3-derived lipid mediators in the brain, eicosanoids and docosanoids respectively, whose synergistic anti- and proinflammatory properties once again signal the importance of maintaining balanced dietary amounts of those preformed long chain or of their plant-derived precursors. Sharafkhaneh focuses on cognitive dysfunctions—from mild benign impairments to serious ill-health conditions—in an effort to identify lipid biomarkers that can reveal early stages of neurodegenerative decline. Not only do omega-3 fatty acids appear promising from a prophylactic perspective, but sphyngolipids and other cell membrane phospholipids metabolites as marker of cell apoptosis may reveal great



promise in terms of distinguishing—and perhaps supplementing and treating—subjects at risk of progressing from minor cognitive impairments to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In the chapter on metabolism and bioactivation, Hamazaki and Hamazaki study the physiological role of mead acid (C20:3w9), a monounsaturated fatty acid normally present only in bone- and vessel-free tissues (cartilage, cornea, lens) but otherwise detected in blood serum only in case of severe dietary deficiencies in essential omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids. They show that mead acid has the unique property of inhibiting calcification and angiogenesis, which in turn leads to its own synthesis and accumulation because of a local deficiency in essential fatty acids. Fat metabolism into energy during exercise is reviewed by Cornish et al., who interestingly demonstrate that not only that fat is the fuel of choice for low to two-thirds VO2 moderate training, but also that fasting promotes fat combustion, that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) enhances kinetics and in turn performance, that there is an independent beneficial influence on body fat distribution, and that omega-3 may help the elderly combat sarcopenia. Doreau et al. elaborate on fat metabolism in ruminants to show that acetate—a ketone body—is a major energy transporter and thereby substrate for meat and milk production post-rumen fermentation and that CLAs are fatty acids derived from trans monounsaturated fatty acids leaving the rumen. Feeding practices may refine as the understanding of the potential benefits for human health of naturally conjugated and trans fats improves. Michielin-Busnello et al. close with a review statement on obesity-derived cascades to metabolic syndrome and warn about the danger of trying to single out any specific nutrient as a potential causal factor, including saturated fats, for the disease. A wise message, indeed. Pimentel et al. review studies revealing that the hypothalamus acts as an organ modulator of chronic inflammation associated with impaired insulin/leptin (energy metabolism) and ghrelin/glucagon-like peptide 1 (energy balance) sensitivity, whereas excess saturated, trans, and omega-6 fatty acids play an important role in the hypothalamus impairing the adequate function of these hormones. Panda and Mabalirajan pinpoint linoleic acid (LA; C18:2w6) as a major dietary concern across India where asthma and obesity have soared in parallel to pollution over the recent years. They show how enzymatically peroxidized inflammatory LA metabolites can—and in fact do—induce and sustain mitochondrial dysfunction, airway epithelial injury, constriction, and apoptosis. Gonc¸alves-deAlbuquerque et al. make an interesting contribution by demonstrating that nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA)—sometimes referred to as free fatty acids (FFA)—are basically cytotoxic and are transported in the bloodstream bound to albumin in a way to mask their cytotoxicity. Taking oleic acid as a model, they report on how NEFA may cause lung functional and structural damage, eventually leading to the inception and development of acute respiratory distress syndrome, when present as FFA either in the air and/or in blood serum. Lawrence re-emphasizes the wise statement that naturally occurring saturated and balanced omega-6/omega-3 fats are good rather than bad for optimum immune and



inflammatory response, irrespective of their influence on blood lipid profiles. Finally, Rollefstad and Semb indicate that clinical patients with inflammatory joint diseases have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, a condition which should warrant statin-type intensive lipid lowering treatments in such groups, with the double benefit of improving blood lipid profile and containing systemic inflammation in primary prevention. The last section on lipids and cancers is introduced by Sakai and Sasaki, who searched the PubMed database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/) for observational studies on the relationship between dietary or blood arachidonic acid (ARA; C20:4w6) levels and cancer risk published up to May 17, 2010. In total, 52 articles were selected and scored for quality according to standard methodology for observational studies. No relationships between ARA exposure and cancer risk could conclusively be demonstrated, which leads the authors to conclude that further evidence from well-designed observational studies is required to confirm or refute the association between ARA exposure and cancer risk. Daak and Ghebremeskel report on the omega-6/omega-3 imbalance characteristic of a disease medically referred to as sickle cell disease—affecting red blood cell, mononuclear cell, and platelet—and characterized by anomalies of membrane phospholipid composition and organization and related rheology (fluidity, deformability, permeability, and propensity to stick and aggregate). Along an intervention, they demonstrate that re-adjusting the omega-6/ omega-3 balance at cell membrane level has the potential to be an effective, safe, and affordable therapy for people with the disease. Tarantino and Fineli extend the analysis of fatty acids structurefunction relationships to obesity-related comorbidities, with an emphasis on NAFLD, and end up broadening the analysis and conclusions to the constellation of metabolic disorders that affect ever more individuals, thereby recognizing and re-enforcing the call for more individualized preventive and interventional approaches. Wcislo reviews lipid metabolism in cancer cells and shows how cholesterol metabolism and serine/threonine kinase—involved in regulation of cell growth, aging, and metabolism—are closely related, evolutionary and functionally, from yeast to human, rendering blood serum cholesterol levels a marker of clinical value in oncology practice. All in all, the wide multidisciplinary contributions to this handbook offer a wealth of information about where to start reflecting on new knowledge about lipids in human function. The time when cell membranes will be seen and studied as biotransistors carrying memes in addition to regulating genes is just around the corner. Fabien De Meester and Ronald Ross Watson

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Acknowledgments The work of Dr Watson’s editorial assistant, Bethany L. Stevens, in communicating with authors and working on the manuscripts was critical to the successful completion of the book. It is very much appreciated. The encouragement, advice, and support of Janet Brown at AOCS in producing the books was very helpful. Support for Ms Stevens’ and Dr Watson’s editing was graciously provided by DMF Ltd Co. (www.dmfrontiers.com), the TsimTsoum Institute (www.tsimtsoum.net), the Natural Health Research Institute (www.naturalhealthresearch.org), and Southwest Scientific Editing & Consulting, LLC. The encouragement and support of Elwood Richard and Dr Richard Sharpee was vital. Finally, the work of the librarian at the Arizona Health Science Library, Mari Stoddard, was vital and very helpful in identifying key researchers who participated in the book.


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Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Lipids and Lipoproteins Yan Zheng1 and Lu Qi1,2 1

Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA Department of Epidemiology, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA 2

Introduction The risk of various chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain cancers, has been related to abnormal metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins (Danesh et al., 2000; Greenhill, 2011; Lamarche et al., 1997; Mora et al., 2010; van Duijnhoven et al., 2011) and improvement of lipid profiles has been the therapeutic target of such diseases. The combined effects of habitual diet (Wolk et al., 2001; Zheng et al., 2014), lifestyle (Chorell et al., 2012), genetics (Global Lipids Genetics et al., 2013; Teslovich et al., 2010), metabolism (Cao et al., 2008), and their interactions (Smilowitz et al., 2013) influence the overall composition of circulating lipids. From the environmental aspect, the “obesogenic” factors, such as energy-dense foods and sedentary lifestyle, exacerbate the abnormal metabolism of circulating lipids; from the genomic aspect, the wide application of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) has led to identification of a large number of novel genomic loci related to circulating lipids, though for many of them the functions have yet to be clarified. The interplays of various genetic variants and environmental factors result in geneenvironmental interactions, which in turn shape an individual’s phenotype (Corella and Ordovas, 2009). The levels of circulating lipids are primarily determined by dietary intake and lifestyle in each individual, and the interindividual heterogeneity in lipid profiles is mainly determined by the genomic variations. Therefore, the circulating lipid profiles are the functional signatures of the interactions between the genetic and environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle. Studies of genediet/lifestyle interactions offer substantial potential to understand the wide interindividual variation and hold great promise to mitigate abnormalities in lipid metabolisms through individual-centric diet and lifestyle modifications, also known as personalized intervention. In addition, recent development in metabolomic methods of measuring global lipid profiles, namely

Handbook of Lipids in Human Function. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-63067-036-8.00001-9 © 2016 AOCS Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



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lipidomics, has opened a new avenue to explore more complex geneenvironment interactions that will further improve personalized intervention in the near future. This chapter aims to summarize recent advances in research of diet/lifestyle, genetics, and genediet/lifestyle interactions on lipids. We also review the findings in the emerging research area of lipidomics. In particular, we address the potential application of personalized diet and lifestyle intervention in improvement of lipid profiles and prevention and treatment of the related disorders.

Diet Habits, Lifestyles, and Circulating Lipids and Lipoproteins Diet and lifestyle factors intimately modulate the dynamic levels of circulating lipids, which are closely related to obesity. The transition from traditional, nutrient-dense diets and active lifestyles to an “obesogenic” life pattern featuring energy-dense diets and sedentary lifestyles in the past several decades is believed to be a major driving force behind the epidemic of obesity and related metabolic disorders, including dyslipidemia (Qi, 2012). Since 1999, the percentage of adults with abnormally elevated total cholesterol levels has been decreasing (Carroll et al., 2012), partially as a consequence of a combination of diet/ lifestyle improvement and the use of drugs such as statins. Dietary intake is among the most important factors that influence circulating lipid profiles. For example, it has been well documented that high carbohydrate intake might lead to an increase in blood triglycerides (Parks, 2001). The effects of the amount and type of dietary fat on circulating lipid profiles have also been extensively investigated. Mensink et al. (2003) conducted a meta-analysis of 60 feeding controlled trials including 1700 volunteers who were fed with tested diets over 1391 days. The results suggest that isoenergetic replacement of saturated fatty acids with carbohydrates does not improve the serum total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ratio, and replacement with unsaturated fatty acids may lower the ratio; the cis-monounsaturated fatty acids had a modest but significant low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol-lowering effect relative to carbohydrates; and the replacement of trans fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids from unhydrogenated oils showed the strongest effects on improving blood lipid profiles (i.e., decreased the total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratio). Recently, Aucott et al. (2011) performed a systematic review to evaluate the long-term effects of diet and lifestyle interventions on weight loss and changes in lipid profile in adults. This study included seven prospective cohorts involving advice on diet and exercise, as well as seven intervention trials that tested the impact of meal replacement/ instruction and physical exercise plans for follow-up periods of 26 years. This study showed that the effects of diet and lifestyle modifications on the changes in body weight and lipids were significantly beneficial, though the mean effect size was moderate.

Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Lipids and Lipoproteins 3 Among the included studies, the significantly sustained mean weight loss was 1.2 kg, ranging from a loss of 10 kg (Ditschuneit et al., 1999) to a gain of 4.8 kg (Sedgwick et al., 1990). The mean weight loss accounted for 73% of the overall variation in the mean change of total cholesterol. In addition, it was found that persistent long-term (23 years) weight loss of 1 kg was associated with a 1.3%, 1.6%, and 0.34% reduction in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol, respectively, as well as a 4% increase in HDL cholesterol. Similar results were also reported in children. Ho et al. (2012) performed a systemic review of 15 studies comparing the effectiveness of diet/lifestyle intervention programs incorporating a nutrition or dietary component with that of no treatment or usual care, or minimal advice or written diet and physical activity education materials, among overweight/ obese children and adolescents aged 18 years and younger. It was found that diet/lifestyle interventions led to significant improvements in LDL cholesterol (0.30 mmol/L, 95% CI 0.45 to 0.15) and triglycerides (0.15 mmol/L, 95% CI 0.24 to 0.07) up to 1 year from baseline. No differences were found for HDL cholesterol. Taken together, these data indicate that long-term ($1 year) diet/lifestyle interventions incorporating dietary components along with exercise and/or behavioral therapy components are effective in improving lipid profiles with sustained weight loss among both children and adults. The mechanisms underlying effects of diet and lifestyle intervention on disease and health are more complex than simply modulating blood lipids, as suggested by many dietary interventional trials (Burr et al., 1989; de Lorgeril et al., 1997, 1999).

Genetic Determinants of Circulating Lipids and Lipoproteins The search for the genetic determinants for plasma lipid and lipoprotein levels began more than 25 years ago, and the early efforts are dominated by studies using classic approaches such as twin studies, family studies, linkage analyses, and candidate-gene-based association studies (Breslow, 2000; Hegele, 2009; Pirruccello and Kathiresan, 2010). Even though several lipid genes such as CETP, APOE, and LIPC were successfully identified through these methods, the vast majority of the reports from the classic approaches have not been accompanied by compelling replication data, suggesting that many of the findings are likely to be fictitious. Mendelian mutations are usually rare and a single mutation has a huge phenotypic effect. Most of the well-characterized disorders of lipoprotein metabolism are monogenic, familial disorders with extreme phenotypes. Linkage studies in families are powerful to detect such mutations. For example, familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder characterized by high cholesterol levels, especially very high circulating levels of LDL cholesterol and early-onset cardiovascular disease. Many patients have mutations in the LDL receptor gene, and the homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia occurs in 1 of 1 million births (Rader et al., 2003). Although these patients harbor extreme traits, the


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population-wide impact of the known Mendelian disorders is attenuated by their rarity (Pirruccello and Kathiresan, 2010). Discovery of the common variants associated with lipids has been substantially facilitated by the application of GWASs in the field (Diabetes Genetics Initiative of Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT et al., 2007; Hunter et al., 2008; Kathiresan et al., 2008, 2009; Krauss, 2008; Lusis and Pajukanta, 2008; Pharoah et al., 2008; Sandhu et al., 2008; Teslovich et al., 2010). The first large-scale GWAS of circulating lipids was published in 2007 and involved 1464 type 2 diabetes patients and 1467 matched controls. The study genotyped about 400,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and identified an SNP in an intron of glucokinase regulatory protein (GCKR) associated with serum triglycerides (Diabetes Genetics Initiative of Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT et al., 2007). Recently, two largescale GWAS meta-analyses revealed 157 loci (95 and 62 loci in .100,000 individuals and 188,000 individuals, respectively) significantly contributing to circulating HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, or triglyceride levels (Figure 1.1) (Global Lipids Genetics et al., 2013; Teslovich et al., 2010). Of these loci, 46 demonstrated the strongest associations with HDL cholesterol, 16 with triglycerides, 18 with total cholesterol, and 9 with LDL cholesterol. Not surprisingly, many loci affected multiple lipid fractions. For example, 36 loci showed significant associations with both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and 4 loci (CETP, TRIB1, FADS123, and APOA1) showed associations with total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides (Figure 1.1). By identifying the large number of loci and the diverse proteins they encode, these findings have provided novel insights into lipid biology (Global Lipids Genetics et al., 2013). Besides GWAS, the next generation of genetic sequencing of the entire exome or even whole genome would further improve identification of novel, low-frequency mutations affecting lipids. In some cases, sequencing may particularly identify smoking-gun variants, such as early truncations, that strongly indicate causation. For example, the genetic architecture of plasma LDL cholesterol levels is complex, with multiple common, lowfrequency, and rare variants in the Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin type 9 (PCSK9) gene contributing differentially in effect size to plasma LDL cholesterol levels in the population (Kotowski et al., 2006). If such a mixture pattern of common, low-frequency, and rare variants present at a lipid locus is typical, then sequencing near genome-wide association loci may identify additional novel and potentially causal variants (Pirruccello and Kathiresan, 2010). In a recent whole-genome sequencing analysis of about 1000 participants (Morrison et al., 2013), it was found that the common variants contributed more than the rare variants to heritability of HDL cholesterol levels. Besides, this study highlighted the value of regulatory and nonprotein-coding regions of the genome in addition to protein-coding regions, and illustrated three novel regulatory sites relating to HDL cholesterol levels as examples (Morrison et al., 2013).

Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Lipids and Lipoproteins 5

Figure 1.1 Overlap of loci associated with different lipid traits. The Venn diagram illustrates the number of loci that show association with multiple lipid traits. The number of loci primarily associated with only one trait is listed in parentheses after the trait name, and locus names are listed below. Loci that show association with two or more traits are shown in the appropriate segment. Besides the loci listed in the figure, two loci (GCKR and NAT2) are associated with both total cholesterol and triglycerides, and one locus (ACAD11) is associated with both HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Modified from Global Lipids Genetics et al. (2013).


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Besides the above-mentioned informative genetic studies, functional studies are needed to provide convincing molecular mechanisms and inform causality. However, there are many challenges, especially when the loci of interest harbor unknown genes (Pirruccello and Kathiresan, 2010).

GeneDiet/Lifestyle Interactions and Circulating Lipids and Lipoproteins Recently emerging data have shown compelling evidence that genetic factors may interact with diet and lifestyle factors in determining metabolic traits such as obesity (Qi et al., 2012, 2014; Zhang et al., 2012). Investigating the genediet/lifestyle interactions holds great potential to improve our understanding of the integrated roles of diet/lifestyle and genomic makeup in lipid metabolism, and therefore to inform future personalized recommendation on diet and lifestyle modifications. Early research in the field of genediet/lifestyle interactions revealed that variants in the candidate genes (such as apolipoproteins APOE, APOA4, APOB, and lipoprotein lipase) determined a small but statistically significant fraction of the individual variability in response to dietary or lifestyle modifications (Ordovas, 2001). However, the majority of these findings were limited by lack of replications. The widespread use of GWASs in the past years has led to identification of numerous new loci related to circulating lipids and provided huge potentials to test genediet/lifestyle interactions on a genome-wide scale. In fact, several genediet/lifestyle interaction studies focusing on the GWAS-identified genetic variants have emerged (Tables 1.1 and 1.2). The Δ-5 and Δ-6 desaturases, encoded by the fatty acid desaturase (FADS)1 and FADS2 genes, are rate-limiting enzymes in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) biosynthesis. SNPs in the FADS gene cluster region have been associated with both PUFA concentrations in plasma or erythrocyte membrane phospholipids and cholesterol concentrations in recent GWASs. In a large study of 3575 European individuals from eastern Netherlands, Lu tested the interactions between dietary intake of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs measured by a foodfrequency questionnaire and selected variants in the FADS gene cluster region on plasma lipid profile (Lu et al., 2010). The C allele carriers of rs174546 were reported to have significantly higher HDL cholesterol concentration than the noncarriers in the group with high n-6 PUFAs intake ($5.26% of total energy) but not in the group with a low intake (P for interaction 5 0.02). Consistently, another cohort study of 4635 Swedish individuals showed similar results. Hellstrand et al. (2012) tested the interaction between another SNP in FADS region and the dietary PUFA intake measured by a diet history method on fasting lipid profile and detected significant interactions between rs174547 and long-chain omega-3 PUFA intakes on LDL cholesterol (P for interaction 5 0.01) and interactions between rs174547 and the ratio of α-linolenic acid and linoleic fatty acid intakes on HDL cholesterol concentrations (P for interaction 5 0.03). Both studies suggest that the dietary

Table 1.1: Selected population observational studies of geneenvironment interaction on lipid profile. Outcomes

Study Subjects

Plasma total and HDL cholesterol, as well as the non-HDL cholesterol (Lu et al., 2010)

N 5 3575 European individuals

Serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and HDL cholesterol (Hellstrand et al., 2012)

N 5 4635 Swedish individuals

Plasma total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol (Kim et al., 2013)

N 5 772/356 in the discovery/ replication cohorts, respectively

Serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, ApoA-I and ratio of ApoA-I to ApoB (Liu et al., 2011)

N 5 743 Chinese nondrinkers and 520 Chinese drinkers

Genetic Factors

Environment Factors

Major Findings

SNP rs174546 interacted with dietary n-6 PUFA intakes to affect plasma HDL cholesterol concentrations Significant interactions were FADS polymorphism identified between rs174547 (rs174547) and long-chain omega-3 PUFA intakes on LDL cholesterol and between rs174547 and the ratio of α-linolenic acid and linoleic fatty acid intakes on HDL cholesterol levels Two SNPs, rs1042034, an Seven candidate SNPs from Dietary cholesterol intake, APOB missense SNP and six genes (ABCG8, APOB, measured by food-frequency rs2072183 (in males only), questionnaire APOE, CETP, NPC1L1, and a synonymous NPC1L1 SNP, PCSK9) significantly and respectively interacted with dietary cholesterol on plasma total cholesterol levels. The former interaction was also significant in the replication sample. LIPG 584 C . T Alcohol consumption Significant interactions were (rs2000813) measured by standard detected between LIPG 584 questionnaires C . T genotypes and alcohol consumption on serum HDL cholesterol and ApoA-I levels FADS polymorphism (rs174546, rs482548, rs174570)

Dietary intake of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs measured by a food-frequency questionnaire on 178 food items Dietary long-chain PUFAs, assessed by a diet history method (combining a dietary questionnaire, a menu book, and an interview)


Table 1.1: (Continued) Outcomes

Study Subjects

Genetic Factors

Environment Factors

Major Findings

N 5 1030 Chinese subjects

ApoC-III 3238C . G and ApoA1/C3/A5 haplotypes

Alcohol consumption by an epidemiological survey

Plasma total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol (Corella et al., 2011)

N 5 496 Spanish individuals for lipids study

APOE polymorphism

Dietary fat and alcohol consumption, collected by a diet questionnaire

Plasma total cholesterol, VLDL, LDL and HDL cholesterol concentrations, ApoA-I and B levels (Garcia-Rios et al., 2010)

N 5 500 Spanish patients with familial hypercholesterolemia

Four ABCG5 SNPs and five ABCG8 SNPs

Cigarette smoking habits

The ApoC-III 3238 heterozygotes benefited more from alcohol consumption than homozygotes in increasing serum levels of HDL cholesterol, ApoA-I, and ApoA-I to ApoB ratios, and lowering serum levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride. Different interactions between the ApoA1/C3/A5 haplotypes and alcohol consumption on lipids were detected. A significant interaction between APOE polymorphism and alcohol consumption for LDL cholesterol levels was observed in men Five significant interactions between smoking by four ABCG5 SNPs and one ABCG8 SNP were related with triglyceride concentrations

Serum total cholesterol, VLDL, LDL and HDL cholesterol concentrations, ApoA-I and B levels (Ruixing et al., 2010; Yin et al., 2013)

Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Lipids and Lipoproteins 9 Table 1.2: Selected population interventional studies of geneenvironment interaction on lipid profile. Outcomes Serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and HDL cholesterol concentrations (Zhang et al., 2012)

Study Subjects N 5 734 overweight and obese individuals in the United States

Blood lipid profile (Qi, 2014)

N 5 2993 participants

Blood total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and HDL cholesterol concentrations (Brahe et al., 2013) Stroke incidence and cardiovascular risk factors, including plasma lipid profile (Corella et al., 2013)

N 5 486 overweight and obese European individuals

N 5 7018 participants

Genetic Factors

Environment Factors

Major Findings

Significant interactions were detected between the rs964184 polymorphism and dietary fat intake (low versus high) in the determination of changes in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol The GRS of the 32 32 lipid-associated Lifestyle and/or SNPs was associated single-nucleotide metformin with higher 1-year LDL polymorphisms interventions, cholesterol levels in the compared to lifestyle intervention placebo controls group, but not in the placebo or metformin groups An interaction An 8-week low240 SNPs in 24 between LPIN1 energy diet, and a candidate genes 6-month ad libitum rs4315495 and dietary related to lipid weight maintenance protein was detected metabolism regarding triglyceride diet, with different concentration contents of dietary protein or glycemic index The association TCF7L2 rs7903146 Two MedDiet between the TT polymorphisms intervention groups and a control group genotype and fasting lipids is modulated by in the ´n con adherence to the PREvencio MedDiet. A greater DIetaMEDiterra´nea prerandomization study after a median follow-up of adherence to MedDiet leads to a reduction in 4.8 years total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides in TT individuals who have high genetic susceptibility to increased levels compared with other genotypes. rs964184 in APOA5

Two-year weightloss diet intervention with low/high-fat composition


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intakes of different PUFAs may modify the effect of the genetic variations in FADS on LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol concentrations, and they emphasize the importance of dietary fat composition in modifying the effect of genetic susceptibility on blood lipid and lipoprotein concentrations. In a study of 1128 Seattle Caucasian veterans (772/356 in the discovery/replication cohorts, respectively), Kim et al. (2013) explored whether gut-expressed genetic variants associated with plasma cholesterol levels differentially affect the relationship between dietary and plasma cholesterol levels. Four SNPs within three genes (APOB, CETP, and NPC1L1) were significantly associated with plasma cholesterol in the discovery cohort. These SNPs were subsequently evaluated for genedietary cholesterol interactions on plasma cholesterol. Significant interactions were identified and replicated for two variants: rs1042034, an APOB Ser4338Asn missense SNP, and rs2072183 (in males only), a synonymous NPC1L1 SNP in linkage disequilibrium with SNPs 50 of NPC1L1. This study provides support to the presence of novel genediet interactions and suggests that differential gut absorption is the potential basis, and such interactions may account for part of the “missing heritability” not accounted for by the main genetic effects. The modification of alcohol consumption of the effects of different variants in genes LIPG, ApoC-III, and APOE (Corella et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2011; Ruixing et al., 2010; Yin et al., 2013) on circulating lipid profile were reported from different cohort studies of both Chinese and Spanish populations. Besides, Garcia-Rios et al. (2010) found a significant genesmoking interaction among 500 Spanish patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, in which smokers carrying the minor alleles at ABCG5 SNPs displayed significantly lower HDL cholesterol, higher total cholesterol, and higher triglyceride, respectively, and nonsmoker carriers of the minor alleles had significantly lower triglyceride concentrations compared with homozygous for the major allele (P values for interaction 5 0.0300.047). Studies in observational settings are subject to various biases such as residual confounding and measurement errors. In contrast, randomized clinical trials tend to minimize the potential confounding and measurement errors in exposures. In addition, prospective analyses on dynamic changes in lipids may lower the risk of reverse causation. Because randomized clinical trials evaluate the response in lipids, the findings would directly inform personalized diet/lifestyle recommendations in health practice (Qi, 2012). Ideally, the randomization process should involve the genotypes of interest (Ordovas and Tai, 2008). However, most of the current genediet/lifestyle interaction studies have used post hoc analyses of existing dietary intervention trials designed for nongenetic research. Recently, several diet/lifestyle intervention studies have emerged to shed light on their potential to detect genediet/lifestyle interactions on lipids (Table 1.2). The Preventing Overweight Using Novel Dietary Strategies (Pounds Lost) trial is a clinical dietary interventional trial of 811 overweight and obese adults who were

Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Lipids and Lipoproteins 11 randomly assigned to one of four weight-loss diets varying in macronutrient contents (dietary fat, protein, and carbohydrates) for 2 years (Sacks et al., 2009). In the Pounds Lost trial, we have tested hypothesis-driven genediet interactions on serum lipid profiles. For example, in a recent study, we found significant interactions between an APOA5 gene variant rs964184 and dietary fat intake (low-fat vs. high-fat) in relation to changes in plasma levels of lipids such as total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL cholesterol (Zhang et al., 2012). The results indicate that a low-calorie, low-fat diet intervention may improve the lipid profiles better in the individuals carrying APOA5 rs964184 risk allele than those not carrying the allele. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a large clinical trial to examine the effects of metformin or intensive lifestyle modification on the incidence of type 2 diabetes (The Diabetes Prevention Program, 1999; Knowler et al., 2002). Among 2993 DPP participants, Pollin et al. (2012) identified a genetic risk score (GRS) based on deleterious alleles at 32 lipid-associated SNPs modifies the effects of lifestyle and/or metformin interventions on LDL cholesterol levels. The GRS was associated with higher baseline-adjusted LDL cholesterol levels and a higher level of baseline-adjusted small LDL particles at 1 year in the lifestyle intervention group, but not in the placebo or metformin groups. This result suggests that a high genetic burden confers an adverse lipid profile and predicts attenuated response in LDL cholesterol levels and small LDL particle numbers to dietary and physical activity interventions. The Diet Obesity and Genes (DiOGenes) study is a 6-month Pan-European randomized dietary intervention study exploring the effect of diets with different contents of protein and glycemic index on weight regain and metabolic health after weight loss among 841 baseline overweight or obese but otherwise healthy participants (Larsen et al., 2010). Brahe explored 240 SNPs in presumed nutrient-sensitive lipid metabolism genes and identified an interaction between an SNP in the lipin 1 (LPIN1) gene and dietary protein consumption on triglyceride concentration (Brahe et al., 2013). The finding suggests that, regarding the changes in blood triglyceride concentration, the low-protein weight maintenance diet may be more beneficial to the GG carriers of LPIN1 SNP rs4315495. In addition, Ordovas and his team have identified significant interactions between polymorphisms in several genes, such as ABCG5/G8, PDZK1, LIPG, APOA5, TRIB1, and dietary intake/smoking on various plasma lipid components (Garcia-Rios et al., 2011; Junyent et al., 2009a, 2009b; Mattei et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2009). For example, among 7018 participants in a randomized trial (two Mediterranean diet intervention groups and a control group) of the PREvencio´n con DIetaMEDiterra´nea study, the association between the transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) rs7903146 TT genotype and fasting lipids was modulated by adherence to the Mediterranean diet (Corella et al., 2013). When adherence to Mediterranean diet was low, individuals with TT genotype presented higher concentrations


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of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides than those carrying CC 1 CT genotypes. However, when adherence was high, plasma concentrations of these parameters did not differ between genotypes (Corella et al., 2013). Despite the promising findings, the research in genediet/lifestyle interaction faces many challenges. The majority of the findings have yet to be replicated, and large-scale collaboration appears to be essential to improve study power in detection of moderate genediet/lifestyle interactions (Armah et al., 2013; Lockyer et al., 2012; Walker et al., 2011).

Lipidomics The term lipidome refers to comprehensive profiling of lipid components in biological samples such as cells, tissues, biofluids, and organisms; the term lipidomics refers to the systems-level scale analysis of lipids and their modulators (Wenk, 2005). Lipidomics is a branch of metabolomics, which has been recently developed to comprehensively measure small molecular chemical compounds, such as amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, and so forth (Lewis et al., 2008). Similar to other metabolites serving as “intermediate phenotypes” that are beyond the genome and the clinically observed phenotypes, lipids mediate the effects of upstream genetic and environmental signals on downstream homeostatic and processes and disease states. Lipidomics can be expected to provide more details on potentially affected pathways and to be more directly related to the etiology of the disease (Gieger et al., 2008). Meanwhile, lipids stand out from other metabolites because of the structural diversity and the sheer number of discrete yet well-defined biomolecules, may be in the hundreds of thousands (Quehenberger and Dennis, 2011; Shevchenko and Simons, 2010). Unlike the proteins or amino acids, lipids are not composed of similar units. Instead, lipids are a large group of compounds diverse in structures and functions, and they are chemically distinct molecular species arising from the various combinations of fatty acids with backbone structures. Because of their chemical and structural diversity, lipidomics cannot be achieved in a single experimental approach and presents technological challenges (Murphy and Nicolaou, 2013). There are a few commonly used complimentary approaches in lipidomic analysis (Meikle and Christopher, 2011; Shevchenko and Simons, 2010). Shotgun lipidomics begins with an off-line lipid extraction, and then subjects the extracts directly into mass spectrometry without lipid chromatography separation. This approach provides a broad coverage of the lipidome with high sample throughput. Targeted lipidomics combines liquid chromatography with multiple reaction monitoring and stable internal standards to provide accurate and precise quantification of hundreds of lipid species of particular interest. Global/untargeted lipidomics typically combines liquid chromatography (with or without internal standards) with high mass accuracy analysis to profile many hundreds of lipid species, and is suitable to detect novel lipids in broad spectrum. However, the lipids

Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Lipids and Lipoproteins 13 identified by this approach may have unknown chemical structure, and further identification may need the involvement of other techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Lipidomics has emerged speedily since the last decade, as a consequence of development of novel technologies in quantitative and comprehensive molecular measurements (Quehenberger and Dennis 2011; Quehenberger et al., 2010). A comprehensive lipidomic approach is advocated to integrate multiple related samples such as blood and organ tissue to study lipid complexity (Shevchenko and Simons, 2010), and therefore provide a systemslevel view of lipidomics to reveal the complex connections between lipid signaling pathways. In 2010, the first comprehensive analysis of human plasma lipidomics identified and quantified over 500 different lipid molecular species covering six main categories: fatty acyls, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, sterol lipids, and prenol lipids (Quehenberger et al., 2010). Application of targeted lipidomics in population studies has shown perturbed lipid profiles in hypertensive, obese, or diabetic patients, suggesting novel lipid molecules may be involved in development of these disorders (Barber et al., 2012; Graessler et al., 2009; Sorensen et al., 2010). In addition, lipidomics has been used to assess antihypertensive drug therapies (Hu et al., 2011), to identify novel biomarkers of hypertension (Kulkarni et al., 2013), to explore the influences of dietary fatty acids on insulin resistance (Kien et al., 2013), and to identify predictors for diabetes risk (Rhee et al., 2011). Therefore, comprehensive lipidomic profiles may act as intermediate markers in studying genediet/lifestyle interactions in relation to various metabolic disorders, and research in this novel area would considerably improve our understanding of personalized diet/lifestyle interventions on human health. Nevertheless, lipidomics is withstanding challenges in several aspects. Lipids are products of diet and their metabolism, that is, the substrates and products of enzymes. Therefore, lipids are not directly from the inherited genome of organisms and exhibit a large variation within individuals and across organisms. Besides, biology itself is dauntingly complex (Quehenberger et al., 2010) (Figure 1.2) and simply separating biological structures remains a key challenge to lipidomics. Thus far, it is impossible to quantify the complete lipidome because no reliable internal standards are available for several lipids, particularly glycolipids (Shevchenko and Simons, 2010). No single instrumentation platform is able to solve the varying analytical challenges of the different molecular lipid species. Furthermore, introduction technologies of the broad lipid profiling to clinical laboratories are far from technical maturity. Despite these challenges, lipidomics as a comprehensive approach to study the downstream fingerprint of a gene by environment interaction may provide enormous potential to provide personalized diet/lifestyle recommendation for health and disease prevention.


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Figure 1.2 Diversity of human circulating lipids. In the diagram, associations among the major mammalian lipid categories are shown through representative molecules from each category. The diagram starts with the 2-carbon precursor acetyl coenzyme A (CoA), which is the building block for the biosynthesis of fatty acids. Fatty acids in turn may be transferred to be part of the complex lipids, namely sphingolipids, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, and sterols (as steryl esters). Some fatty acids may be converted to eicosanoids. A second major biosynthetic route from acetyl CoA generates the 5-carbon isoprene precursor isopentenyl pyrophosphate, which provides the building block for the prenol and sterol lipids. Arrows denote multistep transformations among the major lipid categories starting with acetyl CoA. Values below the name of lipid categories show the number of analytes within each lipid category that was quantified by mass spectrometry in the human plasma sample. Modified from Quehenberger et al. (2010).

Recently emerging data indicate that human genotypes may act as “effect modifiers” on dietary interventions (Perez-Cornago et al., 2014; Qi, 2014). In addition to genomic variations, individuals’ overall lipidomic profiles resulting from transcriptomic variability may act as global “lipidtype” and also play a key role in determining the heterogeneity in

Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Interventions on Lipids and Lipoproteins 15 response to diet interventions. Lipidomics characterizes the overall lipid profiles through the simultaneous measurement of a broad range of low-molecular-weight lipids and provides the most integrated profile of lipid status. Previous studies have shown that lipidomic profiles such as short- and medium-chain acylcarnitines and various lipid classes have the potential to characterize individuals for predicting development of cardiometabolic disorders and response to diet/lifestyle interventions or medicine treatment (Barber et al., 2012; Graessler et al., 2009; Hu et al., 2011; Kien et al., 2013; Kobayashi et al., 2014; Kulkarni et al., 2013; Perez-Cornago et al., 2014; Rhee et al., 2011; Shah et al., 2010, 2012; Sorensen et al., 2010; Ubhi et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2011). However, very few studies have analyzed the potential interactions between the overall lipid profiles (lipidtype) and diet interventions in randomized clinical trials, and this could be an intriguing research area in the future.

Summary Numerous efforts have been devoted to improving lipid profiles, in view of their critical roles in development of various diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Unbalanced diet and sedentary lifestyle are key risk factors for dyslipidemia. In the past decade, genetic research has made strides in identification of genetic factors for lipid disorders. The importance of interplays between genetic and environmental factors, including diet and lifestyle, in determining lipid metabolism has been well acknowledged, and evidence of genediet/lifestyle interaction in observational studies and randomized clinical trials has been accumulating. However, the majority of the findings have yet to be replicated, and well-designed and sufficiently powered studies on genediet/lifestyle interactions are still lacking. The emerging lipidomics with a comprehensive profile of lipids has led to the identification of novel lipid components that are related to metabolic disorders and may offer promising and novel insights into the lipid metabolism, as well as genediet/lifestyle interactions. These recent advances have provided the potential to tailor diet and lifestyle recommendations to individuals based on their genomic makeup through personalized diet and lifestyle intervention. Personalized diet and lifestyle interventions hold the promise to understand the interindividual variation in responses to specific foods and lifestyles, and such knowledge can be translated into public health benefit. However, several challenges exist. For example, the genomic architecture of circulating lipid profile is far from being fully understood, and replicable data on genediet/lifestyle interaction are still very sparse. Even so, personalized diet and lifestyle intervention would become a promising target in public health and medical practice.


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Trans Fats and Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases: Facts or Artifacts? Farid Menaa1, Bouzid Menaa2, Barkat Ali Kahn3,4 and Abder Menaa5 1

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanomedicine, Fluorotronics USA, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA Infection Unit Control, Hymetec, SA, Isnes, Belgium 3School of Pharmacy, Kampala International University-Western Campus, Kampala, Uganda 4Faculty of Pharmacy, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan 5Department of Clinical Nutrition and Anti-Aging Medicine, Centre Me´dical des Guittie`res, Loire-Atlantique, France


Introduction Trans fatty acids (TFAs) (also called trans fats) present one or more double bonds in the trans configuration instead of the usual cis configuration of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), and in spite of their valuable physicochemical properties, their health benefits are questioned (Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b). Nowadays, TFAs, along with saturated fatty acids (SFAs), triglycerides (TGs), and cholesterol, often represent the most preoccupying derived lipids that are checked on food items. Recent alarming statements (Komaroff, 2014; Willett, 2014) even prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to define and apply better policies against TFAs. However, the effects of TFA isomers constitute a matter of controversy generating diverse extreme positions in light of epidemiological, biochemical, and nutritional studies. Ultimately, should we be overly aware of their potential deleterious impact on human health (e.g., potential artery-clogging effects)? Should we still ban them as a priority rule? Did the agro-industry cause transformations or transgressions when producing TFAs? This chapter provides an outline of the present status of TFAs including origin, analytical procedures, estimated daily consumption, cardiovascular effects, efforts to reduce TFA isomers in our diet, and considerations for future prospects on TFA isomers.

From Cis to TFAs: Natural Perfection to Industrial Imperfection Fatty acids (FAs) are aliphatic monocarboxylic acids generated by hydrolysis of natural fats and oils (Fahy et al., 2009), and they play multiple and essential cellular roles (e.g., energy Handbook of Lipids in Human Function. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-63067-036-8.00002-0 © 2016 AOCS Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



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production, membranes structure, immunity, inflammation, cell signaling, gene/protein expression, and regulation) (De Caterina and Massaro, 2005; Graber et al., 1994; Rustan and Drevon, 2005; Woollett et al., 1992; Yaqoob, 2003). There are two main FA categories: (1) SFAs, which are exempt of a double bond (e.g., palmitic acid 16:0, stearic acid 18:0, arachidic acid 20:0) and (2) UFAs, which present at least one double CC bond (e.g., monounsaturated fatty acids, MUFAs) such as the omega-9 oleic acid (18:1), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as the omega-3 linolenic acid (18:3), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6), the omega-6 linoleic acid (18:2, Δ6), or arachidonic acid (20:4) (Davidson and Cantrill, 1985; Ratnayake and Galli, 2009; Rustan and Drevon, 2005). Importantly, most of the naturally occurring FAs in humans are in the cis configuration. However, in some cases (e.g., partial catalytic hydrogenation (PCH) or biohydrogenation in ruminants), a double bond in FAs may change from a cis (Z) to a trans (E) configuration (geometric isomerization) and/or move to other positions in the carbon chain (positional isomerization) (Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b; Ratnayake and Galli, 2009; Se´be´dio, 2007). In the cis configuration, the two hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the carbon chain with respect to the double bond, a situation that produces a bend in the FAs, whereas in the trans configuration, the two hydrogen atoms are diagonally opposed to each other, straightening the carbon chain (Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b). For instance, the MUFA oleic acid in its cis isomer configuration (cis-9, 18:1) can be transformed either by geometric trans isomerization to generate elaidic acid (trans-9, 18:1) through catalytic hydrogenation or by positional trans isomerization to produce vaccenic acid (trans-11, 18:1) via biohydrogenation (Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b). PUFAs bring another level of complexity because their double bonds can be found either in the trans configuration or as conjugated cis/trans (e.g., conjugated linolenic acids, CLAs), the latter of which are usually quite difficult to distinguish through routine analytical methods (AOAC, 2001; AOCS, 2005, Ratnayake and Galli, 2009; Ratnayake et al., 2006). Indeed, linoleic acid (cis-9, cis-12, 18:2) can be found in three possible geometric isomers: cis-9, trans-12, 18:2; trans-9, cis-12, 18:2; and/or trans-9, trans-12, 18:2; as well as in two positional isomers: cis-9, trans-13, 18:2 and/or cis-9, trans-11, 18:2 (Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b). TFAs mainly arise from hydrogenation (i.e., isomerization/insaturation reduction of cis UFAs) either through: (i) a naturally occurring enzymatic process involving microbial desaturases in the rumen of animals (e.g., cows, sheeps, goats); (ii) a partial (or total) industrial catalysis of vegetables or fish oils requiring hydrogen gas or a metal catalyst (e.g., nickel) to solidify vegetal fat products (e.g., shortenings, pizzas, cakes), decrease their oxidation sensitivity, and enhance the taste; or (iii) extreme thermal treatments (e.g., deep-fat frying, barbecue, deodorization during oil refining), although these are considered as a minor source (Ackman et al., 1974; Brouwer et al., 2010; Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b; Normann, 1903; Sabatier, 1966; Se´be´dio et al., 1988).

Trans Fats and Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases: Facts or Artifacts? 23 The biohydrogenation mainly results from the enzymatic transformation of cis-FAs into TFAs by the bacterian flora (i.e., microbiome) present in the rumen of ruminants (Sommerfeld, 1983). They also can be produced by mammalian breasts through the action of the Δ9-desaturase (Griinari et al., 2000; Kraft et al., 2006; Mosley et al., 2005). Natural TFAs are found in different quantities (up to 10% of total FAs) predominantly in ruminants’ meat and dairy products (e.g., milk, butter, cheese) (Chilliard et al., 2001; Griinari and Bauman, 1999; Precht, 1995; Sommerfeld, 1983). The corresponding TFA isomers are mainly represented by vaccenic acid (trans-11, 18:1) at a quantity ranging from 30% to more than 50% of the total 18:1 (Bru¨hl, 1995). This quantitative variation can depend on the race, lactation stage, age, and seasonal alimentation of mammalians (e.g., ruminants) (Chilliard et al., 2003; de Heredia et al., 2008; Lucas et al., 2006). Hydrogenation was initially developed in the late nineteenth century by the Nobel laureate Paul Sabatier and by the German chemist Wilhelm Normann, who respectively used nickel metal or hydrogen gas as catalysts (Normann, 1903; Sabatier, 1966). This chemical process, particularly the PCH enabling the insaturation reduction of FAs, was valuable to solidify vegetal fats, decrease their oxidation sensitivity, and enhance their taste (Normann, 1903; Sabatier, 1966). Also, PCH responded well to the public health recommendations made during the twentieth century, which included moving away from animal fats and tropical oils (i.e., SFAs-rich oils) (Elson, 1992). Thereby, PCH has been used extensively to produce shortenings (i.e., anhydrous fat products, such as margarines) and other derived products (e.g., chocolates, cakes, pizzas, snack foods) (Eckel et al., 2007; Perkins and Smick, 1987; Ratnayake et al., 1998). Nowadays, the occurrence of industrial TFAs, mainly elaidic acid (trans-9, 18:1), in shortenings varies from less than 12% (e.g., in high-quality margarine) to 60% (e.g., in very low-quality margarine) of total FAs (Bru¨hl, 1995; Fernandez San Juan, 1996; Perkins and Smick, 1987; Precht and Molkentin, 2000; Sommerfeld, 1983).

Physicochemical Characteristics of TFAs: Valuable Reasons for Industrial Production TFAs have long been used in food manufacturing due in part to the following physicochemical characteristics that distinguish them from cis-FAs (Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b; Shantha et al., 1995): 1. Melting point (i.e., temperature required for solid state change to liquid) at room temperature ranging between SFAs and UFAs. TFAs physically differ from cis-FAs by a much higher melting point, which permits lower food liquefaction, better food storage, and resistance to frying. For instance, oleic acid (cis-9, 18:1) melts between 4 C and 13 C, whereas its trans-isomers, elaidic acid (trans-9, 18:1) and vaccenic acid (trans-11, 18:1), melt between 42 C and 44 C, and 44 C and 45 C, respectively.


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2. Antioxidant stability. TFAs are stable to oxidative rancidity, which allows them to have a long shelf life and confer a persistent flavor to food items. Interestingly, CLAs are stable at very low temperatures (4 F or 220 C) for up to 24 weeks. 3. Higher rigid carbon (acyl) chain. The rigidity of the double bond freezes the conformation of TFAs. Indeed, contrarily to cis-FAs in which adjacent hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the double bond, the next two hydrogen atoms in TFAs are bound to opposite sides of the double bond. As a result, they do not cause the chain to bend much, and their shape is similar to straight SFAs. 4. Higher polarity (i.e., difference in electronegativity between atoms and asymmetry of the compound’s structure). Indeed, cis-FAs are nonpolar hydrocarbons and can dissolve in nonpolar solvents. Without attractive positive and negative poles found in molecules like water (H2O), cis-fats rely on weak intermolecular forces called Van der Waals bonds for their attraction to one another. The stronger these forces, the more the molecules will stick to each other and the harder the fat will be to melt. Conversely, but like SFAs, TFAs are then more polar than cis-FAs.

Analytical TFA Characterization: Not Always Easy, But Often Present Several techniques [e.g., gas chromatography (GC); GC-mass spectrometry; thin-layer chromatography; high-pressure liquid chromatography; Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy] have been proposed to quantitatively and qualitatively determine TFAs in blood and tissue sample matrices (Ackman, 2008; AOAC, 2001; AOCS, 2005; Mossoba et al., 2004; Ratnayake, 2004; Ratnayake and Galli, 2009; Ratnayake et al., 2006). Comparative TFA determinations from processed versus unprocessed foods usually provide interesting clues and insights, although it is often difficult to differentiate natural from industrial TFA complex mixtures, hence possible analytical artifacts (Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b). Thereby, it has been reported that: (i) The quantitative distribution of TFAs may considerably vary between processed food products (i.e., .50% of total FAs in low-quality margarines) and natural products (i.e., ,10% of total FAs in milk and meats); and (ii) the qualitative nature of TFAs in processed foods [e.g., the major TFA being oleic acid isomer trans-9 (trans-9, 18:1 or 18:1 Δ9 trans also called elaidic acid)] also differs to some extent from natural TFAs [e.g., the major one being oleic acid isomer trans-11 (trans-11, 18:1 or trans-Δ11, 18:1 also called vaccenic acid), which can be further converted in mammals into small amounts of CLA (cis-9, trans-11, 18:2)] (Aro et al., 1998; Bru¨hl, 1995; Fernandez San Juan, 1996; Perkins and Smick, 1987; Precht and Molkentin, 2000; Sommerfeld, 1983; Wolff et al., 2000). In some cases, such as during partial hydrogenation of fish oils, trans-isomers of EPA (i.e., 20:1 and 20:2) and DHA (i.e., 22:1 and 22:2) are predominant (Ratnayake and Galli, 2009), while the CLAs linoleic (cis-9, cis-12, 18:2) and linolenic acid (cis-9, cis-12, cis-15, 18:3) trans-isomers are usually generated during

Trans Fats and Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases: Facts or Artifacts? 25 deep-fat frying (i.e., about 1.3% at .200 C for 15 min, but only 0.2% at 180 C) or deodorization (Devinat et al., 1980; Sagu and Dana, 2003; Se´be´dio et al., 1988; Vermunt et al., 2001).

TFAs on Health and Cardiovascular Diseases: Are They Really Hurting the Heart? While too little information is available about the effects of natural TFAs on human health (Brouwer et al., 2010; Jakobsen et al., 2008; Menaa et al., 2013a), most experimental and experimental studies, albeit sometimes controversial, report that industrial TFAs are neither essential nor salubrious, and could even predispose to important pathologies, including fetal malformations, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), and other inflammatory-state diseases (e.g., cancers, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity), especially when consumed chronically or at high doses (Ascherio et al., 1994; Benatar et al., 2011; Bendsen et al., 2011a, 2011b; Bhardwaj et al., 2011; Brouwer et al., 2010, 2013; Ganguly and Pierce, 2012; Ganguly et al., 2013; Gebauer et al., 2011a, 2011b; Hunter et al., 2010; Laake et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2013; Menaa et al., 2013a; Mozaffarian et al., 2006, 2013; Ochiai et al., 2013; Oomen et al., 2001; Pietinen et al., 1997; Remig et al., 2010; Salter, 2013; Smith et al., 2009; Stachowska et al., 2010; Tardy et al., 2011; Teegala et al., 2009; Thompson et al., 2011; Tokede et al., 2013; Valenzuela and Morgado, 1999; Willett et al., 1993). Interestingly, certain TFA isomers (e.g., CLAs) would be beneficial for health (Bhattacharya et al., 2006; Gebauer et al., 2011b; Jacome-Sosa et al., 2010; Menaa et al., 2013a). CVDs are known to be the leading cause of human death worldwide (Lopez et al., 2006). Importantly, arterial hypertension is considered one of the major risk factors both for CVD (about 50%) and death (Lopez et al., 2006; Menaa, 2013). Interestingly, an increasing number of retrospective case-control and prospective cohort studies have reported positive associations, even after adjustments for confusion factors (e.g., smoking, age, obesity, high blood pressure), between a relatively high consumption of TFAs ( . 3 g/day) and the risk of developing CVDs (Ascherio et al., 1994; Chardigny et al., 2008; Kromhout et al., 1995; Mozaffarian and Clarke, 2009; Van de Vijver et al., 2000). In fact, a 2% (i.e., about 4 g/day) absolute increase in total energy intake (TEI) from TFAs has been associated with a 23% increase in cardiovascular risk (Ballesteros-Va´squez et al., 2012; Mozaffarian et al., 2006; Oomen et al., 2001; Remig et al., 2010). Also, although most studies that directly assessed the association between TFA intake and stroke yielded null results, except for the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study (Willet et al., 1993), a most recent study showed that sex modifies the association between TFA intake and stroke because for every 2 g/day (i.e., about 1% TEI) increase in TFA intake, there was a 14% increase in the risk of stroke in men but not in women (Kiage et al., 2014). Overall, the data suggested that a


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threshold TEI lower than 1% is required as an international reference regardless of the individual’s age and gender (AFSSA, 2005, 2009; Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b). Further, there was a statistically significant relationship between TFA intake and hypercholesterolemia or hypertriglyceridemia (Sartika, 2011). This is in line with previous experimental studies that reported effects of TFAs on blood lipids and lipoproteins (Almendingen et al., 1995; Mu¨ller et al., 1998). Globally, a step reduction in the use of industrial TFAs is thought to decrease the cardiovascular risk (Brouwer et al., 2010; Nielsen et al., 2011). In fact, the detrimental effects of industrial TFAs on heart health are beyond dispute, and whether we should be aware of the content of these TFAs in dietary products remains an open question (Aronis et al., 2011; Lichtenstein, 2014). By precautionary principles, it is reasonably stated that TFAs can represent a hidden health risk (Molin et al. 2013), and the recent association between high TFA intake and increased risk of all-cause mortality (Kiage et al., 2013) can be preoccupying. Also, further research is warranted to determine the effects of natural TFAs and CLAs on CVDs and their risk factors (Brouwer et al., 2013).

TFA-Mediated Molecular Mechanisms Leading to Higher CVD Risks The molecular mechanisms through which TFAs are delivering their effects are largely unknown (Ganguly et al., 2013). The underlying molecular mechanisms of high ( . 2 g/day, .1% TEI) and/or chronic consumption of industrial TFAs effects on the increased risk of coronary events involve blood elevation of LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) and TG levels, lowering of HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, and pro-inflammatory response (Mozaffarian and Clarke, 2009; Mozaffarian et al., 2006). It is worth noting that industrial TFAs would therefore be more atherogenic than SFAs (e.g., stearic acid, 18:0), which increased both LDL-C and HDL-C (Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b; Zock and Katan, 1992). The differences between industrial TFAs and SFAs have been attributed to lipoprotein catabolic rate rather than production rate (Lichtenstein, 2014). Conversely to industrial TFAs, experiments led in intact and ovariectomized female guinea pigs showed that natural TFAs raise plasma HDL-C (Rice et al., 2012). Although several epidemiologic and experimental studies underline the preponderant role of high levels of LDL-C (bad cholesterol) and low levels of HDL-C (good cholesterol) on the atherosclerosis genesis and its consequences (Brouwer et al., 2010; Chapman, 1999; Genest and Cohn, 1999; Hodis and Mack, 1998; Steinberg and Gotto, 1999), the association between cholesterol and atherosclerosis has been refuted by other research groups (de Lorgeril, 2008; Ravnskov, 2000) based on the very low participation (i.e., about 10%) of cholesterol in the initial steps of atherosclerosis and thrombus formation. Indeed, other blood factors and mechanisms are involved in the endothelial dysfunction leading to CVDs, including increase of TFAs (Bassett et al., 2009; Harvey et al., 2008), TGs

Trans Fats and Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases: Facts or Artifacts? 27 (McColl et al., 2000), homocysteine (Hankey and Eikelboom, 1999), lipoprotein(a) (Loscalzo, 1990), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1; Kohler and Grant, 2000), clotting factors such as FVII (Junker et al., 1997), as well as a possible decrease of natural anticoagulants. Major molecular mechanisms mediated by TFAs and contributing to the etiology of CVDs could be summarized as follows: (i) increase of plasmatic cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity (Abbey and Nestel, 1994; Van Tol et al., 1995); (ii) increase of LDL-C levels and decrease of HDL-C levels (Judd et al., 1994; Katan et al., 1995; Lichtenstein et al., 1999; Mensink and Katan, 1990; Zock and Katan, 1992); and (iii) stimulation of pro-inflammatory molecules [e.g., tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-10, C-reactive protein, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB), reactive oxygen species], adhesion molecules (e.g., ICAM-1, VCAM-1), blood marker of lipid peroxydation urinary 8-iso-PGF(2α), leukocytes count, as well as reduction of the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO) production/bioavailability (Bendsen et al., 2011b; Bryk et al., 2011; Harvey et al., 2008; Iwata et al., 2011; Machado et al., 2012; Mozaffarian, 2006; Smit et al., 2011). A recent study led in mice showed that dietary TFAs significantly enhance doxorubicininduced cardiotoxicity by a mechanism involving upregulated cardiac expression of NF-κB p65 and phophorylated mitogen-activated protein kinases (i.e., p-p38 MAPK, and p-ERK1/2 alias p-p44/42 MAPKs) (Mong et al., 2013). Thereby, to a certain extent, TFAs appear to be a potential risk factor for CVDs and their complications (Perova et al., 2013). Even so, it is worth noting that current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that encourage high consumption of the antiatherogenic PUFAs and low consumption of the proatherogenic SFAs (Chowdhury et al., 2014; de Oliveira Otto et al., 2013; Machado et al., 2012).

Contrasting Panorama of Worldwide TFA Consumption Is Relying on Technological Alternatives and Preventive Policies In many countries, such as the United States, industrial TFAs are often present in large amounts in many daily food products (Eckel et al., 2007; Menaa et al., 2013a). Developing nations in particular consume high levels of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (PHVOs) (Teegala et al., 2009). In Japan there is a statistical correlation between TFA and SFA intake in adults, although this intake is relatively lower (i.e., ,1%) than the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended energy ratio (i.e., 1%) (Kawabata et al., 2010). In Indonesia, TFA intake in adults was also low: half of the recommended level (Sartika, 2011). In Europe, children often represent the population that overconsumes industrial TFAs, compared to adults who usually have a much higher dietary intake of natural TFAs (AFSSA, 2009; Bauer and Waldrop, 2009; Menaa et al., 2013a).


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Two relevant industrial approaches can be used to reduce or eliminate TFAs in food (Hayes and Pronczuk, 2010; Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b): (i) food reformulation (e.g., replacement of TFAs with edible base stock FAs, such as palm oil, although some of the fat replacers might run the risk of increasing SFA levels) and (ii) modification of FA composition through valuable innovative processes (e.g., chemical or enzymatic fat interesterifications, which usually display interesting physicochemical features that minimize SFA levels). The production of healthier shortenings by these industrial processes, along with reforms for greater transparency in labeling (i.e., specifications of TFA composition and amount on prepackaged foods) and/or active consumer educational campaigns to substantially reduce TFA production and consumption, have been successfully applied in some countries but remain a challenge in many others, despite the growing evidence of their impact on health (Ackman and Mag, 1998; Backholer and Peeters, 2013; Ballesteros-Va´squez et al., 2012; Ellis and Glanville, 2010; Hayes and Pronczuk, 2010; Kawabata et al., 2010; L’Abbe´ et al., 2009; Lefevre et al., 2012; Menaa et al., 2013a, 2013b; Mozaffarian and Stampfer, 2010; Mozaffarian et al., 2010; Nishida et al., 2004; PAHO/WHO Task Force, 2007; Precht and Molkentin, 2000; Ratnayake et al., 1998; Remig et al., 2010; Tarrago-Trani et al. 2006; Vesper et al., 2012; Wang and Proctor, 2013). Nowadays, ruminant fats are considered the major source of TFAs in most European countries (e.g., Denmark, Switzerland, Spain) because of the step reduction in the production and intake of industrial TFAs (Ansorena et al., 2012; Hulshof et al., 1999; Leth et al., 2006; Stender and Dyerberg, 2004). However, in PHVOs, TFAs levels are still too high (Wolff et al., 2000). It becomes clear that both individual- and policy-level initiatives to decrease TFA consumption should continue, particularly in population subgroups (e.g., young individuals), and recent findings provide further evidence to support the concerted effort to minimize TFAs in the diet (Kiage et al., 2014). Interestingly, Denmark is a country that has shown a reduced prevalence of CVDs by efficiently reducing sources of TFAs in the diet. France is one of the countries that does not take sufficient and effective legal actions in spite of regular recommendations made by the national authority, ANAES (AFSSA, 2005, 2009); hence significant amounts of TFA remain in foods and therefore in the diet of its population (Ballesteros-Va´squez et al., 2012; Menaa et al., 2013a). Importantly, North American and Canadian authorities [e.g., the American Heart Association (AHA), American Dietetic Association (ADA), National Cholesterol Education Project (NCEP)], based on the top consumptions of TFAs ( . 4 g/day) in the related countries (AFSSA, 2005), have decided to take preventive measures (e.g., reduction of total FAs to ,2% in vegetable oils and margarines and ,5% in other foods; reduction of TFAs consumption to ,1% TEI alias ,2 g TFA/100 g; recommendations to limit dietary TFAs intake from industrial sources) (AHANC, 2006; Angell et al., 2012; Coombes, 2011; Leake, 2007; Lichtenstein, 2012; McCarthy, 2013; Mello, 2012; Okie, 2007; Remig et al., 2010; Vesper et al., 2012). Interestingly, Canada was the first country to regulate mandatory food labeling a decade

Trans Fats and Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases: Facts or Artifacts? 29 ago (Remig et al., 2010; Trans Fat Task Force, 2006). It appears obvious that total elimination is not possible in a balanced diet due to the natural presence of TFAs in dairy and meat products (Remig et al., 2010); this is why the FDA labeling rules allow products containing ,0.5 g TFAs per serving to claim 0 g TFAs or that they are TFAs free. The Department of Health in England is also currently working to improve diet and lifestyle by proposing a National Health System (NHS) of food choices, better food labels, and provision of information, including a website and the social marketing campaign Change4Life (Levy, 2013). In addition, developing countries from Asia and South America are paying more attention to TFA content in food items and strategies to reduce them. Recent Iranian investigations showed that marketed junk foods and bakery products contain high amounts of TFAs (from 2% to 20%) (Nazari et al., 2012). In India, although there is presently no system or stringent food laws to monitor and regulate the amount of TFAs in processed foods (Dhaka et al., 2011), strategies are being adopted to decrease the consumption of hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVOs) or to modify the industrial processing method of HVOs to decrease the excessive TFAs content, which is about 10 times the limits of the Denmark standards (Dixit and Das, 2012). Besides the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/WHO Trans-Fat-Free Americas initiative, representatives from food industries in Latin America and the Caribbean have declared their intention to eliminate industrially produced TFAs and make their consumption as low as possible (i.e., less than 1%) (Ballesteros-Va´squez et al., 2012; Monge-Rojas et al., 2011). Importantly, Brazil and Argentina are examples of middle-income countries that have seen changes in the TFA content of food. This is due in part to the agricultural trade agreement MERCOSUR (the South American Common Market integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay) that was elaborated in 2003 to mandate TFA labeling (Coutinho and Recine, 2007). It is stated that these policies may have a positive impact only if substantial scientific evidence of the effects of TFA on human health are provided (Eckel et al., 2007), taking into consideration that structure and function of each TFAs is relatively complex. One can further argue that excessive government control over food could restrict dietary choices and human freedom, may interfere with cultural/ethnic/religious traditions, and may exacerbate socioeconomic inequalities, thereby resulting in ineffectiveness (Resnik, 2010a, 2010b). What is crystal clear is that junk food is not healthy for our heart. Innovative and global thoughts are then required to define more efficient and safer strategies.

Key Points • •

In light of growing evidence of potentially deleterious effects of industrial TFAs on health, TFA intake should be zero for any population subgroups. Cost-effective, zero-TFA products as alternatives to hydrogenated oils should be available worldwide.

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Chapter 2 Switch from partially hydrogenated oils to nonhydrogenated unsaturated oils at no additional costs to consumers because being TFA free can be seen as a competitive advantage. Zero-TFA products should preserve the desirable physicochemical (e.g., organoleptic) properties. Reduction of dietary TFAs can lower the incidence and prevalence of CVDs in a given population, but the precise underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Longitudinal, randomized, prospective, meta-analytic studies should help to clarify the role of TFAs (i.e., natural, industrial, and domestic ones) on health, particularly on CVDs. Clinical trials should be conducted with respect to ethnicity, geographical location, gender, and age groups. Only certain TFAs cause deleterious effects for human health (e.g., cardiotoxicity); others, such as natural TFAs and CLAs are even beneficial to some extent (e.g., cardioprotection). Industrial TFAs may contribute to a CVD, but most are unlikely to cause CVDs. Multidisciplinary preventive and therapeutic approaches against CVDs are firmly required (e.g., drugs targeting TFAs, quick lab tests monitoring TFAs in blood, high consumption of PUFAs, low consumption of total SFAs).

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Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Sri Nagarjun Batchu, Ketul Chaudhary, Igor Zlobine, Jasmine Pawa and John M. Seubert Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a major cause of illness, disability, and death in both Western societies and developing nations. As populations age and comorbidities such as obesity and diabetes become more prevalent, both the human cost and economic burden of these conditions will increase. Ischemic heart disease (IHD), also known as coronary artery disease (CAD) or coronary heart disease (CHD), results from damage incurred after severe impairment of the arteries that feed the heart muscle when both blood flow and oxygen supply are restricted. In contrast, an anoxic event occurs when perfusion to the myocardium is maintained but lacks oxygen. This allows for a washout of metabolic waste products and limits the mechanical and energetic injury to the heart compared to ischemia. Myocardial ischemic injury occurs when ischemia exceeds a critical threshold and overwhelms the cellular repair mechanisms that are designed to maintain normal operating function and homeostasis. It is at this critical threshold level that ischemia results in irreversible myocardial cell damage or death (see Figure 3.1). Such injury contributes to the pathogenesis of heart failure (HF), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and sudden death (Wang and O’Horo, 2011). Considerable knowledge about the anatomical and biochemical responses to ischemic injury has produced much insight into the corresponding pathobiology. Advances in early reperfusion therapy, such as thrombolytic drugs, coronary angioplasty, or bypass graft surgery, have reduced morbidity, HF, and ventricular arrhythmias associated with infarction. Acute cardioprotective mechanisms are primarily mediated by the activation of signaling pathways and the post-translational modification of proteins, whereas delayed or late protective mechanisms are primarily mediated by gene induction and protein synthesis.

Handbook of Lipids in Human Function. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-63067-036-8.00003-2 © 2016 AOCS Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Chapter 3

Occluded vessel blood flow and oxygen supply is limited

Ischemic vessel

Healthy vessel

Normal vessel has unobstructed blood flow

Healthy muscle Infarct region of dead or nonviable tissue

Figure 3.1 Cardiac blood vessel in ischemic and nonischemic condition.

Fatty acids (FAs) are carboxylic acids consisting of a long aliphatic hydrocarbon tail (chain), which is either saturated (no double bonds between carbon atoms) or unsaturated (double bonds are present). FAs are the building blocks of phospholipids and glycolipids found within the body, notably in cell membranes. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests a total energy intake of about 2535% should be derived from fat (Lichtenstein et al., 2006). For several years, many have recognized the importance of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the reduction of CVD (Erkkila et al., 2008; Kritchevsky, 1998). The early studies of dietary fat and atherosclerosis investigating the association of serum cholesterol with CHD suggested that unsaturated FAs lower serum cholesterol levels (Keys et al., 1957; Mensink and Katan, 1992; Mensink et al., 2003). The beneficial results were attributed to the opposite effects of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and PUFAs on the lipid profile. However, literature demonstrates that dietary fat quality may also influence CVD through the effects on thrombosis, endothelial function, inflammation, abdominal obesity, insulin sensitivity, development of diabetes, and arrhythmias (Erkkila et al., 2008). For example, n-3 PUFAs can undergo oxidation during storage due to the double bonds within their structure (Albert et al., 2013; Benzie, 1996). Beneficial and detrimental outcomes ultimately depend on the type of FA. Evidence demonstrates the

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 41 adverse effects of both trans fatty acids (TFAs) and SFAs, whereas PUFAs are associated with a lower incidence of CVD (von Schacky, 2006, 2007; Willett, 2007). These latter studies showed a lower incidence of cardiac death, as well as decreases in blood pressure, blood viscosity, plasma triglycerides, ventricular fibrillation, arrhythmia, and myocardial infarction (MI) (Harris, 2007; Simopoulos, 2008b; von Schacky, 2006, 2007). Although the molecular mechanisms of FA-mediated cardioprotection are not fully defined, it is recognized that FAs are pleiotropic. For example, they alter membrane microdomain structure and function, eicosanoid metabolism, the formation and mobilization of reactive oxygen products, signaling molecules, and intracellular Ca21 levels. The challenge for researchers is to determine the extent of PUFA influence on physical properties and biochemical processes to provide protection toward contractile dysfunction, energetics, and infarction. This chapter will discuss the role that FAs play in cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, as well as in the prevention of CVDs.

Membrane Organization Biological membranes are lined by charged hydrophilic head groups and contain a hydrophobic core made of cholesterol and fatty-acyl chains. FAs are an integral part of the cell plasma membrane and mitochondria. They play a role in maintaining the fluidity and stability of the membrane structure (Giusto et al., 2000), as well acting as secondary signaling molecules in response to stress conditions. Biological membranes are not homogenous mixtures of lipid and protein, but consist of patches of differing composition called domains (Shaikh et al., 2004; Wassall and Stillwell, 2009). Depending on the affinities between differing lipid species or between lipids and membrane proteins, domains can be limited to a relatively small number of molecules (microdomains, in the nm range) to regions in the μm range (macrodomains) (Edidin, 2001). FA structure also comes into play with saturated and monosaturated acyl chains being more ordered than polyunsaturated acyl chains (Shaikh and Edidin, 2008). PUFAs have high conformational flexibility despite the rigidity of the double bonds. This flexibility is dependent on acyl chain length and the number of double bonds (Feller and Gawrisch, 2005). The polyunsaturation of FAs sterically impedes association with some membrane components, such as cholesterol and sphingolipids, thereby influencing lipid-domain behavior and protein function (Chapkin et al., 2008). PUFAs may directly affect physical properties such as microviscosity, curvature, permeability, cytosolic protein trafficking, and microdomain formation (Chapkin et al., 2008; Shaikh and Edidin, 2008; Soni et al., 2008). They may also influence downstream signaling cascades by displacing acylated and prenylated signaling proteins found in lipid domains, termed rafts (Seo et al., 2006; Stulnig et al., 2001). These rafts are regions within the membrane that are rich in sphingolipids and cholesterol, and they are well-known mediators of signal transduction (Heberle et al., 2013; LaRocca et al., 2013).


Chapter 3

Cell-surface organization of lipids, receptors, and proteins has been an area of study for a long time. One can compartmentalize specific regions of plasma membranes into microdomains referred to as membrane rafts (previously known as lipid rafts), which contain a variety of signaling and transport proteins. These discrete microdomains play an important role in facilitating specific cellular events. Subtypes of microdomains can differ in both lipid and protein composition, such as a microdomain enriched in cholesterol and sphingomyelin or microdomains containing proteins such as caveolin-1 and caveolin-3. Caveolae are, in fact, one subset of membrane rafts that appear as flask-like (,100 nm diameter) invaginations enriched with lipids (e.g., cholesterol, glycosphingolipids) and scaffolding proteins called caveolin (caveolin-1, 2, and 3) (Patel et al., 2008b). Caveolins (Cav) are 2224 kDa proteins (Anderson, 1993) that can differ in expression patterns and their ability to regulate intracellular signaling (Ballard-Croft et al., 2006; Das et al., 2008; Der et al., 2006); with some cell types, such as adipocytes, their surface plasmalemma contains a large amount of caveolae (B50%) (Thorn et al., 2003). As such, caveolar composition can selectively sequester membrane-targeted proteins that make a unique signaling microdomain controlling cellular function and response. Evidence demonstrates that caveolin-1 is critical in controlling protective signaling after I/R injury (Patel et al., 2007). FA composition plays an important role in modulating caveolar lipid composition and signaling microdomain localization and function (Figure 3.2) (Ma et al., 2004b). Notably, cardiomyocytes are known to express Cav-1 (Cho et al., 2010) and alterations in n-3 PUFAs will influence fatty-acyl composition and reduce both cholesterol and Cav-1 content (Ma et al., 2004b). In addition, cellular membrane chains are significantly affected by PUFAs because they contain repeating units of 5 CHCH2CH 5 within their structure (Wassall and Stillwell, 2009). Thus, FA composition significantly affects plasma-membrane composition and signaling, which, in turn, influences important cellular events and functions.

Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Ischemic injury is an important clinical problem that depends on the site and extent of occlusion, duration between occlusion and reperfusion, and the presence of collateral circulation. Significant metabolic imbalances and functional changes are initiated within seconds of the onset of ischemia. The effects are initially reversible; however, if oxygen is deprived for an extended period of time, they become more severe, leading to irreversible damage. Paradoxically, the process of restoring blood flow can itself cause myocardial injury. Reperfusion injury was first postulated in 1960, when Jennings et al. reported histological features of reperfused ischemic canine myocardium. Cardiac dysfunction can take several forms: 1. stunning, in which mechanical dysfunction persists after reperfusion despite the absence of irreversible injury and normal coronary flow, 2. no-flow phenomenon, the inability to reperfuse a previous ischemic region,

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 43

Inactive protein

Active protein

Sphingomyelin phospholipid


Bulk phospholipid


EPA/DHA phospholipid

Microdomain composition and organization is altered Sphingomyelin, caveolin-1, and cholesterol reduced

Influences protein function, protein trafficking/recruitment, downstream signaling

Figure 3.2 Membrane function and microdomain locality is affected by phospholipid composition and protein content.

3. arrhythmias, 4. lethal injury (Hausenloy and Yellon, 2008). Whether irreversible cardiomyocyte damage occurs during ischemia or upon reperfusion is a matter of debate. Importantly, therapeutic interventions that reduce or salvage injured tissue are most successful when initiated as soon as possible after the ischemic event. Following the I/R event, adaptive processes that alter myocardial shape, size, and function begin to take hold. These adverse adaptations include the formation of scar tissue, fibrosis, and myofibroblasts proliferation, which lead to pathological hypertrophy. These changes contribute to increased myocardial stiffness, contractile dysfunction, and reduced cardiac output, which eventually leads to ventricular dilatation, HF, and death.


Chapter 3

The brain and heart are undeniably vital systems, and an insult to either leads to death or major impairment of the individual. In the brain, 5060% of the weight is made up of lipid, and although it appears delicate, it is thought to resist ischemia for a longer period as compared to other tissues (Plum, 1983; Rehncrona et al., 1980). On the other hand, the heart is composed primarily of much stronger muscular tissue, but is very prone to ischemic injury. Major cellular events occur following I/R that result in a series of reactions leading to irreversible forms of injury. The series of events during ischemia can be generally characterized as follows: 1. Reduced availability of molecular oxygen and metabolic substrates results in a decrease in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) following inhibition of the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. 2. Cells then switch from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, which causes accumulation of inorganic phosphate, lactate, and protons (H1), which subsequently inhibit glycolysis. 3. The activation of the sodiumhydrogen exchanger by intracellular acidosis leads to increased Na1. 4. ATP-dependent ion pumps begin to fail, causing the cell to become depolarized, and allowing ions, including Ca21, to flow into the cell. The ion pumps can no longer transport calcium out of the cell, resulting in increased intracellular calcium levels that inhibit contraction (reversible). 5. Increased intracellular solute concentrations result in osmotic swelling and induce membrane depolarization, which, in turn, increases membrane permeability and causes a loss of membrane phospholipids. 6. The activation of Ca21-dependent proteases and phospholipases begins to breakdown cellular components. 7. Mitochondrial dysfunction and breakdown initiate the release of toxins and apoptotic factors (Delozier et al., 2007; Ferdinandy et al., 2007; Halestrap, 2004; Hausenloy and Yellon, 2008; Murphy and Steenbergen, 2008). Although reperfusion therapy greatly enhances survivability, reperfusion itself may lead to further complications. A balance exists between the benefits of reducing infarct and potentiating injury upon reperfusion. Reperfusion injury is an expansion or worsening of the events initiated during an ischemic event. Oxygen radicals, Ca21 overload, and neutrophils are thought to be the major mediators of reperfusion injury. The sudden reintroduction of oxygen causes a reenergization of the mitochondria and a reactivation of the electrontransport chain. The electrons swiftly flow into the mitochondria, but cannot be used for oxidative phosphorylation because of a loss of cytochrome oxidase and dismutase enzymatic activity. This ultimately leads to the formation of free radicals like O2 and H2O2. The free radicals generated during reperfusion from injured mitochondria (after an ischemic insult) lead to cytoskeleton damage, increased lipid peroxidation, increased cell permeability, and altered membrane potential. An alteration in membrane potential by free radicals and

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 45 increased levels of calcium lead to further injury and swelling of the inner mitochondrial membrane. This damage ultimately triggers the opening of the mitochondrial permeable transition pore (mPTP) (Crompton et al., 1998; Halestrap, 2004; Halestrap et al., 1998). The opening of the mPTP is associated with irreversible necrotic cell death in cells that sustained significant injury during ischemia; however, some cells display hallmarks of apoptosis after reperfusion injury (Ferdinandy et al., 2007). Furthermore, several hours after the onset of myocardial reperfusion, an innate immune response is initiated. This is characterized by a complex response involving the activation of endothelial cells and increased vascular permeability results in the rapid accumulation of neutrophils and monocytes in the infracted tissue (Frangogiannis et al., 2002; Piper et al., 2003). However, the physiology and anatomy of the heart limits its capacity to tolerate inflammatory responses (Taqueti et al., 2006). As such, the degree of the inflammatory response is critical. If it exceeds the heart’s capacity, the innate immune response will contribute to cardiomyocyte injury and death by causing vascular plugging, the release of degradative enzymes, and the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS; Hausenloy and Yellon, 2008; Taqueti et al., 2006). As a result there is left atrium (LA) and left ventricle (LV) dysfunction, remodeling and formation of fibrosis which occur after an AMI, and these changes are in turn associated with an elevated risk of ventricular arrhythmias (Dixon and Spinale, 2011; Huikuri et al., 2009; Mehta et al., 1997; Sutton and Sharpe, 2000; Yoon et al., 2013).

Cardioprotection Limiting I/R injury has been an important concept for over three decades. Preventing cardiomyocyte death, arrhythmias, and contractile dysfunction to improve the outcome of patients following an ischemic event is the main goal (Braunwald and Maroko, 1974; Maroko et al., 1971). Interestingly, the molecular plasticity of the heart provides a remarkable ability for it to adapt to I/R stress (Ferdinandy et al., 2007). Numerous pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions have been investigated and reported to protect the heart in experimental animals; however, none has successfully translated into clinical practice with the exception of early reperfusion (Bolli et al., 2004). The continued development of new cardioprotective agents, strategies, and/or paradigms that can reduce this gap between experimental models and clinical practice is required (Bolli et al., 2004). Cardioprotection aims at reducing the acute and chronic loss of myocardium, thereby limiting subsequent arrhythmias and contractile dysfunction. The discovery of ischemic preconditioning (IPC) as a powerful cardioprotective strategy that renders the heart resistant to injury set the stage for multiple investigations (Murry et al., 1986). Brief nondetrimental episodes of ischemia or pharmacological mimetics given prior to a prolonged ischemic event can initiate signaling pathways that protect the myocardium. Moreover, brief cycles of I/R applied after a prolonged event, termed postconditioning, also confer a


Chapter 3 GPCR Adenosine receptors β2 adrenergic receptors

Receptor activating ligands




L-type calcium channels Ryanoide receptors

RAS-RAF PI3 Kinase


Kv channels




Vascular KATP GSK3β


mPTP MitoKCa +





2+ Cl– ↓[Ca ] Overload

Mitochondria H+


Cardioprotection ↓[Ca2+] Overload

Figure 3.3 Signaling pathways mediating cardioprotection after I/R.

cardioprotective response. This diverse and complex response is orchestrated by a wide range of mediators from enzymes, receptors, carriers, pumps, and ion channels to lipids, FAs, ROS, and peptides (Murphy and Steenbergen, 2008; Piper et al., 2003). Specific cardioprotective responses can involve activating protein kinases and ATP-sensitive potassium channels, preserving mitochondrial function, and producing arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites. The specifics of many of these cardioprotective signals were extensively covered in depth by numerous excellent reviews (Figure 3.3) (Delozier et al., 2007; Ferdinandy et al., 2007; Murphy and Steenbergen, 2008; Piper et al., 2003; Yellon and Downey, 2003). Many of the beneficial and detrimental effects of FAs, however, specifically involve interactions with biological membranes, whether acting as potent signaling moieties, sources of energy, or interacting with hydrophobic regions of membrane proteins.

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Myocardial Energetics The heart’s high energy demand during normal function is supplied by ATP, which is produced mainly by mitochondria ( . 95%) through oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis, and the citric acid cycle (Stanley et al., 2005; Ussher and Lopaschuk, 2008). Of the total energy produced, 6070% is used for contractile function, and the remaining 3040% is used for the other channel and pump functions. Under normal aerobic conditions, over 7080% of energy needed to produce ATP is derived from FAs, with the remainder coming from the oxidation of pyruvate formed from glycolysis and lactate oxidation (Burke and Virmani, 2007). FAs are not as oxygen efficient as carbohydrates, requiring approximately 10% more oxygen to produce an equivalent amount of ATP (Stanley et al., 2005). FAs can enter cardiomyocytes by passive diffusion or via protein-mediated transporters such as the FA glycoprotein transporter FA translocase (CD36) that is highly expressed within the heart (Densupsoontorn et al., 2008), as well as being released from the sarcolemma (Kuda et al., 2013; Tarhda et al., 2013). Following entry, FAs are then esterified to acyl coenzyme A (CoA) by fatty-acyl CoA synthase, becoming available for further esterification to intracellular lipids or conversion to long-chain fatty-acyl carnitine by carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT-I) (van der Lee et al., 2000). Subsequent mitochondrial uptake occurs via a carnitine-dependent transport system in which CPT-I, carnitine acyltranslocase, and CPT-II move FAs inside. Mitochondrial β-oxidation repeatedly cleaves off two carbon acetyl CoA units that enter the Kreb’s cycle to produce reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and the reduced flavin adenine dinucleotide required for ATP production. Acetyl CoA can be regenerated to supply the citric acid cycle (Ussher and Lopaschuk, 2008). Importantly, the oxidation of FAs increases the acetyl CoA: CoA ratio, which inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase and glucose oxidation via a phenomenon termed the Randle cycle (Randle et al., 1963). I/R dramatically alters cardiac energy metabolism, thereby decreasing cardiac efficiency (Figure 3.4). Ischemic events will shift the aerobic metabolism to anaerobic within seconds, thereby triggering glycolysis, glycogen breakdown, and reduced ATP. Pyruvate is not readily oxidized in the mitochondria, and results in the production of lactate, a drop in pH, a reduction in contractile function, and a greater demand for ATP. FAs become the dominate substrate for oxidative metabolism at the expense of glucose oxidation (Ussher and Lopaschuk, 2008; Whitmer et al., 1978). This triggers an uncoupling between glycolysis and glucose oxidation, contributing to the intracellular acidosis observed in ischemic hearts (Ferdinandy et al., 2007; Halestrap et al., 1998; Piper et al., 2003; Ussher and Lopaschuk, 2008). Indeed, decreased FA oxidation and increased glucose oxidation are associated with an improved functional recovery following I/R injury in experimental animal models (Dyck et al., 2006). During reperfusion, FAs remain the dominate source for oxidative energy metabolism, further inhibiting glucose oxidation (Dyck and Lopaschuk,


Chapter 3 Preischemic



Fatty-acyl CoA synthase





Fatty-acyl CoA Glycolysis

Lactate Pyruvate

Carnitine acyltranslocase CPT-I, CPT-II Cytosol

Fatty-acyl carnitine



Fatty-acyl CoA


PDH NADH + Acetyl CoA


ETC TCA cycle





Fatty-acyl CoA synthase





Fatty-acyl CoA Lactate





Fatty-acyl CoA


PDH ATP requirement


Fatty-acyl carnitine


Contractile function

Carnitine acyltranslocase CPT-I, CPT-II

NADH + Acetyl CoA


ETC TCA cycle

Mitochondria Reduced energy supply

Figure 3.4 Overview of myocardial energetics in preischemic and postischemic conditions.

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 49 2002; Liu et al., 1996). I/R injury results in increased plasma FA levels and subcellular changes to the heart leading to decreased control of FA oxidation (Kurien and Oliver, 1971). For example, decreased levels of malonyl CoA, an inhibitor of CPT-I, result in an increased mitochondrial uptake of FAs and a subsequent oxidation (Kudo et al., 1996; Ussher and Lopaschuk, 2008). Initially, elevated energy is beneficial for the activation of different compensatory mechanisms that aid in the recovery or prevention of further injury. However, FA oxidation is not an optimal energy source for heart function compared to glucose, which improves cardiac efficiency (Ussher and Lopaschuk, 2008).

The n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids An increased consumption of n-3 PUFAs is linked with a reduced risk of CVD, MI, cardiac arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death (SCD), atherosclerosis, and hypertension (Wang et al., 2006). The n-3 PUFAs are a family of unsaturated FAs that exist as 1822 carbon chains with a double bond at the third carbon atom from the terminal methyl group (Jump, 2002). α-Linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) are the most important n-3 PUFAs that are not synthesized in the human body. n-3 PUFAs can also be obtained from alternatives, such as microalgae, which are primarily supplied by phytoplankton (Martins et al., 2013). ALA, the primary essential source of n-3 PUFA, is converted to EPA and DHA by increasing the chain length and the desaturation of the carboxyl end (Haag, 2003; Harris, 2007). ALA is a plant-derived PUFA that cannot be synthesized in mammals and is the precursor for the synthesis of long-chain n-3 PUFAs (Burdge and Calder, 2005; Gebauer et al., 2006; Jump, 2002). Other members of this family include ecosatrienoic acid, ecosatetraenoic acid, stearidonic acid, docosapentaenoic acid, tetracosapentaenoic acid, and tetracosahexaenoic acid (Gebauer et al., 2006; Jump, 2002). Green leaves, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, flaxseed, nuts, and oily fish are the main sources of ALA in the diet. By the action of desaturase and elongase enzymes, ALA gets converted to EPA or DHA in the endoplasmic reticulum (Burdge and Calder, 2005; Jump, 2002). Dietary composition of n-3 PUFAs has a profound effect on the progression of CVD. The AHA recommends 1 g/day of EPA and DHA for individuals with known CHD and the consumption of two meals/week of oily fish plus oils rich in ALA for persons without known CHD (Kris-Etherton et al., 2002). This is supported by the GISSI study which found that 1 g of n-3 PUFAs for 6 months led to a significant decrease in triglycerides (Marchioli, 1999). Recent recommendations suggest that the consumption of EPA and DHA at a minimum of 250 mg/day should be part of a management program for the prevention of CVD (Deckelbaum et al., 2008; Kromhout, 2012). Experimental studies demonstrate a broad range of overlapping cardiovascular effects attributed to n-3 PUFAs that account for an improved outcome. Several mechanisms were


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proposed to explain the cardioprotective effects of n-3 PUFAs, most notably for EPA and DHA. These include effects on the resting heart rate, eicosanoid signaling and gene expression, antiarrhythmic properties, antiatherogenic effects, reduced blood pressure, increased blood-clotting factor (fibrin), lowering plasma triacylglycerol, and the alteration of membrane microdomains and arterial cholesterol levels (Das, 2000; Dewailly et al., 2001; Jung et al., 2008; Kris-Etherton et al., 2002; Qi et al., 2008; Stillwell and Wassall, 2003). Although, the exact mechanism(s) by which n-3 PUFAs protect the heart from I/R injury remain unknown; the regulation of the heart rate, reduced myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2), and an increased coronary reserve contribute to a preconditioning-like effect that provides cardioprotective response to injury (McLennan et al., 2007).

The n-3 PUFAs in Cardiovascular Disease Early evidence of the protective role of n-3 PUFAs in CVD resulted from studies suggesting that the lower risk and mortality observed in Greenland Inuits as compared to Americans and Danes were due to a diet higher in fish oil (Bang et al., 1980). Similarly, a lower incidence of thrombotic events for people living in Japan and Nunavik correlates with greater amounts of marine oil and fish in their diet (Dewailly et al., 2001; Dyerberg et al., 1978; Yamori et al., 1985). Fish-oil consumption in the diet is therefore inversely related to CHD mortality. An intake of 20 g/day of fish correlates with an approximate 7% reduction in CHD mortality (Breslow, 2006; von Schacky, 2007; Xiao et al., 2008). In addition, data from a large, prospective, randomized clinical trial (GISSI, 1999) demonstrated that n-3 PUFA supplementation reduced death, nonfatal MI, and stroke in individuals who had a recent MI. More profound effects of n-3 PUFAs are observed when DHA and EPA are supplemented as ethyl-esters rather than fish intake or fish-oil supplements (Hooper et al., 2004; von Schacky, 2006). n-3 PUFAs have an established relationship whereby increased intake is associated with a reduction in risk factors for CVD (Marik and Varon, 2009). While the exact mechanisms remain unknown, evidence suggests that the PUFA-mediated mitigation of CVD risk involves protective effects toward endothelial function (Wang et al., 2012), reduction in circulating triacycleglycerides (Eslick et al., 2009; Pei et al., 2012), and antiarrhythmic effects (Sjoberg et al., 2010; Xin et al., 2013). Using a rabbit model of HF, it was demonstrated that animals fed a fish-oil diet for 16 weeks had a reduction in the development of hypertrophy and HF (Den Ruijter et al., 2012). Some epidemiological studies show an ineffectiveness of n-3 PUFA in preventing myocardial ischemia and an overall risk of cardiac events. No significance was observed in any CHD parameters including nonfatal MI, SCD, coronary artery bypass grafting, and angioplasty in the Health Professionals’ Follow-up Study (Ascherio et al., 1995). Another study also shows that no correlation exists between fish intake and a reduced risk of fatal MI, non-SCD, and total

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 51 cardiovascular mortality (Albert et al., 1998). In addition, no correlation was observed between fish intake and CHD mortality in the Seven Country Study data (Kromhout et al., 1995). Also no association was observed between n-3 PUFA intake and the risk of MI in the EURAMIC study (Guallar et al., 1999). These differences may be partially attributed to study design because some were performed in populations with a high baseline intake of n-3 PUFAs and others utilized lower doses of EPA and DHA (Akabas and Deckelbaum, 2006; von Schacky, 2007). Many additional confounding factors include alcohol consumption, exercise habits, and a misclassification of dietary SFAs or n-6 PUFAs (Jung et al., 2008). Whether n-3 PUFAs are beneficial in preventing MI or not is still being debated; however, the majority of the literature strongly indicates that n-3 PUFAs are cardioprotective.

The n-3 PUFA Antiarrythmetic Effects An AMI will cause damage and/or death of heart muscle as a result of I/R injury. Two of the adverse consequences and common predictors of mortality following myocardial ischemia are low heart-rate variability and arrhythmias. A reduction in mortality in AMI patients was observed in individuals whose fish intake was two times a week (Burr et al., 1989) or who had taken n-3 FA supplements (B1 g/day) (Marchioli et al., 2002). More recently, a population-based cohort study assessing atrial fibrillation incidents over a 12year follow-up demonstrated that an increased consumption of fish was associated with a reduction in incidents (Mozaffarian et al., 2004). Various other studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between a high dietary intake (fish or supplementation) of n-3 PUFAs and an improved heart rate and reduced MI mortality (Christensen et al., 1997; Macchia et al., 2008). In addition, animal models of myocardial ischemia support the antiarrhythmic action of n-3 PUFAs, demonstrating reduced infarction size and reduced susceptibility to arrhythmias (McLennan et al., 1985, 1988). The exact mechanisms by which n-3 PUFAs exert antiarrhythmic properties remain unclear. The cardioprotective effects of n-3 FAs may result from a direct effect on the myocardium or by incorporation into the membrane and alteration of protein function. The simple structure and unsaturated nature of n-3 PUFAs allow for easy incorporation into lipid membranes and mitochondria. In the plasma membrane, DHA binds to the sn-2 position of the phospholipid acyl chain while, in comparison, SFAs are found in the sn-1 position (Harris, 2007; Stillwell and Wassall, 2003). An alteration in membrane structure by the incorporation of n-3 FAs can cause secondary effects on receptors and transmembrane proteins that lead to changes in receptorligand interactions and downstream signals (Diniz et al., 2004). Proper ion-channel function is of the utmost importance to contractility in the heart following I/R injury. Evidence demonstrates that n-3 FAs can affect ion channels such as voltage-gated Na1 channels (INa), voltage-gated L-type Ca21 channels (ICa,L), human ether-a-go-go-related


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gene (hERG) channels, and Kv1.5 channels (Guizy et al., 2005, 2008; Xiao et al., 1995, 1997, 1998). The n-3 FAs enhance the long-activated delayed-rectifier K1 current (IK,l) and the slow-activated delayed-rectifier K1 current (IK,s). Following I/R injury, the development of a gradient of depolarization can elicit action potentials to occur at inappropriate periods of the cardiac electrical cycle, thus initiating arrhythmias (Leaf et al., 2003). In addition, ICa,L and Ca21 sparks (Ca21 release from sarcoplasmic reticulum) are detrimental to the heart and are partially responsible for the arrhythmic event that occurs after ischemia. The hyperpolarization of the resting-membrane potential, the increased threshold for the opening of Na1 channels, the inhibition of ICa,L and Ca21 sparks, and prolonged refractory periods were shown to occur following n-3 PUFA treatment. Together, these effects lead to the stabilization of the heart rate and a reduced risk of arrhythmic events (Xiao et al., 1997, 1998). Apart from the channels in the ventricles, n-3 FAs can block the atrial-specific Kv1.5 channels and play a role in the prevention of supraventricular arrhythmias (Guizy et al., 2008). Studies using cell models show that both n-3 and n-6 PUFAs block the hERG channels at physiological concentrations (Guizy et al., 2005). The blockage was time, voltage, and state-dependent, which suggests a blockage of the channel during an open state. However, AA is reported to block the channel in the inactive state as well. A blockage of the hERG channel with other channels (Na1, Ca21, and several K1 channels) would result in the lengthening of the refractory period and a decreased excitability of the cardiac muscle, which may contribute to the antiarrhythmic effect of n-3 PUFAs (Guizy et al., 2005). Overall, n-3 PUFAs directly affect various ion channels and protect the heart from fatal arrhythmias after ischemic events.

The n-3 PUFA Alterations to Membrane Microdomain The plasma membrane is comprised of a mosaic of functional microdomains that facilitate interactions between resident proteins and lipids (Hancock, 2006; Laude and Prior, 2004). Increasing evidence suggests that n-3 PUFAs, notably DHA, are unique because they alter cell-membrane function, particularly acyl chain order and fluidity, phase behavior, elasticity, ion permeability, and protein function (Stillwell et al., 2005). For example, the n-3 PUFA composition of membrane phospholipids modifies the activities and the function of proteins. This includes ion channels such as Ca21Mg21ATPase, the SR uptake of Ca21, the Na1 currents, and the Na1Ca21 exchanger (NCX) (Pepe, 2005). DHA’s cis double bonds render it sterically incompatible with cholesterol and sphingolipids; therefore, incorporation into the plasma membrane leads to a reduction in the cholesterol content of microdomains (Stillwell et al., 2005). The reduction in cholesterol levels in the plasma membrane will impact fluidity and function, which can affect downstream signaling. Notably, cardiac levels of DHA are concentrated in membranes (well above circulating levels), which is functionally significant

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 53 because DHA is thought to be the key n-3 PUFA found in the heart (McLennan et al., 2007). One can observe the importance of membrane-bound n-3 PUFAs in isolated heart experiments in which many of the functional changes occur in the absence of circulating PUFAs (McLennan and Abeywardena, 2005). The effect of DHA on the cholesterol content of microdomains is only one example of membrane interactions. Caveolae, another subset of membrane rafts, appear as small flask-shaped invaginations of the plasma membrane that contain the structural proteins caveolin and cavin (Patel et al., 2008a). Caveolae play an important role in intracellular signal transduction. Interestingly, the incorporation of n-3 FAs into the plasma membrane leads to a reduction in Cav-1 and 3 (Ma et al., 2004a; Seo et al., 2006). These data suggest another modality by which n-3 PUFA remodeling of membrane microdomains can influence protein localization and subcellular signaling (Ma et al., 2004a). A majority of the findings suggest a positive correlation between a high n-3 PUFA diet and the protective signaling following an ischemic event (Das et al., 2008). Caveolae were first described using electron microscopy in 1953 (Palade, 1953). Caveolin proteins have an important role in maintaining and influencing caveolae function, and loss of these proteins has been implicated in various conditions including atherosclerosis, hypertrophy, and ischemic cardiomyopathy (Das and Das, 2012). DHA has been demonstrated to have a favorable outcome in a wide variety of diseases influencing their mechanisms of action, and its influence on membrane structure and function is an intriguing aspect that not well understood (Stillwell et al., 2005). Furthermore, DHA has been shown to affect caveolae microdomains, for example, displacing Cav-1 and endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (Li et al., 2007). Cardiolipin (CL) is a phospholipid located and synthesized in the inner mitochondrial membrane (Paradies et al., 2014). It contains four long-chain-acyl moieties and influences mitochondrial respiration, apoptotic signaling, and mitochondrial dynamics (Claypool and Koehler, 2012; Houtkooper and Vaz, 2008; Paradies et al., 2014). Alterations in CL have been linked to enhanced I/R injury and HF (Lesnefsky et al., 2009; Mulligan et al., 2012; Sparagna and Lesnefsky, 2009). DHA is commonly found and associated with CL (Cortie and Else, 2012; Hussein et al., 2009). When DHA accounts for up to 20% of dietary fat intake it will outcompete LA to associate with CL (Cortie and Else, 2012; Owen et al., 2004). Further evidence suggests that EPA can limit palmitate-induced apoptosis in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes through preservation of mitochondrial CL levels (Leroy et al., 2008). The impact of n-3 PUFAs on phospholipid membranes is an important interaction that remains unresolved.

The n-3 PUFA Effects on Cardiac Function Experimental data demonstrate that dietary fish oil can improve contractile function in hearts “stunned” from an I/R injury (Pepe and McLennan, 1996). These effects may be partially attributed to lower heart rates observed in hearts treated with n-3 PUFAs, which


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would allow for increased diastolic filling time and increased coronary perfusion (McLennan and Abeywardena, 2005). In addition, n-3 PUFAs can reduce MVO2 and enhance oxygen utilization while maintaining cardiac output (Pepe and McLennan, 2002). This is reflected by a lower coronary flow at rest and an increased capacity to deliver greater blood flow following demand (McLennan et al., 2007). Conversely, increased SFA uptake results in increased MVO2 and reduced cardiac output. Low MVO2 is important to cardiac function because it will lead to reduced lactic-acid production, thereby preventing H1 buildup and systemic acidosis after an ischemic event (Pepe and McLennan, 2002). The improved ventricular function following I/R attributed to increased n-3 PUFA incorporation in myocardial membranes suggests direct cardioprotective effects beyond antiatherogenic and antithrombotic actions (McLennan et al., 2007; Pepe and McLennan, 2002). Increased ROS formation is linked to the detrimental effects of I/R injury, cardiac hypertrophy, and hypertension (Dai et al., 2011; Rodrigo et al., 2013; Touyz and Schiffrin, 2004). Limited evidence suggests that antioxidants effectively counteract the detrimental effects of ROS (Borek, 2001; Guerin et al., 2001). A recent study demonstrated that n-3 PUFA supplementation improved cardiac function after I/R by upregulating antioxidant enzymatic activity in rats. Given diets of 0.6 and 1.2 g/kg per day produced a dose-dependent decrease in infarct size, with decreases of 30.6% and 48.5%, respectively, which correlated with a higher ratio of reduced glutathione/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSH) (Castillo et al., 2014).

The n-3 PUFA Index The omega-3 index (O3I) represents the amount of EPA and DHA found within the red blood cell (RBC) membrane, and is expressed as a percentage of total RBC FAs. It provides an indication of overall n-3 PUFA intake (Harris and von Schacky, 2004). Utilization of the O3I has been proposed as a useful biomarker and prognostic measurement for SCD, acute coronary syndrome (ACS), primary cardiac arrest, and CVD mortality (de la Fuente et al., 2013; Flock et al., 2013; Harris and von Schacky, 2004; Leung Yinko et al., 2014; Siscovick et al., 1995; von Schacky and Harris, 2007). The proposed risk zones for the O3I are 04% (undesirable), 48% (intermediate), and .8% (desirable) (Harris and von Schacky, 2004). Clinical data demonstrate an inverse relationship between the O3I and CVD risk, supporting the notion of using the O3I as a biomarker for disease and reflecting the intake of n-3 PUFAs for cardiovascular benefit (Block et al., 2008; Farzaneh-Far et al., 2009; Harris et al., 2012; Sala-Vila et al., 2011). Interestingly, the O3I correlates with the amount of n-3 PUFAs found within the heart itself and changes to a similar degree as the heart in response to supplementation. Thus, the O3I has been suggested to be a surrogate measure of n-3 PUFAs within the heart, providing a less invasive and more easily

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 55 accessible biomarker (Harris et al., 2004). The O3I can be used as a marker for measuring optimal supplemental intake amounts. Cao et al. (2006) found that giving individuals about 2 g/day of fish oil for 8 weeks led to a significant increase in both EPA and DHA levels, reaching an optimal value of approximately 8%. Metcalf et al. (2007) found that a daily intake of 6 g of fish-oil supplementation (peaking on day 30) in a clinical population before cardiac surgery led to a maximal increase in the O3I (Metcalf et al., 2007). In a randomized, double-blind clinical trial, it was shown that EPA 1 DHA supplements given for about 5 months led to a dose-response increase in the O3I (Flock et al., 2013). Evidence demonstrates that small changes lead to large effects. O3I values falling in the range of 48% were associated with the highest risk, and individuals with an O3I of 8% or more were afforded the most cardioprotection (Aarsetoey et al., 2012). Overall, utilization of the O3I has proven to be a valuable biomarker and prognostic indicator for CVD.

The n-3 PUFA Effects on Mitochondrial Function Heart function is extremely vulnerable to mitochondrial damage in light of its strict dependence on aerobic metabolism. Indeed, mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to alterations in metabolism and bioenergetics, plays a crucial role in myocardial injury and reduces overall contractility (Murgia et al., 2009). I/R injury causes extensive damage to mitochondria, such as the uncoupling of oxidative respiration, increased Ca21 levels, an overproduction of ROS, and increased apoptosis. Mitochondrial Ca21 is involved in regulating intracellular Ca21 signaling within cardiomyocytes (Lu et al., 2010). Maintaining a balance is critical to enhance mitochondrial enzymes (Raturi and Simmen, 2013), such as mitochondrial dehydrogenases, cellular energetic homeostasis, and cell death (Patergnani et al., 2011). The mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM) is a structure involved in lipid synthesis and Ca21 signaling, connecting mitochondrial and ER membranes in eukaryotes (de Brito and Scorrano, 2008; Raturi and Simmen, 2013). Opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore leading to cell death is related to ER-mediated Ca21 overload following reperfusion (Ruiz-Meana et al., 2010). Although the exact mechanisms have not been elucidated, MAMs are involved in cell death, possibly via their involvement in the production of ATP and ROS (Raturi and Simmen, 2013; Ruiz-Meana et al., 2010). Although clinical results have been mixed, administration of EPA and DHA ethyl-esters for 23 weeks before cardiac surgery has been correlated with improved mitochondrial respiration (Anderson et al., 2014). Cardioprotective strategies are aimed at reducing the consequences of mitochondrial impairment in the ischemic heart. Experimental studies in rats fed a diet rich in n-3 PUFAs demonstrated an increased incorporation into the mitochondrial membrane (Pepe et al., 1999). The increased mitochondrial n-3 PUFA content correlated with lower mitochondrial Ca21 levels and improved recovery compared to n-6 PUFA-rich hearts.


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The hyperpolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), moreover, causes damage to mitochondria and leads to the release of mitochondrial apoptotic protein from the mitochondria (Stillwell et al., 1997). Evidence suggests that increased mitochondrial membrane n-3 PUFA content will influence H1 transport, causing a depolarization of ΔΨm. While the current understanding of the importance of n-3 PUFA in mitochondrial function is limited, new research investigating the beneficial aspects to energetics and cardioprotection is emerging.

The n-3 PUFA Metabolites Much of the evidence suggests that n-3 PUFAs, such as EPA and DHA, play important roles in limiting ischemic injury. However, some of these effects may be mediated through the active metabolites of EPA and DHA. The n-3 PUFAs are metabolized by cyclooxygenases (COXs) and lipoxygenases (LOXs) to prostanoids and leukotrienes, respectively. A third pathway, which generates eicosanoids of n-3 PUFAs, is the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase enzyme system (Barbosa-Sicard et al., 2005; Oliw et al., 1996). CYPs are a superfamily of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of both endogenous and exogenous substrates, including FAs, lipids, and drugs (Guengerich, 2008). In humans, CYP2C subfamily enzymes are responsible for the production of EPA/DHA eicosanoids. Human CYP2C and CYP2J enzymes metabolize AA to four regioisomeric epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (5,6-, 8,9-, 11,12-, and 14,15-EET). CYP2C8 metabolizes EPA to analogous eicosanoids 11,12- and 14,15-epoxyeicosatetraenoic acids (EETeTrs). The major eicosanoid product of EPA is 17,18-EETeTrs, which is generated when CYP2C8 acts on the 17,18 double bond to add an epoxide group. CYP2C9 is another enzyme from the CYP2C subfamily that causes the epoxidation of EPA to form eicosanoids. In contrast with CYP2C8, CYP2C9 produces more 11,12- and 14,15-EETeTrs rather than 17,18-EETeTrs (Barbosa-Sicard et al., 2005). These metabolites are important not only for the inflammatory response but also in maintaining cardiovascular function. For example, 17,18-EETeTrs and 17(18)-EpETE activate the large-conductance Ca21-activated K1 channels (BKCa channels) and cause the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) (Lauterbach et al., 2002; Morin et al., 2009). As opposed to the COX and LOX pathways of metabolism, the P450-mediated metabolites of EPA and DHA are not as well characterized. However, it is now known that CYP P450 oxidase metabolites of DHA, referred to as epoxydocosapentaenoic acids (EDPs), play a key role in a multitude of cellular and physiological processes, with demonstrable effects on paracrine as well as autocrine signaling (Arnold et al., 2010; Morisseau et al., 2010; Ye et al., 2002). In addition, these oxidase and epoxy metabolites have been shown to act as both antiangiogenic and anti-inflammatory agents, as well as potentially providing protection against the development of Alzheimer’s disease (Morisseau et al., 2010; Tajima

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 57 et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2013). Furthermore, studies showing protection against cardiac arrhythmias have attributed this to the actions of EDPs (Ulu et al., 2013, 2014). There are many EDP methyl ester regioisomers, but 19,20-EDP is relatively resistant to degradation by soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) and is emerging as a particular interesting and powerful mediator in relation to CVD (Morisseau et al., 2010). It has been shown that DHA monoacylglyceride is metabolized into 19,20-EDP via P450 within human pulmonary arteries, and that elevations in 19,20-EDP lead to a downregulation in Ca21 sensitivity and active tone, making it an important metabolite for patients with pulmonary hypertension (Morin et al., 2011). In addition, mice given 19,20-EDP display antihypertensive effects in an angiotensin-II-dependent manner (Ulu et al., 2014). An interesting class of n-3 PUFA derived lipid mediators are resolvins, with the E and D series of resolvins derived from EPA and DHA, respectively (Calderon Artero et al., 2012). Using the H9c2 rat cardiac cells, it was shown that the EPA-derived resolvin E1 (RvE1) provided dose-dependent protection against apoptosis both under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, which was partially attributed to a dampening of caspase-3 activity. A protective effect was also shown in this study in rats that had undergone I/R, in which RvE1 dosedependently reduced infarct size (Keyes et al., 2010). Another class of metabolites, as shown by Yang et al. (2011), are the doxosahexaenoyl ethanolamide, which are bioactive oxygenated forms of DHA that were shown to have a protective effect toward organs and display anti-inflammatory properties, which suggests that these metabolites may potentially be effective in preventing I/R-induced injury.

The n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids The n-6 PUFAs are a family of unsaturated FAs that exist as 1822 carbon chains with a double bond at the sixth carbon atom from the terminal methyl group (Jump, 2002). Linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n-6), the primary source of the essential n-6 PUFAs, is converted to AA (20:4n-6) by desaturation and elongation via enzyme systems within the body (Haag, 2003; Harris, 2007). Animals cannot convert n-6 PUFAs to n-3 PUFAs because they lack the enzyme needed for conversion, ω-3 desaturase. Both n-3 and n-6 PUFAs are essential FAs, and greater intakes of both are related to lower risks (Willett, 2007). Not surprisingly, n-6 PUFAs are metabolically and functionally distinct from n-3 PUFAs (Simopoulos, 2008b). Importantly, both n-3 and n-6 PUFAs compete for the activity of the rate-limiting Δ6-desaturase for the conversion to longer chain PUFAs. Therefore, an overabundance of LA will limit the conversion of ALA to EPA or DHA, thus influencing physiological events (Griffin, 2008). Indeed, a higher intake of LA is associated with a high risk of heart disease by shifting the physiological state to a more pathogenic state. This is partially attributed to the metabolism of n-6 PUFAs by COX and LOX enzymes that produce proinflammatory, prothrombotic, and proconstrictive eicosanoids (Haag, 2003).


Chapter 3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids

n-3 Fatty acids Alpha-linolenic acid n-6 Fatty acids


Gamma-linolenic acid DHA Cardioprotective effects Antiinflammatory Improve endothelium function

Leukotrienes 12-HETE

PGI2 PGE1 Reduced infarction COX-1/COX-2

Anti arrhythmic Decrease triglycerides

LOX (e.g., 12-LOX)

Arachidonic acid

CYP epoxygenases (e.g., CYP2J, CYP2C) CYP ω-hydrolases (e.g., CYP 4c, CYP 4f)

Decrease BP EET

Cardiac ion channels (BLCa2+, KATP)

20-HETE Vasoconstrictor Cardioprotective effects


Prevention of platelet aggregation

Antiapoptotic Vasodilatory

Improve recovery from ischemic injury

Figure 3.5 An overview of n-3 and n-6 fatty-acid metabolism and cardioprotective action.

These eicosanoid products are biologically active in very small amounts, and contribute to effects such as increased blood viscosity, thrombosis, vasospasm, vasoconstriction, and decreased bleeding time, which increase the risk of CVD (Simopoulos, 2008b). Contrary to the adverse effects of n-6 PUFAs, recent data suggest that some n-6 PUFAs produced from CYP epoxygenases are cardioprotective in animal models (Gross et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2006; Node et al., 1999; Seubert et al., 2007). A polymorphism in CYP2J2 epoxygenase, which metabolizes AA, is positively associated with the risk of numerous cardiac diseases in humans (Lee et al., 2007). New investigation into the beneficial effects of specific n-6 PUFAs will help resolve the inconsistencies regarding the role of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs in ischemic injury (Figure 3.5).

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n-6 PUFAs in Cardiovascular Disease Both n-3 and n-6 PUFAs are essential nutrients that exert important effects on membranes and cellular function, which ultimately impact CVD outcomes. Early epidemiological studies demonstrated that a higher intake of LA reduces the risk of CHD, whereas lower dietary intake of LA predisposed individuals to MI (Ascherio, 2002; Ascherio et al., 1999; Riemersma et al., 1986; Simpson et al., 1982). Between the 1960s and 1980s, the United States and other Western countries recommended replacing SFAs with unsaturated FAs (Stephen and Wald, 1990). As a result of this high intake of LA, a reduction occurred in the mortality rates of cardiac disease by approximately 19% during this period (Willett, 2007). The analysis of an n-6 PUFA intake with a CHD risk in the Nurses’ Health Study Cohort also showed that increasing LA consumption was associated with a lower risk of CHD (Hu et al., 1997, 1999). In addition, the ratio of ALA to LA was not associated with a risk of fatal CHD because both were found to be beneficial. Numerous prospective cohort studies support data suggesting that a high n-6 PUFA intake is cardioprotective (Erkkila et al., 2008; Hu et al., 1997).

n-6 PUFAs: CYP-Derived Metabolites of AA AA is found esterified to the sn-2 position of the glycophospholipids of the cell membrane. In response to various stress stimuli, the activation of phospholipase A2 causes the hydrolysis of the ester linkage between phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine to release free AA (Morisseau and Hammock, 2005). The released AA is metabolized by LOXs to lipoxins and leukotrienes, and by COXs to prostaglandins (PGs), prostacyclins, and thromboxanes (TXs). Apart from these two pathways, AA is also metabolized by CYP monoxygenase enzymes to a different class of biologically active metabolites called epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs) (Fang et al., 2004; Morisseau and Hammock, 2005). Various CYPs and corresponding isoforms are expressed in the liver, kidney, heart, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and vasculature. CYP2B, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C10, and CYP2J2 families are expressed in the human heart and vasculature, and are involved in AA metabolism (Delozier et al., 2007; Zeldin et al., 1995). Among all these CYPs, CYP2J2 is highly expressed in human cardiomyocytes and is the predominant enzyme for the synthesis of all four regioisomers of EETs (Spiecker and Liao, 2006). These epoxygenases replace one of the four double bonds of AA with an epoxide group that leads to the formation of four different regioisomers: 5,6-, 8,9-, 11,12-, and 14,15-EET (Fang et al., 2004). EETs are esterified to cellular membranes, metabolized by β-oxidation to shorter carbon chain molecules, and converted to corresponding dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids (5,6-, 8,9-, 11,12-, and 14,15-DHET) by sEH, which reduces their biological activity (Deng et al., 2010; Morisseau and Hammock, 2005). Although EET


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incorporation into membrane lipids might alter lipid environments, their rapid release upon agonist stimulation suggests this might occur in a transient manner (Gauthier et al., 2007). EETs are important components of many intracellular signaling pathways in both cardiac and extracardiac tissues. For example, EETs activate BKCa in vascular SMCs, resulting in the hyperpolarization of the resting-membrane potential and the vasodilation of the coronary circulation, as well as the activation of vascular and cardiac ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP channels) (Campbell et al., 1996; Fisslthaler et al., 1999; Fleming, 2004; Ke et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2002, 2006; Ye et al., 2006). EETs have antiinflammatory, thrombolytic, and angiogenic properties within the vasculature (Node et al., 1999; Wang et al., 2003, 2005). They activate mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) signaling pathways and increase intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels (Node et al., 1999; Seubert et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2003, 2005). PI3Kα in particular has been suggested as being the specific isoform that mediates the most robust defense in response to EETs (Batchu et al., 2012). Indeed, because EETs can activate many signaling pathways, the manipulation of production or metabolism can have wide-ranging consequences. During an ischemic insult, AA is released from plasma membranes and metabolized by CYP epoxygenases to EETs, which as mentioned, have beneficial effects within the heart. Animal models of an I/R injury in mice, rats, rabbits, and dogs demonstrated that EETs play an important role in the recovery of contractile function and the reduction of infarct development (Gross et al., 2007, 2008; Nithipatikom and Gross, 2010; Nithipatikom et al., 2006; Seubert et al., 2004, 2006). Mechanistic studies demonstrated that the improved recovery was partially due to the activation of sarcolemma ATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP channels) (Gross et al., 2007; Nithipatikom et al., 2006; Seubert et al., 2004, 2006). The activation of signaling pathways like PI3 kinase, which inhibits glycogen synthase kinase-3β, and initial bursts of ROS are involved in EET-induced cardioprotective responses (Gross et al., 2007; Nithipatikom et al., 2006; Seubert et al., 2006). After an insult such as I/R, the chances of mPTP are increased due to depletion of ΔΨm (Halestrap, 2004). It has been shown that the depletion of ΔΨm and subsequent opening of the mPTP in cardiac cells can be mitigated by the addition of EETs (Katragadda et al., 2009). CYP ω-hydroxylases can metabolize AA to make products that have vastly different physiologic effects. For example, 20-HETE has potent vasoconstrictive effects (Roman et al., 2000). Therefore, changes in the expression and/or activity of specific CYP epoxygenase and hydroxylase enzymes can alter the delicate balance between EETs and 20-HETE. For instance, recent data demonstrated that the inhibition of CYP ω-hydroxylases results in the reduction of the infarction size in rats and dogs following ischemic injury, which suggests that 20-HETE has detrimental effects in the heart (Granville et al., 2004; Gross et al., 2004; Nithipatikom et al., 2004). These results suggest that the major effect of inhibiting

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 61 ω-hydroxylase in rats occurs during reperfusion and is associated with a decrease in reperfusion injury. While the exact mechanism(s) remain unknown, experimental evidence demonstrates that 20-HETE induces mitochondrially-mediated apoptosis in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes resulting in upregulation of caspase-3 activity (Bao et al., 2011). Human epidemiological evidence identified associations between CYP2J2 polymorphisms and CAD as well as EPHX2 polymorphisms and CHD (Fornage et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2006; Przybyla-Zawislak et al., 2003; Spiecker et al., 2004). These findings provide strong evidence supporting the notion that EETs are cardioprotective (Seubert et al., 2004; Wu et al., 1996, 1997; Xiao et al., 2004). On the other hand, there is an inverse relationship between CYP ω-hydroxylase activity and endothelial dysfunction in patients with atherosclerotic CVD, whereby increased levels of 20-HETE act as a predictive biomarker for adverse outcomes (Schuck et al., 2013). Studies have only begun to understand the cellular mechanisms of EET-mediated cardioprotection. They highlight the potential for this endogenous system as a therapeutic target for CVD, and they may be a potent combination in alleviating the sequelae of ischemia and/or reperfusion injury in a clinical setting such as coronary-artery bypass-graft surgery.

n-6 PUFAs: CYP-Derived Metabolites of LA CYP epoxygenases metabolize LA to leukotoxins ( 6 )9(10)-epoxy-12Z- and ( 6 )12 (13)epoxy-9Z-octadecenoic acid (9,10-, and 12,13-epoxy-9Z-octadecenoic acid) (EpOME) (Ozawa et al., 1988). Elevated levels of leukotoxins are associated with acute respiratory burst syndrome (ARDS) and trauma. The administration of exogenous EpOME to different animal models results in ARDS-related signs of toxicity like vasodilatation, pulmonary edema, and cardiac failure (Sisemore et al., 2001; Thompson and Hammock, 2007). Epoxide hydrolase metabolizes 9,10-, and 12,13-EpOME to dihydrometabolites (9,10-, and 12,13-DiHOME, respectively) (Thompson and Hammock, 2007). Several studies demonstrate leukotoxins as protoxins because their epoxide hydrolase metabolites are responsible for ARDS and other toxic effects (Moghaddam et al., 1997; Zheng et al., 2001). Toxic effects of EpOMEs may be the result of DiHOME-mediated toxicity. DiHOMEs are reported to affect the sodium channels in cardiac cells and trigger mitochondrial dysfunction (Thompson and Hammock, 2007). DiHOMEs depress Na1 channels and K1 channels, whereas EpOMEs failed to exert such effects (Harrell and Stimers, 2002; Stimers et al., 1999; Xiao et al., 1995). In experimental models of myocardial ischemia, leukotoxin levels rise from undetectable levels to 1 μg/g of tissue, while leukotriene metabolites (DiHOME) increase from 13 μg/g of tissue to 422 μg/g of tissue (Dudda et al., 1996). An intravenous administration of leukotoxins and LA in dogs resulted in the depression of cardiac functions, but more depression of cardiac functions was observed in leukotoxins as compared to LA (Fukushima et al., 1988). Leukotoxins are responsible for a massive burst


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of ROS, a blockage of cardiac ion channels, and mitochondrial dysfunctions, suggesting that EpOME or DiHOME may play a role in myocardial ischemia as well.

n-6 PUFAs: Cyclooxygenase-Derived Metabolites COXs can convert AA to PGs and TXs in both the heart itself as well as coronary blood vessels. Two predominant COX isozymes are COX-1 and COX-2, which differ in expression and tissue localization. COX-1 is constitutively expressed, while the COX-2 expression is inducible by varied stimuli. The roles of COX metabolites and the effects of COX inhibition in I/R injury were studied extensively. Several drug treatments are available that are based on these principles, but further study has led to the withdrawal of certain drugs from clinical use, most notably rofecoxib and valdecoxib (FitzGerald, 2007; Funk and FitzGerald, 2007; Grosser et al., 2006; Salinas et al., 2007). COX-1 metabolites, PGI2 and PGE1, possess important roles in acute I/R injury (Camitta et al., 2001; Farber et al., 1988; van Bilsen et al., 1989). Early studies in animal models demonstrated that COX-1 metabolite PGI2 attenuated postischemic contractile dysfunction in stunned myocardium, attenuated metabolic derangements, improved mitochondrial respiration, and improved regional-wall function (Farber et al., 1988; Ichihara et al., 1993). The cardioprotective effects of COX-2 mediated the production of PGI2, and PGE1 is more important in late or delayed IPC (Guo et al., 2000; Shinmura et al., 2000). The late phase of IPC is the result of the simultaneous activation of multiple stressresponse pathways that initiate changes in protein expression. This results in an overall protective cardiac phenotype. Experimental models revealed that both IPC and opioid-mediated cardioprotection in rabbit and rat require the COX-2 production of PGI2 and PGE1 (Shinmura et al., 2000). The δ-opioid receptor agonist induces a preconditioning effect 24 h after treatment in a rabbit model of occlusionreperfusion. However, COX-2 inhibitors abolish this effect (Kodani et al., 2002). Further evidence, moreover, demonstrated that atorvastatin-mediated cardioprotection was attenuated when coadministered with valdecoxib (Birnbaum et al., 2005). However, valdecoxib did not affect infarction size when given alone. These data confirmed early studies in COX-1 and COX-2 knockout mice in which long-term inhibition or genetic disruption enhanced cardiac injury following I/R (Camitta et al., 2001). The acute administration of indomethacin (COX inhibitor) was not detrimental, suggesting that the cardioprotective effects require an altered expression or an upregulation of COX to generate the beneficial metabolites. Together, the data demonstrate that the protective effects of COX-2 occur in a preconditioned setting and highlight the risk posed by COX-2 inhibitors in increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. COX isozymes are involved in numerous complex intracellular signaling pathways that are tissue and cell dependent. As such, the increased risk of adverse outcomes is much more complex than previously described; however, the

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 63 inhibition of intrinsic cardioprotective mechanisms by COX-2 inhibitors plays an important role in enhancing I/R injury.

n-6 PUFAs: Lipooxygenase-Derived Metabolites LOXs are the third main class of enzymes that can metabolize AA to generate bioactive metabolites such as leukotrienes, lipoxins, and hepoxilins (Kulkarni, 2001). The different LOX isozymes (5-, 8-, 12-, and 15-LOX) metabolize AA to the corresponding 5-, 8-, 12-, 15-arachidonic acid 5-hydroperoxide (HPETE) by dioxygenation. The reduction of these metabolites leads to the production of corresponding hydroxyl derivatives (5-, 8-, 12-, 15-HETE). Studies done on 12-LOX, 12-HpETE, and 12-HETE clearly suggest that 12HPETE and 12-HETE are important for ischemic/pharmacological preconditioning. Early experimental data suggest that 12-HETE and 12-HPETE play a role in reducing I/R injury by activating protective pathways similar to those observed in IPC (Chen et al., 1999; Gabel et al., 2001). Mice with a targeted disruption of leukocyte-type 12-LOX have a low production of 12-HETE and have shown a reduction in postischemic functional recovery (Gabel et al., 2001). Elevated levels of 12-LOX-derived metabolites are important for both IPC and PKC-activated protection. Notably, experimental data suggest that the production of the 12-LOX metabolite 12-HETE is associated with an improved functional recovery in opioid or volatile anesthetic-induced delayed cardioprotection (Patel et al., 2003; Tsutsumi et al., 2006). The protective mechanism(s) of LOX metabolites is thought to be partially attributed to the activation of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP) channels by 12-HETE or 12-HPETE (Chen et al., 1999). 12-HPETE is known to activate K1 channels but inhibit Ca21 channels (Murphy et al., 1995). Interestingly, no effect on I/R injury was observed in mice with a targeted deletion of 5-LOX. Apparently, 5-LOX does not play any role in an I/R injury, but it is important for the inflammatory response that occurs in response to the ischemic event (Adamek et al., 2007). Overall, published data indicate that 12-LOX and its major metabolite, 12-HETE, are important in both acute and delayed IPC.

The n-6/n-3 FA Ratio in Cardiovascular Disease The n-6/n-3 FA ratio has been utilized as an indicator of health status (or disease), as opposed to reporting their individual values alone due to factors such as competition for mutual metabolizing enzymes and protein targets (Lee et al., 2012; Simopoulos, 2008a). From an evolutionary perspective, humans are thought to have typically consumed equal amounts of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs (Leaf and Weber, 1987). Furthermore, it has been suggested that the risk for the development of CVD as a result of changes to the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio is a relatively recent trend in terms of historical food consumption (Ordovas, 2006; Simopoulos, 2008a). Current Western diets reach an estimated n-6/n-3 FA ratio of about


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1520, which correlates with cardiovascular dysfunction and vascular remodeling (Behring et al., 2014; Dantas et al., 2014). Although this diet is typically composed of very low amounts of n-3 PUFAs, there is a concomitantly large intake of n-6 PUFAs as well (Jew et al., 2009). A high n-6/n-3 FA ratio has been associated with a wide range of pathologies, including ACS, prostate cancer, hypercholesterolemia, inflammation, and coagulation (Inamori et al., 2013; Kalogeropoulos et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2012; Nishizaki et al., 2014; Pischon et al., 2003; Williams et al., 2011). Current evidence suggests that a ratio of 1:1 may be optimal to mitigate CVD issues (Simopoulos, 2006, 2008a). Thus, studies solidifying the recommendation for the optimal n-6/n-3 FA ratio are continuing to support the use of this ratio as a prognostic marker for CVD development and treatment.

Trans Fatty Acids Most naturally occurring unsaturated FAs have a cis conformation surrounding the double bond (Figure 3.6). Isomeric trans forms, however, are produced by bacteria in the rumen of cattle and also by the industrial hydrogenation of unsaturated FAs to develop commercial products (Ascherio et al., 1994). In the early 1950s, naturally produced trans unsaturated fatty acids (TUFAs) were characterized in ruminant animals (Hartman and Shorland, 1959). The commercial process, however, which began in the early twentieth century, involves household products such as margarine and has resulted in the prevalence of TFAs in the human dietary supply (Ascherio et al., 1999). In this process, cis polyunsaturated vegetable and fish oils are subjected to partial hydrogenation using a metal catalyst to produce trans isomeric monounsaturated and polyunsaturated compounds. As shown in Figure 3.6, trans isomers result in carbon chains extending on the opposite sides of the double bond as opposed to cis isomers on the same side. The altered conformation allows the FA chains to pack tightly together similar to the way SFAs associate with one another and results in a semisolid product (such as margarine). O O

Cis-unsaturated Oleic acid (cis-9, 18 : 1) (9Z)-octadec-9-enoic acid Trans-unsaturated Elaidic acid (trans-9, 18 : 1) trans-9-octadecenoic acid


Saturated Stearic acid (18 : 0) octadecanoic acid




Figure 3.6 Fatty-acid saturation and double-bond conformation.

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 65 The association of TFAs and CVD has garnered a great deal of media attention with data suggesting TFAs which have a trans rather than cis conformation typically worsen CVD (Lichtenstein, 2014). In humans, the primary sources of TFAs are processed foods such as margarine (Ascherio, 2002). Numerous clinical trials were conducted to elucidate the link between TFA intake and CVD. A summary of clinical trials to date finds that four distinct cohorts as well as two nested-case controls found a positive correlation between TFA intake and heart disease (Booker and Mann, 2008). Other case-control studies show more variation, but a trend points toward the same positive association (Booker and Mann, 2008). Results from the Cardiovascular Health Study suggest that while increased levels of trans-18:2 (an isomer of oleic acid) are associated with a greater risk of fatal IHD, trans-16:1 (from palmitoleic acid) shows no such association, and trans-18:1 (from LA) levels are actually inversely associated with a cardiovascular risk (Lemaitre et al., 2006). Diets higher in TFAs were also associated with elevated all-cause mortality in a food questionnaire study within a US population (Kiage et al., 2013). One meta-analysis study found the risk for CHD was elevated 25% after only a 2% increased energy intake of TFAs, corresponding to about 4.4 g for a 2000 calorie diet (Mozaffarian et al., 2006). In addition, an inverse relationship has been reported between TFAs (18:2 isomers) and unfavorable measures of HR variability (SoaresMiranda et al., 2012). These data are in agreement with a previous study demonstrating that the 18:2 TFA was associated with an elevated risk of fatal IHD (Lemaitre et al., 2006). Ultimately, replacing TFAs (which account for only a small percentage of the daily intake of calories) with an identical amount of natural cis FAs confers a 50% reduction of CHD risk (Ascherio, 2002). One can compare this to the replacement of saturated fat with carbohydrates which, interestingly, decreases the risk by only 10% (Ascherio, 2002). The convincing nature of the scientific data led the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to add TFA as a required component of nutrition labels at the beginning of 2006 (Moss, 2006). Note that trans fats produced by bacteria in ruminants are not conclusively associated with an increased risk of CVD (Lemaitre et al., 2006). Although this may be attributed to the relatively low levels in the human diet, ruminant TFAs are not an overall primary health concern when compared to industrially produced trans fats (Lemaitre et al., 2006). The mechanisms behind the deleterious effects of industrial TFAs are not as established. Numerous papers suggest an unfavorable dose-dependent relationship between the TFA levels and the ratio of LDL to HDL (Ascherio, 2006). By lowering the LDL/HDL ratio and increasing triglyceride concentration, TFAs adversely affect the risk for a cardiac event (Ascherio, 2006). A meta-analysis of 60 trials, in fact, looked at several groups of FAs and concluded that TFAs represent the most detrimental macronutrient with respect to the lipid profile (Mensink et al., 2003). TFAs are known increase the concentration of LDL levels but do not effect HDL levels, which together has a negative impact on the risk profile for CVD in patients. Moreover, dietary intake of TFA can alter lipoprotein metabolism leading to increased breakdown of HDL apolipoprotein AI (Lichtenstein, 2014). The altered lipid


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profile, however, does not entirely account for the association of TFA intake with heart disease, and possibly, proinflammatory actions and endothelial dysfunction may represent part of the link (Lemaitre et al., 2006; Lopez-Garcia et al., 2005). TFAs were consistently associated with higher levels of tumor necrosis factor activity as well as higher levels of plasma interleukin-6 and c-reactive protein (CRP) (Lemaitre et al., 2006). These substances are all associated with systemic inflammation, and CRP was, in fact, recently proposed as a biomarker for heart disease itself (Abi-Saleh et al., 2008). TFAs are positively associated with greater levels of soluble adhesion molecules (SICAM-1 and sVCAM-1) as well as E-selectin which, similarly, are accepted markers for endothelial dysfunction. This could account for the functional deficiencies in endothelial-dependent vascular reactions that were observed in randomized trials (Lemaitre et al., 2006). Dietary fat intake was shown to directly alter membrane composition in endothelial cells (Kummerow et al., 1999). Evidence suggests TFAs are incorporated into the membranes of other tissues in proportion to the amount ingested and may directly affect intracellular signaling pathways (Lemaitre et al., 2006). Membrane-associated enzymes, such as Na1/K1 ATPase and adenylate cyclase, are unsurprisingly influenced by membrane composition, and their activity was lowered in the rat heart by a diet rich in TFAs (Alam et al., 1989). The same group also showed that the cardiac-membrane density of the β-adrenergic receptor was lowest in the trans-treated animals, suggesting another possible mechanism for TFA action (Alam et al., 1989). In addition to these proposed mechanisms, FAs function as ligands for several nuclear receptors, such as PPAR and liver X receptor, that may mediate pathways associated with heart disease (Vanden Heuvel, 2004). It is possible that TFAs function by a similar mechanism, but the pathways involved require further study (Lemaitre et al., 2006). Further study of not only the clinical implications of TFAs but also the molecular mechanisms responsible is required for a better understanding of the link to CVD. Preliminary investigation implicated alterations in the lipid profile, inflammation, endothelial function, and nuclear receptors. When considering TFAs, moreover, one must account for the actions of different isomers and chain lengths. While the commercial value of TFA products is undeniable, the health risks were also clearly defined. By successfully reducing TFA consumption, individuals could avoid 1019% of heart-disease events (upwards of 200,000 events) in the United States (Lemaitre et al., 2006). Understanding the different effects and molecular mechanisms corresponding to 18:1 versus 18:2 isomers of TFAs will be important. The task now is to elucidate the mechanism, with the end goal of reducing cardiac events.

Saturated Fatty Acids SFAs are those that contain no double bonds within the hydrocarbon chain and have uniform FA chains that allow the molecules to pack tightly together. As opposed to PUFAs,

Fatty Acids and Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury 67 SFAs can be synthesized by mammals de novo using basic sources of carbon (Burr and Burr, 1930). Similar to TFAs, however, they raise numerous health concerns. SFAs have been linked to incident CVD and CHD mortality (Keys et al., 1986; Lichtenstein et al., 1999), although they are not as adverse for health as compared to TFA (Lichtenstein et al., 1999). Several epidemiological studies showed a positive association between dietary SFA intake and MI (Kabagambe et al., 2003; Kromhout et al., 1995). One study conducted among 12,763 men in seven countries concluded that the intake of lauric and myristic SFAs was strongly correlated with serum cholesterol levels and heart disease in men aged over 25 years (Kromhout et al., 1995). In a more recent contrasting study done in a developing country with patients who had already survived an acute MI, an identical conclusion was reached. A higher dietary intake of SFAs, particularly lauric, myristic, and stearic, as opposed to palmitic, was associated with a higher risk of MI (Kabagambe et al., 2003). Moreover, a large range of dietary intake of total SFAs exists from 3.8% of energy in Japan to 22.7% in Finland, according to one of these studies (Kromhout et al., 1995). This discrepancy highlights only one of the considerations that must be taken into account when considering the effects of FAs; proportion of intake, source, isomeric activity, and chain length all play a role in mediating the action of FAs. The molecular mechanisms of action for a SFA effect are limited and lag far behind those of PUFAs. Some basic understanding implies that the adverse effects of SFAs can result from a variety of mechanisms similar to TFAs. Studies show that replacing dietary SFAs with PUFAs can minimize arrhythmias and reduce oxidative stress in heart tissue (Diniz et al., 2004). Further, ex vivo heart studies in rats demonstrate that altered diets rich in SFAs cause a maladaptive increased coronary flow as compared to PUFA diets (Pepe and McLennan, 2002). An increased intake of SFAs may contribute to what is known as metabolic syndrome, which, in turn, is linked to obesity and diabetes—both risk factors for MI. This could occur by a direct effect on metabolic activity through a decreased membrane polyunsaturation, an alteration of insulin receptor activity, or as metabolic products or signals themselves (Hulbert et al., 2005). Considering the relative adverse effects of SFA compared to cardioprotective role(s) of PUFAs, an increased PUFA/SFA ratio is inversely related to CVD (Frantz et al., 1989; Iacono et al., 1982; Skeaff and Miller, 2009). The Oslo Diet-Heart Study was an early study that demonstrated a relationship between SFA and MI, in which subjects who had a lower consumption of animal fat had decreased MI mortality rates (Leren, 1970). These data have been supported in numerous animal experiments. For example, a high intake of SFA in rats can act as a negative regulator of the beneficial effects derived from fish-oil supplementation in relation to the prevention of LV hypertrophy (Shah et al., 2009). Further mechanistic studies suggest that the increased activation of the KATP channel, leading to an impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and diabetes, corresponds to an increased FA side-chain length and saturation (Riedel and Light, 2005). However, the activation of the KATP channel may be


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protective against myocardial ischemia injury. The action of the reverse mode of the cardiac NCX may contribute to reperfusion injury by increasing intracellular calcium levels, which leads to contractile dysfunction (Schafer et al., 2001). Studies show, moreover, that acyl CoAs are endogenous activators of the reverse-mode NCX and that longer, saturated chains are the most effective activators—similar to the KATP channels previously discussed (Riedel et al., 2006). Although studies show that an SFA intake is associated with the risk of an ischemic event, the mechanisms have not been fully elucidated.

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Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities* Giovanni Tarantino1,2 and Carmine Finelli3 1

Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University Medical School of Naples, Naples, Italy 2National Cancer Institute “Foundation G. Pascale”, IRCS, Mercogliano, Italy 3Center of Obesity and Eating Disorders, Stella Maris Mediterraneum Foundation, Chiaromonte, Italy


nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases nonalcoholic steatohepatitis polyunsaturated fatty acids apolipoprotein E oxidized low-density lipoprotein human aortic smooth muscle cell DNA methyltransferase 3b miRNA-29b low-density lipoprotein high-density lipoprotein Kruppel-like Factor 2 metabolic syndrome microRNAs microRNA-122 enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 6 drug-activated gene overexpressed WW domain-containing oxidoreductase long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids plasma membrane cholesterol docosahexaenoic acid specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators eicosapentaenoic acid

All authors equally contributed to draft the manuscript. All authors gave final approval of the version to be published. Disclosure statement: The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

Handbook of Lipids in Human Function. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-63067-036-8.00004-4 © 2016 AOCS Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Chapter 4

Introduction Epigenetics studies the mechanism of gene regulations that rely on specific chromatin architectures and are not a consequence of changes in DNA sequence. DNA methylation and histone post-translational processing, probably, represent the best understood modifications of the genetic material that are involved in epigenetic regulation (Cheung and Lau, 2005). Epigenetics has emerged as a promising conceptual frame to investigate chronic degenerative disorders, because of the intrinsic flexibility of chromatin structure both in response to diet and environment, and as a result of foreseeable therapeutic interventions (Bhaumik et al., 2007). This is applicable especially to diet-driven and environment-driven metabolic disorders, such as obesity and its complications including atherosclerosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) and cancer. Therefore, the occurrence of abnormal DNA methylation patterns during the natural history of obesity, atherosclerosis, NAFLD, as well as cancer, and whether lipoproteins and other relevant molecules can elicit any epigenetic responses are investigated by several lines of research. Native lipoproteins, selected fatty acids, and homocysteine, among other factors, can modulate DNA methylation, as demonstrated by these applications (Alexeeff et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2012). In the epigenetic theory of metabolic diseases, the transgenerational transmission of risk is one exceptionally important and fascinating issue (Liu et al., 2014). The degree and predictability of environmental variation, dispersal patterns, and the (epi)genetic architecture underlying phenotypic responses to environment are also determined by epigenetic stability both within and across generations (Herman et al., 2014). Bienertova´Vaˇsk˚u et al. (2014) suggest a new term, “stress entropic load,” to reflect the actual energetic cost of an individual’s adaptation and this may be used to estimate the probability of inducing transgenerational response once characterized or measured. Consequently, the inadequate establishment of epigenetic modifications during critical developmental periods due to changes in the maternal diet or other environmental factors may produce pediatric developmental diseases and still act on health in adulthood (Jang and Serra, 2014). Since much of the reprogramming that occurs during early life may go unrecognized until adulthood, a better knowledge of the interplay between genetic and epigenetic interaction in critical time windows of development would improve our ability to determine individual susceptibility to a wide range of diseases (Jang and Serra, 2014). Marian suggested that transgenerational epigenetics, large constituents of which are microRNAs, could partially be responsible for the heritability of coronary atherosclerosis (Marian, 2012). We summarize recent contributions to the field of the genetic and epigenetic variations that influence the development of obesity, atherosclerosis, NAFLD, all important predictors of cardiovascular risk factors, and of cancer and the protective effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

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Obesity and Epigenetic An abnormally high proportion of body fat is accumulating in a large proportion of the world’s population. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, NAFLD, and cancer represent the principal health risks associated with obesity, although they vary among individuals (Finelli and Tarantino, 2012a, 2012b; Finelli et al., 2013; Tarantino and Finelli, 2013a, 2013b; Tarantino et al., 2012). An obese society has been recognized by the pharmaceutical industry as a lucrative market, in fact the existing and future impact on public health of these chronic metabolic diseases is immense. DNA sequence polymorphisms seem to influence an individual’s predisposition to obesity and its comorbidities, and major international efforts are underway to explore and document how (Ahasic et al., 2014; Baldani et al., 2014; Bracale et al., 2012; Kupca et al., 2013; Labruna et al., 2009; Lasram et al., 2014; Lim and Shin, 2014; Splichal et al., 2014). Such variations in DNA sequences could represent the basis for a personalized medicine where therapeutical approaches are tailored and combined with patients of a particular genotype (Andreev, 2011; Correˆa-Giannella and Machado, 2013; Ming et al., 2014; Shing et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2013). The identification of common DNA sequence variants associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes in the general population was led by the recent advances of whole genome association studies (Hara et al., 2014; Saxena et al., 2013; Sum et al., 2013). Epigenetics, as stated above, represents the study of mitotically heritable alterations in gene expression potential that are not induced by variations in DNA sequence (Varriale, 2014). Permanent changes in epigenetic gene regulation—accumulating evidence links epigenetic dysregulation to human disease—can be caused by transient environmental influences during development (Waterland and Michels, 2007). The worldwide increment in the prevalence of obesity in recent decades has occurred too quickly to be explained completely by genetic variation, suggesting the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms, as reported by Waterland and Michels (2007). There are actually three major objectives in epigenetic research in relation to obesity: (i) to search for epigenetic biomarkers to predict future health problems or detect the individuals at most risk; (ii) to understand the obesity-related environmental factors that could modulate gene expression by affecting epigenetic mechanisms; and (iii) to study novel therapeutic strategies based on nutritional or pharmacological agents that can modify epigenetic marks (Milagro et al., 2013). Obesity during pregnancy is unequivocally a threat to the health and well-being of the offspring later in adulthood, according to the developmental origins of health and diseases, and in line with the findings of several pieces of research (Attig et al., 2013). Attig et al. (2013) showed that “adipose tissue displayed a pronounced dysregulation of


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gene expression, with an upregulation of genes involved in lipid storage and adipocyte hypertrophy or hyperplasia in obese mice born to lean and obese mothers, respectively.” Additionally, global DNA methylation, several histone marks, and key epigenetic regulators were also altered (Attig et al., 2013). Whether they were themselves lean (resistant) or obese (sensitive), the offspring of lean and obese mice obviously differed in terms of several metabolic features and epigenetic marks suggesting that the effects of a high-fat diet depend on the leanness or obesity of the mother, as suggested by Attig et al. (2013). Dick et al. (2014) showed that high BMI found in adult subjects (479 individuals of European origin recruited by the Cardiogenics Consortium) is correlated to elevated methylation at the HIF3A locus in blood cells and in adipose tissue. An interpretation of data from the same group also suggested that perturbation of hypoxia inducible transcription factor pathways could have an important role in the response to increased weight in people (Dick et al., 2014). Konieczna et al. (2013) showed that leptin supplementation throughout lactation is able to revert, at least partly, most of the developmental effects on hypothalamic structure and function caused by moderate maternal caloric restriction during gestation, and hence makes this metabolic malprogramming reversible to some extent. Similarly, hormonal or other signaling mechanisms that affect morphological development of the fetal or postnatal hypothalamus, with permanent consequences for offspring body weight, could be altered by maternal obesity during pregnancy and/or lactation (Sa´nchez-Garrido et al., 2013). In addition to such morphological effects, hypothalamic development at the epigenetic level could be affected by maternal obesity (Waterland and Michels, 2007). Mutations affecting leptin signaling in the hypothalamus are associated with all monogenic forms of human obesity. Mutations in the gene encoding melanocortin 4 receptor (Bracale et al., 2012), which integrates opposing peptide signals from the arcuate nucleus, cause the most common forms of monogenic obesity in humans. Therefore, as suggested by Drummond and Gibney (2013), maternal diet during fetal development has many epigenetic implications, which affect the offspring’s risk factors for obesity during childhood and adulthood, and even in subsequent generations. Genes associated with risk of obesity are susceptible to epigenetic mutations, which have subsequent effects on disease mechanisms, such as appetite and impaired glucose and insulin tolerance (Drummond and Gibney, 2013). Bayol et al. (2008) showed that the elevated adiposity was more enhanced in female than male offspring and gene expression analyses appeared to show raised insulin-like growth factor-1 insulin receptor substrate vascular endothelial growth factor [as also evaluated by

Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities 89 Tarantino et al. (2009a) in obese patients with NAFLD], peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma, leptin, adiponectin, adipsin, lipoprotein lipase, Glut 1, and Glut 3 (but not Glut 4) mRNA expression in females fed the junk food diet throughout the study compared with females never given access to junk food. Li et al. (2013) suggested that maternal obesity and diabetes induces latent metabolic defects and widespread epigenetic changes in isogenic mice, but, as reported by Gilbert and Liu (2012), further research aimed at improving knowledge of how epigenetic regulation of gene expression controls β-cell function may reveal potential therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Ruchat et al. (2013) suggested that epigenetic variations are a probable mechanism for fetal metabolic programming. In fact, it is now well accepted that an increased risk for chronic diseases later in life, supporting the theory of the early origins of chronic diseases, appeared in offspring exposed to maternal undernutrition, obesity, or gestational diabetes mellitus, as reported by Ruchat et al. (2013). On the other hand, it is not yet well understood as to how the molecular mechanisms, through which the exposure to an altered in utero environment, translate into the development of chronic diseases (Ruchat et al., 2013). The current lifestyle of over-consumption and physical inactivity is broadly recognized as responsible for the growing epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (Cheng and Almeida, 2014). Future research, designed to further explore and integrate the epigenetic mechanisms with interdisciplinary interventions and novel preventive options for mitochondrial alteration and metabolic disorders could be led by lifestyle modification (Cheng and Almeida, 2014). It is necessary to know the developmental epigenetics of genes important to body-weight regulation and the potential for the early environment to influence these processes in order to advance our understanding.

Atherosclerosis and Epigenetic Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease where the arteries become narrowed and hardened due to an excessive buildup of plaque around the artery wall. This mechanism is initiated by vascular infiltration of lipid particles (some of which are oxidized), endothelial activation, macrophage infiltration, and foam cell formation. Generally, it has been accepted that the uptake of oxidized lipoproteins by macrophage scavenger receptors is widely responsible for the initiation of this process. Nevertheless, Nicolaou et al. (2012) showed that the bacterial debris observed in human atheroma, which is currently considered to be harmless, may have potential to contribute to disease progression via toll-like receptordependent lipid body formation in macrophages.


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These considerations show a significant connection between lipid-induced inflammation and innate immune response pathways independent of lipoprotein oxidation. Slevin et al. (2008) described the known risk factors, compared the developmental features of coronary and carotid plaque development and determined their association with end-point ischemic events. Variations are also seen in the deregulation of gene and protein expression and cellular signal transduction activity of active cells in regions susceptible to thrombosis as well as in the genetic contribution to plaque development (Slevin et al., 2008). The differences in anatomopathological appearance and risk of rupture could be explained by differences between carotid and coronary artery plaque development (Slevin et al., 2008). The importance of chronic inflammation in both the initiation and progression of vascular remodeling is shown by Wierda et al. (2010) in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Expression of immunoregulatory molecules by vascular wall components within the atherosclerotic lesions is consequently reckoned to be an important part of the onset of the inflammatory process (Wierda et al., 2010). Moreover, an essential and fundamental role in the transcriptional control of gene expression is also played by gene regulatory proteins (transcription factors) and epigenetic mechanisms (Wierda et al., 2010). These epigenetic mechanisms moderate the accessibility of chromatin by DNA methylation and histone modifications (Wierda et al., 2010). Epigenetic regulation is accordingly involved in the modulation of vascular, immune, and tissue-specific gene expression within the atherosclerotic lesion (Wierda et al., 2010). Importantly, epigenetic processes are reversible and may provide an excellent therapeutic target (Wierda et al., 2010). Actually, the concept of epigenetic regulation is progressively being recognized as an important factor in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (Wierda et al., 2010). Recent research provides an essential link between inflammation and reprogramming of the epigenome, as suggested by Wierda et al. (2010). Even if further clinical studies showed that the causal relationship between folate and vitamin B deficiency, atherogenesis, and aberrant DNA methylation is not clear (Zaina, 2014), the innovative idea that DNA hypomethylation is associated with atherosclerosis has been validated experimentally (Connelly et al., 2013). Jiang et al. (2012) showed that the comprehensive role of high cholesterol, high methionine diet, and apolipoprotein E (ApoE-/-) is not uniformly consistent with the role of a single risk factor. The DNA methylation pattern in AS is quite complex and depends on genetic background and many involved risk factors (Jiang et al., 2012). Wang et al. (2013) suggested that through nuclear factor-κB/DNA methyltransferase 1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 promoter DNA hypomethylation may play a crucial role in the formation of atherosclerosis under hyperhomocysteinemia in ApoE-/- mice. Ma et al. (2013) showed that hyperhomocysteinemia induces cardiac injury by upregulation of p53-dependent proapoptotic related genes Noxa and Bax, while p53 DNA hypomethylation is a fundamental molecular mechanism in the pathological process induced by

Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities 91 hyperhomocysteinemia in ApoE-/- mice. Delaney et al. (2013) suggested that the methyldonor supplementation diet promotes development of atherosclerosis by inhibiting the Tcell Ccr2 expression, reducing inflammatory cytokines production and increasing serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL):low-density lipoprotein (LDL) ratio in ApoE-/- mice. Therefore, atherosclerosis is an inflammatory situation of the arterial wall mediated by cells of both innate and adaptive immunity and T lymphocytes play a key role in orchestrating the pathogenic immune response involved in the acceleration of atherosclerosis (Delaney et al., 2013). Yoo et al. (2012), in their study, reported that DNA methylation status was analyzed in C57BL/6J obese mice fed an atherogenic diet to establish the correlation between epigenetic alterations and obesity-related abnormalities and concluded that hypermethylation of repetitive DNA elements in the livers of atherogenic diet-fed mice proposes epigenetic changes by nutritional intervention. In addition, Kim et al. (2007) suggested that focal epigenetic variations in estrogen receptor-β contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and vascular aging. Wang et al. (2012) showed that microRNA-152 decreases under proatherosclerotic conditions. The reduced microRNA-152 can lose an inhibitory effect on DNA methyltransferase, which leads to hypermethylation of the estrogen receptor-α gene and a decrease of estrogen receptor-α level (Wang et al., 2012). The San-Huang-Xie-Xin-Tang, a traditional Chinese medicine, shows a promising effect in inhibiting this unwanted signaling pathway, even if statins cannot reverse these cascade proatherosclerotic changes (Wang et al., 2012). A few studies show that miRNA-mediated epigenetic regulations are involved in atherosclerosis (Chen et al., 2011). Chen et al. (2011) showed that oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) significantly elevated primary human aortic smooth muscle cell (HASMC) migration through MMP-2/MMP-9 upregulation associated with reduced DNA methylation levels. Either mRNA or protein level of DNA methyltransferase 3b (DNMT3b) showed a dose-dependent downregulation in oxLDL-mediated HASMCs (Chen et al., 2011). Knockdown DNMT3b expression enhanced oxLDL-induced DNA demethylation levels of MMP-2/MMP-9 (Chen et al., 2011). The expression of miRNA-29b (miR-29b), directly targeting DNMT3b, was upregulated by oxLDL treatment in a dose-dependent manner (Chen et al., 2011). OxLDL-mediated MMP-2/MMP-9 upregulation, DNMT3b downregulation, and DNA demethylation were all attenuated after knockdown miR-29b expression by antagomiR-29b (Chen et al., 2011). Chen et al. (2011) found that oxLDL can upregulate miR-29b expression, resulting in DNMT3b downregulation in HASMCs and epigenetically regulated MMP-2/MMP-9 genes involved in cell migration. Therefore, these results show that miRNA-mediated epigenetic regulation may be a novel mechanism in atherosclerosis (Chen et al., 2011).


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LDL cholesterol causes endothelial dysfunction and is a major modifiable risk factor for atherosclerosis. Endothelial Kruppel-like Factor 2 (KLF2) is a transcription factor that is fundamental to endothelium-dependent vascular homeostasis (Kumar et al., 2013). LDL represses endothelial KLF2 expression via DNA and histone methylation, as reported by Kumar et al. (2013). Downregulation of KLF2 by LDL leads to a dysfunctional, hypercoagulable endothelium (Kumar et al., 2013) and, therefore, atherosclerosis. Yamada et al. (2014) identified hypo- and hypermethylated genes related to atherosclerosis by a genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation.

NAFLD and Epigenetic NAFLD is one of the most common forms of chronic liver diseases and a cause of elevated serum aminotransferases worldwide. The prevalence of NAFLD in the general population of Western countries ranges from 20% to 30% (Lo´pez-Vela´zquez et al., 2014; Tarantino, 2008; Vernon et al., 2011). Due to the alterations in diet structure and lifestyle, the prevalence of NAFLD in developing countries has been increasing rapidly (Finelli and Tarantino, 2012c, 2012d). NAFLD has been shown to be correlated to metabolic syndrome (MetS), which comprises obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure with insulin resistance being the central mechanism. NAFLD is presently considered the hepatic manifestation of MetS (Colicchio et al., 2005; Finelli and Tarantino, 2012c; Tarantino and Finelli, 2013a, 2013b; Tarantino et al., 2009b; Wang and Swerdloff, 2014). It is habitually believed that environmental and genetic factors interact to produce the NAFLD phenotype and determine its progression. On the other hand, the detailed pathogenesis that determines which individual develops NAFLD remains unclear. Actually, the emerging field of epigenetics sheds light on the pathogenesis of chronic liver disease including NAFLD (Cordero et al., 2013; Tian et al., 2013). Elucidation of genetic and epigenetic factors, which predispose subjects to NAFLD, could be the basis for developing noninvasive biomarkers to be used for the early diagnosis of NAFLD as well may be leading to preventive and therapeutic strategies for patients at high risk. The roles of epigenetics in the pathogenesis of NAFLD are widely unknown (Anstee and Day, 2013; Sookoian and Pirola, 2012a, 2012b). Among the epigenetic changes, microRNAs (miRNAs, miRs) are studied most widely in NAFLD. miRs are small normally occurring single stranded RNA molecules regulating mRNA degradation or translation inhibition, consequently altering the protein expression of target genes. One miR can target multiple genes (multiplicity) and multiple miRs may target a single gene (cooperativity). Since their first discovery in 1993, many miRs in various organisms have been evaluated.

Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities 93 To date, more than 1420 miRs have been determined in humans and the ever growing number of identified miRNA genes required ordered cataloging and annotation (Schmitz and Wolkenhauer, 2013). This has led to the development of miRNA web resources (Schmitz and Wolkenhauer, 2013). miRNA web resources can be referred to either as web accessible databases (repositories) or web applications that provide a defined computational task upon user request (Schmitz and Wolkenhauer, 2013). There are still undiscovered molecular aspects of the important role of miRNAs in the liver, particularly on lipid, glucose, drug, and iron metabolism, considered to be the main functions of the liver as well as important therapeutic targets (Takata et al., 2013). The expression of miRs is both organ-specific and dependent on the stage of development. miRs influence at least one-third of all human transcripts and are known regulators of important cellular processes, for example, cell metabolism, cell proliferation, apoptosis, immune function, tissue development, and differentiation (Liu et al., 2013; Melo and Esteller, 2014; Olena and Patton, 2010; Rayner and Moore, 2014; Tessitore et al., 2014; Vimalraj and Selvamurugan, 2014). Lakner et al. (2011) detailed the contributions to the field of miRs that influence liver improvement and the broad spectrum of disease, from NAFLD to fibrosis/cirrhosis, with particular emphasis on hepatic stellate cells and the potential use of miRs as therapeutic tools. Therefore, microRNAs have, in addition, emerged as possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of NAFLD-related liver damage (Ceccarelli et al., 2013). Ceccarelli et al. (2013) discussed the experimental evidence regarding microRNAs both as potential noninvasive early diagnostic markers and as novel therapeutic targets in NAFLD and its more severe liver complications. MicroRNA-122 (miR-122) is the most copious miRNA in the liver and is an important factor for the metabolism of glucose and lipids (Miyaaki et al., 2013). Miyaaki et al. (2013) suggested that the hepatic and serum miR-122 levels were correlated to hepatic steatosis and fibrosis. The serum miR-122 level can be a useful predictive marker of liver fibrosis in patients with NAFLD (Miyaaki et al., 2013). Subsequently, the roles of miR-122 in the pathogenesis of NAFLD were confirmed by other studies. Yamada et al. (2013) assessed intrahepatic fat by ultrasound scan, and the serum levels of five miRNAs (miR-21, miR-34a, miR-122, miR-145, and miR-451), which help regulate cholesterol and fatty acid homeostasis in liver tissue, by real-time PCR in a cross-sectional sample of 403 participants who attended health examinations. Serum levels of miR-21, miR-34a, miR-122, and miR-451 were higher in participants with NAFLD (Yamada et al., 2013). The serum level of miR-122 was associated with the severity of liver steatosis (Yamada et al., 2013). Therefore, serum levels of miRNAs, especially miR-122, may be a useful biomarker for NAFLD (Yamada et al., 2013). All these findings hardly recommended the significance of miR-122 in the regulation of lipid metabolism and the contribution to the development of


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NAFLD. Instead, Zhang et al. (2013) showed that in NAFLD models cell proliferation and glucose consumption, while inducing the storage of intracellular triglyceride, which are all hazards of NAFLD, could be reduced by increased miR-15b expression. For that reason, a potential biomarker for the diagnosis of fatty liver disease is also represented by increased serum miR-15b level (Zhang et al., 2013). Estep et al. (2010) reported that miRNA expression from visceral adipose tissue may contribute to the pathogenesis of NAFLD—a finding which may distinguish relatively simple steatosis from nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). This could help identify probable targets for pharmacological treatment regimens and candidate biomarkers for NASH (Estep et al., 2010). Growing evidence shows crucial roles for miRNAs in regulating both cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism, leading to considerable interest in miRNAs as potential drug targets to modulate lipid and lipoprotein metabolism (Sacco and Adeli, 2012). Therefore, in the fight to curtail the growing epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes and the associated risk of atherosclerosis and NAFLD, miRNA-based therapeutics represent considerable promise (Sacco and Adeli, 2012). Various microRNAs, some of which are epigenetically regulated, have been found to be up- and/or downregulated during NAFLD evolution (Vella et al., 2013). Moreover, in NAFLD, the key role of the Polycomb Group protein enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 (EZH2), which controls the epigenetic silencing of specific genes and/or microRNAs by trimethylating Lys27 on histone H3, still remains unexplored (Vella et al., 2013). The nuclear expression/activity of the EZH2 protein is downregulated both in livers from NAFLD rats and in the free fatty acid-treated HepG2, as demonstrated by Vella et al. (2013). The decrease in EZH2 is negatively correlated to: (i) lipid storage; (ii) the expression of proinflammatory markers including TNF-α and TGF-β; and (iii) the expression of miR-200b and miR-155 (Vella et al., 2013). Often the pharmacological inhibition of EZH2 by 3-Deazaneplanocin A significantly decreases EZH2 expression/activity, while elevating lipid accumulation, inflammatory molecules, and microRNAs (Vella et al., 2013). Therefore, the defective activity of EZH2 can augment the NAFLD evolution by favoring steatosis and the derepression of the inflammatory genes and that of specific microRNAs, as suggested by Vella et al. (2013). Hepatic methylation and transcriptional activity of the mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 6 (MT-ND6) are correlated to the histological severity of NAFLD, as suggested by Pirola et al. (2013). Epigenetic variations of mtDNA are likely reversible by interventional programs, as physical activity could regulate the methylation status of MT-ND6 (Pirola et al., 2013). Bruce et al. (2009) showed that maternal high-fat feeding primes NASH in adult mice offspring, involving mitochondrial dysfunction and altered lipogenesis gene expression. Another researcher, Bayol et al. (2010), showed that a maternal junk food diet in pregnancy and lactation contributes to the development of NAFLD in offspring.

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Cancer and Epigenetics Genetics is the term that refers to inherited genes while epigenetics concerns the regulation of gene activity induced by chemical modification of DNA and chromatin structure proteins. It is now clear that events that require the concurrent contribution of genetic and epigenetic abnormalities are represented by mutations occurring in cancer cells, including chromosomal instability, elevated propensity to mutation, activation of oncogenes, silencing of tumor suppressor genes, and inactivation of DNA repair systems (Azad et al., 2013; Nguyen et al., 2013; Stecklein et al., 2012; Timmer et al., 2013; van den Boom et al., 2012). Also genomic insulator functions are involved. Insulators are DNA sequences belonging to a class of regulatory factors that define independent domains of gene function, being capable of “insulating” when complexed with the cognate proteins (Matzat and Lei, 2014; Phillips-Cremins and Corces, 2013). Insulator DNAs, or boundary elements, functionally isolate neighboring genes by blocking interactions between distal enhancers and inappropriate target promoters (Cai and Levine, 1995). Several control factors show a broad range of promoter interactions, suggesting that these factors might be affected by inappropriate transcription (Geyer and Clark, 2002). In eukaryotes, motifs such as silencers, enhancers, and locus control regions act over thousands of base pairs to regulate adjacent genes (Cook, 2003). The identification of an innovative class of directing regulatory elements, called insulators, has produced clues into mechanisms that maintain transcription fidelity of eukaryotic genomes through the organization of independent domains of gene function by restricting enhancer and silencer functions (Geyer and Clark, 2002). It is clearly reported by Maksimenko and Georgiev (2014) that boundary elements/insulators function to subdivide eukaryotic chromosomes into autonomous regulatory domains, and one of the underlying mechanisms is that boundaries act as barriers, preventing the progressive spreading of “active” or “silenced” chromatin between domains. Additionally, the partitioning into independent functional units is a consequence of an underlying structural subdivision of the chromosome into higher order “looped” domains (Maksimenko and Georgiev, 2014). Proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are critical selectable targets for mutation and DNA methylation in tumors (Arantes et al., 2014; Majid et al., 2012; Scher et al., 2012; Shu et al., 2013). The readiness at which CpG-sequences undergo alterations affects the shaping of the mutational spectra in tumors along with DNA-methylation spectra (Pfeifer, 2000). Epigenetic effects by means of DNA methylation have a key role in evolution but can also arise stochastically as animals age, as reported by Jaenisch and Bird (2003). Identification of proteins that moderate these effects has provided insight into this complex process and the diseases that occur when it is perturbed (Jaenisch and Bird, 2003). External


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influences on epigenetic processes, as reported by Jaenisch and Bird (2003), are seen in the effects of diet on long-term diseases such as cancer. Therefore, epigenetic mechanisms seem to allow an organism to respond to the environment through changes in gene expression (Jaenisch and Bird, 2003). Jaenisch and Bird (2003) suggested that the extent to which environmental effects can induce epigenetic responses represents an exciting area of future research. p53 induces genomic stability, apoptosis, autophagy, response to stress, and DNA damage (Polato et al., 2014). New p53-target genes could explain mechanisms through which p53 controls cell integrity and response to damage (Polato et al., 2014). As suggested by Polato et al. (2014), drug-activated gene overexpressed (DRAGO, KIAA0247) was typified by bioinformatics methods as well as by real-time polymerase chain reaction, chromatin immunoprecipitation and luciferase assays, time-lapse microscopy, and cell viability assays. DRAGO, as shown by Polato et al. (2014) corresponds to a new p53-dependent gene strongly regulated in human cells and whose expression cooperates with p53 in tumor suppressor functions. Wang et al. (2013) indicated that the crucial factors for determining the effect of CpG methylation on mutagenesis seem to be both CpG sequence context and the chemical nature of the carcinogens. The majority of them are G to T transversion, while fewer are present in skin cancer and involve C to T and CC to TT transition (Seidl et al., 2001). WW domaincontaining oxidoreductase (WWOX) is a newly identified tumor suppressor gene that is associated with abnormal DNA methylation (Yan and Sun, 2013). Yan and Sun (2013) concluded that epithelial ovarian cancer tissues showed CpG-island hypermethylation in the WWOX gene promoter region, which may be an important mechanism leading to WWOX gene inactivation. Atypical methylation of the WWOX gene is correlated to the formation and progression of epithelial ovarian cancer, rendering it a potentially important indicator in the early diagnosis and prognosis of epithelial ovarian cancer. The correlation between the status of CpG-island hypermethylation and/or mutation and tumor progression show that, for virtually every tumor type, a specific genetic alteration over time is a major driving force for neoplastic development (Feng et al., 2014; Gomes et al., 2014; Yang and Zheng 2014). However, mutation of precise genes is an inefficient process, because maintenance of genomic integrity is accomplished by a complex array of DNA monitoring and repair enzymes (Biro et al., 2010; Derheimer and Kastan, 2010). The genome maintenance protein team strives to ensure that DNA sequence information remains original. In addition, Karyotypic order is also guaranteed by other molecular guards, implementing the cell cycle check-points that operate at critical times in the mitotic division (Nicholson and Cimini, 2011). Hand in hand, these systems confirm that mutations are rare events, so rare indeed that the multiple mutations known to be present in tumor cells, which are essential for

Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities 97 cancer progression, are low probability events within a human life span (Hanahan and Weinberg, 2011). In fact, the most clinically relevant cancers have the tendency to be more likely to occur in the elderly. Rubin reported that individuals suffering from obesity or type 2 diabetes exhibit a significant augmentation in the incidence of several types of cancer (Rubin, 2013). It is usually accepted, as remembered by Rubin, that these conditions arise from overnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, which lead to insulin resistance characterized by the overproduction of insulin acting as a growth factor (Rubin, 2013). Chronic overproduction of insulin is responsible for the increased incidence of cancer, as shown widely by epidemiological data (Rubin, 2013). Rubin suggested that the collective effects of serum growth factors on progression through the stages of field cancerization are induced by a model system in a culture of NIH 3T3 cells (Rubin, 2013). This research emphasizes the main role of promoting cell growth under selection at high cell density, with no requirement for exogenous carcinogenic agents (Rubin, 2013). The early effect is gradual selection among many pre-existing, low-penetrance preneoplastic mutations or stable epigenetic variants, followed by sporadic, high-penetrance transforming variants, all dependent on endogenous processes (Rubin, 2013). These data concerning cancer in obese and diabetic individuals highlight that early stages of the process involve multiorgan metabolic interactions, which in turn produce a systemic insulin resistance with chronic overproduction of insulin, and cancerization in localized fields (Rubin, 2013). Rubin concluded that hypomagnesemia is prevalent in the foregoing metabalo/systemic disorders, and may also provide a selective microenvironment for tumor development (Rubin, 2013).

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Epigenetic Epidemiological research has clarified how appropriate dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet in pregnancy and in early childhood can have a protective effect with a decreased risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular risk factors, some cancers, and NAFLD (Funtikova et al., 2014; Grosso et al., 2013; Lasa et al., 2014; Schwingshackl and Hoffmann, 2014; Trovato et al., 2014). In particular, these beneficial effects demonstrate composite dietary patterns, and are difficult to attribute to a single dietary element. However, there are also numerous pieces of research that have taken a “component” approach to reveal the specific immunomodulatory properties of individual dietary elements such as vitamins, minerals, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) (Sijben and Calder, 2007). One important mechanism by which dietary exposures can lead to variations in immune evolution is represented by the modulation of gene expression through epigenetic changes (Lee et al., 2013). The epigenetic program modulates all aspects of mammalian evolution including developmental timing and expression of immune genes. Changes in epigenetic profiles reflecting the role of epigenetics in immune evolution are


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correlated to the relative differences in immune gene expression between neonates and ´ lvarez et al., 2013). Subtle changes in adults (Kuo et al., 2014; Russ et al., 2013; Sua´rez-A epigenetic regulation of immune gene expression, which can probably lead to more profound effects on subsequent immune function, clinical phenotype, and disease risk, could be due to external environmental pressures such as dietary exposures (Cuevas et al., 2013; Stender and Glass, 2013; West et al., 2010). The local tissue microenvironment is an principal determinant of immune evolution. Variations in the local tissue milieu can change the pattern of effector response likely also through epigenetic variations (Prescott, 2013). Environmental factors which change the local microenvironment thus have significant probability of modifying immune programming and the propensity for inflammation. Therefore, several dietary factors (such as LCPUFA and antioxidants) have known effects on tissue elements, as a result of their influence as metabolic components, substrates, or structural elements of cells and tissues, with downstream effects on gene expression through a number of various pathways (Di Minno et al., 2012; Surette, 2013). LCPUFA are good examples of dietary factors that have multiple metabolic and structural functions that influence the propensity for inflammation. Experimental evidence has shown that plasma membrane (PM)-associated signaling and hence cell metabolism and viability depend on lipid composition and organization (Jaureguiberry et al., 2014). Jaureguiberry et al. (2014) have developed a cell model to study the effect of endogenous PUFAs on PM properties and analyze their influence on cholesterol (Chol) homeostasis. This research was expanded to a cell model overexpressing both Δ5 and Δ6 desaturases, which resulted in a constantly higher PUFA content in PM (Jaureguiberry et al., 2014). Moreover, this cell line showed elevated PM fluidity, Chol storage, and mitochondrial activity (Jaureguiberry et al., 2014). Additionally, human apolipoprotein A-I-mediated Chol removal was less efficient in these cells than in the corresponding control (Jaureguiberry et al., 2014). Taken together, these results showed that the cell functionality is preserved by regulating PM organization and Chol exportation and homeostasis (Jaureguiberry et al., 2014). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation protects against acute ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis, which may be correlated to decreased expression of hepatic stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 and inflammatory cytokines, as demonstrated by Huang et al. (2013). In recent years, as reported by Recchiuti and Serhan (2012), previously unrecognized chemical mediators, derived from PUFAs that control the acute inflammatory response by activating local resolution programs, were identified. Recchiuti and Serhan (2012) showed that among these are the so-called specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPMs) that include lipoxins, resolvins, protectins, and maresins, which are all enzymatically biosynthesized during resolution of self-limited inflammation. Each of them possess distinct chemical structures and regulate cellular pathways by their capacity to activate proresolving G-protein coupled receptors in a stereospecific manner (Recchiuti and Serhan,

Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities 99 2012). For example, RvD1 controls various miRNAs of interest in self-limited acute inflammation that counterregulates the mediators and proteins that are involved in inflammation (Recchiuti and Serhan, 2012). Recchiuti and Serhan (2012) overviewed some of the biosynthesis and mechanisms of SPM actions with a focus on the currently reported miR involved in their pro-resolving responses underscoring their beneficial actions in the regulation of acute inflammation and its timely resolution. The interpretation of these mechanisms operating in vivo to keep acute inflammation within physiologic boundaries as well as arouse resolution have opened up resolution pharmacology and many new chances to target inflammation-related human pathologies via activating resolution mechanisms (Recchiuti and Serhan, 2012). Maternal dietary supplementation with n-3 PUFAs during pregnancy has been shown to elevate gestation length, enhance fetal growth, and decrease the risk of pregnancy complications, although the precise mechanisms governing these effects remain uncertain (Jones et al., 2014). Omega-3 PUFAs are involved in various physiological pathways which could account for these effects, including anti-inflammatory, pro-resolving and antioxidative pathways (Jones et al., 2014). Recent research shows that maternal dietary n-3 PUFA supplementation during rat pregnancy can decrease placental oxidative damage and elevate placental levels of pro-resolving mediators, effects correlated with enhanced fetal and placental growth (Jones et al., 2014). Because various placental disorders, such as intrauterine growth restriction, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes mellitus, are correlated to heightened placental inflammation and oxidative stress, there is considerable interest in the potential for dietary n-3 PUFAs as a therapeutic intervention for these disorders (Jones et al., 2014). Habitual diets rich in dark-green vegetables are associated with an increased response to ω-3 fatty acid supplementation in Americans of African ancestry (O’Sullivan et al., 2014). Therefore, these foods can enhance the efficacy of ω-3 fatty acid supplements (O’Sullivan et al., 2014). While the anticancer effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 fatty acids), particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA, has been the subject of intense study, our understanding regarding the underlying mechanisms of omega-3 fatty acids against cancer is still limited (Jing et al., 2013). Up-to-date research describing the cancer protective effect of EPA and DHA has stimulated a renewed interest in using these fatty acids for cancer prevention and treatment (Jing et al., 2013). Cho et al. (2014) showed that colon cancer cell apoptosis is induced by combined exposure to the n-3 fatty acid DHA and butyrate through promoter methylation.

Conclusion Recently, the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of disease has been progressively recognized. Epigenetic variation, canonically including microRNAs (miRNAs, miRs), DNA methylation, histone modification, and ubiquitination, refers to phenotypic

100 Chapter 4 modifications induced by mechanisms that are not associated with modifications in the underlying DNA sequence. As an adaptive mechanism to the alteration of genetic and environmental signal patterns and epigenetic regulation, which allows fine-tuning gene expression, it is necessary for the proper maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Disruption of the balance will lead to the development of a wide range of disorders. So far, epigenetic research has mainly focused on nutrition, cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental illness, autoimmune disease, and NAFLD. Common evidence firmly suggests that chronic inflammation is a landmark of obesity, atherosclerosis, NAFLD, and cancer and that markers of inflammation are principal predictors of cardiovascular risk factors. A fundamental question is how proinflammatory gene expression patterns are established and maintained in obesity, atherosclerosis, and NAFLD. Epigenetic gene regulation is a partially new kid on the block in the field of cardiovascular disease. Epigenetics contributes attractive candidate disease mechanisms, as it in principle defines how diet, environment, and lifestyle can introduce aberrant gene expression patterns in an individual’s lifetime and even if this could be the result of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (Koletzko et al., 2012; Morgan and Whitelaw, 2009). The importance of epigenetics in cardiovascular diseases has been proposed by the association of aberrant DNA methylation, one of the epigenetic variations of the genome, with a predisposition to, and natural history of, obesity, atherosclerosis, and NAFLD (Bruce and Cagampang, 2011). This correlative research needs to be integrated with strong evidence based on population studies and basic experiments in order to demonstrate a causative role of DNA methylation in the atherogenetic process. Aberrant methylation patterns have long been understood to exist in the promoter regions of key regulatory genes in the DNA of tumor cells (Valinluck and Sowers, 2007a). Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which these methylation patterns become modified during the transformation of normal cells to tumor cells have remained difficult to understand (Valinluck and Sowers, 2007a). In vitro studies by Valinluck and Sowers (2007b) showed that inflammation-mediated halogenated cytosine damage products can mimic 5-methylcytosine in directing enzymatic DNA methylation and in enhancing the binding of methyl-binding proteins, whereas certain oxidative damage products inhibit both. Therefore, Valinluck and Sowers (2007a) proposed in another study that cytosine damage products could potentially interfere with normal epigenetic control by altering DNAprotein interactions critical for gene regulation and the heritable transmission of methylation patterns. These inflammation-mediated cytosine damage effects may contribute, in some cases, a mechanistic link between inflammation and cancer. Knowing the precise biological mechanisms linking early nutrition to later disease will finally enable focused early-life nutritional interventions to achieve long-term

Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities


improvements in human health. Given the current lack of knowledge regarding the potential role of epigenetic mechanisms in body-weight regulation, extensive studies in appropriate animal models are needed to elaborate precise hypotheses that can be analyzed in the epigenetic epidemiologic research of human obesity. Atherosclerosis is a progressive human pathology that encompasses several stages of development (Xu, 2014). Endothelial dysfunction represents an early sign of lesion within the vasculature (Xu, 2014). A number of risk factors for atherosclerosis, including hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and hypertension, target the vascular endothelium by reprogramming its transcriptome (Xu, 2014). These profound alterations taking place on the chromatin rely on the interplay between sequence-specific transcription factors and the epigenetic machinery (Xu, 2014). The epigenetic machinery, in turn, tailors individual transcription events key to atherogenesis to intrinsic and extrinsic insults dictating the development of atherosclerotic lesions (Xu, 2014). Environmental and genetic factors interact to produce the NAFLD phenotype and to determine its progression. The investigation into the possible roles of epigenetics in NAFLD is only at the beginning and should be continued and completed. The accumulation of genetic and epigenetic knowledge related to NAFLD has provided novel insights into disease pathogenesis and may help to develop new diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets for NAFLD management. In conclusion, the MetS represents a cluster of cardiometabolic risk factors, including central obesity, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, hyperinsulinemia, and microalbuminuria, and more recently, atherosclerosis and NAFLD (Bruce and Cagampang, 2011). Although the concept of the MetS is subject to debate due to the lack of a unifying underlying mechanism, the prevalence of a MetS phenotype is rapidly increasing worldwide (Bruce and Cagampang, 2011). Several studies discuss data regarding the epigenetic modifications, resulting from nutrition during early development, that mediate persistent variations in the expression of key metabolic genes and direct toward an adult MetS phenotype (Bruce and Cagampang, 2011). Remely et al. (2014a) suggested that changes in gut microbiota and thus cell wall components are involved in the epigenetic regulation of inflammatory reactions. An improved diet targeted to induce gut microbial balance and the resulting epigenetic changes of proinflammatory genes may be effective in the prevention of MetS (Remely et al., 2014a). The human gut microbiota and microbial effects on lipid and glucose metabolism, satiety, and chronic low-grade inflammation are known to be involved in MetS (Remely et al., 2014b). Fermentation end products, particularly short chain fatty acids, are accepted as being involved in the epigenetic regulation of inflammatory reactions via free fatty acid receptor (FFARs) and other short chain fatty acid receptors (Remely et al., 2014b). Remely et al. (2014b) showed that the different compositions of gut microbiota in obesity and

102 Chapter 4 type 2 diabetes affect the epigenetic regulation of genes. Interactions between the microbiota and epigenetic regulation may require not only the short chain fatty acids binding to FFARs (Remely et al., 2014b). For that reason a good option in the fight against MetS could be dietary interventions influencing microbial composition (Remely et al., 2014b). Modification of the gut microbiota composition and/or its biochemical capacity by specific dietary or pharmacological interventions may advantageously affect host metabolism (Finelli and Tarantino, 2014). Large-scale intervention trials, investigating the potential benefit of prebiotics and probiotics in improving cardiometabolic health in high-risk populations, are fervently awaited (Finelli and Tarantino, 2014). A key role could be played by the restoration of a correct enterohepatic circulation of bile acids, which are required for efficient absorption of dietary fat and fat-soluble vitamins, and are involved in the control of HDL and very LDL (Tarantino, 2014). Furthermore, a correct secondary bile acid metabolism, the regulation of bile acid synthesis, and the equilibrium of lipid peroxidation are central to maintaining the intestinal barrier function and the luminal environment, ultimately leading to decreased bacterial translocation (Tarantino, 2014). Martı´nez et al. (2014) suggested that the main long-term goals in this field are the identification and understanding of the role of epigenetic markers that could be utilized as early predictors of metabolic risk, and the development of drugs or diet-related treatments able to delay these epigenetic variations or even reverse them. But weight gain and insulin resistance/diabetes are influenced not only by epigenetic factors; different epigenetic biomarkers have also been identified as early predictors of weight loss and the maintenance of body weight after weight loss (Martı´nez et al., 2014). Finally, Martı´nez et al. (2014), suggested that the characterization of all the factors that are able to modify the epigenetic signatures and the determination of their real importance are hindered by the following factors: (i) the magnitude of change produced by dietary and environmental factors is small and cumulative; (ii) there are great differences among cell types; and (iii) there are many factors involved, including age, with multiple interactions between them. Therefore, a continued and greater understanding of these mechanisms will eventually aid in the identification of individuals at high risk of MetS, and help develop therapeutic interventions, in accordance with current global government strategy (Bruce and Cagampang, 2011), utilizing foods such as PUFAs. Nonetheless, omega-3 fatty acids may still act by influencing multiple targets involved in several stages of cancer evolution, including cell proliferation, cell survival, angiogenesis, inflammation, metastasis, and epigenetic abnormalities that are decisive to the onset and progression of cancer (Jing et al., 2013).

Lipids Nutrition and Epigenetic Modification in Obesity-Related Co-Morbitities


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Dairy Products: Their Role in the Diet and Effects on Cardiovascular Disease Ditte A. Hobbs1, Julie A. Lovegrove1 and Ian D. Givens2 1

Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, University of Reading, Reading, UK 2Department of Food Production and Quality, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, University of Reading, Reading, UK

Introduction Milk is a unique and complex food that is intended to be nutritionally complete for young mammals. Most mammals stop drinking milk soon after weaning, and for much of the human population this coincides with the gene for lactase becoming downregulated, leading to a severe compromise in the ability to digest lactose. However, most people of European origin possess a version of the gene that remains active, which results in about 90% of Europeans being able to digest lactose throughout life; consequently, they have a relatively high intake of milk. There is evidence from archaeological studies that this ability to digest lactose and hence to consume large amounts of milk developed about 7000 years ago, and this has conferred a considerable survival advantage to those concerned (Simoons, 1978). The important role of cow’s milk in the human diet as a supplier of energy, protein, and other key nutrients, including calcium, is well known. Milk is essentially a complex colloidal system comprising globules of milk fat suspended in an aqueous medium containing lactose, a range of proteins, mineral salts, and water-soluble vitamins. Milk from modern Holstein/Friesian cows will typically contain about 40, 36, and 45 g/kg of fat, protein, and lactose, respectively, and has an energy content of approximately 2.8 MJ/kg. The fat and protein content of milk varies considerably due to the breed and nutrition of the cow. The effect of breed is particularly noticeable in milk from Channel Island breeds, which have a higher fat content of typically about 65 g/kg. Although milk is widely consumed and a key source of certain B vitamins and minerals, as will be described, there has recently been increased concern that a high proportion ( . 50%) of the energy in milk is derived from fat, about 70% of which is made up of saturated fatty acids (SFAs).

Handbook of Lipids in Human Function. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-63067-036-8.00005-6 © 2016 AOCS Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


112 Chapter 5

Trends in the Consumption of Milk and Dairy Foods The demand for animal-derived foods at a global level is growing rapidly, likely driven by a combination of increased population growth, urbanization, and rising income. Table 5.1 shows the trends in milk consumption over the past 40 years for various regions of the world. Although the historical and projected world trend is upward, in the UK and other Western countries consumption has shown considerable change over recent decades. In the UK, consumption of whole milk increased during the years immediately following World War II up to a plateau where consumption remained around 140 L per capita per year for over 20 years (Figure 5.1). In the mid-1970s whole milk consumption started to decline rapidly but was partially replaced with the recently introduced skimmed and semi-skimmed milk (collectively termed low-fat milk in Figure 5.1). The consumption of these steadily increased until the early 1990s, when it began to exceed that of whole milk. Between then and 2011,

Table 5.1: Trends in consumption of milk since the 1960s Milk Intake (kg/Person/Year) Region World Developing countries Transition countries Industrialized countries




73.9 28.0 156.7 185.5

78.1 44.6 159.1 212.2

89.5 65.8 178.7 221.0


Projected. Source: WHO/FAO (2003).

Liters per capita consumption

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1940




Whole milk

1980 Year




Lower fat milk

Figure 5.1 Trends in UK milk consumption 19422011 (L/capita/year). Data from DairyCo (2014).

Dairy Products: Their Role in the Diet and Effects on Cardiovascular Disease

Whole milk kg per capita consumption



140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1975








1995 Year





Lowfat (skim and semi-skim) milk kg per capita consumption


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1975


UK France



Denmark Italy

USA Canada


Figure 5.2 Consumption of (A) whole milk and (B) lower fast (skimmed and semi-skimmed) milks in selected countries, 19772006 (kg/capita/year). Data from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2007); CEAS (1999); CNIEL (2007); Danish Dairy Board (2007); DEFRA (2001, 2005); International Dairy Federation (2007); USDA (2007).

consumption of these reduced-fat milks has remained relatively constant at approximately 55 L per capita per year, whereas that of whole full-fat milk continues to decline. The decrease in consumption of whole milk and the increase in reduced-fat milk seen in the UK reflect a general trend in a number of other developed countries. Denmark, France, the United States, and Canada have shown similar trends since the 1970s (Figure 5.2). Germany has maintained whole milk consumption to a greater extent, and there has been little change

114 Chapter 5

kg per capita consumption

30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1975








Year UK France Germany

Denmark Italy

USA Canada

Figure 5.3 Trends in cheese consumption in selected countries, 19772006 (kg/capita/year). Data from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2007); CEAS (1999); CNIEL (2007); Danish Dairy Board (2007); DEFRA (2001, 2005); International Dairy Federation (2007); USDA (2007).

in consumption of lower-fat milk up to 1993, although more recent data were not available. The consumption of liquid milk in Italy has always been much lower than in northern Europe, but between 1977 and 1990 this remained relatively constant for both whole and lower-fat milk (Figure 5.2). Figure 5.3 shows the trends in cheese consumption in a number of selected countries over the period from 1977 to 2006. Of these countries, France has the highest consumption (currently about 24 kg/person/year), followed by Italy, and the UK consistently has a relatively low consumption (currently about 6 kg/person/year). Most countries show a gradual increase in cheese consumption over this period, although intake in Canada and Denmark did fluctuate during the 1990s, and that of the UK post-1980s remained relatively constant. Over the same period, butter consumption in these selected countries followed several different trends with consumption in Germany, Italy, and the United States remaining relatively constant, whereas consumption in the UK and Denmark declined. In France a decline was also seen until the early 1990s when it recovered. Of the selected countries, France and Germany have the highest butter consumption at about 7.5 kg/person/year with the UK and Denmark having the lowest at about 2 kg/person/year (International Dairy Federation, 2007).

Nutrients Provided by Dairy Foods Milk and dairy-derived foods are important sources of many nutrients in the diet. Based on data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (Bates et al., 2012), over the period

Dairy Products: Their Role in the Diet and Effects on Cardiovascular Disease


Table 5.2: Energy and selected nutrients provided by milk and dairy products to men’s diets in the UK Energy/ Nutrient Energy Protein Fat Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Zinc Iodine Vitamin Ad Riboflavin Vitamin B12 Folate

Contribution from Milk and Dairy Products

Liquid Whole Milk

Semi- and Skimmed Milk


Intake (MJ/d) % of EARa Intake (g/d) % of RNIb Intake (g/d) % of ADIc Intake (mg/d) % of RNI Intake (mg/d) % of RNI Intake (mg/d) % of RNI Intake (mg/d) % of RNI Intake (μg/d) % of RNI Intake (μg/d) % of RNI Intake (mg/d) % of RNI Intake (μg/d) % of RNI Intake (μg/d) % of RNI

0.09 1 1.0 2 1.2 3 36 5 29 5 3.1 1 0.1 1 8.7 6 11 2 0.07 5 0.23 16 2.2 1

0.23 2 4.3 8 1.9 5 149 21 119 22 13 4 0.5 5 34 24 21 3 0.3 22 1.0 64 9.8 5

0.28 3 4.1 8 5.5 16 116 17 84 15 4.7 2 0.6 7 5.2 4 62 9 0.07 5 0.37 25 5.4 3

Other Dairy Products Butter 0.16 2 1.4 3 2.0 6 46 7 43 8 5.5 2 0.2 2 11 8 25 4 0.07 7 0.12 8 2.5 1

0.11 1 0.02 0 3.1 9 0.6 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.08 nase nas nas 1.4 1 36 5 nas 0.2 0.01 0.5 nas nas

Total Dairy 0.87 9 10.8 21 13.7 39 348 50 276 50 26 9 1.4 20 60 43 154 23 0.5 39 1.7 114 20 10


EAR, estimated average requirement. RNI, reference nutrient intake. c ADI, average daily intake. d Retinol equivalents. e nas, not available separately, included in total. Source: Bates et al. (2012). b

between 2000/01 and 2010/11 we have estimated the contribution of the main milk-derived foods to energy and nutrient intakes and requirements of the UK male population aged 19 to 64 years old (Table 5.2). Milk and dairy products are clearly important sources of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, riboflavin, and vitamins A and B12. Indeed milk and dairy products alone provide more than the daily recommended intake for vitamin B12. The current nutritional importance of semi-skimmed and skimmed milk is clear and, notably, some 70% of liquid milk is now consumed as semi-skimmed milk (DEFRA, 2012). Although milk and dairy products provide only about 20% of the recommended folate intake of 200 μg/day (Bates et al., 2012), there is evidence that the presence of milk in the diet can increase overall folate bioavailability compared with diets containing no milk

116 Chapter 5 (Wigertz et al., 1997). Also, Smith et al. (1985) proposed that folate present in milk is more available than folates from other foods, at least in infants. It is probable that these properties of milk are due to the fact that it uniquely contains a range of folate-binding proteins. Although their exact role is not fully understood (de Jong et al., 2005), it is possible that these proteins will also increase the availability of folate in other foods consumed and also make milk a good candidate for fortification with folate.

Contribution of Dairy Foods to Fat and Fatty Acid Intake In the UK, milk and dairy products including butter contribute around 20% of the total fat consumed, but because the lipids in these products are rich in SFA they make a proportionately larger contribution to SFA intake. The National Diet and Nutrition Survey (Bates et al., 2014) estimated the contribution as 2225% of total saturated fatty acid intake, although this excluded milk fats present in manufactured foods such as cakes, biscuits, and so forth. A study on fatty acid intake across Europe (Hulshof et al., 1999) suggested a higher figure of 40% for the UK, and milk and dairy foods were consistently the largest source of SFAs, with the greatest contribution being seen in Germany and France with some 60% of SFA from these foods (Table 5.3). Consistent with the trends previously identified, the contribution of butter to SFA intake varied widely. In Greece, Spain, The Netherlands, and Norway butter provided less than 5%, whereas high contributions were recorded in France (30%) and Germany (39%), with the UK being intermediate (10%) (Hulshof et al., 1999). The contribution made by milk and dairy products to intake of cis-monounsaturated fatty acids in the countries studied is shown in Table 5.3. This ranged from about 8% in Spain to 29% in Sweden. This variability partly reflects the consumption of other sources of cismonounsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil, but also highlights that milk and dairy products can be a substantial source. Also of note was the fact that across the countries studied, milk and milk-derived foods contributed most of the trans fatty acids consumed (Table 5.3). The contributions in Germany, Italy, and France were particularly high at Table 5.3: Contribution (% total intake) of milk and dairy products to intakes of saturated (SFA), cis-monounsaturated (cis-MUFA), and trans fatty acids (TFA) intake in selected European countries Country








Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy

30.2 44.9 56.7 57.1 27.4 47.3

14.5 16.1 26.3 22.9 9.3 13.1

22.4 39.3 60.9 71.8 37.5 62.0

The Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom

33.9 32.5 27.5 48.5 38.8

14.1 11.8 8.3 28.6 16.4

16.7 39.3 32.7 40.7 24.7

Source: Hulshof et al. (1999).

Dairy Products: Their Role in the Diet and Effects on Cardiovascular Disease


approximately 72%, 62%, and 61%, respectively, although in the UK this was lower (25%). The high contributions in Germany arose mainly from butter consumption, whereas in Italy cheese was the main source. In all countries the predominant trans fatty acids were in the trans C18:1 family. Although this study (Hulshof et al., 1999) did not report the isomeric profile, other evidence indicates that the primary isomer in foods from ruminant animals is trans-11 C18:1 (trans-vaccenic acid), whereas that from industrial hydrogenation is mainly trans-9 C18:1 (elaidic acid) (Weggemans et al., 2004).

Epidemiological Evidence of the Association Between Dairy Consumption and Cardiovascular Disease As highlighted previously, milk and dairy products contribute significantly to SFA consumption, and because of this they have often been considered a key risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and specifically for coronary heart disease (CHD). This has resulted in the belief that milk/dairy product consumption should be limited. However, for milk at least, there is good evidence to the contrary, as will be discussed here. There have been a number of overviews published on the relationship between consumption of milk and dairy foods and CVD. To date, the largest was a meta-analysis based on 38 cohort studies (Elwood et al., 2010). Table 5.4 gives the outcome of this meta-analysis with the addition of data from six recently published studies (Avalos et al., 2012; Bonthuis et al., 2010; Goldbohm et al., 2011; Soedamah-Muthu et al., 2012; Sonestedt et al., 2011; van Aerde et al., 2013). The overall relative risk (RR) for heart disease was 0.92, suggesting a reduction of about 8% in those subjects who had reported the highest milk/dairy intake, Table 5.4: Milk and dairy consumption in cohort studies and new disease events Disease Outcome Ischemic heart disease All strokes Hemorrhagic stroke Subarachnoid bleed Diabetes All-cause mortality

Number of Cohorts (Acceptable Studies)

Total Number Number of of “Person Incident Years” Disease Events

22 (17)

4.5 million



8.5 million



0.36 million

5, 946


0.96 million



1.7 million


12 (9)

0.76 million


Source: Based on Elwood et al. (2010) and adapted from Givens et al. (2014).

Estimate of Combined Adjusted Relative Risk (95% CI) (P for Heterogeneity) 0.92 (0.86, 0.99) heterogeneity p 5 0.765 0.81 (0.71, 0.92) heterogeneity p 5 0.001 0.75 (0.60, 0.94) heterogeneity p 5 0.014 0.93 (0.84, 1.02) heterogeneity p 5 0.004 0.85 (0.75, 0.96) heterogeneity p 5 0.023 0.91 (0.78, 1.05) heterogeneity p 5 0.070

118 Chapter 5 compared with the fifth of subjects with the lowest intake (combined RR 0.92; 95% CI, 0.860.99). For stroke the RR (0.81; 95% CI, 0.710.92) indicates a probable reduction of 19% in subjects with a high milk/dairy intake, but possibly a reduction of up to 25%, or maybe a reduction of only around 7% for hemorrhagic stroke and subarachnoid bleed, respectively. The other major disease of interest in relation to milk and dairy consumption is diabetes. The meta-analysis conducted by Elwood et al. (2010) also yielded a 15% overall reduction in risk for diabetes (RR 0.85; 95% CI, 0.750.96) associated with a high milk/dairy intake, with confidence limits of 25% and 4%. The potential mechanism responsible for this association is not known, but Mozaffarian et al. (2013) suggest the substantial negative relationship between one of the fatty acids present in whole milk (trans-palmitoleic acid) and diabetes as a possible mechanism of action. A number of overviews by other authors have also been published. For example, Soedamah-Muthu et al. (2012) examined cardiovascular mortality and all-cause mortality in 17 prospective studies and judged that although milk consumption was not associated with all-cause mortality, it may be associated with a reduction in overall cardiovascular risk. There are few studies examining the effects of individual dairy foods such as butter and cheese on CVD (Elwood et al., 2010). Butter is rich in milk fat and SFAs, which increase blood cholesterol levels, and is associated with an increased risk of CVD (Tholstrup, 2006). However, studies have shown that milk with lower fat and SFAs and butter have similar effects on blood cholesterol levels (Tholstrup et al., 2006). Furthermore, a meta-analysis of data from three cohorts suggested a possible reduction in vascular disease risk (0.93, 95% CI, 0.841.02), although this did not reach statistical significance (p 5 0.33), while two casecontrol studies suggested an increase in vascular disease, and one case control suggested an increase in peripheral artery disease from butter intake (Elwood et al., 2010). Elwood and colleagues also conducted a meta-analysis of data from two prospective cohort studies in relation to cheese consumption and risk of CVD. It is important to highlight that there were large differences in the numbers of events reported and hence in the power of the two studies, with conclusions in one being based on only 64 vascular events and those in the other based on 2702 disease events. When allowance is made for this by weighting the studies appropriately, the estimate of relative risk from cheese is 0.90 (95% CI, 0.791.03).

Saturated and Monounsaturated Fatty Acids from Milk and Cardiovascular Disease: Evidence from Intervention Studies In addition to epidemiological data, there is an increasing body of evidence from intervention trials that have examined the association between increased milk and dairy intake and various components of the CVD risk phenotype, including blood lipid levels, markers of insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and arterial stiffness.

Dairy Products: Their Role in the Diet and Effects on Cardiovascular Disease


Dairy and Blood Lipid Profile The relationship between milk fat consumption and health is complex, and numerous intervention trials using a variety of fat sources have investigated the impact of dietary fat composition on the blood cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations in humans. There is consistent evidence that consumption of dietary SFA increases serum cholesterol concentrations, which is a risk factor for CHD (Zock, 2006). However, individual SFAs have been shown to have different effects on blood lipids; for example, lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), and palmitic (C16:0) acids are associated with elevated serum levels of LDL-C (a more robust indicator of CHD risk), whereas stearic acid (C18:0), which is poorly absorbed, has limited effect on LDL-C. Given that much of the C12:0, C14:0, and C16:0 in the human diet is derived from milk fat, the consumption of milk and dairy foods would be expected to have adverse effects on serum LDL-C levels. However, in addition to an LDL-C raising effect, SFAs concomitantly increase anti-atherogenic high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, which may suggest that the effects of SFA on blood lipids are atherogenically neutral (Mensink et al., 2003). In addition, Kai et al. (2013) reported an inverse association between intakes of low-fat dairy products and LDL-C concentration. Similarly, a number of intervention studies that specifically investigated the effects of milk and other dairy fats did not show significantly increased LDL-C (Benatar et al., 2013; Biong et al., 2004; Conway et al., 2013; Maki et al., 2013; Pfeuffer and Schrezenmeir, 2000; Poppitt et al., 2002; Rideout et al., 2013). For example, in 2002, Poppitt et al. conducted a study with healthy normocholesterolemic men, in which the provision of 20% of dietary energy as butter for 21 days resulted in no significant change in the blood lipid or apolipoprotein profile. Furthermore, there is evidence that fermented milk products are hypocholesterolemic relative to nonfermented equivalents (Agerholm-Larsen et al., 2000; Biong et al., 2004). In a meta-analysis of six relatively short-term studies, Agerholm-Larsen et al. (2000) concluded that the consumption of fermented yogurt products produced 4% and 5% decreases in total cholesterol and LDL-C, respectively. Biong et al. (2004) observed significantly lower LDL-C (p 5 0.03) and differences of 0.150.26 mmol/L following the consumption of a cheese versus butter-enriched standard diet for three weeks. More recently, Maki et al. (2013) showed that there was no significant differences in fasting lipoprotein concentrations in 62 participants with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension after 5 weeks of consuming one serving/day of low-fat dairy compared with nondairy products. Rideout et al. (2013) also observed that high dairy consumption (four servings/ day) did not significantly alter blood lipid and lipoprotein responses compared with low dairy consumption (two servings/day) in 23 healthy participants over a 6-month period. Noakes et al. (1996) observed significant 4.3% (p , 0.001) and 5.3% (p , 0.001) reductions in TC and LDL-C in healthy adults, respectively, following the inclusion of modified dairy

120 Chapter 5 products (51% SFA, 39% cis-MUFA) versus normal dairy (70% SFA, 28% cis-MUFA) into a low fat diet for three weeks (Table 5.5). These changes are in the range observed by other investigators and would be predicted to be associated with up to a 10% reduction in CHD risk (LRC-CPPT, 1984; Sacks and Katan, 2002). These trials demonstrate the potential of greater production and consumption of these lower-SFA dairy products to reduce population SFA intakes and potentially CHD burden.

Dairy and Insulin Action Although, as described above, there is epidemiological evidence to indicate a potential benefit of milk consumption on the incidence of vascular disease, epidemiological evidence regarding other dairy products and intervention studies with milk and other dairy products in relation to insulin function are lacking. As recently reviewed, the data from intervention trials that have assessed the impact of dietary fatty acid composition on insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal are equivocal, with a number of the earlier studies recognized to be underpowered and of too short a duration (Galgani et al., 2008; Shaw et al., 2006). No study to date has specifically studied the impact of dairy products, although dairy is often used as part of a SFA-rich diet. In the KANWU study, which used a relatively large sample size (n 5 162) and study duration (212 weeks), a diet high in SFA (partly composed of butter fat) resulted in a significant reduction in insulin sensitivity relative to a cis-MUFA-rich diet, but only in those with a total fat intake of less than 37% of total energy intake (Vessby et al., 2001). In contrast, in the PREMIER study, the consumption of a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet pattern, which is lower in total fat, SFA, and cholesterol and higher in fruit and vegetables and low-fat dairy products, resulted in a 51% improvement in insulin sensitivity relative to the control group following 6 months of intervention (Ard et al., 2004). However, just as in the KANWU study, this trial did not specifically examine the effects of dairy products, and there is a need to conduct “fit-for-purpose” intervention trials in this area.

Dairy, Blood Pressure, and Arterial Stiffness High blood pressure or hypertension, defined as systolic blood pressure at or above 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure at or above 90 mm Hg, is one of the leading risk factors in the development of stroke, CHD, heart failure, and end-stage renal disease (Lawes et al., 2008). Diet is one of the most important factors that influence blood pressure (Appel et al., 2006). The DASH trial demonstrated that a diet of reduced total and saturated fat content, high in low-fat dairy products, and rich in fruit and vegetables significantly lowered blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive individuals. In addition, the reduction of blood

Table 5.5: Impact of modified dairy products on the blood lipid profile: evidence from intervention studies Reference


Subject Group


33, 19M/14F

healthy TC 5 5.96 mmol/L

Tholstrup et al. (1998)


healthy TC 5 4.01 mmol/L

Poppitt et al. (2002)


healthy TC 5 4.56 mmol/L

Sequential crossover, 2 week low fat diet (15% E fat) followed by, 3 week (ND, 35% E fat) and 3 week MD (35% E fat) in random order Crossover, 2 3 4 week intervention periods, 2 mo wash-out in between, 41% E fat, ND versus MD, versus control Crossover, 2 3 3 week intervention periods, 4 week wash-out in between, 40% E fat residential study, ND versus MD

31, 6M/15F

9 hyperlipidemic, 22 healthy TC 5 5.15 mmol/L


healthy TC 5 4.04 mmol/L

Noakes et al. (1996)

Seidel et al. (2005)

Tholstrup et al. (2006)

Dairy Composition (% of Total Fatty Acids) ND: 70% SFA, 28% MUFA MD: 51% SFA, 39% MUFA

ND: 65% SFA, 21% MUFA MD: 50%, 32% MUFA

Main Outcomes ND to MD resulted in a 0.28 (4.3%) mmol/L k in TC (p , 0.001) and 0.24 (5.3%) mmol/L k in LDL-C (p , 0.001). No sign change TG, HDL-C ND to MD resulted in a 0.06 (2.1%) mmol/L k in LDL-C (p , 0.05). No sign change TC, TG, HDL-C

ND: 71% SFA, 22% MUFA MD: 54% SFA, 32% MUFA

ND to MD resulted in a 2.8% (p , 0.05) k in TC (p , 0.05) and 3.6% k in LDL-C (p , 0.01) LDL-C (p , 0.001). No sign change TG, HDL-C, apoA1 or apoB or coagulation biomarkers ND: 60% SFA, 26% ND to MD resulted in a 11% 7d habitual diet, 10d lowMUFA, 3% PUFA (P , 0.05) k in LDL-C and fat, 18d ND 10d low-fat, MD-: 53% SFA, 33% 19% k (P , 0.05) in LDL-C: 18d MD 10d low-fat, 18d MUFA, 3% PUFA HDL-C (P , 0.05). Margarine Margarine: 35% SFA. Margarine nonsignificant 28% MUFA, 37% PUFA effect relative to ND NDa: 61% SFA, 12% ND to MD resulted in a 0.30 Parallel, 5 week MUFA (6.2%) mmol/L k in TC intervention with ND (42% MDa: 47% SFA, 23% (p , 0.05), 0.27 (7.8%) E fat) versus MD (45% E MUFA mmol/L k in LDL-C (NS) fat) and a 0.15 (9.7%) k in HDLC (p , 0.01). No sign change TG

M 5 males, F 5 females, E 5 energy, ND 5 normal diet, MD 5 modified dairy diet, SFA 5 saturated fat, MUFA 5 monounsaturated fat, NS 5 nonsignificant TC 5 total cholesterol, LDLC 5 low density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDLC 5 high density lipoprotein cholesterol, TG 5 triacylglycerol. SFA 5 C4:012:0 1 14:0 1 16:0 1 18:0. MUFA 5 C18:1, n-9.

122 Chapter 5 pressure was of greater magnitude after the diet rich in low-fat dairy products compared with the fruit and vegetable rich diet, which omitted dairy products altogether (Appel et al., 1997). The findings from cross-sectional and prospective cohort studies have shown an inverse association between the consumption of dairy products, particularly low-fat varieties, and risk of hypertension (Livingstone et al., 2013; Soedamah-Muthu et al., 2012). In the meta-analysis by Soedamah-Muthu et al. (2012) nine prospective cohort studies were included, giving a total of 57,256 participants. The study showed a significantly reduced relative risk (RR) for hypertension (RR: 0.97; 95% CI, 0.950.99) following moderate intakes (200 g/day) of total dairy. A few randomized control trials (RCTs) have examined the effects of dairy products on blood pressure (Maki et al., 2013; Stancliffe et al., 2011; van Meijl and Mensink, 2011). In one of these studies, Van Meijl and Mensink (2011) showed that daily consumption of low-fat dairy products compared with carbohydrate-rich products for 8 weeks significantly reduced systolic blood pressure by 2.9 mm Hg (p 5 0.027) in 35 healthy overweight and obese individuals. In addition to the impact on blood pressure, the effect of milk and dairy products on other, more novel markers of vascular health is becoming increasingly relevant. Increased central arterial stiffening is a hallmark of the aging process and the consequence of many diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and chronic renal failure. Arterial stiffening is also a marker for increased CVD risk, including myocardial infarction (MI) (Mitchell et al., 1997), heart failure (Chae et al., 1999), and total mortality (Benetos et al., 1997), as well as stroke (Vaccarino et al., 2001) and renal disease (Blacher et al., 1999). Arterial stiffness is measured by a number of techniques, including pulse wave velocity and augmentation index, both of which are predictive of heart attacks and stroke (Boutouyrie et al., 2002) and all-cause mortality (Janner et al., 2013). Pulse wave velocity measures the speed of propagation of the pressure wave along the artery, whereas an augmentation index is calculated from the blood pressure waveform and is based on the degree of wave reflection. Significant relationships between dairy product intake and arterial pulse wave velocity have been shown in cross-sectional (Crichton et al., 2012) and longitudinal (Livingstone et al., 2013) cohort studies. Livingstone and colleagues used data from the Caerphilly Prospective Study, which was based on 2512 men followed for a mean of 22.8 years and showed a significant inverse relationship between dairy product intake and augmentation index. The subjects in the highest quartile of dairy product intake (mean 480 g/day), excluding butter, had a clinically relevant 2% (p 5 0.02) lower augmentation index compared with subjects with the lowest dairy intake (mean 154 g/day), whereas across increasing quartiles of butter intake there were significant increases in plasma insulin, triacylglycerol, total cholesterol concentrations, and diastolic BP (Livingstone et al., 2013). The mechanisms by which milk and dairy products may reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness are not yet clear. However, it has been hypothesized that bioactive peptides released during milk protein digestion may be involved in the relationship between dairy

Dairy Products: Their Role in the Diet and Effects on Cardiovascular Disease


consumption and blood pressure (Boelsma and Kloek 2009; FitzGerald et al., 2004). The bioactive peptides inhibit the action of angiotensin I converting enzyme, thereby reducing blood levels of angiotensin, preventing blood vessel constriction, and modulating endothelial integrity. Ballard et al. (2009) showed that consumption of 5 g of whey-derived peptide daily for a 2-week period significantly improved brachial artery flow-mediated dilation response. There is also some evidence to suggest that certain peptides from milk proteins may modulate the release of vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 by endothelial cells, thus preventing an increase in blood pressure (Maes et al., 2004). Furthermore, milk is a complex food, containing a variety of biologically active components, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, that may have an independent impact on blood pressure and arterial stiffness (Fekete et al., 2013).

Trans Fatty Acids from Milk and Cardiovascular Disease A comprehensive review overviewing all available data regarding trans fatty acids (TFAs) and health was published in 2007, by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition for the UK Food Standard Agency and Department of Health (SACN, 2007). Although the report detailed the available epidemiological evidence, which is suggestive of a more consistent positive association between biomarker levels of trans C18:2 (which are largely derived from biohydrogenated vegetable oils) and risk of CHD, it concluded that “data are not sufficiently robust to enable definite conclusions to be drawn concerning the likelihood, or not, of more adverse effects of trans fatty acids of industrial (iTFA) rather than ruminant origin (rTFA).” At the time of writing of the SACN report, there was a general paucity of information from human intervention trials that directly compared industrial and ruminant TFA sources, in part due to the unavailability of sufficient amounts of trans vaccenic acid that could be included in an intervention study without introduction of substantial changes to the overall macronutrient composition of the diet. In April 2008, the outputs from two such intervention studies were published. In the TRANSFACT study (Chardigny et al., 2008), the impact of rTFA and iTFA were directly compared in a crossover trial in healthy males, with TFA constituting approximately 4.2% of total dietary energy intake. No significant differences between the effects of TFA sources were evident in males. In females, however, 15% (p 5 0.012) and 6% (p 5 0.001) higher serum LDL-C and HDL-C concentrations were evident following rTFA versus iTFA, with no overall significant treatment effect on TC/HDL-C ratio (Table 5.6). In the study of Motard-Belanger et al. (2008), the impact of four individual diets, namely control (C, 0.8% TFA), moderate-rTFA (MrTFA, 1.5% TFA), high-rTFA (HrTFA, 3.6% TFA), and highiTFA (HiTFA, 3.6% TFA) were compared. Relative to the control, comparable significant (p 5 0.002) 6% and 5% increases in the TC/HDL-C ratio, respectively, were evident following both HrTFA and HiTFA interventions. Taken together, these two studies are

Table 5.6: Studies directly comparing the impact of industrial versus ruminants Trans fatty acids on risk factors for cardiovascular disease Reference

Dairy Composition (% of Total Fatty Acids)


Subject Group


Chardingy et al. (2008) (TRANSFACT study)

46, 22M, 24F

healthy TC 5 5.48 (M), 4.73 (F) mmol/L

crossover, 1 week run-in, 2 3 3 week intervention periods, 1 week wash-out in between

rTFA diet and iTFA diet containedB4.2% dietary E as TFA

MotardBelanger et al. (2008)


healthy TC 5 4.32 mmol/L

crossover, 4 3 4 week intervention periods, 312 week wash-out in between

Control (C, 0.8% TFA) Mod-rTFA (MrTFA, 1.5% TFA) High-rTFA (HrTFA, 3.6% TFA) High-iTFA (HiTFA, 3.6% TFA)

Main Outcomes Treatment effects only evident in females rTFA versus iTFA Females, LDL-C- m 15%, p 5 0.012 Males, LDL-C- m 2%, NS Females, HDL-Cm-6%, p 5 0.001 Males, LDL-C- k 1%, NS NS effects on TC:HDL-C ratio overall or in males and females End of treatment (mmol/ L), *sign different versus C

M 5 males, F 5 females, E 5 energy, rTFA 5 ruminant trans fatty acids, MrTFA 5 moderate rTFA, HrTFA 5 high rTFA, iTFA 5 industrial trans fatty acids, HiTFA 5 high iTFA, C 5 control, TC 5 total cholesterol, LDLC 5 low density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDLC 5 high density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Dairy Products: Their Role in the Diet and Effects on Cardiovascular Disease


suggestive of greater sensitivity to TFA in females and are indicative of comparable deleterious effects of both rTFA and iTFA on the blood lipid profile. However, it must be kept in mind that intakes of TFA of 3.6% and 4.2% of dietary energy are four-fold higher than the average UK intake of 0.7% (Bates et al., 2014). Furthermore, because rTFA constitutes about 25% (i.e., 0.3% dietary energy) of total TFA in the UK, it is likely that current intake ranges represent relatively minor determinants of individuals circulating cholesterol levels.

Conclusions Although there is general acceptance that milk and dairy products are foods that provide substantial amounts of key nutrients, there has been concern that high levels of consumption would increase the risk of CHD and other chronic health problems. This concern has been mainly focused on the fact that milk-derived foods are often the largest single source of dietary SFA. The epidemiological evidence and evidence from dietary intervention studies do not support this contention and indeed suggest that milk may provide some protective effects against vascular disease. Despite this, there is some evidence of further benefits to be obtained from consumption of milk/dairy products with reduced SFA content. This, however, needs further evaluation in more powerful intervention studies.

Acknowledgments This work was funded by DairyCo.

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Fatty Acids in Corn Oil: Role in Heart Disease Prevention Marie-Pierre St-Onge1 and Alexane Travers2 1

Department of Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA 2Institut AgroParisTech, Paris, France

Introduction Consumption of nonhydrogenated vegetable oils has been recommended for cardiovascular health. In fact, partial hydrogenation of those oils, whether to improve their stability or cooking properties, leads to the production of trans fatty acids (TFAs) that have been associated with adverse health effects, such as increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease (Chien et al., 2013; Kiage et al., 2014). Industrial TFAs have been shown to exert those detrimental health effects (Lichtenstein, 2014), and various health agencies have sought their ban from the American diet (Brownell and Pomeranz, 2014). Indeed, it is unquestionable that TFAs increase the risk of coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome (Vannice and Rasmussen, 2014). TFAs arise from the hydrogenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). In fact, high intakes of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, a source of TFA, are associated with higher plasma C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF α), and interleukin 6 (IL-6) compared to the lowest intake (Esmaillzadeh and Azadbakht, 2008). From the mounting evidence of the adverse health effects of TFAs, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) passed a regulation in 2003 requiring manufacturers to list the TFA content of their food products on the Nutrition Facts Panel, allowing TFA contents of less than 0.5 g to be listed as 0 g (FDA, 2014). This rule was effective in January 2006. Consequently, New York City was the first US city to ban trans fats from commercial establishments in 2006, and the state of California followed in 2008 (Brownell and Pomeranz, 2014). Corn oil is a logical replacement for hydrogenated vegetable oils, the major source of TFA, since it is a naturally stable oil. However, there is some confusion regarding which vegetable oils should be recommended for daily consumption based on their fatty acid profiles and effects on cardiovascular disease risk markers. We will review

Handbook of Lipids in Human Function. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-63067-036-8.00006-8 © 2016 AOCS Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


132 Chapter 6 Table 6.1: Fatty acid profile of common animal and vegetable fats Nutrient/100 g

Corn Oil

Energy (kcal) Total fat (g) PUFA (g) MUFA (g) SFA (g) Vitamin E (mg α-tocopherol)

900 100 54.68 27.58 12.95 

Soybean Oil Safflower Oil Canola Oil Sunflower Oil Palm Oil 884 100 57.74 22.78 15.65 8.18

884 100 74.62 14.36 6.20 34.10

884 100 28.14 63.28 7.37 17.46

884 100 28.96 57.33 9.01 41.08

884 100 9.30 37.00 49.30 15.94

Butter 717 81.1 3.04 21.02 51.37 2.32

health evidence to determine whether corn oil should be considered a healthy choice for cardiovascular health effects. Corn oil has a high smoke point, providing desirable cooking properties. In addition, corn oil has an attractive fatty acid profile. The majority of the fatty acids found in corn oil are PUFAs (54.7% of total fatty acids), followed by a moderate amount of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) (27.6% of total fatty acids) and some saturated fatty acids (SFAs) (13% of total fatty acids) (Table 6.1). Corn oil’s major PUFA is linoleic acid. Moreover, corn oil is a good source of vitamin E (1.9 mg of α-tocopherol per tablespoon, equivalent to 10% of the recommended daily value). It is well accepted that n-6 PUFA, and particularly linoleic acid, has cholesterol-lowering effects. Studies have shown that replacing carbohydrates and SFAs with PUFAs reduces low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and linoleic acid has been described as the most potent cholesterol-lowering nutrient (Sacks and Campos, 2006). A meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials showed that replacing carbohydrates with n-6 PUFAs was predictive of the greatest reduction in total cholesterol (TC) to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio and LDL-C relative to other fatty acids (Mensink et al., 2003). Another meta-analysis of 72 studies showed that replacing SFAs with PUFAs substantially reduced TC, LDL-C, and TC:HDL-C (Hodson et al., 2001). Evidence in humans therefore suggests a cardioprotective effect of PUFAs; indeed low linoleic acid levels are associated with higher risk of cardiovascular events (Czernichow et al., 2010). This degree of evidence has led the American Heart Association to report that consumption of 510% of energy from n-6 PUFAs decreases the risk of CVD relative to lower intakes (Harris et al., 2009). However, this may be only advisable in the primary prevention of CVD because other research has shown increased all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality in CHD patients assigned to an intervention that recommended increasing n-6 PUFA consumption to 15% of energy and reducing SFAs to less than 10% of energy (Ramsden et al., 2013). In that study, an increase of 5% energy from linoleic acid predicted a 29% higher risk of death from all causes and a 35% higher risk of cardiovascular death after adjusting for age, dietary cholesterol intake, body mass index, smoking, alcohol intake, and marital status. This was

Fatty Acids in Corn Oil: Role in Heart Disease Prevention 133 Corn oil consumption

Linoleic acid intakes

Plasma levels of linoleic acid

Plasma levels of arachidonic acid

Synthesis of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids

Synthesis of IL-6, TNF α, CRP

Elongation of α linolenic acid to EPA and DHA

Synthesis of anti-inflammatory eicosanoids

Incidence of cardiovascular disease

Figure 6.1 Theoretical model by which dietary linoleic acid could lead to increased inflammatory markers. Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; IL-6, interleukin 6; TNF α, tumor necrosis factor α.

also despite a greater reduction in TC in the intervention group compared to the control group not receiving dietary recommendations. Despite their benefit for cholesterol reduction, there has been some concern regarding the potential inflammatory effect of n-6 PUFAs, specifically. A main concern involves the biochemical pathways in which linoleic acid is involved that lead to pro-inflammatory cytokines (Figure 6.1). Linoleic acid is a precursor for arachidonic acid via chain elongation. Series of chain elongations and desaturations from arachidonic acid give rise to pro-inflammatory eicosanoids that can increase levels of other markers of inflammation such as IL-6, TNF α, and CRP, which are associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular disease (Johnson and Fritsche, 2012; Vannice and Rasmussen, 2014). Another concern is the possibility that flooding the elongation/desaturation system with linoleic acid would lead to a reduced potential for elongation and desaturation of α-linolenic acid, whose pathway gives rise to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two long-chain n-3 PUFAs that are well known for their

134 Chapter 6 anti-inflammatory effects (Johnson and Fritsche, 2012). The result would then be enhanced production of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines at the expense of antiinflammatory eicosanoids. However, this theoretical model has not consistently been shown in human studies. In this chapter we will review some of the most recent literature regarding this controversial effect of n-6 PUFAs on markers of inflammation in addition to a brief update on the effects of corn oil on lipid profile. Because linoleic acid is the most abundant fatty acid in corn oil, studies of linoleic acid will supplement the literature on corn oil to achieve this objective.

Effects of Corn Oil/Linoleic Acid on Plasma Lipid Profile We have previously evaluated the cardiovascular health effects of corn oil consumption (St-Onge and Singh, 2009). Most recently, Jones et al. (2014) published results of a multicenter, controlled feeding study testing the cardiovascular health effects of diets differing in ratios of n-9, n-6, and n-3 fatty acids. Participants were selected to have at least one CHD risk factor. Five different diets were administered for 4 weeks each in a randomized, double-blind, crossover design: canola oil, high oleic canola oil with DHA, high oleic canola oil, corn oil and safflower oil mix, and flaxseed oil and safflower oil mix. The safflower oil mix diets were rich in n-6 PUFAs, the corn oil mix being the richest in linoleic acid. At endpoint, lipid profiles were compared between diets. The canola oil with DHA diet resulted in the highest TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, and lowest triglyceride concentrations; all values were significantly higher than after the corn oil/safflower oil diet. The two safflower oil-containing diets resulted in the greatest reductions in TC with the corn oil/safflower oil diet producing the greatest reduction in LDL-C from baseline. However, the canola oil with DHA diet, due to beneficial effects on HDL-C and triglycerides, resulted in the best Framingham score reduction for cardiovascular disease risk prediction. Studies of the relationship between corn oil and CVD risk focus mostly on the major, traditional, marker of CVD risk: the lipid profile. The lipid profile has been the traditional therapeutic target recommended by the American College of Cardiology Foundation and American Heart Association (ACCF/AHA) (Greenland et al., 2010). Nevertheless, this is not the only risk factor for CVD. Novel risk factors have emerged, such as coagulation and inflammatory markers, and oxidative status (Ikonomidis et al., 2009). Inflammation may be a possible mediating mechanism through which dietary intakes of TFAs affect chronic disease risk (Micha and Mozaffarian, 2008) and the recommendation of the ACCF/AHA is to include the assessment of CRP to inform treatment decisions if risk-based treatment is uncertain after assessment of the 10-year risk of first event (Goff et al., 2014). The remainder of this chapter will focus on the effects of corn oil/linoleic acid intake on inflammatory markers.

Fatty Acids in Corn Oil: Role in Heart Disease Prevention 135

Effects of Corn Oil on Inflammation As mentioned earlier in this chapter, there is controversy regarding the inflammatory effects of n-6 PUFAs. When Esmaillzadeh and Azadbakht (2008) examined the diets of Tehranian women, those in the highest quintile of nonhydrogenated vegetable oil intake had lower circulating CRP, TNF α, serum amyloid A, and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (sICAM-1). Included in the category of nonhydrogenated vegetable oils were corn oil and soybean oil (two PUFA-rich oils) and sunflower oil, canola oil, and olive oil (three MUFA-rich oils). Therefore, from this observational study, it is unknown whether the effect of nonhydrogenated vegetable oils on inflammatory markers is the result of MUFA or PUFA intakes. Very few studies have specifically examined the effects of corn oil consumption on markers of inflammation. Available studies are acute (Bogani et al., 2007; Papageorgiou et al., 2011; Tousoulis et al., 2010) and most have very small sample size (,10/group) (Bogani et al., 2007; Tousoulis et al., 2010). Bogani et al. (2007) used a randomized, crossover study to assess the effects of bolus intakes of 50 mL extra-virgin olive oil, olive oil, or corn oil on inflammatory markers. Participants were 12 healthy, young, normal-weight men who were studied after 5 days of a low-phenolic diet. Thromboxane B2 and leukotriene B4 were decreased with extra-virgin olive oil intake relative to olive oil and corn oil over a 6 h postprandial period. Antioxidant capacity did not change postprandially after corn oil intake, whereas there was a significant increase following extra-virgin olive oil intake. In similar parallel arm studies, Papageorgiou et al. (2011) and Tousoulis et al. (2010) tested acute effects of extra-virgin olive oil, soybean oil, corn oil, and cod-liver oil on markers of inflammation, endothelial function, and oxidative stress in young, normal weight individuals. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the test oils. Each test oil was administered as a 50 mL bolus ingestion, not as part of a mixed meal, and measurements were taken over a 3-h period postingestion. There was no effect of oil type on soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1), but all oils decreased sICAM-1 and all, except for corn oil, decreased TNF α (Papageorgiou et al., 2011). Moreover, corn oil decreased reactive hyperemia (Tousoulis et al., 2010). Authors concluded that extra-virgin olive oil, soybean oil, and cod-liver oil exert similar anti-inflammatory effects (Papageorgiou et al., 2011), but corn oil leads to impaired endothelial function (Tousoulis et al., 2010). These results have been somewhat contradicted in an in vitro study showing that corn oil is pro-inflammatory (Ion et al., 2011). Jurkat T leukemia cells treated with corn oil for 72 h had increased expression of IL-8 and IL-8 receptor B, among others, compared to nontreated cells. However, a study in rats showed that vegetable oils, including corn oil, prevent oxidative damage and enhanced anti-inflammatory effects of indomethacin administration (Odabasoglu et al., 2008).

136 Chapter 6 Based on these studies, the inflammatory properties of corn oil are unclear. Different results are obtained based on the type of study: in vitro, animal, or human. Further, longer-term studies are needed to determine whether corn oil consumption has anti-inflammation effects. Issues related to comparison diet and participant characteristics would also need to be clarified.

Effects of Linoleic Acid on Inflammation There has been somewhat more research on the inflammatory effects of linoleic acid than those of corn oil. Since linoleic acid is the most abundant fatty acid in corn oil, such studies can provide additional information regarding the effects of corn oil on inflammatory markers. Poudel-Tandukar et al. (2009) examined the association between PUFA intake and CRP levels in Japanese employees. Using a self-administered diet history questionnaire to assess intakes over the previous month, the authors found an inverse relationship between dietary linoleic acid and CRP in men but not women. In men, CRP was 43% lower in the highest linoleic acid intake group compared with the lowest intake group. In the United States, data from the Physicians’ Health Study and the Nurses’ Health Study were also used to assess relationships between PUFA intakes and inflammatory markers (Pischon et al., 2003). In that study, linoleic acid intakes were not related to any inflammatory marker: CRP, IL-6, soluble TNF receptor 1 and receptor 2. However, in those with high n-6 PUFA intakes, there was a very strong inverse association between EPA and DHA and TNF receptor 1 and receptor 2 that was not observed in those with low linoleic acid intakes. Individuals with the highest EPA plus DHA and linoleic acid intakes had the lowest TNF receptor 1 and receptor 2 levels, whereas those with high linoleic acid and low EPA plus DHA intakes had the highest levels of those receptors. The authors concluded that, contrary to some beliefs, n-6 PUFAs do not appear to antagonize the effects of n-3 PUFAs on inflammatory markers. These data support observations from Djousse et al. (2001) that high intakes of linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid are associated with a lower prevalent odds ratio of coronary artery disease in men and women and that combined intakes have synergistic effects. One longitudinal study assessed the association between PUFA intakes and CRP measured 12 years later (Julia et al., 2013). In that study, there was an inverse association between linoleic acid and CRP, and the authors concluded that linoleic acid has anti-rather than pro-inflammatory effects. Interestingly, the extent of the association with CRP was similar for n-3 and n-6 PUFAs. Those observational studies therefore show that linoleic acid is either neutral or has a beneficial effect on markers of inflammation. Such conclusions can also be drawn from the results of an intervention study (Thies et al., 2001). Participants were randomized to groups consuming encapsulated oil blends rich in

Fatty Acids in Corn Oil: Role in Heart Disease Prevention 137 α-linolenic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, DHA, or EPA. Participants were required to take three capsules of 445 mg oil blends three times daily for 12 weeks. The authors found no effects of treatment on TNF α, IL-6, sICAM-1, or serum E-selectin. EPA only decreased sVCAM-1 levels. The authors concluded that moderate levels of n-6 and n-3 PUFAs do not influence circulating inflammatory cell numbers and that increasing consumption of n-6 PUFAs does not have adverse effects. Dietary linoleic acid intakes therefore do not seem to represent the theoretical process of eicosanoid production presented in Figure 6.1. This seems to relate to the poor association between dietary PUFAs and circulating PUFA levels. Indeed, Harris et al. (2009) reported in their position statement that wide variations in linoleic acid do not alter plasma levels of arachidonic acid so much. James et al. (1993) have shown that over a range of linoleic acid intakes of 2.517.5% of energy, plasma levels of linoleic acid, but not arachidonic acid, were reflective of intakes. They concluded that reductions in linoleic acid consumption could reduce plasma linoleic acid levels, but this would not be an effective strategy to reduce arachidonic acid levels in tissues. Furthermore, the relationship between plasma levels of fatty acids and inflammatory markers is controversial. Ferrucci et al. (2006) reported that participants in the two lower quartiles of plasma linoleic acid had lower soluble IL-6 receptors than those in the upper two quartiles. In addition, total n-6 PUFAs, of which approximately 75% were linoleic acid, were inversely associated with IL-6, IL-1 receptor α, TNF α, and CRP, and positively related to soluble IL-6 receptor and IL-10 after adjusting for age and sex. However, when n-3 PUFAs were included in regression models, most associations between n-6 PUFAs and inflammatory markers became nonsignificant. On the other hand, Soto-Vaca et al. (2013) showed that treating coronary arterial smooth muscle and endothelial cells with linoleic acid decreased IL-6. They also concluded that linoleic acid proved to be the least proinflammatory fatty acid of the 14 relevant fatty acids studied.

Conclusions Recent literature on the effects of corn oil on markers of inflammation is limited. Those studies indicate that acute intakes of corn oil do not affect short-term (up to 6 h) inflammatory status or have similar effects as other vegetable oils. In vitro and animal studies showed differing results. However, chronic intakes of linoleic acids, the most abundant fatty acid in corn oil, as reflected from self-report diet history or questionnaires, seem to either have neutral or beneficial effects on markers of inflammation. Similarly, administration of oils rich in various PUFAs does not affect inflammatory markers over a range that would be plausible for human consumption. Therefore, to date, there is no information to support the view that linoleic acid has adverse pro-inflammatory effects; rather, studies have shown a neutral or anti-inflammatory effects associated with its consumption.

138 Chapter 6 Future studies are needed to determine the inflammatory effects of corn oil. Corn oil is comprised of not only linoleic acid, and it is possible that its various components can mitigate potential health effects. For example, corn oil is rich in plant sterols (Ostlund et al., 2002), which are well known to reduce cholesterol concentrations (St-Onge and Jones, 2003), and in vitamin E, a potent antioxidant. It is possible that synergistic effects between individual phytonutrients may affect the overall cardiovascular health effects of corn oil. Moreover, other dietary components, such as intakes of n-3 PUFAs, could be important in the overall assessment of the health effects of corn oil.

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Dietary Approaches to Reduce Aortic Stiffness Matthew P. Pase Centre for Human Psychopharmacology, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia; Department of Neurology and Framingham Heart Study, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

Background on Aortic Stiffness The aorta is the body’s largest artery and is responsible for transferring blood from the heart to peripheral blood vessels and organs. One important function of the aorta is to smooth out pulsations of blood flow, created by the beating heart, such that blood can be provided to the rest of the body in a near-steady stream. This function is achieved because the aorta is highly elastic. It stretches when the heart beats (systole), temporarily storing energy. When the heart rests (diastole), the aorta recoils, forcing blood forward through the arterial system. This minimizes the pressure difference between systole and diastole, known as the pulse pressure. The aorta thus serves to dampen the high pressure created by cardiac contraction by keeping pulse pressures to a minimum. This protects vulnerable organs, such as the brain and kidneys, from the potentially damaging effects of high-pressure flow (O’Rourke and Safar, 2005). Aging of the cardiovascular system is characterized by the stiffening and dilating of the aorta (Nichols et al., 2011). The repeated stretching of the aorta, associated with millions of heart beats, causes elastic fibers within the aorta to fragment and fracture. The aorta thus begins to lose its elasticity with advancing age. This stiffening process can also be advanced by diseases and risk factors such as high blood pressure (BP), obesity, diabetes, and smoking (Mahmud and Feely, 2003; Teoh et al., 2013). It is important to note that ageassociated arterial stiffening almost exclusively affects the central large arteries such as the aorta and carotids (Nichols et al., 2011). Peripheral arteries such as those in the arm do not tend to stiffen with age (Avolio et al., 1985). As the aorta stiffens, its function is compromised. It is less able to dampen pressures created by cardiac contraction, meaning that BP becomes higher and more pulsatile. This puts added stresses on vulnerable organs, particularly the brain and kidneys (O’Rourke and

Handbook of Lipids in Human Function. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-63067-036-8.00007-X © 2016 AOCS Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


142 Chapter 7 Safar, 2005). Phenomena known as wave reflection and aortic pressure augmentation also become altered with advanced aortic stiffening. As the heart beats, pressure waves are propagated from the aorta down the arterial tree. Some pressure waves are normally reflected and travel back toward the heart. The speed of these pressure pulse waves is known as Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV). When the aorta is highly elastic, the speed of these pressure waves is slow and reflected pressure waves arrive back at the heart during diastole (Nichols et al., 2011). These reflected pressure waves thus augment the aortic diastolic pressure, thus keeping the pulse pressure to a minimum. As the aorta stiffens, PWV increases. Reflected pressure waves thus arrive back earlier during the systolic part of the cardiac cycle. These reflected pressure waves thus augment the systolic BP. This not only increases the maximal aortic BP but it also causes an increase in the pulse pressure.

Measurement of Aortic Stiffness The different methods for examining arterial stiffness are displayed in Table 7.1. PWV is the most common method for evaluating aortic stiffness. PWV is commonly assessed by measuring the time it takes for the pressure wave to travel along a known distance of an artery. The pressure Table 7.1: Summary of arterial stiffness measures Measure


Arterial distensibility Relative diameter (or area) change for a pressure increment; the inverse of elastic modulus (ΔD/ΔP 3 D) (mm/Hg) Arterial compliance Absolute diameter (or area) change for a given pressure step at fixed vessel length ΔD/ΔP (cm/mm Hg) or (cm2/mm Hg) Volume elastic Pressure step required for (theoretical) 100% increase in volume ΔP/(ΔV/V) modulus (mm Hg) 5 (ΔP/ΔD/D) (mm Hg) where there is no change in length Elastic modulus The pressure step required for (theoretical) 100% stretch from resting diameter at fixed vessel length (ΔP 3 D/ΔD) (mm Hg) Young’s modulus Elastic modulus per unit area; the pressure step per square centimeter required for (theoretical) 100% stretch from resting length ΔP 3 D/(ΔD 3 h) (mm Hg/cm) Pulse wave velocity Speed of travel of the pulse along an arterial segment distance/Δt (cm/s) Pressure Increase in aortic or carotid pressure after the peak of blood flow in the vessel augmentation (mm Hg or as percentage of pulse pressure) Characteristic Relationship between pressure change and flow velocity in the absence of wave impedance reflections(ΔP/ΔV) [(mm Hg/cm)/s] Stiffness index Ratio of logarithm (systolic/diastolic pressures) to (relative change in diameter) β 5 ln (Ps/Pd)/[(Ds 3 Dd)/Dd] (nondimensional) Large artery Relationship between pressure fall and volume fall in the arterial tree during the elasticity index exponential component of diastolic pressure decay, ΔV/ΔP (cm3/mm Hg) Small artery Relationship between oscillating pressure change and oscillating volume change elasticity index around the exponential pressure decay during diastole, ΔV/ΔP (cm3/mm Hg) P, pressure; D, diameter; V, volume; h, wall thickness; t, time; s, systolic; d, diastolic. From O’Rourke et al (2002) American Journal of Hypertension by ELSEVIER INC. Reproduced with permission of ELSEVIER INC. in the format reuse in a book/e-book via Copyright Clearance Center.

Dietary Approaches to Reduce Aortic Stiffness 143 wave is commonly measured through applanation tonometry, which involves using a pressure sensitive probe to gently flatten the artery and record the arterial waveform. PWV can be measured between any two arterial cites of measurement, although the gold standard is to measure between the carotid and femoral arteries. This is because carotid-femoral PWV best captures PWV along the aorta without the confounding effects of other peripheral arteries (which do not stiffen with age). Expert consensus suggests that carotid-femoral PWV above 10 m/s is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension, 2013). PWV is also sometimes measured between the arteries in the arm and ankle (brachial-ankle PWV). This method captures the stiffness of the aorta but confounds PWV along the aorta with PWV along arteries in the arm and leg, which do not stiffen with age. Brachial-ankle PWV is preferred by some because it is less invasive than carotid-femoral PWV, which requires the investigator to applanate the femoral artery, close to the groin. However, new methods now allow carotid-femoral PWV to be measured with minimal invasiveness (Butlin et al., 2013). This is achieved by inflating a cuff around the thigh (placed over the top of clothing) while simultaneously applanating the carotid artery in the neck. PWV can also be accurately measured with magnetic resonance imaging (Grotenhuis et al., 2009). Although very precise, this method is costly and time consuming. Aortic systolic BP and aortic pulse pressure can also be used to provide an indirect estimate of aortic stiffness. This is because aortic systolic and pulse pressure increase proportionally to aortic stiffness. Aortic augmentation pressure is used to estimate the amount the aortic systolic pressure that is augmented by reflected pressure wave magnitude and aortic stiffness. Augmentation index, also commonly used, expresses aortic pressure augmentation as a percentage of the pulse pressure. Lastly, pulse pressure amplification is expressed as the ratio between the pulse pressure in the aorta and peripheral arteries (Avolio et al., 2009). Amplification refers to the normal phenomenon whereby pulse pressures are lower in the aorta compared to the periphery (Avolio et al., 2009). Amplification is greatest in youth, when aortic stiffness is low. However, as aortic stiffness increases, pulse pressure increases in the aorta disproportionally to that in the periphery (McEniery et al., 2005). Thus, amplification decreases with aging as the BPs in the aorta become closer in value to BP in the periphery. All these aforementioned indices of aortic pressures can be noninvasively estimated (Chen et al., 1997). Other less-used methods to estimate aortic stiffness can be seen in a comprehensive review by Laurent et al. (2006) as well as O’Rourke et al. (2002).

Consequences of High Aortic Stiffness and Aortic BP Age-associated changes in both carotid-femoral PWV and augmentation index are shown in Figure 7.1. Figure 7.2 shows the association of carotid-femoral PWV with age and BP. High aortic stiffness has many deleterious consequences for different organ systems. Most striking, a recent meta-analysis by Vlachopoulos et al. (2010) found that high aortic stiffness was



Augmentation index (%) pressure (mm Hg)

144 Chapter 7

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 –5 –10 0




40 50 Age (years)









40 50 Age (years)





Pulse wave velocity (m/s)

(B) 16





Figure 7.1 Association between augmentation index and age (A) and aortic pulse wave velocity and age (B). Each data point reflects the group mean, corresponding to the decade of life, for males (circles, solid line) and females (squares, broken line). This figure was published in McEniery et al. (2005), copyright Elsevier.

associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, cardiovascular mortality, and all-cause mortality (Figure 7.3). High aortic stiffness also increases the risk of hypertension (Kaess et al., 2012). Beyond the heart, high aortic stiffening is associated with target organ damage, such as cerebrovascular disease (Mitchell et al., 2011), stroke (Laurent et al., 2003), and cognitive decline (Pase et al., 2012). Most recently, high aortic stiffness has been associated with the progression of pathology associated with Alzheimer’s disease (Hughes et al., 2014).

Dietary Approaches to Reduce Aortic Stiffness 145

14 13 12

PWV (m/s)

11 10 9 8 7

Grade II/III HT Grade I HT High normal BP

6 5