Remind101 or GroupMe. For questions regarding teacher availability and the means by which. teachers can be reached durin
Harrisburg School District Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Days Information The Harrisburg School District was granted, from the Arkansas Department of Education, the equivalent of five student attendance days to be used as alternative methods of instruction (AMI) days. AMI days are to be used on days when the Harrisburg School District is closed due to extenuating or emergency circumstances such as: a contagious disease outbreak, inclement weather, or other acts of God; or a utility outage.
Harrisburg School District Central Office will announce cancellation of school due to inclement weather or an emergency event via phone calls, texts, emails, Facebook, and Twitter. The announcement will specify if the school closing is a snow day (which will be rescheduled) or an AMI day in which students need to complete the designated AMI packet. Students will access their work according to the announced AMI number (i.e. AMI Day 1, 2, 3, etc.) Please make sure parent contact information is updated at your child’s school or Central Office. Student assignments and directions for completion are located in the student’s AMI paper packet and online per each school website. Assignments for up to five AMI days are included in each packet and online. Please keep AMI packets in a safe location, as additional copies would be costly. Students will turn in the work to their teachers once they return from the AMI day(s). Students will have five days to complete their work after the AMI day(s). The completion, of the AMI assignments, counts for the students’ attendance for the AMI day(s).
Teacher availability –
Teachers shall be available on an AMI day between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. through school email, texts, phone calls, or other school approved app such as Remind101 or GroupMe. For questions regarding teacher availability and the means by which teachers can be reached during AMI days, please direct them to the teachers or building principal prior to possible AMI days. _____________________________________________________________________________ Please sign and return the below portion of this letter stating you have received the AMI packet information. I have received AMI packet information and understand that completion of assignment(s) will determine attendance for my child on AMI day(s). __________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature