Heavy Metal Contamination ofGroundwater in ...

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~Jlvironll1ent Geochemistry Division, NGRl, Hyderabad, India. 4CEA and WMT, JNTUH, Tndia. Abstract . Groundwater samples, surface water samples, soil ...
Heavy Metal Contamination of Groundwater in Nacharam Industrial Area, If yd erab ad, India B. Venkateswara Raot, CIt. Kavitha2, N.N. Murthy' and P'Lakshrninarayaua" 'Department of Water Resources, SeDE, JNTUH, India ?'Centre for Water Resources, JNTUH, India ~Jlvironll1ent Geochemistry Division, NGRl, Hyderabad, India 4CEA and WMT, JNTUH, Tndia



Groundwater samples, surface water samples, soil samples and sediment samples were collected in and around Peddachcruvu (Irrigation Tank) near Hydcrabad City. india. Water samples are analyzed for heavy metals with Inductively Couplet! Plasma Mass Spectrometer. Soil and sediment samples were analyzed for heavy metals with X-ray Fluorescence. From the analytical data of heavy metals it is found that the soil samples are contaminated with heavy metals such as As, Cu, Cr, I'h, Rh, V, Zn and Zr. The high contamination of soils with heavy metals may be due to' anthropogenic sources since the country rock of granite does net contain these heavy metals with such high concentration, The contaminated soils have contributed the contamination to' beth sediments and groundwater. The sediments have the high concentration of heavy metals such as As, Ba, Cr, Rb, Pb, Zn and Zr, while the groundwater is contaminated 'with heavy metals such as AI. Mil, Fe. Ni, Zn, Cu and Pb. Interestingly, surface water has less contaminated with heavy metals namely Fe, Mt:I, Ni and Al when compared to the sediment and groundwater as these heavy metals arc deposited ell the sediment rille to the heavy metal precipitation activity in the water body. Keywords: Groundwater, Contamination, Ilcavy Metals.

Introduction Hyderabad is one of the metropolitan cities in India. Due [0 the rapid industrialization and urbanization many industries located in and around the city have released their untreated ami semi treated effluents into the environment more particularly to the water bodies. Even the pollutants such (is heavy metals and other chemicals which are present in the effluents moved through soil, 'surface water. sediments of the lake bed and percolated into groundwater affecting the soil and groundwater quality. Groundwater is the source for drinking, domestic and industrial purposes in the city. The present .study is 1.0 carry out an estimation uf heavy 'metals in the study area to find ground water quality. In -view of the above, a case study is taken near '~acharam Industrial area, located


in greater Hyderabad metropolitan city. The study area is chosen because this site stands as a testimony for industrial pollution particularly due the presence of heavy metal pollution in soil, sediment and groundwater. TI1e main objective of the study is to investigate heavy metal contamination in soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater samples thereby establishing the pathway of the heavy metal movement in the subsurface. T.itcrature Review II. is well established that high concentrations of heavy metals arc dangerous to animals. plants and human lives, cause many kinds of diseases. Even the so-called essential elements like Zn and Fe, if present in -high concentrations, are toxic in nature (Aswathnarayana, 1995; Govil,


Heavy Meta! Contamination ofGroundwater ill Nacharam Industrial Arw. Hyderabad, India 2001). TIll: heavy metals read with the organic acids like humic acid and form complexes (Davis. 1984). These complexes help the pollutants to migrate faster in the soil (Saethcr et al.. 1997). Eventually the pollutants percolate down and contaminate the aquifer ill the area. Heavy metals accumulate in soil and present a serious long-term hazard. (Bates, 1972: Page, 1974; Prohic at al., 1997). All heavy metals are )10i harmful 10 humans, but . The from soil, sediment and groundwater (Figure 2 sample Nos. GW-2, 7, 8 and GW-15 has (111 and figure 3). From these figures, it can be these metals with high concentration, observed that (he lead and Zinc which an; The heavy metal presence in groundwater 'concentrated only to a particular spot in the soils occurs naturally in. some concentration .based have went on wide spread when they reach on the t.ype of host rock. However, it. is reached from soil to. sediment and then to groundwater. to high levels or toxic levels due (.0 the release Therefore, the .groun~hvater. is getting accumulaof heavy metals from contaminated soil, sediment ted. with dangerous heavy metals and it i.s. a .. and lechatc. When the runoff 'percolatosJnto cause of huge concern-as it is being used by the the ground, Ole ·heary metals which arc p~e~ent humans for «lrinking as well-as many other in soil an: mobile through water. Some dements purposes. react with other metals and adhere. (HI soil



Heavy Metal Contamination of Groundwater in Nacharam Industrial Area. Hyderabad; India N






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Fig. 2: Pb Distribution in Sop. Sediment and Groundwater Samples (~lgIl)





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