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Sarang. Lascar. {General. Central Service. Group 'C', Non-. Gazetted, Non-. Ministerial}. 04. (UR-03 &. SC-01). Init

RECRUITMENT FOR CIVILIAN VACANCIES IN COAST GUARD REGION (EAST), CHENNAI Applications are invited from the Indian Nationals for recruitment for the following posts as per the prescribed format. The last date for receipt of applications is one month from the date of release of advertisement. Sl. Name of the No. post

No. of posts / Category


Store Keeper {General Central Service Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted, NonMinisterial}

01 (UR)


Civilian Motor 06 Transport (UR-05 & Driver SC-01) (Ordinary Grade) {General Central Service Group ‘C’, NonGazetted, NonMinisterial}

Place of posting



Pay Scale

Initial place of posting at Chennai and transferrable anywhere in India

Essential (a) Degree from a recognised University or equivalent; and (b) Three years experience in handling stores and keeping accounts in a store of a Govt Department or Public Sector Undertaking

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-

Initial place of posting are: 01(UR) & 01(SC) – Chennai, 01(UR) – Karaikal & 03(UR) Visakhapatnam and transferrable anywhere in India

Essential (a) 10th Standard pass. (b) Must possess valid driving license for both heavy and light motor vehicles. (c) Should have atleast two years experience in driving motor vehicles. (d) Knowledge of motor mechanism (should be able to remove minor defects in vehicles)

Between 18 to 27 years. (Relaxable for Govt Servants as per Govt instructions issued from time to time) (No age relaxation for OBC,SC & ST candidates, since the vacancy is UR) Between 18 to 27 years (Relaxable for SC candidates for five years and Govt Servants as per Govt instructions issued from time to time.

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-




Engine 04 Driver (UR-03 & {General (SC-01) Central Service Group ‘C’ nonGazetted, NonMinisterial}

Essential (i) Matriculation or equivalent (ii) Certificate of competency as Engine Driver from a recognised Government Institute or equivalent. Desirable Two years service as Sarang on a vessel of over four hundred Boat Horse Power Sarang 04 Initial place of Essential Lascar (UR-03 & posting are: (i) Matriculation or {General SC-01) 01(UR) & 01(SC) equivalent Central Service - Chennai & (ii) Certificate of Group ‘C’, Non02 (UR) competency as Gazetted, NonVisakhapatnam, Sarang from a and transferrable Government Ministerial} anywhere in India recognised institute or equivalent. Desirable Two years experience as Sarang in-charge of a vessels of twenty Horse Power. 01(UR) Rigger {General Central Service Group ‘C’, NonGazetted, NonMinisterial}

Initial place of posting are: 02(UR) – Mandapam and 01(UR) & 01(SC)Visakhapatnam and transferrable anywhere in India

Initial place of posting at Mandapam and transferrable anywhere in India

(a) Should have successfully completed apprenticeship from a recognised / reputed workshop in the relevant trade under Apprentice Act 1961 or under any other recognised Apprenticeship Scheme. Or Should have completed training course in the relevant trade from an ITI recognised for this purpose and have 1 year

18 to 30 years (Relaxable for SC candidates for five years and Govt Servants in accordance with the instructions / orders issued Central Government from time to time 18 to 30 years (Relaxable for SC candidates for five years and Govt Servants in accordance with the instructions / orders issued Central Government from time to time. 18 to 27 years (Age relaxation for OBC, SC & ST is not applicable since the vacancy is reserved for UR)

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-


Fireman 02 (UR) (General Central Service Group ‘C’ nongazetted, NonMinisterial)

trade experience. Or 4 years experience in the trade for which no training is available in the Industrial Training Institute or other recognised institutions. (b) Should qualify a trade entrance examination. Essential: Matriculation or Equivalent Initial place of Essential posting at (a) Matriculation Chennai pass from a and transferrable recognised Board or anywhere in India equivalent. (b) Should be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties. Note. The physical fitness shall be tested as per the following. Physical standards. (i) Height without shoes – 165 cms provided that a concession of 2.5 cms in height shall be allowed for members of the ST and candidates of hilly areas. (ii) Chest (Unexpandanded -81.5 cms. (iii) Chest (on expansion) – 85 cms (iv) Weight – 50 Kg (Min) (v) Endurance Test. (1) Carrying a man weighting 63.5 Kgs by fireman lift up to a distance of

18 to 27 Years. (Age relaxation for OBC, SC & ST is not applicable since the vacancy is reserved for UR)

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-



183 meters within 96 seconds. (2) Clearing 2.7 meters wide ditch by landing on both feet (long jump). (3) Climbing 3 meters vertical rope by hands and feet. Fire Engine 01(UR) Initial place of (a) Matriculation Driver posting at pass from a (General Chennai recognized board or Central Service and transferrable equivalent. Group ‘C’ nonanywhere in India (b) Possessing gazetted, Nonheavy vehicle Ministerial) driving license with three years experience of driving heavy vehicles in any of private or Government Organistaion /Institute. ICE Fitter 04 Initial place of (a) Should have (Skilled) (UR-03 & posting are: successfully (General ST-01) 02(UR) & 01(ST) completed Central Service - Chennai & apprenticeship from Group ‘C’, 01 (UR) a recognised / Non-Gazetted, Visakhapatnam, reputed workshop Nonand in the relevant Ministerial, transferrable trade under Industrial) anywhere in Apprentice Act India 1961 or under any other recognised Apprenticeship Scheme. Or Should have completed training course in the relevant trade from an ITI recognised for this purpose and have 1 year trade experience. Or 4 years experience in the trade for which no training is available in the Industrial Training Institute or other

18 to 30 Years. (Age relaxation for OBC, SC & ST is not applicable since the vacancy is reserved for UR)

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000/-

18 to 27 years (Relaxable for ST candidates for five years and Government Servants in accordance with the orders issued by Central Government in this regard)

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-


Electrical 03 Initial place of Fitter (02-UR & posting at (Skilled) 01-SC) Chennai (General and transferrable Central Service anywhere in India Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted, NonMinisterial, Industrial)


Ship Fitter 01 (UR) (Skilled) (General Central Service Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted, NonMinisterial,

Initial place of posting at Chennai and transferrable anywhere in India

recognised institutions. (b) Should qualify a trade entrance examination. Essential: Matriculation or Equivalent (a) Should have successfully completed apprenticeship from a recognised / reputed workshop in the relevant trade under Apprentice Act 1961 or under any other recognised Apprenticeship Scheme. Or Should have completed training course in the relevant trade from an ITI recognised for this purpose and have 1 year trade experience. Or 4 years experience in the trade for which no training is available in the Industrial Training Institute or other recognised institutions. (b) Should qualify a trade entrance examination. Essential: Matriculation or Equivalent (a) Should have successfully completed apprenticeship from a recognised / reputed workshop in the relevant trade under

18 to 27 years (Relaxable for SC candidates for five years and Government Servants in accordance with the orders issued by Central Government in this regard)

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-

18 to 27 years (Age relaxation for OBC, SC & ST is not applicable since the

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-



Machinist 01 (UR) (Skilled) (General Central Service Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted, NonMinisterial, Industrial)

Apprentice Act 1961 or under any other recognised Apprenticeship Scheme. Or Should have completed training course in the relevant trade from an ITI recognised for this purpose and have 1 year trade experience. Or 4 years experience in the trade for which no training is available in the Industrial Training Institute or other recognised institutions. (b) Should qualify a trade entrance examination. Essential: Matriculation or Equivalent Initial place of (a) Should have posting at successfully Chennai completed and transferrable apprenticeship from anywhere in India a recognised / reputed workshop in the relevant trade under Apprentice Act 1961 or under any other recognised Apprenticeship Scheme. Or Should have completed training course in the relevant trade from an ITI recognised for this purpose and have 1 year trade experience. Or 4 years experience in the trade for

vacancy is reserved for UR)

18 to 27 years (Age relaxation for OBC, SC & ST is not applicable since the vacancy is reserved for UR)

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-


Sheet Metal 01 (UR) Worker (Skilled) (General Central Service Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted, NonMinisterial, Industrial)


Carpenter (Skilled) (General Central

01 (UR)

which no training is available in the Industrial Training Institute or other recognised institutions. (b) Should qualify a trade entrance examination. Essential: Matriculation or Equivalent Initial place of (a) Should have successfully posting at Chennai completed and transferrable apprenticeship from anywhere in India a recognised / reputed workshop in the relevant trade under Apprentice Act 1961 or under any other recognised Apprenticeship Scheme. Or Should have completed training course in the relevant trade from an ITI recognised for this purpose and have 1 year trade experience. Or 4 years experience in the trade for which no training is available in the Industrial Training Institute or other recognised institutions. (b) Should qualify a trade entrance examination. Essential: Matriculation or Equivalent Initial place of (a) Should have posting at successfully Chennai completed and transferrable apprenticeship from

18 to 27 years (Age relaxation for OBC, SC & ST is not applicable since the vacancy is reserved for UR)

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-

18 to 27 years (Age relaxation for

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay

Service Group ‘C’, NonGazetted, NonMinisterial, Industrial)



* MTS (Chowkidar) (General Central Service Group ‘C’, NonGazetted, NonMinisterial) MTS (Sweeper) (General Central Service Group ‘C’, NonGazetted,

01 (UR)

01 (UR)

anywhere in India a recognised / reputed workshop in the relevant trade under Apprentice Act 1961 or under any other recognised Apprenticeship Scheme. Or Should have completed training course in the relevant trade from an ITI recognised for this purpose and have 1 year trade experience. Or 4 years experience in the trade for which no training is available in the Industrial Training Institute or other recognised institutions. (b) Should qualify a trade entrance examination. Essential: Matriculation or Equivalent Initial place of (i) Matriculation or posting at equivalent pass Mandapam (ii) Two years and experience as transferrable Chowkidar in any anywhere in recognized firm India

Initial place of posting at Chennai and transferrable anywhere in India

OBC, SC & ST is not applicable since the vacancy is reserved for UR)

18 to 27 years (Age relaxation for OBC, SC & ST is not Institution / applicable Organisation since the vacancy is reserved for UR) (i) Matriculation or Between 18 equivalent pass to 27 years. (ii) Two years (Age experience in relaxation cleanship in any for OBC, SC recognized firm. & ST is not applicable since the


PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-






vacancies are reserved for UR) MTS 01 (UR) Initial place of (i) Matriculation or Between 18 (Packer) posting at equivalent pass to 27 years. (General Chennai (ii) Two years (Age Central and experience in the relaxation service Group transferrable trade. for OBC, SC ‘C’ Nonanywhere in & ST is not Gazetted, India applicable Nonsince the Ministerial) vacancies are reserved for UR) MTS 04 Initial place of (i) Matriculation 18 to 30 (Lascar) (UR-02, posting are : pass or its years (General OBC-01 & UR-01, OBC-01 equivalent from (Relaxable Central SC-01) & SC-01 for recognised for SC service Group Mandapam & boards. candidates ‘C’ NonUR-01 for Visa- (ii) Three years for five Gazetted, khapatnam and experience in years, three Nontransferrable service on Boat. years for Ministerial) anywhere in OBC India candidates and Govt Servants as per Govt instructions issued from time to time. MTS 01 (UR) Initial place of (i) Matriculation 18 to 27 [ICE posting at pass or its years Fitter(SemiChennai equivalent from (Relaxable Skilled)] and recognised boards for Govt (General transferrable or ITI from Servants, Central anywhere in recognised OBC, SC & service Group India institutes. ST is not ‘C’ Non(ii) Three years applicable Gazetted, experience in the since Nontrade. vacancy is Ministerial) reserved for UR) MTS 01 (UR) Initial place of (i) Matriculation 18 to 27 [Ship posting at pass or its years Fitter(SemiChennai equivalent from (Relaxable Skilled)] and recognised boards for Govt (General transferrable or ITI from Servants, Central anywhere in recognised OBC, SC &

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-


service Group ‘C’ NonGazetted, NonMinisterial)


institutes. (ii) Three years experience in the trade.

MTS 01 (UR) [Carpenter (SemiSkilled)] (General Central service Group ‘C’ NonGazetted, NonMinisterial)

Initial place of posting at Chennai and transferrable anywhere in India

(i) Matriculation pass or its equivalent from recognised boards or ITI from recognised institutes. (ii) Three years experience in the trade.

ST is not applicable since vacancies are reserved for UR) 18 to 27 years (Relaxable for Govt Servants, OBC, SC & ST is not applicable since vacancies are reserved for UR)

PB-1, Rs.520020200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-

* MTS – Multi Tasking Staff 1. How to apply : Candidates fulfilling the above eligibility criteria should send their typed application on plain paper or neatly hand written in the following format: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (l) (m)

Post applied Name of the applicant Father’s name Date of Birth Nationality Identification marks Whether SC/ST/OBC/General Educational qualifications Experience Marital status Address for communication with PIN code Permanent address with PIN code

Passport size photograph should be affixed with signature

DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the particulars furnished above by me are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found to be false or incorrect, my candidature / appointment may be cancelled / terminated without any notice. Place : Date : Left hand thumb impression

(Signature of the applicant)


Applications should be forwarded as follows.

For posts at Chennai, Mandapam & Karaikal The Commander, Guard Region(East), Near Napier Bridge, Chennai – 600 009 (Tamilnadu)


For Posts at Visakhapatnam - The Commander, No.6, Coast Guard District Headquarters (AP), Near Port High School, Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam – 530 011 Note 1.

The crucial date for reckoning of the age limit is 01 Sep 2014.


The number of vacancies to be filled up is provisional and subject to change.

3. Application should be submitted By Ordinary Post only. Application sent by Speed / Registered Post / Courier will not be entertained. Following documents are to be enclosed with the application: Attested copies of Educational Certificate, Age proof, Community Certificate for OBC / SC / ST, if any, and experience certificate. 4. Applications which are not in the prescribed format / without the required certificates duly attested / without photographs / without signature of the candidate, will be summarily rejected. 5. Selection procedure : Short listed candidates only will be called for written test / interview / trade test (practicals). The decision of the Commander / District Commander regarding selection / rejection of application is final and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 6.

Syllabus (a) Multi Tasking Staff. Objective type questions on General Awareness, English, Maths and relevant trade. Maximum marks for written test is 50 (one hour duration), interview is 25 and trade test (practicals in relevant trade) is 25. Total marks 100. Objective type questions in subjects related to the (b) Other than MTS Posts. relevant trade including General Awareness and Maths. Written test / interview / trade test (practicals where stipulated). Maximum marks for written test is 50 (one hour duration), interview is 25 and trade test (practical) is 25. Total marks 100.

7. The envelope containing the application must be super-scribed as “Application for the post of ……………………................ ”