Nov 1, 2013 ... desserts for the Nov. 22nd auction. Auction contacts are Stephanie. LaRousse (
Birchtree Friday Update Birchtree Charter School 7107 E. Palmer Wasilla Hwy. Plamer, Ak 99645
Nov 1, 2013
t. 907-745-1831
APC News Thanks to all those who filled out applications for a position on the APC. For those of you who would still like to apply you can fill out an application tonight (Nov. 1st) and email it to Lori Berrigan at
[email protected]. Birchtree’s Academic Policy Committee will review the final ballot recommendations during their meeting on November 6th. Ballots will be available at the front office starting Friday, November 8th. Ballots may be cast until 5:30pm on Thursday, November 14th. Each family is allowed 1 ballot. Results of the election will be announced at the annual meeting on November 14th and new members will be sworn in if the quorum is met. If individuals are unable to be sworn in during the November 14th meeting they will be sworn in at the regularly scheduled Decem-
Nov 4th & 5th, Birchtree book fair, 8:30AM – 3:30PM
Nov 4, girls basketball game with Sherrod 4:00 PM
Nov 5, 4th grade boys basketball game with Sherrod @ 4:00 PM.
Nov 6, APC meeting @ 6:00 PM
Nov 7, 5th grade boys basketball game with Sherrod 4:00 PM
Nov 8, Mega Craft Day in Ms Sharrer’s room. Come help us get prepared for the Colony Holiday Bazaar.
ber meeting.
Birchtree’s Annual Lantern Walk
f. 907-745-1843 Upcoming Events
Birchtree students are busy creating lanterns and preparing for the annual Martinmas lantern walk to be held on November 12th at 8:35am. The “Lantern Walk” is a German tradition and thus part of our German curriculum at Birchtree. In addition to Nov 11, No School, professional development day for staff. making lanterns our students are learning songs and the lore behind Nov 12, Birchtree lantern walk @ 8:30 the holiday. St. Martin is best known for his act of kindness when he encountered a poor beggar freezing in the winter cold. Martin drew his sword and cut his own warm cloak, giving half to the beggar. This act of compassion gave the beggar hope and comfort. The traditional symbol for the Martinmas holiday is the lantern. The lantern is a symbol of our own light that shines on a dark world, and in the Waldorf school we celebrate the holiday by holding the “lantern walk”.
Nov 12, 4th grade boys basketball game with Fingerlake @ 4:00
Nov 16, Boys basketball jamboree @ Teeland Middle School
Nov 22, Fall Auction at the Eagle Hotel , 7-10PM
Birchtree Charter
t. 907– 745-1831
Friday Update Nov. 1, 2013
Expressions of Gratitude
Volunteers Needed
Thank you Heather Lee for your hard Ms Sharrer is hosting a “Mega Craft Day” in her room, Nov. 8th 12:15 work with our Square1 art fundraiser. – 3:15. We are looking for some helpful volunteers to join us in creIt has been such a special treat lookating a stock of items to sell at the upcoming Colony Holiday Bazaar ing at all our students beautiful art(Nov. 30th). work transformed into fantastic keep Fall Auction is still in need of volunteers to make or donate gourmet sakes for their families. desserts for the Nov. 22nd auction. Auction contacts are Stephanie We are so grateful to Tina Leingang LaRousse (
[email protected]) and Joanna Stokinger for her tireless efforts in organizing (
[email protected]). the library and creating a library BPG would appreciate assistance with the upcoming Colony Holiday schedule. Bazaar, Nov. 30th from 10– 5pm. We are looking for volunteers to Ms Lora would like to thank Jennifer transport stock, help set up our table, and sell items. Please sign up at Brown, Sarah McEntee, Raylene Sinthe front office. nett, Ruth Western, Janelle Garvin for The library needs your help! We are in need of volunteers to reall the good work you do to help my shelve books, help with book repair, and assist students in checking classroom run smoothly! in and checking out books. For those interested in working at the liGratitude to the “painting fairies” (self brary there will be a library training on our early release Friday, Nov appointed and dubbed) who trans8th at 10:30, please contact our lovely library fairy Tina Leingang at formed Ms. Levesque’s classroom into
[email protected] for more information. a lighter, brighter space last weekend: Andrea, Steve, Luke, and Mara Dittbrender; Paula and Brittyn Werner; Aila Berrigan; Teri and Wayne Sturdevant; Heather Burgess, and Carrie Hronkin. Pedagogical Notes
Virtue of the week Thankfulness is when you… Are thankful for the gifts of life, Appreciate your own abilities instead of envying others, See the difficulties of life as opportunities to learn, Enjoy your sense of wonder about the beauty in the world. Are willing to receive what others want to give, Count your blessings every day!
The pedagogical Council has worked with several topics in recent meetings. Birchtree’s Curriculum Chart handed out at parent/teacher conferences stemmed from Council members’ efforts, with input from many teachers. The Council has discussed the role of student leadership at our school and its most fitting pedagogical form. Ongoing discourse includes the area of curriculum development: scope and sequence, instructional materials, and methods of assessments. Long– range goals include professional development plans and aiding with the rewrite of our charter within the next year. -Donna Levesque
Birchtree Charter
Nov. 1st, 2013
t. 907– 745-1831
Fundraising Friday Early Release
Final Square1 Art Orders are (over)due! Thank you to all who have made Birchtree’s first Sqaure1 Art event such a success! It has been fun seeing all the beautiful artwork and hearing the positive feedback from parents, students and staff. Although the October 31st deadline for paper orders has passed, it is not too late to submit on-line orders. We have just a few more days to beat the paper orders to the workshop. If you lost your order form and need your students unique Art Access Code, please contact Heather Lee at
[email protected]
Birchtree Book Faire November 4th & 5th 8:30–9, 12- 12:30, 3-3:30 Come one come all to our book faire! Birchtree, in conjunction with Fireside Books will offer books of all kinds for all ages to enjoy. This is another great opportunity to support our school and get some holiday shopping done as well.
Fall Auction: Save The Date November 22, 7-10 p.m. at the Eagle Hotel in Palmer. Tickets for the auction, dinner and dessert will be available at the school starting Nov 1st for $25. There are a limited number of tickets available, so get yours today! Remember: The basket that generates the most buzz at the auction earns a party hosted by the 8th grade class! We will have a gourmet dessert auction as well. If anyone would like to donate a dessert, please contact Stephanie or Joanna. All proceeds benefit our 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. Auction contacts are Stephanie LaRousse
[email protected]) and Joanna Stokinger (
[email protected]).
Mega Craft Day Our very own Parent Guild is hosting a table for Birchtree at the Colony Holiday Bazaar, November 30th from 10– 5PM. We are looking for crafty and talented community members to help build our stock of items to display and sell. We will be crafting Friday, November 8th, 12:15– 3:15 PM. Parents must accompany their children. We will make large quantities of
Fairy wands
Wizard wands
Gnomes and Fairies
Pencil Pouches
And More!
We will have some hard working 8th graders on hand accepting donations for childcare services if needed. There is limited space available so please sign up today in the front office!