Sep 28, 2004 ... The COPC certification is based on the COPC-2000 CSP standard, which was
developed in 1996 by the COPC standards committee.
NEWS RELEASE For immediate publication
HCL Technologies BPO receives coveted COPC certification First Indian Customer Service Provider (CSP) to get certified N oida , Se pt e m be r 2 8 , 2 0 0 4 -- HCL Technologies, a leading global I T services provider has announced t hat HCL Technologies BPO Services, it s wholly owned Business Process Out sourcing ent it y has been awarded t he prest igious Cust om er Operations Performance Centre (COPC) Certification. COPC is considered t he m ost covet ed cert ificat ion in t he CSP ( Cust om er Service Provider) indust ry around t he globe. HCL Technologies BPO is t he fift h I ndian com pany and am ongst less t han t hirt y com panies worldwide, t o have obt ained t his certification. The COPC certification is awarded by COPC Inc., a major international consulting firm headquart ered in New York and t he leading global aut horit y on cust om er cont act cent er and vendor m anagem ent operat ions. Since 1995, COPC has been assist ing client CSPs and Vendor Managem ent Organizat ions ( VMOs) around t he world, t o develop and execute high return on investment, operational management strategies. The COPC cert ificat ion is based on t he COPC- 2000 CSP st andard, which was developed in 1996 by t he COPC st andards com m it t ee. This COPC- 2000 St andard is a com prehensive operat ion perform ance st andard t hat specifies m inim um operat ional requirem ent s in crit ical funct ional areas. To achieve cert ificat ion, t he CSP has t o com ply wit h a t ot al of 32 requirem ent s across 4 cat egories: Leadership & Planning, Processes, People and Performance. Credit ably, HCL Technologies BPO has obt ained t his cert ificat ion for alm ost t he com plet e range of BPO services ( a t ot al of 21 processes) offered. This m akes HCL Technologies BPO t h e fir st I n dia n CSP and possibly t he t h ir d w or ldw ide , t o have achieved certification for Collections. Com m ent ing on t he achievem ent , M r . Ra n j it N a r a sim h a n , Ch ie f Ope r a t in g Office r , H CL Te ch n ologie s BPO said, Our effort s t owards t ot al cust om er sat isfact ion and delight have been vindicat ed by t his cert ificat ion. This is t ruly a landm ark achievem ent and especially not ewort hy, because it spans t he widest range of Back and Front Office processes as com pared t o any ot her I ndian Cust om er Service Provider. A t ot al of 21 processes have been cert ified including back office, inbound cust om er services and t echnical help desk services. According t o t he COPC audit ors, t he key at t ribut es t hat enabled HCL Technologies BPO to meet the stringent COPC standards included:
A deep- root ed com m it m ent t o succeed and em brace change, t o improve processes A widespread focus on Qualit y and Accuracy t hat perm eat es t hroughout t he organization Deep penetration and usage of COPC as a management system Met hodical and focused proj ect m anagem ent , for cert ificat ion of very diverse operations An ext rem ely im pressive im provem ent in perform ance and process deployment, in the last six to eight months A clear line ownership for process and performance improvement Smooth and well managed Back Office Operations Yield optimization for Collections A keen focus on accuracy and resolut ion, in bot h cust om er service and technical support Measurement of voice of customer A clear understanding of the business amongst all operation managers, across the organization The prest igious COPC cert ificat ion follows close on t he heels of t he recent BS 7799 cert ificat ion awarded t o t he BPO delivery cent er in Chennai. HCL Technologies BPO has t hus raised t he bar yet anot her not ch, for cust om er service and delivery excellence.
About HCL Technologies HCL Technologies is one of I ndia s leading global I T services com panies, providing soft wareled IT solutions, BPO and infrastructure management services. Founded in 1991, HCL Technologies focuses on technology and R&D outsourcing, working with clients in areas at the core of their business. The company leverages an extensive offshore infrastructure and its global network of 26 offices in 14 countries, to deliver solutions across select verticals including Banking, Insurance, Retail, Aerospace, Automotives, Semi- conductors, Telecom and Life Sciences. As of 30th June 2004, HCL Technologies along with its subsidiaries, had 16,358 employees. For more information, please visit
Disclaimer Cert ain st at em ent s in t his release are forward- looking st at em ent s, which involve a num ber of risks, and uncert aint ies t hat could cause act ual result s t o differ m at erially from t hose in such forward- looking st at em ent s. The risks and uncert aint ies relat ing t o t hese st at em ent s include, but are not lim it ed t o, risks and uncert aint ies regarding fluct uat ions in earnings, our abilit y t o m anage growt h, int ense com pet it ion in I T services including t hose fact ors which m ay affect our cost advant age, wage increases in I ndia, our abilit y t o at t ract and ret ain highly skilled professionals, t im e and cost overruns on fixed- price, fixed- t im e fram e cont ract s, client concent rat ion, rest rict ions on im m igrat ion, our abilit y t o m anage our int ernat ional operat ions, reduced dem and for t echnology in our key focus areas, disrupt ions in t elecom m unicat ion networks, our abilit y t o successfully com plet e and int egrat e pot ent ial acquisit ions, liabilit y for dam ages on our service cont ract s, t he success of t he com panies/ ent it ies in which we have m ade st rat egic invest m ent s, wit hdrawal of governm ent al fiscal incent ives, polit ical inst abilit y, legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and unauthorized use of our int ellect ual propert y and general econom ic condit ions affect ing our indust ry. The com pany does not undert ake t o updat e any forward- looking st at em ent t hat m ay be m ade from time to time by or on behalf of the company.
For further information, contact: Sunayna Malik HCL Technologies Tel: 91- 120- 2520917 e- mail:
[email protected]
Aseem Bhargava IPAN Tel: 91- 11- 52492100 e- mail:
[email protected]