Sep 2, 2012 - EL PORTAL MEXICAN RESTAURANT on Hwy 75 South in Nebraska City, NE .... BeyondâSat. of Apple Jack. ⢠Se
Amerine Builders, Inc. Jim & Peggy Amerine
402 873 3699
EL PORTAL MEXICAN RESTAURANT on Hwy 75 South in Nebraska City, NE Open Monday -Thursday 11:00 AM - 9:30 PM Friday & Saturday 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM Sunday 11:00 - 9:00 PM
Gerardo Huerta
THE GIFT OF GIVING... Please remember to pray for our parish’s wellbeing, especially for its spiritual wellbeing. Also, remember to include our parish in your will. Questions, contact Les Mach at 402-443-6180.
Historic Saint Benedict Catholic Church
Pastor: Father Mark Cyza Visit our website at: www. Email:
[email protected]
Building upon a tradition of over 140 years of Catholic Education in Nebraska City. For more information about supporting or attending Lourdes, contact the school at 873-6154.
Our Lady of Perpetual help Pray for Us
Sat 10-2 PM
1014 Central Avenue Nebraska City, NE 68410
922 Alden Drive Auburn, NE 68305
John W Crotty, O.D., & Darren J Wright, O.D. Phone: (402) 274-3218 Toll Free: (800)394-8755
Fax: (402) 274-453 Email:
[email protected]
Ad space for sale Contact the rectory if you are interested (402)873-3047
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
3 September 4 September 5 September
6 September
7 September
No morning Mass—all school Mass at 8 AM at St. Mary’s 2:30 PM (at the Ambassador) Bill Schreiter+
8 September
5:00 PM
Mary Catherine Zuck+
9 September
9:00 AM
Pro Populo
Lifetime Vision Center
Confession: Offered 30 minutes before weekend Masses. Baptism: To arrange to have your child Baptized, please try to contact the rectory before the child is born. Marriage: Contact the rectory at least six months in advance to begin preparations. Change in Health Status: If you or a family member are homebound or hospitalized or ill and would like to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick (Extreme Unction), and/or Holy Communion, please contact the rectory.
Lourdes Central Catholic Schools
Franciscan Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother 402-873-3052 “To spread the Gospel message, and if necessary, to use words.” ~St. Francis of Assisi. Listen to our own local radio personality, Fr. Mark Cyza on Tuesday at 3:30 PM! (Hour of Mercy)
411 5th Rue Nebraska City, NE 68410 (402) 873-3047
11:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:30 PM 11:00 AM
No Mass—Labor Day Anette Plumer Woods+ Mr. & Mrs. Rekhi Fr. Ed O’Leary+ Bill Stieren
12:00 PM
(Mass in Spanish) Priest Intention
5:00 PM
Pregnant Mothers
7:30 PM
Liturgy of the Hours
LAY MINISTRY ASSIGNMENTS (current assignments posted on website ) Acolytes
Sept. 8
Al Lerdahl
Sept. 9
Patrick Gress
Sept. 8
Sherry Gundlach
Sept. 9
Mary Ann Athen
Sept. 8
Peter & Andrew Conrad
Sept. 9
Andre & Aidan Aldana
Sept. 8
Eric Conrad & Phil Scharp
Sept. 9
Fred Bishop & Ed Fischer
Offertory Family:
Sept. 8
Kathy Gawart
Sept. 9
Carter & Dorothy Herold
Rosary Leader:
Sept. 8
Terry Kleineweber
Sept. 9
Rita Bishop
Church cleaners:
Sept. 3–8: James & Chrissy Allen
Sept. 10-15: Paul & Linda Allen
Food Fellowship — Sept. 9
Gladys Jones and assistants
Meals on Wheels Delivery:
Looking for volunteer to assist on First Fridays, 11—11:30
OFFERING FOR 26 AUGUST 2012 Average Adult Env per week for 9 weeks of fiscal year: $ 1758 (Budgeted weekly adult envelopes $2075) Adult Envelopes = $ 2,165.00 Loose: $ 594.61 Children: $ 8.00 Votive Candles: $ 4.75 Cook books: $30.00 Poor Fund: $ 102.50 History book: $ 10.00 Franciscan Sisters: $ 220.00 Feast of the Assumption: $ 40.0 Total Deposit: $ 3,174.86 ON LINE GIVING (occurs on the 8th of the month) Electronically we receive $250.00 for adult envelope Fund & $120 each month
Paul reminds the people of Corinth of their many blessings and calls them to give charitably to others. Are we as charitable? 25th ANNUAL MARIAN MASS, ROSARY & CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION! Will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 12. A play about Fatima will begin at 6 PM, Mass at 7, Rosary following. More info on bulletin board.
LEGION OF MARY—DIOCESE OF LINCOLN To learn more about being an Auxiliary or Active member of the Legion of Mary, please contact the Fr. Cyza or Patrick Gress. All members of the Legion of Mary are required to recite the Rosary daily & the “Tessera” — the official prayers of the Legion of Mary. Active members commit to meeting on a weekly basis with their parish praesidium to pray and to support one another in their two hours of apostolic work. Auxiliary members commit to praying for the work of the active members of the Legion of Mary.
Sept. 7 Refreshments at the Ambassador: Deb Stieren & Kathleen Griepenstroh
CCD for students not attending Catholic school. GRADES K-6 will begin on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 GRADES 7-12 will begin on Sun., Sept. 9 with confessions from 4-4:45 PM and Mass at 5:00 PM at St. Benedict’s Church for students and families. Following Mass registration and a cookout will be held. Those attending are to bring hot dog/hamburger buns, covered dish, table service and drinks.
SEPTEMBER 1 DEADLINE Altar Society is hosting a bakeless bake sale as a fundraiser (this rather than having a “spring dinner” last April. Each family is asked to make a cash donation of whatever amount you desire. • Altar Society will be purchasing hard back missals vs the paper missals that we currently change out 4x/year (our effort to save money and the earth). The hard back missals hopefully will last several years. Donations of $15.00 per book for this are also appreciate Donations may be placed in offertory basket label “Altar Society.” Thank you!
ULBRICK’S IS BACK... We will again be having a raffle drawing with our annual “Ulbrick’s Style Chicken Dinner” which will be held on Sunday, October 14. WE WILL NEED EVERYONE’S HELP with this dinner. Beginning next week, a sign up sheet of items and help needed will be available. Please be as generous as you can! Thanks! Proceeds from this dinner will go toward purchase of new altar linens for all 4 altars and future needs of our new kitchen/hall. HOLD THE DATES
BIBLE STUDY: PREPARE FOR SUNDAY MASS: The Franciscan Sisters are once again having weekly Bible Studies in the Convent to enhance your understanding of the Holy Scriptures and capitalize on the fullness of your Sunday worship by experiencing a deeper exposure to the Mass Readings. Come Thurs. mornings 9:00-11:00, beginning September 13th. Coffee and rolls are served, so in order for us to be adequately prepared, please call us in advance if you plan on attending periodically: 873-3052. 2012-2013 OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL RETREAT HOUSE SCHEDULE IS AVAILABLE Schedule of retreats available in entrance of the church. Our very own, Father Cyza will the Retreat Master for Women “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” April 5-7, 2013. HELP SPONSOR A ST BENEDICT STUDENT Money given to Guardian Angel Scholarship fund will be used to help families of our parish who desire a Catholic education for their children, but are unable to pay the tuition. A donation of any amount would be appreciated. To learn more, please contact Father. Ave cost of one student per year = approx. $1,500.00. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO GENEROUSLY HAVE SUPPORTED A STUDENT!!!!!!!!
SEPTEMBER • Sept. 7 & 8, “A New Pentecost for a New Evangelization” is the title of the upcoming conference featuring Renewal at St. Peter Church in Lincoln • Sept. 9, Sun.—MS/HS CCD begins • Sept. 10, Mon.—Church History with the Franciscan Sisters begins at 7 PM at St. Mary’ • Sept. 12, Wed., first CCD class (K-5) • RCIA begins at Lourdes at 7 PM • Sept. 13—Bible Study at 9 AM at the Franciscan Sister’s Convent • Sept. 15, Sat., — Shaved Ice will be sold during Apple Jack • Sept. 15, Sat., —South of the Border & Beyond—Sat. of Apple Jack • Sept. 20, Thurs., - Adult Choir begins 7-8 PM meet in the choir loft OCTOBER • Oct. 14, Sun.,—Annual Ulbrick Dinner • Oct. 21, Sun.—Fall Festival at Camp Kateri FOR YOUR SAFETY An Automated External Deliberator has been donated to St. Benedict. In the event that someone where to become unresponsive and 911 has been called and the need for an AED were to is located in the confessional