Langenscheidt Workshop by Dr. Dagmar Schalliol on the European Reference
Frame,. WWU, January .... Berger, Cristina Maria and Maddalena Martini, eds.
PETRA S. FIERO MH 217A Department of Modern and Classical Languages Western Washington University 516 High Street Bellingham, WA 98225-9099 Tel.: (360) 650-4860 Fax: (360) 650-6110 E-Mail:
[email protected] EDUCATION 2008
Promotion to Full Professor, Western Washington University
Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor of German, Western Washington University
Assistant Professor of German, Western Washington University
Ph.D. Modern Languages and Literatures: German, minor: Spanish, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dissertation: “Schreiben gegen Schweigen: Grenzerfahrungen in Jean Amérys autobiographischem Werk” (Dissertation Director: Dr. Robert Shirer)
Summer Course, Auditor at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Summer Studies: Participation in a 4-week study program at the University of Salamanca, Spain
M.A. Modern Languages and Literatures: German, minor: Spanish, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
8 semesters of study at Universität Regensburg, Germany, majors: English and Music
Intermediate Exam (Zwischenprüfung) in English at Universität Regensburg
German Section receives Center of Excellence Award from the American Association of Teachers of German
Sabbatical, academic year 1
Nomination for International Educator’s Award, WWU
Recipient of Certificate of Merit, American Association of Teachers of German
Recipient of Special Merit Award
Recipient of Summer Research Grant, $5000
Recipient of Seed Grant Money to prepare teaching materials for a course on the Berlin Wall (German 306)
Recipient of Manuscript Preparation Fund, $2000
Sabbatical, academic year
Participant of TraiNDaF (Transatlantic Intercultural Program to Sponsor Teachers of German as a Foreign Language), sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of German, the Goethe-Institute and the German government
Fulbright German Studies Seminar: “History and Memory: Jewish Past and Present in Germany,” June 18 - July 7, 2000
Nomination for the Certificate of Merit Award, American Association of Teachers of German
Honorary Member of Golden Key National Honor Society
Nomination and Finalist for the Excellence in Teaching Award
Recipient of Summer Research Grant, Western Washington University
Recipient of the UNL Parents Association “Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students,” University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1991, 1992
Winner of the German Writing Competition, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Member of Delta Phi Alpha, National German Honorary Society
George Rogers Memorial Fellowship for Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Professor of German, Western Washington University
Associate Professor of German, Western Washington University 2
Assistant Professor of German, Western Washington University
Lecturer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Visiting Instructor, Nebraska Wesleyan University
Teaching Assistant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
COURSES TAUGHT AT WWU • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Elementary German (101, 102, 103) Intermediate German (201, 202, 203) High Intermediate German and Advanced German (301 and 302) Advanced Grammar (401) Advanced Composition (402) Literature of the 18th Century (343) Literature of the 19th Century: Realism or Romanticism (341) Conversation (306) German Civilization Through 19th Century (331) German Civilization of the 20th Century (332) German Poetry (450) German Short Story (450) German Novella (450) Contemporary German-Jewish Authors (450) Bertolt Brecht (450) Literature of the 20th Century (450) The German Lied (497) Independent Study: Holocaust Poetry Independent Study: Austrian Female Writers Review of Elementary Spanish (104) Intermediate Spanish (201) Spanish Conversation (205)
“Salzburg intensiv!” Organized by Referat für Kultur und Sprache. Salzburg, July 16-28, 2012
Langenscheidt Workshop by Dr. Dagmar Schalliol on the European Reference Frame, WWU, January 2011.
Participation in Assessment Workshop by Paul Sandrock, WWU, September 2011.
“Making Web 2.0 Work for You: Pedagogical Considerations and Practical Tips for Using Social Software in the Foreign Language Classroom.” Lecture by Dr. James Pfrehm, April 2010.
“Drama Grammar in the Classroom.” Northwest Teacher-Trainer-Network, organized by the Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, December 4-6, 2009.
“The 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.” Northwest Teacher-TrainerNetwork, organized by the Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, April 4-6, 2008.
“Podcasting in the Classroom.” Northwest Teacher-Trainer-Network, organized by the Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, May 4-6, 2007.
“Schwerpunkt Landeskunde (Focus on Civilization in the Classroom).” Northwest Teacher-Trainer-Network, organized by the Goethe-Institute, San Francisco, December 1-3, 2006.
“Kreativität im Unterricht (Creativity in the Classroom).” Northwest Teacher-TrainerNetwork, organized by Ekkehard Sprenger, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tacoma, May 28-29, 2006.
“Fortbildung für Fortbildnerinnen und Fortbildner: ‚Aufwinde erzeugen’ (Training for Trainers).” Northwest Teacher-Trainer-Network, organized by Ekkehard Sprenger, Flathead Lake, Montana, August 8-14, 2004.
“Unterrichtsprojekte mit dem Internet (Internet in the Classroom).” Seminar financed by the TraiNDaF program, Munich, Germany, August 31-September 13, 2003.
“German Immersion Workshop: Geschichte durch Geschichten (History through Stories).” Northwest Teacher-Trainer-Network, organized by Ekkehard Sprenger, Flathead Lake, Montana, August 10-16, 2003.
“Methods in Teacher Training.” Northwest Teacher-Trainer-Network organized by Ekkehard Sprenger, Flathead Lake, Montana, August 11-17, 2002.
“Mind Mapping and Other Techniques in Collecting and Sorting Ideas in Teacher Trainer Workshops.” Northwest Teacher-Trainer-Network, organized by Ekkehard Sprenger, Seattle, June 1-3, 2001.
“What Constitutes a Good Workshop?” Northwest Teacher Trainer Network, organized by Ekkehard Sprenger, Seattle, December 2000.
“Telling Stories in the Classroom.” Ekkehard Sprenger, Seattle, May 13, 2000.
“The European Union and Nafta.” Organized by Professor Walter Suess and the GoetheInstitute in Seattle, WWU, Fall 1995. 4
ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interviewing Workshop, UNL, May 1995.
“Kreativer Umgang mit Lyrik.” WAFLT, Spokane, WA, October 8-10, 2009.
“Reisefieber. Ein Internethörspiel für das 2. Jahr Deutsch.” WAFLT/COFLT, Vancouver, WA, October 11, 2008.
“Reisefieber. Ein Internethörspiel für das 2. Jahr Deutsch.” “Jugendromane im 3. Jahr Deutsch am Beispiel von Damals war es Friedrich.” Retreat for German Language Teachers in MacCall, ID, November 8, 2008.
“Lieder über Berlin.” American Association of Teachers of German, Hyak, September 12, 2008.
“Ideen zum Einsatz von Kunst im Unterricht.” American Association of Teachers of German, Hyak, September 15, 2007.
“Die Lage eines türkischen Studenten in Deutschland illustriert an Alev Tekinays Erzählung Die Deutschprüfung.” Washington Association For Language Teaching, Wenatchee, October 10, 2003.
“Geschichte durch Kurzgeschichten: Wolfgang Borchert.” Northwest Teacher-TrainerNetwork, Flathead Lake, Montana, August 15, 2003.
“Oral Dialogues: A Means to Help Students Create with Language.” Washington Association for Language Teaching, Seattle, October 10, 1997.
Stationen. Ein Kursbuch für die Mittelstufe. By Prisca Augustyn and Nikolaus Euba. Heinle. Second Edition. 2010
Exploration Deutsch. An Intermediate Level German Project. By John te Velde and Christine Sternberg. Prentice Hall. 2007.
Thomas Lang: “Austria, Antisemitism and The Radical Right: Die Verhaiderung Europas.” 2008.
Carol Ebbert: “Freie Meinungsäußerung in Deutschland.” (Free Speech in Germany) 2002.
Sean Puckett: “Ein letztes Mal. Ein Einakter.” (One Last Time. A One Act Play) 2000.
Sara Osebold: “Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? Former East Germans’ Continuous Struggle to Live in Unified Germany.” 1998.
PUBLICATIONS Primary Publications Books: •
Zwischen Enthüllen und Verstecken. Eine Analyse von Barbara Honigmanns Prosawerk. (Between Disclosure and Concealing. An Analysis of Barbara Honigmann’s Prose Work). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, Series: Conditio Judaica, 2008. 219 pp.
Schreiben gegen Schweigen: Grenzerfahrungen in Jean Amérys autobiographischem Werk (Writing against Silence: Experiences in extremis in Jean Améry's Autobiographical Work). Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag, Series: Haskala, 1997. 187 pp.
Book Chapter: •
“Vladimir Vertlibs Selbstverständnis als österreichischer Schriftsteller russisch-jüdischer Herkunft.“ In: Deutsch-jüdische Identität. Mythos und Wirklichkeit. Ein neuer Diskurs? Ed. Norbert Honsza and Przemysław Sznurkowski. Peter Lang. In Print. Invited Book Chapter. Contracted by Peter Lang.
Articles, Book Chapters, Published Conference Proceedings, Introductions to Book Sections, Encyclopedia Entries: •
“Barbara Honigmann als Brückenschlägerin zwischen den Kulturen.” Transcultural German Studies. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Building Bridges. Brücken bauen. Bern: Peter Lang, 2008. 133-142. Reworked Conference Paper. Refereed.
“‚Manchmal fühle ich mich ein wenig enteignet’: Barbara Honigmanns Auseinandersetzung mit der Rezeption ihrer Werke.” Germanic Notes and Letters 36 (Spring 2005): 25-33. Article. Refereed.
“Didaktisierung der Erzählung Die Deutschprüfung.” Das Goethe-Netzwerk. Kreatives Lehren und Lernen 3.1 (2004): 7-9. Article. Invited. 6
“Life at the Margins of East German Society: Barbara Honigmann’s Epistolary Novel Alles, alles Liebe!” Gegenwartsliteratur. Ein germanistisches Jahrbuch 2 (2003): 81-102. Article. Refereed.
“The Literature of Europe.” Reading the World. Contemporary Literature from Around the Globe. Logan, Iowa: Perfection Learning, 2003. 136-37. Introduction to this section of the textbook. Invited.
“Phantastic Elements in Alev Tekinay’s Stories.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of ISSEI. CD-Rom, 2001. Refereed.
“Eichendorff and Novalis Revisited: Phantastic Elements and Intertextuality in Alev Tekinay’s Works.” German Studies Review 23 (2000): 415-425. Article. Refereed.
“Bis zur Vergasung: Katja Behrens’ Kritik an der deutschen Sprache und Vergangenheitsbewältigung.” Germanic Notes and Reviews 30 (1999): 143-152. Article. Refereed.
“Europäisches Währungssystem.” (“European Currency System”) Materialien zu Wirtschaftsdeutsch. Die Europäische Union und NAFTA. Vancouver: Goethe Institut, 1998. 43-61. Chapter for Teaching Package for Business German. Invited.
“Identitätsfindung und Verhältnis zur deutschen Sprache bei Chaim Noll und Barbara Honigmann.” GDR Bulletin 24 (1997): 59-66. Article. Refereed.
“Remembered Literature in the Camps: The Cases of Jean Améry, Primo Levi, Ruth Klüger, Cordelia Edvardson and Nico Rost.” Germanic Notes and Reviews 28 (1997): 3-11. Article. Refereed.
“Heimkehrerliteratur.” In The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature. Ed. Friederike Eigler and Susanne Kord, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1997. 233. Encyclopedia Entry. Invited.
“Motet.” In ibid. p. 332. Encyclopedia Entry. Invited.
“New Humanism.” In ibid. pp. 363-364. Encyclopedia Entry. Invited.
“Resistance.” In ibid. pp. 445-446. Encyclopedia Entry. Invited.
“Singspiel.” In ibid. pp. 482-483. Encyclopedia Entry. Invited.
“The Body in Pain: Jean Améry’s Reflections on Torture.” Publications of the Missouri Philological Society XVIII (1993): 26-32. Reworked Conference Paper. Refereed.
Secondary Publications Book Reviews: •
Holocaust Survivors. Resettlement, Memories, Identities. Ed. by Dalia Ofer, Françoise S. Ouzan and Judy Tydor Baumel-Schwartz. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012. 345 pp., submitted to German Studies Review.
Güntzel, Ralph P. Understanding „Old Europe.“ An Introduction to the Culture, Politics, and History of France, Germany, and Austria. Marburg: Tectum Verlag, 2010. Die Unterrichtspraxis. 44.2 (2011): 176-77.
Lemcke, Christine, and Lutz Rohrmann. Grammatik Intensivtrainer A1 und A2. Berlin and München: Langenscheidt, 2006. Die Unterrichtspraxis 44.1 (2011): 49-50.
Ullmann, Katja, and Carlos Ampié Loría. Das A und O: Deutsche Redewendungen. Level A 2 + B1. Stuttgart: Klett, 2009. Die Unterrichtspraxis 43.2 (2010): 215-16.
Hartley, Paul: Routledge Intensive German Course. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2006. Die Unterrichtspraxis 42.1 (2009): 90-91.
Roehe, Klaus. Pons Zweifelsfrei Deutsch. Rechtschreibung. Stuttgart: Klett Verlag, 2007. Die Unterrichtspraxis 42.1 (2009): 97-98.
Berger, Cristina Maria and Maddalena Martini, eds. Generation E. Deutschsprachige Landeskunde im europäischen Kontext. Stuttgart: Klett Verlag, 2005. Die Unterrichtspraxis 41.2 (2008): 212-213.
Campbell, Joan Keck, and Donna Van Handle, eds. Didaktisierungsvorschläge zu dem Buch “Im Land der Schokolade und Bananen“ von Karin Gündisch. Cherry Hill, NJ: AATG, 2006. Die Unterrichtspraxis 41.1 (2008): 96-97. Norbert Otto Eke, Hartmut Steinecke, eds. Shoah in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2006. 344 pp. German Studies Review 30.2 (2007): 44041.
Swaffar, Janet, and Katherine Arens. Remapping the Foreign Language Curriculum: An Approach through Multiple Literacies. New York: MLA, 2005. 217 pp. Die Unterrichtspraxis 39.1-2 (2006): 122-123.
Weiss-Sussex, Godela. ed. Georg Hermann. Deutsch-jüdischer Schriftsteller und Journalist 1871-1943 (Conditio Judaica, 48). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2004. 268 pp. German Studies Review 29.2 (2006): 444-464.
Williams, Peter. The Life of Bach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 219 pp. German Studies Review 28.3 (2005): 628-29. 8
Emmel, Hildegard. Freedom –Keep On Fighting For It: Experiences Among Nazis, Communists and Elsewhere. Trans. Stephanie Johnson. Ed. Ursula Ritzenhoff. Victoria, B.C.: Trafford Publishing, 2002. Trans. of Die Freiheit hat noch nicht begonnen. Rostock: Conrad Reich Verlag, 1991. 201 pp. Die Unterrichtspraxis 37.2 (2004): 187-188.
Sachs, Ruth. White Rose History, Volume I: Coming Together (January 31, 1933-April 30, 1942) [The Academic Version]. Phoenixville, PA: Exclamation! Publishers, 2002, 2003. Academic Update 2003. Three-ring binder, approx. 500 pp. Die Unterrichtspraxis 37.2 (2004): 188-89.
Bimmel, Peter, Bernd Kast, und Gerd Neuner. Deutschunterricht planen: Arbeit mit Lehrwerkslektionen. Fernstudieneinheit 18. München: Goethe Institut Inter-Nationes, 2003. 176 pp. Die Unterrichtspraxis 37.1 (2004): 80-81.
Felix & Theo. Der Märchenkönig. Leichte Lektüren, Stufe 1. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2003. Paper, 37 pp. + Mini-CD. Heidelberger Herbst. Leichte Lektüren, Stufe 2. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2003. 45 pp. + Mini-CD. Die Unterrichtspraxis 37.1 (2004): 70-71.
Westhoff, Gerard. Fertigkeit Lesen. Fernstudieneinheit 17. München: Goethe Institut, 1997. 176 pp. Die Unterrichtspraxis 36.1 (2003): 109-110.
Werner, Grazyna. Langenscheidts Grammatiktraining Deutsch. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2001. 127 pp. Die Unterrichtspraxis 36.1 (2003): 97-98.
Promotional Endorsements: •
Zolkos, Magdalena. Ed. On Jean Améry. Philosophy of Catastrophe, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011. Promotional Endorsement on Book Cover.
Zolkos, Magdalena. Reconciling Community and Subjective Life: Trauma Testimony as Political Theorizing in the Work of Jean Améry and Imre Kertész. New York, London: The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010. Promotional Endorsement for Advertising Materials.
“Das Leben im Zwischenraum: Vladimir Vertlibs Roman Zwischenstationen (1999).” PAMLA, Seattle University, October 19-21, 2012.
“Ironien der Geschichte in Vladimir Vertlibs Das besondere Gedächtnis der Rosa Masur.” PAMLA, Claremont, CA, November 5-6, 2011.
“Verdrängung der kollektiven und individuellen Geschichte in Vladimir Vertlibs Geschichte ‚Mein erster Mörder’.” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Calgary, October 4-6, 2007.
“Barbara Honigmann als Brückenschlägerin zwischen den Kulturen.” Building Bridges: International Conference in Transcultural German Studies, Tucson, March 29-31, 2007.
“Schreiben zwischen Enthüllen und Verstecken. Über ein Leitmotiv in Barbara Honigmanns Prosawerk.” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Tucson, October 12-14, 2006.
“Eine ganz kleine Literatur des Anvertrauens: Barbara Honigmanns Auseinandersetzung mit ihren jüdischen Vorgängerinnen.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 20-22, 2006.
“Die Poetologie des Erinnerns in Barbara Honigmanns Ein Kapitel aus meinem Leben.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 21-23, 2005.
“‘Manchmal fühle ich mich ein wenig enteignet’: Barbara Honigmanns Auseinandersetzung mit der Rezeption ihrer Werke.” German Studies Association, Washington, D.C., October 9, 2004.
“The Double Presence of the Past in Barbara Honigmann’s Alles, alles Liebe!” German Studies Association, New Orleans, September 19, 2003.
“Marginality in Barbara Honigmann’s Epistolary Novel Alles, alles Liebe!” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Vancouver, B. C., October 11, 2001.
“Breaking the Bounds of Home: The Journey as Metaphor for Search for the Self in Katja Behrens’s Novel Die Vagantin.” 54th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 20, 2001.
“Zwischenwelten: Richard Chaim Schneiders autobiographische Reflektionen über das Leben eines Juden im heutigen Deutschland.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 22-24, 1999.
“Phantastic Elements in Alev Tekinay’s Stories.” Sixth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Haifa, Israel, August 16-21, 1998.
“Identitätsfindung und Sprachkritik bei Chaim Noll.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 18, 1997.
“‘Bis zur Vergasung’: Sprachkritik deutsch-jüdischer Autoren.” Pacific Northwest Council for Languages, Eugene, April 11, 1997.
“The Reception of Literature in the Death Camp: The Cases of Jean Améry, Primo Levi and 10
Ruth Klüger.” Missouri Philological Society, March 16, 1996. •
“The Body in Pain: Jean Améry’s Reflections on Torture.” Missouri Philological Society, April 1, 1993.
“Desarrollo socio-político y rebelión contra el patriarcado de los personajes femeninos en La casa de los espíritus de Isabel Allende.” Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, Lincoln, October 4, 1991.
“Alienation and the Language of Negation in the Autobiographical Works of Jean Améry.” Missouri Philological Society, April 5, 1991.
“German-Jewish Identity in the Works of Barbara Honigmann.” Symposium on Identity and Gender, Western Washington University, May 2, 2013.
“Sleepless in Frankfurt: In Search of Partner Universities in Germany.” Center for International Studies, Western Washington University, February 23, 2010.
“German Wall Fiction.” Wilson Library Sky Bridge. Reading together with German colleagues in connection with Fall of the Berlin Wall Exhibit, May 27, 2009.
“Restoring the Urge to Read in a Digital Age: Introducing Young Adult Fiction into the Third Year German Classroom.” Department of Modern and Classical Languages, WWU, April 24, 2007.
“Die Schriftstellerin Barbara Honigmann.” American Junior Year at Heidelberg University, Invited Talk in Dr. Hanne Heckmann’s Literature Seminar in Heidelberg. Winter Semester 2003, November 11, 2003.
“Die Lage deutsch-türkischer Schriftstellerinnen am Beispiel von Alev Tekinay und Saliha Scheinhardt.” Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Sommerschule am Pazifik. Invited Talk sponsored by the Max Kade Stiftung, July 23, 2001.
“An Introduction to and Reading of Bertolt Brecht’s Poetry.” WWU, Wilson Library Skybridge, February 27, 2001.
“Research in the Context of My Discipline.” Margaret Fast’s and Jeanne Armstrong’s Library Science Class, April, 2000.
“Germany’s Impossible Return to Normalcy: Perspectives of the German-Jewish Writer Katja Behrens.” Series of weekly faculty research lectures sponsored by the Bureau of Faculty Research, May 14, 1998. 11
“Daniel Jonah Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners.” American Association of Teachers of German, Hyak, September 19, 1996.
Work on a book-length manuscript on Austrian author Vladimir Vertlib.
“Allusionen auf Theodor Storms Der Schimmelreiter in Uwe Timms Der Schlangenbaum.” Article.
Academic Advisor for Students of German, 1997-2003, 2008-09, 2011-
Assisted in organizing events of May 17, 2013 (talk by Bernhard Kohlmeier, reception for guests, dinner with Kohlmeier, attended talk by Cervantes Institute Representative and Education Advisor from the Embassy of Spain)
Nominated Olivia Mothershead for symposium contribution for scholar’s week and attended the symposium, May 2013
Invited exchange students from Germany from Edison School in Burlington to my culture class GERM 332, Spring 2012.
Classroom visit in Dr. Dubenion-Smith’s Phonetics class (314) to practice a dialogue in Bavarian and assist with modeling pronunciation of the dialect, Spring 2012.
Phone conversation with Dr. Michael Legutke (University of Gieβen, Germany) about a study conducted about the state of German Studies in the US, August 2011.
Created portions of German Assessment document, 2011.
Represented German Section for “German Rocks II”, visit of Consul Michael Ahrens, Arndt Peltner from Radio Goethe and Leslie Harlson, DAAD representative, February 28, 2011.
Organization of “German Rocks,” visit of Consul Michael Ahrens, Arndt Peltner from Radio Goethe and Leslie Harlson, DAAD representative, to campus, March 1, 2010.
Compiled and wrote portion on German section for Interlingua 2010.
Invited and secured funding for Rick Beck’s high school class from Yakima to visit WWU for exhibit of Fall of the Berlin Wall exhibit, May 2009.
Meeting with Michael Ahrens, Consul for Cultural and Press Affairs, Seattle, November 12
2008. •
Setting up class room visits by Dr. Chris Compston, Director of WWU’s Fellowship Office, February 2008, 2009.
Liaison to German Club, 2008-09.
Coordinator of the German Section, 2004-2008, 2009-2010.
Compiled Monatshefte Statistics for 2007, 2010.
Foreign Study Advisor, 1997-2003, 2008-09.
Applied for free Satellite Dish to AATG; brought German TV to campus, 2004-2005.
Organization and regular attendance at weekly German Table at Stuart’s Coffee House, Three Tree Coffeehouse, Fantasia, or Rudy’s Pizzeria, 1996-present.
Chair pro term for Dr. Paqui Paredes’s Post Tenure Review, April 2013.
Unofficial Mentor of Blanca Aranda, 2012 ongoing.
Attended Sigma Phi Delta Initiation Ceremony, May 2013.
Chair Search Committee, Fall 2011.
Attended all research presentations for the nine candidates who visited campus, 2012.
Distributed PowerPoint Presentation “Advocating for your department” by Dawn BratschPrince, Associate Provost and Chief Diversity Officer of Iowa State University given at the PAMLA Conference, November 5, 2011 to members of the department.
Spanish Search Committee, 2009-10.
German Search Committees, 2007-08. Assisted in interviewing candidates for two positions at the Modern Language Association in Chicago, December 2007.
Unofficial Mentor of Shannon Dubenion-Smith, 2008-ongoing.
Mentor of Christian Keppie, 2008 ongoing.
Held mini-workshop for junior faculty on how to prepare dossier, December 2008.
Departmental Scholarship Committee, 1998-2001, 2007-10, 2011-13.
Judge and Contributing Editor for The World’s Muse, 2005-07.
Mentor of Diane Johnson, 2004-2007. 13
German Search Committee, 2002-03. Assisted in interviewing candidates at the Modern Language Association in New York, December 2002.
Committee for Departmental Newsletter Interlingua, 2002-03.
Secretary, French Search Committee, 2000-01.
Chair Search Committee, 2000.
Library Committee, 1999-2004.
Chair, Library Committee, 1998-99.
Liaison to Library Representative Margaret Fast, 1997-2004.
Secretary, German Search Committee, 1997-98.
Member of the Spanish Search Committee, 1996-97.
Committee for the Evaluation of Limited-Term Faculty, 1996.
Recorder for Departmental Meetings, 1995-96.
Provided English translation of newspaper article for Amber Asbjornsen, Western Foundation, January 2013.
Organized campus visit for Professor Dieter Cassel, University of Duisburg-Essen, March 7-8, 2012.
Academic Honesty Board, chaired two of the four hearings, 2011-2013.
Dinner with Karen Freeman at Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony, May 12, 2011.
Provided detailed information to Western Front reporter on German partnership universities, April 2011.
Participation in meetings and discussions on the future of the Fellowship Office after Dr. Chris Compston’s untimely death with Provost for Undergraduate Education Steven VanderStaay, Spring, 2011.
Consultation with Steven Robinson about Zauchner Scholarship, May 2011.
Participation in drafting a letter of protest to Provost Riordan about the closure of the Fellowship Office (organized by Professor Kathleen Lundeen), Spring 2011.
Met, together with Dr. Alfers, with Professor Dieter Cassel from the University of 14
Duisburg-Essen about creating a study abroad program for WWU students, May 2010. •
Lunch with Horst-Otto Gerberding, sponsor of the potential exchange options between WWU and German universities, to report results from visit to Germany, May 3, 2010.
Member of Doug Nord’s Task Force to Explore Potential Partner Universities in Germany; went to Germany for 5 days in October 2009 together with Doug Nord and George Sanders to visit the Mercator School of Management in Duisburg-Essen, the RWTH University of Aachen, and the University of Göttingen, 2009-2011.
Lunch and Dinner with Professor Dieter Cassel from the Mercator School of Management, WWU, April 5, 2010.
Seed Grant Committee, Fall 2009.
Fulbright Committee, 2009, 2011 ongoing.
Brought Fall of the Berlin Wall Exhibit to campus, April 26-June 2, 2009.
Provided musical entertainment for a dinner for WWU’s Retirement Association, together with Rudi Weiss, May 8, 2010.
Chair, Faculty Grants Committee, 2008-09.
Faculty Grants Committee, 2006-2009.
Vice Chair/Secretary, Faculty Affairs Council, 2005-2006.
Faculty Affairs Council, 2004-2006.
Discussion Facilitator for Western Reads for the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, September 2005.
Western Preview (together with Dr. Walter Suess), 2002.
Provided musical entertainment at the ASPAC Conference, Bellingham, June 22, 2002.
Faculty Grievance Committee, 2000-02.
Senate Library Committee, 1997-2000.
Faculty Senate, 1997-99.
Appointments and Elections Committee, 1997-98.
Skype conversation with current WATG President David Tinsley about the presidency of the organization, Fall 2012.
Drafted a letter to Seattle University to protest the phasing out of the German minor, May 2013.
Chair of the Germanics II panel, PAMLA, Scripps College, November 6, 2011.
President of the Washington Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German, 2008-10.
Organization of the yearly retreat of AATG members in Hyak, September 12-13, 2008, and September 11-12, 2009.
Updated the Constitution of the WA chapter of AATG, 2009.
Organized WATG Business Meetings at the yearly WAFLT Conference, 2008, 2009.
Organized luncheon at WAFLT for WATG, 2008, 2009.
Provided contact information on universities in WA State which have a German program to Consul Ahrens, San Francisco, Fall 2009.
Chair of the AATG Nominating Committee, 2009-10.
Member of the AATG Nominating Committee, 2008-2009.
Protest letters to all School Board members of Ferndale High School for cutting the German program, June 2009.
Protest letter to Phyllis Textor for cutting the German program at Sehome High School, May 2009.
Protest Letter to Dean Douglas Epperson of WSU for scaling back German major to a minor, May 2009.
Chairing of the Session “Art and the Holocaust (I)” at PAMLA, Bellingham, November 2, 2007.
Assisted in organizing the yearly retreat for German language teachers in Hyak, September 14-15, 2007.
Vice-President of the Washington chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German, 2006-2008.
Participation in TraiNDaF (Transatlantic Intercultural Program to Sponsor Teachers of German as a Foreign Language), sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of German, the Goethe-Institute and the German government, 2002-03.
Chairing of the Session “Asian Ethnomusicology” at the ASPAC Conference, Bellingham, June 22, 2002.
Tester for Internationale Wirtschaftsprüfung Deutsch, 1996-98 (together with Dr. Walter Suess).
Tester for Zertifikat für den Beruf, 1999-2005 (together with Drs. Suess, Weiss and Partsch).
Outside Reviewer for Promotion to Full Professor for Dr. Belinda Carstens-Wickham, 2001.
Corresponded extensively with Ursula Recker, a mother of a high school student regarding a list of appropriate German authors to study for IB degree at Skyline Highschool in Sammamish, Summer 2012.
German, native fluency
English, near-native fluency
Spanish, near-native fluency
French, reading knowledge
Latin, reading knowledge
German Studies Association
American Association of Teachers of German
Washington Association For Language Teaching
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
Delta Phi Alpha (German Honorary Society)
Internationaler Verband der Germanisten