â 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2014) www.palgrave-journals.com/hep/. Higher Education Policy. Editor: Jeroen Huisman, University of ...
Higher Education Policy www.palgrave-journals.com/hep/ Editor: Jeroen Huisman, University of Ghent, Belgium 2015: VOLUME 28 • 4 ISSUES PER VOLUME Print ISSN: 0952-8733 Online ISSN: 1740-3863 Impact Factor: 0.415† 159/219 in Education & Educational Research
Aims and Scope:
Online Features:
Higher Education Policy is an international journal for advancing scholarly understanding of the policy process applied to higher education through the publication of original analyses, both theoretical and practice-based, the focus of which may range from case studies of developments in individual institutions to policy making at systems and at national level.
• Complete online archive available back to 1988. • Higher Education Policy is indexed and/or abstracted in: ABI/INFORM from ProQuest; Australian Research Council ERA Ranked Journals List; CSA Sociological Abstracts; Educational Periodicals; Higher Education Digest; Infotrieve; International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ); International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR); International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; OCLC; Science Direct Navigator Database; SCOPUS; SwetsWise; Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.
Higher Education Policy has two distinguishing features: • It encourages contributions that make explicit comparison between systems of higher education. • It is theme based, involving a common focus or combining articles which individually contribute to an overall topic.
Through this journal the International Association of Universities (IAU) wishes to strengthen the exchange between scholarship and issues of practical administrative concern within the perspective of the disciplines that contribute to the study of this field - anthropology, history, economics, public administration, political science, government, law, sociology, philosophy, psychology, policy analysis and the sociology of organizations.
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