Helping Patients Live Their Lives

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Kansas, facility recently answered a call from a patient with a complex condition that required specialized coaching. Re
Helping Patients Live Their Lives Overview

UBC Solutions

People stop taking medications for a variety of

Recently, I spoke with one of our specialty patients

I sent the patient a complimentary travel kit, which

factors: side effects, cost, and forgetfulness are just

who said that even though she had only been on

included storage for two doses of medication, two

a few examples. Perhaps one of the biggest

therapy for a skin condition for a short time, she was

ice packs, an instruction brochure, prescribing

influences on a patient’s medication adherence lies

elated because she was already experiencing very

information, and a doctor’s signature card. The

in the interactions he or she has with healthcare

positive outcomes. Soon, she would be flying to

patient was relieved that she wouldn’t miss a dose

professionals. The compassionate, thorough

Florida for a very important milestone: her

of her medication, had the information she needed

coaching UBC nurses provide aims to not only get

daughter’s beach wedding. She was thrilled that, for

to ensure a smooth trip, and had one less thing to

your patients off on the right foot – but to ensure

the first time in years, she wouldn’t have to worry

worry about during such an exciting time for her and

they remain adherent.

about covering up because of her condition; she

her family.

would be able to wear a sleeveless gown. Nurse Clinician Michelle in our Overland Park, Kansas, facility recently answered a call from a

Due to her travel schedule, the patient was worried

patient with a complex condition that required

she was going to miss a dose of her medication.

specialized coaching. Read on to learn how

Fearing the effect a missed dose might have on her

Michelle helped the patient navigate the path to

progress, she was relying on UBC for coaching and


support. Traveling with medications for complex conditions can be tricky, but our Nursing Call Center is prepared with all of the information patients need for their specific therapy, including guidelines for flying with injectable medications that require refrigeration.

“Like all of my colleagues, I’m passionate about helping our patients overcome barriers to make therapy compliance as stress-free as possible. It’s so fulfilling to know that UBC services help patients get back to living life.” - Nurse Clinician Michelle