Histogram Based Image Enhancement Techniques: A

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Abstract—Image enhancement is a digital processing technique which does its best to get better ... image it doesn't increase the image information content.
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Open Access Research/ Review/Survey Paper

Volume-5, Issue-3

E-ISSN: 2347-2693

Histogram Based Image Enhancement Techniques: A Survey P. Gupta1*, J.S. Kumare2, U.P. Singh 3, R.K. Singh4 1*, 2, 4

Department of CSE & IT, M.I.T.S. Gwalior, India (M.P.) Department Applied Science, M.I.T.S. Gwalior, India (M.P.)


E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 4 *Corresponding

Author: [email protected], Mob. : +91-8878100122 Available online at: www.ijcseonline.org

Received: 12/Nov/2017

Revised: 12/Dec/2017

Accepted: 20/Dec/2017

Published: 31/Dec/2017

Abstract—Image enhancement is a digital processing technique which does its best to get better image. It is a process in which we enhance low contrast image and improving the image quality. Image Contrast enhancement without disturbing other parameters of an image is one of the difficult tasks in image. This paper focused on various histogram based image enhancement techniques. Image enhancement dealt with improvement in the appearance of an image without degrade the quality of an image. This paper includes the various techniques of image enhancement. The technique presented by this study is simulated on Intel I3 64 bit processor using MATLAB R2013b.

Keywords—Image Enhancement, Histogram, Histogram Equalization, Brightness Preserving Bi Histogram Equalization Brightness Preserving Dynamic Histogram Equalization. I.


Image processing is a process in which we input an image and output may be either an image or some characteristics. It has several applications like in medical science, earth science finger print identification, remote sensing. A digital image can be affected by noise, blurring, incorrect colour balance and poor contrast, so this will lead image quality degradation. Image enhancement methods can be put into two broad categories:1. 2.

Spatial domain approach Frequency domain approach

Spatial domain refers:Spatial domain strategy enhances an image by direct manipulation of pixels in an image. Huge numbers of systems have been focused on the enhancement of gray level images in the spatial space. These techniques incorporate HE, high pass filtering, low pass filtering, homomorphic filtering. Frequency domain:-



Image enhancement is simplest and most important concept in digital image processing and it can be implemented by noise removal or contrast enhancement. The idea behind in image enhancement is to improve quality of given image or simply to highlight the certain feature of the image. In which when we increase the visual background of an image it looks better than original image improved image obtain by using various image contrast enhancement techniques .Contrast is a visual difference of image that make the object is distinguishable to the background. The contrast of the image is improved than the original image as shown in figure. III.


In image enhancement we only improve the quality of image it doesn’t increase the image information content. Various image contrast enhancement techniques are there, Histogram equalization is one of the simple technique for image contrast enhancement. Histogram Equalization:-

Frequency domain processing techniques are based on modifying the Fourier transform of an image [1]. This incorporate transforming the image power data into a particular area by utilizing strategies, for example, DFT, DCT, and so forth and the image is enhanced by modifying the frequency substance of the image [2].

Histogram of an image is worried with the dark levels. Utilizing histogram to choose that given picture is whether a image is not bright or bright or low difference or high differentiation picture. Histogram Equalization which extends histogram to a picture. It is utilized to enhance the visual appearance of a picture. This method includes, 1) Dividing picture into sections.

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International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 2) Histogram is connected to discover the pixel power values for the dark levels and the picture have dim levels or powers in the range from 0 to 255. 3) Histogram Equalization is utilized to figure the power values and make them uniform appropriation of pixels to get an upgraded picture. In this way HE strategy is utilized to expand the dynamic scope of pixels for the presence of a picture. HE performs its operation by reconstructing given pixels of the image based on the PDF of the input gray levels [3].

Figure 1: Histogram of original image and after histogram Equalization

Vol.5(3), Apr 2017, E-ISSN: 2347-2693 of both colour and depth images. In this technique the histograms of colour and depth images are first divided into sub-intervals using the GMM [6]. The intervals of the colour image histogram are then adjusted such that the pixels with the same intensity and equal depth values can belong to the same interval. This technique is widely used because it is simple and easy to invoke. This can be used for contrast enhancement of all types of images. It works by flattening the histogram and stretching the dynamic range of the gray levels by using the cumulative density function of the image. The most widely used application areas for histogram equalization is medical field image-processing, radar image processing, etc. The biggest disadvantage of this method is it does not pre-serve brightness of an image. The brightness gets changed after histogram equalization. Hence preserving the initial brightness and enhancing contrast, are essential to avoid other side effect.

In general, we can classify this in two important methods that is local and global histogram equalization. Global Histogram Equalization is the use of the transformation function of an entire input image using the histogram information [4]. Though this GHE approach is suitable for over-all enhancement, it failure with the actual brightness preservation of the input image. If there are some gray levels in the image normally dominate the higher frequency to the lower frequency. Local Histogram Equalization (LHE) tries to eliminate such problem. LHE use small window that slides through every pixel of the image sequence. In local histogram equalization the block of small image pixel are fall in to the small window of local histogram equalization. The different histogram equalization method has been studied such as Brightness Preserving Histogram Equalization, Dualistic Sub Image Histogram Equalization, Recursive Mean Separate Histogram Equalization and Dynamic Histogram Equalization. The above contrast enhancement techniques perform well on some images but they can produce problems when a sequence of images has to be enhanced, or when the histogram has points, or when a natural looking enhanced image in discipline manner required. In addition, computational complexity and controllability become an important issue when the goal is to design a contrast enhancement algorithm for consumer products. In short, our goal in this paper is to obtain a visually pleasing enhancement method that has low-computational complexity and works well with both video and still images [5]. To overcome the above mentioned problems using a new contrast enhancement algorithm that exploits the histograms © 2017, IJCSE All Rights Reserved



Figure 2: (a) Original Image (b) HE Image GLOBAL ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUES Global enhancement techniques are fast and simple, and are suitable for overall enhancement of the image. These techniques cannot adapt to local brightness features of the input image because only global histogram information over the whole image is used [4]. Some global techniques for contrast enhancement like BBHE, DSIHE, RMSHE, MMBEBHE, RWSHE etc. are explained in the following section. 1.

Brightness Preserving Equalization (BBHE)



The general BBHE parts the image's histogram into two freely evened out parts. This method equalizes both the images independently. Their respective histograms with a constraint that samples in the first sub image are mapped into the range from minimum gray level to input mean and samples in the second sub image are mapped into the range from mean to greatest gray level. The obtained equalized sub images are finite by each other around input mean. The output image produced by BBHE has the value of brightness (mean gray-level) located in the middle of the mean of the input image [8]. The Mean brightness of the image while enhancing the contrast is preserved using BBHE method. This is the main advantage of using this method. One disadvantage of the histogram levelling can be found on the way that the brilliance of a picture can be changed after the histogram 2

International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering evening out, which is for the most part because of the smoothing property of the histogram equalization [7]. The BBHE is expansion of histogram evening out to defeat such a downside of histogram adjustment. The substance of the calculation is to use free histogram adjustments independently more than two sub images got by breaking down the information picture in light of its mean with a limitation that the subsequent balanced sub images are limited by each other around the information mean. It is demonstrated that the proposed calculation safeguards the mean splendour of a given picture essentially all around contrasted with run of the mill histogram evening out while upgrading the difference and gives a regular improvement that can be used in customer electronic items. The yield is demonstrated as follows: In this technique, the input image is decomposed and two sub images. These two images are formed on the basis of gray level mean value. The drawback introduced by HE method is overcome by this method. Then HE method is applied on each of the sub-image

Vol.5(3), Apr 2017, E-ISSN: 2347-2693 enhancement decomposes an image into two equal area sub images, and this two sub image handled alone. Obtained image of dualistic sub image histogram equalization (DSIHE) is obtained after the two equalized dark and bright will be composed into one image. This is similar to BBHE except difference is that in this method DSIHE chooses to separate the histogram based on gray level with cumulative probability density instead of the mean as in BBHE, i.e. alternative of break down the image based on its mean gray level pixel value, the DSIHE method break down the image aiming at the maximize of the brightness of the output image. The particular of the original image’s gray level probability distribution is decomposed [10]. This is one of the histogram equalization technique in which the original image is divided into two equal area subimages based on gray level probability density function of input image. Then these two sub-images are going too equalized respectively. At the end, we got the result after the processed sub-images are composed into one image. This algorithm not only enhances the visual information effectively but also constrains higher the original images average luminance. This makes it possible to be utilized in video system directly [11]. 3.

Figure 3: Original Image

(b) BBHE image

The Brightness preserving bi histogram equalization firstly decomposes an input image into two sub images based on the mean of the input image. One of the sub image is set of samples less than or equal to the mean whereas the other one is the set of samples greater than the mean. Then the BBHE equalizes the sub images independently based on their respective histograms with the constraint that the samples in the formal set are mapped into the range from the minimum gray level to the input mean and the samples in the latter set are mapped into the range from the mean t the maximum gray level. Means one of the sub image is equalized over the range up to the mean and the other sub image is equalized over the range from the mean based on the respective histograms [10]. Thus, the resulting equalized sub images are bounded by each other around the input mean, which has an effect of preserving mean brightness. In this the computation unit counts and store the respective number of occurrences BBHE has an advantage that it preserves mean brightness of the image while enhancing the contrast and, thus, provides much natural enhancement that can be utilized in consumer electronic products [8]. 2.

Dualistic Sub image Histogram Equalization (DSIHE)

In this method the original image is divided into two equal area sub-images based on gray level probability density function of input image. The DSIHE technique for contrast © 2017, IJCSE All Rights Reserved

Recursive Mean Separate Equalization (RMSHE)


Mean-separation means to separate an image on the premise of the mean of input image [8]. However, RMSHE technique is an extension of BBHE. In BBHE meanseparation was done only once. In this method the image is separated on the basis of mean of input image. The term recursive used in RMSHE suggested that in this technique instead of decomposing the input image only once, it splits down recursively up to a recursion level r; therefore 2r sub images will be created. Each sub image is then equalized by the histogram equalization technique. If recursion=0, that means no sub image splits down is done, i.e. it is equivalent to simple HE method. If r=1 that means it is equal to BBHE [4]. The main benefit of using this technique is that the level of brightness preservation will increase by increasing the number of recursive mean separations. Though it is recursive in nature, it also allows scalable brightness preservation, which is very useful in image processing. The main advantage of the recursive mean separate histogram equalization method is improving the brightness with the recursive level of giving break down an image. 4.

Minimum Mean Brightness Error Bi-Histogram Equalization (MMBEBHE):

The essential standard behind this technique is that decomposition of an image into two sub image and equalization handle autonomously to the subsequent sub images which is like Brightness Preserving Bi-Histogram Equalization (BBHE) and Dualistic Sub image Histogram


International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Equalization (DSIHE) with exception of contrast is that this method looks for a threshold level [13]. This decomposition of an input image into two sub images in such a manner that the minimum brightness difference between the input and the output image is achieved. This is called Absolute Mean Brightness Error (AMBE). After this histogram equalization is applied to each sub image to produce output image. The steps taken in this process are as follows. 1. For each possible threshold level Absolute mean brightness error is calculated 2. Find a threshold level that yields low absolute mean brightness error. 3 Separate the input image histogram into two sub image’s histograms based on threshold found in Step 2 and equalizes both the histograms independently [12]. Main aim of this technique is to produce a method that is suitable for real-time applications. 5.

Dynamic Histogram Equalization (DHE)

The Dynamic Histogram Equalization (DHE) technique performs well than the conventional Histogram Equalization so that it can improve an image without making any change in property of the given image. This method partitions the histogram of the input image into a various sub-histograms until it guarantees that no dominating segment is available in any of the recently created sub-histograms. Now at last, a separate transformation function is calculated for each sub histogram based on the traditional HE method and gray levels of input image are mapped to the output image accordingly. In nutshell, the whole technique of DHE can be divided into following three parts – partitioning the histogram; allocating gray level ranges for each sub histogram and applying histogram equalization on each of them. Therefore by Dynamic Histogram Equalization a better overall contrast enhancement is achieved with controlled dynamic range of gray levels and eliminating the possibility of the low histogram components being compressed that may bring about part of the image to have washed out appearance [14]. 6.

Brightness Preserving Equalization (BPDHE)



The brightness preserving dynamic histogram equalization is an extension to the traditional HE method that can produce output image with the mean intensity that is almost equal to the mean intensity of input image. Thus BPDHE maintains the mean brightness of the image and hence overcomes the limitation of histogram equalization. This method is actually an extension to the DHE. The BPDHE method partitions the input histogram based on the local maximums of the smoothed histogram. However, before the histogram equalization has taken place, the © 2017, IJCSE All Rights Reserved

Vol.5(3), Apr 2017, E-ISSN: 2347-2693 BPDHE will map each partition to a new dynamic range, similar to DHE. The change in the dynamic range will cause the change in mean brightness. And the final step involves normalization of the output intensity. So, the average intensity of resultant output image will be same as the input image. Hence, BPDHE proves itself better in performing enhancement task as compared to traditional HE method, and better in preserving mean brightness when compared with DHE [15] Local Enhancement Technique Local enhancement techniques enhance overall contrast more effectively than global techniques. Some local techniques for contrast enhancement like AHE, CLAHE etc. are explained in the following section 1.

Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE)

Adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) is a technique of contrast enhancement and it is different from simple image histogram equalization. In adaptive method, various histograms are processed where each histogram corresponds to a different segment of an image and use them to redistribute the lightness values of the image [15]. Consequently, AHE enhances the local contrast of an image and more points of interest can be observed. With this technique, information of all intensity ranges of the image can be viewed at the same time. There are numerous ordinary display devices that are not able to delineate the full dynamic intensity range. This method conveys a solution for this issue. Different favourable circumstances incorporate that other advantages include that it is automatic (i.e., no manual intervention is required) and reproducible from study to study. In AHE technique, for each pixel in the given image, area centred about a pixel is allocated. This area is called relevant area (compute size of this region before assigning) [16]. The intensities values for this region are used to discover the histogram equalization mapping function and this mapping function is applied to the pixel being handled in the segment. The resultant image is delivered where each pixel is mapped in different way. Consequently the intensities are distributed locally and contrast is improved based on the local area rather than the entire image. Apart from these advantages of local enhancement, AHE method has few restrictions too. This technique works gradually on a general purpose computer despite it works correctly. As enhancement is done in a neighbourhood, AHE tends to over enhance the noise in given image.

Figure 4: (a) Original Image

(b) AHE Image


International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 2.

Contrast Limited Equalization (CLAHE)


Vol.5(3), Apr 2017, E-ISSN: 2347-2693


Adaptive histogram equalization is a one of the image enhancement technique which is used to enhance the contrast of low contrast images. It can be differ from basic histogram equalization with respect to the adaptive method because in this technique compute histogram corresponding to a different section of the input image, and then apply histogram equalization to redistribute the lightness values of the image. In ordinary histogram equalization single histogram is use for an entire image. Consequently, for improving image’s local contrast and bringing out more detail in the image adaptive histogram equalization is used. However, it may be produce significant noise in an image. A generalized form of adaptive histogram equalization is called as contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization which is also known also known as CLAHE.

PSNR 13.5171 16.1420 12.9909 13.5552 24.5463


MSE 2.9159e+03 1.5933e+03 3.2914e+03 2.8904e+03 230.6667

25 HE

20 15









Figure 5: PSNR value Graph

(a) Original Image

(b) CLAHE Image

It was developed to overcome the problem of noise amplification. CLAHE operates on tiles which are small regions in the image, rather than the entire image [2]. Each tile's contrast enhanced in such a way so that the histogram of the output region approximately matches the histogram specified by the Distribution parameter. To eliminate artificially induced boundaries the neighbouring tiles are combined using bilinear interpolation [2]. With the help of contrast in homogeneous areas, it can be possible to avoid amplification of any noise that might be present in the low contrast image. The advantages of using CLAHE are that it is easy to use, uses simple calculation, and gives good output in local areas of the image. CLAHE has less noise and it can prevent brightness saturation that commonly happens in histogram equalization [5]. IV.


The image contrast enhancement methods are developed strikingly in the most recent decades. This paper gives comprehensive information and table 1 depicts comparison of different histogram equalization method. Here all these techniques are comparing on the basis of Peak to signal noise ratio and Mean square error. In our paper 25 images have been tested but few results are shown to reduce the size of paper. Table 1: Comparison of Image Contrast Enhancement Techniques © 2017, IJCSE All Rights Reserved

Most of the image contrast enhancement techniques preserve the brightness and the actual appearance of the image each techniques advantage and disadvantage discussed in this paper. Out of above discussed Techniques BPDHE Techniques is useful for preserving brightness of the image. These Techniques are used in various sectors such as vision, remote sensing, dynamic scene analysis, autonomous navigation, and biomedical image analysis. V.


In this Paper, survey on image enhancement based on the Histogram Equalization has been presented. Many image enhancement schemes like AHE, BBHE, DSIHE, RMSHE, MMBEBHE and BPDHE has been studied. Different histogram equalization method concludes that brightness preservation is not handled well by HE, DSIHE and BBHE but it is handled properly by RMSHE and MMBEBHE. In BPDHE technique error rate is very low this leads to good PSNR value. In this paper, first segment gives a brief introduction to the image enhancement, the second segment contains a brief writing about the past work done in field of image contrast enhancement and the third segment contains analysis and comparative study of enhancement technique. Through the result analysis BPDHE is a best contrast enhancement technique. In future we can use Discrete Wavelet Transform and decomposes the image into 4 sub bands and use this BPDHE technique and then decomposes the BPDHE contrast enhanced image and then use Singular value decomposition for further improvement in contrast. VI.


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