Hapon 10 - UP Department of Linguistics

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Some aspects of Japanese culture will also be discussed. Course Objectives: At ... GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I. (2nd ed.)Tokyo: The ...
1st Semester AY 2013-2014 Hapon 10 (TWHFU) T – F 10:00 – 11:30; PH 227

Jonalene L. Victorio [email protected] 0915-6272484 Course Description: This is an introductory course in the Japanese language. Beginner level competence will be acquired through various exercises and activities. Some aspects of Japanese culture will also be discussed. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. develop an understanding and appreciation of Japanese language and culture; 2. read and write Hiragana, Katakana and 15 Kanji characters, and 3. speak and understand basic Japanese sentences and Japanese expressions; Course Content: Hapon 10 – Genki: Lessons 1-3, Genki Kanji 3 Session / Date Week 1 Weeks 2 – 3

Topics, Contents Orientation; Kana Kana, Genki Lesson 1: NEW FRIENDS Making new friends Reading and writing in Hiragana and Katakana Introducing one’s self, family and others Asking and telling time Counting from 1 to 100 1st Long Exam Genki Lesson 2: SHOPPING Going shopping Reading and writing in Hiragana and Katakana Counting from 100 to 100,000 Japanese currency Asking and telling prices Ordering food in a restaurant 2nd Long Exam Genki Lesson 3: MAKING A DATE Talking about one’s daily activities Extending invitations Accepting or declining invitations Kanji Lesson 1: DAILY LIFE Reading and writing Kanji about time and prices Review for Hapon 10 Hapon 10 Final Exam

June 25 Weeks 4-5

July 9 Weeks 6-8

August 2

Grade Requirements: Long Exams Final Exam (Written and Oral) Quizzes Presentations (Skits, Reports, Projects) Assignments & Seat Works Attendance & Class Participation Total

Grading Scale 30% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% ====== 100%

100-97 = 1.0 96-93 = 1.25 92-89 = 1.50 88-85 = 1.75 84-80 = 2.0

79-75 74-70 69-65 64-60 59-30 29 and below

= 2.25 = 2.50 = 2.75 = 3.0 = 4.0 = 5.0

Rules and some reminders: (1) The schedule above will serve only as a guide; changes will be announced in class. (2) Attendance is mandatory. (3) Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. (4). Missed quizzes, seatwork, and assignments are equivalent to zero. Make-up exams shall only be given for valid reasons (family death, certified hospitalization, national calamities, school representation, etc.). (5) Arriving 15 minutes after the class has started will be marked late. Tardiness will not be tolerated. (6) In the event of classes cancelled on a day on which group reports or major exams are scheduled, the affected group presentation or exam will be moved to the next class session. The same goes for the submission of projects or assignments. Required Readings: Banno, E., Yutaka O., Yoko S. and Chikako S. 2011.GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I. (2nd ed.)Tokyo: The Japan Times. Consultation Hours: M - F, 2-4pm, Rm. 209, Vidal Tan Hall *Consultation outside the abovementioned hours may be held by appointment with the instructor.